Rave value. How to behave at your first rave party


from English. rave - storm, speak enthusiastically, in a frenzy, rave, rage) - 1) a synonym for techno; 2) the designation, in general, of any expanded techno action, whether it be a party or a multi-thousand festival like the Berlin summer Love parade.

R. as such, rather, belongs to the 1990s. It was then that he was full of searing novelty, delusional strength and, compared with the conformism of the previous decade, really gave the impression of a real hurricane. R. was not just fashion trend in dancing and entertainment like disco in the second half of the 1970s. It was about a holistic aesthetics, a system of views, a subcultural philosophy, if you like. Last time this happened on a massive scale in the 1960s for a period. The comparison is not accidental: R. and challenged the sixties, and at the same time borrowed a lot from them, mainly in terms of psychedelia. It is not for nothing that Professor Timothy Leary, who had already mastered this role a quarter of a century before, became the guru of the clubber generation again. Before he died of cancer, he managed to visit a cult DJ and throw a few basic slogans into the R. masses, like "computers are drugs of the 21st century." The new drug wave contained a greater element of hedonism than in the days of Leary and Kesey, but, in the end, brought to R. the necessary amount of drama: no matter what music you inject heroin with, the consequences will not be better. In literature, techno-narcoid collisions are imprinted in the prose of Irvine Welsh, who, however, is still far from the old beatnik William Burroughs.

The love of ravers for various experiments with consciousness has again increased interest in Buddhism, African-American and in general all exotic cults, also the prerogative of the Woodstock era. Having established itself as club movement, R. very quickly came to the traditional mass forms- crowded festivals open sky, mastered and rebuilt for himself the cult places of the sixties - the island of Ibiza, the coast of Goa in India, and even gave rise, as a local experiment, to the movement of techno-hippies - zippies.

On the other hand, R. abandoned the anti-systemic rebellion, pacifist pathos and generational unity, basing, nevertheless, emphasized individualism. Techno does not accompany political demonstrations, does not call for barricades, does not pretend to change the world for the better. Raver is by nature a solitary creature. The dance floor does not unite anyone, and entering into a dance trance is an absolutely personal matter, because the rhythm, power, richness of sound can only be felt one by one. Everyone runs only their own distance, everyone smiles at everyone, but first of all for themselves.

Individualist purism is now a thing of the past. R., as it happens with all inventions of the counterculture, has become the fun of teenagers, light and bright entertainment, equating to disco, from which, in fact, it once came out. But, undoubtedly, the rumble of DJ drums woke up more than one restless soul.

Music accompanies a person throughout life. AT different periods growing up music plays more or less significant role, but a person in his youth is especially susceptible to it. During this period, there is a passion for various new trends that are at the peak of popularity. Club music belongs to a genre that is constantly transforming, but always includes the most advanced trends, often occurring spontaneously. One of these areas is rave. What is a rave? Let's understand this unusual musical genre.

Rave - what is it?

If you are puzzled by the literal translation of the word with of English language, you can see that it means "nonsense", "incoherent speech". This is the name given to reckless club parties that could last until dawn.

AT this moment rave is not only huge club hangouts, but also a whole youth subculture with its own ideology, rules and even dress code. Therefore, in a nutshell, it is quite difficult to explain what value in contemporary music and youth culture rave is playing. What is so amazing about this movement that it has not lost its popularity for several decades and continues to excite the hearts of young generations?

The history of the rave

Rave originated in the 1950s in Great Britain. Its cradle was the bohemian quarter of Soho, where creative people from all over London. Here you could not think about the fact that someone would consider you strange. Almost all the inhabitants of Soho could afford to hang out all night long. These noisy reckless parties filled with alcohol and loud music quickly became known as rave.

The idea of ​​spending the night in the company of cheerful and trouble-free friends quickly penetrated the ranks of the "golden youth" of London. These children of high-ranking and wealthy parents gave the rave some chic and gloss, parties were held on outdoors. Each time, these crazy events collected everything more people, which became known as ravers. Everyone who considered themselves to be among the advanced youth of the country considered it obligatory to plunge into a rave party several times a week.

