Comprehensive schools with music education. Basic information


Children's Music School is an educational institution in which children studying in ordinary general education schools additionally receive musical knowledge and skills. Students of the children's music school learn to play a musical instrument, as well as singing, basic musical and theoretical disciplines (solfeggio and elementary theory music), study the history of music. The children's music school is the first stage of musical education and educates cultured amateur musicians, and prepares professionally gifted students for entering music schools.

Special children's music schools for ten years, which, as a rule, exist at conservatories, combine general education and musical subjects in their curricula, and prepare their students for admission to the conservatory.

Academic Musical College at the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky

Comprehensive musical and general education; classes in piano, keyboard and string instruments; choir; Learning foreign languages.

Address: Merzlyakovsky lane, 11C


  • Secretary: 291-0554
  • Department of Education: 291-0512, 291-1259

Music School No. 80 named after. Blazhevich

Children from 7 years old are accepted. Learning to play wind and percussion instruments.

Address: st. Trekhgorny Val, 2/4


  • Director: 255-0623
  • Security: 252-0305

Opening hours: Mon. - Sat. 10 – 21

Center for Family and Childhood

Association of private teachers. Individual development child through music (Smirnova method). Piano, vocals, lessons in musical synthesis and composition.

Address: st. Krylatskie Holmy, 25 (in the premises of kindergarten No. 479)

Tel: 412-8657, 415-7942

Mon. - Sat. 10 – 20

Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky

General education for state program and music school. Preparation for school from the age of 5 years. Learning to play keyboards, wind and string instruments. The possibility of accepting foreign students. Private lessons with a tutor.

Address: Generala Karbyshev Boulevard, 15, kor. 3


  • Director: 199-3898
  • Head teacher: 199-9414

Opening hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 18

Cultural center "Krylatskoye"

Center for culture and recreation. Choir, dance school, sports activities, fitness training.

Address: st. Krylatsky Hills, 49

Tel. 415-1713, 415-6504

Children's Musical School No. 2 im. Dunayevsky

Admission to the preparatory class from the age of 5, to the first class - from the age of 7. Piano, string and folk instruments, jazz department, choir and individual vocal lessons.

Address: Chapaevsky lane, 5A


  • Office: 157-6842
  • Administrator: 157-6131
  • Educational department: 157-6203
  • Fax: 157-4668

Opening hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

Moscow Municipal Music School. Gnesins

Admission to the preparatory class from the age of 6, to the first class - from the age of 7. Keyboard, string and wind instruments, choir.

Address: st. Bolshaya Filevskaya, 29


  • Office: 142-1930
  • Director: 142-2324
  • Fax: 142-0874

Opening hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

Musical school. Gnesins

Musical and general education, reception of children from 5 years old. All keyboards, strings and wind instruments (except button accordion and guitar), choir.

Address: st. Znamenka, 12

  • Secretary: 290-6777
  • Director: 291-1790
  • Deputy Director: 290-6476
  • Fax: 291-3771

Opening hours: daily from 9 to 21

Children's Music School No. 5 named after. K.N. Igumnova

Learn to play all musical instruments. Children from 5 years old are accepted.

Address: st. Pokrovka, 39, building 3

Tel. 917-5677

Opening hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

Children's Music School No. 15 named after. A.K. Lyadov

Children from 7 years old are accepted. Keyboards and stringed instruments, choir, center aesthetic development children 4 - 6 years old.

Address: st. 1905, d. 8

Tel: 252-2623

Opening hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

Moscow College of Musical Improvisation

Wind instruments, guitar, vocals, jazz.

Address: Andropova Avenue, 48

Phone: 112-1346

Opening hours: daily 18 – 23

Moscow State Institute of Music. Schnittke

Address: st. Marshal Sokolovsky, 10

Tel. 194-0433, 194-8389

Children's Music School No. 11 named after. Muradeli

Keyboards, strings, folk and wind instruments, choir. Reception of children from 7 years old, in the preparatory class - from 6 years old.

Address: st. Prechistenka, 32

Phone: 210-3783

Opening hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

Children's Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky

Acceptance of children from 6 years old. Keyboard, string and wind instruments, choir. Optional study of foreign languages. Teaching is conducted by teachers of the music school at the Moscow State Conservatory. Individual sessions.

