General characteristics of the literature of the early 19th century. General characteristics of Russian literature of the XIX century




Topic: general characteristics Russian literature XIX century. Poetry, prose and

Dramaturgy of the 19th century in Russian criticism and journalism.

Target: 1. To acquaint students with the features of Russian literature of the 19th century, with

Classic works.

2. Develop the ability to appreciate their dignity, to feel their inner

Beauty and perfection - required condition education...

3. Raise love and respect for the culture of the Russian people.


Russian literature... has always been the conscience of the people.

Her place in public life countries have always been

Honorary and influential. She raised people

Strived for a fair reorganization of life.

D. S. Likhachev. Great legacy.

I. General characteristics of Russian literature of the XIX century

  1. Discussion of the words of academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, taken out in the epigraph.

Issues for discussion:

1. What is the main content of the concepts classical works, inner beauty, education?

2. Why did D.S. Likhachev call Russian literature “the conscience of the people”? How do you understand these words?

3. What is the place of literature in modern social life? Argument your position.

4. Does literature help to educate people today and does it contribute to a just reorganization of life?

At the beginning of the XIX century. happened very important events in our country and in Europe, which had a great influence on the development of Russian literature.

  • Teacher's message about the main events (table)
  • Speech by the student with reports:
  1. "Golden Age" of Russian literature of the XIX century
  2. Directions of Russian literature of the XIX century
  3. Journals about Russian literature of the 19th century
  4. Representatives of Russian literature of the XIX century.

D. S. Likhachev emphasized that "Russian literature ... closely accompanies Russian history and constitutes its essential part."

Z: We will write down the main provisions of the lecture in the form of a generalizing table.


The most important historical

events in Europe and Russia

General characteristics of development

Russian literature of the 19th century

Dynamics of the main

literary genres

I half

19th century




in the 1850s

II polo-


19th century



Opening of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum (1811).

war of 1812 Revolutionary

these and national freedom

driving movements in Europe.

The emergence of secret deka

Brist organizations in Rho

ssii(1821-1822). Resurrection

Decembrists (1825) and

his defeat.

The reactionary policy of Nicholas I. The persecution of freedom

thoughts of Russia.

The crisis of serfdom

public reaction.

Strengthening democratic


Revolutions in Europe

(1848-1849), their suppression

Russia's defeat in the Crimean War.

Death of Nicholas I (1855).

Rise of the Democratic

movements and peasant

unrest. The crisis of self-


Abolition of serfdom.

The beginning of the bourgeois transformation


Democratic ideas


Activation of secret ter-

roristic organizations


Assassination of Alexander II.

Strengthening the reaction

tsarist policies.

The theory of "small things". Growth

the proletariat.

Propaganda of Marxist ideas


The development of European culture

tour heritage.

Attention to Russian folklore. Decline of classicism and sentimentalism.

The rise and rise of romanticism


Literary societies and circles

ki, publication of magazines and almanac

hov. The principle of historicism, put forward

nutty Karamzin.

Romantic aspirations and loyalty to the ideas of the Decembrists in

works of Pushkin, Lermonto

va. The origin of realism and its coexistence next to

manticism. crowding out

prose poetry. Transition to reality

zmu and social satire.

The development of the theme of "little

lovek". Literary opposition

rature of the "Gogol school"

and lyric poets romantically


Increasing censorship and repression

progressive writers

(Turgenev, Saltykov-Shchedrin). Weakening is censored

oppression after the death of Nicholas I.

The development of realist dramaturgy

chesky novel. new themes,

problems and heroes.

The leading role of the journals "So-

temporary "and" Domestic

notes." Appearance

galaxy of populist poets.

Opening of the monument to Pushkin

In Moscow. Prohibition on advanced

logs and ascend

the role of an entertainment magazine

leaves. Poetry of "pure art"

bits." The denunciation of the general

orders and

social inequality.

The growth of fabulously legendary and

fantastic stories

1. Travel, sentimental

novel, elegy, messages, idyll.

2. "Modernized"

Decembrists ode, tragedy,

"high comedy", patriotic

chesky poem, ballad, stories-

chesky novel.

3.Historical, romantic

tic, everyday story.


article, physiological

essay, social story,

poem.Landscape, love-es-

thetic and philosophical


1.Activation of genres

literary criticism and

journalism. Democratic

what a story, socio-psycho

graphic novel, essay, short story,

story, story

2. Lyric genres in

works of romantic poets,

social motives in the revolutionary



II. Poetry, prose and dramaturgy XIX century in Russian criticism and journalism

In order for you to get an idea of ​​the diversity of Russian literature of the 19th century, let us repeat the problems of the main works that you studied in grades 5-8.

