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In this article, you will find sales scripts that will allow your managers to go to decision makers, preventing the secretary from “leaking” your call, dealing with typical customer objections: “expensive”, “no need”, “I’ll think about it”, “there is already a supplier”, and also not only listen, but also hear your customers.

Phone sales scripts many companies use it, but not all of them can correctly compose them. Most sellers have to work without a well-defined sales algorithm, so they experience additional stress that prevents them from closing deals. The manager must have a clear understanding of what to do in this or that case, how to behave in this or that situation, even if it seems unpredictable.

Problems can be solved by cold sales scripts, which in their own way exact definition are a set of speech modules that lead the customer to purchase. In fact, the script system is a set of conversation scripts, consisting of four documents: a speech module, an objection card, a questionnaire, and a checklist. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Best Article of the Month

If you do everything yourself, employees will not learn how to work. Subordinates will not immediately cope with the tasks that you delegate, but without delegation, you are doomed to time pressure.

We published in the article a delegation algorithm that will help you get rid of the routine and stop working around the clock. You will learn who can and cannot be entrusted with work, how to give the task correctly so that it is completed, and how to control staff.

  • 16 Powerful Techniques for Dealing with the Expensive Objection

Component 1. Speech module

The speech module is actually the script itself, a set of phrases that the seller pronounces during a cold call. The following speech modules are most in demand in practice.

Greetings. On incoming call: “Good afternoon! Alpha Company, Anton Petrov. I'm hearing you". Outgoing: “Good afternoon! My name is Anton Petrov, Alfa Company. Our organization is a specialized company for the sale of lubricants for car services. Excuse me, how can I contact you?

Note that in the two variants, the greetings are pursued different goals. In the first case, the call is incoming, the task of the speech module is to show that there is a polite person on this end of the wire. It is sad, but in many companies they simply do not say hello. However, if you think that your auto-responder with a greeting has solved this problem, you are mistaken. In the second case, the call is outgoing, and the task is to get through the secretary to the employee you need, get his contacts.

Communication with the secretary. The greeting is followed by the introduction of the company. For example, we have built into the speech module the constructions “specialized company” and “lubricants for car services” - this allows the client to understand that the company is a professional in this segment. A further claim of possible benefit to the company ("free training materials") prevents the secretary from "dumping" the call. Therefore, use the words “valuable”, “profitable”, “free” in your appeals, indicating benefits.

You can find out not only the name of the decision maker (DM), but also his email: "Besides you, who should I put in the address field?". Sometimes secretaries disclose the address of the person you need in this way. Phrase about technical matters takes the conversation to a level where the secretary's competence is not enough, which pushes him to transfer the case to the decision maker.

Please note: to pass the secretary, you must be honest. The secretary is often lied to, and women (they are the majority among secretaries) hear this very well. If cold call is done by a male manager, it is important that he ... is not afraid of the interlocutor. After all, men are often afraid of women. You can simply say, "I really need your help." Here, female secretaries cannot refuse.

Presentation of a product or service. In order for the presentation materials of the company to be better perceived, they should be called educational and help to work not only with your products, but also with the products of competitors.

Contact with the decision maker. You need to ask the interlocutor if his company uses a product similar to yours, suggesting an alternative and listing the benefits. It is very likely that the interlocutor will refuse - then you need to ask him questions, encourage him to talk about objections. For example, if the company already has a trusted supplier, ask if they experience outages (and almost everyone does). Advise your company as a second, additional supplier, offer to send a small trial batch of goods at a big discount. The task is to close at least one deal, even with a significant discount.

Work with accounts receivable. Debt sometimes arises simply because, with a delay of two weeks, the manager forgets to call the client back in time and remind him of the debt. It should be done like this: “Ivan Ivanovich, in four days the payment deadline is coming up. - Fine. - I'm sure you'll pay on time. Is there anything else you need to order? - [Customer makes a preliminary request.] - After you pay for the previous delivery, I will immediately ship you the next order. Thus, a new sale is made, which is tied to the payment of the previous order. At the same time, the client himself, and not you, will need to pay for the last order as soon as possible.

      • How to bypass the secretary during a cold call, go to the decision maker and make a deal

Component 2: Objection Card

There is one practical “selling” wisdom: “Either you sold a product (service), or you were sold objections.” The four most common objections in sales are:

          • "expensive";
          • "No need";
          • "think";
          • "there is a verified supplier."

During the crisis, the fifth one appeared - “no money”. In each business, no more than ten main objections can be identified, the rest will be derived from them.

