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Cats are incredibly beautiful, intelligent and freedom-loving animals. Since the dawn of civilizations, feline representatives have been living side by side with humans. What to do if your pet ran away or you decide to take it from the street How to catch a cat on your own without calling specialists?

The Return of the Prodigal Cats

IN modern cities Most people spend their entire lives in apartments. It is not uncommon for an animal not familiar with the street to fall out or jump out of a window. leave native home the cat can and through the open front door. How to catch a cat if he is on the street? Try to calm down and find out the exact location of your pet. Do not try to immediately run into the yard and try to grab the animal with your bare hands. This option of catching cats in 90% of cases is doomed to failure.

If a pet has never left the apartment, close acquaintance with the street is always stressful for him. Even the calmest animal will behave aggressively and may simply not recognize the owners. Cunning will help bring the cat home. Be sure to wear heavy clothing and protect your hands with leather gloves. To get started, try to lure the animal with food or favorite toys. To enhance the effect, you can sprinkle the bedding on which the cat sleeps at home with “catnip” (sold as a spray in pet stores) and take it outside.

Don't expect the animal to go to your hands. Most likely, it will have to be missed very quickly. A good option is to wait until the cat is interested in food, and then throw a jacket or blanket over her.

We catch a cat with the help of traps from improvised materials

Use radical methods worth it only if you are confident in your abilities and you urgently need to return the animal home. passes quickly enough and without serious consequences. In most cases, pets that have fallen out / jumped out of the windows of apartments return to their owners in a few days. But if the street is too unsafe, for example, there are a lot of stray animals, you should very quickly figure out how to catch a cat. You should also hurry if you think that the animal needs to be urgently shown to the veterinarian.

A homemade trap can be made from a fish net. Hang it from the branches of a tree. Attach the ropes, pulling on which, you will set the trap in action. Now it remains only to put the bait under the net and wait for the appearance of the animal. You can catch a runaway cat using another device loved by fishermen - a landing net. This is a large triangular shaped net. Your task is to sneak up on the animal from behind and quickly throw a net over it.

Carrying and special trapping cages

If the runaway cat has adequately endured travel in a special carrier, you are very lucky. It is enough just to leave the cat carriage open near the place where the animal is hiding. Put some treats inside. Do not forget that cats are quick to react. It is better not to try to close the carrying door yourself. Tie a string to its handle and keep your distance, or come up with an automatic closing mechanism.

There are also special cages for catching animals in the street. Visually, they often resemble ordinary carriers, they are distinguished by a built-in door closing mechanism. Buying such a device for a one-time use is expensive. Usually such traps are in shelters and veterinary clinics. Try to negotiate the rental of this device and go to capture the animal in the most technologically advanced way.

Truths and myths about valerian

It is an established fact that all cats are partial to valerian. You can try using this pharmacy tool to catch an escaped animal. Get an alcohol tincture of valerian, most cats are not interested in tablets. The best option- lubricate own hands or clothing preparation and wait for the animal to come to you.

If the cat is too scared, this method will not work. Then leave the carrier or the usual cardboard box near the place where the pet is hiding. Build a bedding inside, put a few drops on it and wait for the cat to appear. Valerian should not be used in areas where many wild animals live. The smell will lure all representatives of the cat family without exception. But, having seen a large cluster of their relatives, a stressed domestic cat is unlikely to leave the shelter.

Choose a way to catch a cat on the street, based on the nature of the animal. Remember: each unsuccessful attempt capture is a new shock for the pet.

How to catch a wild animal?

We hope that you are planning to catch a "no one's" street cat exclusively with noble intentions. felines raised outdoors or affected by abuse usually don't trust people. How to catch which does not go to hand? First, observe the animals. Determine the approximate location of his habitat and try to find out if someone feeds this cat. If a feral cat trusts at least one person, you can always try to negotiate with him and ask for help in catching the beast.

You can try to make friends with the cat, if you definitely decided to take it off the street. Start feeding the animal regularly, talk to him. Don't try to pet or grab the cat if it doesn't come along. Be patient, and in a few days the cat will rub against your legs, and then voluntarily go into your arms.

Is it worth catching other people's cats?