Address: Merzlyakovsky lane, 11

Tel: 290-2814

Opening hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

Children's Music School No. 3 at the Moscow State Musical College. Chopin

Reception of children from 7 years old, in the preparatory class - from 6 years old. Keyboard, folk and string instruments, choir.

Address: st. Sadovaya-Karetnaya, 4

Phone: 299-7027

Opening hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

Children's Music School No. 40 named after. Novikov

Competitive selection of children from the age of 6 years. Children of foreign citizens are accepted. Learning to play all keyboard and string instruments.

Address: st. Simonovsky Val, 12A

Phone: 274-5697

Opening hours: Mon. - Sat. 10 – 20

Children and Youth Creativity Center "Na Miussy"

Music and dance classes from the age of 5 years. Interest groups, pool, basketball.

Address: st. Alexandra Nevsky, 4

Tel. 250-5396, 251-9021

Opening hours: daily 8 – 21

Children's Music School No. 1 named after. S. Prokofieva

Reception of children from 7 years. In the preparatory class - from 5 years. Keyboard and string instruments, choir.

Address: Tolmakov lane, 8

Phone: 261-0383

Opening hours: Mon. - Sat. 10 – 17

Center for Musical and Performing Arts on the basis of school No. 686

Reception of children from 3 years. Vocal, performing arts and music classes are in addition to the general high school curriculum.

Address: st. Bolshaya Akademicheskaya, 11

Tel/Fax: 156-3876, 156-3955

Opening hours: Mon. – Fri. 10 – 18

Musical school. Yu.A. Shaporin at the Moscow State Institute of Music

Reception of children from 7 years old, in the preparatory class - from 6 years old. Piano, keyboard and string instruments, choir.

Address: st. Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya, 7A

Phone: 200-0635

Opening hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

School No. 122

School with a musical and choral bias. Optional study of foreign languages ​​and informatics.

Address: Maly Palashevsky lane, 3

Phone: 291-6150

Music and choral school No. 72 "Spring"

Reception of children from 5 years. Folk instruments, piano, choir.

Address: Dezhneva proezd, 3

Children's Music School No. 36 named after. Stasova

Reception of children from 7 years. Keyboards, strings, folk instruments, jazz department, choir.

Address: Maly Strochenovsky lane, 14

Phone: 236-3072

Opening hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

State School of Brass Arts

Musical and general education, admission based on the results of entrance examinations.

Address: st. Trekhgorny Val, 2 (in the premises of the music school No. 80)

phone: 255-0785

Opening hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

Music School No. 83 under the direction of Tabakov

Reception of children from 5 years. Brass musical instruments, Department of Aesthetic Development.

Address: st. 26 Baku Commissars, 12

Tel. 433-6100

Opening hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 – 21

Recently, the mother of one of my studio students approached me and asked for advice on which theater school her son would best go to continue his theater education (son is 14 years old). Since this problem is relevant for many - let me answer this question in detail.

Yes, the question was asked incorrectly. More precisely, possible representations ignorant people - about the specifics and format of training in a theater school, as well as about the duration of such training - are most often erroneous. I'll explain.

Many people think that a theater school is like an ordinary school, interspersed with several theater subjects in the curriculum. And this is not entirely true. Far from it.

Theater schools, colleges and technical schools (in Moscow and not only) can be classified into the following types:

- training courses (advanced training) at theater universities (schools),

- schools (technical schools) with theatrical bias(where classical secondary school education is supplemented by subjects theatrical art),

- schools that conduct their activities according to special standards (most often, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia - in specialties that have been assigned a special code), and education in them is equated to university education.

In some cases, types 1 and 3 of schools can functionally and methodologically intersect, creating a special (scientific and practical) conglomerate.

1) About training courses(advanced training) at theatrical universities (schools), I spoke in some detail. I see no reason to repeat myself. Let me just say that this, in my opinion, is one of the weakest training tools: there are a lot of people on such courses, teachers working on these courses are interested in the result and are VERY not very motivated (receiving penny fees).

Yes no one, in principle, is interested in teaching you at least something in them (these courses). After all, the universities themselves almost do not hide: for them, such courses are a method of earning money based on the “brand” and the name of the school, nothing more. Some general knowledge You will receive in such courses, but no more. And certainly no guarantee of successful passage to a theater university (if you aspire to this) - they definitely will not.

