What's on the neck. Biography of Alexandra Sheva


Crafts for the new year with your own hands for kindergarten on the topic of winter, many are asked to bring to kindergarten. Of course, the kids themselves, from the end of autumn, begin to create beauty in order to decorate the group and the kindergarten. However, homework assignments are usually given as well. For parents, this is a unique moment when you can spend a lot of useful time with your child, and at the same time learn something new and learn how to do something unusual.

As a rule, they make them at home and take them to kindergarten for the Winter Crafts competition, traditional since Soviet times. It is clear that the most popular craft here will be a paper Christmas tree or just a postcard, but in this material we offer several simple, beautiful and original master classes in order not only to celebrate participation in the competition this year, but also to take an honorable prize.

DIY crafts for the new year for kindergarten on the theme of winter with a photo

"Winter window"

When it snows outside the window in winter, the house is always warm and cozy. This craft will help create a magical fabulous atmosphere, and creating it together with a child of kindergarten age will also strengthen the kid's skills in using scissors. Even if there is no real snow outside the window, this craft option will always create the right mood.

What is required for work:
* Winter window template, which can be easily and free of charge printed from the web.
*Cardboard or just high density paper.
* Pouch (as for sandwiches).
*Glue and sugar.
* Spoon and felt.

Cut off the part above the zipper from the bag, but do not cut off the zipper itself. Carefully glue the cut out template to thick paper. On a blue leaf, make a mark around and outside the window. The base must be solid like a rectangle. Now put one and a half large spoons of sugar in the bag, press on the bag so that all the air comes out of it (if you ignore this moment, you will not wait for snow).

It remains to place the sugar in the center of the bag, and put the bag between two sheets of paper. Pour glue on the edges of the bag, as well as in front and behind, there should also be glue on the upper edge of the paper window. Around the template, make curtains for the felt window (if you don’t have it at hand, then just use colored paper). Glue all the details of the winter window onto the bag. When the glue dries, you can play with the window: turn it so that the snowball falls.

Christmas tree made of pasta

On any thematic video, you can see that the most popular do-it-yourself craft for the new year for a winter-themed kindergarten is a Christmas tree. The materials for its manufacture may be different, as an option, consider regular pasta!

For the basis of such a Christmas tree, you can take a plastic glass of a conical shape. If there is no wine glass at hand, you can quickly make such a base yourself from cardboard or plastic, from thick paper. Here it is important to choose a material for the base that is durable, so that it does not deform under the weight of pasta and glue in the process of creating a unique Christmas tree. For this option we take pasta crafts in the form of small bows. But this is not at all necessary! According to your desire, choose the shape of pasta - spirals, horns, even stars.

Interesting! Small pasta of any shape can be painted with ordinary paints and used already on the finished Christmas tree as a decor, like Christmas balls and garlands.

To keep the pasta well on the base, you can use PVA glue. But perfect option, this is if you can fix the elements with a special thermal gun. green paint aerosol will help make the Christmas tree realistic, for coloring small pasta like Christmas decorations you can use gold paint.

The wine glass, if it was he who was taken as the basis, has a base leg. It does not need to be removed until the very end of the craft manufacturing process. Only in the event that the pasta is already dry, the paint will hold firmly, the leg can be removed and the Christmas tree placed on its natural base of pasta. Attach pasta to the base carefully and close to each other, focusing on a checkerboard pattern. You need to make sure that there are no holes left between these elements, otherwise the plastic of the wine glass will be translucent. If so, then this distance is also painted over with green paint.

"Winter picture"

To make such a picture with a child, you need to prepare blue (you can take gray) cardboard, thick paper and glue, you will also need a pencil, cotton balls and rice, as well as green food coloring, water and a sealed bag with a zipper.

Put a little green dye in a teaspoon of water and put it in a bag. Put half a glass of rice there and seal the bag, mix everything well so that the rice is completely covered. Lay the picture on a piece of paper to dry. When the rice becomes dry, it can be further used in crafts. Typically, this will take about half an hour.

On the cardboard of the selected color, draw a line of the border of the sky and snow. Also draw trees, triangular Christmas trees. Apply glue to each shape of the tree, and then sprinkle on it green rice. Now there are thorny pine trees in the picture, place cotton balls under them, cut out the sun or the month from bright paper, add stars to the sky.

