Examples of strong will in human life. What is willpower? (composition-reasoning)


Willpower is a quality of character that enables a person to achieve his goals and not retreat in the face of difficulties. Achievement high altitudes impossible without great effort, the ability to overcome inconvenience and deprivation.

In our lives, lack of willpower is often cited as the root cause of many problems: the inability to get rid of bad habits, failure to achieve goals due to failures to perform difficult tasks, unwillingness to stop time-consuming entertainment for the sake of steps towards a big goal, etc. Why is this happening? I think laziness is often the main cause of weak willpower. For example, a person dreams of achieving success in art or science, but at the same time does not show purposefulness, firmness in character, does not do everything in his power necessary to achieve the goal. In this case, to carry out even the most cherished dream will be almost impossible.

A strong will does not always accompany a person as an innate character trait, but each person always has the opportunity to develop his will, strengthen it, and learn not to retreat in the face of difficulties.

History knows many examples when people achieved their goals, despite the fact that they faced great difficulties and even misunderstanding, ridicule from other people. It seems to me that any person has great potential and opportunities, but many of them never reveal themselves due to the fact that people do not believe in themselves, show laziness and do not receive support and understanding from relatives. It is possible to overcome all these difficulties, having a strong will and desire on the way to the goal.

I would like to give an example bright history world-famous Nick Vuychich. This man was born disabled: he never had arms and legs, which is why for a long time he suffered from loneliness and disrespect from society; however, having cultivated a strong willpower in himself, he learned to cope with his problems, received higher education, actively participated in public life, as a result of which he headed charitable organization and created a speaking company to motivate people to achieve their goals.

So, urging people not only to dream, but also to go for a dream, this person, like many others strong people, say that the main driving force man's fate is himself, his efforts and aspirations, firmness and unshakable willpower.

Essay reasoning OGE 15.3

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I don't think you can live without willpower. Without a sense of humor - you can, without imagination - too, you can not even have talent, taste, some basic instincts, without material assets it is difficult to live, but it is possible - without giving, cars, matches and salt. But without will, without willpower, you simply will not exist. Moreover, for someone, the manifestation of will is to force oneself to jump from a bungee or parachute, and for someone it is elementary to get out of bed on time so as not to be late for school or work.

The most obvious and simple example of the manifestation of will is sports. There are no great athletes without the will, it is impossible. For example, when Irina Rodnina skated the Olympic program on a broken leg, while smiling at the camera, experiencing unreal pain. Just a textbook example. That is why I believe that children should definitely be given to sports. Firstly, because health, and secondly, sports bring up the will.

As a child, I had to walk ten kilometers to get to school. And, nevertheless, I studied with only fives and practiced sambo, at a time when my peers were playing on the street. And I didn’t do this because I was afraid of my parents, my father simply explained to me and gave an example of how to live, and how not to. And he explained correctly - what it means.

But the will cannot be possessed twenty-four hours a day. It's like when you carry heavy bags, from time to time you need to stop to rest. For example, when I am at an object and I am very tired or cold, or both at the same time, but I cannot leave, I use one simple psychological reception- I imagine that I am an android, I disconnect myself from fatigue, from cold, from pain. But I can't do this for a long time, only for a short time. I believe that the will is like a starter in a car, it helps to start the mechanism, and it will work for some time, which you may need to understand where you are going and how much effort is required for this. Just as gunpowder does not ignite without fire, so no conscious action, decision or thought is possible without a volitional effort on the part of a person, as the only rational being recognized on Earth.

It is wrong to always go against the current. This will no longer be life, but hard labor. Although some people consciously choose this form - to go only the most difficult path, only through overcoming, only from last strength. Only in this way they think it is possible to achieve a result, to achieve success.

Talent can do without will. talented person can succeed without having strong will. Rather, he can become famous and famous, but successful is not a fact. When you look at works of art or listen to them, you understand that a person in this case is only a conductor of information or knowledge of a higher order. However, if you look at how many super talented people became successful and rich during their lifetime, you know - no, not much. Unless next to them was a person with willpower - a wife, husband, producer.