Literally in the ten years of its existence, rave has gained wild popularity. For example, in Britain there was a magazine with the same name. He illuminated musical novelties and various fashion trends. The desire to hang out all night, gave rise to a special Musical direction, which allowed for a long time not to lose vivacity and desire to "light" on the dance floor.

Rise of the rave

The popular hippie movement extinguished interest in rave parties for a while. They have not disappeared completely, but have become less popular with club youth. For about twenty years, the rave was in the waiting stage, and the beginning of the eighties of the last century gave it powerful push to development.

Suddenly techno music came to the clubs, it became like a synonym for rave and its philosophy. From that moment on, rave parties began their victorious march across Britain and other countries. In just a few years, rave culture has firmly penetrated the lives of modern youth who want to have fun and not think about anything. Clubs could no longer accommodate everyone who wanted to take part in the party, so raves began to be organized outside the city. Abandoned factories, warehouses or empty hangars were well suited for them. Here you could not think about the rules and not obey the law that ordered you to turn off the music in the club after two in the morning.

In the nineties, the most famous rave parties gathered up to two hundred thousand people, sometimes even empty factories could not provide everyone with a place to hold a party. Popularity electronic music divided the rave movement into several currents, which, however, peacefully coexisted with each other.

The victorious march of the rave around the planet

In the nineties it was difficult to name a place where the rave did not penetrate. What it means to be a nineties rave, almost every young person knew. Massively began to publish magazines dedicated to this movement. Special clothes appeared in stores, in which it was necessary to appear at such gatherings, a set of rules was developed on behavior at a get-together in rave style.

It was during this period that the authorities began their persecution of the rave. It was impossible to completely ban the movement, but the authorities managed to fight the crazy gatherings. Quite often, policemen appeared at the parties, who arrested suspicious persons and stopped the fun. But even such extreme measures could not eradicate rave.

In just ten years, it has spread to all countries of the world and has taken a very significant role in youth culture. At the beginning of the 2000s, electronic music experienced its heyday, which naturally strengthened the position of ravers.

Rave in Russia

Rave could not penetrate the USSR, in rare cases only its echoes flew into our country in the form scary rumors about parties where absolutely everything is allowed. Only in the nineties in Russia began to organize rave parties on a large scale.

The most popular raves were held at Cape Kazantip in the Crimea, and large Moscow and St. Petersburg clubs also appeared. But rave has not received wide distribution in our country, parties are held from time to time, not differing in a wide scope.

The most powerful rave event in the post-Soviet space was the party on the eve of Halloween. This sensational "Rave of the Living Dead" was held in Minsk in the "Hooligan" hangar last year and gathered several thousand participants. The party was well-managed, but it's still not the original wild and reckless rave, but something completely new.

Features of rave parties

The rave was born for active movement and shocking, so it is customary to wear as much as possible to the party bright clothes. Any combinations and liberties are allowed here, no one will evaluate another person by appearance. The main thing is that the outfit does not contradict general trend. At raves, you can meet people in ridiculous wigs and extravagant outfits, quite often huge colored glasses and various gloves are used as accessories.

Rave promotes sexuality, so this is where morals reign free love. Many come to raves with the desire to find a partner for one night and try to have as little clothes on the body as possible.

Almost every rave-style party is accompanied by the use of illegal substances. They are what keep you on your feet all night, and the combination of these substances with a lot of alcohol makes the party endless. It is this feature of raves that makes city authorities take serious measures to stop these gatherings, but the rave movement is still at the peak of popularity, inspiring musicians, animators and filmmakers to create new creative masterpieces.

"Return of the Living Dead: Rave from the Grave" and other contemporary raves

The rave theme has been successfully used in contemporary culture. For example, eleven years ago, a horror movie " Return of the Living Dead 5: Rave from the Grave", he literally broke into the screens of US cinemas and collected a huge amount of money in a few days of rental. The entire action of the film takes place at a rave party, where, to the sound of music ordinary people turn into zombies by taking one of the unknown amusing substances. It is worth noting that this film stirred up the rave movement in the United States and returned its popularity.

