Reflections on victory and defeat. What life victories can be important for a person composition New


All regions of the country.

"Mind and Feeling"

"Honor and dishonor"

"Victory and Defeat"

"Experience and Mistakes"

"Friendship and enmity"

509. What destroys friendship?

Central federal district, Southern Federal District, Northwestern Federal District, Volga Federal District, North Caucasian Federal District, Crimean Federal District

103. When does conflict arise between feelings and reason?
207. What act can be called dishonorable?
313. Do you agree with the statement of E.M. Remarque: "You need to be able to lose"?
401. Is a person's strength or weakness manifested in his acknowledgment of his mistakes?
506. Can people be friends if they don't see eye to eye?

Volga Federal District

Udmurt Republic, Samara region

113. What good feelings does literature awaken in a person?
211. What can lead a person to a dishonorable act?
307. Is it possible to achieve victory by any means?
409. What is the difference between a mistake and a crime?
513. When does misunderstanding between people lead to enmity?

Northwestern Federal District

Kaliningrad region

112. How do mind and feelings influence a person's actions?
204. "I'm annoyed if the word "honor" is forgotten..." (V.S. Vysotsky).
311. Why are not only victories important for a person, but also defeats?
406. Can one always and in everything trust the experience of others?
509. What destroys friendship?

Ural federal district

111. When is it necessary to restrain spiritual impulses?
210. Why is it important for a person not to sully his honor?
309. How do you understand the words of the philosopher B. Spinoza: “Souls conquer not with weapons, but with love and generosity”?
408. Do I need to analyze my mistakes?
504. What qualities should a true friend have?

Siberian Federal District

Altai Territory, Novosibirsk Region, Altai Republic, Tomsk Region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Tyva, Republic of Khakassia, Kemerovo Region

101. What feelings can be beyond the control of reason?
208. How, in your opinion, are the concepts of honor and conscience related?
306. Does victory always elevate the conqueror?
403. What does it mean to "learn from bitter experience"?
511. Do you agree with the statement of L.N. Tolstoy: "If there is enmity between two people, then both are to blame"?

Omsk region

104. When is it worth listening to the mind, and when - to the feelings?
212. Is the concept of “family honor” obsolete today?
302. What victories in life can be important for a person?
411. Confirm or refute the words of W. Scott: "In life there is nothing better than your own experience."
507. Is the difference of characters an obstacle to friendship?

Irkutsk region

109. When do reason and feeling fight in a person?
209. How can one get out of a difficult situation with honor?
312. Is defeat only bitter?
412. Why does the younger generation sometimes have a negative attitude towards the experience of the elders?
508. What are the causes of enmity between people?

Zabaykalsky Krai

110. Over what feelings can the mind not have power?
205. Do you agree with the statement of the writer R. Rolland: "Every courageous, every truthful person brings honor to his homeland"?
310. How do you understand the expression "moral victory"?
407. What is the value of historical experience?
505. Why does a person strive to find friends?

Far Eastern Federal District

Magadan Region

105. Why does a person sometimes have to make a choice between reason and feelings?
206. Do you agree with Latin proverb"Better to die with honor than to live in dishonor"?
308. What lessons can be learned from defeat?
404. How can the experience of ancestors be preserved and passed on to posterity?
510. Does conflict between people always lead to enmity?

Jewish Autonomous Region, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory

108. What controls a person to a greater extent: reason or feelings?
201. When does a choice arise between honor and dishonor?
305. What victory would you call the most difficult for a person?
402. Is it good life principle- proceed by trial and error?
503. Do you agree with the assertion of the philosopher Cicero that in order to maintain friendship one sometimes has to endure insults?

Kamchatka Territory, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

102. Do you agree with the statement that a person is not free in his feelings?
213. What qualities should a man of honor possess?
304. What does it mean to adequately endure defeat?
410. How do you understand the words of D.S. Likhacheva: “Literature gives us a colossal, vast and profound experience of life”?
501. Can friendship bring disappointment to a person?

What the task looks like: (downloads: 1339)

In the life of each of us there are difficult conflict situations from which it is difficult to emerge victorious. There are many circumstances beyond our control. Often such periods are stretched out, and we are forced to constantly fight. At such moments, loved ones advise us not to lose heart. What does it mean? This means that even if it is impossible to immediately and unconditionally gain the upper hand, it is necessary to be stronger than adversity and thorns, not to lose heart and continue to live, no matter what. In my opinion, the strength of the spirit determines the moral victory of the individual over circumstances, that is, the ability to withstand all the blows of fate without turning off the right path. But what is the "right way" and how not to go off it? How to understand the expression "moral victory"? Whether we can answer these questions will determine our future.

To find answers, we turn to fiction. In Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin", the main character, a joker and a merry fellow, defends his homeland. He, like all his compatriots, risks his life every day and overcomes pain, hunger and other hardships. However, the soldier endures hardships and fights bravely. He understands that the outcome of the war also depends on his efforts, so one should not become discouraged and shift responsibility to others. But even Terkin alone will not win all the battles, and therefore he is in no way able to end the bloodshed momentarily. He must patiently endure adversity and resist the enemy to the best of his ability. But win in the great patriotic war is the business of the whole people, and in this specific situation the hero is already a winner. His achievement lies in the fact that he is the soul of his unit. Terkin helps other soldiers not to give up and shows them a positive example. Whatever happens, Vasily will not betray and will not be afraid, will not complain and will not fall into despondency - here it is, the moral victory of the individual over circumstances.

The second example can be found in Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil". Main character one of the legends, Danko rips out his heart to light the way for his tribe in dark forest. People grumble at him, reproach and get angry. Many in his place would not sacrifice even the slightest effort for the sake of such ungrateful and cowardly companions. However, the young man rose above the circumstances and did not retreat from his moral principles under pressure from others. His moral victory lies in the fact that, at the cost of his life, he nevertheless brought people into the light, never once descending to a quarrel with them or regretting his act.

Thus, I can conclude that the expression "moral victory" means that a person has strict moral standards and the ability to patiently overcome difficulties. As a rule, in Everyday life we do not notice these winners and we ourselves do not suspect whether we can, on occasion, rise above circumstances. However, each of us is able to do this if we take care of our own moral purity and courageously endure trials.

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