Poems about the motherland. Short poems about the Motherland


Poems about Motherland

“Who lives well in Rus'” and “The Tale of Igor's Campaign” - usually from these works children learn for the first time about the history of their homeland, about peasant people about traditions and customs Ancient Rus'. Both of them are filled with a feeling of deep patriotism, they glorify the nature of Mother Russia, speak about the Russian soul and the problems of the country. Many poems about Russia for children today are included in school curriculum on literature.

In the 20th century, when the country was brewing October Revolution when there were a lot of problems in the country, poetry for children acquired more deep meaning, the authors forced them with their quatrains to think about future fate Motherland. Poems about Russia for children during this period were written by Sergei Yesenin, Alexander Blok and Vladimir Mayakovsky. Each in his own way understood the changes taking place in the country in connection with the revolution. But love for Russia allowed them to create a number of wonderful poems and poems.

I will chant
With the whole being in the poet
sixth of the earth
With a short name "Rus".

This poem by Sergei Yesenin is known to every schoolchild, his and other poems about Russia for children are asked by the teacher to teach the children by heart. Most of the works of Sergei Alexandrovich were devoted to his native land, he admired the spikey meadows, sang the harmony of birches and the boundlessness of fields. Yesenin's poems are similar to an oath of allegiance to their Fatherland:

If the holy army shouts:
"Throw Rus', live in paradise!"
I will say: "There is no need for paradise,
Give me my country."

Although the poet was married for some time to a foreign dancer, Isadora Duncan, and traveled with her to many countries of the world, he was always drawn to home, he never wanted to exchange his homeland for foreign lands.

Another great poet- Alexander Blok, imbued with love for his native land back in early childhood. Coming to Shakhmatovo as a child every summer, he fell in love with the beauty of nature. One of his first poems about Russia for children was this work:

Clearly the golden days have arrived.
All the trees stand as if in radiance.
At night it blows cold from the earth;
In the morning the white church in the distance
And close and clear outline.

Blok was a symbolist poet, and he described the Motherland somewhat differently than other authors. For him, it was both a lover and a mother, but he did not seek to personify her as a woman. A whole cycle called "Motherland" was dedicated by the poet home country, this includes the works known to every teenager "Russia" and "My Rus', my life ...". cannot be bypassed and historical poem Blok "On the Kulikovo field":

Oh my Rus'! My wife! To pain
We have a long way to go!
Our path is an arrow of the Tatar ancient will
Pierced us in the chest.

Each of us knows by heart the work of Vladimir Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad?” From childhood, but this poet also composed many poems about Russia for children. Let us quote one of the most famous, which is called "Russia":

Here I go, overseas ostrich,
in feathers of stanzas, meters and rhymes.
Hide your head, stupid, I try
in plumage ringing explosion.

This is the beginning, and this is the end of the work:

Well, take me with a vile grip!
Shave the feathers with the razor of the wind.
Let me disappear, alien and overseas,
under the fury of all the Decembers.

Mayakovsky had his own way of declaring love and devotion to the Motherland, although in these lines we do not see a description beautiful scenery, like Yesenin, there are no words “my Rus'”, all the same, through the lines you understand what the poet wanted to say. Almost every poet wrote poems about Russia for children, but the most bright works we can also read from Athanasius Fet, Fyodor Tyutchev, Alexander Pushkin and Marina Tsvetaeva. "What do we call Motherland?"
What do we call motherland?
The house where we live
And birches along which
We are walking next to my mother.

What do we call motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs
Warm evening outside.