Usually cats and dogs are caught on the street for two purposes: to take the animal into your home or to give it medical care, and then attach in good hands. These are all good intentions, but what if you meet a house cat on the street? You should not catch such cats. Some owners let their pets out for a walk. If the animal looks frightened, emaciated or injured, but he has a collar - you should act immediately. The easiest option: try to find the owners of the "lost" and tell them information about the location of the pet. In the case when the animal is calm and goes into the hands of strangers, you can take it home and only after that start looking for owners.

The best bait for a cat

A treat will help attract the cat. What is the best choice? If you catch your runaway pet, be guided by his food preferences. A universal option is ready-made feed. Dry mixes for feeding cats are considered more convenient to use. You will appreciate all their advantages as soon as you try to lure out a cat hiding in a secluded place. Wet canned food is more fragrant, and all kinds of pates and soufflés for cats are a real delicacy. Many animal experts to the question: "How to catch a neighbor's cat by luring food?" - they advise you to try to interest the cat in canned fish.

Fish, seafood, meat, sausages can also be used as bait. Be sure to finely chop the selected product. If you are giving meat or fish, boil a piece first and remove all bones. Do not feed your cat with milk and dairy products. It is not known who came up with the myth about the love of cats for this product. In fact, not all cats like milk. In addition, its use is harmful digestive system these animals.

What you need to know about unfamiliar animals

Be careful when catching cats on the street. The animal may scratch or bite you. Cats are carriers of various diseases, many of which occur without severe symptoms. Be sure to show the captured animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible. If you plan to keep your cat at home until you see the doctor, put him in quarantine, isolated from other animals.

When bitten by a wild cat, you should immediately see a specialist. It is better not to touch street animals that look unhealthy. But if you want to cure such a cat, follow all the rules of hygiene and try to avoid direct contact.

The above instructions on how to trap a cat will help you. We all know from childhood that it is impossible to touch a cat by the tail. Try to remember also that only kittens can be lifted by the fold of skin around the neck. It is not recommended to take adults like this.

How to catch a cat at home?

Cats are said to have excellent intuition. And it's true, most road-shy cats start hiding just before they pack for a trip. If you regularly visit the veterinarian or travel with your pet to the country, you should try to accustom him to travel.

Get a handy carrier and put it in a visible place. You can put your cat's favorite bedding or food inside. Let your tailed friend sniff this acquisition himself and make sure that it’s not scary inside. If the trip is not planned, but important, feel free to catch the animal and place it in a carrier or a special bag. It is worth noting that it is much easier to catch a cat at home than on the street. In a small room, two people can do this task in 5-10 minutes.

When you need specialist help

Our pets sometimes get into completely unexpected places. Remember one simple rule: if the animal is in a hard-to-reach place and cannot get out on its own, try to adequately assess the possibility of saving it on their own. A cat can climb high up a tree, fall into a vent or a manhole. In all such cases, one should not be heroic, it is better to seek professional help. Your pet will be saved by a special animal trapping service or a unified rescue service (if the situation is really an emergency).

What to do if you need to catch an animal very quickly? Consult your veterinarian about the possibility of using sedatives and ask for the correct dosage. The medicine should be mixed into the bait treat. Once the animal has eaten, keep your eyes on it. Try not to let the cat hide in the basement or other secluded place. Try to catch a black cat in a dark room later! Once the drug takes effect, the reaction will slow down and the animal will appear sleepy. At this point, you can pick it up.

Once deliciously cooked and beautifully served, pheasant was a desirable dish for royalty. Many hundreds of years have passed, but it still remains a true decoration of any holiday table. Many hunters are wondering: how to catch a pheasant alive? After all, I want to use a humane way of fishing. And sometimes the goal of poultry farmers is to continue keeping wild bird in the homestead. In this article, we will tell you how to find a nest, as well as how to catch a bird with various proven methods.

Avid hunters know well what a pheasant trap should be. But first you need to find the pheasant's nest itself. Usually a hunter finds such a house on the ground in an area with wide bushes and tall grass. One of the options for catching a live bird is catching with nets. Several birds can get into them at once.

Such snares should have a height of about 8 meters and a width of about 300 meters. So, how to catch a pheasant on the net yourself? You need to put them on overnight. During this period, the bird is less vigilant and is unlikely to find a trap before it falls into it. The ends of the grid are advised to cover with foliage and branches. When the prisoner calms down, she can be moved to the cage and taken to the place you need.

