Foods with GI below 50. Foods with a high glycemic index


Eating the right foods affects the vital functions of the body. Nutrition should save life, not harm. Therefore, it is important to understand the products and know their glycemic index. Understanding the harm of sugar, you can protect yourself from excess weight and diseases such as diabetes.

It is well known that sugar, namely pure glucose, is the enemy of the figure. And this is true, because sugar is a high-calorie and easily digestible product. Many people know that when losing weight, it is necessary to give up sweets.

But not everyone understands that each product affects the increase in blood sugar in its own way. So eating fruit all day wonder why excess weight doesn't leave. It's all about the glycemic index of foods. Let's figure out what it is and how to choose the right products.

Glycemic index and its role in nutrition

The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of the effect of foods on raising blood glucose. The higher the index of the product, the more the sugar rises. Eating foods with a high index, there is an increase in excess body weight.

GI is increased in foods containing simple carbohydrates. What does this indicator give us and why is it needed? From ignorance of the glucose indices of the foods consumed, you can gain extra pounds, even from harmless foods that are allowed with proper nutrition.

It is believed that it is right to make a light snack with fruit to kill hunger. But it is worth paying attention to the GI of a banana, as everything becomes clear. This fruit has a high GI, so its effect on increasing sugar leads to the deposition of fat in problem areas.

Therefore, it is better to pay attention to the table of products with a low index and choose for a snack, for example, an apple.

The right choice will not harm the figure. And also when sugar enters the body, the hormone insulin is produced, which lowers the concentration of glucose in the blood.

Impaired insulin secretion can lead to diabetes mellitus. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the GI not only for harmony, but also for health.

Foods with a low glycemic index

It is they who must be chosen, especially if you want to lose weight. Foods that have a low glycemic index are considered proper (healthy) carbohydrates. They are suitable for a low glycemic diet.

Over time, with a high glycemic diet, insulin can no longer cope with a high concentration of sugar in the blood. In the future, this can lead to excess weight and even diabetes.

Even a healthy body needs to keep sugar levels normal. If excess weight is already present, eating low-sugar foods is especially beneficial. The higher the GI, the faster the sugar will be absorbed.

If the body has nothing to spend the energy received, sugar will be stored in the form of fat. But do not forget that a large number of foods consumed, even with a low GI, leads to the accumulation of fat.

Low glycemic diet for diabetes and weight loss

Diet low glycemic index products is indicated for weight loss and diabetes mellitus of mild and moderate. Its goal is to tightly control the level of sugar and carbohydrates in the diet. Only low-glycemic carbohydrates are suitable for the diet.

The diet must be observed constantly, otherwise, the disease develops due to an increase in blood sugar, as well as an increase in excess body weight. Such nutrition must be adhered to constantly and taken as a lifestyle. Be sure to see a doctor who will monitor the diet.

The following foods are allowed on a low glycemic diet for diabetics and for weight loss:

  • containing low GI;
  • animal origin low in fat (meat, fish, dairy products) and bad cholesterol;
  • broths cooked two or three times;
  • baked or boiled dishes;
  • low GI vegetable and fruit juices;
  • no more than 2 egg yolks per day;
  • tea and coffee with milk;
  • honey is allowed in small quantities;
  • cooking is allowed with a small amount of vegetable unrefined fats and butter (no more than 40 g).

Prohibited products:

  • containing sugar and high GI;
  • alcohol;
  • fatty meat and broths;
  • semi-finished products and canned food;
  • confectionery, pastries;
  • spicy and salty snacks;
  • smoked products, spices;
  • marinades;
  • sweet fruits and dried fruits with a high GI.

