Presentation "woodwind instruments". woodwind instruments


Wind instruments. This is the name of musical instruments in which sound occurs due to the vibration of air in a hollow tube. Some of them are straight and relatively short, like a clarinet, flute or oboe. Others are long, "folded" for convenience, like bassoons, horns, and trumpets. Some are made of wood, others are made of metal. Both the shape of the tools and the material from which they are made have great importance: they determine the character, the color of the sound, that is, the timbre. A special role is played by the material: after all, the sound of metal is completely different than that of wood. That's why wind instruments are divided into two groups - wooden and copper. But they all have one thing in common: unlike keyboards and string instruments they are unanimous. Each instrument can play only one melody. Therefore, the orchestra usually uses two or more instruments of the same type.

Woodwind instruments include the flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and english horn and saxophone.

Flute- This is a wind instrument, the images of which are still found on the frescoes of Ancient Egypt and Greece.

Originating from a reed pipe, the flute was at first a simple wooden pipe with holes. Over the centuries, it has been improved until it acquired modern look. Previously, the flute was longitudinal, and it was held in an upright position. Then came the so-called transverse flute, which the musician holds horizontally. This type of flute, improved in 1832 by the German master T. Boehm, gradually replaced the longitudinal one, and now it is the transverse flute that is included in all orchestras.

Its range is from up to the first and up to the fourth octave, the lower register is deaf, soft; the middle and part of the upper are very beautiful, have a gentle and melodious timbre; the most high sounds piercing, whistling.

The flute took part in instrumental ensembles as early as the 15th century. Composers were attracted by its melodious sound, and later, when the instrument improved, by its rich virtuosic possibilities. Flute available the most difficult passages. Often she enters into a kind of competition with coloratura soprano, which partly resembles in its timbre. Remember Rimsky-Korsakov's The Snow Maiden: the coloratura passages of Frost's daughter at the beginning of the opera are echoed by the "patterned" flute tunes. The flute is the highest woodwind instrument in a symphony orchestra.

One of the varieties of this instrument used in the orchestra is the piccolo flute (piccolo - in Italian - “small”). It is half the size of a regular flute and sounds an octave higher. Its sharp whistle cuts through the sonority of the entire orchestra. Previously, the piccolo flute was used only in those musical episodes in which it was necessary to depict a battle, a thunderstorm, a whistle of the wind. Now she is often entrusted with melodic parts.

In Rimsky-Korsakov's opera The Tale of Tsar Saltan, the piccolo flute plays the theme of a squirrel gnawing a golden nut. In the first act of Bizet's opera Carmen, two piccolo flutes accompany a choir of boys briskly marching after the soldiers.

J. S. Bach "Joke" from Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B minor

Oboe- This is a woodwind instrument similar to a flute, but with a warmer and thicker sound. It originated from a simple flute - a bone tube equipped with a mouthpiece and had holes - and appeared in France in the second half of the 17th century. The oboe looks like a straight wooden tube with 25 holes, 22-24 of which are covered with keys. When playing, the performers cover these holes with their fingers, and from here sounds of various tonalities are obtained. The oboe is played with the fingers of both hands.

The oboe is always involved in symphony orchestra. He is entrusted with sad and dreamy melodies. But he can also play playful melodies, for example, imitate the croaking of frogs.

P. Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 4 Part II

English horn. The closest relative of the oboe is the English horn, which appeared in the first half of the 18th century. Otherwise, it is called the alto oboe.

The cor anglais is larger than the oboe and sounds a fifth lower. Its sound is more melancholy, "lazy-dreamy" by the definition of the composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.

Symphony orchestras usually have two oboes and one cor anglais.

Clarinet also belongs to the woodwind family. It originated from a flute - a thin tube that shepherds played, and has the shape of a tube with a peculiar beak. The length of this musical instrument is 50 - 70 cm, it has 20 valves and 7 holes.

C. Saint-Saens Sonata for clarinet and piano

Bassoon. In its form, this representative of woodwind instruments is similar to English letter U, that is, like a tube folded in half. There are 25-30 side holes on the bassoon body, of which 5-6 are closed with fingers, and the rest with valves.

The bassoon appeared in Italy as early as the 16th century, but at first it was used as a solo instrument and only two centuries later it began to be used in a symphony orchestra. Usually, two to four bassoons are used in an orchestra. The bassoon is the lowest woodwind instrument in a symphony orchestra.

A. Vivaldi Concerto for bassoon and orchestra Part I.

Saxophone invented more than a hundred years ago by the famous Belgian inventor Adolphe Sachs. The saxophone is also among the woodwind instruments, although it is made of metal - silver or a special alloy. It is similar in sound and shape to the clarinet.

At first, the saxophone was used only in military bands. Gradually, they began to introduce him to the opera and symphony orchestras. The saxophone never became a full member of the symphony orchestra. But in the 20th century, its vibrating, expressive and passionate sound drew attention jazz musicians. And the saxophone became the true master of jazz.

J. Gershwin "Summertime" from the opera "Porgy and Bess".

(incorrect translation of French cor anglй, lit. - a horn bent at an angle: an error due to mixing the same-sounding French words anglais - English and angle - bent at an angle; English English horn, German englisch Horn) - wind reed music . tool. A variation of the oboe is an enlarged alto oboe in the order F. It comes from the alto-tenor varieties of the predecessors of the oboe. Under the title "hunting" oboe (oboe di caccia) appeared in the beginning. 18th century, was widely used by J. S. Bach and his contemporaries. In the 2nd floor. 18th century almost completely disappeared from orc. practices, preserved only in "small" symphonies. genres (for example, in serenades, divertissements by W. A. ​​Mozart). It became widely used again in the 19th century. under the name R. a. (corno inglese) in Op. J. Meyerbeer, G. Berlioz and other romantics. Early examples had a sickle-shaped or cranked curved shape. OK. 1820-30s Trieber and A. Bro designed in Paris a straight R. a. The fingering is the same as that of the oboe. Range - e-a2 or b2. Timbre R. a. thicker, fuller and softer than the oboe.
Literature: Levin S., Wind instruments in history musical culture, L., 1973, p. 149-50; Baines A., Woodwind instruments and their history, L., 1956. H. A. Lisova.

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  • - - wind reed music. tool. A variation of the oboe is an enlarged alto oboe in the order of F. It comes from the alto-tenor varieties of the predecessors of the oboe ...

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