What do we call motherland?
Everything that we keep in our hearts
And under blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin.
© Stepanov Vladimir

Better not native land
He flew over a hundred lands.
Flew, circled
Wings, legs worked hard.
We asked the crane:
- Where best land? -
He answered, flying:
- There is no better native land!
© P. Voronko

For peace, for children
Anywhere in any country
The guys don't want war.
They will have to enter into life soon,
They want peace, not war
The green noise of the native forest,
They all need a school, And a garden at a peaceful threshold,
Father and mother and father's house.
There are many places in the world
For those who live accustomed to work.
Our people raised their powerful voice
For all children, for peace, for work!
Let each ear ripen in the field,
Gardens are blooming, forests are growing!
Who sows bread in a peaceful field,
Builds factories, cities,
The one for the children of the orphanage
Will never wish!
© E. Trutneva

About Motherland
What is my homeland called?
I ask myself a question.
The river that winds behind the houses
Or a bush of curly red roses?
Is that autumn birch over there?
Or spring drops?
Maybe a rainbow stripe?
Or a cold winter day?
Everything that has been around since childhood?
But it will all be nothing
Without mother's care dear,
And I'm not the same without friends.
That's what is called the Motherland!
To always be by your side
Everyone who supports will smile,
Who needs me too!

Oh Motherland!
Oh Motherland! In dim light
I catch with a quivering gaze
Your blueberries, copses -
Everything that I love without memory:
And the rustle of the white-trunked grove,
And the blue smoke in the distance is empty,
And a rusty cross above the bell tower,
And a low mound with a star...
My hurts and forgiveness
They will burn like old stubble.
In you alone - and consolation
And my healing.
© A.V. Zhigulin

Kremlin stars
Kremlin stars
Burning above us
Everywhere their light reaches!
Good Motherland the guys have
AND better than that Motherland No!
© S. Mikhalkov

Motherland is a big, big word!
Let there be no miracles in the world,
If you say this word with soul,
It is deeper than the seas, higher than the heavens!
It fits exactly half the world:
Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.
Dear city, native apartment,
Grandma, school, kitten... and me.
Sunny bunny in the palm
Lilac bush outside the window
And on the cheek a mole -
This is also homeland.
© Tatyana Bokova

vast country
If long, long, long
In an airplane we fly
If long, long, long
We have to look at Russia.
We'll see then
Both forests and cities
ocean spaces,
Ribbons of rivers, lakes, mountains ...
We will see the distance without edge,
Tundra where spring rings.
And then we'll understand what
Our country is big
Immeasurable country.

Russia is my Motherland!
Russia - You are like a second mother to me,
I have grown and grown before your eyes.
I go forward confidently and directly,
And I believe in God that lives in heaven!
I love the ringing of your church bells,
And our rural flowering fields,
I love people, kind and spiritual,
Who were raised by the Russian Land!
I love slender, tall birches -
Our sign and symbol of Russian beauty.
I look at them and make sketches,
Like an artist, I write my poems.
I could never part with you
For I love You with all my heart and soul.
War will come and I will go to fight
At any moment I want to be only with You!
And if it ever happens,
That fate will separate us from you
Like a bird in a tight cage I will beat,
And every Russian here will understand me!
© E. Kislyakov

hills, copses,
Meadows and fields -
native, green
Our land.
The land where I made
Your first step
Where did you ever go out
To the fork in the road.
And I realized that it
expanse of fields -
Particle of the great
My fatherland.
© G. Ladonshchikov

Our Motherland!
And beautiful and rich
Our Motherland, guys.
Long drive from the capital
To any border.
Everything around is own, dear:
Mountains, steppes and forests:
rivers sparkling blue,
Blue skies.
Every city
dear to the heart,
Every rural house is expensive.
Everything in battles is once taken
And strengthened by labor!
© G. Ladonshchikov

Hello my homeland! In the morning the sun rises
Calls us to the street.
I leave the house:
- Hello, my street!
I sing in silence
The birds sing to me.
Herbs whisper to me on the way:
- Hurry, my friend, grow up!
I answer the herbs
I answer the wind
I answer the sun
- Hello, my Motherland!
© V. Orlov

What is our Motherland!
An apple tree blooms over a quiet river.
Gardens, thinking, stand.
What a beautiful motherland
She herself is like a marvelous garden!
The river plays with rifts,
In it the fish is all made of silver,
What a rich motherland
Do not count her goodness!
The wave runs slowly
The expanse of fields caresses the eye.
What a happy motherland
And this happiness is everything for us!
© V. Bokov