Rules for a low glycemic diet:

Sample low glycemic diet menu

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5
Breakfast Omelet from two eggs, tea Brown rice, coffee with milk Buckwheat with vegetables, green tea Oatmeal with fruits, coffee with milk Low-fat cottage cheese, tea
Apple low fat yogurt Ryazhenka nuts Orange fresh
Dinner Baked chicken fillet Vegetable ragout Vegetable puree soup Steamed fish cakes, vegetables Fish soup
afternoon tea Low-fat cottage cheese with nuts A fresh vegetable salad Kefir Steamed vegetables Grapefruit
Dinner Baked fish with vegetables Steam chicken cutlets Meat and stewed vegetables Seafood salad Boiled beef with cauliflower

Low glycemic index food table

Name GI
Vegetables and greens
Avocado 10
Zucchini 15
Cauliflower and white 15
Radish 15
Cucumber 20
Pepper 15
Celery 15
Tomatoes 10
Carrot 35
eggplant 20
Onion 10
lettuce leaf 9
Dill 15
Tomato juice 33
Garlic 30
Fruits and dried fruits
Strawberry 32
strawberries 25
red currant berries 25
Apples 30
raspberries 25
Cherries 22
tangerines 30
passion fruit 30
Blueberry 30
Cowberry berries 25
Pears 30
Grapefruit 22
apricots 20
Peaches 30
Pomegranate 25
Nectarine 34
plums 22
Quince 35
oranges 35
prunes 25
Dried apricots 30
Cereals and pasta
Bran 15
Wild rice 35
Pasta 40
Buckwheat 40
Legumes, mushrooms and soy
Soya 15
Beans 25
green lentils 25
Lentil brown 30
Green peas 35
Mushrooms 15
Dairy products
Cheese Tofu 15
Yogurt 35
Cottage cheese 30
Milk 27
bitter chocolate 30

Average glycemic index

These products are suitable for healthy person without metabolic disturbance. A good metabolism quickly breaks down the received substances and does not store them in fat, of course, in moderation.

Foods with an average GI are more suitable for securing and maintaining a normal weight. If there is an excess of mass, it is better to refuse such products. An average GI is considered to be over 40 to 70.

List of foods with a GI of 45:

  • Orange fresh;
  • grape;
  • coconut;
  • grapefruit juice;
  • basmati rice.

  • apple, pineapple, cranberry juice;
  • persimmon;
  • mango;
  • kiwi;
  • brown brown rice.

  • bulgur;
  • spaghetti;
  • sweet potato;
  • grape juice.
  • papaya.

  • banana;
  • oatmeal;
  • melon;
  • lasagna;
  • germinated wheat;
  • cocoa.

  • sorbent;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • canned pineapple;
  • muesli;
  • marmalade;
  • black bread;
  • boiled beets;
  • canned vegetables;
  • Wheat flour.

High GI Foods - Prohibited

They are often referred to as simple carbohydrates. By provoking a strong reaction to the intake of glucose in large quantities, the body stores the energy received in the fat depot.

When losing weight and maintaining a stable weight, such products are contraindicated. Moreover, they are harmful and do not carry any benefit.

Carbohydrates in their pure form not only contribute to the deposition of fat, but also slow down metabolism over time. The GI index of such carbohydrates is over 70. Foods that are prohibited when losing weight:

  • cereals that do not contain fiber (semolina, millet, White rice, couscous, barley);
  • flour and confectionery products (white bread, long loaf, noodles, croissant, cake, rolls, milk chocolate, donuts, crackers);
  • sugar (glucose);
  • carbonated and sweet drinks (cola, beer);
  • containing starch: potatoes in any form;
  • watermelon, pumpkin, boiled carrots, rutabagas, dates;


The glycemic index of foods is a serious indicator that should not be neglected. Thanks to him, you can learn which foods increase blood sugar and how to handle them correctly.

proper nutrition, active image life will help to avoid the accumulation of excess fat and prevent disease.

But you should not eat only lettuce leaves around the clock. It is enough to choose the right products with low GI, as well as cook correctly.

Remember, lack of glucose can lead to low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Do not deny yourself sweets, but do it right, everything needs a measure. Keep track of nutrition, weight and health.

Many more additional information about the glycemic index of products is in this video.

In contact with

High glycemic foods contribute not only to obesity, but to the development serious illnesses. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to limit the diet, excluding certain types of dishes from it. Studies have shown that the list of harmful products is small - it will vary depending on a number of things.

What is high GI and how does it affect the body

In general, they are safe for health, and some are even designed to combat diabetes. Only it has too high indices of the index.

