Workbook Literature 2 cells.


Despite the fact that our schoolchildren are only 8-9 years old and they are in the second grade, but now it is so necessary and necessary to get acquainted with the works of writers. After all, it is not only entertainment and interesting stories but also the opportunity to join useful information get the right education from the right books. And it all contributes school subject"Literary Reading". It is the answers on this subject, as they are also called GDZ, for grade 2 in workbook, the program "School of Russia", the authors of Boykina, Golovanova, Goretsky you can find on our page. So, in the second grade, they disassemble, first of all, works Russian poets and short stories. In addition, they also study folk art, in the form of sayings, jokes, jokes, nursery rhymes ... Based on the results of reading and work in the class, you will be asked and homework, in which you will have to answer the questions posed to you in the workbook. To make it easier for you to orient yourself and at the same time have an alternative opinion, we would like to invite you to refer to our answers. You just need to click on the number of the page whose answers you are interested in. As a result, the answers will open in a new tab.

Answers on the pages of the GDZ Literary reading Grade 2 workbook (Vinogradskaya, Boykina). Answers to tasks. Reshebnik

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Analysis of the most complex and extraordinary tasks in the 2nd grade literature workbook

Page 25
Russian folktale. Fox and crane. Summary and answers to tasks from the workbook. The author Leo Tolstoy showed here one basic rule: “how it comes around, it will respond”, the meaning of this proverb is that your attitude towards others causes the same attitude towards you. The cunning fox invited the crane to visit, for treats. She spread the porridge on a plate and served it to the crane. And he, because of his long beak, could not taste anything. Then the crane also invited the fox to visit and came up with a treat. He poured okroshka into an earthenware jug with a narrow neck, and the fox's muzzle didn't fit in. And so their friendship went, apart. The fox and the crane cannot be called friends, because they did not want to adapt to a new acquaintance, take into account his characteristics and taste preferences.
Page 26
Swan geese. The text of the fairy tale with answers to tasks. The author Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich talks about good deeds, about attentiveness, about mutual assistance. When the swan geese took the girl's brother away, she went to look for him. She would have managed to find him earlier if she had done good, right things, but still the girl found him. He was captured by Baba Yaga, a classic character in Russian literature. Here the mouse helped her and she and her brother managed to escape. Then the girl realized that it was necessary to help others and in return you would receive mutual assistance. On the way, she met an oven with rye pies, a tree with forest apples and a milky river, jelly banks. How the girl overcame difficulties can be told in the proverb: “Friends are known in trouble”, “Die yourself, but help a comrade”, “Need will teach kalachi to eat”, “Look at the tree in its fruits, and the man in deeds”.
Page 27
Literary quiz. On this page, you have to guess the story from the description. The first riddle “The Cockerel and the Seed” is a story about a hen who took care of a cockerel. When the cockerel choked, she ran to get some oil to help him. She had to fulfill all the requests of the cow, the owner and the blacksmith in order to achieve the result. When she greased the cockerel's throat, he shouted: "Ku - ka - re - ku!" The second riddle from the fairy tale “Fear has big eyes” A story about a grandmother - an old woman, a girl - a laughter, a chicken - a laying hen, a mouse - a lamb and a hare, whom they met on the way home. When all four were returning from the well, when they saw a hare, they were so frightened that they threw all the buckets and ran away. Each of them, and even the hare, thought that they had come across a formidable predator, hence the title of the story. The third story is called "The Fox and the Grouse", about a cunning fox and a wise black grouse. The fox decided to eat black grouse and lied to him about the new decree, saying that no one would dare to touch anyone in the forest. But the black grouse was not stupid, he told her that he saw dogs from above - which were running in the forest. Having learned about this, the fox took to his heels, saying: “... the dogs have not heard the decree.” The fourth tale is “The Fox and the Crane”, they became friends one day and began to visit each other. But their friendship did not work out, because they could not adapt to each other, each thought only about himself, did not take into account the peculiarities and predilections.
Page 28
Learning to compose a fairy tale. The story of how the cat quarreled with the dog. The dog is courageous, kind, diligent. The cat is smart and cunning, deceived the dog and dragged away a piece of meat with its help. There lived a cat and a dog in the same yard, once the cat smelled the smell of meat. She asked the dog to bark in order to scare away the neighbors, who could drag off the owner's rooster. While the dog barked furiously, the mistress went out to her, and the cat dragged the meat under the porch and began to eat it there. When the hostess discovered the loss, she went out into the yard and beat the dog with a broom so that it would not bark in vain. As soon as the dog met the cat, he almost tore it apart, since then they have become eternal enemies and do not go past each other.
Page 29
Check yourself and evaluate your achievements. In the last section, we got acquainted with the works of the Russian folk art: nursery rhymes, sayings, riddles, proverbs and fairy tales. Special Features fairy tale: there is a Baba - Yaga, occur magical transformations and other miracles, good conquers evil, the fairy tale begins. Then the events of the fairy tale are repeated three times, then the fairy tale ends. Now it's easy to distinguish different types folk art, to guess and invent riddles.
