Judgment of Solomon meaning and origin of phraseological units. Solomon's judgment

Expression "Solomon's solution " denotes a wise act, a decision, and if taken in a broad sense, then wisdom.

Who is Solomon?

Solomon was the king of Israel in 965 - 928 years BC. official history it is customary to consider this period of Israel the most prosperous and rich. Perhaps for this reason, first in the history of the Jewish people, and then in the history of other countries of the world, Solomon entered as one of the wisest rulers of the world. Even the very name of this Jewish king became a household name and means " wisdom"(see what the Star of David symbol means).

"Solomonic solutions" examples

Once, two middle-aged women came to the court of this wise ruler, who challenged each other's child.
These two ladies lived under the same roof and each of them had a baby. Recently, while going to bed, one of them accidentally crushed her child, and upon learning of this she decided to replace her dead child, taking a healthy one from her neighbor. Then Solomon exclaimed, bring the sword here , it is necessary to cut the child in half in order to give each part of it.
One of the women shouted: "Give it to her, just don't kill it," and the other exclaimed: "Chop it, let no one get it."
According to these words, the wise Jew understood who the true mother was and gave him to the first lady.

Researchers believe that Solomon wrote several works, including the Books of Solomon's Parables, the Books of Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon books.

Wise sayings of Solomon

  • A despondent spirit dries up the bones, but a merry heart is beneficial, like healing.
  • The prudent is attentive to their ways, and a fool believes every word.
  • He who sleeps during the harvest is a dissolute son; he who gathers during the summer is a wise son.
  • It is better to live in desert lands than with an angry and quarrelsome wife.
  • What happens to the wicked is what they deserve the righteous, and the righteous overtakes what the wicked would deserve.

King Solomon's Mines

It is generally accepted that King Solomon was fabulously rich. This was facilitated by his excellent household skills. He bought horses in Cilicia (according to Wikipedia, this place is located on southeast Asia) and sold them profitably to Egypt and Mesopotamia, and in Egypt he bought war chariots and resold them to other countries. almost a monopoly and received huge profits.

Nicholas Ge. Judgment of King Solomon.

Solomon's decision - so we call a fair, wise and speedy judgment.

The Bible tells us about King Solomon. He was the son of the illustrious King David and ruled the kingdom of Judah in the 10th century BC. It was Solomon who built the first temple in Jerusalem. But this king was especially famous for his wisdom.

Once in a dream, Solomon heard the voice of God, who said to him: "Ask what to give you." The king asked for wisdom to rule his people fairly. And because Solomon did not ask for any personal benefits, such as longevity or wealth, God fulfilled his request, making Solomon the wisest of kings.

One day, two women with a baby were brought to Solomon's court. They lived in the same house and with a difference of three days gave birth to sons. But at one of them the child died at night. The first woman claimed that her neighbor switched children, taking her living child for herself. The second claimed that she did nothing of the kind, and at night the child of the first woman died. How in this situation was to figure out which of the two women is telling the truth and is the real mother of the child? It was impossible to establish the truth without witnesses, and genetic analysis did not exist at that time. Then King Solomon ordered to bring a sword and divide the child between two women, cutting it in half. Hearing about this decision, the first woman screamed that the child should not be killed, but given to her neighbor. The second one was satisfied. “Let it be neither for me nor for you,” she said.

Then everyone understood who real mother child. By order of the king, the son was returned to the woman who asked to be left alive. This bible story impressed many with a non-standard and subtle solution controversial issue. Hence the expression "Solomon's Judgment" firmly entrenched in our speech.



(...) And at that time Solomon arranged a great feast for his people. Then two harlot women appeared before the king, and one woman said: “I am in trouble, my lord. Me and this friend of mine - we live in the same house, in which both were born. I have a son. And on the third day after I gave birth, this woman also gave birth to a son; we live only together, and there is no one with us in our house. That night the woman's son died because she slept on him. And so, getting up in the middle of the night, she took my boy from my hand and put him to sleep on her bed, and put her dead boy to me. I got up in the morning to feed the baby and found him dead. Then I figured out that this is not my son, whom I gave birth to. And the other woman said: “No, my son is alive, but yours is dead.” And they argued before the king.

