Test on the theme of the poem dead souls. Fragment of the work of A.S.



Control work on the work of N. Gogol " Dead Souls»

  1. Define the genre of the work:

a) a novel b) a story; c) epic novel; d) a poem.

  1. How does the lyrical element appear in Dead Souls?

A) in love affair; B) in lyrical digressions; C) in landscape sketches; D) in insert elements.

  1. The meaning of the title is:

a) the author declared serfs to be "dead souls"; b) the author described in detail Chichikov's scam with dead peasants; c) the author tried to create mystical work; d) the author declared the feudal lords and officials to be "dead souls".

  1. Why did Chichikov buy up "dead souls"?
  1. The main theme of the piece is:

a) the life of landlords; b) the life of officials; c) the life of the peasantry; d) the life of all layers of Russia.

  1. All parts of the work are connected:
  1. Indicate in what sequence Chichikov called on the landowners.

A) Korobochka, Manilov, Sobakevich, Plyushkin, Nozdrev.

B) Manilov, Sobakevich, Plyushkin, Nozdrev, Korobochka.

B) Box, Manilov. Sobakevich. Nozdryov. Plushkin.

D) Manilov, Korobochka. Nozdryov. Sobakevich, Plyushkin.

  1. According to the description of the dwelling, determine to whom it belongs:

“The manor’s house stood alone in the south, open to all winds ... A gazebo with blue wooden columns and the inscription: “Temple of Solitary Reflection” was visible

a) Sobakevich; b) Manilov; c) Plushkin; d) box.

  1. Correlate artistic details with the character of the landowners.

A) bags, boxes 1) Manilov

B) sugar 2) Box

B) a bunch, a hole 3) Nozdrev

D) health 4) Plushkin

  1. Which of the heroes of the work is characterized by dreaminess, spinelessness, sentimentality, sweetness?
  2. Which of the heroes of the work is characterized by club-headedness, ignorance, pettiness?
  3. Which of the heroes of the work is characterized by rudeness, arrogance.
  4. Which of the heroes is characterized by insatiable greed, stinginess, pettiness?
  5. According to the description of the dwelling of the heroes, determine to whom it belongs:“On one table there was even a broken chair, and next to it was a clock with a stopped pendulum, to which the spider had already attached a web”
  6. Which of the characters own their characteristic "words and phrases"?

“Razin, darling, mouth”, “most gracious”, “May day, name day of the heart”, “magnetism of the soul”.

  1. Whom did the author call "a hole in humanity"?
  2. What was the name of the village where Manilov lived?
  3. Who was a fan of changing guns, dogs, horses?
  4. Which of the heroes bore the names Themistoclus and Alkid?
  1. Write detailed description one of the heroes of the poem (according to the plan).
  2. Imagine that you are writers and directors filming Feature Film based on the poem "Dead Souls". How would you solve the problem with numerous lyrical digressions in N.V. Gogol's poem?


A-2, b-1, c-4, d-3










Sons of Manilov


1. Who owns the idea of ​​"Dead Souls"?

A) Gogol N.V. C) Griboyedov A.S.

B) Pushkin A.S. D) Lermontov M.Yu.

2. Determine the genre of the work "Dead Souls"

A) novel B) epic novel

B) story D) poem

3. In the work "Dead Souls" the main theme is

A) the life of the landlords B) the life of the peasantry

B) the life of officials D) the life of all layers of Russia

4. The meaning of the title of the work "Dead Souls" is that:

5. All parts of the work "Dead Souls" are connected:

B) common plot C) common characters

D) a traveling hero

6. What is the lyrical element in the work "Dead Souls"?

A) in a love affair B) in Chichikov's thoughts about everything he saw

B) in lyrical digressions

D) in landscape sketches

7. Lyrical digression is:

A) pronounced artistic means emotional perception of what is described by the narrator or lyrical hero.

B) The author's reflection, not connected with the plot narrative, included by him in the work of literature.

