The wise love to learn, but the fool loves to teach. The wise man loves to learn, but the fool teaches


35 ingenious and short quotes Chekhov

One of Chekhov's friends recalls the following incident:
- Once we were talking about "Steppe". For some reason, I remembered at the very beginning the phrase on which I stumbled when reading the story for the first time: “She was alive until she died ...” Something like that.
- It can not be! Chekhov exclaimed, and immediately took a book from the shelf and found a place: “Before her death, she was alive and carried soft bagels from the market,” Chekhov laughed. - Really, how did I not see it that way. And by the way, the current public does not eat such fruit yet. Come on! This phrase remained in the story. The timeless statements of the writer, whose natural wit, paradoxical thinking and conciseness are still unsurpassed.

** It's not about pessimism or optimism, but about the fact that ninety-nine out of a hundred have no mind.
** If a person does not smoke and does not drink, you involuntarily wonder if he is a bastard?
** Going to Paris with your wife is like going to Tula with your own samovar.
** There are people who always speak only smart and Nice words, but you feel that they are stupid people.
** If your wife cheated on you, then rejoice that she cheated on you, and not on the fatherland.
** The university develops all abilities, including stupidity.
**They say truth will prevail in the end, but that's not true.
** Only ordinary, herd people are healthy and normal.
** In order to feel happiness in yourself without interruption, even in moments of sorrow and sadness, you need to:
a) to be content with the present and
b) rejoice in the consciousness that it could be worse.

** When a splinter gets into your finger, rejoice: "It's good that it's not in the eye!"
**Very good man such a physiognomy that he is mistaken for a detective; think he stole the cufflinks.
**A wonderful day today. Either go drink tea, or hang yourself.
** Only fools and charlatans know everything and understand everything.
** He who is alien to life, who is incapable of it, has no choice but to become an official.
**One pain always relieves another. Step on the tail of a cat that has a toothache and it will feel better.
**You can't put a loaded gun on stage if no one wants to fire it.
** Hundreds of miles of deserted, monotonous, burnt-out steppe cannot overtake such despondency as one person, when he sits, speaks and it is not known when he will leave.

**If you want to have little time, do nothing.
** You need to squeeze a slave out of yourself drop by drop.
**No one wants to love the ordinary person in us.
** If a lot of remedies are offered against any disease, it means that the disease is incurable.
** Don't let people go crazy.

** "Cynic" is a Greek word, translated into your language meaning: a pig who wants the whole world to know that she is a pig.
**These wise men are all so stupid that there is no one to talk to.
** If all people agreed and suddenly became sincere, then everything would go to hell with them.
** A talented person in Russia cannot be clean.
** If your act upsets someone, it does not mean that he is bad.

** Becoming a writer is very easy. There is no freak who would not find a mate, and there is no nonsense that would not find ** You can not demand from dirt that it is not dirt.

** "Know thyself" - beautiful and helpful advice; it is only a pity that the ancients did not guess to indicate the way how to use this advice.
** Leaving people is suicide.
** There is nothing good on earth that does not have muck in its original source.
**...behind the post office, the reputation of an institution that is scary to visit has long been established.
** I respond to pain with a cry and tears, to meanness - indignation, to abomination - disgust. In my opinion, this is, in fact, Life, in fact, a very simple thing, and a person needs to make a lot of efforts to spoil it.

The wise love to learn, but the fool loves to teach.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989

See what is "Smart loves to learn, and the fool to teach." in other dictionaries:


    fool(s)- A fool who admits that he is a fool is no longer a fool. (F. M. Dostoevsky) In addition to roads and fools, in Russia there is another trouble - fools indicating which way to go! A smart man always thinks and rarely says. A fool will always say, but rarely... Original dictionary selection of aphorisms

    Whom, what, teach, instruct, teach, teach, teach what, transfer knowledge, one's ability to another. And the bear is taught, not only the person. It's hard to teach what you don't know. Stupidly shackled, you can’t sharpen; stupidly born you can’t teach. | Learn,… … Dictionary Dalia

