The concept of rational and balanced nutrition. Nutritional balance. Balanced Diet


Many women and men face the problem of being overweight. In an attempt to achieve ideal forms, people often use the most different ways Starting from diets and ending with a complete rejection of food. But sometimes this gives the opposite results - the mass not only does not decrease, but, on the contrary, grows even more. Balanced diet for weight loss - that's what nutritionists recommend today for an effective and healthy solution to the problem of excess body weight.

Replace grilled meats and also change the way other foods are prepared. Avoid frying or even cooking with a lot of oil, instead opt for grilling, baking or steaming. There are no bad foods, just combine them and eat in a balanced way.

Variety is very important. Include lots of flowers in your healthy diet because the pigments are rich in phytonutrients and make food look more attractive. Includes fresh salmon, sardines and tuna. These foods are rich in such important nutrients that help prevent heart disease.

What is a balanced diet and how it can help you lose weight

Proper nutrition for weight loss is an example of a diet that is not only effective, but also safe. With her, the optimal daily calorie content of food is 1200 kilocalories. For those who are actively engaged in physical activity, the figure rises to 1600 kcal. It is important to remember that this increase should be done solely at the expense of what is eaten in the morning.

A food is considered high in fiber when it contains five grams or more of it per serving. Some high-fiber foods: Cereal flour, wheat germ, passion fruit, cabbage, sesame seeds, guava, peas, and fava. The vast majority of the population consumes much more salt than they should, and this is a very important factor in the development of arterial hypertension, which, in turn, is one of the main risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, avoid canned foods, seasonings and sauces, prepare instant noodles and replace salt with healthier ones.

Benefit for health

A balanced diet for women to lose weight is indispensable for reducing the risk of diseases such as atherosclerosis and cancer. It also protects against stroke.

Rules and menu

The diet for weight loss is based on a number of rules that must be followed strictly. The most important of them:

Use more fresh and dried herbs, peppers, onions and give more flavor to food. A healthy diet contributes greatly to the maintenance of human health and well-being. On the one hand, the choice of healthy food and the right amount contributes to physical health, on the other hand, food can also be pleasant experience and has a positive effect on psychological and mental well-being.

It's never too late to start healthy habits. Given these basic principles, it will be easier to be able to properly feed and improve the quality of life, it is important not to fall into temptations and not give up, after a while you will notice improvements that occur. General principles healthy eating on which a healthy diet depends on a balanced diet? Recognize the importance of food as a source of energy and matter for the creation of the body and the values ​​associated with food and health. Provide an overview of the importance of getting the nutrients we need and how a nutritional diet is needed to meet our nutritional needs. Show that in different parts the world is observed typical picture nutrition, which guarantees diversity and respect for the food culture of peoples. Discuss the diet of athletes and their relationship to sports. . Food, cultural values and health.

  1. Balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Nutritionists have even developed a "golden formula": 1:2:3. Percentage daily healthy man should eat from 50 to 60% carbohydrates, 25-30% fats, 10-15% proteins. It also matters what will serve as the source of these substances.
  2. Rule 25-50-25. The first number is the percentage of calories eaten for breakfast, the second is how many are for lunch, and the third, respectively, demonstrates the energy value of dinner.
  3. Strict calorie counting. For many, this rule of a balanced diet for weight loss scares and even forces them to abandon it. In fact, if one carefully examines energy value products, as well as carefully read the labels of goods, there will be no difficulties.
  4. Drinking enough water. To calculate, use this formula - multiply the mass in kilograms by 30 ml. The resulting figure is the volume of fluid recommended for each woman.
  5. Regular physical exercise. It's best to go to the gym in the afternoon, about two to three hours before your last meal.

Three basic principles

Losing weight without harm to health is quite possible. Proper nutrition for weight loss is extremely important. There are three main principles used in the preparation of the menu.