8. What problem is not raised in the work of N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

A) the problem of barbarism

B) the problem of false values

C) the problem of moral decline

D) the problem of the destructive influence of money

9. With what motive is the image of the author closely connected?

A) roads B) friendship C) freedom D) cells

10. Name full name Main character.

11. Why did Chichikov buy "dead souls"?

B) in order to marry profitably, to be called the owner of thousands of souls

C) in order to lay them in the board of trustees as living

D) to win a bet

12. Who can be called truly living souls in the work?

D) Selifan and Chichikov

13. The life story of which landowner is told in the work "Dead Souls"?

A) Manilov B) Sobakevich C) Box D) Plushkin

14. Indicate which landowners Chichikov visited (in the same order as in the work):

A) Korobochka, Manilov, Sobakevich, Plushkin, Nozdrev

B) Manilov, Sobakevich, Plushkin, Nozdrev, Korobochka

C) Korobochka, Manilov, Sobakevich, Nozdrev, Plyushkin

D) Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich, Plyushkin

15. Which of the landowners had a “temple of solitary reflection” in the estate?

16. "A hole in the body of mankind" - about whom did N.V. Gogol say so?

17. Whom are the following lines talking about?

A) “He was of medium height, a very well-built fellow with full, ruddy cheeks, teeth as white as snow and jet-black sideburns. He was fresh as blood and milk; health seemed to spurt from his face.

B) “Not yet an old man, who had eyes as sweet as sugar, and squinted them every time he laughed.”

C) “For a long time he could not see what gender the figure was. The dress on her was completely indefinite, similar to a woman's hood, a cap on her head ... "Oh, a woman!" he thought to himself.

D) “It is known that there are many such faces in the world, over the decoration of which nature did not think long, did not use any small tools ... grabbed with an ax once - the nose came out, grabbed it in another - the lips came out ... "

E) “... they are gradually collecting money in motley bags placed in the drawers of chests of drawers. All the churchmen are taken into one bag, fifty dollars into another, quarters into the third ... "

E) “... Sir, not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin, one cannot say that he is old, but not so much that he is too young.

18. According to the description of the dwelling, determine to whom it belongs:

A) “The manor’s house stood alone at the south, open to all winds; the slope of the mountain was dressed in trimmed turf. Two or three flower beds were scattered on it ... A gazebo with blue wooden columns was visible ... "

B) “The room was hung with old striped wallpaper; pictures with some birds, mirrors with dark frames ... behind every mirror there was either a letter, or an old deck of cards, or a stocking.

C) "I saw ahead wooden house with a mezzanine, a red roof ... and wild walls - a house like those we build for military settlements and German colonists.

D) “He stepped into the dark wide passage, from which it blew cold, like from a cellar ... On one table there was even a broken chair, and next to it was a clock with a stopped pendulum, to which the spider had already attached a web.”

19. Which of the heroes is characterized by:

A) Dreaminess, spinelessness, sentimentality.

B) Cudgel-headedness, petty troublesomeness, ignorance.

C) Kulaks, misanthropy, obscurantism, rudeness.

D) Insatiable greed, avarice, greed.

E) Carelessness, boasting, arrogance, fair heroism.

E) Predatory tenacity, unscrupulousness, propensity for scams and adventurism.

20. Which of the characters owns their characteristic words and phrases:

A) “Razin, darling, mouth”, “most respected, most gracious”, “May day, name day of the heart”, “magnetism of the soul”.

B) “Sharpened his teeth on a muzzle”, “you’ll get the devil bald”, “Slender superflu”, “scandalous”, “courage”, “breasty”, “like a squadron spent the night in your mouth”.

C) "These are all scammers, a scammer sits on a scammer and drives a scammer."

D) “I heard about savings and rare management of estates ...”, “I considered it a duty to meet and personally bring my respect ...”, “you deigned to go”, “I had the honor to cover your troika”.

21. People meeting Chichikov in life:

A) were for him only a means of his own enrichment;

B) brought him up as an honest and decent person;

C) deceived and humiliated him;

D) did not notice him.

22. Why N.V. Gogol arranged Chichikov's visits to the landowners in exactly this sequence?

A) heroes are arranged according to the degree of degradation, necrosis;

B) the heroes are arranged according to the principle of "revival";

C) Chichikov's visit to the landlords is not built according to any scheme.