Page 30
I love Russian nature. Autumn 2nd grade, Russian school. Works for the exhibition “Poems of Russian poets”: A.S. Pushkin Winter! A peasant, triumphant ... S. Yesenin Birch, Winter sings - calls out ..., F. Tyutchev Enchantress in Winter, K. Balmont Light - fluffy Snowflake white, I. Bunin It smelled of winter cold ..., Books for this exhibition: “Signs of autumn” (works by Russians writers), Glorious Autumn(poems by Russian poets), A. Blok Zaichik, K. Ushinsky Four wishes.
Page 70
Write a story, 2nd grade. Tips for little students. There is no better friend than dear mother. Let's make a story, a plan. Once at school there was such a case, I forgot the literature textbook, and on that day an open lesson was scheduled. I had to show my skill quickly and without spelling, speech errors read the text of a fairy tale from a textbook. What to do? It was already too late to run home, and suddenly I saw the door open and my mother enters, she is holding the same textbook in her hands! It turns out that my mother, when she saw the textbook forgotten on the table, decided to bring it to my school. She thought I was going to have a hard time in Literature class. She gave it to me, hugged and kissed. There is no better friend than your own mother!
Page 71
Literary reading. Grade 2 workbook, answers based on the story of Y. Ermolaev “Two cakes”. It talks about two sisters - Olya and Natasha. Olya helped her mother wash the dishes, but Natasha did not. I liked the story because in it each of the girls got what they deserved: Olya - two cakes for helping her mother, and Natasha nothing, with the correct wording: because she had not yet returned from Africa, the story that she read in the book. I would like to always do the same as Olya, do not be lazy, cultivate firmness, confidence in one's abilities and optimism. Now it is easy to correlate the main idea of ​​the story with a suitable proverb and make up stories.
Page 72
I love Russian nature. Spring 2nd grade. Books for the exhibition “I love Russian nature. Spring” F. Tyutchev “Winter is angry for a reason…”, “ spring waters”; A. Pleshcheev “Spring”, “Country Song”, A. Blok “In the Meadow”, S. Marshak “Snow is not the same now ...” Spring, gentle sun, burning stream, ringing drops, first leaves, bird cherry, lilac, tulips , shower, rainbow. The riddle about spring is this: Melted all the snowdrifts ... The river came to life again ... did it (Spring)
Page 73
Spring riddles for grade 2, with short answers. Answer one: spring. Spring is long-awaited, capricious and red, spring opens the buds, dresses the trees in green leaves, gives warmth and wakes the earth from sleep. Further, riddles about the spring mood and the story “I am glad for spring” are collected.
Page 75
Let's check ourselves and evaluate our achievements, grade 2, the work of A. Pleshcheev “Rural Song”. This is very interesting work, I liked it because these verses were listened to in early childhood before learning to read. They express the simple, but clear joy of being, anticipation happy life. The theme of the poem by A.N. Pleshcheev - spring, the main idea: the swallow is the first and sure harbinger of spring dear to the heart. Outline of the story “I love spring” Spring is a long-awaited season. In spring, nature comes to life (birds arrive from the south, animals wake up, come out of their holes, new offspring appear, forests, fields and meadows turn green). This is the time to change winter clothes for lighter ones. Everything around is changing, freckles and the first tan appear. This favorite time of the year.
Page 75
And jokingly and seriously project 2 class. Books for the exhibition “Funny stories and poems for children” B. Zakhoder “Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything” E. Uspensky “Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat”, “Vacation in Prostokvashino”, “Cheburashka” by I. Tokmakova “ Plim”, “In a wonderful country” by V. Dragoon Collection"Deniska's stories" A series of drawings on page 129 can be called " scary story”, because the main thing is not to immediately reveal who exactly the children were afraid of.
Page 77
Answers literary reading in a workbook. It describes the sequence of events: first into the forest for berries and mushrooms, then running from the monster, meeting with the hunter and meeting with the hedgehog. Further, the story according to the drawings “The one who sits in the hollow”, the plan is as follows: Brother and sister went to the forest for mushrooms, there they met someone. The children were frightened and ran, a hunter came out to meet them. He listened attentively to them, went up to the tree, leaned over and saw eyes glowing in the dark. When he lured the beast out of the lair, it turned out that it was just a small hedgehog. But a beautiful person.
Page 78
B. Zakhoder's poem “What is the most beautiful thing?”: for trees and grass this sunlight, for Owl, Owl and Mole - night darkness, for a wolf and a fox - a forest, for a dolphin - a sea, for a flower - a moth. Edward Uspensky. Lesson summary grade 2. Eduard Nikolaevich children's writer, author of many famous works, which served as a script for cartoons. Lives and works in Moscow. On page 78, his biography and creative activity. His most famous novels and stories are: “Crocodile Gena and his friends”, “Cheburashka”, “Adventures of friends from Prostokvashino”. Also his popular TV shows: “ABVGDeika”, “Baby Monitor” in this moment hosts the program “Ships have entered our harbor”.
Page 79
E. Uspensky's works for children of the 2nd grade. Familiar the following works: “Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat”, “Winter in Prostokvashino”, “Crocodile Gena and his friends”, “About Vera and Anfisa”, “Vacation in Prostokvashino” I would like to read: “Professor Chainikov’s lectures”, “ fur boarding school”, “25 professions of Masha Filippenko”, “Down the magic river”, “Coloboks are investigating”, “Clown School”, “Underwater berets”. To find the right book in the catalog, you need to find the section “Tales contemporary writers for children”, then “Works of Eduard Uspensky” and already there the necessary book.