    A fool loves a crush. Dump of fools space. A booby rides a booby, drives a booby. Donkey on donkey, fool on fool. Fools light stands (or: painted). They, all of them, in any way, have their brains on one side. Whatever the fool, then the babin. Foolishly, that with oak. Simply that… … IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    stupidity- A fool who admits that he is a fool is no longer a fool. (F. M. Dostoevsky) In addition to roads and fools, in Russia there is another trouble - fools indicating which way to go! A smart man always thinks and rarely says. A fool will always say, but rarely... Original dictionary selection of aphorisms

    A fool never reaches a dead end, because there are a lot of smart people there. In this company, there were ten smart ones for every fool, so the forces were approximately equal. Vl. Kazakov the Fool is the first to notice how many smart people have divorced. Gennady Malkin "I don't know" ... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

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    - - was born on May 26, 1799 in Moscow, on Nemetskaya Street in the house of Skvortsov; died January 29, 1837 in St. Petersburg. On his father's side, Pushkin belonged to the ancient noble family, which, according to the legend of genealogies, came from a native "from ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

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Anton Chekhov: 8 qualities of a well-mannered person

Russian classic wrote a letter to his brother more than 100 years ago, talented artist, but weak character and suffering from the unrestrained drunkenness.

MOSCOW, 1886.

You often complained to me that you were “not understood!”. Even Goethe and Newton did not complain about this... Only Christ complained, but he did not speak about his "I", but about his teaching... You are perfectly understood... If you do not understand yourself, then it is not the fault of others...
I assure you that, as a brother and a person close to you, I understand you and sympathize with you with all my heart ... All your good qualities I know like the back of my hand, I value them and treat them with the deepest respect. I, if you want as proof that I understand you, I can even list these qualities. In my opinion, you are kind to the point of rags, generous, not an egoist, sharing your last penny, sincere; you are alien to envy and hatred, simple-hearted, pitying people and animals, not malicious, unforgiving, trusting... You are gifted from above with what others do not have: you have a talent. This talent puts you above millions of people, because on earth there is one artist for only 2,000,000 ...
Talent puts you in an isolated position: if you were a toad or a tarantula, then even then you would be respected, because everything is forgiven to talent. You have only one drawback. It contains your false soil, and your grief, and your catarrh of the intestines. This is your extreme bad manners. Excuse me, please, but veritas magis amicitiae… (truth is more important than friendship). The fact is that life has its own conditions ... To feel at ease in intelligent environment, in order not to be a stranger among it and not to be burdened by it yourself, you need to be in a certain way educated... Talent brought you to this environment, you belong to it, but... you are drawn to it, and you have to balance between the cultural public and the residents of the vis-a-vis (lower classes). The middle-class flesh, grown on rods, at the Rhine cellar, on handouts, affects. Defeating her is difficult, terribly difficult.

well-mannered people, in my opinion, must satisfy the following conditions:

1) They respect human personality, and therefore they are always condescending, soft, polite, compliant ... They do not rebel because of a hammer or a missing rubber band; living with someone, they do not do this a favor, and leaving, they do not say: it is impossible to live with you! They forgive noise, and cold, and overcooked meat, and sharpness, and the presence of strangers in their homes ...

2) They are compassionate not only to beggars and cats. They are sick of the soul and from what you will not see with a simple eye

3) They respect other people's property, and therefore pay debts.

4) They are sincere and fear lies like fire. They do not lie even in trifles. Lies are offensive for the listener and vulgarizes the speaker in his eyes. They don’t show off, they behave in the street just like they do at home, they don’t throw dust in the eyes of the smaller brethren ... They are not talkative and don’t climb with frankness, when they are not asked ... Out of respect for other people's ears, they are more often silent.

5) They do not destroy themselves in order to arouse sympathy and help in another. They do not play on the strings of other people's souls, so that in response they sigh and coddle with them. They don't say they don't understand me!

6) They are not vain. They don't care about fake diamonds like dating with celebrities the delight of the one you meet at the Salon, fame for the porters…

7) If they have talent in themselves, they respect it. They sacrifice peace, women, wine, vanity for him...

