Secrets of Illusion. Revealing the secrets of magic tricks from real masters! "Return to Fat City"


In all, we freeze in anticipation of the next "magic" when we observe the dexterous hands of a magician. At this moment, it seems to us that illusionists have real magic, and the atmosphere that they create at the performances does not even allow us to doubt their abilities. Bright Side and I exposed 6 of the most famous magic tricks.

Secret #1 Sawing a Woman

Do you remember how, as a child, you watched with bated breath creepy picture sawing a woman? Now you won’t surprise us with such tricks, almost everyone knows: two assistants are hidden in the “sorcerer’s” box.

Secret number 2. Torn bill

Previously, people were perplexed when Copperfield, right in front of people, tore a dollar folded in half, then unfolded it and it turned out to be whole. And the secret here is in a cunningly designed pencil: in fact, it is cut obliquely and connected with strong magnets! Thus, the bill easily passes between its magnetized halves and remains unharmed.

Secret number 3. Levitation

The secret of this trick, popular among street magicians, lies in a carefully hidden prop. That is why these "wizards" often appear in an image with which the staff is in perfect harmony: after all, it has a continuation that runs through all the clothes.

Secret number 4. The disappearance of the glass

A glass of water is placed on the table, which is then covered with a scarf. Then the glass is lifted and thrown into the air, the result: the handkerchief falls to the floor, and the glass disappears. And here's the trick: firstly, a wire ring is sewn into the scarf, which creates the illusion that there is a glass under the scarf. And secondly, the glass itself is lowered into a secret bag through a tricky hole in the table.

Secret number 5. Zigzag girl

In this trick, everything largely depends on the assistant herself. Her the main task- to settle down in the cramped space of the closet intended for her, but at the same time, the hand and foot should maintain the natural position of a standing person.

Secret #6 Michael Jackson Lean

Everyone will surely remember the spectacular tilt that Michael and his dancers performed during the performance of the song "Smooth Criminal". It looked incredible, since the tilt was made by a straight body and under acute angle at 45 degrees. The secret here lies in the shoes with a specially shaped heel and the tricky arrangement of the stage. Indeed, it was precisely due to the fact that pegs appeared on its surface that the heel clung and allowed the artists to make a maneuver.

The secrets of magic tricks have always excited our imagination and interest. Even as children, we believed that somewhere in the world there is real magic, and even as adults, many of us, somewhere deep down, have retained at least a small part of this hope. That is why tricks are so popular all over the world: they allow a person to plunge into the world of mystery and, at least for a few minutes, believe that miracles really exist.

Secrets must remain secrets

There is a rule among illusionists not to divulge the secrets of tricks, although not everyone follows it. One of the most famous magicians in the world - Harry Houdini - himself personally told the public how some of his magic tricks are performed. And the Safronov brothers, now popular in Russia and the CIS countries, even broadcast on Channel One, where they showed the disclosure of the secrets of many tricks, for which, by the way, they were expelled from the Society of Illusionists.

But this is the exception rather than the rule. And at a time when many tricks are just sleight of hand, and even a simple schoolboy can solve them, there are also such secrets of tricks that not only spectators, but also other professional illusionists have been struggling for many years to no avail. Having become acquainted with the principle of performing classic tricks, perhaps it is you who will become the one who will unravel the mystery of their performance in the future.


One of the tricks that for many decades amazed the audience not only on the stages, but also right on the street. The secret of the trick lies in the hidden mechanism that raises the magician.

It can be noted that under the illusionist, even if he performs in an open space, there is always a rug, an assistant or some kind of platform, under which the main heavy part of the device is hidden.

The other flexible part of it is hidden under the clothes, which are large enough to hide not only it, but also a small seat.

Torn banknote

There are many variations of this trick, but the classic version used a pencil, with which the bill was torn in two, and then, in front of the audience, it turned out to be whole again.

The secret of the trick is in the pencil: it consisted of two halves magnetized to each other, between which, thanks to sleight of hand, the piece of paper easily slipped.

cutting in half

One of the most famous tricks of all, which now also has a lot of different performances.

But the classic trick magic is more than simple: the box consists of two separate sections, in one of which the assistant is already hiding in advance.

During the cutting, the saw passes between them, and the audience, in fact, see the body parts of different people.