If they say the word "homeland",
Immediately comes to mind
Old house, currants in the garden,
Thick poplar at the gate,
By the river there is a shy birch
And chamomile...
And others will probably remember
Your native Moscow courtyard.
In the puddles the first boats
Where there was a skating rink recently,
And a big neighboring factory
A loud, joyful horn.
Or the steppe is red from poppies,
Golden whole...
Homeland is different
But everyone has one!
© Z. Aleksandrova

Hello, my native land,
With your dark forests
With your great river
And boundless fields!
Hello, dear people,
Hero of labor tireless,
In the middle of winter and in the summer heat!
Hello, my native land!
© S. Drozhzhin

Touching the three great oceans,
She lies, spreading the cities,
Covered with a network of meridians,
Invincible, wide, proud.
But at the hour when the last grenade
Already in your hand
And in a short moment it is necessary to remember at once
All that we have left in the distance,
You remember not a big country,
What did you travel and find out
Do you remember your homeland - such,
Which one did you see when you were a child?
A piece of land, crouched against three birches,
A long road behind the woods
A river with a creaky ferry.
Sandy shore with low willows.
This is where we were lucky to be born
Where for life, until death, we found
That handful of earth that is good.
To see in it signs of the whole earth.
Yes. You can survive in the heat, in a thunderstorm, in frost,
Yes, you can be hungry and cold
Go to death ... But these three birches
You can't give it to anyone while you're alive.
© K. Simonov

About the Motherland, only about the Motherland
What is this song of weeping birches about,
A melody full of light and tears?
About the Motherland, only about the Motherland.
What is beyond the cold granite borders
Longing for birds flying away for the winter?
About the Motherland, only about the Motherland.
In moments of sadness, in times of adversity
Who will take care of us and who will save us?
Motherland, only Motherland.
Whom in the bitter cold we need to warm
And in hard days we should regret?
Motherland, dear Motherland.
When we leave for interstellar flight
What is our earthly heart singing about?
About the Motherland, only about the Motherland.
We live in the name of kindness and love,
AND best songs yours and mine
About the motherland, only about the motherland ...
Under the scorching sun and in the snow dust
And my thoughts, and my prayers -
About the Motherland, only about the Motherland.
© R. Gamzatov

Where does the Motherland begin?
Where does the Motherland begin?
With smiles and tears of mothers;
From the path, the guys passed,
From home to school doors.
From birch trees standing for centuries
On the hill in the father's land,
Desire to touch with hands
my beloved land.
Where does our Fatherland end?
Look - you will not see the borders,
In the fields the horizon moves apart
With a flash of distant lightning.
And at night in her blue seas
A wave cradles the stars.
There is no edge-end in Russia;
Boundless, like a song, she is.
So what are you. Motherland?
Fields in the copses of dawn.
Everything seems to be very familiar
And look - and the heart burns.
And it seems: you can run
Fly up without fear of heights
And a blue star from the sky
Get it for your native country.
© K. Ibryaev

K. D. Ushinsky "Our Fatherland"

Our fatherland, our motherland is Mother Russia. We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call her motherland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it and everything in it is native to us, and mother because she fed us with her bread, made us drink with her waters, learned her language, like a mother, protects and protect us from all enemies...

There are many things in the world, and besides all sorts of Russia good states and lands, but one for man own mother, he has one homeland.

V. Bokov

An apple tree blooms over a quiet river.

Gardens, thinking, stand.

What a beautiful motherland

She herself is like a marvelous garden!

The river plays with rifts,

In it the fish is all made of silver,

The wave runs slowly

The expanse of fields caresses the eye

What a happy motherland

And this happiness is everything for us!

E. Serova "Native land"


Native lands...

white birch,

My favorite

Stands like a white candle

She looks around:

Ripe rye nods to her,

The meadow bows to her.

Around so nice, sunny,

Wherever you look

Quiet over the lake

The reeds sway.

Float along a narrow stream

Ducklings in succession...