The anime also has a piece of the rave movement, one of the famous Japanese directors released the Rave Master manga in the late nineties, which later became the basis for a very popular series in Japan. Of course, there is practically nothing from the classic rave here, but the series captures attention literally from the first minute of viewing.

Musicians don't stay away fashion trends, therefore, over the years of the existence of the rave, many compositions have been dedicated to him. Some groups performed only in the rave style and could not imagine themselves without this trend. Recently, one of the young musicians - Levan Gorozia, known as Lone, released an album with the song "I bless the rave". She instantly took the top positions in the music charts and became the rave anthem of the twenty-first century.

Each musical trend has the right to life, but it can not always develop into a whole movement, which only gains momentum over time. But the rave managed to enter the masses and firmly gain a foothold in youth culture.

I bring everything that interests me to a new topic, I try to compose it (comparing astro and dh), I already processed it a little ..

Everyone in the “DH theme” knows that rave babies will begin to be born from 2027, for many of us these are possible grandchildren / granddaughters, for others - children who will need to be recognized in some way and try to unite with others the same, otherwise “life” not be seen).
Who are the rave kids?
RAVE CHILDREN (rave children)
According to Rave Cosmology, at the end of this cycle in 2027, there will be the new kind a person with a mutated solar plexus.
The CC mutation transforms the Center from a Motor in a wave into new form awareness, commonly referred to as mindfulness.
Without knowledge of their occurrence, these children will be diagnosed as autistic and will never be able to fulfill their destiny.
Rave children will be designed to function in "conscious" Pentas and will need the company of their own kind as soon as they are born.
It will take a lot of effort to find and collect these creatures once they start to incarnate.
Main characteristic features:

* Lack of emotion
* Lack of self-reflective consciousness
*Lack of self-identification
* Lack of questions, desire for knowledge
*Hypersensitive skin. Underdeveloped, "flat" facial muscles - lack of facial expressions
*Poor vision, inability to distinguish people's faces
*Other than human pH balance
inability to reproduce
*Completely Right. Special circulation of energy in Bodygraph
*Ability to share emotional awareness in a Penta (group of 3 to 5).
*Super security strategies in Penta.

The basis of the cross of the “sleeping phoenix”
34/20 and 55/59
The SS center mutates, which will eventually remain without an emo wave, but will acquire “awareness of the spirit” at the 55th and 49th gates.
And the beginning began, of course, the 41st gate where in 2027 pluto comes to Aquarius - planet transformations.

So the planetary arrangements for the gates for 2027:
Pluto comes to gate 41 from 2 to 7.37.30 gr. Aquarius.
Pluto in Aquarius astro is considered in the fall, that is, weak, is under the control of Saturn and Uranus, the planet whose main theme is transformation. Getting into Aquarius brings the following;friendliness, community, originality, but lack of sentimentality, emotionality, new forms of relationships, anarchism, radicalism, superficiality(chopping off the experience of the past, not looking into the future)there is only the present, rejection of traditions, etc.
Neptune in Aries at Gate 25 from 28.15 to 3.52.30 Pisces/Aries.

Neptune in the sign of Aries tells us about inferiority in high beliefs, ideals, religion. At best, he carries the burning idea. However, some individuals in this generation consider new types of “religion” and types of mysticism into “fashion”, which allow you to feel God and otherworldly phenomena (as far as possible) really, in the form of an energy flow.

Uranus in Gemini at Gate 20 from 0.7.30 to 5.45 Gemini.
Characterized by freedom of expression, originality of thinking, ideas, new types of thinking, allows you to look at relationships with loved ones in a different way: kinship is more important not by blood, but by spirit, so they can ruthlessly break off relations with relatives, technical progress, but with a touch of spirituality of technology.

Saturn in Aries in the fall of the 21st gate from 9.30 to 15.7.30 Aries.
Developing one’s values ​​through awareness, poor inclusion in the flow, tightness, but when turned on, the ability to control the flow, a tendency to one variant of duality (bad-good, negative-positive), self-defense, difficult situation - rigidity, incredible selfishness, alienation to the needs of the environment , waywardness, inability to get along with people, conflict, etc.