Z: Arrange Chronologically the following works and answer the question, what problems are raised in them:

A. S. Pushkin. " Captain's daughter"(1836);

M. Yu. Lermontov. "Borodino" (1937); "Mtsyri" (1939);

N. V. Gogol. "Taras Bulba" (1834), "Inspector" (1836);

I. S. Turgenev. "Notes of a hunter" (1852);

N. A. Nekrasov. " Railway"(1862);

M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals" (1869);

A. P. Chekhov. "Chameleon" (1884).

Final question:

- Why do we call the works of the great Russian writers of the 19th century masterpieces?

  1. Reading a textbook article on poetry of the early 19th century.

Presentation of students with reports (individual tasks):

1. "Golden Age" of Russian poetry: general characteristics

  1. The "Golden Age" of Russian Poetry: Key Representatives - PRESENTATION
  2. Russian journalism first half of XIX century

III. The concept of romanticism and realism

Z: Find out the main differences romanticism and realism . In Russian literature of the first half of the 19th century, these trends did not replace one another, but coexisted and interacted, so it is difficult to draw a clear line between them.

Z: Take, for example, for comparisonCaptain's daughter "A.S. Pushkin and " Mtsyri" by M.Yu. Lermontov, finding in them features of both romanticism and realism.

Questions for benchmarking:

1. What events are depicted in the works?

2. What problems do the authors raise in them? What is author's attitude to

Events and issues?

3. How are these works related to Russian history?

4. Give brief description Petr Grinev and Mtsyri. Is there between them

Commonality? What differences in their lives and characters do you consider the main ones?

5. Do you think it makes sense that The Captain's Daughter was written

Prose, and "Mtsyri" - in verse? Comment on your opinion.

Z: Let us summarize the information about the main features of romanticism and realism in the form of a table.

Romanticism and Realism in Russian Literature of the 19th Century

Basis for comparison



Origin and development

Arose under the influence of German and English Literature in creativity

Zhukovsky, Batyushkov. Received development after the war of 1812 in the works of the Decembrist poets, early work Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol

It arose in the 1820-1830s in the work of Pushkin, developed by Lermontov and Gogol. The pinnacle of Russian realism

the second half of the XIX century are considered the novels of Turgenev, Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy

Artistic world, problems and pathos

Image of the inner world of a person, his life

hearts. Tension of feelings, discord of a person with reality.

Ideas of freedom, interest in history and strong personalities. Romantic double world

Depiction of life in life-like images, the desire for in-depth knowledge of the "ordinary"

life, a wide coverage of reality in its cause-and-effect relationships. Socio-critical pathos

in the depiction of reality.

Events and heroes

Image exceptional,

extraordinary events and characters. Lack of attention to the past of the characters, static images. The rise and idealization of a hero alienated from reality

Movement image human life, personality development under the influence public environment, dynamic images. Reality requires the hero to be involved in it.


Laconic style in realistic prose the beginning of the century and the complexity of language structures in the prose of the second half of the century, due to the study of cause-and-effect relationships in public life

The fate of the direction

The crisis of romanticism begins in the 1840s. Gradually, he gives way to realism and interacts with it in a difficult way.

In the second half of the century, criticism of public life intensifies,

mastering the connections of a person with his close environment, "micro-

environment", the critical pathos of the image of reality intensifies

IV. Lesson summary

Russian literature of the 19th century absorbed the richest spiritual experience of mankind. She raised and tried to solve the most important social and moral issues, proclaimed love for the world and man and hatred for all manifestations of oppression, admired the courage and strength human soul. Russian literature creatively used experience European literatures, but did not imitate them, but created original works, the basis for which was Russian life and its problems.

v. Homework

Prepare a story about the problems and heroes of the literature of the 19th century, confirming your thoughts with examples,


message about Russian lyrics of the beginning of the 19th century (optional). Illustrate the main differences between romanticism and realism.

Individual task:

Prepare a written report about one of the poets of the Pushkin era (optional).

Literature as an art form.

Literature is not just subject, which gives a certain amount of knowledge, but, above all, literature is an art form.

Literature (from the Latin litera - letter, writing) is an art form in which the main means of figurative reflection of life is the word.

Fiction is a kind of art capable of revealing the phenomena of life in the most multifaceted and broad way, showing them in motion and development.