Hedgehog from cones

Many parents are in search of what to make crafts for the new year with their own hands for a kindergarten on the theme of winter from cones. You can consider this delightful and easy-to-make option. On the one hand, this is just a hedgehog, on the other hand, this animal will decorate any New Year's scene.

To make a hedgehog, in addition to a cone, you also need dry pine needles, as well as brown plasticine, black polka dots, and an acorn cap. Collect dry needles in bundles so that they form 7-9 pieces, attach a little plasticine to the ends and fasten the large cone behind the scales. From the ends of the needle can be cut a little.

Brown plasticine is used to make a pointed muzzle of a winter hedgehog, eyes and a nose are made from pepper. Now place the muzzle at the beginning of the cone, and carefully place the acorn cap with a small amount of plasticine on the needles (this is an imitation of mushrooms).

Do-it-yourself crafts for the new year for a kindergarten on the theme of winter can be so diverse and beautiful. Even more ideas on how to create them with a thematic description, step by step photos and video can be found on our holiday website. In no case do not take full responsibility for making such crafts, involve children and spend useful and exciting time together. Then the preparation period for new year holidays will be remembered by children only with positive side, they at any age will want to return to Father's house to revive that feeling and memories.

Alexandra Sheva is one of the most scandalous members of House-2. There are more questions about her past than answers. But comparing the photo, where Alexander Sheva before and after plastic surgery, does not raise questions.

Alexandra's real name is Shevchenko. According to her, she was born in Krasnodar, in 1994. The girl was raised only by her mother. In her youth, Sheva actively visited nightclubs, where she began working as a dancer.

Later, the girl moved to St. Petersburg. Before that, she gave birth to a daughter, Arianna, who is now being raised by Alexandra's mother. In St. Petersburg, Sasha continued to dance in clubs, and in August 2017 she came to the Dom-2 television project and turned into Sasha Sheva.

Her behavior on the project was bright and scandalous. Initially, she came to the project to Roman Kapkala, although he had a girlfriend at that time. Then she had numerous novels, she did not hesitate to break up couples, make scandals and intrigue. What set most of the participants in the television set against themselves.


By nature, Alexandra has a beautiful figure, she has never been deprived of male attention. But this seemed to her small and the girl resorted to plastic surgery.

Sheva enlarged her lips with hyaluronic acid. But the result exceeded expectations. The lips have become too large and the lips do not close. Followers on Instagram vigorously discuss this fact. Sheva herself says that she overdid it a little with the changes and you just need to wait until everything becomes normal.

There is an active debate about whether she did. A scrupulous study of the few photos of young Sasha does not give an exact answer. Someone finds significant differences, arguing that the nose has become smaller and the tip has changed. Experts say they see no change.

A slender figure and magnificent breasts evoke admiring glances. But here everyone has a unanimous opinion that Sheva did not make breasts. Although in the future she does not exclude such a possibility.

It would seem that there are not many changes. But fans of Alexandra Sheva say that with her appearance manipulations, she only spoiled everything. Unnaturally large lips have changed the once pretty face.


Sheva herself is pleased with her appearance, but the audience claims that she has already become addicted to plastic surgery and is afraid that she will not be able to stop.

Now Alexandra dreams of opening own school dancing and performing on stage.

Alexandra Sheva was born on July 17, 1994 in Orsk. The real name of the girl on the passport of Alexander Shevchenko. According to the sign of the zodiac - cancer, according to Eastern calendar- dog.

Alexandra's childhood passed in the Urals, in hometown Orsk. Sheva loved dancing since childhood. She admired famous dancers, always dreamed of the stage and popularity. Sasha's progress at school was not high, because the girl was absolutely indifferent to the sciences. But dancing took her a lot of time.

Life before the project

Alexandra grew up in incomplete family, only mother was always engaged in education. The girl did not know her father well, she did not communicate with him. From the age of 18, Sheva in her hometown led enough wild life, rested in nightclubs, became a go-go dancer.

Alexandra always wanted a life in big city. Therefore, she left for St. Petersburg quite early. In the northern capital, the girl continued her hobby, she danced go-go in nightclubs. Alexandra has set a goal for herself - to become a famous dancer, she wants to be recognized on the street. Therefore, she attended many master classes, took lessons from famous masters dance.