And the king said to them: “So you say this: “My son is alive, and hers is dead,” and she says: “No, mine is alive, but yours is dead.” And the king said to the servants: “Cut this living boy in two and give half of him to this one and half to that one. And the dead one, too, having cut it, give half of it to this one, and half of that one.

And the woman whose son was alive answered, for her soul was in turmoil because of her son, and said: “Let me be in trouble, my lord. Give her this boy, don't kill him." And another woman said: “Let it be neither for me nor for her! Cut it in two." The king replied: “Give the child alive to the woman who said: “Give it to her, and do not kill him.” Give it to her, for she is his mother."

Israel heard about this judgment, by which the king judged, and all the faces of the king were afraid, for they understood that he was given the meaning of God to do justice and justice.


Solomon took Pharaoh's daughter as his wife while building the Holy of Holies. And he sent his ambassador to him with the words: “My father-in-law! Send me help." And he chose six hundred people, having learned through astrology that they were to die that year, he wanted to test the wisdom of Solomon. When they were brought to Solomon, he saw them from afar and ordered shrouds to be sewn for all of them. He assigned his ambassador to them and sent it to Pharaoh, saying: “My father-in-law! If you have nothing to bury your dead in, then here are your robes. Bury them at your place."


When Solomon was building the Holy of Holies, he needed to ask Kitovras a question. They told him where he lives, they said - in the far desert. Then the wise Solomon decided to forge an iron chain and an iron hoop, and on it he wrote a spell in the name of God. And he sent the first of his boyars with servants, and ordered to bring wine and honey, and they took sheepskins with them. They came to the dwelling of Kitovras, to his three wells, but he was not there. And at the direction of Solomon, they poured wine and honey into those wells, and covered the well with sheepskins from above. Wine was poured into two wells, and honey into the third. They themselves, hiding, watched from the hiding place when he would come to drink water at the wells. And soon he came, clung to the water, began to drink and said: "Everyone who drinks wine does not become wiser." But he got sick of drinking water, and he said: “You are the wine that gladdens the hearts of people,” and drank all three wells. And he wanted to sleep a little, and his wine took apart, and he fell asleep soundly. The boyar, coming up, tightly shackled him around the neck, arms and legs. And, waking up, he wanted to rush. And the boyar said to him: “Lord, Solomon wrote the name of the Lord with a spell on the chains that are now on you.” He, seeing them on himself, meekly went to Jerusalem to the king.

His temper was like this. He did not walk in a crooked way, but only in a straight one. And when they came to Jerusalem, they cleared the way for him and demolished the houses, for he did not go around. And they approached the widow's house, and, running out, the widow screamed, begging Kitovras: “Lord, I am a poor widow. Do not hurt me!" He bent around the corner, not stepping out of the way, and broke his rib. And said: " soft tongue breaks a bone." When they led him through the bargain, then, hearing one man say: “Are there any shoes for seven years?” Kitovras laughed. And, seeing another person, telling fortunes, he laughed. And I saw the wedding being managed, I cried. Seeing on the way a man wandering without a road, he directed him to the road. And they brought him into the court of the kings.

On the first day they did not take him to Solomon. And Kitovras said: “Why doesn’t the king call me to him?” They told him: “He drank too much yesterday.” Kitovras took the stone and laid it on another stone. Solomon was told what Kitovras had done. And the king said: "He orders me to drink drink upon drink." And the next day the king did not call him to him. And Kitovras asked: “Why don’t you take me to the king and why don’t I see his face?” And they said: "The king is unwell because he ate a lot yesterday." Then Kntovras removed the stone from the stone.

On the third day they said: "The king is calling you." He measured the rod at four cubits, went in to the king, bowed, and silently threw the rod in front of the king. The king, according to his wisdom, explained to his boyars what the rod means, and said: “God gave you the universe as your possession, but you were not satisfied, you caught me too.” And Solomon said to him: “I did not bring you on a whim, but to ask how to build the Holy of Holies. I brought you by the command of the Lord, since I am not allowed to hew stones with iron.