How the art of the word fiction originated in the oral folk art. Songs, folk epic tales became its sources. The word is an inexhaustible source of knowledge and an amazing means for creating artistic images. In the words, in the language of any people, its history, its character, the nature of the Motherland are imprinted, the wisdom of centuries is concentrated. living word rich and lavish. It has many shades. It can be formidable and affectionate, inspire horror and give hope. No wonder the poet Vadim Shefner said this about the word:

Words can kill, words can save
In a word, you can lead the shelves behind you.
In a word, you can sell and betray and buy,
The word can be poured into smashing lead.

Fiction- a type of art in which the word is the main means of figurative reflection of life. The basic concept of literature is image; with the help of images, fiction recreates entire eras in the diversity of their past, present and future: ups and downs antiquity we learn in tragedies Sophocles and Euripides, epoch Renaissance- at Shakespeare and Lope de Vega; in novels L. Tolstoy and I. Turgeneva We are faced with the moral quest of the nobles of the early XIX century.

The main means of literature, as we have already said, is the word. Through the images created by the word, the author tries to captivate the reader, “turn on” him into action, make his presence in time and space of the work “real”. Such "participation" is necessary for a complete and deeper understanding of what is written: for example, the reader worries about Tatyana in "Eugene Onegin", tries to understand the reasons for Katerina's actions in "Thunderstorm" and the complex spiritual world Natasha Rostova in "War and Peace", the tragedy of Grigory Melekhov in " Quiet Don". It is our ("reader's") perception and deep experience of the fate of the heroes that testifies that literature is an art, the art of the word.

special emotional reaction poetry evokes in the human soul. Poetry is voluminous and multifaceted in relation to thematic plan: poetry does not mean "poems about love", these are works on different topics- and dark, philosophical, military and others. The reader is not left indifferent by the sincere and confessional lines of A. Akhmatova, M. Tsvetaeva, the immortal words of A. Tvardovsky, philosophical reflections B. Pasternak and O. Mandelstam and others.

Fiction can be considered the most versatile art form: for example, wonderful picture V. Surikov "Morning archery execution"needs historical commentary, but A. Tolstoy's novel "Peter I" does not: it conveys the breath of the era in the details of everyday life and human relations.

Fundamental drama theater is literature. National theaters were created on the basis of the works of Shakespeare, Ostrovsky, Gogol, Chekhov, Ibsen, Shaw, etc. literary text served to create operatic art: greatest geniuses Tchaikovsky and Mussorgsky, when creating their operas, turned to Pushkin's texts ("Eugene Onegin", " Queen of Spades", "Boris Godunov").

On the basis of the text - the script - films are created. Many of them are screen adaptations of works of art (“The Master and Margarita” and “The Idiot” by V. Bortko, “War and Peace” by S. Bondarchuk).

Fiction is closely connected with society, with its movement towards the humanistic ideal. Literature is the focus of socio-historical experience and the experience of the individual in mastering the surrounding world. It helps to establish a connection between generations, to form, develop and strengthen the scale of values.

Literature in society performs several functions: cognitive(study of the surrounding world), aesthetic(cultivating a sense of beauty), heuristic("discovery of the world"), communicative(dialogue "author-reader"), etc.

As you can see, literature is deservedly named the leader among other art forms due to its importance for the development of both individual person, and of all mankind - both in a specific era, and in a global sense.

Thus, words in human speech and in fiction do not live apart. They are united and coordinated by the thought, the idea of ​​the work and animated by human speech. A simple familiar human word. But by the power of his talent, as magic wand, a writer or poet turns the word to us with an unexpected side, forcing us to feel, think, empathize.

Art is a great magician and a kind of time machine. Any writer, observing, studying life, embodies with the help of words, everything that he saw, felt, understood. Literature has a special power of education in human beings. It enriches us with very special knowledge - knowledge about people, about their inner world. Literature as the art of the word has an amazing ability to influence the minds and hearts of people, helps to reveal the true beauty of the human soul.

General characteristics of the literature of the XIX century.

The 19th century is called the "Golden Age" of Russian poetry and the century of Russian literature on a global scale. It should not be forgotten that the literary leap that took place in the 19th century was prepared by all means. literary process 17-18 centuries. The 19th century is the time of the formation of the Russian literary language, which took shape largely thanks to A.S. Pushkin.