Any instant porridge is dangerous for healthy eating not only because it contains no useful substances. After eating muesli, extras or any other "five-minute" sugar level instantly increases. For comparison, the average GI of regular cereals is 35-50, while for fast cereals it is 69-85.

Undesirable for consumption cereals are those that contain starch. However, do not immediately exclude from the diet. Only short-grain white rice is considered dangerous, while brown and long-grain white rice can be consumed without worrying about health.

Any cereals made from processed wheat (couscous,), as well as dishes based on it, also increase sugar levels.

In the process of cooking, vegetables, fruits and berries are partially or completely deprived of fiber. Therefore, the GI of juice increases significantly, despite the presence of fructose. For comparison, the GI of orange juice is 65, grape juice is 55, and the GI of fresh juice is 35 and 45, respectively. Canned juices are considered especially dangerous, not only because of the presence of preservatives, but also due to the addition of sweeteners.

Sugar in any form (white, brown) has an above average GI.

Table of foods with a high glycemic index

Products GI
Sweet buns95
Potatoes in the oven95
rice noodles92
canned apricots91
sticky rice90
Buns for hamburgers85
, turnip85
Mashed potatoes83
Chocolate bars70
Milk chocolate70
Potato chips70
Noodles (soft wheat varieties)70
Millet, sorghum70

Application for weight loss

Every year, various ones come into fashion, but not all of them have a positive effect on the health of a person who is losing weight. Any dietary restrictions lead to even greater problems. However, the diet, which lacks highly rated foods, appeals to nutritionists, doctors, and those who decide to follow it.

The diet is based on foods with a low GI value. Eating them slowly releases sugar, providing the body with a constant supply of energy, keeping you feeling full for longer. Thanks to this, the desire to eat disappears.

In contrast, foods with a high index cause a rapid release of energy, but for a short time, while glucose levels rise, there is a feeling of lack of energy, and the feeling of hunger returns again soon. If this action is repeated from time to time, then, probably, the consequence of constant overeating will be overweight.

daily rate

Unlike most diets that encourage you to consume fewer carbohydrates, a low glycemic diet promotes the consumption of foods rich in nutrients.

Since our body requires energy to maintain the functioning of the brain and other important organs, it is impossible to refuse the use of carbohydrate-containing foods. Average daily rate - 1800 kcal, and the average rate of carbohydrates - 250-300 g.

Based on these figures, it follows that foods with a high index cannot be completely excluded, otherwise you will have to draw calories from fat-containing foods.

Interoperability and Compatibility

If a favorite product is on the list of undesirables, this does not mean that you have to give it up forever. It is enough to dilute carbohydrate-containing foods with fats and fiber to minimize the harm of sugar.

When proteins and fats enter the dishes, the effect of carbohydrate foods is reduced to zero. This happens because the combination of products with a different index slows down the speed with which our body produces sugar.

What can replace

You can reduce sugar jumps to a minimum, lose weight and normalize health by replacing a diet of foods with a high glucose rating with or at least with an average one. Accordingly, preference should be given slow carbohydrates.

If you refuse harmful products, both in their pure form and as part of various dishes, then food will become a source of healing and restoring the body. At first it seems that changing eating habits is difficult, but in fact, many were satisfied with such a diet.

Which high-index foods are you willing to give up, and which are you not? Why? Share your thoughts and experiences on

Dieters and diabetics are aware that high glycemic foods, of which there is a long list, increase glucose levels and lead to weight gain.

The glycemic index, along with caloric content, has a direct impact on the processes of weight loss and obesity. An interesting fact is that a high-calorie product can have a low glycemic index, and vice versa. Therefore, it is important to understand which foods can be consumed, and which ones are better to refuse.

What is the glycemic index?

Today, the counters of local markets and supermarket shelves beckon with an abundance of all kinds of products. But until today, few people thought about their usefulness.

It is known that all products are divided into two types - animal and vegetable origin. In addition, each of us at least once in our lives heard about the usefulness of proteins and the dangers of an excess of carbohydrates, especially for patients with diabetes.