The list of professions in which it is impossible to achieve without the will is headed by sports, the army and business. Business is an aggressive environment, competition, constantly changing market conditions that make a person work hard and be strong. There are no weak businessmen, in any case, those who have really achieved success. There can be only one exception - if a person has invented something unique and fundamentally new, and that exception works until competitors appear. Or until the inventor is bought or taken away from his invention.

The percentage of alcoholics and drug addicts among strong-willed people is minimal. Will is a barrier to bad habits. Dissatisfied with life, there are also few pronounced pessimists among strong-willed ones - they have no time, they are always busy going towards the goal.

For me, an example, even a standard strong-willed person- my father. Looking at it, I understand that the will does not grow old along with the body, and in some cases it becomes stronger. I remember as a child, when my father was a captain, he sometimes took me on a flight. Naturally, I followed him everywhere, and then one day in the engine room, as a result of a small accident, he broke thumb hands in several places at once, literally a minute later the finger became large and purple. But I was struck that not a single muscle twitched on my father's face, he continued to calmly issue commands. Later, he answered my question, the will is like the intellect, like the muscles, it also needs constant training.

All successful people- have will. Because there is no other way to succeed. Only through overcoming, only against the current. And sometimes they don’t even understand what will is, they have it since childhood due to proper upbringing and lifestyle. It is a routine for them to get up at 5 am and work 16 hours a day, they do not understand that they are doing something special, supernatural. And vice versa, when everything is given to a person since childhood, when he is at the peak of a prosperous and carefree life and suddenly he needed to work. He begins to understand that in order to achieve something, you need to overcome something - your laziness, for example.

Crises and others emergencies put everything in its place. It is then that will manifests itself as a quality, it is then that it becomes clear - a strong-willed person is a person, or a rag. And in these moments, a person who has a will, or can remember that he, once upon a time, was strong-willed, will get up, dust himself off and move on. And in fact, he can succeed again, because in addition to the will, he now also has experience. But it can be different, and then the person breaks down, and finds himself on the sidelines of life.

The highest manifestation of will is overcoming the fear of death. Because it's the strongest human fear. And all examples of the absolute manifestation of will are mostly examples from the war. Karbyshev, Matrosov, yes, they died as a result, but they also achieved their goal, and the goal for them was more important than life, their example inspired and then taught several generations. Just do not confuse conscious willpower free man, with the action of a fanatic, intoxicated by someone else's collective will. Rather, on the contrary, the manifestation of fanaticism occurs in people who do not have willpower.

But it is not enough to have the will, it is important to be able to keep it, not to lose it. The will needs constant hardening. And most importantly, it's never too late to start. Even if you are over forty, and you are not up to Garibaldi or Stirlitz, it is still not too late, go for it - educate and develop the will, but remember - the fire needs firewood, and the will needs your physical resource, otherwise you will simply burn out.

The will can help you realize that you have chosen the wrong path. And you will be able to start all over again and direct all your attention to yourself in order to learn to listen to your body, again and again to look for balance, harmony between the need-I want and the really necessary-I can, and only then you can begin to realize your plans.

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Books about strong personalities reveal the theory of the basic psychological functions that help a person perceive the world: about the mind, feelings, intuitive data and internal perception. The very concept of "a strong personality of our time" helps to characterize a strong-willed and open individual with extraordinary thinking, creativity, care and ambition.


Who can be called strong personality?

A characteristic feature of a strong-willed person is self-confidence. A strong and experienced person acts on a single rational solution in the situation that has arisen. Awareness of their capabilities and the desire to expand them - character traits possessed by the strong personality of our time.

Strong personality, what is she? The main character traits include a different perception of difficulties and doubts - she is attracted by everything that prompts fear and weakness in other people. She goes against stereotypes and rules.

It is characterized by setting goals and actions aimed at achieving them, regardless of obstacles. A strong personality seeks to conquer peaks that were not previously available to others. She stands taller wealth and love desires.

- communication skills. A strong and courageous person does not try to persuade someone to his point of view, to impose it. He correctly perceives the natural features of people. A strong person changes himself to achieve a given goal. He is responsible for his own destiny.

AT labor activity, a strong and enterprising person motivates himself not by the amount of payment, but by interest, the desire to demonstrate his abilities, to learn new things.

A strong person is an individual who discovers the real feelings experienced in specific situation (weak people tend to hide them). A strong personality clearly expresses his emotions, if she is sad, she will directly report it.