But the 19th century began with the heyday of sentimentalism and the formation of romanticism. Specified literary trends found expression primarily in poetry. Poetic works of poets E.A. Baratynsky, K.N. Batyushkova, V.A. Zhukovsky, A.A. Feta, D.V. Davydova, N.M. Yazykov. Creativity F.I. Tyutchev's "Golden Age" of Russian poetry was completed. Nonetheless, central figure of this time was Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

A.S. Pushkin began his ascent to the literary Olympus with the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" in 1920. And his novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" was called an encyclopedia of Russian life. Romantic poems by A.S. Pushkin " Bronze Horseman"(1833)," The Fountain of Bakhchisaray", "Gypsies" opened the era of Russian romanticism. Many poets and writers considered A. S. Pushkin their teacher and continued the traditions of creating literary works. One of these poets was M.Yu. Lermontov. Known for it romantic poem"Mtsyri", the poetic story "Demon", many romantic poems. Interestingly, Russian poetry of the 19th century was closely connected with the social and political life of the country. Poets tried to comprehend the idea of ​​their special purpose. The poet in Russia was considered a conductor of divine truth, a prophet. The poets urged the authorities to listen to their words. Vivid examples of understanding the role of the poet and influence on political life countries are poems by A.S. Pushkin "Prophet", ode "Liberty", "The Poet and the Crowd", a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "On the Death of a Poet" and many others.

Along with poetry, prose began to develop. Prose writers of the beginning of the century were influenced by English historical novels W. Scott, whose translations were very popular. The development of Russian prose of the 19th century began with prose works A.S. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol. Pushkin, under the influence of English historical novels, creates the story "The Captain's Daughter", where the action takes place against the backdrop of grandiose historical events: during the Pugachev rebellion. A.S. Pushkin did a colossal job exploring this historical period. This work was largely political in nature and was directed to those in power.

A.S. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol identified the main artistic types that would be developed by writers throughout the 19th century. it artistic type « extra person”, an example of which is Eugene Onegin in the novel by A.S. Pushkin, and the so-called type " little man", which is shown by N.V. Gogol in his story "The Overcoat", as well as A.S. Pushkin in the story " Stationmaster».
Literature inherited its publicism and satirical character from the 18th century. In the prose poem N.V. Gogol's Dead Souls, the writer in a sharp satirical manner shows a swindler who buys dead Souls, various types of landlords, who are the embodiment of various human vices (the influence of classicism affects). In the same plan, the comedy "The Inspector General" is sustained. are full satirical images and works by A. S. Pushkin. Literature continues to satirically depict Russian reality. The trend of depicting vices and shortcomings Russian societyfeature all Russian classical literature. It can be traced in the works of almost all writers of the 19th century. At the same time, many writers implement the satirical trend in a grotesque form. Examples of grotesque satire are the works of N.V. Gogol "The Nose", M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "Gentlemen Golovlevs", "History of one city".

From the middle of the 19th century, the formation of Russian realistic literature, which is created against the backdrop of a tense socio-political situation that developed in Russia during the reign of Nicholas I. A crisis in the serf system is brewing, contradictions between the government and common people. There is a need to create a realistic literature that sharply reacts to the socio-political situation in the country. Literary critic V.G. Belinsky marks a new realistic trend in literature. His position is being developed by N.A. Dobrolyubov, N.G. Chernyshevsky. A dispute arises between Westerners and Slavophiles about the ways historical development Russia.

Writers turn to the socio-political problems of Russian reality. The genre of the realistic novel is developing. Their works are created by I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, I.A. Goncharov. The socio-political prevails philosophical problems. Literature is distinguished by a special psychologism.

The development of poetry somewhat subsides. It is worth noting the poetic works of Nekrasov, who was the first to introduce into poetry social issues. Known for his poem “Who in Russia to live well? ”, as well as many poems, where the hard and hopeless life of the people is comprehended.

The literary process of the late 19th century discovered the names of N. S. Leskov, A.N. Ostrovsky A.P. Chekhov. The latter proved to be a master of the small literary genre- a story, and also an excellent playwright. Competitor A.P. Chekhov was Maxim Gorky.

The end of the 19th century was marked by the formation of pre-revolutionary sentiments. The realist tradition was beginning to fade. It was replaced by the so-called decadent literature, the hallmarks of which were mysticism, religiosity, as well as a premonition of changes in the socio-political life of the country. Subsequently, decadence grew into symbolism. From this opens new page in the history of Russian literature.

Similar information.

The nineteenth century in Russian literature is the most significant for Russia. In this century, A.S. began to show their creativity. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, A.N. Ostrovsky. All their works are not like anything and carry great sense in itself. Even to this day, their works are held in schools.