8) They cultivate aesthetics in themselves. They cannot sleep in their clothes, see cracks in the wall with bugs, breathe bad air, walk on the spat on the floor, eat from a kerosene stove. They try as much as possible to tame and ennoble the sexual instinct… […] The educated are not so culinary in this respect. What they need from a woman is not a bed, not horse sweat, […] not a mind expressed in the ability to inflate with a fake pregnancy and lie tirelessly... They, especially artists, need freshness, grace, humanity […]... They do not crack vodka like, not sniff closets, for they know they are not pigs. They drink only when they are free, on occasion... For they need mens sana in corpore sano. ( healthy spirit in a healthy body).

Etc. Such are the educated... In order to educate and not stand below the level of the environment in which he fell, it is not enough to read only Pickwick and memorize a monologue from Faust. It is not enough to take a cab and go to Yakimanka in order to escape from there in a week ...
Here you need uninterrupted day and night work, eternal reading, study, will ... Every hour is precious here ... Trips to Yakimanka and back will not help. You must boldly spit and rush sharply ... Come to us, break a decanter of vodka and lie down to read ... at least Turgenev, which you have not read ... "

Reading morals to Vladimir Putin is not the best thing suitable occupation for Barack Obama, believes the popular American journalist Charles Krauthammer. Sadly, Obama does not even understand the national interests of the United States. But he is trying to teach Putin strategy. These teachings look rather strange, since Obama himself failed miserably in all his strategic plans.

Recently journalist Charles Krauthammer (Charles Krauthammer) spoke as special guest on Fox News, according to .

According to Krauthammer, it is "remarkable" that US President Obama, who "does not understand America's national interests," is trying to "score against Putin." Obama criticizes the latter for departing ... from Russia's interests.

Speaking on Fox News, Charles Krauthammer recalled, not without irony, B. H. Obama's prediction that Putin would eventually realize that his strategy in the Middle East had "failed." And when Putin understands this, he will begin to look for an opportunity to “tune in” in the Syrian campaign to the American coalition.

According to Krauthammer, "for a guy who doesn't understand American national interests, that's a wonderful statement."

Krauthammer believes that Putin has not forgotten the lessons of Afghanistan, while Obama thinks that Putin has fallen into a quagmire.

“The Russians left Afghanistan 25 years ago,” Krauthammer recalled. - In the quagmire stuck today, under Obama, the American people. Obama has been in office for seven years, during which time the Americans have suffered 76% of their combat casualties in Afghanistan. And there is no doubt that our position in Afghanistan today is weaker than it was seven years ago when he [Obama] took office.”

"And when he [Obama] tries to lecture Putin about the national interest and the quagmire, he's on pretty shaky ground," Krauthammer said.

In addition, the journalist criticized The White house for the policy of "minimizing" the impact on the militants of the Islamic State. The US air campaign is a godsend: the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said IS oil truck drivers are civilians trying to "feed their families." That is why American pilots dropped leaflets warning drivers three-quarters of an hour before air strikes.

This joke, an action with leaflets, was not planned by the Pentagon, but by the White House, the journalist says.

In his opinion, no serious air war with terrorists is planned. Even if they talk about it senior officials states, this must be understood precisely as a joke. And this will remain a joke as long as the President of the United States is the Commander-in-Chief.

Obama himself, let's add on his own behalf, is determined to destroy the "IG" and even drew up a new strategy.

Addressing the American people, the US President on Sunday last week announced four points of a new plan, as a result of which the terrorist group will be destroyed. Obama promised to use all American power, quotes his words.

According to the first point, the US military will hunt down terrorist organizers in any country where it is required.

In the second paragraph, the President focused on continuing to provide military equipment tens of thousands of "representatives" of Iraqi and Syrian forces who are fighting against ISIS. Their combat training will also be continued. In addition, the paragraph includes the deployment of special forces.