Catching a bullet with your mouth

A fairly simple trick, which nevertheless led to several deplorable cases in the entire history of its existence.

Of course, it is unrealistic to catch a bullet with your teeth, and, as many viewers guess, a blank cartridge is fired from a weapon.

The most common version of the execution is as follows: the bullet that the audience is given to sign is not real, and while the image is applied to it, the cameras film this process. close-up, broadcasting it to the screens behind the scenes.

The assistants who are there quickly repeat on the other bullet an inscription similar to the one that the viewer has applied, and smear it as if it had really been in the barrel.


This was the name of the famous Houdini trick, which he did with his wife.

She tied his hands, put him in a sack and closed it in a box, which she hid behind a curtain, where she herself disappeared. There she clapped three times, the curtain fell, and it turned out that Houdini was already free, and his wife was in the box.

The secret of focus lies in common skill and practice. Excellent at dealing with different types knots and ropes, the magician's hands were already free at the moment when he was placed in the bag.

It was also easy to get out of it through the back panel, and it was no longer his wife who clapped her hands, who at that time was doing his actions in reverse, but he himself.

Thanks to constant training, the couple learned to perform all these actions in just three seconds.

Do you want to know what other trick secrets have been hidden from the average viewer all this time? Watch the following video:

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It is rare that after the trick they immediately tell how it is done. Although it is “not natural” for such a sphere, but to see the focus, to understand that this is not magic, but a deception, and not to understand HOW! This, you see, is a little annoying. And yet they understand that somewhere there is a catch, but they still look, gasp and applaud. So what is next? Well, give people time to think, estimate and all that, and then tell and show.

Of course, this will never happen - the secrets of mastery and all that ... But sometimes you can still find out how the trick is performed. Take a look at this collection for example.

Here's how it happens with a newspaper and milk:

Here's how it's done...

there are already followers:

just in case, the clue about chocolate is below:

sleight of hand:

By the way. 10 tricks you can do yourself:

There is an unwritten rule among magicians: never reveal the secrets of their tricks. Therefore, when some of Houdini's tricks were revealed, the illusionists were outraged by such a violation of professional ethics. Many of them claimed that they themselves still use the techniques of the famous magician. But Harry has been dead for almost 90 years, and modern illusionists are unlikely to use his outdated methods.

1. Radio 1950

Houdini developed this trick in 1925, a year before his death. On the table was a huge radio measuring 2x1 m with knobs-regulators and double doors. Demonstrating to the audience that there was no one inside, Houdini tuned the radio station he needed, and his assistant appeared from the radio box. “Tune the radio to the right wave and get the girl of your dreams,” Houdini announced and added. “No, gentlemen, the radio is not for sale!”

The secret of the trick was the table, which had a double top. There was a hatch in the top tabletop. The assistant was inside the radio, which was placed on the table, then she hid at the top of the table and waited while Houdini showed the audience the empty insides of the radio, and when the magician tuned the radio station, she quickly climbed back into the radio.

2. Metamorphosis

"Metamorphosis" was one of his first 1894 magic tricks. Houdini was not its author, but improved on earlier versions, performing his own version with his wife. The focus was quite difficult. Houdini's hands were tied behind his back, and he himself was sitting in a tied bag. The bag was placed in a box, the box was closed, tied with a rope and placed in a closet with a curtain. Houdini's wife went into the closet, closed the curtain, and clapped her hands three times. After the third pop, the curtain was already opened by Houdini, and his wife turned out to be in his place with her hands tied in a bag.

The secret is surprisingly simple: practice. Houdini was an expert on ropes and knots. When the bag was tied, his hands were already free. When the bag was placed in the box, it loosened the ropes from the inside. When the wife pulled the curtain, Houdini got out of the box through the back wall. He clapped his hands three times, not his wife. After the first clap, she climbed into the box without breaking the locks and ropes. After the third clap, Houdini opened the curtain. While he was untying and unlocking the box, his wife was "packing" herself in a bag and putting her hands into the knots of ropes. Harry and Bessie had mastered this trick so much that they managed to change places in just three seconds.

3. The release of a suspended man dressed in a straitjacket

Houdini's younger brother Hardin was also a magician, and both brothers performed the same straitjacket escape trick. Houdini decided to outdo his brother and complicated the trick. He usually performed it outside in front of a large crowd. He was dressed in a straitjacket and his ankles were tied, and then a crane lifted him to a certain height.