23. Why does Gogol dwell in detail on Chichikov's biography in his work?

A) Gogol wanted to draw a parallel between Chichikov and Plyushkin.

B) It is necessary for the reader to know all the details of the life of the protagonist.

24. In the poem "Dead Souls":

A) the plot ends with a temporary defeat of the hero;

B) main character arrested for fraud;

C) tells about the events described in the criminal chronicles;

D) the hero puts his plan into action.

25. What are the main themes of lyrical digressions in the work?

26. How does Gogol finish the first volume of Dead Souls? Explain the meaning of this ending.

Test on the poem "Dead Souls"

Question number 1.
Who suggested the plot of "Dead Souls"?


b. . +

C. .


Question number 2.
Name the genre of Dead Souls.

Novel. Poem. + Story. Tale.

Question number 3.
What device is used in the title of the poem?

Metaphor. Oxymoron. Epithet. Comparison.

Oxymoron (Greek - “sharp stupidity”) - a combination of words with the opposite meaning.

Question number 4.
What is the name and patronymic of Chichikov.

Ivan Pavlovich. Pavel Nikolaevich. Pavel Ivanovich. + Pyotr Ivanovich.

Question number 5.
Whose portrait is this?

In his eyes he was a prominent person; his features were not devoid of pleasantness, but this pleasantness seemed to have been conveyed too much sugar; in his manners and turns there was something ingratiating himself with favors and acquaintances. He smiled enticingly, was blond, with blue eyes.

Plushkin. Nozdryov. Manilov. + Sobakevich.

Question number 6.
Who in the poem is called "a hole in humanity"?

Plushkin. + Nozdryov. Manilov. Sobakevich.

Question No. 7. Which of the landowners seemed to Chichikov “very similar to medium size bear"?

Plushkin. Nozdryov. Manilov. Sobakevich. +

Question number 8.

Whose characteristic is this?

“A man of about thirty, a broken fellow, who, after three or four words, began to say to him (Chichikov)“ you ”.

Manilov. Nozdryov. + Plushkin. Sobakevich.

Question number 9.
Which of the characters in the poem owns this dwelling?

“The room was hung with old striped wallpaper; pictures with some birds, mirrors with dark frames ... behind every mirror there was either a letter, or an old deck of cards, or a stocking.

Plushkin. Box. + Manilov. Sobakevich.

Question number 10.
To whom do these words belong?

I know them all: they are scammers, the whole city is like this: a scammer on

the swindler sits and urges the swindler. All Christ sellers.

Manilov. Nozdryov. Plushkin. Sobakevich. +

Question number 11.
wrote: "My heroes follow one after another, one more vulgar than the other." Restore the sequence of the image of the landowners in the poem.

A. Sobakevich. 4

V. Manilov. 1

S. Nozdrev. 3

D. Plushkin. 5

Box. 2

Question number 12.
Who tells "The Tale of Captain Kopeikin"?

A. Chichikov.

B. Nozdrev.

V. Postmaster. +

G. Chairman of the Treasury.

Question number 13.
For what purpose does he introduce The Tale of Captain Kopeikin into the work?

A. To show the lack of spirituality of bureaucratic laws. +

B. Depict the life of the capital's bureaucracy.

B. Refute the idea of ​​government impunity.

G. Show destructive power money.

Question number 14.
For what purpose did Chichikov buy up "dead souls"?

B. In order to profitably marry, calling himself the owner of thousands of souls.

B. To lay them before the Board of Trustees as living. +

D. To win a bet.

Question number 15.
Which of the heroes of the poem does not belong to the "dead souls"?

A. Chichikova.

B. Manilova.

V. Dead peasants. +

G. Selifana.

Question number 16.
What role does the image of the road play in the poem?

A. Is a symbol life path person.

B. The image of the road is a symbol of the future of Russia. +

B. This is a form of organization of the work.

D. This image is a source of inspiration for the author.

1. According to what plan N.V. Gogol builds a characterization of landlords in the poem "Dead Souls"?

General view of the estate, the state of the economy, the manor's house and its interior, a portrait and description of the landowner, a reaction to Chichikov's proposal.