All works are usually divided into two periods: the first half of the nineteenth century and the second. This is noticeable in the problems of the work and the visual means used.

What are the features of Russian literature in the nineteenth century?

The first is that A.N. Ostrovsky is considered to be a reformer who brought a lot of innovations to dramatic works. He was the first to touch on the most exciting topics of that time. Not afraid to write about the problems of the lower class. Also, A.N. Ostrovsky was the first to be able to show the moral state of the souls of the heroes.

Secondly, and I.S. Turgenev is known for his novel Fathers and Sons. He touched eternal themes love, compassion, friendship and the theme of the relationship between the old generation and the new.

And, of course, this is F.M. Dostoevsky. His themes in his works are extensive. Faith in God, the problem of small people in the world, the humanity of people - all this he touches on in his works.

Thanks to the writers of the nineteenth century, today's youth can learn kindness and the most sincere feelings through the works of great people. The world is lucky that in the nineteenth century these talented people which gave all mankind new food for thought, opened up new problematic topics, taught sympathy for the neighbor and pointed out the mistakes of people: their callousness, deceit, envy, renunciation of God, humiliation of another person and their selfish motives.

Some interesting essays

  • Analysis of Platonov's work Love for the Motherland or Journey of the Sparrow

    By genre, the work refers to a parable, an allegorical story that has the author's moralizing, the main theme of which is reflections on the true moral human principles.

  • The image and characteristics of Pavlusha from the story Bezhin Meadow by Turgenev

    Pavlusha stood out from the rest of the boys, both in appearance and character. The guys had blond hair, and he had black and disheveled. Strong and squat, with a large head, he attracted attention.

  • The image and characteristics of the Devils in the story The Night Before Christmas by Gogol essay

    One of the characters in Gogol's work The Night Before Christmas is Osip Nikiforovich, a rural clergyman. The author describes the appearance of Osip Nikiforovich as rather unsightly and not particularly outstanding.

  • Analysis of the story Nosov's Living Hat

    Soviet creativity children's writer N. N. Nosova is imbued with sincere love for children. The story "The Living Hat" was written in 1938, when the writer's career was just beginning.

  • Analysis of the story Hamlet of the Shchigrovsky district of Turgenev

    By genre, the work refers to a story that has autobiographical features, which is part of the prose collection of the writer "Notes of a Hunter", considering as the main theme

"Verily, that was the golden age of our literature,

the period of her innocence and bliss! .. "

M. A. Antonovich

M. Antonovich in his article called the "golden age of literature" the beginning of the 19th century - the period of creativity of A. S. Pushkin and N. V. Gogol. Subsequently, this definition began to characterize the literature of all 19th century- up to the works of A.P. Chekhov and L.N. Tolstoy.

What are the main features of Russian classical literature of this period?

Fashionable at the beginning of the century, sentimentalism gradually fades into the background - the formation of romanticism begins, and from the middle of the century realism rules the ball.

New types of heroes appear in literature: the "little man", who most often dies under the pressure of the foundations accepted in society, and the "extra man" - this is a string of images, starting with Onegin and Pechorin.

Continuing the traditions of the satirical image, proposed by M. Fonvizin, in the literature of the 19th century satirical image vices modern society becomes one of the central motifs. Often satire takes on grotesque forms. Vivid examples are Gogol's "Nose" or "The History of a City" by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Another one distinguishing feature The literature of this period has an acute social orientation. Writers and poets are increasingly turning to socio-political topics, often plunging into the field of psychology. This leitmotif permeates the works of I. S. Turgenev, F. M. Dostoevsky, L. N. Tolstoy. Appears new form- Russian realistic novel, with its deep psychologism, harshest criticism reality, irreconcilable enmity with the existing foundations and loud calls for renewal.

Well main reason, which prompted many critics to call the 19th century the golden age of Russian culture: the literature of this period, despite a number of unfavorable factors, had a powerful influence on the development of world culture as a whole. Soaking up all the best that offered world literature, Russian literature was able to remain original and unique.

Russian writers of the 19th century

V.A. Zhukovsky- Pushkin's mentor and his Teacher. It is Vasily Andreevich who is considered the founder of Russian romanticism. It can be said that Zhukovsky "prepared" the ground for Pushkin's bold experiments, since he was the first to expand the scope poetic word. After Zhukovsky, the era of the democratization of the Russian language began, which was so brilliantly continued by Pushkin.

Selected Poems:

A.S. Griboyedov went down in history as the author of one work. But what! Masterpiece! Phrases and quotes from the comedy "Woe from Wit" have long become winged, and the work itself is considered the first realistic comedy in the history of Russian literature.

