His broad cheeky face was quite pleasant. Who is Svidrigailov


Get to the core human soul regardless of who it belongs to, the righteous or the murderer - that's what happened main goal creativity of Mikhail Dostoevsky. Most of his heroes live in St. Petersburg in the 19th century. Nevertheless, the books of the great Russian classic are still interesting today. And not only in Russia, but also abroad. The image of Svidrigailov is one of the most interesting images Dostoevsky. Only at first glance it may seem that this character is unambiguous. He is opposed to the protagonist of the novel "Crime and Punishment", however, he has much in common with him.

The image of Svidrigailov in the novel "Crime and Punishment"

So what do we know about this hero? Svidrigailov Arkady Ivanovich - an acquaintance of Dunya Raskolnikova. Moreover, he is her admirer, passionate, unstoppable. The image of Svidrigailov emerges even before his appearance. Raskolnikov will one day learn about him as a low man, ready for anything for the sake of gain and pleasure. Of great interest is mysterious story Arkady Ivanovich. He, like main character novel, once committed a murder. However, unlike Raskolnikov, he was not brought to trial.

Arkady Ivanovich is fifty years old. This is a man of medium height, burly, with steep and broad shoulders. An important part of Svidrigailov's image is smart, comfortable clothing. In his hands he always has an exquisite cane, with which he now and then taps. Svidrigailov's broad face is quite pleasant. A healthy complexion indicates that most he does not spend time in dusty St. Petersburg. Hair blond with grey.

What is the most important thing in the image of Svidrigailov, as, indeed, in any other? Of course, the eyes. At Arkady Ivanovich they are blue, they look coldly, intently, a little thoughtfully. Svidrigailov is a nobleman, a retired officer. He is a desperate man, as one of the characters said, "zabubenny behavior." Briefly, the image of Svidrigailov can be described as follows: a villain, a voluptuary, a scoundrel.

History of Arkady Ivanovich

The characterization of Svidrigailov is very unattractive. Nevertheless, in the scene in which his death is depicted, he is able to arouse pity in the reader. The image of Svidrigailov in Dostoevsky's novel is considered to be the most striking negative. Still, this is a rather controversial character. Yes, he is a scoundrel, a libertine, an adventurer, a petty tyrant. But he is an unfortunate man.

One day he says to Raskolnikov: “My children need me. But what kind of father am I? He seems to be trying to denigrate himself, trying to seem more unpleasant and disgusting than he is. Perhaps the whole point is that Svidrigailov once committed a murder. He did not confess, did not repent. He believes in his impunity. Svidrigailov is cruelly mistaken. There is no crime without punishment.

Once Svidrigailov was a card sharper. He went to jail for debt. From there he was bought out by Marfa Petrovna - a middle-aged woman, but very rich. After his release, Arkady Ivanovich married her. True, a few months after the wedding, he declared that he could not be faithful to her.

Marfa Petrovna forgave her husband's infidelities. Moreover, once she did everything in order to hide the dirty story that led to the death of a fifteen-year-old girl. But then Svidrigailov had every chance to take a walk in Siberia. If not for his wife, who, by the way, later died under very strange circumstances. Dunya Raskolnikova believes that Arkady Ivanovich poisoned her.

Let's consider in more detail character traits Svidrigailov. What kind of story happened to him a few years before meeting Raskolnikov? What does this villain have in common with the main character?


Svidrigailov is a rather eccentric person. He is not at all interested in the opinions of others. As already mentioned, he is called "a man of tame behavior." He says strange things, takes his interlocutor by surprise with his shameless speeches. Perhaps he is really indifferent to public opinion. But another option can be assumed: Svidrigailov enjoys surprising, shocking others.


This is the most depraved hero in the novel "Crime and Punishment". Once he was cheating on his wife with peasant women with might and main. Later, having met Dunya, he was inflamed with passion for her. This killed the pervert. The girl will never reciprocate him. She despises him, and one day she almost kills him. Arkady Ivanovich is used to getting his way. When he realizes that he will never achieve goals in the person of Dunya Raskolnikova, he commits suicide.