Love Russian nature

Keep it, my reader!

N. Rubtsov

Hello Russia, my homeland!

Stronger than storms, stronger than any will

Love for your barns at the stubble,

Love for you, a hut in an azure field.

For all the mansions I do not give

Your low house with nettles under the window ...

How peacefully in my upper room

The sun was setting in the evenings!

Like the whole expanse, heavenly and earthly,

Breathed in the window of happiness and peace,

And the glorious breath of antiquity,

And rejoiced under the showers and heat! ..

A. Prokofiev

In a wide area

predawn time

Scarlet dawns rose

over the native country.

Every year it gets better

Dear edges...

Better than our motherland

Not in the world, friends!


Do you know the name of our country? How else can you call it? What is a fatherland? Why do we call our country Motherland? Why is Russia our mother? Which country is the most precious for a person in the world? The story of K.D. will help you answer these questions. Ushinsky "Our Fatherland".

Listen to V. Bokov's poem "An apple tree blooms over a quiet river ...". What is this poem about? Why is our country beautiful? What decorates it? What is the author comparing it to? How rich is our Motherland? How does the author say about it? Why does the author call our country happy? What kind of people live on our land?

Did you like how the poet N. Rubtsov talks about his love for the Motherland in the poem “Hello, Russia, my homeland! ..”? Why is the native place dear to the author? Why does he not exchange his low house for any luxurious mansions? How do you understand the word "peaceful"? What does it mean? What two parts does it have? How can you say otherwise? (Peacefully, peacefully, calmly, majestically.) Do you understand the word "glorious"? What word can replace it? (Worthy, glorious, majestic.) What mood does this poem evoke in you?


Rain, rain, where have you been?
- I floated in the sky with a cloud!
- And then you crashed?
- Oh, no, no, it spilled with water,
Dripped, dripped down, fell -
I went right into the river!

And then I swam away
In the fast, blue-eyed river,
Loved with all my heart
Our Motherland is great!

Well, after it evaporated,
Attached to a white cloud,
And swam, I tell you
TO distant countries, islands.

And now over the ocean
I'm drifting away with the fog!
Enough, the wind, continue to blow -
You need to sail back.

To meet the river
To rush with her to the native forest!
To love so that the soul
Our homeland is big.

So, wind, my friend,
With a cloud, we hurry home!
You, wind, drive us -
Send the cloud to the house!

Cause I miss home...
Well, I'll shake the cloud!
I'm in a hurry to get home...
I'll be back to you soon!


Ride across the seas, oceans,

It is necessary to fly over the whole earth:

There are different countries in the world

But one like ours is not to be found.

Deep are our bright waters,

The land is wide and free,

And the factories rumble without ceasing,

And the fields are noisy, blooming ...


If long, long, long

In an airplane we fly

If long, long, long

We have to look at Russia.

We'll see then

Both forests and cities

ocean spaces,

Ribbons of rivers, lakes, mountains ...

We will see the distance without edge,

Tundra where spring rings.

And then we'll understand what

Our country is big


Russia - like a word from a song,

birch young foliage,

Around forests, fields and rivers,

Expanse, Russian soul -

I love you my Russia

I love, I deeply understand

Steppe pensive sadness

I love everything they call

In one broad word - Rus'.


hills, copses,

Meadows and fields -

native, green

Our land.

The land where I made

Your first step

Where did you ever go out

To the fork in the road.

And I realized that it

expanse of fields -

Particle of the great

Oh motherland!

Oh Motherland! In dim light
I catch with a quivering gaze
Your blueberries, copses -
Everything that I love without memory:

And the rustle of the white-trunked grove,
And the blue smoke in the distance is empty,
And a rusty cross above the bell tower,
And a low mound with a star...

My hurts and forgiveness
They will burn like old stubble.
In you alone - and consolation
And my healing.


I read a book yesterday

About the treasures of Russia.

And, seeing the double-headed coat of arms,

I quietly asked my mother:

“Why is the eagle double-headed?

