Willpower examples from the lives of famous people. Useful video: concept, types and theories of Will


Philosophers of different times have constantly tried to understand what will is in human life, but so far there is no clear point of view on this issue. Here is the most common definition of this concept. Will - in psychology, the desire of an individual to achieve the desired goal, overcoming internal and external opposition. According to L.S. Rubinshtein, volitional effort streamlines activity, sets a goal in life, changes consciousness, corrects reality according to a person’s desire.

The definition of what will is was first attempted by the Greek thinker Aristotle. The scientist believed that the term formulates the foundation of morality and the result of human activity. In his opinion, everyone is responsible for his own destiny, making a choice of life direction.

If the individual independently decides how to act or what to change in the present or future, then the actions change at his will. So, whether to be good or not depends entirely on the person. Status according to Aristotle good will lies in free choice actions and deeds with a focus on reasonable intentions.

Conscious control of one's actions, behavior, encounters obstacles on the way, which are characterized by internal or external motives and force the use of willpower inherent in the structure of character. In this case, the function of the will is expressed as an activating or inhibiting key. As a result of volitional effort, the action accelerates, changes direction, stops, or acquires a different characteristic.

Development Methods

Will in the structure of character is not laid genetically. Everyone has the opportunity, through the use of a restraining and stimulating lever, to develop volitional qualities in order to overcome obstacles that delay the realization of personal well-being and happiness.

Important! The earlier a child develops a manifestation of will: determination, discipline, courage, perseverance, the more often they will manifest themselves in adulthood.

The following activities to develop the ability to apply willpower are useful:

  • making a plan for the current day;
  • visiting circles, gym;
  • observance of the regime throughout the day: lifting, games, classes.

Adults should supervise how the child performs tasks. Examples: if the child does not respond to the call to remove scattered toys, then the volitional quality is not developed in him. The child makes a negative choice in his favor. If a student does not succeed in something, and he does not want to make efforts to solve this problem, it means that he does not have willpower, he needs adult guidance.

The child must follow the daily routine

Volitional types, to describe them briefly, are based on:

  • on physiological processes, expressed in the reaction of the nervous processes of the brain;
  • laid by the family in the course of education;
  • change in adults by regulating their behavior, moral character, life principles;
  • the development of this function is influenced by the external circumstances of a person's life.

In humans, 3 types of manifestation of will are more common:

  1. Spiritual (free type) is manifested in believers in God. For example, a monk who has decided to dedicate his life to the Creator consciously renounces the comforts and pleasures of worldly existence by strengthening his will. Christians limit food during fasting, devote a significant part of their free time to prayers.
  2. The choice of natural will allows you to adhere to your principles in life, to control behavior.
  3. Forced characteristic of the will: a person has to obey public laws, moral attitudes.

Spiritual type of manifestation of will among believers

How to develop willpower

IN childhood difficulties in educating volitional characteristics are caused by excessive pampering. Getting rid of an acquired habit can be quite difficult.

Important! Also, the child's parents do a disservice by harshly suppressing any of his initiatives. With such upbringing, children grow up weak-willed.

Develop the will

  • the concept of the need for action;
  • planning what is planned;
  • conscious determination;
  • motivation;
  • help of other mental processes: mindfulness, emotionality, memorization, thinking, logic..

To start the improvement phase volitional qualities, it is necessary to briefly develop the following definitions, on the basis of which the will is formed:

  • motivation of actions;
  • personal control of the process;
  • development of initiative, properties that show the independence of the child;
  • encourage action or inaction.

Parents should encourage the initiative of the child

At the same time, he act of will causes a person stressful condition, mental tension:

  • the urge may be clearly perceived or beckoning with its uncertainty;
  • the difficulty of choosing the main motive, if you have to choose from several;
  • determining the order of motivation;
  • the behavioral motive can differ significantly, the feeling of insecurity causes concern when choosing a behavior model.

Useful video: psychology of will

Motivation and purpose

The motive and result of volitional action do not always correspond to the desired result.

There are 4 final types of will in psychology:

  • a positive motive is expressed after a similar action (deed);
  • a negative motive causes the same result;
  • good intentions in an unfavorable combination of circumstances or negligence lead to a negative result;
  • negative motivation is imitated under positive reference the end justifies the means.