Svidrigailov is an empty man. He is accustomed to idleness, lives in a big way. Svidrigailov's marriage itself is nothing but a gamble. He connected his life with a woman whom he did not love. Perhaps Svidrigailov is not at all capable of a deep feeling. He lives for the momentary pleasure for which he is ready to pay someone else's life. The time has come to tell the story, after which the reputation of a scoundrel has forever been fixed for Arkady Ivanovich.


Marfa Petrovna concluded a strange contract with her husband. Its essence was as follows: he would never leave her, he would never have a permanent mistress, while he would satisfy his lust with hay girls. One of the peasant women - a girl of 14-15 years old - was once found strangled in the attic. It turned out that Svidrigailov's cruel insult prompted her to commit suicide. This man had another death on his conscience. To suicide, he brought Philip - a peasant who could not stand the constant persecution.

Svidrigailov and Luzhin

The images of these characters are opposed to the main character. They are considered to be the twins of Raskolnikov. However, Luzhin, unlike Svidrigailov, and even more so the student who killed the old woman, is a rather simple character.

Luzhin evokes nothing but rejection. This is a well-groomed middle-aged gentleman, in whose expensive smart clothes there is something unnatural, fake. Unlike Svidrigailov, he got out of the bottom. Luzhin was not accustomed to idleness. He serves in two places, cherishes every minute. Finally, the main thing that distinguishes him from Arkady Ivanovich is rationality, prudence. This man will never lose his head because of passion. He wants to marry Dunya not because he loves her. Raskolnikov's sister is poor, which means she will be an obedient wife. She is well educated, which means she will help him take a higher place in society.

One field of berries

Svidrigailov learns about Raskolnikov's crime by eavesdropping on his conversation with Sonya. He, of course, will not publicize the secret of Rodion Romanovich. However, she excites, excites him. “We are of the same field with you,” he once says to Raskolnikov. But suddenly he notices incomprehensible tragic throwing in the student. A person with such a fine organization has nothing to commit a crime - so Svidrigailov believes, contemptuously calling Rodion's suffering "Schillerism".

Arkady Ivanovich suffered pangs of conscience only in last days his life. And they were too weak to lead to repentance. He, unlike Raskolnikov, could not admit his guilt.

In his famous philosophical and psychological work Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky created a whole galaxy of vivid and ambiguous images that still amaze readers today with their complexity, brightness and eccentricity.

One of these characters in the novel is the rare scoundrel and scoundrel Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov. His image was created by the author in order to draw a parallel between him and the main character Rodion Raskolnikov, because they are in similar life situations: both of them committed a crime, had a "mysterious relationship" with an old pawnbroker. And although Svidrigailov calls them “berries of the same field” with Rodion, this is not entirely true, because he has long been on the side of evil and has no doubts about the correctness of his choice.

Characteristics of the main character

Arkady Ivanovich is a rather attractive and youthful fifty-year-old man noble origin. He is well dressed and makes a favorable impression on those around him, although Raskolnikov subtly notices that his face with cold and thoughtful blue eyes and with thin scarlet lips it looks like a mask (and rather unpleasant), behind which its owner successfully hides his vile essence.

Svidrigailov is a former officer who left his service a long time ago and indulged in the idle life of a cheater in the capital until he fell into a debt hole. From there, a rich woman Marfa Petrovna rescues him, she pays all his debts, takes him to her village, where she becomes his wife. However, he does not feel a drop of love and gratitude for her, and continues to lead an immoral lifestyle there. The vicious and immoral Svidrigailov causes the suicide of a poor peasant girl of fifteen, whom he seduces and abandons. With particular sophistication and cruelty, he also drives the poor servant Philip to suicide. Moreover, having become the cause of the death of two people, Svidrigailov has absolutely no remorse, does not repent and calmly continues to lead his depraved life.

(Svidrigailov shamelessly flirting with Dunya)

Unlike Raskolnikov, who also committed a crime, and now suffered and tormented himself with the question of whether he had the right to do so or not, Svidrigailov is absolutely calm and confident in his actions. He does everything to satisfy his base desires, and he absolutely does not care whether other people suffer from this or not. His soul is no longer at the crossroads of good and evil, he is consciously on the side of evil and does not repent of any of his crimes, because he does not even consider them to be such. He lives, striving to further satisfy his lust, and the evil in him continues to grow and expand.