The secret of the trick was revealed by Houdini himself in his book Release from the Handcuffs (1910). It consisted of a slight loosening of the shirt tied around him. The arms were crossed over the chest, and right hand above. When the shirt was tightened, he took a deep breath so that the fabric was weakened when exhaling, then with the help of this gap, Houdini freed his hands - and then it was a matter of technique. It is said that on rare occasions the magician even had to dislocate his shoulder. Houdini worked this trick so well that he managed to reduce the release time from half an hour to 3 minutes.

4. Passing through a brick wall

Houdini performed this trick only a few times in New York in July 1914, but the performance became real sensation. Workers built a wall 3 meters high and 3.5 meters long on the stage, perpendicular to the audience so that they could see both sides of the wall. The wall itself was erected on a carpet. Then Houdini invited the audience to knock on it with a hammer to make sure of its hardness and strength. Then Houdini took up position on one side of the wall, both sides were closed for a couple of seconds by a mobile curtain on wheels, then the curtain was removed, and Houdini was already on the other side of the wall.

The secret of the trick was in the carpet. Beneath it was an elongated, narrow hole running under the wall. In addition, Houdini used different variations of the trick, for example, placing strong glass under the wall to eliminate the doubts of the audience about the hole under the wall, and at the moment of the trick, when the workers closed the curtain on both sides of the wall, he quickly changed places with them, moving to the second side.

5. Handcuff release trick

One of Houdini's first tricks was the trick of getting out of handcuffs. The trick was a huge success, and thanks to him, the magician received his first contract to perform with the vaudeville theater.

Houdini had several secrets to this trick. The illusionist had studied locks all his life and had an encyclopedic knowledge of handcuffs. At one glance, he immediately knew what key they needed. Later, Houdini invented a special flexible steel belt that could be rotated by the movement of the elbow, the belt had several compartments with various keys to choose from. Some handcuffs did not require a key, it was enough to deftly knock them on a hard surface. Another type of handcuffs could be got rid of with a wire loop that unlocked the lock.

6. Release from the milk can

The trick was first demonstrated by Houdini in 1901 and has become one of the most famous. His advert was ominous: "failure means death by drowning." Spectators were allowed to examine the can and even kick it with their feet to test its strength. Its height was about a meter, and on the neck there were six locks that tightly fastened the lid to the can. Houdini plunged into the can with his head, displacing excess water, then the container was closed with a lid, fixing it tightly. Until all six locks were locked, at least a minute passed. Then the can was closed with a curtain for a couple more minutes, and then a wet and out of breath Houdini appeared. The can itself was still tightly closed.

A few years after his death, a friend of Houdini revealed the secret, which consisted of skillfully made constipation, fixing the lid on the mouth of the can. It was impossible to open the locks from the outside, but it was not difficult for a person sitting inside to push the lid and climb out without opening the locks.

7. Liberation from the box under water

All kinds of escape tricks closed boxes or other containers became Houdini's "trick". When he got tired of tricks with handcuffs, he retrained for “prison escapes”, starting to practice them actively. His first release from a box under water was demonstrated in New York, in the East River. Houdini was handcuffed, he himself was in a wooden box. The box was stuffed and wrapped with chains, and then lowered into the river. Houdini surfaced after 150 seconds.

The secret, of course, lay in the design of the box. First, there were small holes in it so that Houdini could breathe while the box was hammered, wrapped with chains and lowered into the water, and at that time he was released from the handcuffs. Secondly, on one of the sides of the box, the two bottom boards were not nailed, and they could be moved away, and as quickly as possible, until the box fell to the bottom, when there was a risk that it would fall exactly on the side where these were. two loose boards.

8 Vanishing Elephant

The trick was only performed once on January 7, 1918 at New York's Hippodrome Theatre. This trick was the most spectacular, comparable only to the trick called "Chinese Water Torture Chamber". Houdini put the elephant in a big box, and then the elephant disappeared. The secret of this trick has also disappeared. The box was lost, and since the trick was performed once, there were practically no people initiated into it. It was believed that the solution was lost to history.