Page 80
The name Cheburashka was not encrypted with some letters and numbers by the crocodile Gena. This was said by the director of the store: “He didn’t sit on the chair for a long time - he messed up again. On the floor. - Fu you, Cheburashka what! - the store manager said about him. “She can’t sit still at all!” So our animal found out that its name is Cheburashka. Public lesson reading takes place in the following sequence of events: Cheburashka lived in a box of oranges, they put him there for weight. The manager of the store gave him the name. The script for roles is described in the tab, on page 80. Here is a dialogue between Cheburashka and the store manager, during which they became friends and decided where Cheburashka would stay.
Page 81
List of books by E. Uspensky for children, based on which cartoons were made: “Cheburashka and his friends”, “Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat”, “Winter in Prostokvashino”, “Vacations in Prostokvashino”, “About Vera and Anfisk”, “Consequence lead koloboks”. E. Uspensky, If I were a girl - presentation. The story that the boy in the place of the girl would do all the household chores, wash the floor, cups, spoons and put everything in its place.
Page 82
Edward Uspensky. If I were a girl, lesson summary grade 2. A story about a funny boy loving mother taking care of her. Also here is a description of the story according to the drawing. Masha, who was bought a ticket to the camp for 18 days, received a full father's portfolio with her. In the briefcase were books, apples, oranges that were prepared for her at the time in the camp. On the way there, the girl gave everything to the neighbors on the bus. She returned back with an empty briefcase, but she managed to tan, grew up, lost weight and learned to swim. Masha's holidays were useful and very interesting.
Page 83
V. Berestov poems for children. Tassel. The following accessories must be indicated in the workbook: notebooks, textbooks, pens, pencils, diary. Brush, light, thin, airy. She spins, flies, unlike a pen that writes, flickers. Further, a description of the story from the pencil case, a conversation inside the pencil case, joy and sadness, putting things in order in it and a holiday for the inhabitants in honor of a new friend.
Page 84
Viktor Yuzefovich Dragoon stories for kids. Exhibition “He is alive and glowing” on Sadovaya big move. Denis' stories. Childhood friend. The secret becomes clear. Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky. Sequence of events in work of art V. Dragunsky “the secret becomes clear” is the following: when the boy woke up, he was alone with his mother, dad was already at work. Next comes the story of how the boy ate a large bowl of semolina. Spring mood, poems for children. There is a bright mood, fun, warming, greenery and Fresh air. Compose short story“I am glad for spring” write it down in your workbook. A story about an evil winter, the arrival of the first birds, a forest and an inspired spring. Spring is the most joyful and long-awaited time of the year after a harsh winter.
Page 85
Check yourself and evaluate your achievements, Grade 2. Humorous works for children: B. Zakhoder - What is the most beautiful thing? I. Tokmakova - Plym. V. Berestov - Tassel, G. Oster - Let's get acquainted. V. Dragunsky - the secret becomes clear. The author of the poem "If I were a girl ..." E. Uspensky, the author of the story "Good" V. Oseeva. The heroes of these works are similar in that they only dream of doing something useful, but in reality they do nothing.
Page 86
The works of the section “Literary reading” create good mood amuse, amuse, amuse. The song - the noise maker is called so because it sings about noise, and there are a lot of noisy sounds in it. Now it's easy to know humorous work and come up with a funny story.
Page 87
Literature foreign countries Grade 2, presentation of the Russian school. Exhibition "Literature of foreign countries": Tales of the peoples of the world, Tales foreign writers, literary tales foreign writers, these are G.-Kh. Andersen Thumbelina, Swineherd. Charles Perrault A gift from a fairy, Sleeping Beauty, Riquet with a tuft. V. Gauf Kalif - Stork. THIS. Hoffmann King Drozdovik, Brave little tailor. They read Rikke with a tuft, Thumbelina. I would like to read Caliph - Stork. Books can be found in the library.
Page 88
Short stories by Charles Perrault. Perrault is known to most readers as a storyteller, meanwhile he was a famous poet of his time, an academician of the French academies, the author of famous scientific papers. He was a lawyer, a lawyer. One of the most famous "Duke Bluebeard's Castle"
Page 89
The text of the fairy tale Cinderella by Charles Perrault is an exciting story. She came to literature from oral folk art. The plot of the story is interesting because ordinary girl- the worker was able to attract the prince to her and marry him. All this is solely due to spiritual qualities, beauty and diligence. The story of Cinderella is the dream of many girls deprived of high social status without wealthy parents and inheritance. Fairy tale "Puss in Boots" by Charles Perrault, acting characters: Cat, Ogre - giant, Marquis de Carabas, king, beautiful princess. On page 89 you can read how to retell this tale in a new way.
Page 90
Ann Hogard. Muffin and the Spider, a review of this tale can be found here. The page describes the meaning of the tale. Book E. Hogard Mafin and his funny friends, it simple stories which combine kindness and wisdom - exactly what the youngest children need. A book about the donkey Mafin and his friends.
Page 91
Books for an exhibition on the topic funny stories and poems for children “Tales of the Brothers Grimm”, “Basket of Fairy Tales”, “The Brothers Grimm. Tales”, “Tales collected by the Brothers Grimm”, “Cinderella”, “Red Napochka”, “ The Bremen Town Musicians”, “Mrs. blizzard”, “Boy with a finger” you can read the plan of the tale.
Page 94, 95
Final test in Literary Reading Grade 2 School of Russia Federal State Educational Standard Lyubov Voronkova. What would mom say?