And Kitovras said: “There is a small cocotte bird named Shamir. The cocotte leaves its children in its nest on a stone mountain in the far desert. Solomon sent his boyar with his servants, at the direction of Kitovras, to the nest. And Kitovras gave the boyar transparent glass and ordered him to hide at the nest: “When the cocotte flies out, cover the nest with this glass.” The boyar went to the nest; and in it - small chicks, the cocotte flew away for food, - and he blocked the mouth of the nest with glass. They waited a bit, and the cocotte flew in, wanted to climb into the nest. The chicks squeak through the glass, but he cannot get to them. Then he took what he kept in a certain place, and brought it to the nest, and laid it on the glass, although he should be seated. Then the people shouted and he released it. And, taking it, the boyar brought it to Solomon.

Then Solomon asked Kitovras: “Why did you laugh when a man asked for shoes for seven years?” “I saw from him,” Kitovras answered, “that he would not live even seven days.” The king sent to check, and it turned out so. And Solomon asked: “Why did you laugh when the man was telling fortunes?” Kitovras answered: “He told people about the secret, but he himself did not know that under it was a treasure with gold.” And Solomon said, "Go and check." Checked it out and it turned out. And the king asked: “Why did you cry when you saw the wedding?” Kitovras replied: "They were saddened because the bridegroom would not live even thirty days." The king checked, and it turned out so. And the king asked: “Why did you bring a drunken man to the road?” Kitovras answered: "I heard from heaven that that man is virtuous and that he should be served."

Kitovras stayed with Solomon until the completion of the Holy of Holies. Once Solomon said to Kitovras: "Now I saw that your strength is like a human one, and not more than our strength, but the same." And Kitovras said to him: “King, if you want to see what strength I have, take off my chains and give me your ring from my hand; then you will see my strength.” Solomon removed the iron chain from him and gave him a ring. And he swallowed the ring, stretched out his wing, swung, and hit Solomon, and threw him to the end of the promised land. The wise men and scribes found out about this and sought out Solomon.

Solomon was always afraid of Kitovras at night. And the king built a bed and ordered sixty strong youths to stand around with swords. That's why the Scriptures say, "Solomon's bed, sixty brave young men from Israel and from the countries of the north."


Kitovras is a fast beast. Wise Solomon caught him by cunning. His camp is human, and his legs are cow's. The fable says that he carried his wife in his ear. Here's the trick they caught him with. His wife said to the young man, her lover, thus: “He goes around many lands day and night and comes to a certain place where there are two wells. And he, getting excited, drinks both of those wells. Solomon ordered to pour wine into one of them, and honey into the other. Kitovras rode up and drank both wells. Then he, drunk, sleeping, was caught and bound tightly, for the strength in him was great. And they brought him to King Solomon. The king asked him: “What is the most beautiful thing in this world?” He replied: "Your own will is best." And, rushing, he broke everything and galloped to his will.


Kitovras, leaving for his people, presented Solomon with a man with two heads. That man took root with Solomon. Solomon asked him: “What kind of people are you? Are you human or demon? The man replied: "I am from people living underground." And the king asked him: “Do you have the sun and the moon?” He said: “From your west the sun rises towards us, and in your east it sets. So when you have day, then we have night. And when you have night, then we have day. And the king gave him a wife. And two sons were born to him: one with two heads, and the other with one. And their father had a lot of good things. And their father died. The two-headed man said to his brother: "Let's divide the property according to the heads." A little brother said, “There are two of us. Let's divide the property in half." And they went to court before the king. The one-headed man said to the king: “We are two brothers. We must divide the property in half." And he, the two-headed one, said to the king: "I have two heads, and I want to take two shares." The king, in his wisdom, ordered vinegar to be served and said: “Are these two heads from different bodies? Poluka I vinegar on one head: if the other head does not feel, you will take two shares for two heads. And if the other head feels the pouring vinegar, it means that both these heads are from one body. Then take one share. And when vinegar poured on one head, the other squealed. And the king said: "Since you have one body, you will take one share." So King Solomon judged them.