What is a rider on a horse?

I want to know everything in detail!

Tell me, Mommy, to me.

"Our country is great,

For peace to reign forever

A double-headed eagle gazes into the distance,

Protects us from harm.

On horseback - Victorious -

Our holy fighter against evil.

Serpent fierce, big

He killed with his spear.

And the coat of arms of Russia is painted

In red and gold.

Red is the blood of fallen heroes

To live with you.

Gold is our wealth:

Bread, ore, fields, forests.

Just to live richer

It takes hard work and kindness."

I listened to stories

About Russia from ancient days

And I decided - no in the world


power in various ways

They decorated their coats of arms.

Here is a leopard, a two-headed eagle

And a rearing lion.

That was the old custom,

So that from the state emblems

The animal face threatened the neighbors

Baring all your teeth.

Now a predatory beast, then an evil bird,

Similarity, having lost its own,

They squeeze in their paws, threatening,

A slashing sword or spear.

Where lions have never been,

From the coats of arms lions look fiercely

Or eagles that are not enough

One eagle's head!

But not an eagle, not a lion, not a lioness

Decorated with our coat of arms,

And the golden wreath of wheat

Mighty hammer, sharp sickle.

We do not threaten other nations,

But we take care of a spacious house,

Where is the place under the sky

Everything that lives by work.

Will not be split by the enemy

Union of peoples never.

Hammer and sickle are inseparable

Earth, and an ear, and a star!


I love my homeland, but strange love!
My mind won't win her
Nor glory bought with blood
Nor full of proud trust peace,
No dark antiquity cherished legends
Do not stir in me a pleasurable dream.
But I love - why don't I know myself?

Her steppes are cold silence,
Her boundless forests sway,
The floods of her rivers are like the seas ...
I like to ride in a cart on a country road,
And, with a slow gaze piercing the shadow of the night,
Meet around, sighing about an overnight stay,
The trembling lights of sad villages;
I love the smoke of the burnt stubble,
In the steppe, an overnight convoy,
And on a hill in the middle of a yellow field
A couple of whitening birches.
With joy unknown to many
I see a complete threshing floor
Thatched hut,
Carved shuttered window;
And on a holiday, dewy evening,
Ready to watch until midnight
To the dance with stomping and whistling
To the sound of drunken men.


Goy you, my dear Rus',
Huts - in the robes of the image ...
See no end and edge -
Only blue sucks eyes.
Like a wandering pilgrim,
I watch your fields.
And at the low outskirts
Poplars wither loudly.
Smells like apple and honey
Through the churches your meek Savior,
And buzzes behind the hillside
There is a cheerful dance in the meadows.
I'll run along the wrinkled stitch
To the freedom of the green lekh,
Meet me like earrings
A girlish laugh will ring out.
If the holy army shouts:
"Throw you Rus', live in paradise!",
I will say: “There is no need for paradise,
Give me my country."


Hewn drogs sang,
Plains and bushes run.
Again chapels on the road
And memorial crosses.
Again I am sick with warm sadness
From the oatmeal breeze.
And on the lime of the bell towers
Involuntarily, the hand is baptized.
O Rus - raspberry field
And the blue that fell into the river -
I love to joy and pain
Your lake longing.

Cold grief cannot be measured,
You are on a foggy shore.
But not to love you, not to believe -
I can't learn.
And I will not give these chains
And I won't part with long sleep,
When native steppes ring
Prayer feather grass.


The feather grass is sleeping. Dear plain,
And the lead freshness of wormwood.
No other homeland
Do not pour my warmth into my chest.

Know that we all have such a fate,
And, perhaps, ask everyone -
Rejoicing, raging and tormented,
Life is good in Rus'.

The magnifying glass light, mysterious and long,
Willows are crying, poplars are whispering.
But no one under the cry of a crane
He will not stop loving his father's fields.

And now that behold the new light
And my life touched fate,
I still remain a poet
Golden log cabin.

At night, clinging to the headboard,
I see a strong enemy
How someone else's youth splashes with new
To my glades and meadows.