Analysis of the work:

A.S. Pushkin. He was called differently: A. Grigoriev claimed that "Pushkin is our everything!", F. Dostoevsky "the great and incomprehensible Forerunner", and Emperor Nicholas I admitted that, in his opinion, Pushkin is "the most clever man in Russia". Simply put, this is Genius.

Pushkin's greatest merit is that he radically changed Russian literary language, saving him from pretentious abbreviations, like "young, breg, sweet", from the ridiculous "marshmallows", "Psyche", "Cupids", so revered in grandiloquent elegies, from borrowings, which were then so abundant in Russian poetry. Pushkin brought colloquial vocabulary, craft slang, elements of Russian folklore to the pages of printed publications.

A. N. Ostrovsky also pointed out another important achievement of this brilliant poet. Before Pushkin, Russian literature was imitative, stubbornly imposing traditions and ideals alien to our people. Pushkin, on the other hand, "gave courage to the Russian writer to be Russian", "revealed the Russian soul". In his stories and novels, for the first time, the theme of the morality of the social ideals of that time is so vividly raised. And the main character light hand Pushkin is now becoming an ordinary "little man" - with his thoughts and hopes, desires and character.

Analysis of works:

M.Yu. Lermontov- bright, mysterious, with a touch of mysticism and an incredible thirst for will. All his work is a unique fusion of romanticism and realism. Moreover, both directions do not oppose at all, but, as it were, complement each other. This man went down in history as a poet, writer, playwright and artist. He wrote 5 plays: the most famous is the drama "Masquerade".

And among prose works, the real diamond of creativity was the novel "A Hero of Our Time" - the first realistic novel in prose in the history of Russian literature, where for the first time the writer tries to trace the "dialectics of the soul" of his hero, mercilessly exposing him to psychological analysis. This pioneering creative method Lermontov in the future will be used by many Russian and foreign writers.

Selected works:

N.V. Gogol known as a writer and playwright, but it is no coincidence that one of his most famous works - "Dead Souls" is considered a poem. There is no other such Master of the word in world literature. Gogol's language is melodious, incredibly bright and figurative. This was most clearly manifested in his collection Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka.

On the other hand, N.V. Gogol is considered the ancestor " natural school", with its satire bordering on the grotesque, accusatory motifs and ridicule of human vices.

Selected works:

I.S. Turgenev- the greatest Russian novelist who established the canons classic novel. He continues the traditions established by Pushkin and Gogol. He often refers to the theme of "an extra person", trying to convey the relevance and significance of social ideas through the fate of his hero.

Turgenev's merit also lies in the fact that he became the first propagandist of Russian culture in Europe. This is a prose writer who opened the world of the Russian peasantry, intelligentsia and revolutionaries to foreign countries. A string female images in his novels became the pinnacle of the writer's skill.

Selected works:

A.N. Ostrovsky- an outstanding Russian playwright. Ostrovsky's merits were most precisely expressed by I. Goncharov, recognizing him as the creator of the Russian folk theater. The plays of this writer became a "school of life" for the playwrights of the next generation. And the Moscow Maly Theater, where most of the plays of this talented writer were staged, proudly calls itself the "Ostrovsky House".

Selected works:

I.A. Goncharov continued to develop the traditions of the Russian realistic novel. The author of the famous trilogy, who, like no one else, managed to describe major vice Russian people are lazy. With the light hand of the writer, the term "Oblomovism" also appeared.

Selected works:

L.N. Tolstoy- a real block of Russian literature. His novels are recognized as the pinnacle of the art of novel writing. The style of presentation and the creative method of L. Tolstoy are still considered the standard of the writer's skill. And his ideas of humanism had a huge impact on the development of humanistic ideas throughout the world.

Selected works:

N.S. Leskov- a talented successor to the traditions of N. Gogol. Made a huge contribution to the development of new genre forms in literature, such as pictures from life, rhapsodies, incredible events.

Selected works:

N.G. Chernyshevsky- eminent writer and literary critic, who proposed his theory of the aesthetics of the relationship of art to reality. This theory became the reference for the literature of the next few generations.

Selected works:

F.M. Dostoevskybrilliant writer, whose psychological novels are famous all over the world. Dostoevsky is often called the forerunner of such trends in culture as existentialism and surrealism.

Selected works:

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin- the greatest satirist, who brought the art of denunciation, ridicule and parody to the heights of skill.