Creative notebook "Literary reading" for grade 2, authors Klimanova, Koti, keeps pace with textbooks under the Perspective program. The tasks are mostly creative, and the answers must be creative - these are your own thoughts, proverbs, sayings. You can take from our GDZ on 7gurus, so as not to rummage through the Internet in search of the necessary statements.

Answers to the tasks of Koti's creative notebook for grade 2

Match the parts of the proverb:

Who reads a lot knows a lot.
A book is not red in writing, but red in mind.
From time immemorial, the book raises a person.
To live with a book - do not grieve a century
A house without a book is a day without sun.
You will lead with the book - you will gain your mind.

Remember what you learned about the books that were in antiquity. Look at the pictures and label them.

birch bark - birch bark
parchment - specially treated animal skin
wooden plank book
old book with paper pages

Solve puzzles:


Explain what an illustration is. What illustrators do you know?

A writer writes a book, an illustrator draws pictures. The editor checks everything. A printer prints a book.

My favorite illustrator is Vladimir Suteev.

Tell me about your home library.

There are many books in our house. In my room there is bookshelf. It has children's books on it. There are many fairy tales. There are Russian folk tales, there are tales of the Brothers Grimm and Andersen's tales. But most of all I like to read Volkov's book "The Wizard of the Emerald City". And when I didn't go to school yet, my mother often read V. Suteev's fairy tales to me.

Put the books in order:

Tales: Tales of the peoples of the world, Tales of Uncle Remus,
Poems: Barto, poems for children; Marshak, poems for children.
Folk art: Poems and songs of Mother Goose, Ladushki - Russian folk tales. songs, jokes

Who made the illustration for your favorite book?

What changes in nature in autumn?

The days are getting shorter.
Leaves are falling from the trees.
It's getting colder.
Migratory birds fly south.