(Dunya shoots Svidrigailov, in the role of Victoria Fedorov, film by L. Kulidzhanova "Crime and Punishment", USSR 1969)

Having met Raskolnikov's sister Dunya in his house, who appeared there as a servant, the libertine Svidrigailov falls in love with her and begins to harass her. A pure and chaste girl angrily rejects his courtship, and he, in order to achieve what he wants, brings his wife to a terrible sin - suicide. Trying to persuade the girl to get in touch with him, Svidrigailov resorts to various tricks, blackmailing her with revealing the secret of her murderer brother, but Dunya, driven to despair, shoots him with a revolver to stop this cruel and unscrupulous man. Only then does he understand how disgusting she is, and having truly fallen in love with this brave and pure girl, he lets her go.

The image of the hero in the work

(Svidrigailov to Raskolnikov:)

The image of Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov, a man without conscience and honor, was specially created by Dostoevsky as a warning to the main character, Raskolnikov, who he can become if he drowns out the voice of conscience and can live on without fully atoning for the crime he committed.

Svidrigailov worries and torments Rodion with his mysteriousness and power over him, with the words that they are "of the same field." Actually this scary man is the embodiment of his dark half, that part of Raskolnikov's soul, with which he is constantly trying to fight, because it can lead him to a complete moral fall and switch to the side of evil.

(Petrenko Alexei Vasilyevich as Svidrigailov, Lensoviet Theatre, St. Petersburg)

Broken by the act of his beloved woman, Svidrigailov realizes how empty and meaningless his life is. His conscience begins to torment him and he last hours of his life, he tries to somehow make amends with God and people: he transfers money to Duna, helps Sonya Marmeladova and her family. Belated remorse overtakes him and he, unable to bear this burden, commits suicide. He turned out to be too weak and cowardly, and could not, like Raskolnikov, repent and suffer a well-deserved punishment.

Svidrigailov characterization and image in Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment


1. The versatility of the heroes of the novel "Crime and Punishment".

2. Svidrigailov. Characteristics and image of the hero

2.1. Immoral villain

2.2. Svidrigailov and Raskolnikov

2.3. Love for Dunya

3. The end of Svidrigailov

In his difficult novel Crime and Punishment, F. M. Dostoevsky depicted several living and vivid images which still impress readers with their eccentricity and complexity.

First of all, this, of course, is the main character himself, a hardworking, sympathetic young man who decided to cross the line of what is permitted. This is Sonya Marmeladova - a destitute, deprived of childhood, impoverished and selling herself girl, capable of strong feelings and sincere devotion. This is Sonya's father, and Luzhin, and, of course, Svidrigailov.

Arkady Ivanovich appears before readers handsome man fifty years old, well-dressed, youthful. He is a nobleman and former officer, was married to a wealthy woman. It would seem that life smiles at this hero, he is full of strength and conceit, because the circumstances surrounding him are developing successfully. But not everything is so simple. Svidrigailov is an immoral and vicious person who has no conscience and moral principles. Because of such dirty beliefs, he breaks the life of himself and others, becomes unhappy himself and makes those around him unhappy.

At a young age, he quits the service, because it is difficult for him to obey the army routine, live on friendly terms with his comrades and observe the norms of decency. Having no regular income and spending all your savings on wild image life and play, Svidrigailov becomes a beggar. He is imprisoned for cheating and debts. At this time, he is assisted by a rich woman. Marfa Petrovna pays a lot of money to free a man, marries him and leaves with him for the village.

Another person, imbued with gratitude for this loving noblewoman, would respect and appreciate her. But Arkady Ivanovich was not like that. He humiliates his wife and shamelessly cheats on her. “I had such squalor in my soul and a kind of honesty to declare to her directly that I can’t be completely faithful to her,” declares this vicious person, and still boasts of his immorality. But his adventures in the village do not end there.

With unprecedented sophistication and cruelty, Svidrigailov mocks the peasant, and thereby drives him to suicide. And his immoral relationship with a fifteen-year-old girl causes disapproval and condemnation in the reader. The unfortunate girl kills herself, but this has no effect on the villain. He, without feeling remorse, continues to enjoy life and depravity.