Catolins, copies of reference texts, food packaging. Introduction Food habits are important aspect in establishing differences and cultural similarities between peoples. This pattern is related to ecological and economic resources as well as nutrients. The constancy of certain eating habits is cultural, recognizable and passed on in families and communities, a medium that today receives a lot of influence from the media and the agro-industry.

In terms of science, the study of this topic can be done so that students understand what are the main functions of food and how important foods are for good health, human growth and development. But this inherent cultural burden is also a good opportunity to convey to children the message - and practice - of respect for diversity. In addition to cultural foundations, people's eating habits follow ecological and economic conditions, which can also be approached through comparisons.

Principle 1. Rhythm

Oddly enough, but in order to lose weight, you need to eat regularly, with a break of 2.5-3.5 hours. If you eat less often, for example, after four hours, the body will reduce the metabolic rate and at the same time increase appetite.

In this lesson plan, we will invite students to know a country with different eating habits from ours: India. To understand this comparison, it is important to first develop the concept of nutrition as a means of providing energy and nutrients and assisting in human development and growth. Let's then learn what a healthy diet is, starting with the study of our food culture.

First Three Classes Bring the students together on the big wheel and think about the importance of food. Affirm that at all times our body needs energy to walk, run, talk, even learn to sleep. And raise the following questions: Where does this energy come from? What happens if we eat poorly? What does it mean to feed well or badly?

Principle 2. Moderation

The correct serving size is 190-400 g (depending on the content and calorie content). The correct menu for weight loss menu is built in strict accordance with this principle.

Principle 3. Rationality

Products that make up the optimal menu for weight loss should be chosen very carefully. It is recommended to include foods low in calories, rich in fiber and fiber in the diet.

Organize a list of foods that the class considers healthy and unhealthy, and then invite students to explore the topic of healthy eating. The study should be done in groups and finally presented in a panel containing 10 class recommendations for a healthy diet. Orient the research by providing the group with references, such as those suggested in the bibliography and in the list of sites on the topic.

Ask students to bring containers of foods consumed at home to read the nutritional formula, usually printed on labels, in the next class. Pay attention to the types of nutrients that appear, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, as well as the amount of water. Show that volumes vary by food.

From this principle, you can derive rules that will help you make recipes for weight loss:

  • high content of vegetables and fruits;
  • preference should be given to those varieties of meat, fish, seafood that have a minimum of fat;
  • milk, butter, cheeses, kefir, yogurt should have a low percentage of fat content;
  • the use of juices (vegetable, fruit), mineral water without gases.

As for eggs, they are allowed to be consumed, but not more than three times a week. The same goes for sweets. Strictly prohibited:

And when the product is not packaged, how can we know its composition? To know the composition of a food in nature, such as a banana, refer students to research in encyclopedias, books, or the Internet. Bibliographic suggestions at the bottom of the page. Learn the spontaneous knowledge of this class from the family food culture. Ask, for example, which families consider it important to eat: eat vegetables and fruits, drink water or juices, avoid fats?

Record your results for future comparisons. Bring students together and present new questions to continue the study. What are they for and why do they need nutrients? Do they all need? Can a deficiency or excess of one of them lead to health problems? Is the way food is stored for consumption important?

  • semi-finished meat products - sausages, sausages;
  • ready-made salad dressings, mayonnaises;
  • black tea, coffee, carbonated sweet drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • canned food;
  • fried and spicy foods.

Strict adherence to the rules and the rejection of these products guarantee a stable weight loss. Moreover, the result will be fixed.

Discuss the above issues, arranging the time according to the students' knowledge and needs. If possible, register this knowledge so that you can test some of the concept changes. Distribute the information sheet. What foods provide us, on the function of nutrients. Ask the teams to review general nutritional information, including energy sources: carbohydrates and fats. This group is directly related to the diet of athletes, but you can also extend the study to other groups.