Personal life before the project

Alexandra from her youth has never been deprived of male attention. She always had a lot of fans, so she never worried about breaking up.
In her hometown, Alexandra had a serious relationship, a daughter was born. However, she did not stay with the father of the child, since he abandoned both her and the child. Therefore, Sheva lived alone with the baby, after which she left for St. Petersburg, entrusting the upbringing of the child to her mother.

In the northern capital, the girl was also always surrounded a large number admirers, but among them there was not the one and only for her.

Arrival to the project

Alexandra Shevchenko came to television project House 2 August 26, 2017. The girl resolutely stated that she was ready to destroy the couple of Marina Afrikantova and Roman Kapakla, since the young man strongly sympathizes with her. The guy immediately refused, saying that Marina is the only one real love. After such a statement, Alexandra did not grieve for a long time, a day later all sympathy for young man passed quickly.

Almost immediately, Sheva goes to the Seychelles, where he tries to build relationships with Denis Kovalev. However, it was immediately clear that the young man did not arouse sympathy in the girl. Therefore, the next night she ends up in bed with Alexei Chaychits. After intimacy Alexandra suspected that she might be pregnant, and Alexei immediately refused her, saying that this impulse was due to alcohol intoxication.

After the pregnancy was not confirmed, Alexandra breaks up a couple of Lily Chetrara and Sergey Zakharyash. She tries to build a relationship with him, however, a week later the guy tries to return to Lila.

After failed attempt build a relationship with Sergei Sasha once again shows sympathy for Denis. He does not believe in the feelings of the girl, but is trying to build a relationship with her. After a short time, Kovalenko decides to leave the project.

Alexandra is left alone again. But at this moment she is already on the island bad reputation because she was seen in an intimate relationship with different participants on the project in a short time.

After Arai Chobanyan arrives on the island, he enters into an intimate relationship with Sheva. After the night, he refuses the girl, however, the next night they are together again. After several nights, the guys try to build a relationship. After the Seychelles, the couple flies to Moscow, where conflicts immediately appear. As a result, the young man leaves the television show, Sheva again remains in the status of a loner.

Alexandra is again returned to the Seychelles, where Andrei Shtrikh confesses his sympathy for her. The girl is careful with the young man, does not enter into a close relationship with him, but does not let go of herself.

The television project "Dom-2" is liked by viewers because of love affairs, family relations and the scandals that happen within the television show.

Young boys and girls are under the guns of TV cameras 24/7 and some of them really do main goal TV shows - build their love: guys come up with romantic dates and give bouquets to their lovers, waiting for the beauties to reciprocate.

Other participants of the show play weddings and have children, living a happy and fulfilling life, while others are on a reality show to make themselves known to the whole country. Bright brunette Alexandra Shevchenko, whose height is 175 cm and weight 55 kg, loves the attention of fans, as evidenced by her page in "Instagram" with over 145 thousand subscribers.

Childhood and youth

The childhood of a participant in a long-playing project did not differ from the childhood of most of her peers. Sasha was born on July 17, 1994 in the city of Orsk, which is located in the Orenburg region. Sasha grew up and was brought up in an incomplete family with her older sister Marina, who replaced the girl's mother, since the latter was constantly at work.

Unfortunately, the biography of Sheva (the pseudonym of the girl) is a secret, because it is not known for certain who her parents worked for. Rumors hover around Alexandra's life, so what is true and what is journalistic fiction is difficult to distinguish.

However, according to the video message from Sasha's mother, which was shown on the air of Doma-2, it can be concluded that the relatives have a warm and trusting relationship. The woman supported her daughter when most of the participants in the television project were opposed to her.

According to rumors, Sasha studied poorly at school and did not strive to get fours and fives, as she was indifferent to exact sciences and don't waste your energy on them. And all because Alexandra Sheva from childhood became attached to creativity and delighted the household with improvised dances. This was her main hobby. The little girl watched the famous dancers with delight, dreaming that someday she would blow up numerous dance floors.

Sasha's countrymen told the press that the girl led a rather peculiar lifestyle: after school she did not go to receive higher education, and began to earn money in nightclubs, dancing striptease and go-go. Unofficial sites dedicated to "House 2" cited the words of unnamed residents of Orsk that sometimes Alexandra was in the company of men, receiving money for this.