With a loop

How to catch a wild bird with loops? This method is complex. Moreover, more than one individual will not fall into the loop. If you haven't found a pheasant's home, you can try feeding it by spreading treats at night. A high-quality do-it-yourself trap for a wild pheasant is made of steel wire.

The wire of medium thickness is cut into pieces of 1.5 meters in size. A ring is formed that is about 10 cm in diameter. The device made is placed near trees or bushes. Using loops on a pheasant, sometimes you have to wait for prey for more than one day.

Hook fishing

Pheasant traps can be ordinary hooks. There is no need to use drawings or diagrams, since all you need is a finished fishhook. In order for a wild bird to get hooked, you need to place a bait on it. A piece of fruit or a grain of corn can play its role. But this method is not always humane. It is possible that the pheasant will swallow the hook, or run into the hook and get hurt.

With the help of a cell

Many avid hunters manage to catch a pheasant using a homemade cage. It is easy to make from a durable metal mesh and a frame made of wood. To lull the vigilance of a wild bird and accustom it to a trap, the hunter places a bait there. The doors must be removed.

When the pheasant makes his way to the food every day, after a couple of days or weeks he will get used to it. And then you can put the door in place. Since it is attached from above, when a bird is inside, such traps quickly close.

Novice hunters should know that pheasants are best tracked not in summer, but in winter.

The use of sleeping pills

Although all of the above methods are considered humane (do not kill prey), they have a bad effect on nervous system. Therefore, if there is a desire to catch a bird quickly and without negative consequences for it, you do not need to learn how to make a good pheasant trap, it is better to use sleeping pills. After observing where the desired prey most often appears, you need to scatter food there, adding sleeping pills to it. Often the drug is hidden in raisins. Then it remains only to make sure that the victim swallowed the bait, and quickly find it in order to deliver it to the right place for the hunter. Since the tablets do not have a lasting effect.

Using bow and slingshot

It becomes obvious that you will not find a pheasant in the nearest garden. For him, you will have to go to places that are inaccessible to humans, where birds prefer to build a nest. How to catch prey using a bow and a slingshot familiar to all boys? You need to use a light and compact bow. Therefore, there is no need to purchase a heavy professional fixture. You will also need arrows that will not be able to spoil the bird's body.

When the hunter is convinced that there are no people and domestic animals on the ground, a shot can be fired. Special arrows are good because their tip only slightly clings to the surface of the feathers. For pheasants, it is recommended to use not light home-made, but special professional slingshots for hunters. Everyone can buy them today in the store. To hunt successfully, you need to aim well to hit the bird in the head. When the prey is stunned, it can be taken and taken to a personal plot or to another place.

Video "How easy is it to catch a pheasant?"

From this video you will learn how easy it is to catch a pheasant.

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Rabbits are very nimble and frisky animals, though not as fast as their close relatives, hares. That is why catching an escaped animal is not an easy task, especially if it fled to an open area: to a garden or vegetable garden. How to return the fugitive, and what methods of capture can be taken - this will be discussed further.

How to catch an escaped pet rabbit

Often, even socialized pets, smelling freedom, can run away from the owner, refusing to return to the cage. At the same time, many of them will run away from the owner, as soon as he gets closer. In order for the operation to capture the fugitive to be successful, it is important to accurately recognize all the features of the eared behavior that signal its intentions. These signals primarily include the following:

  • paws on the floor- the rabbit is ready at any time to take off and run;
  • stand on hind legs and pointy ears- the animal listens, something interested him;
  • firm pressure on the surface- the animal is very frightened, especially if it heard unfamiliar loud sounds.

The rabbit stands on its hind legs and pricked up its ears - one of the signals of escape from the owner Of all these behaviors, the latter is the most favorable for capture, because sometimes the fear is so strong that it literally paralyzes your pet, immobilizing it for a time long enough to grab it.

It is good if the owner teaches the pet to respond to his call in advance. In this case, there will be no difficulties in catching, you just have to call your pet and offer him a delicious treat. For the sake of this, the animals willingly leave playgrounds and return to the cage.

To complicate the situation, the imperceptible escape of the pet, when the owner simply did not have time to notice where he had gone, can complicate the situation. In this case, first you need to inspect all the cracks nearby and secluded places, especially in the area where he was seen in last time. As close as possible to the animal, it remains only to gently, without unnecessary movements, grab it by the skin and take it to the cage.

If the search was unsuccessful, you can leave a self-closing cage in the room with the rabbit's favorite treat inside: he will definitely climb into it as soon as he gets hungry.