Answer the questions (based on the work "The Gray Neck")

What did the autumn forest look like?
Answer: The forest became dark and silent.
What was the river like?
Answer: The water in the river darkened, and the banks were bare, the river itself seemed larger.
What did the sky look like?
Answer: The sky was often covered with heavy autumn clouds.
How did the birds behave?
Answer: All the birds were in great alarm.
Write out epithets and comparisons from the texts:

Even bare birches, mountain ash, alders and willows were covered with hoarfrost, like silvery fluff.
They stood covered with snow, as if they had put on a warm, expensive fur coat.

Colors of the autumn forest

Autumn has come. The leaves on the trees changed their color and turned golden. The sky often frowned, shifting gray, low clouds like eyebrows. Sometimes it rained a little. The forest still pleased with the last colors of autumn, but the birds were already gathering in flocks, preparing to fly to warmer climes. There are many mushrooms in the forest. Here and there you could see their shiny red and brown hats. At the edge of the clearing, like a fire, the mountain ash brightly reddened with scarlet clusters.

Compose your story. Title it. Don't forget to use figurative words. Underline them in the text.

Autumn in the forest

Autumn dressed up all the trees in the forest. The birch has a yellow dress, the mountain ash has red earrings.

Mushrooms are in elegant hats. Gossamer lace sparkles on the bushes.

How beautiful in the autumn forest!

We compose poems

Rhyming words:

mouse - bear, book, baby
nut-shirt, bunny, husky
river - hand, banks
guys - animals, goats, piglets
girlfriend - cheesecake, frog, pillow
kitten - duckling, kid, wolf cub
garden - treasure, fret, polysad, glad
paint - mask, putty, duckweed, weasel
cones - books, donuts, bears

Try to write a poem about friendship, about your friends
Our Masha
Likes porridge.

My friend Nina
Draws pictures for me.

Boy Petya, my friend,
Likes sweet pie.

Mikey on a T-shirt
Eared bunny.

I love my friends -
Have fun with them!

Think of the end of the story.

Answer. One day the cat fell asleep. The mouse came out of the hole and began to pull the cat's whiskers. The cat woke up, caught the mouse and ate it. Since then, mice and cats have not been friends. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - good fellows lesson.

3. Connect the parts of the name of the fairy tale:

Sister fox and wolf
Fear has big eyes
Sly Fox
Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka
Fox and crane.

4. Names of fairy tales about animals that were read in the textbook:

Sister fox and wolf
sly fox
Fox and crane

5. Two descriptions.

For the encyclopedia: Foxes live in forests and steppes. The body of the fox is very flexible, mobile, it can easily stretch when running.

For a collection of fairy tales: The fox walks quietly, bends down to the ground, as if bowing. He wears his fluffy tail carefully. He looks affectionately, smiles, shows white teeth.

6. Belarusian fairy tale"Puff" and Russian "Fear has big eyes"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Fear has big eyes", find something superfluous:

smart bunny
- The main characters of the fairy tale "Puff", find something extra:

brother Ivanushka

7. Who were the heroes afraid of in the fairy tale "Fear has big eyes": a hare
Who were the heroes afraid of in the fairy tale "Puff": a hedgehog.

8. Words from the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka". Who says the words:

Sister Alyonushka, I'll take a sip from the hoof - brother Ivanushka
The stone is heavy ... - sister Alyonushka

in life - you want to drink when it's hot
fiction: no one can turn into a goat or lie at the bottom of a pond and talk

2. Words and tongue twisters:

A quail and a quail have five quails.
Queen Clara severely punished Charles for stealing the coral.
Boron is good for beavers.
The baker was baking pies in the oven.
White sheep beat the drums.
The water carrier was carrying water from the tap.
I went to weed the fields in the field.

Some riddles about animals:

A bird, but does not fly, is not a fish, but swims (penguin).
Not a person, but walks on two legs (ostrich, chicken, etc.)
There is hay and gives milk (cow, goat).
Not a fish, but lives in the water (crocodile).

Try to write a translation of the fable: "In the desert, a man asked me: How many strawberries grow in the sea? And I think I answered him well: As many as red herrings swim in the forest.

A small man asked me:
"How many strawberries grow in the sea?"

I flicked my finger on his nose:
As many as there are fish in the forest.

Letter to a sick friend:

Hello Kolya! How do you feel? How is your health?

We missed you very much. Come soon! Natasha and Sasha say hello to you.

Get well soon!

Goodbye, your friend Misha.