But still, cramped that night,
I can sing heartily:
Give me in the homeland of my beloved,
All loving, die in peace!


Oh, my mother, Russia, Rus',
Unshakable is your golden-domed throne,
I love you, I'm proud of you
Long-suffering and sovereign.

Russia, Russia, great power,
great strength, bottomless Rus',
In Russia, in Russia with all my heart I'm in love
And I'll stay with her forever, I swear!


Learned in kindergarten
We beautiful words.
They were first read:
Mom, Motherland, Moscow.

Spring and summer will fly by.
Leaves become sunny.
Illuminate with new light
Mom, Motherland, Moscow.

The sun shines kindly on us.
Blue is pouring from the sky.
May they always live in the world
Mom, Motherland, Moscow!


He flew over a hundred lands.
Flew, circled
Wings, legs worked hard.

We asked the crane:
Where is the best land? -
He answered, flying:
- There is no better native land!


hills, copses,
Meadows and fields -
native, green
Our land.
The land where I made
Your first step
Where did you ever go out
To the fork in the road.
And I realized that it
expanse of fields -
Particle of the great
My fatherland.


Russia, you are a great power,
Your expanses are infinitely great.
For all ages you have crowned yourself with glory.
And there is no other way for you.

Lake captivity crowns your forests.
The cascade of ridges in the mountains conceals dreams.
River flow heals thirst
And the native steppe will give birth to bread.

We are proud of your cities.
From Brest to Vladivostok, the road is open.

The glorious capital crowns you,
And Petersburg keeps history.

In the land of your wealth, the flow is inexhaustible,
The path lies to your treasures.
How little we know about you.
How much we have to learn.


Touching the three great oceans,
She lies, spreading the cities,
Covered with a network of meridians,
Invincible, wide, proud.

But at the hour when the last grenade
Already in your hand
And in a short moment it is necessary to remember at once
All that we have left in the distance,

You remember not a big country,
What did you travel and find out
Do you remember your homeland - such,
Which one did you see when you were a child?

A piece of land, crouched against three birches,
A long road behind the woods
A river with a creaky ferry.
Sandy shore with low willows.

This is where we were lucky to be born
Where for life, until death, we found
That handful of earth that is good.
To see in it signs of the whole earth.

Yes. You can survive in the heat, in a thunderstorm, in frost,
Yes, you can be hungry and cold
Go to death...

But these three birches
You can't give it to anyone while you're alive.


What do we call motherland?
The house where we live
And birches along which
We are walking next to my mother.

What do we call motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs
Warm evening outside.

What do we call motherland?
Everything that we keep in our hearts
And under blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin.


Hello, my native land,

With your dark forests

With your great river

And boundless fields!

Hello, dear people,

Hero of labor tireless,

In the middle of winter and in the summer heat!

Hello, my native land!


What is this song of weeping birches about,
A melody full of light and tears?
About the Motherland, only about the Motherland.
What is beyond the cold granite borders
Longing for birds flying away for the winter?
About the Motherland, only about the Motherland.

In moments of sadness, in times of adversity
Who will take care of us and who will save us?
Motherland, only Motherland.
Whom in the bitter cold we need to warm
And in hard days we should regret?
Motherland, dear Motherland.

When we leave for interstellar flight
What is our earthly heart singing about?
About the Motherland, only about the Motherland.
We live in the name of kindness and love,
And the best songs are yours and mine -
About the motherland, only about the motherland ...

Under the scorching sun and in the snow dust
And my thoughts, and my prayers -
About the Motherland, only about the Motherland.


I need to talk about Russia
Yes, so that the verses are pronounced aloud,
Yes, so that you want to repeat,
Stronger than all names to say: Russia!

Stronger than all names to pronounce,
Stronger than mother, stronger than love
And on the lips it is gratifying to carry
To the singing waves that turn blue in the distance.

More than once I was alone with you,
Asked for participation, demanded advice,
And you have always been my destiny
My star, unique light.