If possible, organize a poster of "appetizing" images. Set transparency with foods belonging to this group and discuss the listed nutrients. Have students make a list of what they eat on a typical day and see if they differ in what they need to get all the nutrients. Do the products you consume contain protein, vitamin A and iron? If not, what can be added to the diet to get them?

How to make a diet

Slimming is hard way, filled with a large number of restrictions and prohibitions. Therefore, it is better to draw up a menu of proper balanced nutrition at first, based on the table.

Breakfast Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
Monday Salad Soup, salad Sour milk drink/product, fruit Fritters
Tuesday Bread, butter, tea Salad, potatoes (boiled) Tea with milk, jam Garnish, meat dish, compote
Wednesday Baked goods, tea Soup, tea without sugar Fruits vegetables Salad, vegetables, juice
Thursday Salad Juice, eggs, salad Tea, chocolate Salad, cheese, diet bread
Friday Baked goods, tea Lettuce, starchy vegetable Nuts, dried fruits Buckwheat porridge with onions
Saturday Raw vegetable, cheese/brynza Lean meat, stewed vegetables, salad Fruits Braised zucchini and tomatoes
Sunday Baked goods, tea Lettuce, starchy vegetable Dried fruits Vegetable, fish

From these products, the optimal menu for the week is compiled. If desired, it is easy to edit it, making adjustments from the allowed nutrients. Making the right diet for weight loss for a month is easy if you focus on the example of a weekly course.

Offer pedagogical coordination work on approximation between merandeyrs or those in charge of the school cafeteria. Have them talk about the foods they have prepared and have the students accept suggestions for what they would like to eat. This closure could be the perfect menu for the school.

Fourth grade India - different customs, different dishes. Present students with images of tables created with dishes or foodstuffs typical of different regions peace. Observe the images showing different combinations. Highlight the picture of Indian cuisine and ask students if they know any of the ingredients used. Ask the group what impression they have of the recipe. Explain to the class that people all over the world have different ways of eating, but there is always a combination with a staple food such as rice, wheat, cassava.

As you know, there are four main groups of nutrients: squirrels, fats, carbohydrates And cellulose.

Of these, proteins and fats, which are necessary for the regeneration of cells and tissues, are of particular importance. Without these substances, neither the growth of cells of hair, nails, bones and other tissues, nor the synthesis of the most important hormones and enzymes, without which the human body could not exist, is impossible.

To do this, they add a small number of accompaniments. Grade 5 Athlete Nutrition We know that athletes maintain strict food control. Every day the scientific knowledge about the role of nutrition in sports performance and in the biotype that each modality requires is increasing. After working on the main aspects of good nutrition and the importance of eating habits, enter a question about the nutrition of a person who has a normal routine and those who practice a lot of physical activity.

When you exercise, is the food the same as everyday food? Do athletes have a differentiated diet? What factors should be considered in an athlete's diet? Show two pictures of Olympic athletes. Discuss with students how food can positively or negatively affect an athlete's performance. Therefore, he needs guidance not only to improve his abilities, but also to ensure good health in the long run. When designing a diet for an athlete, several factors need to be taken into account, such as the type of sport, age, gender, cultural background, climate, average temperature and altitude of the place where he lives and trains, and where he goes, their socio-economic conditions and individual factors.

Proteins: They form the basis of many tissues of the body, regulate the water-salt balance and are the structural units of the body's defenses against infections. Milk, cheese, yogurt, meat, poultry, fish, eggs. Beans, peas and nuts, grains, nut butter.

Fats: They are a concentrated source of energy that is stored in the body long time. Nuts, nut butter, whole milk, yogurt, cheese, meat, fish, poultry, eggs, olives. Vegetable oils, margarine, butter, mayonnaise.

Thus, one cannot talk about the diet of the sport, but about the diet of each athlete. Thus, the basic principles of proper nutrition for an athlete are related to meeting the needs for energy and plasticity through adequate provision of the components of all food groups and the correct distribution of these products through training, competition and recovery diets. In conclusion, it is always good to remind students that sport is important, but what you need to know about proper nutrition. See what the expert says.