Proverbs and sayings:

Friendship: All for one and one for all. strong friendship and you can't cut it with an axe. There is safety in numbers.
Mi and consent: Peace and love are the head of everything. Enmity does no good. In a harmonious herd, the wolf is not terrible.
Truth and Lies: You can't grow truth on lies. Once he lied, he became a liar forever.
Good and Evil: As it comes around, it will respond. Pay good for good. Kind words better than soft pie.

Poem "Birthday"

birthday no doubt
The best day of the year.
I read congratulations
And I'm waiting for my favorite guests.
Come quickly
I've been waiting at the door!

Story by picture

Petya came to visit Kolya. Kolya solved the problem and nothing worked for him. And Petya really wanted to go play football as soon as possible. He tried to persuade his friend, but Kolya replied that he would not go outside until he solved the problem. Petya agreed, and they began to solve the problem together.

A proverb about friendship, suitable for this story:

You can't spill strong friendship with water. One for all and all for one.

Describe Dragonfly. What advice would you give to an actor?
The dragonfly looks sad, its head is lowered. She is cold, she wraps herself in a scarf or other clothes thrown over her shoulders. There are traces of tears on her face. She speaks in a thin, mournful voice. The dragonfly barely moves.

Describe Ant. What advice would you give to an actor?
The ant is warmly dressed. He is cheerful and cheerful. He stands straight with a proud posture. The Ant speaks confidently and with irony, referring to the Dragonfly.

Text about a literary fairy tale.

Fairy tale" The Scarlet Flower"composed by the writer S. Aksakov. He used the plot of a Russian fairy tale, which he heard in childhood from his mother or grandmother. But the writer came up with some details himself.

Sergei Aksakov in his fairy tale revealed the topic sacrificial love who conquers evil. "The Scarlet Flower" is written in the traditions of Russian folk tales. There are many epithets here, the style and speech of the tale resemble the speech turns of Russian folk tales.

How does the poet describe spring and autumn?

Spring colors: white. mother-of-pearl, turquoise, pinkish.
Autumn colors: gold, red, crimson.

Page 69 Summer bouquet

In the picture we see the flowers of summer: bluebells, daisies, carnations. Although the drawing is called "Summer Bouquet", these flowers grow in a green meadow, and do not stand in a vase in a bouquet. There are pink, white, yellow flowers. Such bright fragrant buds attract bees.

Page 71 Ani's Poems:

Dear mommy!
I love you!
And memory verses
I give you!
Also, the drawing
And it has flowers
The most wonderful
The ones you love!

Proverbs and sayings about mother, family, parents:

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
A tree is supported by roots, and a person is a family.
What is the treasure, if the family is in harmony.
There is no friend like a mother.
When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.
Parental blessing does not sink on water, does not burn on fire.

Proverbs of the peoples of the region about the importance of respectful attitude of children to parents

Without a father - half an orphan, and without a mother - and the whole orphan.
The prodigal son is an early grave for the father.
You will honor your father and mother, you will learn honor from your son.
You can buy everything except your father and mother.

Woe and doom to a people whose younger ones cease to honor their elders.
Gentlemen, the old men are the first Cossacks.

Children of parents are not judges.
To raise children is not to count chickens.
Children are good - father-mother's crown; thin - the end of the father-mother.

If you don't respect your parents, no one will respect you either.
Pity your father and mother - you will not find others
Alive parents - read, died - remember.

What is the tree, such is the wedge; What is the father, such is the son.
Whoever does not listen to his mother will get into trouble.
Whoever honors his parents, his children will honor him.
He who honors his parents never perishes forever.

Mother is a shrine, no one argues with her.
The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people.
A righteous mother is a stone fence.

There are no wrong parents on earth.
You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother.
Do not neglect the advice of the elderly.
Don't hide your failures from your parents.
Not the father-mother who gave birth, but the one who made him drink, nurtured and taught good.

Father and mother are not enough for life.
To honor a father and mother is not to know grief.

Do not poke your head across the father into hell!
An obedient son of fathers does not break his back.

Honor your parents - you will not go astray from the true path.
Parental blessing does not burn in fire, does not sink in water.
The parental word is not spoken by.
Help your parents in life.

An older brother is like a second father.
The happiness of parents is the honesty and diligence of children.

Respect the old, you should be old too.
Respect for the young is a duty, respect for the elder is a duty.
If you want to succeed in something, consult three old men.

Page 76 My good deeds:

Vacuumed the carpet.
I went to the store and bought bread and milk.
Swept in the yard.
Washed the window.
She combed her little sister.
Cleaned the sink.
Picked up toys for little brother.
He took pity on his sister when she fell.