To make it easier for your salespeople to work, for each of the objections, you need to think through and write at least three answers. The sales manager should memorize these cards with answers to customer objections (or as close to the text as possible). When an objection arises, he chooses suitable option response. A set of speech modules makes up a script, and objections can appear at different points in the conversation. Therefore, objection cards are drawn up separately and can be built into any speech module.

Cold call sales script for the “expensive” objection

  1. If we agree on a price, are you ready to place an order?
  2. The price is understandable. What else is important to you when choosing a supplier?
  3. Let's go over the tasks that need to be solved again. And then we will agree on the final price. (Works very well when selling services.)

With the “don’t” objection, the manager’s task is to find out real reasons failure. “Tell me, do you use such and such products? - Yes. - What do you need to consider our product? - You don't need anything, everything is probably expensive for you, and we don't know you at all. - Ivan Ivanovich, do I understand you correctly that if I answer you and give you a list of companies that use our product, with their reviews, will you be ready to consider our proposal more carefully? - Yes. "Okay, I'll do it tomorrow."

“I’ll think about it” and “don’t” are twin objections. They are used to hide real reasons failure. Therefore, in this case, you need to not only ask how long it will take to think about the proposal, but also keep asking questions. For example: “How do you choose suppliers? - Depending on the price, delay. - What is more important: price or delay? - Price. - Do I understand correctly that if I name a suitable price for you, we will be able to work with you? - Certainly". If the client answers that the delay is more important, then it is not worth working with him: it will be difficult to receive payment from him.

If the interlocutor replies that his company “has a proven supplier,” there is no need to condemn the competitor. Give a compliment, it works great: “It's good that you treat suppliers this way, I respect your position. Tell me, does he always have 100% goods? Suggest your company as an alternative supplier and find out what criteria the company must meet in order for the cooperation to work.

Speech modules and objection cards are learned by heart. Their knowledge must be checked by testing two or three times a week (no more than five minutes). For example, ask the seller to answer a couple of objections and play one or two speech modules close to the text.

      • Handling Sales Objections: Winning Negotiation Strategies

Component 3. Questionnaire

Questionnaire - a set of questions that must be asked to the client. They are good because he can speak, not listen. There are three key sales skills: speaking, listening and hearing. The first means the sale on the principle of "the client is sold", the third - on the basis of the principle "the client buys". According to my observation, people do not like being sold something, they like to buy. They don't like to listen to the salesperson, they like to speak for themselves.

For some reason, salespeople are often valued for their ability to speak, but the ability to hear a client, which develops through the ability to listen, brings money. To listen, you need to give the client the opportunity to speak, which means asking him the right questions. With this script, in 80% of cases we get the required information; 65% of clients sign up for the first, trial lesson.

Component 4. Checklist

It contains a list of actions that the seller should have performed during the call. He puts notes on the sheet: did or did not. Using a checklist, the seller is better aware of the logic of sales. There are managers who advise well, but do not close deals. There are sellers who immediately try to close the deal, but do not advise. Very few combine both of these qualities and have high level responsibility.

That's why you need a checklist. However, keep in mind: if you punish sellers for not doing something and honestly marking it on the checklist, then the system will not work. The key task is to help managers control themselves and discover weak sides your staff to further eliminate them.

      • Motivation of sales managers: advice from professionals

The most “cool” cold calling scripts are written by companies themselves. After all, you are already selling - and you know why people buy from you. You know the industry and you know your product or service.

To find mistakes and understand when and where you made them, you need IP telephony. Listen to recordings of conversations. Look for successful and unsuccessful phrases, consult with the best managers, find out which scripts are more efficient. Think about which phrases to remove and which ones to keep. Correct speech modules and try again. The cycle will be: “listen - analyze - correct - apply”.

Tip 1. Go from simple to complex. Write a checklist first. Next - objection cards. Then the speech module. And finally, the questionnaire. The crown should be a script (script) of telephone sales - a set of speech modules that lead you to the target action. Never jump straight into a script as it will fail most of the time.

Tip 2. Consider the experience of employees. For example, a beginner has the right to not know something. In this case, he can say: “Ivan Ivanovich, I have been working in the company for only a month and I am not ready to answer you right off the bat. May I have a list of questions from you? I'll prepare the answers and call you." In practice, beginners try to get out of these situations, play up. On the other end of the wire, it looks unpresentable. Honesty is much better. The client will understand that they hear him, understand him and try to help him.

Tip 3. Consider the gender of the employee. Interaction between men is built on the basis of respect, between women - on the basis of relationships, and between a man and a woman - according to the following principle: a man gives a woman an attitude (in ordinary life this is attention, flowers, gifts), and a woman gives respect to a man. Use this when writing sales scripts for cold calls. It makes sense to make them different for men and women.