There was a queen of the South, a foreigner named Malkatoshka. She came to test Solomon with riddles; she was very wise. And she brought him gifts: twenty drops of gold, a lot of potions and wood that does not rot. Solomon, having heard about the arrival of the queen, sat down in a hall with a floor of transparent glass on a platform, wanting to test her. And she, seeing that the king was sitting in the water, picked up her clothes before him. And he saw that she was beautiful in face, but her body was as hairy as a brush. With this hair she bewitched the men who were with her. Solomon said to his wise men: "Prepare a bath and an ointment with a potion and anoint her body so that her hair falls out." And the wise men and the scribes told him to go with her. Having conceived from him, she went to her own land and gave birth to a son, and this was Nebuchadnezzar.

That was her riddle to Solomon. She gathered the boys and girls dressed in the same clothes and said to the king: "Determine according to your wisdom which are boys and which are girls." The king, in his wisdom, ordered fruit to be brought, and they poured it out before them. The boys began to pick up clothes in the floors, and the girls in the sleeves. And Solomon said, "These are the boys, and these are the girls." Because of this, she marveled at his cunning.

On the next day, she gathered the youths, circumcised and uncircumcised, and said to Solomon: "Select which are circumcised and which are uncircumcised." The king ordered the bishop to bring in a holy crown, on which was written the word of the Lord, with which Balaam was turned away from sorcery. The circumcised youths stood up, but the uncircumcised fell before the crown. She was very surprised by this.

The wise men thought of it to the cunning Solomon: “We have a well far from the city. Guess with your wisdom how you can drag him to the city? The cunning Solomons, realizing that this could not be, told them: “Weave a rope out of bran, and we will drag your well into the city.”

And again the wise men thought of it: “If the field is overgrown with knives, how can you reap it?” They were answered: "A donkey's horn." And her wise men said: “Where are the horns of the donkey?” They answered: “Where will knives give birth to beer?”

They also thought: “If the salt rots, how can you salt it?” They said: "Taking the womb of a mule, it must be salted." And they said: “But where does the mule give birth?” They answered: "Where the salt rots."

And the queen, seeing the mansions that had been made, and the abundance of food, and how his people were sitting, and how his servants were standing, and their garments, and the drink, and the sacrifices that they brought to the house of God, said: “True is the speech that I heard in my land for your wisdom. And I had no faith in the speeches until I came and saw with my own eyes. Turns out I wasn't even told half of it. Good for your husbands who hear your wisdom."

King Solomon gave this queen the name Malkatoshka and everything she asked for. And she went to her land with her people.


In the days of Solomon there lived a man who had three sons. Dying, this man called them to him and said to them: “I have a treasure in the ground. In that place, he said, three vessels are stacked on top of each other. After my death, let the elder take the upper one, the middle one the middle one, and the younger one the lower one.” After the death of his father, his sons opened this treasure in the presence of people. And it turned out that the upper vessel was full of gold, the middle one was full of bones, and the lower one was full of earth. These brothers began to quarrel, saying: “You are a son, since you take gold, and we are not sons?” And they went to the judgment of Solomon. And Solomon judged them: what is gold - to the elder, that of cattle and servants - to the middle one, judging by the bones; but as for vineyards, cornfields, and grain, to lesser. And he said to them: "Your father was clever man and divided you while you were alive."


