Draw a theatrical curtain in Photoshop. Theatrical curtain - an elegant decoration for the house of Melpomene


The customer's desire to visualize the future composition of curtains with tulle is reflected in a preliminary sketch drawn by himself or with the help of a designer.

Types of curtain sketches

Sketches of curtains are carried out in two ways:

In order not to stretch the embodiment of a design idea for a long period, but to start work immediately, it is better to use a pencil sketch. A pencil drawing is a transfer to a plane with the help of graphics of three-dimensional objects. Graphics is translated from Latin as “I write or draw”, this is the art of applying images through spots, dots, strokes. Main principle ability to draw - to correlate the shape of objects in volume, space.

The importance of considering proportions and sizes

In the process of drawing, it is important to observe the dimensions and proportions of the window opening and curtains. You need to start by visualizing the perspective of the room. This helps to correctly assess the design of the textile composition, its relevance, attractiveness.

Draw a window with curtains with a pencil in such a way that the drawing does not reflect the fictional, but the real dimensions of the room, otherwise final result will be very different from the sketch.

Draw a window

The following tools are prepared for work:

  1. Eraser.
  2. Soft and hard simple pencils (soft contours, and hard stroke).
  3. A set of colored pencils.
  4. Ruler.
  5. Special eraser for pencils.
  6. Drawing paper.
  7. Knife, sharpener.

First, a sketch is made taking into account the dimensions of the walls, calculating the gaps between the ceiling and the floor, the wall and the window. All this must be done to scale. Designers argue that when sketching by hand, in order not to be mistaken in size, it is better to cut out cardboard “walls” and “windows” to scale, lay it all out on a sheet, and then outline it.

Large interior items located near the window must be displayed on paper, adhering to the selected scale (usually 1:10), that's all. This helps to pre-evaluate the selected decor for decorating windows.

When drawing a window, not only its contours are applied to paper, but also nuances: a window, the width of the frame (binding), a window sill - this helps to build the most believable scheme.

Strokes are applied easily, without pressure, clearly outlining only the borders of the window. When making sketches of curtains with lambrequins, it is important to understand that the window is just a landmark, a background picture.

No matter how hard you try, but without being an artist from birth, it is impossible to draw an almost photographic picture, and in the case of a sketch, this is not necessary. It is enough to withstand the dimensions, as well as take into account all the overall objects. It is better to draw curtains with a pencil from several angles.

Sketch base

Sketches of kitchen curtains are first made with a simple pencil, then make all the necessary edits, only after that they give the picture natural shades.

When choosing paper for work, it is important to remember that for the color reproduction of sunny rooms choose light sheets(ideally - not white, but light yellow). For darkened rooms, dark paper is used, designed for drawing with pastels.

What paper to choose:

  • offset, A4 format;

Fabric drawing

After applying the window outline to the sheet, the basis of the composition is drawn: often it is tulle. It is important to convey the shape and drapery of light fabric as plausibly as possible. At the same time, translucent textiles should be slightly noticeable than the window outline, but with clear and smooth lines.

When drawing sketches of curtains for the bedroom, it is necessary to carefully draw the cornice, indicating the nuances of fastening. In some cases, a textile mount is displayed in the sketch.

the main task designer - to include nuances in the sketches of lambrequins and curtains: from folds and cuts on the fabric, to tiebacks and bends. Curtain decors immediately catch the eye, so they are carefully highlighted using a thick pencil.


The drawing of the fabric pattern on the sketch is made at the request of the customer, but often this is not required, because the client chooses the fabric in the catalogs.

It is important to make the contours of the elements clear and not blurry, so that the customer understands where one detail ends and another begins. It is easier to sketch a Roman blind than it is to sketch cafe or luxury restaurant curtains that involve tiered fabrics. However, if desired, it is easy to learn how to sketch even complex compositions.

Today we will learn how to create curtains in Photoshop. With help simple techniques you will learn how to create a simple fabric texture. We will be using various filters, blending modes and working with the pen tool.


Soft: Photoshop CS 6 or other versions

Time: 30-40 minutes

Final Result:

Step 1

Create a new document in Photoshop 1000px by 1000px.

Step 2

Install White color for the foreground and black for the back. Go to Filter > Render > Fibers. Set the values ​​as in the screenshot below.

Step 3

Go to Filter > Filter Gallery > Artistic > Cutout and set the following values:

Step 4

Then go to Filter > Blur > Motion blur and add the following settings:

Step 5

We have created a texture for our curtains, now let's add color to it. Double click on the texture layer and set the following settings for color overlay.

Step 6

Duplicate the texture and lock the original. Select half of the texture and duplicate it, make another copy.

Now select one half and go to Edit > Transform > Warp. Give the texture the shape of a curtain.

Do the same with the right shape.