This is what is common for the new generation.

If we take in particular, and I'm talking about baby raves, then some options for dates (cosmograms) are possible at the beginning of 2027. Which can approximately, presumably, talk about what indicators of astro and dh they will be born with ..

Option one
Sun at 55W, Earth at 59W, Mars at 29Uranus at 20, Pluto at 41, Neptune at 25 and Saturn at 21, Mercury at 30W, Yupi and S.O. at 4, etc... .
Speaking in astro language, then a combination like this can speak of inferiority and defeat of just the same vision, thinking, speech, because the twin uranium will stand square to the Pisces / Virgo axis, while the earth in Virgo gets 59 watts, about child conception and other things, everything in Virgo, the topic of conscious ranking, will filter out both the question of sekis itself and its continuation in children, which will probably give SS awareness in 6 W where all emo is born, completely holding it back ..
Gemini uranium indicates that children do not recognize consanguinity, easily separate from their relatives, but recognize only those who are similar in spirit, so 55 watts came out (sun, mercury square uranium), and also that this weakness of thinking , when gathering in heaps according to the “spirit”, it can form a new form of thinking, also vision problems, and Saturn will limit their speech after 21 W, since Saturn is a miner in natal, it will be extremely pronounced, where there will be a lesion of the lower jaw, teeth. Also, Neptune Aries at 25 will give incredible heightened sensitivity to individuals, as well as the overthrow of all ideals of authority, edifying exclusively individual, there is no faith in God, and so on ...
I continue about the channel 20-34 charisma(uranium and the sun). The very force that will turn on only when colliding with their own kind in communities, when alone, is the dissipation of energy.
Well, the beginning of all changes is pluto at 41w and mercury at 30w, an altered consciousness ..
Well, it seems to be completely right)

Everyone who is a fan of wild rhythms and crazy rave drive has probably thought more than once of holding his own party. But what does it take to be successful?

Find the right place for a RAVE party

Rave can be held both inside the house and on open areas. But it's good to make sure the venue is big enough to accommodate all the ravers. You also need to remember that this will be a very noisy party and make sure that the neighbors do not start complaining and do not call the police. It is advisable to choose a place for the party that is dark enough to give the full effect of light music.

Make a party invite list

Before you make a list of food and think about the interior, you need to know exactly how many people will be invited. Unlike a real rave, at a regular rave party you need to take into account the exact number of people.

Use visual effects to create the illusion of RAVE

Add as many effects as your budget allows. Lasers, fog machines, strobe lights, black spotlights, and of course glow sticks are must-have accessories. And it will be doubly good if the rave organizer can synchronize the effects with the music.

Buy everything you need for a RAVE party in advance

For a dance floor that will be located in the garden, buy black rugs from the store (preferably ones that fit together like puzzle pieces). Take several buckets of neon, glow-in-the-dark paint in different colors. Put rugs together to make a dance floor and ask your friends (preferably with different shoe sizes) to dip bare feet in different colors and leave footprints on the mats. During a party, it will give a completely amazing light dancefloor If the party is indoors, cover the walls with white paper. Spray this paper with neon paint. The effect will exceed expectations.

Provide enough drinks and food

As practice shows, an average of one pizza is needed for every six people.

Make a selection of electronic music

Usually parties need melodies with rhythmic basses, and occasional melodic breaks to relax during them. Rave is very draining and such breaks are needed in the songs. Try to avoid songs that have too many lyrics. The focus should be on the music itself. Organize the music in your playlist so that there are high-quality smooth transitions between songs while maintaining speed and rhythm. It is best to invite a professional DJ. Make sure the DJ understands the type of music you want to hear at the party. Music is critical to raves. Try to make a list of songs by polling your future guests.

Provide clothes for the RAVE party

Make sure it has a lot of neon in it.

Invite real rave fans to the party

Sometimes some people just don't dance at parties. They stand on the dance floor and the whole atmosphere of the party disappears because of them. Try not to invite such people. Also stay away from noisy and irritable people.