However, she was found. Let's start with the Hippodrome Theatre. It had 5697 seats, which were arranged in three semicircular tiers. The audience did not have a good view of the elephant in the box, as it was far from the edge of the stage. Moreover, there are suggestions that the box was an ordinary, well-camouflaged cage, and the disappearance of the elephant is just visual illusion created with limited lighting and a curtain that was identical in color to the back curtains on the stage. At the right moment, Houdini fired a pistol, the audience blinked instinctively, and at this time a masking curtain rose in front of the elephant with lightning speed. There was even a description of the box: it was oblong, on wheels, with double doors on one side and a huge curtain on the other.

Source 9Chinese water torture chamber

Unlike the elephant box, the Chinese water torture chamber still exists and we know how it works. The great magician ordered this device for 10 thousand dollars and patented it. The chamber is reminiscent of an oblong aquarium, made of mahogany and a nickel-plated steel frame, with copper details. Dimensions: 67 cm wide x 150 cm high; weight 3000 kg; volume 950 liters of water. The front panel was made of 1.5 cm wide tempered glass. Houdini's hands were handcuffed, chains were wrapped around his ankles, and then he was very slowly lowered upside down into this tank. The cell was covered with a curtain, and after a couple of minutes Houdini appeared from behind it. There were several variants of this trick, the magician liked to complicate and improve it.

Two points were important for the focus. First, the ingenious details of the chamber and the banal displacement of water by the body left a small amount of air (air pocket) in the reservoir. Secondly, Houdini knew how to free himself from handcuffs and chains, skillfully owning the body, and then getting out.

Evil tongues claimed that once Houdini was unlucky, and he drowned during this trick. This is wrong. He died in a hospital bed from inflammation of the appendix, which was complicated by peritonitis. The great magician, alas, could not escape this danger.

Incredible Facts

Many remember this unique feeling from childhood, when we watched tricks and believed in miracles. We never ceased to admire the way magicians do it.

If you don't want to be in the dark and want to know how these famous tricks work, this article is for you.

You may be surprised how easy these illusions are to perform.

tricks with people

1. Levitation

The woman lies on a board supported by a metal rod. The magician stands so as to cover the rod and thus where he stands determines how well this trick is performed.

2. Girl zigzag

This is a pretty simple trick. When the assistant enters the closet, she turns her body so that when the knives enter, they do not hit her. When advanced middle part closet, only her hand moves, but the black lining of the closet gives the illusion that the middle part of the body is completely torn off.

1. Closet design elements that add flex space for the person inside. They are usually painted black to blend in with the wardrobe.

2. Knives go only to a part of the vertical space, leaving room for an assistant.

3. Black bars - used space. They are hard to see when viewed from the side or on TV, which makes the box look smaller.

4. The interior space is bigger than it looks.

3. In the air

This trick is similar to the levitation trick, but the magician does not stand in front of the supporting rod. Then he passes the hoop over the assistant, but only as long as the support allows, creating the illusion that the body is floating in the air.

Tricks with sawing a person

4. Sawing a woman. Option 1

The man in the box must bend his legs to create the illusion that his body is being cut in half. Fake legs are attached to the other end of the box.

5. Sawing a woman. Option 2

Another variant of the classic trick is that one assistant is already in the box before the trick begins. When another assistant enters the box, the one in the box sticks out her legs, while the other one hides them, showing only her upper body. When the box is sawn, we see one half of two people.

Focuses and their secrets (video)

6. Soaring man

This trick is often seen with street performers. The magician actually sits on a metal seat attached to a rod that is connected to a platform hidden by carpet.

7. Michael Jackson dance

This dance move when Michael Jackson and the dancers leaned over 45 degrees, which was seen during the performance of the song "Smooth Criminal" is easier than you think. The notch in the boots clings to the instep so that when you lean below the center of gravity, you can return to your original straight position without falling.

Many great tricks remain unsolved to this day. And the greatest trick has not yet been invented at all (we are talking about the instantaneous transfer of the Kremlin with its inhabitants to the hospitable mouth of the Eyyafyadlayokyul volcano). But a number of grandiose tricks and "prestige" managed to be opened and brought to your understanding.

The bullet-catching trick is one of the most ancient and respected, almost as ancient and respected as the bullet itself. The focus was first mentioned in 1631 in the treatise The Theaters of God's Judgment by the Reverend Thomas Beard. The bullet trick improved over the centuries until it reached its pinnacle with magicians Penn and Teller simultaneously shooting each other and catching the bullet in their mouths.