He shone to me from my mother's eyes,
And entered my chest, and entered my blood,
And if he went out in my chest,
That heart would have broken at the same moment!


In a wide area

predawn time

Scarlet dawns rose

over the native country.

Every year it gets better

Dear edges...

Better than our motherland


Anywhere in any country

The guys don't want war.

They will have to enter into life soon,

They want peace, not war

The green noise of the native forest,

They all need a school

And the garden at the peaceful threshold,

Father and mother and father's house.

There are many places in the world

For those who live accustomed to work.

For all children, for peace, for work!

Let each ear ripen in the field,

Gardens are blooming, forests are growing!

Who sows bread in a peaceful field,

Builds factories, cities,

The one for the children of the orphanage


Oh Russia!
With a difficult fate, the country ...
I have you, Russia,
Like a heart, alone.
I will tell a friend
I will tell the enemy
Without you,
Like without a heart
I can't live...

Gardens, thinking, stand.
What a beautiful motherland
She herself is like a marvelous garden!

The river plays with rifts,
In it the fish is all made of silver,
What a rich motherland
Do not count her goodness!

The wave runs slowly
The expanse of fields caresses the eye.
What a happy motherland
And this happiness is everything for us!

Cheerful forest, native fields,
Winding rivers, flowering slope,
Hills and villages, free space
And bell ringing.

With your smile, with your breath
I merge.
Boundless, guarded by Christ,
My native land
My love.

Russian region, my land,
Native spaces!
We have rivers and fields,
Seas, forests and mountains.

We have a north and a south.
Gardens bloom in the south.
In the north of snow around -
It's cold and blizzard there.

In Moscow they go to bed now
The moon looks out the window.
Far East at the same time
Rise to greet the sun.

Russian region, how great you are!
From border to border
And a fast train straight ahead
Doesn't fit in a week.

Words are heard on the radio -
The long journey is not difficult for them.
Your familiar voice, Moscow,
Heard by people everywhere.

And we are always glad to hear the news
About our peaceful life.
How happy we live
In your own homeland!

The nations are like one family,
Although their language is different.
All are daughters and sons
Your beautiful country.

And everyone has one homeland.
Hello and glory to you
invincible country,
Russian state!

I'll take a pencil and draw a house
I will draw the sky and the sun above it.
So that it is warm for those who live in the house,
I'll draw a pipe with smoke coming out of it.

I'll take a pencil and draw flowers
I will draw bushes and trees around.
So that there is always freshness in this garden,
I will draw rain from caring hands.

I'll take a pencil and draw a forest
I will draw the fields and the snake of the river.
So that peace and tranquility be on this Earth,
I'll draw a dove flying in the sky.

I go out to the balcony -
I see a park and a stadium
cinema, library,
Church, clinic, pharmacy,
music school,
Offices are mirrored.
Also an ice palace.
AND shopping mall new,
And my high school
Where I study with imagination.
I go out to the balcony -
My home area!

May holiday -
Victory Day
The whole country celebrates.
Our grandfathers put on
Military orders.

The road calls them in the morning
To the parade.
And thoughtfully from the threshold
Grandmothers are watching after them.

Victory Day May 9 -
Holiday of peace in the country and spring.
On this day, we remember the soldiers
Those who did not return to their families from the war.

On this holiday we honor grandfathers,
Defended their native country
Giving people victory
And who returned peace and spring to us!

There are obelisks in Russia,
On them are the names of the soldiers ...
My peers are boys
They lie under the obelisks.
And to them, hushed in sorrow,
Flowers bring field
The girls who have been waiting for them
Now they are completely gray.

Frozen ate in the guard,
The blue of the peaceful sky is clear.
Years go by. In an alarming roar
The war is far away.

But here, at the edges of the obelisk,
Bowing his head in silence
We hear the rumble of tanks close
And tearing the soul of the bombs gap.

We see them - soldiers of Russia,
That in that distant terrible hour
Paid with their lives
For happiness is bright for us ...