The food wheel is the most iconic symbol of food education in Portugal. During this period, our Wheel has witnessed the coming and going of food pyramids, the rise of new myths, the deification of dark chocolate, death by decree of milk, and the resumption of protein consumption. Yet serenely, this nutritional guide continues to celebrate the principles of Mediterranean cuisine that are at the heart of the longevity of Mediterranean populations of the 60s studied by Ansel Case.

Carbohydrates: primarily a source of energy, fuel for the body. They form energy that the body easily absorbs; increase the amount of fiber and thus help to remove waste products. Cereals: wheat, rice, buckwheat, oats, millet. Vegetables: potatoes, dried beans and green peas, corn, pumpkin, spinach.

Fruits: apples, bananas, oranges, pears. Sweets: honey, jam, jam.

Non-starchy vegetables are a source of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Mineral salts: They regulate many body functions, build and renew bones, teeth, blood and tissues. Found in all foods, but the types of minerals and amounts vary.

Vitamins: Participate in metabolism; are intermediate components of biochemical reactions. Contained in all foods, but the types of vitamins and their amounts are different.

The ability of the body to use carbohydrates from food depends on the ratio of insulin and glucagon levels, two main pancreatic hormones that regulate the distribution of nutrients in the body.

Glucagon A hormone that causes the liver to release sugar (glucose), which increases the level of glucose in the blood that reaches the brain and body cells. In addition, glucagon causes cells to release fat (to be used as energy) and proteins (to be used as building materials).

If the gaukagon is responsible for nutrient utilization, then insulin for their storage. Under the action of insulin, sugar, fat and proteins are sent from the bloodstream to the cells. The process of migration of nutrients from the blood into the cells is vital for two reasons. Firstly, while the cells receive energy and building materials necessary for their life and renewal, and the blood sugar level is maintained in a balanced state, which protects the brain from dangerous drops in sugar concentration. Secondly Insulin tells the liver that excess sugar has been taken into the body, and the liver begins to turn the excess sugar into fat.

From the ratio of insulin to glucagon levels whether the food we eat will be used by the body to obtain energy and building materials, or will it turn into fat reserves.:

  • With a low ratio of insulin and glucagon levels (i.e., with a relatively high level glucagon) most of the food is converted into energy and building materials,
  • with a high ratio of insulin / hayukagon (i.e., with a relatively high level of insulin) - into fat.

The pancreas begins to produce glucagon when protein enters the body. The production of insulin is caused by carbohydrates, as well as some of the amino acids. When non-starchy vegetables (fiber) and fats enter the body, neither insulin nor glucagon is produced. Therefore, if the food consists of only carbohydrates, then the ratio of insulin and glucagon levels will become too high. If the food consists of only proteins, then this ratio will be too low. If the food consists of only non-starchy vegetables or fats, the insulin/glucagon ratio will remain the same as before the meal. If the food contains proteins, fats, non-starchy vegetables and carbohydrates, then the insulin / glucagon ratio will be maintained in balance.
Therefore, it is extremely important that all four groups of nutrients be present at your table at the same time.
If your lunch consists of one potato, then the total of such a lunch will be quite high. If you add fish, stewed cabbage and fresh vegetable salad to potatoes, then the total glycemic index your lunch will be lower than in the first case, since carbohydrates are digested and absorbed into the blood much faster than proteins and fats. Carbohydrates cause insulin secretion but do not increase glucagon levels. With an excess of carbohydrates in the diet, or with the use of only carbohydrates without fats and proteins, insulin secretion increases, and glucagon secretion decreases (i.e., the insulin / glucagon ratio increases). Consequently, excess carbohydrates will be mainly deposited in your body as fat stores.