Once three men were walking their own way, carrying gold in their belts. Stopping to rest in a deserted place, they conferred and decided: "Let's hide the gold in a cache: if robbers attack, we will run away, but it will be saved." After digging a hole, they all put their belts in a hiding place. In the middle of the night, when the two friends fell asleep, the third, harboring an evil thought, got up and hid the belts in another place. And when they, having rested, came to the hiding place to take their belts, then, having found them, they all cried out at once; but the villain yelled much louder than the other two. And they all returned home. And they said: "Let's go to Solomon and tell him about our trouble." And they came to Solomon and said: “We don’t know, king, whether the beast took it, whether it was a bird or an angel. Explain to us, king." And he, in his wisdom, said to them: “I will find you tomorrow. But since you are travelers, I beg you: explain to me: “A certain young man, having become engaged to a beautiful girl, gave her wedding ring without the knowledge of her father and mother. This young man went to another land and got married there. And the father gave the girl in marriage. And when the bridegroom wanted to come in to her, the girl screamed and said: “Out of shame, I did not tell my father that I was betrothed to another. Fear God, go to my betrothed, ask him for permission: let me be your wife according to his word. The young man gathered and, taking a lot of goods and a girl, went there, and he allowed him: “Let her be your wife, since you have taken her.” The bridegroom says to her: "Let's go back and arrange a wedding again." And when they were walking back, they met a certain rapist with his people and captured him with both the girl and the good. And this robber wanted to do violence to the girl, and she screamed and told the robber that she had gone for permission and had not yet been in bed with her husband. The robber was surprised and said to her husband: “Take your wife and go with your goods.” And Solomon said: “I told you about this girl and young man. Tell me now, you people who have lost their belts: who is better - a young man, or a girl, or a robber? One replied: “The girl is good because she told about her engagement.” Another said: "The young man is good because he waited until permission." The third said: “The robber is the best, because he returned the girl and let him go. And there was no need to give back.” Then Solomon said in response: “Friend, you are hungry for someone else's good. You took all the belts." The same said: “The king-lord, indeed it is so. I won't hide from you."


And then the wise Solomon, wanting to experience the meaning of the feminine, the world, called his boyar named Dekir and said to him: “I like you very much. And I will love you even more if you fulfill my desire: kill your wife, and I will give my best daughter for you. I told him the same thing a few days later. And Dekir did not want to do this. And finally he said: "I will fulfill your will, king." The king gave him his sword with the words: "Chop off your wife's head when she falls asleep, so that she does not dissuade you with her speeches." He went and found his wife sleeping, and on either side of her were two children. And he, looking at his wife and at his sleeping children, said in his heart: “If I strike my friend like this with a sword, then I will grieve my children.” The king called him to him and asked him, saying: “Have you fulfilled my will regarding your wife?” He replied: “I could not, my lord the king, fulfill it.”

The king sent him as an ambassador to another city and, calling his wife, said to her: “I like you much more than all women. If you do what I command you, I will make you queen. Slaughter your husband, who is sleeping on the bed, and this is your sword. In response, the wife said: "I am glad, king, that you order so." Solomon, understanding with his wisdom her husband - that he did not want to kill his wife - gave him a sharp sword; and realizing his wife - that she wants to kill her husband, he gave her a blunt sword, pretending that it was sharp, saying: "Slay your husband sleeping on your bed with this sword." She put the sword on her husband's chest and began to drive it along his throat, thinking that he was sharp. And he quickly jumped up, believing that some enemies had attacked, and seeing that his wife was holding a sword, “why,” he said, “my friend, did you decide to kill me?” In response to her husband, the wife said: "The language of man convinced me that I should kill you." He wanted to call people, and then he realized that Solomon had taught her.

Solomon, having heard about this, entered this verse in the Collection, saying: "He found one man among thousands, but he did not find a woman in the whole world."


In the days of Solomon there was a rich man in Babylon, but he had no children. Having lived half his days, he adopted a servant boy. And having equipped, he sent him with good things from Babylon to commercial affairs. The same one, having come to Jerusalem, got hold of it there. And he fell into the number of the boyars of Solomon, sitting at a dinner with the king.