A strong personality does not assert authority for itself - an unshakable nature is true to itself. All her actions are special in the manifestation of their uniqueness. strong and creative person often succumbs to incredible ideas that are immediately put into practice.

A strong personality is a person who does not need to adapt to, he is open and sincere, conquers with a good sense of humor and love of life. A strong and optimistic person will easily make fun of himself, and this indicates mental balance and stability.

Studying the question, what is a strong personality, famous psychologists developed tests psychological testing MBTI. Its feature is manifested in the measurement of human factors that a strong and brave person possesses. With the help of these tests, it is easy to determine his propensity for the type of activity, the style of his actions and decision-making, providing a sense of comfort and confidence.

A strong person is determined by 4 scales:

  • consciousness (introversion and extraversion);
  • mastery of situations (sound reasoning and intuitive factors);
  • decision-making based on (logical and pretentious);
  • preparation of decisions (wise and irrational).

A strong personality is a person in whom a pessimist, a realist and a realist live, which allows him to be prepared in advance for any outcome throughout the day. Such people are confident in everything that gives them peace and stability.

Examples of prominent personalities

  • Stephen Hawking (theoretical physicist);
  • Nick Vujicic (motivational speaker, born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare hereditary disease resulting in the absence of all four limbs);
  • Esther Verger (wheelchair tennis player);
  • Andrea Bocelli (singer, performer of classical and popular music);
  • Charlize Theron (actress, model and producer);
  • Jason Statham (actor)
  • Alexey Maresyev (Soviet military pilot. Hero of the Soviet Union);
  • Luc Besson (film director, screenwriter and producer).

In fact, there are many examples of outstanding people, we will tell you more about just some of the representatives in the video below:

Strong personalities in history in Russia:

  • Speaking about strong personalities in the history of Russia, we can mention Alexander Nevsky (1220 - 1263) - the son of Prince Y. Vsevolodovich. Being a talented commander, prudent politician, after the invasion of the Mongols, he refused to invite the Pope to a general opposition to the Mongols. The strong personality of the governor manifested itself in courage and wisdom, realizing the weak state of Russia. Many strong and powerful personalities can envy the political actions developed by him, which influenced the reduction of the devastating raids of the Tatars. He strengthened the laws and order in the country.
  • Speaking of strong and extraordinary personalities, False Dmitry I (circa 1580 - 1606) comes to mind - an impostor who introduced himself as the son of Ivan the Terrible - Tsarevich Dmitry. true name- Yu. B. Otrepiev (genus - small local Galician nobles). He became famous as a strong personality while serving in the serfs of the Romanov boyars and getting married to the kingdom. On May 8, 1606, he married Maria Mnishek, the daughter of a voivode from Poland.
  • Catherine II and Emelyan Pugachev. The empress was firm in spirit, and familiarization with the Russian environment allowed her to perfectly understand the interests of the state. It was the qualities possessed by strong and intelligent personalities that allowed her to cope with all the "inherited" difficulties. The Empress terminated the union Peter III with Frederick II, and the 7-year war ended without the active participation of Russia.

Catherine II behaved like a strong personality when canceling preparations for war with Denmark. Of the two decrees of her predecessors, she approved the right to enjoy privileges of the nobility and abolished the confiscation of church property. As many strong people say historical figures, the first decision allowed her to receive support from the nobility, the second - from the clergy. However, this did not prevent Catherine from confiscating church jewels later.

  • Emelyan Ivanovich Pugachev - a simple Cossack and a strong man, being not trained in literacy and politics - raised the people against lawlessness and unbearable living conditions.
    Leafing through the history of the state, we can conclude how a strong personality affects its development.

Books about prominent personalities

Books about the strong and prominent personalities testify that each of us is influenced by television and radio alerts, strangers:

  • How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie. A strong person and an expert on human relations answers all questions regarding life's troubles and self-knowledge. He explains how strong and sane individuals reveal their inner potential and choose right ways to real life.
  • "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus" - the strong and caring personalities of J. Gray (American psychologist and analyst). This book helps to understand the complexity of the perception of the opposite sex. Simple and accessible information is presented by a family psychologist - a strong person who helps in strengthening relationships with loved ones.