Selected works:

A.P. Chekhov. With this name, historians traditionally complete the era of the golden age of Russian literature. Chekhov was recognized throughout the world during his lifetime. His short stories have become a benchmark for short story writers. BUT Chekhov's plays had a huge impact on the development of world drama.

Selected works:

To late XIX centuries of tradition critical realism began to gradually fade away. In a society permeated through and through with pre-revolutionary moods, mystical moods, partly even decadent ones, have come into fashion. They became the forerunner of the emergence of a new literary trend - symbolism and marked the beginning of a new period in the history of Russian literature - silver age poetry.

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General characteristics of Russian literature in the first half of the 19th century The 19th century is called the "Golden Age" of Russian poetry and the century of Russian literature on a global scale. It should not be forgotten that the literary leap that took place in the 19th century was prepared by the entire course of the literary process of the 17th and 18th centuries. The 19th century is the time of the formation of the Russian literary language, which took shape largely thanks to A.S. Pushkin. But the 19th century began with the heyday of sentimentalism and the formation of romanticism. These literary trends found expression primarily in poetry. Poetic works of poets E.A. Baratynsky, K.N. Batyushkova, V.A. Zhukovsky, A.A. Feta, D.V. Davydova, N.M. Yazykov. Creativity F.I. Tyutchev's "Golden Age" of Russian poetry was completed. However, the central figure of this time was Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich (1799-1837)

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Along with poetry, prose began to develop. The prose writers of the beginning of the century were influenced by the English historical novels of W. Scott, whose translations were very popular. The development of Russian prose of the 19th century began with the prose works of A.S. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol. Pushkin, under the influence of English historical novels, creates the story "The Captain's Daughter", where the action takes place against the backdrop of grandiose historical events during the Pugachev rebellion*. Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) * The peasant war of 1773-1775 led by Emelyan Pugachev (Pugachevshchina, Pugachev uprising, Pugachev rebellion) - an uprising of the Yaik Cossacks, which grew into a full-scale peasant war under the leadership of E. I. Pugachev. Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich (1809-1852)

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A.S. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol identified the main artistic types that would be developed by writers throughout the 19th century. This is the artistic type of the “superfluous person”, an example of which is Eugene Onegin in the novel by A.S. Pushkin, and the so-called type of "little man", which is shown by N.V. Gogol in his story "The Overcoat", as well as A.S. Pushkin in the story "The Stationmaster"

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Literature inherited from the 18th century publicism and satirical character. In the prose poem N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls", the writer in a sharp satirical manner shows a swindler who buys up dead souls, various types of landowners who are the embodiment of various human vices (the influence of classicism * affects). In the same plan, the comedy "The Inspector General" is sustained. The works of A. S. Pushkin are also full of satirical images. Literature continues to satirically depict Russian reality. The tendency to depict the vices and shortcomings of Russian society is a characteristic feature of all Russian classical literature. It can be traced in the works of almost all writers of the 19th century. * Classicism is based on the ideas of rationalism. Piece of art, from the point of view of classicism, should be built on the basis of strict canons, thereby revealing the harmony and logic of the universe itself. Interest for classicism is only eternal, unchanging - in every phenomenon, he seeks to recognize only essential, typological features, discarding random individual features. The aesthetics of classicism attaches great importance to the social and educational function of art. Classicism takes many rules and canons from ancient art. Chichikov

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At the beginning of the 19th century, one of the most major figures literature was N.M. Karamzin. Naturally prone to sensitivity and melancholy, he greedily received influences Western literature- Rousseau and his followers, French and German, English novel Richardson, Stern's humor. Karamzin considered it his duty to visit famous writers, and for the first time in Russian literature gave live information about actors European enlightenment. The sentimental stories of Karamzin were successful - " Poor Lisa", and historical stories, in which the sentimental rhetoric of the future "History of the Russian State" is already manifested. For the first time, Russian history was presented by a talented, already famous writer, armed with multilateral research, but at the same time in a beautiful, accessible form, in the tone national pride and with sentimental eloquence, which was especially to operate in popular reading. Karamzin had great importance and as a translator of the literary language. Karamzin and his followers wanted to bring the literary language closer to colloquial speech, avoided heavy Slavic, were not afraid of foreign words and sought to impart elegance and lightness to the language. But Karamzin's school was short-lived: the ridiculous aspects of sensibility began to catch the eye, which, moreover, had neither valuable poetic nor social content; and most importantly, much more significant forces and with a more vital direction appeared in poetry. Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766-1826)