Each carbohydrate-containing product, ending up in the human body, has a different breakdown rate. That is why the glycemic index (GI) is used to refer to the rate at which foods containing carbohydrates are broken down compared to the rate at which glucose is broken down. It should be noted that its glycemic index is considered a standard and is equal to 100 units. Foods with a high glycemic index break down fairly quickly, with a low index - for a long time.

Nutritionists classify carbohydrate-containing foods into high, low, and medium GI groups. Foods that have a high glycemic index are complex or slow carbohydrates, while foods that have a low glycemic index are fast or empty carbohydrates.

GI is the ratio of the area of ​​the studied carbohydrate to the area of ​​the glucose triangle in percentage terms. To simplify its application, a calculation scale was introduced consisting of one hundred units (0 - no carbohydrates, 100 - the presence of pure glucose).

In humans, due to the feeling of satiety or the intake of high-calorie foods, the GI may change. Factors affecting the value of this indicator can be:

  1. Type and grade of products.
  2. Food processing.
  3. type of processing.
  4. Recipe.

The history of the discovery of the glycemic index is associated with the Canadian doctor David Jenkinson. In 1981, he calculated the GI and compiled a list of foods that were allowed to be taken by patients diagnosed with diabetes. Since that time, many other tests have been carried out, which have helped to create a new classification based on a quantitative indicator of GI.

This is what influenced the change in approach to the nutritional value of products.

How does GI affect the human body?

The impact of the glycemic index on the human body is determined by the level of carbohydrates that food contains. Conventionally, the group with a low carbohydrate content includes products with a GI of 10 to 40 units, with an average content of 40 to 70 units, and with a high content of more than 70 units.

A high GI meal dramatically increases the concentration of sugar, which in turn leads to an increase in speed. metabolic processes. At the same time, insulin (sugar-lowering hormone) distributes excess glucose evenly throughout all tissue structures of the body. As a result, this entails an increase in appetite and an overflow of the stomach. A person takes food more often, which negatively affects the work of all internal organs. After all, insulin is a hormone that promotes the accumulation of fat reserves, which is necessary in case of a lack of energy in the body. In the end, malnutrition leads to the accumulation of excess kilograms. Obesity is a friend of diabetes. The second type of disease often occurs when the patient is overweight.

The benefits of low glycemic foods are priceless. A low GI has a beneficial effect on the human body, as it quickly saturates it and improves metabolism. There is no overeating. A fresh fruit or vegetable not only has the lowest glycemic index, but also a lot of vitamins, micro-, macroelements and other useful components. We must not forget that some low GI foods can be very high in calories, so their constant use is also undesirable.

It is very important to adhere balanced nutrition, which would help slow down the metabolic process and reduce appetite.

This will prevent the development of many unwanted diseases.

Glycemic index - tables

For convenience, a table of products was compiled, grouped by the rate of carbohydrate breakdown.

Actual values ​​may vary because the data in the tables is an average.

The indicators given in the tables can be a guideline when compiling a diet.

The following foods have a high glycemic index:

  • 100 - white bread;
  • 95 - muffin products, pancakes, baked potatoes, rice noodles, canned apricots;
  • 90 - honey, instant rice;
  • 85 - instant cereals, corn flakes, boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, carrots after heat treatment;
  • 80 - muesli with raisins and nuts;
  • 75 - sweet pastries, watermelons, melons, pumpkin, rice porridge cooked in milk;
  • 70 - millet, semolina, couscous, white rice, dumplings, chocolate bars, pineapple, potato chips, milk chocolate, soft wheat noodles, sweet drinks (Coca-Cola, Fanta, Pepsi, etc.)
  • 65 - orange juice in a bag, jam, jam, wheat flour, black yeast bread, canned vegetables, jacket potatoes, raisins, rye bread, marmalade, macaroni and cheese;
  • 60 - banana, buckwheat, oatmeal, ice cream, thin-crust pizza with tomatoes and cheese, mayonnaise, long-grain rice;
  • 55 - spaghetti, shortbread, ketchup, canned peaches, grapes and grape juice;
  • 50 - buckwheat (green), basmati rice, mango, sweet potato, sugar-free apple juice, brown rice (unrefined), orange, sugar-free cranberry juice;
  • 45 - coconut, whole grain toast, grapefruit;
  • 40 - dried apricots, prunes, sugar-free carrot juice, dried figs, al dente pasta, prunes;
  • 35 - pearl barley, fresh tomato, fresh quince, apple, black rice, brown and yellow lentils, fat-free cottage cheese, green beans, apricot, pomegranate, plum, peach, nectarine, natural low-fat yogurt, blueberries, dark chocolate, milk, passion fruit, cranberries, blueberries, tangerines;
  • 25 - cherries, blackberries, golden beans, red currants, strawberries, gooseberries, wild strawberries, red and green lentils, soy flour, pumpkin seeds, raspberries;
  • 20 - artichoke, soy yogurt, eggplant;
  • 15 - bran, celery, cucumber, almonds, broccoli, cabbage, asparagus, onions, mushrooms, ginger, walnuts, hazelnuts, zucchini, pistachios, pine nuts, pesto, leeks, chili peppers, Brussels sprouts, soybeans;
  • 10 - leaf lettuce, avocado;
  • 5 - cinnamon, basil, parsley, vanillin, oregano.