The theory of the emergence of prominent people

The theory about the "solar power of the people of the 20th century" was put forward by the Russian scientist E. Samokhvalov. According to his statements, strong and talented personalities appear, relative to spots on the Sun. From his works it is known that people of the first two groups have great talents:

  • the most strong-willed and extraordinary individual in 1956-59;
  • strong-willed people: 1936 - 37, 1947 - 50;
  • middle: 1935 - 39;
  • weak: 1930 - 35

How to become an independent person

Character is a set of certain qualities that a person possesses - a strong and strong-willed personality. It is defined by courage, honesty, devotion and directness. By developing a strong spirit, strong and caring individuals strive for productivity within the interests or chosen activity. For its development, one should know the basic definitions of unshakable people.

What affects the strength of character:

  1. Strong and confident personalities are able to keep control over instincts and urges.
  2. To control oneself and resist the temptations encountered in everyday life.
  3. Strong and sane individuals have freedom from stereotypes.
  4. They learn to show love and respect for other individuals.

The role of unshakable people in public life

You should know why a strong personality is important to others:

  • A strong character helps in achieving goals and building resilience to failure.
  • Strong and wise individuals tend to analyze and investigate the causes of failure instead of complaining.
  • Confident people are able to admit their shortcomings, frivolity and weakness.
  • The manifestation of a solid character, in constantly changing life situations, acts as an opportunity to move forward, overcoming obstacles.
  • A strong personality knows how to empathize with weaker people and love them as himself. You should carefully examine your motives - they should be disinterested.
  • strong and fair man always looking for the truth. The preference of reason to ordinary emotions avoids the susceptibility to prejudice. Strong and kind personalities resolve issues in a judicious way. Facts and arguments are the main guideline.

A strong personality is wary of irrational impulses. Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas developed a master list human feelings: love and hate, impulses and fear, happiness and sadness, anger. Strong and great personalities direct their actions to overcome intellectual obstacles in order to overcome their phobias, sadness or anger.

A strong and positive person will always find the answer to any question, guided by life experience and good habits, freed from emotions. An excessive and sensual attitude to the current situation is a sign of weakness of character, and resistance to temptation, on the contrary, testifies to the characteristics possessed by strong and rational personalities.

Classification of the qualities of significant people

The peculiarity of people's activity is embodied in their volitional qualities. They act as stable psycho-formations that do not depend on the case and testify to the conscious self-regulation of people's behavior.

Strong-willed people manifest themselves in the form of perseverance, clear goal setting and endurance. Weakness of will is measured by unprincipled, lack of initiative, unrestrained, timid and stubborn qualities.

Basic (primary) will properties

According to the classification of V.K. Kalin, volitional qualities, manifested in the form of vigor, patience, endurance and courage, are called basal (primary). Functional features act as unidirectional regulators of the action of consciousness, manifested in the form of volitional efforts:

  • energy is manifested in the form of the ability to quickly activate one's energy by an effort of will;
  • patience is considered to maintain the intensity of labor activity at a certain level and with the manifestation of internal discomfort (fatigue, lack of mood, pain effects);
  • endurance is characterized by strong-willed efforts aimed at quickly slowing down actions, feelings and thoughts that impede the implementation of the idea;
  • courage is the ability to maintain the stability of mental functionality in dangerous situation. A feature of the characteristic is the increase in activity. In other words, courage is called confronting fear and taking justified risks for the sake of the goal.

Systemic volitional qualities

Other manifestations of volitional regulation act as combinations of unidirectional manifestations of consciousness. They are associated with different areas(volitional, emotional, intellectual). Volitional properties are divided into secondary and systemic. For example, courage manifests itself in the form of courage, endurance, energy, and determination - in the form of endurance and courage.

System indicators are manifested in the form of perseverance, discipline and the ability to make decisions independently. They are characterized by purposefulness, initiative and organization.

Basal (primary) properties are the basis for systemic (secondary) indicators, their core. With weak indicators of basal properties, difficulties arise in the manifestation of more complex characteristics.

Purposefulness, as a quality, is caused by the ability to use common and sustainable goals, due to the firmness of beliefs. Such people accurately see the goal and have a clear plan to achieve it.