How to catch a rabbit in the garden

If catching a rabbit in the house is quite difficult, it is even more difficult in the garden, where he has many escape routes. This is especially true for animals kept in cages on the territory, which may well accidentally jump out of there. Sometimes it happens that you can lose sight of them for a while, so all actions must be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Assess the situation and determine the hiding place of the eared fugitive (this can be bushes or dense thickets of a vegetable garden, for example, corn).
  2. In places of accumulation a large number traces, place traps, the trigger of which will be as close as possible to the door (this will allow you to slam the cage as soon as the animal gets inside).
  3. You can bring the rabbit to the set trap with the help of food, which must be laid out in the place of accumulation of the greatest number of traces left (of course, you need to pour treats into the cage itself).

You can check the trap 1-2 times a day, and during this time you usually manage to catch a home fugitive. If we are talking about wild animals, it will take more time to capture in this way; if during the week the trap remains empty, then it will have to be moved to another place. Caught wild animals are taken away, to a place where they cannot harm cultivated crops and trees.

Methods for catching wild rabbits

Unlike domestic and decorative, wild rabbits generally prefer not to approach a person, so it is extremely difficult to catch them. Best suited for these purposes:

  • snare,
  • wolf holes,
  • self-closing cells.
Let's take a closer look at each capture option.
Snares for catching a rabbit

With the help of a silk

To get the maximum result from the use of silk, it is important to consider several factors:

  • it is advisable to find in advance a place with a natural arch or a short hole located on the rabbit path (a snare will be hooked on it a little later);
  • if such a restriction could not be found, you will have to create an artificial obstacle, for the role of which a large branch or young tree, which helps to form an arch (the main thing is to make sure that the selected element is heavy enough to hold the caught animal, and has long branches).

Further actions:

Video: Amazing Quick Rabbit Trap

wolf pits

Organizing wolf pits is another effective solution to the problem of capturing wild rabbits, but they must be properly equipped. This process is simple, but requires a series of actions to be performed sequentially, taking into account certain nuances.

Important! In no case should you throw a veil or other dark fabric on the animal - this will frighten him very much. It is best to slowly approach him, squatting down and coaxing the animal in a gentle voice.

In general, the scheme for arranging the wolf pit in this case looks like this:

Video: Amazing Rabbit Catch

Cell use

The cage you will need consists of mesh walls, gates, a release mechanism and rollers with which it works. You only need to place the trap in a suitable place (it is possible on a plot with the largest number traces of the animal) and, putting the bait inside, wait until the rabbit comes inside (the door will slam due to its weight).

As in the previous versions, a variety of vegetables and bread will serve as a good bait, which must be laid clearly in the center of the trap mechanism, otherwise the animal will simply take the bait and run away.

It will not be difficult to assemble such a trap, because in addition to the purchased design, there is always a clear instruction, and the user only has to check that the mechanism is working. It is advisable to approach the placed cages at least once a day, and as soon as you find the animal, it will be possible to transport it to another place in order to release it away from your property.
This method of fishing is rightfully considered the most humane of all presented, since the animal is not injured in any way, and the left food is quite enough for the entire stay inside (between checks during the day).

Did you know?Wild rabbits are capable of speeds up to 55 km / h, although they still do not reach the performance of hares. The latter, if necessary, can move at a speed of about 70 km / h.

With the help of a box

Catching rabbits with a cardboard box is not the most reliable, but the most affordable option, requiring minimal effort from the hunter. In this case, the whole process will look like this:

  1. Find a cardboard box that will be no more than 1 meter wide and cut out the bottom.
  2. Find a relatively light branch, about 120 cm long, and tie one end of it to a nearby stump or other ledge.
  3. Make two holes in the box, pass the string through them and tie the ends together.
  4. In the middle of the branch that will hold the box, tie a sewing thread about 4 cm long and connect it with a cord, hanging the box at a height of about 1 m.
  5. Punch two more holes in the top of the box.
  6. Pass the rope through them, then tie one end of it to the middle of the rope, forming a loop. The other should hang down 10 cm.
  7. Tie a large carrot to it. As soon as the animal jumps up and grabs the food, pulling it and the box down, the thin sewing thread will break, and it will be under the box.

In order for your attempts to catch the animal to be successful, in any of the cases under consideration, it is important to remember a few basic rules.

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