In the meantime, a son was born to the master of his house. And when the boy was thirteen years old, his father died. And his mother said to him: “Son, I heard about your father’s serf, that he got rich in Jerusalem. Go and find him." He came to Jerusalem and asked about a man by name, what was the name of this servant. And he was very famous. He was told that he was at Solomon's for dinner. And the youth entered the royal hall, asked: “Who is such and such a boyar here?” He replied, "It's me." Approaching, the lad hit him in the face and said: “You are my serf! Do not be afraid, sitting, but go to work! And give me your good." And the king was angry, and he was annoyed. Turning to Solomon, the youth said: “If this servant of my father is not mine, king, then because I hit him with my hand, I will receive a blow with a sword that will kill me.” The stricken one, in turn, said: “I am the master's son, and this is my father's servant and mine. I have witnesses in Babylon." The king said, “I will not believe the witnesses. I’d rather send my ambassador to Babylon - let him take the humerus from the coffin of his father there, and she will tell me which of you is the son and which is the servant. And you stay here." And the king sent his trusted ambassador, and he brought the humerus. In his wisdom, the tsar ordered the bone to be washed clean, seated his boyar and all the wise men, boyars and scribes in front of him and said to the person who knows how to bleed: "Bleed this boyar." He did it. Then the king ordered to put the bone in warm blood. He explained the meaning of the command to his boyars, saying: “If this is his son, then his blood will cling to the bones of his father. If he does not cling, then he is a slave. And they took the bone out of the blood, and the bone was white as before. Then the king commanded to pour the blood of the youth into another vessel. And having washed the bone, they put it in the blood of the young man. And the bone was saturated with blood. And the king said to his boyars: “See with your own eyes what this bone says: “This one is my son, and that one is a slave.” So the king judged them.


After that, Solomon began to tell his boyars: “There was Adrian the Tsar, and he ordered his boyars to call him god. And, not wanting to, the boyars said: “Our Tsar! Do you think in your heart that there was no god before you? We will call you the highest king among kings if you take the Jerusalem which is above and the Holy of Holies.” And he, gathering with many soldiers, went and took Jerusalem, and returned back, and said to them: “Just as God will do what he commands and says, so I did. Now call me god." He had three philosophers. The first one answered him, saying: “If you want to be called a god, keep in mind: a boyar cannot be called a king, being in the royal palace, until he comes out. So you too, if you want to be called a god, come out of the whole universe and there call yourself a god.”

And the other said: "You cannot be called a god." The king asked: "Why?" He replied: "Jeremiah the prophet says: 'The gods that did not create the heavens and the earth, let them perish.' If you want to die, king, call yourself a god."

And the third said: “My lord, the king! Help me soon!" The king asked: "What is the matter with you?" And the philosopher said: “My boat, three versts from here, is ready to sink, and all my goods are on it,” and the king said: “Do not be afraid. I will send people and they will bring her.” And the philosopher said: “Why do you, king, bother your people? Send a gentle wind, let it save her.” The same, understanding, remained silent displeasedly and went to rest to his queen.

And the queen said: "The philosophers have deceived you, king, by telling you that you cannot be called a god." Wanting to console him in that sadness, she said: “You are a king, you are rich, you are worthy of great honor. Do, - she said, - one thing, and then be called a god. The king asked: “What kind?” And the queen answered: "God's property, which you have, return." He asked: "What property?" The queen said: “Return your soul, which God has put into your body and then be called God. He objected: "If there is no soul in me, in my body, how shall I be called a god?" The queen said to him: "If you do not own your soul, then you cannot call yourself a god."


King Solomon asked the princess for himself. And they didn't give it to him. Then Solomon said to the demons: "Go and take that princess and bring her to me." And the demons, having gone, snatched her away at the crossing, when she was walking from her mother's chambers, put her in a ship and rushed across the sea.

And then the princess saw that the man was drinking water, and behind him the water was coming out. She asked: "Explain to me what it is." And the demons said: “He will explain to you to whom we are taking you.” They go further and see - a man, wandering in the water, asks for water, and the waves knock him down. And the princess said: “My dear matchmakers, explain this to me: why is that man, wandering in the water, asking for water?” And they said: “He will explain to you who we are taking you to.” And they drove by, and they see - a man is reaping hay, walking, and two goats, following him, are eating grass: what he reaps, they eat. And the princess said: “Explain to me, my unloving matchmakers, explain to me: why don’t those goats eat uncut grass?” And the demons told her: “He will explain to you to whom we are taking you.”