Persistent characteristics are displayed in the ability to constantly and for a long time go to the goal without losing energy when overcoming difficulties. A correct assessment of the circumstances allows them to find what helps to achieve the goal. negative qualities there is stubbornness and negativity.

The fundamental properties lie in the use of stable principles and norms to regulate human relations.

Willpower is determined by the level of manifestation of independence and initiative.

Independent actions are justified by the ability to implement their actions without outside help, the presence critical appraisal other people's actions from the height of their own views and prejudices.

Initiative is characterized by the ability of a non-standard approach to business and its implementation.

The systemic manifestation of positive primary and secondary volitional indicators affects the formation of people's willpower. This determines the high motivation in action. goes along with perseverance and swiftness.

Volitional Disorders

Pronounced disorders of secondary properties are displayed in the form of abulia and apraxia.

Abulia is characterized by the inability to make decisions and actions. The reason is the violation of the dynamics of the relationship between the cerebral cortex and the subcortex.

The norm of volitional acts includes optimal impulsive actions. With a low intensity of impulses, the manifestation of a volitional act is impossible. Exceeding the level affects the instantaneous discharge (as in a state of passion), that is, there is no validity of the goal and motivation. Action remains unconscious, without choice or will.

Aware of the obligation to fulfill orders, patients with aboulia are unable to fulfill it. They obey a random stimulus that appears in crawling. For example, at the sight of a flower bed, they pluck the plants. At the same time, there are no intentions to form a bouquet, and the person does not understand what to do with them further.

Apraxia - impaired goal setting in the implementation of actions. The disease is caused by damage to the frontal region of the brain and is noticeable in the implementation of voluntary movements, actions and behavioral factors.

The patient may show his tongue in order to moisten dry lips, but he is not able to carry out such actions at the request of the doctor. Another patient may use a spoon and a glass while eating, but without the presence of specific circumstances, he cannot implement these actions. He does not close his eyes at the request of the doctor, but he responds to the proposal to get ready for bed.
All acts of will sick people are based on a specific situation from which they cannot free themselves.

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Fortitude is both courage, and kindness, and respect, and love, which a person retains in himself, no matter what. This, in my opinion, is human nature, the way it should be. This topic quite often covered both in literature and in cinema, in addition, strong-willed people live among us.

Arguments from literature

  1. (49 words) The first work that came to mind, revealing the theme of the strength of the human spirit - "The Tale of a Real Man" by B. Polevoy. Tale of ordinary person, an ordinary Soviet soldier who was able to overcome not only cold, hunger, inhuman pain, but also himself. Having lost his legs, Meresyev overcame despair and doubts, proving that he was capable of anything.
  2. (38 words) Alexander Tvardovsky in the poem "Vasily Terkin" describes a simple Russian guy, a soldier fighting for his country. Using the example of Terkin, the author shows the strength of the spirit of the entire Russian people. For example, in the chapter "Crossing", the hero swims across an icy river under fire in order to fulfill an order.
  3. (38 words) "The Young Guard" by A. Fadeev is another work that tells about the strength of the human character, about love for the Motherland, about principles and about unbending will. Despite their young age, the Young Guards did not retreat either before their own fear or before the enemy.
  4. (54 words) A strong-willed person is not always visible at first sight. From his modesty and peace, one may get the feeling that before us, rather, weak personality. The gloomy and silent hero of V. Bykov Sotnikov, in fact, is an example of courage, stamina, devotion and, of course, strength of character. While undergoing torture, he does not surrender his comrades and does not agree to serve the enemy.
  5. (62 words) Pyotr Grinev, the protagonist of the work of A. S. Pushkin, can be called a strong spirit Captain's daughter". Grinev faced a difficult choice: on the one hand, service under the leadership of Pugachev, betrayal; on the other hand, death and fidelity to oneself, to duty. To preserve honor, the young man strained all his strength and preferred execution to treason. Even saving his life, he still risked it more than once in order to act according to his conscience.
  6. (44 words) Strong-willed and strong-willed man - the hero of the work of Nikolai Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer". The strength of the human spirit is manifested here in the ability to overcome life difficulties Don't give up, forgive and admit your mistakes. Trying to atone for sins, Flyagin goes to recruit instead of the son of unfamiliar poor people and accomplishes a feat.
  7. (53 words) Compassion is one of essential qualities strong man, according to M. Gorky. The strength of the spirit is revealed, according to the writer, not only in the firmness of character, but also in love for people, the ability to sacrifice oneself for others, to bring light. Such is the hero of the story "Old Woman Izergil" - Danko, who led his people out of the deadly thicket at the cost of his life.
  8. (45 words) A strong-willed person is described by M. Yu. Lermontov in the work “Mtsyri”. A persistent character helps the prisoner to fight the circumstances in which he finds himself, with the difficulties that stand in his way, to go towards his dream. The young man escapes from the monastery and finds a short-term, but passionately desired freedom.
  9. (46 words) "Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated." This is the story of E. Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea". External circumstances: age, lack of strength, condemnation - nothing compared to inner strength person. Old Santiago struggled with the elements, despite the pain and fatigue. Having lost prey, he still remained the winner.
  10. (53 words) A. Dumas in the novel “The Count of Monte Cristo shows eternal struggle good and evil, between them in reality is a very thin line. It would seem that main character who takes revenge on his offenders, who does not know how to forgive, - negative character, but, having got out of the Chateau d'If, he remains generous and kind, helping those who deserve it - these are the qualities of a person with a strong spirit.