Committing crimes and excesses, Arkady Ivanovich does not suffer, like Raskolnikov, who is tormented whether he has the right to take a person's life. Svidrigailov commits his atrocities without hesitation, and it's scary. For him there is no crime or offense, for him there is only the need to satisfy his desires and lusts, regardless of how it affects others. And although he tells the main character that they are both “of the same field”, this is not so.

Svidrigailov does not doubt his evil deeds, he does not waver between good and evil. He has long been on the side of evil and does not feel the slightest sign of remorse. In contrast to Raskolnikov, Arkady Ivanovich does not withdraw into himself after the crime. He continues to live and strives to get everything from life. The relationship between Svidrigailov and Raskolnikov's sister Dunya is amazing and extraordinary. The girl comes to serve in the family of Arkady Ivanovich, where he notices her and is imbued with love for her. Most likely, the man conquered spiritual beauty and the purity of the young maid. She behaves meekly and humbly, with zeal performs homework She is kind and accommodating. But this flexibility has another side.

Dunya is an honest, chaste girl, she preserves her purity and innocence. No threats and intimidation, no gifts and no flattery can shake her determination to resist the hated master. Svidrigailov cannot come to terms with this. He thinks that his wife is interfering with the girl. Therefore, a man commits a terrible act - he becomes the culprit in the death of his wife, the mother of his children, who all the time saved him and saved him from the consequences of his dirty deeds. After that, Arkady Ivanovich goes to Dunya to force her to give herself to him.

He blackmails the girl with the secret of her brother and indulges in other terrible tricks to seduce the unfortunate. But Dunya, driven to despair, understands that she can become a puppet in the hands of a cruel, unprincipled person, whom she abhors and despises, and decides to kill. The first shot missed the villain, and the second time the girl could not shoot and threw back the revolver. Svidrigailov, who was not frightened by either the assassination or the real threat, was broken by Dunya's despair and grief, her extinguished gaze and dull indifference. He realized that he was disgusted by his beloved, that she would never and never love him sincerely and voluntarily. “- So you don’t love? .. And you can’t? Never? Never!" - this quiet short conversation decides further fate heroes. Arkady Ivanovich, who truly loves this steadfast, pure young woman, lets her go and decides to commit suicide.

His existence is meaningless, without a beloved who could become his joy and salvation, he sees no reason in his existence. Svidrigailov commits suicide, but, oddly enough for villain, in the last hours of his existence, he performs noble deeds that save the lives of others. The man leaves money to his bride, who is young and innocent, and Sonechka, thanks to which she can change her profession and follow Raskolnikov into exile to take care of his mental well-being. Arkady Ivanovich also arranges the lives of the Marmeladov children. If not for his good deeds, who knows how the life of the main characters would have ended. And so we have the hope that by his suicide Svidrigailov saved Sonya and Rodion, that they will live happily ever after.

Svidrigailov Arkady Ivanovich- one of the main characters in Dostoevsky's novel "Zlochin and Punishment". Together with the character of Luzhin, I establish the system of twins of Rodion Raskolnikov in the novel.

"Zlochin i Kara" characteristicSvidrigailov

Svidrigailov is close to 50 years old. Serving two years in the cavalry. Potim, for yoga words, "wandering" in St. Petersburg. Be a sharpie. Having made friends on Martha Petrivna, I bought yoga from the v'yaznitsa, this rock is alive in the village. Cynic. Loving waste. There are a number of serious mischiefs on my mind: the self-destruction of Philip's servant and the fourteenth-year-old girl depicted by him, perhaps, and the destruction of the squad ... Dvіynik,

Svidrigailov arrives to Petersburg and gets to know Raskolnikov, asking him about the sovereignty of the Dunya, and then taking away his wife. Vipadkovo to settle in the countryside, having heard її Rozmov with Raskolnikov, it is found out who having driven in the old likhvarka, after which, at the commemoration, you tell Raskolnikov that, having heard Rozmov, and all you know, prote probіtsyaє zbergati mov channa. Dali Raskolnikov slew Svidrigailov in the tavern, promising not to let yogo zustrich with his sister. Svidrigailov deceives Yogo, hangs and lures Dunya to his apartment, de Dunya hardly shoots Yogo with a pistol shot. Residually understanding that one can feel love without reciprocity, Svidrigailov unintentionally ends his life with self-destruction.