To successfully perform a trick with a bullet, it is not so much painstaking preparatory work how much sleight of hand, cheeks and tongue. The bullets that are shown to the activists from the audience and which are eventually fired are fake, most likely wax, they burst as soon as they leave the muzzle. To make such bullets as similar as possible to real ones, craftsmen coat them acrylic paint lead color. Why don't the volunteers from the audience notice that the bullets are fake? Imagine that a camera is pointed at you, everyone is waiting for your witty answers to the questions of world famous magicians, your palms are sweating - there is no time for skepticism.

Penn clearly states what initials the volunteer puts on the bullet and what he draws on the cartridge case. Drawing, as you understand, is not difficult: most people paint a smiley face, a sun or a wand. At this very time, the assistant behind the scene depicts the initials on the bullet already shot in advance (it can be blurry, after all, the bullet has been in the revolver). Penn and Teller approach the hanger, where protective vests and masks are waiting for them.

Please note: hangers are located next to the curtain. This is a fatal moment: both magicians turn away from the camera, for seconds they are out of sight of others. And then the assistants put bullets in the mouth of Penn and Teller.

Time to marvel at Penn's conversational skills as he continues his distracting monologue about danger firearms while holding a bullet in his cheek. Further - a matter of technique and training. All that remains for magicians is to aim, fire blanks, and then, hiding behind a curtain of powder, push the bullet out from behind their cheeks and squeeze it between their teeth.

Every illusionist dreams of walking on water. Until the 21st century, only one succeeded, and even then in biblical times. But nowadays, thanks to the development of technology, the focus has become feasible. Among the first it was demonstrated to the world by the British illusionist Steve Frein, known as Dynamo. Yes, how effectively he demonstrated - he did not pass through any water, but along the Thames itself!


Since the tricks of Dynamo have not yet been revealed by competent people, we will express our version.

Tsimes focus - in a massive non-sinking platform made of plexiglass, which was previously anchored at the embankment. In principle, if it were in a pool of wonderful murmuring chlorinated water, the platform would be visible to the naked eye. But it's about the Thames. Here the water is so dark, wavy and dirty that if an illusionist thought to walk over drowned men dressed in multi-colored feathers, no one would notice this.

The rowers who defiantly swam behind Dynamo do not deserve criticism at all. But we still criticize. The immersion depth of a single kayak is no more than 15 cm.

And if you look closely at this photo, you will see what massive sneakers Dynamo has and how significantly they increase his height. This allows kayaks to float over the platform without disturbing it.

And finally, in this photo we can observe the swell, which is formed only at shallow depths.

Exactly 101 years ago, in 1912 (we clarify, if you accidentally threw a calculator on the other end of the sofa), this trick was performed by the notorious Harry Houdini. Since then, getting out of the water box has become one of the most respected magic tricks in the world, well, just a crème de la crème of illusions. There are dozens of interpretations of liberation. In particular, because, before settling in Copperfield's personal collection, an authentic box for a long time dangled in an unknown place and it was not easy to establish the exact technique for performing the trick. Focus has been actively filmed in films: for example, in the already mentioned The Prestige and House M.D. (season 4, episode 8 "You'd better not know"). But we chose the version of the illusionist duo Sherri and Krall because in 2012, on the centenary of the trick, they repeated the Houdini trick exactly as the maestro performed it. Unless a man climbs into a box of water, but a woman.



The secret of the trick is mostly in the lock of the camera. Well, in excellent physical training an illusionist who has to get out of it.

As Krall, acting as an assistant, locks the locks on the lid, Sherry discreetly pulls the rods out of the hinges holding the lid in place. Therefore, in order to get out, it is enough for a girl to tighten her abdominal muscles, pull herself up and get out of the open chamber.

Perhaps you are now stretching on the couch and grunting: “Just think, everyone can do it.” In fact, the Chinese water torture chamber is considered the most real fatal number. Judge for yourself: the stunt performer spends at least three minutes hanging upside down, which is a test in itself. Add to this immersion in water, the need physical activity and the risk of losing consciousness from the influx of blood to the head. Still, it's nice that there are people who are ready to risk their lives for our amusement.

To become famous all over the world, David Seth Kotkin had to not only take a prettier surname for himself, but also deprive Americans of their national dignity for a few minutes. The second, by the way, turned out to be much easier than many people think.