The third point of the plan: "work with our friends and allies." This “job” will help the US stop ISIS operations, cut off funding sources and stop recruiting. Here, Obama noted a “dramatic increase” in intelligence sharing with European allies. This "sharpness" manifested itself from the moment of the terrorist attacks in Paris. The president also said that "we are working with Turkey to close its border with Syria."

Point four: "under American leadership," the global community "began to orchestrate a process and set a time frame to bring about a ceasefire and a political solution to the Syrian war."

Well, and one more thing. Obama made an almost seditious thought: all of the above actions will allow "the Syrian people and all countries, including not only our allies, but also states such as Russia", to focus on the destruction of ISIS.

The President of the United States called the "Islamic State" a "common goal."

This Sunday speech, let's add on our own, shows that after the terrorist attacks in Paris and after the shooting in San Bernardino (California), where 14 people died, Obama would not mind collaborating with the Russians, conducting a legitimate operation just to destroy ISIS. in Syria. Wouldn't be averse - but the “policy of containment” and prohibitive measures that he has been uncompromisingly pursuing against Moscow since last year are hindering him, forcing the European Union to pursue a similar policy.

In addition, Obama is hindered by Bashar al-Assad, whom Washington "offers" to leave since the days of Secretary of State H. Clinton. Paradoxically, it is Assad and the Russians, who have been declared a "national threat" by the United States, who are at war with the IS militants - and this picture does not fit in Obama's brain.

And of course, Obama, who peacefully bombed Libya and supported the "Arab Spring" and, in particular, the armed actions of the "moderate opposition" in Syria, does not believe that in the crisis in northern Africa and the Middle East, which became one of the reasons for the emergence of "ISIS" somehow blamed his administration's policies. No, Mr. Obama is clean. He only wanted to bring people a little democracy - a commodity to which the enterprising Uncle Sam usually adds bombs to the load.

Reading the comments in one online discussion, I remembered a note by my friend Mikhail Nevolin (website "Return to God"). It hurts that she is in the topic now, so I decided to repost it at home.

These days, when we remember the Russian writer Chekhov, his memory came to mind. popular expression that the smart one loves to learn, and the fool loves to teach. Another wonderful author Bulat Okudzhava wrote a wonderful song that begins with these words:

"Anton Palych Chekhov once remarked
The smart one loves to learn, and the fool loves to teach.
How many fools have I met in my life -
It's time for me to receive the order.
Fools love to pack.
Ahead of them is the main one in all its glory.
As a child, I believed that one day I would rise,
and there are no fools - everyone flew away ... "

Indeed, I always wonder why the most zealously and persistently trying to teach others is precisely ... those who can hardly be called smart. Why is this happening?

Many such lovers to teach the people the mind-reason are always in full confidence that they know everything. They usually have an answer for every question. With all the love of smart people for learning, they intuitively run away from such “teachers”. They are rather frightened than attracted by the teacher's too much confidence in his knowledge.

Such omniscient teachers cannot be left without students, and they are. But these are, as a rule, those students who want to learn only one thing - how to quickly move from the category of a student to the category of a teacher, and the learning process itself is perceived as an unpleasant, but mandatory procedure in order to finally start teaching others. Thus, the fool teacher gathers fool students around him, who, in turn, quickly become teachers themselves. But Socrates, for example, had many smart students. Who knows, maybe the reason is that it belongs to him famous expression: "I know that I don't know anything."

Today, it's easier than ever to quickly start teaching instead of learning. Huge arrays of information are available, you just need to type the right word in the search engine. And now it already seems to us that in a couple of hours we know about something no less than any specialist, and we ourselves are already ready to teach everyone, and talk about what we had no idea about yesterday - be it questions of cardiology, history, theology or whatever.

And yet, for smart person learning is always primary. He, as Chekhov noted, loves to study. Not because it is necessary, not in order to get a diploma, not in order to get it as soon as possible. more people called their teacher. It is simply impossible for him to live without knowing himself, the world, God.

There is a warning in the Bible not to rush to become teachers (James 3:1).

One thing is bad - fools will still miss the apostle's warning past their ears.

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