A man can talk to a man like an expert with an expert, to be on an equal footing. But he should not compete with the interlocutor in status: this can lead to an aggravation of relations and a breakdown in the sale. A male salesperson may refer to his own authority when describing the quality of a product. A female salesperson should not position herself as an expert, she should rather say: "According to our customers, such as [company names], this is a very good product."


The advent of sales scripts for cold calls has become part of a new approach to calling a "cold" base. Managers began to make batch calls in which the conversation scenarios were the same - there was no need to think about the development of the conversation. The number of calls increased by 2.5 times. Managers can make 30-50 batch calls to the cold base per day in addition to their main work with current clients. Sales conversions also increased because sellers stopped worrying about what to say and started paying attention to how well the script works and suggesting improvements.

The amount of the average check increased by 25% due to the fact that speech modules of “additional cargo” were added to the script (when communicating with the client, the manager checks the CRM system which products he has not bought for a long time and offers to add them to the order) and new product offers , so managers stopped skipping this step. The time for staff adaptation has been reduced by four times: new salespeople start calling the “cold” base on the second day and receive the first stable results in two weeks. But most importantly, the stress level of sellers is reduced, and this gives looseness and confidence, which are not enough for successful closing of transactions.

My most favorite destination Among the sales scripts is telephone communication. Since in the case of a telephone conversation, everything is quite predictable and understandable.

You are client A, he is B, C or D. All that remains is to take the phone sales script, find B, C or D and read the answer.

But in order for everything to become so easy and beautiful, you need to learn how to write these scripts and understand what they are made of.

Basic moments

In our blog, we have already written a sufficient number of articles on different topics on scripts, and this article is a kind of excerpt of all knowledge, so we will briefly and to the point go over each topic of interest.

For a deeper study of the required direction, you will see links to relevant materials in the course of the article.

Let's start with the obvious, an explanation of two strange words “sales script”. In other words, this is your ideal and standardized seller, implemented as a text instruction.

Such a miracle sample is written either by an outsourcing company (such as us) or by independent forces.

The most important thing is that it should be written by active salespeople, not theorists. Otherwise, besides putting the conversation script in a frame, it will no longer be usable.

Script from the theorist ... Fu

You can argue for a long time whether a company needs a sales script or not. I will say what is needed. And not because we are developing them, but because it will definitely not make anyone worse.

It will be useful for any sales manager. The one who sells poorly will be able to sell well with it, and the one who sells well will do it perfectly.

I only beg you, it is not necessary to say that sales scripts are always heard. This is wrong. Unlearned scripts are heard.

That's why I don't like different kinds so much. After all, it is for them that the manager reads the script and looks as robotic as possible. From all this follows the conclusion:

Important. Any script must be learned, not read from a sheet or computer screen.

The right approach

Imagine an "apple". What apple did you present? Green? Red? Or even an apple?

It's the same with the phone sales script. As part of a script conversation on the phone, you can go to dozens of different directions.

Therefore, now we will analyze which script you need and where to start. We discussed this in more detail in the article.

Type of script

As I wrote above, there are dozens different scenarios talking to a client on the phone. Here is a list of the most popular orders in our company:

  1. Cold calling scripts;
  2. Scripts for incoming calls;
  3. Application processing scripts from the site;
  4. Callback scripts after measurement;
  5. Client resuscitation scripts.

I have listed them in order of priority. And now with more the probability of “wangyu” that you came for item 1 or 2.

But my advice to you, read this article not as an instruction for writing one of the scripts, but as a guide on how to write a sales script for any situation.

After all, raising the effectiveness of all calls can easily increase your sales by 20-40%.

For those eager to get specific instructions on how to write an inbound and outbound sales script, here are two of our materials that you can use as a template. Everything is described in great detail and with examples:

Or leave this task in the hands of professionals right away. We recommend ourselves as advertising :-)

Strategy and tactics

By default, for everyone, the goal of any conversation is a sale, or even better, money in the box. But let's be realistic.

If your product is not an elixir of youth, then the client will go through certain stages before making the final decision.

So you need to think over a strategy for communicating with a client, think conceptually about what you will offer and how to “enter”.

Indeed, now, in the same cold calls, calling and simply offering “mutually beneficial cooperation” will no longer work.

In the best case, they will hang up, in the worst case, they will say everything that they think about you. There are a lot of “visits” options, for example:

  1. In an incoming call, we focus on the range of prices and then record the client for measurement, and only then, at the measurement, we give the exact cost.
  2. In an outgoing call, you can go as a classic scheme - sending for services at the first contact, or more interesting, at the first contact, agree on a free technical service for their company for a month.
  3. When resuscitating a client, you can simply find out why they have not come to you for a long time. Or you can pack it into a real show, where the director of the company calls and evaluates the work of his employees.