Distinguish between simple and complex actions. Simple ones consist of a goal and an act, which often coincide. Example: the athlete went to the horizontal bar and decided to pull himself up. Action does not require additional thought or doubt. Came up and pulled up.

At difficult decision planning is the intermediate step. For example, studying at a university, preparing for a hike, sports competitions.

Before doing something, it is necessary to set a goal - the intended result of the future manifestation of the will. Achievement satisfies any human need (motive). If the goal and motive fully or partially coincide, less volitional effort is expended. Example: a person wanted to refresh himself in the river (goal), because it was too hot outside (motive). Volitional tension is not required, the goal and motivation coincided.

Often the motive does not coincide with the intended goal: the boy enrolls in sports section. In this situation, the motive may not be an effort of will, but other reasons.

A boy can enroll in a section because he has a desire:

  • become strong and dexterous;
  • increase authority among peers;
  • yield to the will of the parents;
  • just do something interesting.

In accordance with the motive and purpose, volitional tension occurs to achieve the result.

A conflict of motives is obtained if you want to do several things at once:

  • prepare for exams;
  • to visit;
  • relax on the river
  • watch an interesting movie.

Conflict of motives

A person makes a choice in life consciously, comparing what is more important now. The stage of event planning is also characterized by significant willpower. At the same time, a person is looking for the most favorable ways to accomplish his plan.

The final phase is the execution of the action, according to which the significance of the whole event is considered. It can be difficult for a person to bring a matter to the final result and get more high score, if you do not have a certain volitional training.

It notes:

  • endless postponing of the process of starting activities;
  • Difficulties with finishing the work begun;
  • the inability to deviate from the implementation of the plan, even under changed circumstances, prompts to stop the work, not completely completing it, because it is more profitable.

Refusal to continue work in some cases requires much more willpower than the continuation of vain labor.

Situation examples

The will and its main features are best seen through concrete examples.

Let's try to decompose the process of drinking water into components:

  • a man goes to the refrigerator;
  • opens the door;
  • takes out a bottle of water;
  • uncorks the cork;
  • takes an empty glass in his hand;
  • pours water from a bottle, tilting the neck;
  • brings the glass to his mouth and tilts it so that the water comes to the edge;
  • makes a sucking motion with the mouth;
  • swallows water;
  • puts the bottle back in the fridge.

At the same time, the characteristic of the will for voluntary (requiring control of consciousness) and involuntary (swallowing) is manifested at the level of instinct, the body responds to the sight of a glass of water. The rest of the actions occur automatically, without focusing on their implementation.

Involuntary manifestation of will

The will and its main features are clearly manifested in the analysis of the nature of the personality:

  • purposefulness, determination;
  • perseverance, self-control;
  • endurance, independence.

The effort of will in life in intensity depends on the following personality characteristics:

  • views on the structure of the surrounding world;
  • the moral image laid down by education;
  • the significance of the goal and its achievement;
  • attitude of a person to the forthcoming activity;
  • properties of personal manageability, organization.

The role of will in critical situation is a psychological impulse supported by emotional components. At this moment, feelings are sharpened, all the reserves of the human body are mobilized, maximum amount energy. Sometimes this brings "magic results" that cannot be achieved under normal conditions.

Useful video: concept, types and theories of Will


Only man, unlike other living beings on Earth, is endowed with reason and willpower. Without their application it is impossible to achieve success in work, study. All volitional characteristics are developed in a person throughout life and are fixed through self-education.

Some people fail to force themselves not to eat after six in the evening, and some overcome difficulties that would seem to break most people. Perhaps they really have an iron will, or maybe they simply did not set themselves the question of how to develop willpower: sometimes difficult circumstances simply leave no choice - a person either fights or stops living and begins to exist.