In order not to disrupt metabolism, you can not abuse food with a high GI value. It is allowed to consume only after grueling workouts.

High and low GI - benefits and harms

Some people mistakenly believe that high glycemic carbohydrates should not be consumed at all. As they say, everything is useful in moderation. For example, the intake of foods with a high glycemic index is necessary after severe physical activity. Exhausting workouts require a large number energy and strength. Carbohydrate-containing food will help restore the spent energy. In such cases, concern about the harm of foods with a high GI is in vain.

However, constantly consumed high-glycemic foods are dangerous, as they lead to disastrous consequences. Excess body weight and high concentration of glucose lead to the development of "sweet sickness" and pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Not surprisingly, these diseases are among the leading causes of death on the planet.

Products with a low glycemic index for diabetics, as well as for people who care about their figure, as a rule, undergo minimal processing or purification. Fresh fruits and vegetables, which contain a lot of natural fiber, are most beneficial. The list of such products also includes legumes, whole grains and skim milk.

The basis of some diets is the combination of products containing protein and low GI. By following this diet, you can get rid of extra pounds. And this, in turn, will prevent high level sugar and diabetes.

Low Glycemic Diet Basics

The foods included in this diet are low in GI. They saturate the human body, preventing the occurrence of hunger. A person who has weight problems or diabetes should try this diet. Perhaps this food will help restore its previous form or normalize blood sugar.

The following sample menu for a week is a guide for those who are seriously thinking about sticking to a low glycemic diet. In general, the daily calorie content is 1500 kcal. The diet must be present.

For breakfast, you can cook oatmeal in the water by adding steamed raisins to it. It is also recommended to drink a glass of skimmed milk and eat an apple, preferably green, as it contains less sugar and the GI is much lower.

For dinner, cereal soup is prepared, with it it is allowed to eat two slices of rye bread. After a while, you can have a snack with plums.

For dinner, durum wheat pasta is prepared, and a piece of beef is also boiled. You can also prepare a salad of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs and serve low-fat natural yogurt.

You can diversify your diet with foods presented in the table as a group with a low glycemic index. Thus, a maximum of 1 kg can be lost per week.

During the observance of special nutrition, you will have to forget about confectionery, semi-finished products, ready meals, butter bread and instant food. Special meaning you need to give a full breakfast, for which you need to cook barley, buckwheat or oatmeal. You will also have to give up potatoes in any form. By following this diet, you can achieve really good results, besides, it has many advantages:

  1. In the diet, you can leave the usual dishes, changing the choice of products a little.
  2. There is a gradual decrease in weight, which does not cause a “stress state” in the body.
  3. The cost of such a diet is quite small, because it does not require special products.
  4. Such nutrition does not cause any discomfort or side effects.
  5. The diet saturates the body, after a full meal you don’t want to “eat” something.
  6. This food is perfect for vegetarians.

Among the adherents of a low-glycemic diet, there are also people who practice the Chinese diet and the Montignac nutrition system.

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