Page 77 Proverbs and sayings about kindness, good deeds

A good head feeds a hundred hands.
Wish you well, do well!
Look for good, but bad will come by itself.
Good does not change for bad.
You don’t understand good, so don’t do bad.
Good, that treasure, they are looking for, but bad is at hand.
It is good to be in joy and live in sweetness.
Good will be remembered, but famously not forgotten.
We do good - good and dreams, but we do bad - bad and dreams.
It is necessary to hurry to do good.
Good and good in a dream.
Look for good on the side, and love the house in the old days.
Kindness came to Thomas, but went between the hands.
Live well and live badly.
Good does not burn, does not sink.
Good is not dashing - it wanders quietly.
Good will not die, but evil will perish.
Goodness does not flow like a river in the world, but lives as a family.
Remember good, but forget evil.
Encourage good and condemn evil.
To do good is to amuse yourself.
Good will be good when people praise.
Kindness teaches those who listen.
Good overcomes evil.
Hold on to the good, but turn away from the bad.
Do not run good, but do not do bad.
A good person is put in a red corner.
Honor the good, but do not pity the evil.
Virtue does not harm the good.
Virtue overcomes strength.
A good deed is to speak the truth boldly.
A good deed will not go unrewarded.
A good deed is said boldly.
A good deed lives for two centuries.
A good deed does not sink in water.
Good deed is strong.

The story of how I helped my mother

Mom asked me to help her clean up the apartment. I decided to clean my room. First I vacuumed the carpet, then I washed the floor, I cleaned the shelves. There is a cage with parrots in my room. I take care of them: I clean the cage, I take care of them by playing with them. Mom was happy with my work!

Reader Questionnaire:

I read about 15-20 books a year. It was interesting to me.
My favorite book is "The Wizard of the Emerald City" by Volkov.
I can call myself a book lover, because I read a lot and love books.
Yes, I want both the school and the city children's library.

Page 74 Plan of the story by E. Charushin

Shura and Petya are alone in the dacha.
They got scared at night.
Someone's clatter at the door.
The return of dad and mom.
Hedgehog - night guest

Page 74 A story about a beloved pet "I can talk to my pet without words.

I have a cat. His name is Fluff. He loves milk. I teach him to jump through the hoop. I talk to Fluff without words. When I scratch the cat behind the ear, he understands that I love him. I love my pet very much!

If you have any questions about the GDZ, ask in the comments.

Boykin Literature Workbook Grade 2

Literary reading is undoubtedly an interesting and useful subject. Books develop thinking, erudition and simply provide an opportunity to relax with benefit. However, doing tasks from a workbook is at least pointless. It is much better to read and assimilate the material through the text than to spend precious time on solving all sorts of problems. Therefore, on the iGDZ website, to help schoolchildren and their parents, answers to the workbook on literary reading by M.V. Boykina for 2nd grade.

With the use of GDZ, more free time will appear in your life for other important things or for reading too. For the convenience of orientation, the answers on the site are placed in the original for M.V. Boykin sequence. The quality of the solution is guaranteed! It will be enough to get a good grade, and for an excellent score it is better to delve into literary work and work in class. Surely, the teacher will appreciate it much higher than the workbook.

Study literature correctly: read as much as possible. Read what you really want and enjoy life. For everything else, there is this site.

Ready tasks

When students enter the second grade, literature introduces them to terms such as rhyme and artistic description. The main themes still have a connection with fairy world, but there are often works about the homeland in which writers express emotions and feelings. Even in Russian you can find excerpts from the works of the classics. And with the solution book on literature Klimanov L.F. for the 2nd grade - literary world will become even more interesting for the child.

A brief description of the works in the Literature Reshebnik

To make it easier for parents to understand the children's homework, teachers are advised to use the gdz in literature for the 2nd grade. Collections of correct solutions help to find answers to all questions in the textbook in a few minutes. Even if the student does not understand why this answer is correct and not another, the solution contains comments designed to argue the author's thought for young readers. The manual is supplemented with vivid images depicting plot events - so the child will understand what happened in a literary work.

Using workbooks when writing homework, you will save your time twice. It is much easier and easier for a second grader to learn new topics with their parents than with a teacher and a group of classmates. With a competent approach, the student learns to independently check homework, and this will definitely come in handy in further studies.

The ideal time to instill in your child a love of reading books is second grade. There are many exciting and useful aids for him, thanks to which he will learn to read and speak. It is not necessary to remove new textbooks from the program that a second-grader must study.