The character of Svidrigailov

Svidrigailov is calm, investing in splintering, lighting, swinging. May have a dual character. From one side, a great, normal, hard-witted person, like a blame and stand before Raskolnikov, from the other side, Raskolnikov’s mother, Dunya, and talk about a new one, about a person, disband, htiva, evil and cynical. From one side, a rapist, a wrecker and a destroyer, from the other side, donate pennies to Sonya and the orphans of Marmeladov, help Raskolnikov to help. Speak in a monotonous voice, but I’m like a smile, like a person who has a lot of fun and knows the price of oneself and people. Troch zabobonny, perhaps, becoming so in the last hour of life, after the death of the squad.

Zovnishnist Svidrigailov

He was a man of about fifty, taller than average, burly, with broad and steep shoulders, which gave him a somewhat round-shouldered appearance. He was smartly and comfortably dressed and looked like a portly gentleman. In his hands was a beautiful cane, with which he tapped, with every step, on the sidewalk, and his hands were in fresh gloves. His broad, cheeky face was rather pleasant, and his complexion was fresh, not Petersburg. His hair, which was still very thick, was quite blond and a little grey, and broad, thick beard, descending with a shovel, was even lighter than head hair. His eyes were blue and looked coldly intently and thoughtfully; scarlet lips. In general, he was a well-preserved man and seemed much younger than his years ...

Through the eyes of Raskolnikov towards the end of the novel:

It was a kind of strange face, resembling, as it were, a mask: white, ruddy, with ruddy, scarlet lips, with a light blond beard, and with rather thick blond hair. The eyes were somehow too blue, and their gaze was somehow too heavy and motionless. There was something terribly unpleasant in this handsome and extremely youthful, judging by his age, face. Svidrigailov's clothes were dapper, summery, light, and he especially flaunted underwear. On the finger was a huge ring with an expensive stone ...


(Novel, 1866)

Svidrigailov Arkady Ivanovich - one of the central pfoi. “... About fifty years old, taller than average, burly, with broad and steep shoulders, which gave him a somewhat stooped appearance ... His broad, cheeky face was rather pleasant, and his complexion was fresh, not Petersburg. His hair, which was still very thick, was quite blond and a little grey, and his broad, thick beard, descending like a shovel, was even lighter than his head hair. His eyes were blue and looked coldly, intently and thoughtfully; red lips." Raskolnikov notices that his face looks like a mask and there is something extremely unpleasant in it.

Nobleman. He served two years in the cavalry. Then, in his words, he "wandered around" in St. Petersburg. Was a swindler. Having married Marfa Petrovna, who bought him out of prison, he lived in the village for seven years. Cynic. Loves debauchery. On his conscience a number serious crimes: the suicide of Philip's servant and the fourteen-year-old girl insulted by him, perhaps, and the poisoning of his wife ... Raskolnikov's double, S., as it were, was generated by the hero's nightmare. Appearing in his closet, he declares that they are “of the same field of berries” and invites Raskolnikov to transfer ten thousand to his sister Duna, who, due to his harassment, was compromised and lost her place. Having lured her to him under the pretext of important news concerning her brother, he reports that Rodion is a murderer. He tries to gain Dunya's favor by offering to save Raskolnikov and then blackmailing her. Dunya, to prevent violence, shoots him with a revolver and misses. However, C, humbled himself, suddenly releases her. In his question: “So you don’t love? And you can't? Never?" - sounds sincere bitterness, almost despair.

Unlike Raskolnikov, he is already on the other side of good and evil and seems to have no doubts. It is no coincidence that S. is so worried about Raskolnikov, who feels his power over himself, with his mystery. He's free, moral law no longer has power over him, but this does not bring him joy. All that remains for him is worldly boredom and vulgarity. S. had fun as best he could, trying to overcome this boredom. At night ghosts appear to him: Marfa Petrovna, Philip's servant... The indistinguishability of good and evil gives rise to evil infinity, makes life meaningless. It is no coincidence that eternity appears to him in the form of a rustic smoky bathhouse with spiders. And although he helps arrange the children of Marmeladov after the death of Katerina Ivanovna, takes care of a little girl in a hotel before committing suicide, his soul is almost dead. S. commits suicide with a shot from a revolver.

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