Once the grandfathers went to bed -
The windows are all blacked out
And woke up at dawn -
There is light in the windows, and there is no war!

Can't say goodbye anymore
And do not see off to the front,
And do not be afraid of raids,
And do not wait for night alarms.
People celebrate Victory!
The message flies in all directions:
From the front they go, they go, they go
Our grandfathers and fathers!

And mingled on the platforms
With a noisy joyful crowd
Sons in military uniforms
And men in military uniforms.
And fathers in military uniforms.
That they came home from the war.
Hello victorious warrior,
My comrade, friend and brother,
My protector.
My savior is a Red Army soldier!

May holiday -
Victory Day
The whole country celebrates.
Our grandfathers put on
Military orders.

The road calls them in the morning
To the parade.
And thoughtfully from the threshold
Grandmothers are watching after them.

What is Victory Day?
This is the morning parade:
Tanks and rockets are coming
Soldiers are marching.

What is Victory Day?
This is the fireworks display:
Fireworks take to the sky
Falling apart here and there.

What is Victory Day?
These are the songs at the table
These are speeches and conversations,
This is my grandfather's album.

These are fruits and sweets,
These are the scents of spring...
What is Victory Day
This means no war.

On a mercilessly small earth
there lived a small man.
He had a small service.
And a very small portfolio.
He received a small salary...
And one day - on a fine morning -
knocked on his window
small, it seemed, the war ...
They gave him a small machine gun.
They gave him small boots.
The helmet was issued small
and a small - in size - overcoat.
... And when he fell - ugly, wrong,
twisting his mouth in an attacking cry,
there was not enough marble on the whole earth,
to knock out the guy in full growth!

What do we call motherland?
The house where we live
And birches along which
We are walking next to my mother.

What do we call motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs
Warm evening outside.

What do we call motherland?
Everything that we keep in our hearts
And under blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin..

An apple tree blooms over a quiet river.
Gardens, thinking, stand.
What a beautiful motherland
She herself is like a marvelous garden!
The river plays with rifts,
In it the fish is all made of silver,
What a rich motherland
Do not count her goodness!
The wave runs slowly
The expanse of fields caresses the eye.
What a happy motherland
And this happiness is everything for us!

Sometimes a few words are enough to convey the depth of a moment. This is what distinguishes short poems about the motherland. The authors, in just a few sentences, convey the whole storm of emotions caused by patriotism. Well, if you take practical aspect question, then sometimes a child may need just short poems about the Motherland. And there is nothing reprehensible in this.

Motherland!(G. Ladonshchikov)

hills, copses,
Meadows and fields -

native, green

Our land.

The land where I made
Your first step
Where did you ever go out
To the fork in the road.
And I realized that it

expanse of fields -
Particle of the great

My fatherland.

Kremlin stars (S. Mikhalkov)

Kremlin stars
Burning above us
Everywhere their light reaches!
The guys have a good homeland,
And better than that Motherland

Motherland(P. Sinyavsky)

Has its own motherland
By the stream and by the crane.
And you and I have it -
And the native land is one.

Blows something native and ancient (Julia Drunina)

Blows something native and ancient
From the vastness of my land.
Villages float in the snowy sea,
Like distant ships.

Walking along the narrow path,
I repeat - once again! -
"It's good that with a Russian soul
And she was born on Russian soil!

What is our Motherland! (V. Bokov)

An apple tree blooms over a quiet river.
Gardens, thinking, stand.
What a beautiful motherland
She herself is like a marvelous garden!

The river plays with rifts,
It has a fish all of silver
What a rich motherland
Do not count her goodness!

The wave runs slowly
The expanse of fields caresses the eye.
What a happy motherland
And this happiness is everything for us!

I look in the field(Yesenin)

I look into the field, I look into the sky -
Paradise in the fields and in the sky.
Drowning again in heaps of bread
My unplowed land.

Again in the unpasted groves
inescapable herds,
And flows from the green mountains
Golden water.

Oh, I believe - to know for the torment
Over the lost man
Someone caressing hands
Spills milk.

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