Such workbooks will not completely engage the student's parents or they will not have free time for this. And in order to check whether the child has read the textbook or not, use a brief literature solution for Klimanov’s 2nd grade, thanks to which parents will discuss the book in detail and help the child refresh the literary work they just read in their memory.

Gdz to a workbook on literature for grade 2 Klimanov comes to the aid of every student. No need to pore over homework and suffer from monotonous reading of textbooks, just use an online source. Here you can get acquainted with the necessary tasks, and then be content with high marks.

Benefits of using a Literature Resource Book

With a unique viewing experience short description any work from the school list, students will be able to quickly and efficiently do the exercise. Comfortable navigation, full list writers will help with this. There is no need to read boring books, to study the biography of writers.

Not every student can spend a lot of time reading textbooks or learning the Russian language. Sometimes there is not enough time, and this contributes to low academic performance. Today it is easy to solve such a problem with the help of a unique literature solution for Klimanov's 2nd grade.

Advantages of using gdz in literature:

  • The use of GZ saves time. A student can download gdz with ready-made solutions on the site.
  • The opportunity to study a huge number of works, thereby increasing academic performance.
  • The correct presentation of the material in the manual, which contributes to the development of analytical thinking in the student.

Thus, using gdz online or book version is very convenient and efficient. The main thing is to correctly apply a collection of ready-made homework assignments. Then the knowledge will be complete, and the tasks and goals will be achieved at the maximum level.

Ready tasks

Literature is a fascinating, engaging and rewarding discipline. Books develop the brain, erudition and allow you to relax with benefit. But doing tasks from a workbook is stupid. It is much more productive to read a story and absorb it than to spend time writing exercises. Therefore, on the site, everyone will find verified answers to the workbook on literature for grade 2 by Boykina M.V. With the use of a collection of ready-made answers, the student will have more free time for other activities.

To make it easier to navigate, the answers on the site are arranged in sequential order. The quality of the exercises performed is guaranteed. If the student wants to get a satisfactory mark, he can present the finished homework to the teacher, and for a high mark you will need to read literary text and work in class. Each teacher will appreciate this, than just the work done in the workbook. It is enough for children to get acquainted with literature correctly - to read more and enjoy it.

What does the GDZ in literature consist of?

The Literature Resource Book for Grade 2 consists of ready-made answers to questions from the main textbook. This is an amazing discipline, filled with the richness of the Russian language. Students will not only plunge into the world of creativity, but also acquire skills literary analysis, correct reading, will begin to work with the story. Some exercises are creative, others are able to consolidate the theory, others imply difficulties in execution. In order not to get into trouble, the solution to the workbook on literature will help out in any situation.

This manual is used for writing homework and preparing for schoolwork to quickly understand the questions that the teacher asks. The solution book for grade 2 in this discipline has a comfortable structure, which indicates the page numbers of the main textbook with questions and assignments.

Almost every parent wants their child to love reading, but not everyone succeeds in instilling such a desire in him. Adults choose the wrong tools designed for children of a particular age, or do not know how to properly entice a child. In this case, the main Toolkit and a solution book for grade 2 will help adults choose exciting exercises before and after reading a story. You can read texts aloud and work on them, because this is a great way to spend time together.

Literature textbooks with ready-made answers should not play the role of mechanical cheating. It is necessary to treat each exercise with enthusiasm and convey interest and enthusiasm to a small student who is just beginning to create a personal attitude to the school process. AT primary school young children are taught wisdom literary reading. Fairy tales, fables, sayings - all this mandatory minimum school program.

At the same time, it is right that children are required to have specific knowledge that they should have after the material covered in the lesson. This guide contains proven answers to different questions from the textbook, so if the child is behind classmates, parents can always act as a tutor and help them understand new topics.

Benefits of gdz

The solution to the workbook on literature is in demand educational material among schoolchildren. You just need to flip through the pages and find the right exercise. Parents can use this allowance to check their children's homework.

Proven solutions will help eliminate the need to spend time preparing homework, gives you the right to choose where you can spend free time. The literature guide gives the student the opportunity to find a hidden talent, unique features character or individual skills. A collection of gdz allows you to raise the intellectual level and achieve life goals.

Benefits of using gdz for literary reading:

  • Availability of information.
  • Getting reasoned answers in a short time.
  • Verified answers by qualified authors and methodologists.
  • Brief summaries of stories read.

In order for a literature lesson to bear tangible results, it is necessary to carefully practice.

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