Rave is common name large discos and parties based on electronic music. In a broader sense, this term is applied to the designation of a subculture that was born at the turn of the century as one of the symbols of freedom.

Translated from English, "rave" literally means "rave, rage." Indeed, the main purpose of the disco is to allow young people to completely relax, release their emotions, liberate themselves, reincarnate and good sense a little

How it all began

If you're really curious about what rave means, then it's time to dive into the distant 80s. It was then, in 1988, that rave was born in London, in connection with the appearance of acid house music in clubs. The first rave parties were organized illegally in abandoned buildings, warehouses, hangars, and even in the forest. A bunch of uncontrolled youth, loud music, drugs - all this, of course, caused a wave of indignation in society. Ravers have always been persecuted by the authorities as malicious offenders of public order and, of course, condemned by society.

However, everything forbidden has always been the most attractive. That is why raves were considered something like a protest, opposing oneself to society. It was pretty easy to get to know the ravers. The concept of "acidity" that appeared at that time was reflected in everything: acid music, clothes, accessories, makeup, hairstyles of unimaginable colors - all this distinguished the pioneer ravers. By the way, contrary to popular belief, drugs were far from being an obligatory paraphernalia of a rave.

Russian rave

Soviet youth instantly reacted to the new fashion trend, joining the rave culture in its very beginning. The most famous raves of the early 90s were Gagarin Party and Mobile, held in Moscow.

Nowadays, rave is a phenomenon that is characteristic, first of all, for northern capital. All significant events are held in St. Petersburg under the leadership of promotional groups Rosdance and KontrFors. The most famous among them are: "Workshop", "East Strike", MayDay, Sound Tropolis.

Rave today

Rave combines such genres of music as acid house, drum and bass, trance, hardstyle and electro. Today, all these genres are developing quite independently. And the time when young people had to prove their individuality by protesting against the rules established by society is long gone. Today's rave is more like a large-scale club party.

Most a prime example modern rave is considered to be Kazantip electronic music festival. It was first held in 2000 in the Crimea, near the village of Vesely. Since then, it has been held annually, until 2013 near Evpatoria. The festival has gained incredible popularity among young people.

Incendiary psychedelic

Electronic music, so honored among ravers, is represented today by a variety of styles and genres. But they are all connected by one feature - the music is performed on electronic musical instruments- synthesizer, electric guitar, theremin… Moreover, it can be “programmed” and only a computer can be used for recording.

Genres of electronic music today include:

  • ambinet;
  • breakbeat;
  • disco;
  • downtempo;
  • electro;
  • garage;
  • house;
  • high energy;
  • industrial;
  • drum and bass;
  • electronic rock;
  • trance;
  • techno.

These are far from all the directions in which electronic music is developing today. However, one must understand that raves are not evenings of listening to music, but incendiary in every sense, dance events. Therefore, not all genres, even electronic music, are in demand among ravers.

There is an opinion that without drugs, young people could not achieve those states that are the result of a rave. However, as mentioned earlier, drugs are not part of the philosophy of ravers. They themselves say that music is the main drug, and everything that helps them to liberate themselves is connected with it.


Music is one of the most important components of a rave. It was she who served as the starting point in the birth of a new trend.

Most famous performers in the west became The Prodigy, Scooter, The Shamen, U 96, Grid, Westbam. It was these performers who were able to win recognition among such a difficult listener as ravers. Until now, former adherents of the rave are introduced into a state of trance by the compositions of these groups.

As for the Russian rave, such rave groups as “Iron Skorokhod”, “Kirpichi”, Loc-Dog shone brightest in our country. Of course, the huge list of bands is not limited to these performers, but they are noted by fans of the rave of the 90s.

It seemed that nothing can shock the public these days. But, as usual, development has no limits. A real shock in society was caused by a modern rave group Little Big. Charismatic participants simply could not leave the audience indifferent. The concept that the guys come up with sounds something like this: to destroy the delusional stereotypes of society. We must give the guys their due, they succeed at 100%.

Rave is a subculture that has played a huge role in millions of destinies. This alone suggests that human nature cannot be mutilated by invented standards and patterns.

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