Real life examples

  1. (46 words) There are a lot of examples of strong-willed people in the sports environment. Sport builds character and teaches you never to give up. A prime example can serve the fate of the Soviet athlete, champion Olympic Games, Valeria Brumel. Having received a serious injury incompatible with sports, he found the strength to return and achieve high results.
  2. (31 words) The hockey player Valery Kharlamov had a strong character, whose story was shown in the film by N. Lebedev "Legend No. 17". To go ahead, despite the pain, to achieve the goal - the qualities of a strong-willed person brought up by sports.
  3. (49 words) The strength of the spirit is also manifested in the ability to enjoy life, no matter what. In O. Nakasha's film “1+1. Untouchables" the main characters help each other to reveal their best qualities, preferring not to go with the flow, but to overcome obstacles. A disabled person gains the fullness of life, and a poor African American is an incentive to develop and become better.
  4. (56 words) Mentally strong people are among us. This is confirmed by the romantic comedy by J. Jeunet "Amelie". main character- a girl with oddities, but with strong character. She strives to help people, starting with her own father, ending with a complete stranger to her man who lived in her apartment before her. In this pursuit, she forgets about herself, sacrificing her desires for the sake of the happiness of others.
  5. (54 words) In Grigory Chukhrai's film "The Ballad of a Soldier", the protagonist is a young soldier who got leave to see his mother. Despite the goal - to see yourself native person- Alyosha Skvortsov cannot pass by people in need of help. For example, he helps a war invalid find family happiness. In this striving for active good, the true strength of the spirit is expressed.
  6. (45 words) Admiral Pyotr Stepanovich Nakhimov, who has not lost a single battle in his entire life, can serve as an example of fortitude. A man of exceptional willpower who sacrificed his own health for the sake of the country. Fulfilling orders that seemed impossible, he never complained or grumbled about fate, but silently did his duty.
  7. (30 words) History of M.V. Lomonosov, the greatest Russian scientist, is known to many. Thanks to the strength of his spirit, loyalty to his ideals, he walked towards his dream on foot from a remote village to become an outstanding world-class scientist.
  8. (51 words) Sometimes nature makes life so difficult for a person that it seems there is no way out at all. Only thanks to the strength of his character, Nick Vuychich, who was born without arms and without legs, became known to the whole world. Nick not only gives motivational lectures, writes books, but also leads active image life: surfing, playing golf and football.
  9. (45 words) JK Rowling is a British writer who gave children around the world faith in fairy tales and magic. On the way to success, J. Rowling had to face numerous obstacles: no one wanted to publish her novel. However, willpower allowed the woman to follow her dream and make it come true.
  10. (47 words) A person with a strong spirit does not have to perform feats or become famous. My friend is a strong person. She is not afraid of difficulties, she believes that they are necessary in order to form a character, she tries to help people and animals if she sees that help is needed, she does not remember the bad and sees only the good in people.
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