2. What is the sequence in the depiction of the degradation of the landowners in the poem by N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich, Plyushkin.

3. What role does the motif of the road play in N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls"

It is a connecting link in the plot, enhances the dynamism of the poem, unites time and space.

4. Why did Chichikov buy dead souls?

In order to lay them to the board of trustees as living and get money, get rich.

5. Why N.V. Gogol introduces a parable about Kif Mokievich and Mokiya Kifovich into the poem "Dead Souls"?

Shows writers who turn a blind eye to shortcomings, just not to wash dirty linen in public.

6. As suggested by N.V. Gogol to build the poem "Dead Souls"?

The poem was supposed to consist of three parts, like Dante's Divine Comedy. The three volumes of Dead Souls were to correspond to the three parts of The Divine Comedy. The first volume would reflect the hell of modern reality, the second would include positive images and the hero would pass through purgatory, the third would draw harmonious society- paradise.

7. What genre can be attributed to "Dead Souls" N.V. Go-goal? Why?

The poem, like the poems of Homer, portrays the whole of Russia on an epic scale; The plot was modeled after Dante's poem " The Divine Comedy»; great place occupy digressions.

8. What are the features of the composition of the poem by N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls"

The action unfolds in time and space, which is achieved with the help of the motive of the road; the work includes lyrical digressions, inserted episodes, inserted story; the gallery of landlords is built on the principle of revealing gradation.

9. What is the value in disclosure ideological sense poems by N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls" has "The Tale of Captain Kopeikin"? material from the site

The insert story is indirectly related to the plot, but it expands the idea of ​​bureaucratic bureaucracy. It completes the idea of ​​the first volume and includes reflections on true and imaginary patriotism, on the insecurity of the defender of the fatherland - a well-deserved hero, on the contradictions in the life of Russia.

10. What is the specific and metaphorical meaning of the title of the poem by N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

Specific - dead souls called the peasants who, according to official documents, until the next census (censuses were conducted every five years) were considered alive, but died between censuses; metaphorical - dead souls - these are officials, landlords, who make up the soulless world of Russia.

Test by Literature Dead souls (N.V. Gogol) for 9th grade students. The test consists of two options, in each option there are 5 tasks with a short answer and 3 general assignments with a detailed answer.