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At the beginning of the century, the poetic activity of V.A. Zhukovsky. His first poems drew attention to themselves by the subtlety of feeling and the "sweetness of the verse." His name became famous when, in the twelfth year, "A Singer in the Camp of Russian Warriors" was written, filled with patriotic animation. Contemporaries did not notice the strangeness of the form, where Russian soldiers appeared in classical weapons and in romantic lighting: the classical convention had not yet been forgotten, they were beginning to get used to the romantic one. His poetry answered personal character, religious and mystical mood brought him closer to Gogol. From the newest literary circle he was far away. During literary development Zhukovsky, in addition to translation works, always elegant and expanding the horizon of Russian poetry, also had the merit of a high understanding of the essence of poetry. His definition of poetry corresponded to his entire worldview. Poetry - "there is God in the holy dreams of the earth", and on the other hand, "poetry - there is virtue." The definition was too personal, but in any case, putting poetry in the most high spheres moral life. Zhukovsky's younger contemporary was K.N. Batyushkov, but his literary career was interrupted too early and sadly mental illness where he lived last dozen years of his life. It was a living and varied talent that did not have time to develop to full originality. In his poetry he is still dependent on European models, old and new; but he thought about other people's poetry, he himself was carried away by it, and what would have been a simple imitation before became his sincere, sometimes deep passion. He also had a peculiarity in the development of verse; here, together with Zhukovsky, he was Pushkin's immediate predecessor. Zhukovsky Vasily Andreevich (1783-1852) Batyushkov Konstantin Nikolaevich (1787-1855)

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A freer atmosphere of social life was in the reign of Alexander I *, responded with a great revival of literary interests. At this time, I.A. made his glory. Krylov. He began his literary career in the time of Catherine with comedies and a satirical magazine of average dignity. Having achieved success only in his mature years, he settled on the genre that best suited his talent. In part he retold the traditional plots of fables, but he also wrote many original ones and surpassed his predecessors Khemnitzer and Dmitriev. He retained a pseudo-classical manner, but at the same time a lot of lively wit, knowledge of Russian life and language. According to the general outlook of the world, he was a man of reason, rather indifferent to the unrest of life that took place around him, distrustful of hobbies. It was moderation, but at the same time skepticism. Krylov Ivan Andreevich (1768-1844) * 1801 - 1825 Board Russian emperor Alexander I. At the beginning of his reign, he carried out moderately liberal reforms. In foreign policy maneuvered between Britain and France. In 1805-1807 he participated in anti-French coalitions. In 1807-1812 he temporarily became close to France. He led successful wars with Turkey (1806-1812) and Sweden (1808-1809). Under Alexander I, Eastern Georgia (1801), Finland (1809), Bessarabia (1812), the Eastern Caucasus (1813), and the former Duchy of Warsaw (1815) were annexed to Russia. After the Patriotic War of 1812, in 1813-1814 he headed the anti-French coalition of European powers. He was one of the leaders of the Vienna Congress of 1814-1815 and the organizers of the Holy Alliance.

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Another very famous and revered writer of that time was N.I. Gnedich, the main work which was the translation of the Iliad: he put many years into the completion of this work, which aroused the astonishment of his contemporaries. In the translation of Gnedich, serious work on Homer is visible, but due to the old predilection for false-classical grandiloquence, Gnedich devoted too much space to Church Slavonic elements of the language, sometimes using words completely unknown in ordinary speech. In the field of drama at the beginning of the century, V.A. Ozerov: his tragedies were written in the classical spirit, with great ease of verse and sincerity of feeling. Ozerov's tragedies were a huge success, especially "Dmitry Donskoy", which caused patriotic enthusiasm. Gnedich Nikolay Ivanovich (1784 - 1833) Ozerov Vladislav Alexandrovich (1770 - 1816)

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The beginning of the 19th century is the time of the cultural and spiritual upsurge of Russia. Patriotic War 1812 accelerated growth national consciousness Russian people, its strengthening. The general trend this period - the growing democratization of culture, the coverage of education by ever wider sections of the people. The diverse strata of society not only join the culture developed by the Russian nobility, but also become the creators of Russian culture, setting its new motives and trends. The Church, subordinate to the state and having adopted the forms of Western learning, is an example of asceticism, affirming Orthodox tradition. Having fully mastered the limits of European education, Russian culture is intensely looking for an image of national and cultural identity, developing national forms of being in modern civilization. The growth of the national self-consciousness of the people during this period had a huge impact on the development of literature, visual arts, theater and music.

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