  • Bethany Hamilton. This girl grew up in the Hawaiian Islands in a family of surfers and, it seems, could not help but connect her life with water - she has been surfing since childhood. However, at the age of 13, she lost left hand as a result of a shark attack. A month later, Bethany again conquered the waves, and two years later she won the prestigious competition among surfers. Today she is a professional surfer and an inspiration to millions of people. Her biography formed the basis of the film Soul Surfer, which was released in 2011.
  • Jason Lester. When 12-year-old Jason Lester was hit by a car and, among other things, paralyzed his arm, he hardly thought that in a couple of decades he would become a world-class triathlete. To date, he has completed the well-known Ironman and Ultraman races. He swims, runs and rides a bike, although he still cannot fully use his right hand. In 2009, he was recognized as the best among athletes with disabilities. To questions about how to develop willpower in order to achieve such heights, he simply answers: “If you don’t stop yourself, nothing will stop you.”
  • Melissa Stockwell. This woman served in the US Army, and in 2004, as a result of a roadside bomb explosion, her leg was amputated above the knee. But a real fighter is always a fighter. She began swimming while still in the hospital, as part of a course of physiotherapy, and in 2008 she took part in the Paralympic Games, where she set two records in swimming in the hundred meters. For her, too, there is no question of how to train willpower, everything is simpler: “I can do whatever I want, with or without a leg,” says Melissa Stockwell.
  • Anthony Robles was born without one leg, but this did not stop him from participating and winning national wrestling competitions, as part of the school and university teams.
  • Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France seven times in a row and became one of the most famous athletes in the world. This happened already after he was diagnosed with testicular cancer at the age of 25, with metastases that spread to the lungs and brain. He had a 40% chance of surviving, but after chemotherapy and brain surgery, he went into remission. The athlete used the chance given by fate to one hundred percent, and despite a life-long disqualification, he remains a source of inspiration for those who fight cancer today.
  • Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous scientists on the planet, bestselling author of " Short story time”, author of three children; he actively travels and even flew in zero gravity. At the same time, Stephen Hawking is almost completely paralyzed, and can only talk with the help of a speech synthesizer.
  • Helen Keller, at the age of 19 months, lost her sight and hearing due to illness. She later studied special program for children with special needs, received a bachelor's degree, wrote several books, and became an active campaigner for women's rights.

Essay on the text.

(1) From time immemorial, the Voronikhin boys have been at enmity with the over-ravines.
(2) Short, sickly Julius flew in especially often.
(3) Once, at the bridge, Yashka Krivonosy met him with his unbridled gang.
(4) - Well, Caesar, let's have a bite, - said Yashka. (b) He bent down and grabbed a handful of earth. (6) - Eat, Ancient Rome!
(7) Two guys twisted Yulia's arms, and Krivonosy pressed a handful of earth to his tightly clenched mouth. (8) Yula twitched, fought back. (9) The earth creaked disgustingly on its teeth, and only a policeman who suddenly appeared saved him ...
(Yu) A few days later, Yula again ran into Yashki-well company.
(11) - Hey! Yashka said. (12) - Disorder! (13) Caesar was red-haired. (14) And Yula is black! (15) Let's fix it now ...
(16) He held Julius tightly while one of the boys ran home, brought a bucket and a brush. (17) Yashka, to the friendly laughter of the boys, boldly slapped paint on Yulia's head, so that his hair stuck together and rose. (18) Both the forehead and ears were smeared with fiery bright paint ...
(19) Yula looked at the tormentor with hatred. (20) If he could, he would wipe Yashka off the face of the earth. (21) But how? (22) Yashka was a head taller than him and, of course, much stronger.
(23) ... Soon a big top circus arrived in the city, and Julius went to the performance.
(24) An uncle in black entered the arena and announced loudly:
(25) - World famous strongman Ali Mahmud!
(26) To a thunder of applause, a real strong man stepped onto the carpet. (27) A horse was brought into the arena, and Ali Mahmud picked it up as simply as if it were a toy horse, then just as easily carried a pole around the arena, at each end of which three men hung.
(28) The small, frail Yula enthusiastically followed every movement of Ali Mahmud.
(29) "I wish I were such a strong man!" Yula dreamed, fading with happiness. (ZO) How wonderful he could have done then! (31) And the very first thing - I would then give Yashka pepper!
(32) After the backstage performance, Yula asked Ali Mahmud:
(33) - Is it difficult to become a strongman?
(34) Ali Mahmud answered almost without hesitation:
(35) - It's very simple, boy. (Zb) Fifteen pull-ups in the morning, fifteen in the evening - that's all. (37) In a year you will become twice as strong.
(38) Summer is over, school has begun. (39) And on the very first day of classes, Yula again ran into Yashka Krivonosy.
(40) - Why don’t you say hello, ancient? - Yashka, out of habit, forcefully held Yulia's palm from chin to forehead, painfully lifting up the raised tip of his nose.
(41) - Stop! - Angered Yula ordered furiously. (42) - We are fighting. (43) One on one. (44) But not now, but exactly in a year. (45) Remember: next year, on the first of September, I will certainly beat you. (46) I swear!
(47) - And if you don’t beat? - sarcastically wedged Yashka.
(48) - If I don’t beat you, dye my hair with red lead, and I’ll walk all over the city like this for a whole week ...
(49) There was so much anger and truthfulness in Yula's voice that they believed him.
(50) - Okay! - Yashka said with a threat. (51) - Exactly one year later, I take you at your word. (52) Look, Caesar! ..
(53) Yulia had to endure a lot of pain and torment, but two months later he was already doing fifteen pull-ups without a break ...
(54) A year has passed. (55) On September 1, Yula, together with his classmate Kolka Samokhin, went to the river. (56) A whole crowd of Voronikhins had already gathered there.
(57) - Well, - said Yashka, - let's start, weakling?
(58) His hands itched to paint his enemy's head faster, so he jumped up to Yulia and hit him ...
(59) They fought for a long time. (bO) Many thought that Yula was about to fall down, give up, because they were used to defeating him. (61) But the audience did not notice that Yashka was already tired and was poking his fists almost at random, and Yula was still fresh.
(62) He hit Yashka in the chin, as it seemed to him, quite slightly, but suddenly his knees bent, and he gently sank to the ground.
(63) - Hurrah! (64) Knockout! shouted Kolka Samokhin joyfully.
(65) It seems that Yula himself was most surprised. (66) He
I did not expect that his blow would be so powerful. (67) The audience was also numb ...
(68) This story was the beginning of the sports path of the European champion, weightlifter Yuliy Petrovich Starov.
(69) Different paths lead people to sports...
(According to B. Raevsky)