- Good deed, right, good deed!
Yes, I see for myself that I could not have undertaken a better deed. Be that as it may, a man's goal is still undetermined if he has not finally set his foot on a solid foundation, and not on some free-thinking chimera of youth. - Here he very opportunely scolded for liberalism, and rightly so, all young people. But it is remarkable that in his words there was still some kind of unsteadiness, as if he immediately said to himself: “Oh, brother, you are lying, and even more so!” He didn't even look at Sobakevich and Manilov for fear of seeing something on their faces. But he was afraid in vain: Sobakevich's face did not move, and Manilov, enchanted by the phrase, only shook his head approvingly with pleasure, plunging into the position in which a music lover is when the singer outdid the violin itself and squeaked such a thin note that even a bird's throat is unbearable. .
“Yes, why don’t you tell Ivan Grigorievich,” Sobakevich replied, “what exactly you have acquired; and you, Ivan Grigoryevich, why don't you ask what acquisition they made? After all, what a people! just gold. After all, I sold them the coachman Mikheev ...
And when the chairman asked why they went, being people necessary for the house and artisans, Sobakevich answered, waving his hand: - Ah! so simple, I found nonsense: give me, I say, I’ll sell it, and I sold it foolishly!
Whereupon he hung his head as if he himself repented of this matter, and added: “Here is a gray-haired man, but he still hasn’t gained his mind ...
While the conversations continued, little by little witnesses began to appear: the public prosecutor familiar to the reader, the inspector of the medical board, Trukhachevsky, Begushkin and others, according to Sobakevich, burdening the earth for nothing. Many of them were completely unfamiliar to Chichikov: those who were missing and superfluous were recruited right there from the chamber officials. They also brought not only the son of Archpriest Father Cyril, but even the Archpriest himself. Each of the witnesses placed himself with all his merits and ranks, some in reverse type, some in jambs, some simply, almost upside down, placing letters that were not even seen in the Russian alphabet. Famous Ivan Antonovich managed very quickly, the fortresses were written down, marked, entered in the book and where they should be, with the acceptance of half a percent and for a print in Vedomosti, and Chichikov had to pay a very small amount. Even the chairman gave an order to take only half of the duty money from him, and the rest was attributed in some unknown way to the account of some other petitioner.
"So," said the chairman, when it was all over, "the only thing left now is to spray the purchase."
"I'm ready," said Chichikov. “It is up to you to set the time. It would be a sin on my part if, for such a pleasant company, I didn’t open another or third bottle of fizzy.
“No, you have taken the matter wrong: we will supply the effervescent one ourselves,” said the chairman, “this is our duty, our duty. You are our guest: we should be treated. Do you know what, gentlemen! For the time being, here's how we'll do it: let's all go, as we are, to the police chief; he is a miracle worker with us: he has only to blink, passing by a fish row or a cellar, so we, you know, will have a bite! yes, with this opportunity, and in a whistle.
No one could refuse such an offer. Witnesses already at one name of the fish row felt an appetite; all the same hour they took up caps and hats, and the presence ended. As they passed through the office, Ivan Antonovich, the jug snout, bowing politely, said quietly to Chichikov: "The peasants were bought for a hundred thousand, and for their labors they gave only one little white one."
“Why, what peasants,” Chichikov answered him, also in a whisper, “an empty and worthless people, and not worth half.” Ivan Antonovich realized that the visitor was of a strong character and would not give more.
“Why did you buy a soul from Plyushkin?” Sobakevich whispered in his other ear.
“And why was Sparrow credited?” Chichikov said to him in reply.
"Which Sparrow?" Sobakevich said.
“Yes, a woman, Elisaveta Sparrow, also put the letter b at the end.” “No, I didn’t attribute any Sparrow,” said Sobakevich and went to other guests.
The guests finally arrived in a crowd at the house of the police chief. The police chief was, as it were, a miracle worker: as soon as he heard what was the matter, at that very moment he called to the quarterly, brisk fellow in varnished over the knee boots, and, it seems, he whispered only two words in his ear, but added only: “you understand!”, and there, in another room, during the time that the guests were playing whist, beluga, sturgeon, salmon, pressed caviar, freshly salted caviar, herring, stellate sturgeon, cheeses, smoked tongues and balyks appeared on the table, it was all from the side of the fish row. Then there were additions from the host's side, kitchen products: a pie with a head, which included the cartilage and cheeks of a 9-pood sturgeon, another pie with milk mushrooms, spinners, butter, vzvarentsy. The police chief was in some ways a father figure and benefactor in the city. He was among the citizens just as in native family, and in shops and in gostiny dvor visited, as in his own pantry. In general, he sat, as they say, in his place and comprehended his position to perfection. It was even difficult to decide whether he was created for a place or a place for him.

1 option

Short answer questions

1. Specify the genre of this work.

2. Which of the heroes of "Dead Souls" will mainly contribute to the exposure of Chichikov's scam?

3. What is the name of the subtle, hidden mockery that ends the piece?

In general, he sat, as they say, in his place and comprehended his position to perfection. It was even difficult to decide whether he was created for a place or a place for him.

4. What is an artistic exaggeration called?

... the singer outdid the violin itself and squeaked such a thin note that even a bird's throat could not stand it.

5. What is a conversation between two actors V literary work included in the above snippet?

Questions with a detailed answer



Option 2

Short answer questions

1. What is the name of the direction literature XIX century, characterized by a reflection of life patterns, the relationship between man and the environment, to which Gogol's work "Dead Souls" belongs?

2. Which of the landowners, sellers " dead souls, not mentioned in this episode?

3. What is the name of the remedy artistic expressiveness based on the assimilation of related phenomena?

But it is remarkable that in his words there was still some kind of unsteadiness, as if he immediately said to himself:"Oh, brother, you're lying, and even strong!"