And they rushed her to the city. One demon went and told Solomon the king: "They brought you a bride." The king, having mounted his horse, went ashore. And the princess said to him: “Today I am yours, king. But explain this to me: a man drank water, and behind him it came out. The king said, “Why are you surprised at this? After all, this is the royal house: it enters here, it leaves from here. And the princess asked: “And now explain to me what it is: one person, wandering in the water, asks for water, and the waves knock him down?” Solomon replied: “O bride! Why are you surprised by this, bride? After all, this is a servant of the kings: he judges one lawsuit, and looks for another lawsuit in order to make the king's heart good. - “And here's another thing you explain to me: a man reaps grass, and what he reaps, two goats, following him, eat. Why don't those goats that got into the hay eat the uncut grass? And the king said: “Bride! Why are you surprised? If a person takes another wife with other people's children, then what he earns, they will eat. And he has nothing for himself. And now go, bride, to my rest.

I found the following information online:

The expression "Solomon's decision" came to us from ancient legends. The Jewish king Solomon son of David was known as a great sage. Many legends were composed about his cunning, but most of them describe his wisdom and ingenuity in resolving disputes and judicial affairs.

Once two women came to Solomon, who were arguing over whose child. Solomon decided to cut the child in half and give each woman half. That woman, who was a liar, easily agreed to this decision. And the mother, horrified, said: "It is better to give my rival the child alive." Thus, the real mother was found.

This is where it came from that “Solomon's court” is the most fair and wise, “Solomon's decision” is original, witty, finding a way out of any delicate situation.

In connection with this story, I want to raise a few questions for discussion:

    The king, after all, decided to cut the child in half and give half to each woman? So? Both women took his decision not as a joke, but as a royal decision, because the king had even already ordered to bring him a sword. So why was his “royal decision” not carried out? Did King Solomon really want to cut the child in half? I think the king was wise enough not to want it. And if so, then we are not dealing with a "royal decision", but with a well-thought-out provocation for a deliberately expected reaction. So we come to the conclusion that the so-called "Solomonic decision" is not in fact a judicial decision, but is simply a judicial "provocative trick" to expose the deception. So?

    What is the point of a liar taking on the burden of caring for someone else's child? If she simply wanted to satisfy the instinct of motherhood after losing her own child, then she could only take on the role of nurse for another child (after all, both women lived in the same house). After all, being a mother is a big responsibility. There must be fairly strong motives for taking on this responsibility. But, on the other hand, this same deceiver agreed with the "king's decision" to kill the child. How can it be both at the same time?

Regarding these two questions, about a year ago I listened to a lecture by a rabbi from Israel who came to Germany. Are you interested in knowing the answers to these questions? Do you want to know what he said?

I quote for reference an excerpt from the Russian translation (Old Testament):

Two women came to the king and stood before him. And one woman said:

Oh my lord! This woman and I live in the same house. And I gave birth with her in this house. On the third day after I gave birth, this woman also gave birth. And we were together, and there was no stranger with us in the house; only we two were in the house. And the woman's son died in the night, for she slept him. And she got up in the night, and took my son from me, when I, your servant, was sleeping, and laid him on her breast, and she laid her dead son on my breast. In the morning I got up to feed my son, and behold, he was dead. And when I looked at him in the morning, it was not my son, whom I gave birth to.

And another woman said:

- No, my son is alive, and your son is dead.

And she told her:

- No, your son is dead, but mine is alive.

And they spoke thus before the king.

And the king said:

This one says: "My son is alive, and your son is dead"; and she says: "No, your son is dead, and my son is alive." And the king said, give me the sword.

And they brought the sword to the king. And the king said:

- Cut the living child in two and give half to one and half to the other.

And that woman, whose son was alive, answered the king, for her whole inwardness was agitated from pity for her son:

- Oh, my lord! Give her this child alive and do not kill him.