If you have a goal (for example) - to enter the theater - it’s better to hire a good tutor or go to some smart mini-group. However, this is a topic for a deeper analysis, here and now I will definitely not disclose it.

2) Theater Schools. As I said above, in such schools, the basic school programs are supplemented with "theatrical" disciplines: acting, speech technique, dance, stage movement, and so on. Such schools are state budgetary general education institutions (GBOU) of the Department of Education of Moscow (since I am talking about Moscow institutions - I call them belonging in the context of the “donor city”).

The most famous Moscow schools with a theatrical and cinematographic bias (GBOU):

"School 1,2,3(123, it is also called "Teatralnaya", GBOU)", m. Pushkinskaya. The theater classes there are 10th and 11th (that is, from the first to the ninth grades - the usual school program, and then you can enter the "theater class"). At school, mastery is taught by some teachers from top Moscow theater universities. The school is considered one of the best theater schools in Moscow (the only school in Moscow that has its own educational theater). For admission to the "theater" class (already at this stage) it is necessary to read a program consisting of prose, fable, poetry. It is believed (however, this is not openly stated anywhere) that the percentage of those who entered the theater - from this School - is the highest in Moscow,

"School 2054(previously 232, GBOU)”, metro Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Theater classes - 10, 11 (as in the previous version). School 2054, of course, is simpler than its more hyped counterpart (however, who is whose analogue is still unknown), but it is notable for its close cooperation with VTU. Shchepkin. Do you get the idea? However, there is still no clear trend that graduates of this School are almost guaranteed to get a place in VTU,

"Moscow International Film School"(College No. 40, GBOU), m. Shabolovskaya. As the name implies, the main profile of the school is training for film and television. However, this does not mean that the School is "closed" for "theater-goers". Unlike directly "theater" schools, teaching the art of theater and cinema there lasts three years (grades 7,8,9), despite the fact that the program of secondary and specialized education is designed for nine years. As in the previous cases, in order to enter the “appropriate” classes, you must pass a creative interview,

"Education Center No. 686"("Class Center", GBOU), m. Petrovsko-Razumovskaya. The school provides drama and music education (a diploma of secondary music education is issued upon completion). It makes sense to enter it if after graduation you want to enter the music department of theater universities or connect your life with music,

Moscow State College (Technical School) named after V.I. L. Filatova", m. Mitino. It is an atypical state educational institution (GBOU). Prepares actors mainly for musical theatre. It has a three-level training system: First level(grades 1-4), specialized (grades 5-8), general (secondary) education (grades 9-12). At the last level, college students practice at the musical theater "Monoton".

In fact, the Filatov College has a status and opportunities similar to the theater schools outlined above, with the only difference being that at a later stage, students have practice in an active theater. However, some "theatre" schools also have educational theaters (for example, "school 123"). So - such a difference - is very conditional.

"Moscow Theater College at the Oleg Tabakov Theater"(m. Chistye Prudy, Turgenevskaya). It is a general education school (GBOU). Indispensable conditions for admission: at the time of admission, the applicant must be 14 years old (he or she must (should) study in the ninth grade of a comprehensive school), and applicants must pass a preliminary interview (prose, fables, poems, songs). College students are provided with free hostel and meals. As part of the training, 24 budget places are allocated per course.

“Oleg Tabakov College” is such a “cunning” project in which, on the one hand, national educational standards coexist, and on the other hand, it is completely clear to everyone that a “pass” to the College is a prerequisite for entering the Moscow Art Theater School. And training there is conducted according to the rules of the Moscow Art Theater itself, and not according to the declared general standards. But do not rush to conclusions. There is a fallacy in this logic. And you know what?

And such that with graduates of such studios and "schools" no one knows exactly what to do. Even at the stage of “school” training, strong specialists from top universities in the capital work with them. And "schoolchildren" graduate from such schools - already being qualified personnel. And then what? No one really wants to teach them further: they have already taught almost everything. So they “bounce” “between heaven and earth”, never having received a higher acting education, but they are able (powerful) in the acting profession. This is, of course, strange. But it is so.