4. Indicate the name of the means of allegorical expressiveness used by Gogol in the description of what is happening in a public place:

Each of the witnesses placed himself with all his merits and ranks, some in reverse type, some in jambs, some simply almost upside down.

5. What is the name of a subtle, hidden mockery?

Even the chairman gave an order to take only half of the duty money from him, and the rest was attributed in some unknown way to the account of some other petitioner.

Questions with a detailed answer

6. What vices of county officials are reflected in the above fragment?

8. Compare the fragments from the works of I.V. Gogol "Dead Souls" and A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky". How are the collective images of officials created in these works similar?

Fragment of the work of A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

The rumor about this incident on the same day reached Kiril Petrovich ... Walking with heavy steps up and down the hall, he accidentally looked out the window and saw a troika stopped at the gate - small man in a leather cap and a frieze overcoat, he got out of the cart and went to the outhouse to the clerk; Troyekurov recognized assessor Shabashkin and ordered him to be called. A minute later Shabashkin was already standing in front of Kiril Petrovich, bow after bow, and reverently awaiting his orders.
"Great, what's your name," Troyekurov told him, "why did you come here?"
“I was on my way to the city, Your Excellency,” answered Shabashkii, “and I went to Ivan Demyanov to find out if there was any order from Your Excellency.
- Very opportunely stopped by, what's your name; I need you. Drink vodka and listen.
Such an affectionate reception pleasantly surprised the assessor. - He refused vodka and began to listen to Kiril Petrovich with all possible attention.
"I have a neighbor," said Troekurov, "a brute of small estates; I want to take the estate from him - what do you think about that?
“Your Excellency, if there are any documents, or—”
- I understand, but that's the trouble - all his papers burned down during the fire.
— How, Your Excellency, his papers burned! what is better for you? - in this case, please act according to the laws, and without any doubt you will receive your perfect pleasure.
- You think? Well, look. I rely on your diligence, and you can be sure of my gratitude.
Shabashkin bowed almost to the ground, went out, from the same day began to fuss over the planned business, and thanks to his agility, exactly two weeks later, Dubrovsky received an invitation from the city to immediately deliver proper explanations about his ownership of the village of Kistenevka.
Andrei Gavrilovich, amazed at the unexpected request, on the same day wrote in response to a rather rude attitude ...
This letter produced a very pleasant impression in the soul of assessor Shabashkin. He saw, in 1) that Dubrovsky knew little about business, and 2) that it would not be difficult to put such an ardent and imprudent person in the most disadvantageous position ...
The case began to drag on. Confident in his rightness, Andrei Gavrilovich worried little about him, had neither the desire nor the opportunity to pour money around him, and although he used to be always the first to mock the corrupt conscience of the ink tribe, the thought of becoming a victim of a sneak did not cross his mind. For his part, Troekurov cared just as little about winning the business he had started - Shabashkin worked for him, acting on his behalf, intimidating and bribing judges and interpreting all sorts of decrees in a twisted and true way. Be that as it may, on the 18th ... year, on February 9th, Dubrovsky received an invitation through the city police to appear before the ** Zemstvo judge to hear the decision of this on the case of the disputed estate between him, Lieutenant Dubrovsky, and General-in-Chief Troekurov ...
Arriving in the city, Andrey Gavrilovich stopped at a merchant friend, spent the night with him, and the next morning appeared in the presence of the district court.
Nobody paid any attention to him. Following him came Kirila Petrovich. The clerks stood up and put the feathers behind their ears. Members greeted him with expressions of deep servility, if I move chairs for him out of respect for his rank, years and corpulence; he sat down at open doors Andrey Gavrilovich leaned against the wall standing up - there was a deep silence, and the secretary ringing voice began to read the ruling of the court.

Answers to the literature test Dead Souls (N.V. Gogol)
1 option
1. poem
2. Nozdrev
3. irony
4. hyperbole
5. dialogue
Option 2
1. realism
2. Box, Nozdrev
3. comparison
4. metaphor
5. irony

Literature test. Poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls" (Grade 9)

Test (grade 9)

I option

  1. Indicate the years of life of N.V. Gogol.

A) 1809-1852 B) 1814-1837 c) 1799-1837 D) 1818-1883

  1. Fame N.V. Gogol brought the publication

A) "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" B) "Inspector"

C) "Marriages" D) "Dead Souls".