Option 1
Willpower is a quality that allows a person not to deviate from the chosen path, to remain true to his goal.
In the story of B. Raevsky, a hero named Julius demonstrates willpower. He whole year(proposition 54) prepared for a fight with Yashka, despite the pain and torment (proposition 53). It was thanks to this quality that he was able to defeat himself and the enemy.
Another example of a person strong will found in the same story. We are talking about Ali Mahmud, who taught Yulu how to become strong (proposition 36).
Without willpower, it is impossible to achieve a dream. This is a wonderful quality that helps to achieve a lot in life.

Option 2
I think that willpower is the ability to pull yourself together and continue to move towards the intended goal, despite the hardships and inconveniences. Without willpower, you cannot achieve something outstanding, because big goals always require big efforts.
So, the weak boy Julius, the hero of the story of B. Raevsky, it was thanks to his willpower that he was able to train for a year (proposition 53) and eventually defeat the strong Yashka Krivonosy.
Another great example of a man with an iron will is the famous surfer Bethany Hamilton. At the age of 13, a shark bit off her hand, but this did not break the girl: she became the winner of many competitions and teaches children around the world to ride the waves.
Willpower is one of mandatory conditions achieve any, especially difficult goal!

Option 3
I mean by willpower the ability to do everything that depends on you for the time that is necessary to achieve the goal. Willpower is determination and a strong character, it helps not to give up, even when you really want to retreat.
The boy Julius from the story of B. Raevsky hardly wanted to train every day, he admits that the year of preparation for the fight with Yashka was full of torment (proposition 52), but he was able to defeat the enemy (proposition 62).
And in the life around us there are many examples of people with a strong will. My older sister, despite the fact that she is bad at exact sciences, all during the year free time I was preparing for the exam in physics and passed it brilliantly. So she became one step closer to her dream of becoming an engineer.
I believe that willpower is an excellent quality that requires composure, and the reward for strength of character will always be the fulfillment of any conceived desire.

Option 4
Willpower, in my opinion, is the ability to overcome oneself, to accomplish something that seems impossible to achieve one's goal. Without working on yourself, you cannot realize your dreams.
In the story of B. Raevsky, the frail Julius, being bullied by Yashka, at first does not understand how to rebuff him, because he is much weaker than his offender. But a conversation with a visiting strong man changes his life: he sets himself the goal of becoming strong and punishing the fighter (proposition 42-45). The torment and pain of training have borne fruit: Yashka is finally defeated. This victory was won only thanks to Yula's willpower.
The same quality helped the former circus performer Valentin Dikul to start walking again after a serious injury and damage spinal cord. His work on himself is admirable.
Indeed, willpower, aimed at achieving a goal, gives amazing results.

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