Of course, this is not a complete list of schools with a (film) theater bias. There is also an educational center (GBOU) "Sparrow Hills" (recently opened its theater direction), and some others. Although, in general, we can say that there are not so many educational schools with a theatrical focus in Moscow. It's a pity.

Well, now - I will note some of the most famous theater schools in Moscow, leading their activities to higher and higher quality educational standards.

1) School of Drama German Sidakov, m. Arbatskaya. Sidakov is one of the best teachers in the workshop of Sergei Zhenovach (in turn, one of the best Russian theater directors of our time, a student of P.N. Fomenko). At some stage, Zhenovach and Sidakov “divorced”, apparently, the latter simply “outgrew” the status of one of the course teachers. That did not prevent Sidakov from creating a really strong school, the basis of the educational programs of which are short-term (1 month) and medium-term (2 months) courses in acting and public speaking and film production.

Despite the high level of training and the "quotation" of the diploma of the Sidakov School in the theater world and the field of cinema, this School in its profile is a classic training center that does not claim to have the opportunities and status equated to top creative universities.

2) "High School of Performing Arts(theatrical school of Konstantin Raikin)”, m. Maryina Roshcha. Konstantin Raikin is an insanely successful entrepreneur. It is unlikely that anyone, like him, managed to “knock out” such luxurious theater venues both in his “Satyricon” and under “ business center Arkady Raikin", located nearby. Such masters of theatrical art as Kama Ginkas conduct classes at his school. Without questioning the merits of K.A. Raikin, I note that to him (and to his work) there is a very ambiguous attitude on the part of the "traditional" representatives of the Moscow Art Theater.

I also note that the diploma received at the School is equated to the diploma of the top theater universities in Russia (state standard) in the areas of “acting art”, “management” (in the field of theater) and “ decoration performance." Basic specialized education at the School is 4 years.

Once again I will express my opinion, although some may not like it. All the schools, courses and trainings listed above (with the exception of the Raikin Schools and, to some extent, Sidakov) are, in fact, playing theater, training some skills and gaining certain knowledge, but not a deep theatrical education sufficient to achieve serious tasks. After graduating from these courses (technical schools, schools) - you (or your children) will probably know a lot. And you will (will) be aware of a lot. But - you will not (become) able to do much. And - you won’t (become) able to do what you (them) need right now.

Understand that no one will adapt to you. And your interests will not be taken into account either. You are the material for earning, testing, image and analysis. No more. They will get to know you, work out of course, but no one will bring you (hold out) to the result. This is the specificity of the pre-university (near-university) theatrical halo, the brand, fanned by the presence of theater and film legends, to which you want to “touch”, thinking that such a touch gives rise to perspective, success and good luck. But no. Doesn't give birth. There are legends, they are somewhere nearby, they wave their hands at you and smile from the stages and screens, but painstaking and purposeful work with you under their "canopy" will be very little. If it happens at all.

Try to understand it.

And if you want to enter a theater school, technical school or college, then understand that THERE you may receive the necessary creative “acceleration”. But point customization for individuality or real promotion of you as a creative person, most likely, will not happen there. Rely on yourself - in these cases. And good luck will be with you.

Yours sincerely,

Alexander Barinov


The state budgetary institution of additional education of the city of Moscow "Children's School of Arts named after V.V. Krainev" (abbreviated name: GBUDO of Moscow "DSHI named after V.V. Krainev") was established on the basis of the order of the Government of Moscow dated 12/31/2003. No. 2429-RP and the order of the Committee for Culture of the City of Moscow dated 12.01.2004. No. 2 with the name "Children's Art School No. 16" in the South-Western Administrative District of Moscow in the Yuzhnoye Butovo area. 10 years later, in April 2014, the school was named after an outstanding pianist, teacher, public figure, People's Artist of the USSR and Russia, Professor Vladimir Vsevolodovich Krainev.

The founder of the School is the city of Moscow.

The functions and powers of the founder are carried out by the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow -

Website of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation -

Website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - http://minobrnauki.rf/

Website of the State Budgetary Institution of Additional Education (Advanced Education) of the City of Moscow "Directorate of Educational Programs in the Sphere of Culture and Art" (GBU DPO "DOP SKI") -

Director of the school - Honorary worker of culture of the city of Moscow Aksenova Elena Alekseevna.