Step 7

Select the pen tool and draw a shape like in the screenshot below.

Hold Ctrl and click on the layer with this shape to create a selection. Click on the left curtain layer and select Edit > Clear.

Add the bottom of the right curtain in the same way.

Step 8

Select a small rectangle from the original texture layer, copy and paste it on a new layer. Turn on 90⁰, by going to Edit > Transform > Rotate 90⁰. After that, warp it using the following settings.

Position the rectangle at the top and in the middle. Duplicate it twice and place the copies as shown in the image below.

Step 9

Now we will draw the ropes for the curtains. Choose a color #ecc242 for the foreground. Using the pen tool, draw a path like in the screenshot below. Right click on the stroke and select Stroke path to draw a path.

Make a few more ropes using the same techniques.

Step 10

Add the following styles to the rope layers.

Step 11

Draw the shapes like in the picture below using the pen tool.

Add the following styles to them:

Group these shapes and place them as shown in the image below. Copy the group and flip it horizontally (Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal).

Step 12

To add shadow to the top of the curtains, select a round soft brush with opacity 20% and draw a shadow like in the screenshot below.

Step 13

Now you need to draw a shadow on the wall. Duplicate the left curtain layer and place the copy layer under the original layer, change the overlay color to black. Use warp tool to change the shape a bit.

Change the layer's opacity to 30% . Make the shape for the right curtain in the same way.

Step 14

Create rope shadows in the same way. To draw a shadow on the floor, use the pen tool (opacity - 30%).

Step 15

Group all shadow layers and go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian blur. Set value 5px.

That's it, our illustration is ready. We hope you find the lesson useful.


Draw a rectangle. Divide it conditionally into four parts. Parts of the curtain will be placed on the sides and top. And below - the immediate place of performance - the floor.

Draw straight vertical lines on the left side. There should be at least 5 of them. Then draw 2-3 more, but shorter ones. And after that, they are very short, about half shorter than the first lines.

Do the same with right side. Only everything in mirror image.

Place a dot in the middle of the top line of the rectangle. Draw curved lines from it. As if depicting a widely stretched letter "l". Above them draw a few more. These will be the folds of the fabric. The strokes don't have to be the same. Make them different both in length and thickness. The ends should reach the beginning of the shortest vertical lines. At the point of their junction, draw lines that diverge smoothly to the sides. These will be the curtain holders.

draw some parallel straight lines at the bottom of the rectangle. They will depict a plank floor.

Darken with deep hatching in places that should indicate folds. The same applies to the folds at the top of the curtain. Here the shadow should repeat the arched lines. For the spotlight effect, draw a circle and paint everything within it a half tone lighter. Separately, pay attention to the color of the wooden floor. It cannot be completely monochromatic. Mix several kinds brown paint or add some black. Hover the lines of cracks in the floor with a bold line.

Having gathered to paint a portrait, landscape or still life, a novice artist is invariably faced with what needs to be portrayed. folds. It can be folds of clothes or draperies. They are drawn in different ways, depending on the nature and purpose of the work. Sometimes a fashion designer also needs to draw folds. Pleats on the skirt - the most affordable option, so it's better to start with it.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - colored pencils or paints.


Draw the skirt of the model you need. If this is a model with an inverse fold, then divide the bottom line of the belt in half. From this currents draw down 2 divergent lines. Draw lines to the bottom of the skirt. A piece of fabric located between the folds seems to be slightly shorter than the length of the product. Therefore, step back a little from the bottom and draw a straight or slightly curved line between the folds of the fold. When painting such folds, no tricks are required, fill the skirt with one color, and circle the contours of the product and the folds of the folds with darker or paint.

To make a skirt- or skirt with longitudinal pleats, divide the bottom line of the belt into an arbitrary number of parts and put dots. From these points, draw down slightly divergent lines. Draw them longer than the skirt itself. Connect the end point of the pleat to the intersection of the bottom of the skirt and the adjacent pleat. Connect all other points in the same way. You should end up with something like "". Color the skirt in the same way as in the previous version.

Soft folds are transmitted mainly by chiaroscuro. Draw a product with such folds - for example, or the back of a musketeer's cloak. Please note that if the bottom of the product is presented in a projection on a plane, it will not seem straight, but wavy. Change this line.

The customer's desire to visualize the future composition of curtains with tulle is reflected in a preliminary sketch drawn by himself or with the help of a designer.

  • Draw a window
  • Sketch base
  • Fabric drawing
  • It is the sketches of curtains in pencil that are considered the most informative and accurate, because sometimes the client himself does not fully understand what he wants to see in the end. Curtain design sketches clearly show how finished curtains will look on the window.

    Types of curtain sketches

    Sketches of curtains are carried out in two ways:

    • With the help of computer graphics.
    • Pencil.