  1. The author's definition of the genre "Dead Souls" -

A) drama B) poem C) epic D) novel

  1. Indicate which of the landowners Chichikov visited first.

A) Manilov B) Box C) Plyushkin D) Sobakevich

  1. “In his eyes, he was a prominent person; his features were not devoid of pleasantness, but this pleasantness, it seemed, was too transferred to sugar ... ”, - such a characteristic in "Dead Souls" is given

A) Sobakevich B) Nozdryov C) Plyushkin D) Manilov

  1. The plot of the poem "Dead Souls" was prompted by Gogol

A) Alexander II B) V.A. Zhukovsky C) A.S. Pushkin D) M.Yu. Lermontov

  1. The name of the coachman was Chichikov

A) Porfiry B) Selifan C) Osip D) Peter

  1. Finish the quote from N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls".

“He (Chichikov) this time seemed very similar to a medium-sized bear. To complete the resemblance, the tailcoat on him was completely bearish in color, the sleeves were long, the pantaloons were long, he stepped with his feet and at random and stepped incessantly on other people's legs ... it is known that there are many such faces in the world, over the decoration of which nature did not think long, did not use no small tools, such as files, gimlets and other things, but she simply chopped from her shoulder: she grabbed with an ax once - her nose came out, she grabbed in another - her lips came out, she poked her eyes with a large drill and, without scraping, let it into the light, saying: "Lives!" The same strong and wonderfully stitched image was in

A) Manilov B) Sobakevich C) Nozdryov D) Plyushkin

  1. Chichikov failed to buy "dead souls" from

A) Sobakevich B) Plyushkin C) Manilov D) Nozdreva

  1. About which of the heroes of N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" the following words: “He smiled enticingly, was blond, with blue eyes. In the first minute of a conversation with him, you can’t help but say: “What a nice person!” In the next minute you will not say anything, and in the third you will say: “The devil knows what it is!” - and move away if you do not move away, you will feel mortal boredom. You won’t expect any lively or even arrogant words from him, which you can hear from almost anyone if you touch the subject that bullies him”?

A) About Manilov B) About Sobakevich C) About Chichikov D) About Nozdryov

  1. Donated to Chichikov "dead souls"

A) Manilov B) Sobakevich C) Nozdrev D) Plyushkin

  1. Chichikov bought up "dead souls" to

A ) it is profitable to marry B) lay them on the board of trustees

C) give yourself weight in society D) avoid paying taxes

  1. Indicate how N.V. Gogol called Chichikov.

A) Businessman B) Entrepreneur C) Purchaser D) Negotiator

  1. On the gazebo, located in the estate of Manilov, the hero of N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls", it was written:

A) "Abandon hope, ye who enter here" B) "Temple of solitary contemplation"

C) “Only a geometer will enter here” D) “Through thorns to the stars”

  1. Indicate the description of the dwelling of which of the heroes of N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" is given below:

A) “... He took them to his office, in which, however, there were no noticeable traces of what happens in offices, that is, books or paper; only sabers and two guns hung - one worth three hundred, and the other eight hundred rubles ... Following that, a hurdy-gurdy appeared to the guests "

B) “... Most of all there was tobacco. He was in different things: in caps and in a tobacco case, and, finally, he was poured simply in a heap on the table. On both windows were also placed mounds of ash knocked out of a pipe, arranged, not without diligence, in very beautiful rows.

1. Manilova 2. Plyushkin 3. Sobakevich 4. Nozdreva

IN) “It would have been impossible to say that a living creature lived in this room, if the old, worn cap lying on the table did not announce his stay”

1. Manilova 2. Plyushkin 3. Sobakevich 4. Nozdreva

D) "In the corner of the living room stood a pot-bellied walnut bureau on absurd four legs: a perfect bear." 1. Manilova 2. Plyushkin 3. Sobakevich 4. Nozdreva

Test (grade 9)

Creativity N.V. Gogol. "Dead Souls".