The type of school is an educational institution of additional education.

The level of education - additional education.

Subspecies - additional education for children and adults.

The form of education is full-time, the language of instruction is Russian.

The contingent of students on a budgetary basis is 500 children.

The contingent of students on a paid basis (separation on self-sufficiency) - 200 students.

The age of students is from 6 to 18 years.

The school carries out the following main types of educational activities:

  • implementation of additional pre-professional general educational programs in the field of musical art: piano, folk instruments, string instruments, wind and percussion instruments, choral singing. The normative term for the development of programs is 8, 6 years.
  • implementation of an additional pre-professional general education program in the field of fine arts "Painting". The standard development period is 5 years.
  • implementation of an additional general developmental program in the field of musical art: folk instruments, choral singing, wind instruments, string instruments. Normative term of development - 3 years. Start of implementation from 01.09.2016. Implementation of an additional general developmental program in the field of musical art: folk instruments, choral singing, wind instruments, piano, string instruments. Normative term of development - 5 years, 7 years.
  • implementation of an additional general developmental program in the field of fine arts. Normative term of development - 3 years. Implementation of an additional general developmental program in the field of fine arts. Normative term of development - 4 years.
The school has three departments: music, fine arts and preparatory (self-supporting department).

Specialties of study:

Music department: piano, violin, cello, flute, button accordion, accordion, domra, guitar, choral singing

Fine art department: drawing, painting, composition (easel and applied), sculpture, arts and crafts, history of fine arts.

Groups are organized for children aged 5-6 years early development on a paid basis with a period of study of 1.2 years at the music department.

Groups are organized for children aged 7-9 years artistic development on a paid basis with a period of study of 1-3 years at the fine arts department.

The age of those entering the school is determined in accordance with the chosen educational program.

Entrance examinations in the form of admission auditions and screenings artwork are held annually from 20 to 27 May of the current year.

Enrollment of children in school at the budget department is carried out on the Official website of the Mayor of Moscow:

School address:

1. Admiral Ushakov Boulevard, 11 (music department, administration)

2. Admiral Lazarev street, 57 (Fine-art department), tel. 8-499-743-88-26

School hours: from 09 to 20 hours.

Administration hours: from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. (weekdays)

Director: Aksenova Elena Alekseevna, Honorary Worker of Culture of the city of Moscow,

tel 8-499-743-15-09

Reception for personal matters:

Tuesday from 16:00 to 18:30

Payment details GBUDO Moscow "DSHI named after V.V. Krainev":

TIN 7727506674

Gearbox 772701001

OKATO 45293594000

l/s 2605642000930353

BIC 044583001

Beneficiary Bank: Branch 1 Moscow

account 40601810000003000002

PSRN 1047796173050

School director: Elena Alekseevna Aksenova

Chief Accountant: Elena Valerievna Emelyanova

Material and technical base

DSHI them. V.V. Krainev has a fairly good material and technical base, which allows you to efficiently and productively conduct the educational process.

The main building of the school is located on the first and second floors of the extension to the residential building and covers an area of ​​1255.1 sq.m. Classes are held in 22 classrooms with good musical instruments, necessary furniture, methodological stands, flowers. The school uses music centers, video recorders, TVs, a projector, a DVD player, sound equipment sets in its work.

Mass events, concerts, festivals, as well as academic concerts, tests and exams in the specialty are held in the concert hall for 130 seats. The concert hall has two grand pianos by YAMAHA and Estonia.

The additional room of the fine arts department of the school is located on the first floor of a residential building and occupies an area of ​​324.7 sq.m. Training sessions are held in 8 classrooms equipped with specialized equipment for artists.

Exhibitions of art works of students are held in the exhibition hall of the Fine Arts Department with an area of ​​50 sq.m., equipped with hanging systems and lighting equipment.

Administrative and managerial staff is located in eight offices. They are equipped with the necessary office equipment, computers, printers, copiers, scanners.

CCTV systems have been installed in the school buildings.

The information environment of the school includes a set of technological means (computers, databases, communication channels, software products).

The school has an electronic document management system (EDMS) one system electronic record of children (ESZ), the school has its own website.

Both school premises are adapted for people with limited mobility and the disabled.

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