Is this true or fake information, fans, divided into two camps, can only guess. Sasha herself did not comment on this information.

It is known that the brunette has always dreamed of turning from a provincial into a resident of the capital. Therefore, as soon as the opportunity arose, Sasha went to conquer the city on the Neva - St. Petersburg. In this rainy and cloudy city, the girl continued to do what she loved - she danced go-go and even took lessons from famous choreographers.

"House 2"

The girl’s arrival on the Dom-2 television project took place on August 26, 2017, and Sheva appeared on a reality show with a clear goal, which was to win the heart, which at that time was in a relationship with. But the guy refused to flirt with Sasha, arguing that he had already met the love of his life.

The very first man in Sasha Sheva's "piggy bank" was Aleksey Chaychits, with whom she spent the night. True, the guy, despite Shevchenko's desire, did not build with her Serious relationships. But Alexandra did not give up and tried to build her love.

Sheva's next object of passion was, who broke with for the brunette. But the guy realized his mistake and returned to his former lover. Then the girl spent the night with Aray Chobanyan, and then their friendship grew into full relationship. But their love was accompanied by frequent quarrels, so the union soon broke up.

After the break in relations, Sasha flew to the islands, where she showed sympathy for Andrei Shtrikh. Guy with impeccable reputation could become a salvation for a loving person whose eyes could not stop at one man. In addition to the Stroke, at the same time Stefan Jevelit and looked after the girl, and the brunette even gave the latter a chance. But due to inadequate behavior and assault, the relationship did not work out.

Also on Sheva's "track record" was an erudite man Denis Kovalev, who was ready to accept the girl, despite her bright past.

Personal life

The personal life of Alexandra Sheva is well-known, the girl is open and not afraid to confess her feelings to the guys. Her position on the issue of relations is very specific. The young lady, without hesitation, declares her love for carnal pleasures.

Such views attract males who are not ready to start a family. Therefore, after numerous failures, as well as a flurry of criticism from the participants and spectators, Sasha decided to take the path of correction.

Sasha makes no secret of the fact that she was not married and is loving mother. Her little daughter was left in the care of her grandmother and is waiting for her parent to return home.

According to Sheva, she is looking for a father for her child and does not go to him for the weekend, because she cannot appear in her native land empty-handed. For gifts, money is needed, which she successfully earns on a television project, in every possible way attracting viewers to TV screens: the girl fought with her rivals more than once.

Alexandra Sheva now

In 2018, the girl meets with Viktor Sharovarov, whom the young lady even forgave for repeated betrayals with. The couple reunited after another break, which occurred during Sasha's departure home. Khromina, taking advantage of Sheva's absence from the project, made an attempt to seduce Victor while still on the island.

Lena, together with a couple, arranged a secluded party for him, at which young people kissed, not embarrassed by the cameras. This happened a couple of hours after Shevchenko left the perimeter.

In the summer of 2012, the producers of the popular reality show Dom-2 banned its participants from undergoing plastic surgery.

Officially, a new ban was not announced and it is not a fact that this information will ever get on the air, but the participants themselves announced the new rule very clearly: either a filming contract or plastic surgery.

There are several reasons for this decision:

  • Firstly, as a number of polls have shown, a significant part of the audience is extremely negative about such changes in the appearance of the show's heroes - a short-term surge of interest is followed by disappointment, as a result of which the ratings of the project suffer
  • Secondly, due to the rehabilitation period following the plastic surgery, the participants temporarily stop appearing in the "House", which also does not have a very favorable effect on the audience's interest.

However, the retired heroes of the show still have the opportunity to contact the surgeon (so, just the other day, Rita Agibalova performed liposuction on herself), and, in addition, theoretically, some operations can be done secretly (for example, the same liposuction: the recovery period is short, and the traces are easy to hide under clothes).

Plastic surgeries of the participants of "House-2": photos before and after

Over the entire history of the project (“Dom-2” has been on the air since 2004), more than 10 of its participants turned to surgeons - and these are only those who did not demand confidentiality and were ready to tell journalists about their operation.

The last of the participants who managed to be operated on before the introduction of the "plastic moratorium". new breast Dasha was chosen by her fans: she posted the results on her Vkontakte page computer simulation and announced a vote, the results of which made the final decision on the size.