II option

  1. State which fact not applicable to the biography of N.V. Gogol.

A) taught history at St. Petersburg University

b) lived abroad for a while

C) Participated in the uprising on the Senate Square

  1. Dead Souls takes place in

A) Saratov B) Petersburg

C) Moscow D) cityNN

  1. Which of the following quotes from the poem "Dead Souls" not applicable to Chichikov:

A) "... He knew how to behave well. He spoke neither loudly nor softly, but exactly as he should. In a word, wherever you turn, he was a very decent person.

B) “He thought about the well-being of a friendly life, about how nice it would be to live with a friend on the banks of some river, then a bridge began to be built across this river, then a huge house.”

B) "... The officials, considering this case each to themselves, found that the face (...) if he turns and becomes sideways, is very handy for the portrait of Napoleon."

D) "... Our hero was already middle-aged and prudently chilled character."

  1. “He noticed some special dilapidation on all the village buildings: the log on the huts was dark and old; many roofs blew through like a sieve; on others there was only a ridge at the top and poles on the sides in the form of ribs. Chichikov observed such a picture of desolation in the estate

A) Boxes B) Manilov C) Plushkin D) Sobakevich

  1. Insert the missing word in the advice given to Chichikov by his father: “A comrade or friend will cheat you and in trouble will be the first to betray you, but (...) will not betray you, no matter what trouble you are.”

A) wife B) penny C) mother D) God

  1. Chichikov, the hero of Gogol's Dead Souls, played checkers with

A) Plyushkin B) Sobakevich C) Manilov D) Nozdrev

  1. About which of the heroes of the works of N.V. Gogol are the following words:"...was in some respects historical man. Not a single meeting he attended was without a story. Some kind of story was bound to happen: either the gendarmes would lead him by the arms out of the gendarme hall, or they would be forced to push out their own friends. If this does not happen, then nevertheless something will be such that it will not happen to another in any way ... ”?

A) About Manilov B) About Nozdryov C) About Khlestakov D) About Captain Kopeikin

Chichikov, the hero of N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" did not accept behind

A) Napoleon B) "maker" of counterfeit banknotes C) Captain Kopeikin D) AlexanderI

  1. “... A gazebo with a flat green dome, wooden blue columns and the inscription: “Temple of Solitary Reflection” was on the estate

A) Sobakevich B) Nozdryov C) Plyushkin D) Manilov

  1. Which of Gogol's heroes was given the following instruction: “… most of all please teachers and bosses. If you please your boss, then even though you won’t have time in science and God didn’t give you talent, you will go all out and get ahead of everyone. Don't hang out with your comrades, they won't teach you good things; and if it comes to that, then hang out with those who are richer, so that on occasion they can be useful to you. Do not treat or treat anyone, but behave better so that you are treated, take care of everything and save a penny: this thing is the most reliable thing in the world. A comrade or friend will cheat you and in trouble will be the first to betray you, but a penny will not betray you, no matter what trouble you are in. You will do everything and break a penny in the world "?

A) Bashmachkin B) Chichikov C) Khlestakov D) Plushkin

  1. Indicate the hero of N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls", who« own father ready to sell or, even better, lose at cards.

A) Sobakevich B) Nozdrev C) Chichikov D) Manilov

  1. He offered his assistance in kidnapping the governor's daughter to Chichikov.

A ) coachman Selifan B) Nozdrev C) Sobakevich D) Manilov

  1. Specify the characteristic not related to Plyushkin, the hero of N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls".

A) "... By no means, by diligence, it would be possible to get to the bottom of what his dressing gown was concocted from: the sleeves and upper floors were so greasy and shiny that they looked like yuft, which goes on boots ...".

B) “In his office there was always some kind of book, bookmarked on the fourteenth page, which he had been constantly reading for two years.”

C) “I must say that such a phenomenon is rare in Rus', where everything likes to turn around rather than shrink, and it is all the more striking that a landowner will turn up in the neighborhood, reveling in the full breadth of Russian prowess and nobility.”

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