And the other said:

- Let there be neither me nor you, chop.

And the king answered and said:

- Give this living child and do not kill him. She is his mother.

And all Israel heard of the judgment, as the king judged; and they began to fear the king, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to execute judgment.

(1 Kings 3:16-28)

Solomon (dr. Heb. שְׁלֹמֹה , Shlomo; Greek Σαλωμών, Σολωμών in the Septuagint; lat. Solomon in the Vulgate; Arab. سليمان‎‎ Suleiman in the Koran) - the third Jewish king, the legendary ruler of the united kingdom of Israel in 965-928 BC. e., during its heyday. The son of King David and Bathsheba (Bat Sheva), his co-ruler in 967-965 BC. e. During the reign of Solomon in Jerusalem, the Jerusalem Temple was built - the main shrine of Judaism.

We often hear the phrase - "Solomon's decision", which has become catch phrase. From the depths of centuries, the image has reached our days King Solomon as a character in many legends and parables. In all legends, he appears as the wisest of people and a fair judge, famous for his cunning. However, there are still disputes among historians: some believe that the son of David really lived, others are sure that the wise ruler is a biblical falsification.

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/219414156.jpg" alt=" Solomon is the third Jewish king, the ruler of the united kingdom of Israel." title="Solomon is the third Jewish king, the ruler of the united kingdom of Israel." border="0" vspace="5">!}

And besides, Solomon is an integral character of both the Christian and Islamic religions, who left a deep mark on the culture different peoples. Shlomo, Solomon, Suleiman - this name in its various sounds is known not only to every Jew, Christian and Muslim, it is familiar to almost everyone, even those far from religion. Since this image has always attracted writers and poets, artists and sculptors who sang his wisdom and justice in their works and brought the life story of this amazing person to this day.

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/0-sud-0007.jpg" alt=" Bathsheba. (1832). Tretyakov Gallery. Author: Karl Bryullov." title=" Bathsheba. (1832). Tretyakov Gallery.

King David died at the age of 70, passing the throne to Solomon, although he was one of his younger sons. But that was the will of God.

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/219416479.jpg" alt=" Solomon's ring." title="Ring of Solomon." border="0" vspace="5">!}

Especially many legends have been preserved about his amazing witty decisions in various court cases. He always found a clever way out of a difficult or delicate situation. The Old Testament describes an event that formed the basis of the parable of the wise judge and the mother who was ready to give own child just to keep him alive.

Judgment of Solomon - righteous, wise judgment

May both be happy. Cut a living child in half and give each half of the baby."
One of the women, hearing his words, changed her face and pleaded: "Give the child to my neighbor, she is his mother, just don't kill him!" The other, on the contrary, agreed with the decision of the king: "Chop it, let neither her nor me get it" she said decisively.

Do not kill the child, but give it to the first woman: she is his real mother. " Of course, the wise king did not even think of destroying the baby, but in such a cunning way he found out which of the two was telling a lie.

Solomon always invested justice in any disputes in his decisions. Actually, from Solomon it went that the main figure of any court is the judge, and it is he who must determine the degree of guilt and punishment for the triumph of truth.

Rules of life of the great king Solomon. Wisdom proven for centuries

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/219415487.jpg" alt=" Idolatry of Solomon. (1668). Author: Giovanni Pissarro" title="Idolatry of Solomon. (1668).

However, as they say,"старуху бывает проруха"... Согласно писаниям Библии, Соломон был весьма любвиобилен и имел семьсот жен и триста наложниц. И на склоне лет случилось так, что Соломон в угоду одной из любимых жен, построил языческий жертвенник и несколько капищ в Иерусалиме, нарушив тем самым обет данный Богу - служить ему верой и правдой.!}

100%" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/351KmkQgDyM" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="">

One of the biblical images, shrouded in many myths and legends, still causes desperate disputes among researchers. Who is she, this mysterious woman who she was to Christ, and why the past of a harlot was attributed to her - in the review.

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