If you eat carbs and proteins at the same time, then the pancreas secretes both insulin and glucagon (the ratio of insulin and glucagon levels is less than in the first case). As a result your lunch will not turn into fat, but will be used as an energy source or construction material to renew body cells.

Contrary to obvious facts, people continue to believe that proteins and fats make you fat. In fact, proteins and fats, by helping to maintain the balance of insulin and glucagon, prevent the formation of body fat. Conversely, carbohydrates, by increasing the insulin/glucagon ratio, promote the formation and deposition of fat in the body.

Another common belief is that carbohydrates make you feel full quickly. But this belief is also wrong. When eating carbohydrates, the feeling of fullness occurs only when you have already eaten more than you should!

The body provides defense mechanism", not allowing the use of excess amounts of proteins and fats. However, the body has no defense against consuming excess carbohydrates.

Real (as opposed to pseudo-hunger caused by a lack of serotonin in the brain) occurs when the brain begins to receive fewer nutrients. The brain sends a message to the body: “Hurry, feed me, I don’t have enough energy.” When you eat a meal containing proteins and fats, it is digested in the stomach, where proteins are broken down into amino acids by the action of gastric juice and digestive enzymes. The stomach sends electrical signals to the brain, informing about the intake of nutrients in the body, and the feeling of hunger weakens.

As a rule, eating carbohydrates causes a pleasant feeling of lightness in the stomach. The fact is that carbohydrates bypass the stomach, without lingering in it, and go directly to the small intestine. There is neither irritation of the walls of the stomach, nor the release of amino acids that signal the brain about satiety. And only when sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream and causes the release of insulin, which in turn stimulates a temporary increase in the level of serotonin in the brain, the feeling of hunger will begin to wane. Full saturation occurs only after the blood, saturated with glucose, enters the brain from the liver. This whole process takes quite a long time, long enough to empty an entire box of cereal. Unlike carbohydrates, proteins and fats signal to the brain long before the end of their digestion: “Enough is enough, don’t ask for more.”

From the foregoing, the recommendation follows to eat less carbohydrates and more proteins and fats.
A logical question is the question: “More is how much?” People who are concerned about having excess weight, used to weigh and measure each piece eaten.
It turns out that you can eat as much fat as your body needs, but it should be healthy fats - eggs, flaxseed and olive oil, butter, avocado and real (without chemical additives) mayonnaise. Bad fats to avoid are fried foods and hydrogenated fats.

For those who can not decide to switch to a healthy balanced diet, I suggest doing an experiment: change the diet for just one week.

  • For breakfast, there are eggs (as many as you want) with vegetables and "country" sausage without nitrates, as well as one whole-grain bread sandwich with butter.
  • For lunch - vegetable salad with chicken and fruit.
  • For dinner - a portion of fish, chicken or red meat with stewed vegetables, a salad of fresh vegetables with vinegar and olive oil, and one baked potato, generously drizzled with sour cream or butter.
  • In case you feel like eating between meals, have a snack containing proteins, fats and carbohydrates (for example, nuts or cottage cheese plus some fruit) ready.

As a rule, by the end of the "experimental" week, even those who are used to eating unhealthy foods are already ready to continue a balanced diet. However, in one day it is impossible to change habits that have developed over many years.

It should be remembered what at fundamental change eating style, a sharp drop in the level of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) is possible, which makes it difficult to hold out on a new diet for even one week. In these cases, one cannot rely on willpower alone. The brain, deprived of serotonin, sends signals to the body of enormous power, against which willpower can be powerless. To successfully change the diet and lifestyle, it is very important to prevent a deficiency of serotonin in the brain. Remember that healing takes time, patience, and rebalancing of serotonin, and this cannot happen overnight.

However, if you show patience and perseverance, you will be rewarded. One of the pleasant surprises for you will be the restoration of the ideal body composition, and to get rid of excess fat, you do not have to fanatically count calories or grams of dietary fat, especially since fanatical counting does not benefit health, but harm: o)
According to

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