As you must have read on Wikipedia, the Statue of Liberty stands on a small island, away from the lights. big city. The only sources of light on the island come from the statue's own lighting system. Therefore, when a white cloth rises in front of the noses of the audience, all that is required is simply to turn off the internal and external lighting of the girl with the torch.

The white cloth descends and the audience gasps in unison as the statue disappears. Although in reality they should gasp at how imperfect human vision is: the audience cannot see the copper 93-meter colossus, as they were blinded by the illuminated pillars on which the fabric is stretched. When, a few minutes later, Copperfield lifts the fabric, again shielding the statue from the public, their eyes have not yet had time to adapt and consider the outlines dear to the heart of the Yankees.

As for the searchlights crossing the "empty" space, this is also an optical illusion. The searchlights were installed not on the sides of the statue, but in front of it, and, directed vertically, they did not touch the statue and created the illusion of emptiness. Later, when the disappearance was televised, gullible viewers were shown footage taken from a helicopter. And here is a video montage: the statue was removed from the pedestal ahead of time.

The Metamorphosis trick, invented by illusionist John Nevil Maskelyne in the 19th century, has become legendary in the 20th century. To the best of their ability, all magicians tried to perform it, from Houdini to Mark Wilson, and each brought something new to the act. Jonathan and Charlotte Pendragon were especially distinguished in improving the Metamorphoses. They got their hands and other parts of their bodies into this trick so much that they pulled off the climax in a record-breaking two seconds. With these miserable seconds, the Pendragons entered the 50th anniversary edition of the Guinness Book of Records.



First, of course, the bag. The bag is not as simple as it seems. Please note that we never see its bottom, it is always hidden from us by a chest. Therefore, even though Charlotte honestly hides her husband in a bag and ties him up, Jonathan can always get out through the holey bottom of the bag. Which he does as soon as Charlotte closes the lid.

As for the castle, it also locks for real. Well, who cares that inside the chest is equipped with a system for pushing the top cover. As soon as Charlotte climbs onto the box, she closes it and herself with black cloth and at the same time rests against the side walls of the chest. This is where the magic begins. Jonathan, already out of the bag, pushes back the lid. Charlotte does not fall because the side walls she is standing on are stationary. Jonathan stands up on the lid of the drawer and takes the cloth from Charlotte's hand.

Having passed the baton, the girl jumps into the chest and slams the lid. At the same moment, Jonathan throws back the fabric and appears before the audience - out of breath and shiny with pride. While he is bowing, his wife manages to rip off her top swimsuit, under which another one is hidden, of a contrasting color (although, you must admit, a greater effect would be achieved if Mrs. Pendragon jumped out of the chest naked). It remains only to climb into the bag, which Charlotte successfully does.

Meanwhile, Jonathan defiantly draws his saber and unlocks the useless lock. Unties the bag, and - here's a surprise! - His wife is in the bag. In a swimsuit of a different color!*

* Note Phacochoerus "a Funtik:
« Approximately according to this scheme, "Metamorphoses" are always performed. The Pendragons turned out to be the fastest performers of the illusion due to their excellent physical form and the ability to jump from the chest and back without accidentally breaking your neck»

Everyone to court!

As you understand, illusionists do not like very much if their tricks are revealed. When the first American broadcast of the Secrets of the Great Magicians aired in 1997, magician unions around the world sounded the alarm. This did not help: the program, which dissects tricks in detail, is still being filmed. Actually, her contribution to the preparation of this material is invaluable. The host of the program, magician Val Valentino, explained that he reveals tricks so that his colleagues come up with new ones. But we suspect he's making shows for fame and money.

And illusionists are very fond of going to courts and finding out who was the first to come up with the idea of ​​pulling a rabbit out of a sawn box, floating in zero gravity. So, in the 1930s, the case of the magician Horace Goldin against the tobacco company R.J. received wide publicity. Reynolds Tobacco Company, which used explanations of his patented "cutting a woman apart" trick in an advertisement for new cigarettes. The ad campaign was called "It's fun to be fooled... But it's even more fun to know" and consisted entirely of exposing tricks. Goldin never won the case, but henceforth he was more careful and, in order to avoid leakage of information, did not even patent his next high-profile trick, in which he sawed the assistant not with an ordinary saw, but with a circular saw.

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