    A computer sketch of a window with curtains is made in a special graphics editor. That is, without having the skills to work in the program, it is simply impossible to implement the plan, and it takes a lot of time to learn professional design nuances.

    In order not to stretch the embodiment of a design idea for a long period, but to start work immediately, it is better to use a pencil sketch. A pencil drawing is a transfer to a plane with the help of graphics of three-dimensional objects. Graphics is translated from Latin as “I write or draw”, this is the art of applying images through spots, dots, strokes. The main principle of the ability to draw is to correlate the shape of objects in volume, space.

    The importance of considering proportions and sizes

    In the process of drawing, it is important to observe the dimensions and proportions of the window opening and curtains. You need to start by visualizing the perspective of the room. This helps to correctly assess the design of the textile composition, its relevance, attractiveness.

    Draw a window with curtains with a pencil in such a way that the drawing does not reflect the fictional, but the real dimensions of the room, otherwise the end result will be very different from the sketch.

    A designer drawing sketches of curtains for a nursery or other room must preserve the natural color scheme taking into account the nuances of illumination. A common mistake is to draw too bright sketches that are drastically different from the real tones.

    When sketching curtains for the kitchen, it is important to display the design details to the smallest nuances, taking into account the folds of the lambrequins, the drapery of the base fabric and the model of the cornice. A reliable picture of the future interior can be obtained even without special artistic skills. To make sketches of curtains, it is enough just to follow the described rules.

    Draw a window

    The following tools are prepared for work:

    1. Eraser.
    2. Soft and hard simple pencils (soft contours, and hard stroke).
    3. A set of colored pencils.
    4. Ruler.
    5. Special eraser for pencils.
    6. Drawing paper.
    7. Knife, sharpener.

    First, a sketch is made taking into account the dimensions of the walls, calculating the gaps between the ceiling and the floor, the wall and the window. All this must be done to scale. Designers argue that when sketching by hand, in order not to be mistaken in size, it is better to cut out cardboard “walls” and “windows” to scale, lay it all out on a sheet, and then outline it.

    Large interior items located near the window must be displayed on paper, adhering to the selected scale (usually 1:10), that's all. This helps to pre-evaluate the selected decor for decorating windows.

    When drawing a window, not only its contours are applied to paper, but also nuances: a window, the width of the frame (binding), a window sill - this helps to build the most believable scheme.

    Strokes are applied easily, without pressure, clearly outlining only the borders of the window. When making sketches of curtains with lambrequins, it is important to understand that the window is just a landmark, a background picture.

    No matter how hard you try, but without being an artist from birth, it is impossible to draw an almost photographic picture, and in the case of a sketch of curtains, this is not necessary. It is enough to withstand the dimensions, as well as take into account all the overall objects. It is better to draw curtains with a pencil from several angles.

    Sketch base

    Sketches of kitchen curtains are first made with a simple pencil, then all the necessary edits are made, only after that they give the picture natural shades.

    When choosing paper for work, it is important to remember that light sheets are chosen for the color rendering of sunny rooms (ideally, not white, but light yellow). For darkened rooms, dark paper is used, designed for drawing with pastels.

    What paper to choose:

    • offset, A4 format;

    Graph paper

    • graph paper (intended for patterns);
    • tracing paper;
    • translucent.

    Tip for novice designers: if it is not possible to make clear measurements, but a sketch of the curtains on the grommets is needed in the very near future, they use this trick: moving away from the windows a little, you should stretch your hand with your thumb forward, hold a pencil in it, clamped with your thumb. The top of the pencil is moved to the top of the window, and the lowest point (floor or window sill) is marked with thumb. Putting the pencil on a sheet and noting the resulting size, get the approximate dimensions.

    Fabric drawing

    After applying the window outline to the sheet, the basis of the composition is drawn: often it is tulle. It is important to convey the shape and drapery of light fabric as plausibly as possible. At the same time, translucent textiles should be slightly noticeable than the window outline, but with clear and smooth lines.

    When drawing sketches of curtains for the bedroom, it is necessary to carefully draw the cornice, indicating the nuances of fastening. In some cases, a textile mount is displayed in the sketch.

    The main task of the designer is to include nuances in the sketches of lambrequins and curtains: from folds and cuts on the fabric, to tiebacks and bends. Curtain decors immediately catch the eye, so they are carefully highlighted using a thick pencil.


    The drawing of the fabric pattern on the sketch is made at the request of the customer, but often this is not required, because the client chooses the fabric in the catalogs.

    It is important to make the contours of the elements clear and not blurry, so that the customer understands where one detail ends and another begins. It is easier to sketch a Roman blind than it is to sketch cafe or luxury restaurant curtains that involve tiered fabrics. However, if desired, it is easy to learn how to sketch even complex compositions.

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