Perhaps the most famous plastic surgery at Dom-2. This is due to the information that appeared in a number of media that the facelift was unsuccessful. Of course, such a "sensation" caused a lot of excitement among the audience. In fact, everything turned out to be much simpler: such a serious intervention requires a long recovery period (several months), after which Agibalova's face completely returned to normal.

After giving birth, Rita had obvious aesthetic indications for surgery: her breasts sagged characteristically and, moreover, a pronounced asymmetry appeared. With the help of a braces and small ones, the situation was quickly corrected.

Oksana's desire to add volume to her bust was so strong with Oksana that she managed to convince the producers of the show of the "vital necessity" of this operation - and towards the end of 2012, as an exception, she was allowed to go to the clinic. Ryaska liked the result so much that until her departure from the project, she hoped to repeat the visit to the surgeon - this time for liposuction.

Zhenya made herself a "classic" silicone breast of the third size, and also performed a correction of the shape of her lips. It turned out, on the whole, successfully: without that attractive girl turned into a real beauty. But not everyone liked such a “glamorous” appearance, and, in addition to congratulations, Evgenia heard a lot of criticism addressed to her.

Vlad Kadoni - penis enlargement:

The main psychic of "House-2", in his words, was dissuaded from this operation even by the surgeon - neither from a physiological nor from an aesthetic point of view, there were no special indications for it. “But I am an idealist by nature, so the ratio of length and thickness does not play for me last role”, Kadoni explained his decision in an interview.

Nellie's own lop-earedness caused a lot of problems: her ears had to be hidden under a lush hairstyle, which could not be changed. The way out suggested itself: a simple plastic surgery, thanks to which Ermolaeva found the much-desired harmony.

Nose plastic surgery for Elena was just as obviously necessary as ear plastic surgery for Nelly: for her “outstanding” tip, the girl heard references to cartoon characters more than once “ DuckTales". But after the operation, the jokes immediately ended. At the same time, the shape and size of the nose remained unchanged.

This once magnificent forms the lady became famous after short term I immediately lost 40 kilos. Of course, there were rumors about plastic surgery: Volovicheva was credited with liposuction, torsoplasty and a breast lift, with which she got rid of the consequences of such a rapid weight loss.

One of the most bright participants"Doma-2", which successfully continued its television career and after leaving the project, twice did plastic surgery for breast augmentation. There are two versions of this: the first operation was unsuccessful, or the resulting size did not fully suit Alena. Be that as it may, the final fifth size turned out to be very impressive: the star herself, and her fans, and who performed the operation, did not fail, were satisfied. Unfortunately, after giving birth, Vodonaeva's chest lost its former shape and the star set out to regain its previous size - the second. At the end of 2016, she finally realized her plan, which she described with pleasure and in detail on Instagram.

The viewers of the project perceived the transformations in Svetlana's appearance very ambiguously. A very pleasant-looking girl turned herself into a real “mukla”, increasing her lips to an incredible size, and also adding volume to her chin and cheekbones. Svetin's new image is very reminiscent of the "reference" one, which, by the way, also planned to participate in the "House" at one time.

The appearance of Anastasia refers to the same "glamorous" type, which includes Vodonaeva, Feofilaktova, and a number of other participants in "House-2" different years. Therefore, her breast augmentation operation caused much less surprise among the audience than if Nastya had not done this operation.

Erika Kisheva - sex change operation:

This participant was remembered by the audience precisely for her operation: a few years before joining the show, Erica was a man who earned money for the desired transformation by prostitution. Finding the harmony of external and inner peace, she seriously took up her personal life and, hoping to find her love, appeared in the "House". However, disappointed in the local gentlemen, she did not stay long.

Ksenia Borodina (presenter) -:

Here, everything is not so clear and the assumptions about the operation are based more on conjecture than on facts. However, the transformation of Xenia's breasts at one time was hard not to notice. Maybe, we are talking only about supportive underwear, but the plastic version looks much more believable.

On account socialite- rhinoplasty and chin correction. The star “sorted out” her nose long before participating in the project, but she decided to correct the shape of the lower jaw only in 2011, making a big secret out of the operation and entrusting her face to a private European clinic.

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