The more competitive your market is, the more original and unusual you need to be. Including, depending on the person making the decision, the strategy can also change.

Because what is valuable to the engineer is not valuable to the owner. What is valuable to a woman over 40 is no longer valuable to a girl under 20.


When you conceptually understand where to go and what you will do, you can proceed to work out the stages.

With the classical strategy of filing an application, there will be no problems with this task, everything is quite simple and logical. The main thing is not to forget about the stage of up-selling and identifying needs.

With complex strategies, you will have to think with your brains. For example, in one outgoing call, we took a tricky route and our stages looked like this:

  1. Greetings;
  2. Offer in the forehead;
  3. Arrangement to send a quotation;
  4. Clarification of needs;
  5. Presentation;
  6. Closing for a meeting.

Looking at this sequence, it may seem that we do not understand anything in the sales stages and violated everything we could.

But this is all done intentionally and this scheme shows amazing results. Since it is not standard and the client does not expect such a course of events.

Therefore, before writing a script, decide on the tactics (stages) that will be reference points, in case of missing which the manager will be punished, up to exile in Siberia.

Techniques and tricks

Therefore, in this block I will tell you the basic rules, techniques and tricks when compiling a sales script by phone.

Quick start

It's great if the beginning of the conversation will not start like everyone else. I'm not talking about the fact that you need to take and come up with a new bike.

I'm talking about the fact that you need to do 1-2 phrases / words, not like everyone else. These words can be both your position and non-standard recognition of the opportunity to speak now.

For example, not just Ekaterina picks up the phone, but Ekaterina, a specialist. Also, it is not the manager Vasily who calls, but the head of the direction Vasily.

Or do you say not “Is it convenient to talk now?”, But “Take a couple of minutes, I will tell you about the purpose of the call. Fine?".

Seizure of the initiative

My favorite topic, which I broadcast in all. Managers always and everywhere need to have a conversation.

They should be asking questions, not the client to them. And in the event that a client suddenly climbs a horse, you need to throw him out of there as soon as possible, namely, to seize the initiative. Rough, but honest.

This is done quite simply and quite naturally, your task is to close each answer with a question.

Moreover, it is desirable to make the answer as short as possible so that there is nothing to cling to.

For example, “Yes, we can do it. What volume are you interested in? or “- I'm calling to find out the need and save time, tell me, do you print more than 1000 documents a day?”


Calling a client by name is a button accordion among sales. But in fact, only a few do it.

Therefore, within the framework of the phone conversation script, it is very important to insert the “Customer Name” throughout the structure. Moreover, you need to insert this not only at the beginning of each phrase, but also in the middle.

When making an outgoing call, naming a name at the beginning of a conversation helps to focus the interlocutor's attention on yourself.

Important. The phone sales script needs to be learned or phrases like “Customer Name” will be foolishly read aloud by salespeople instead of name substitution.


In addition to the dialog itself, you must write . Without them, the script will not be complete and you will join the ranks of people with the words “Scripts do not work”.

Customers on the phone always object, and that's okay. This is psychologically embedded in us since childhood, when we used to hear from our parents for one - yes, nine - no.

When creating objection processing, there are a huge number of different techniques, you can see my favorite below in the video.

And here the basic rules for selling services by phone are replenished with one more:

Never contradict a client. When talking on the phone with a client, you have very little trust to prove you're right.

Next step

Always! Hear! You always need to agree on the next step. Watching the scripts of different companies, I notice how most people miss this moment.

And it's very bad. You could say you lost a client if you didn't agree on the next step.

Next step = next step. Therefore, if there is no tactics, then there is no next step. To fix it, you just need to add literally 1-2 phrases at the end of the conversation:

“- Nikita Vladimirovich, I will call you tomorrow at 15.00 to find out if you have received everything and at the same time I will answer your questions, if any.”

Short phrases (conversation)

Time is money. Especially if you're talking to the owners large corporations who earn more than 50,000 rubles per hour.

Therefore, learn to speak concisely and clearly. Everyone will love you for this. Although, there are clients who like to chat. But at the same time, they like to talk more, and not listen more.

Therefore, check your written script 3-4 times, with the goal of making it more concise each time without losing effectiveness. You need to cut the script, but do it wisely.

Briefly about the main

The phone sales script is the most detailed sales script, especially if we compare it with a meeting script or a sales floor script.

Therefore, when creating it, you need to think through everything. All possible outcomes of events, since in 9 out of 10 cases they can all be predicted.

The most important thing is to start working on the script. A banal phrase, but so vital. Because it is impossible to make a script the first time that will shoot and be perfect.

Even we, developers with extensive experience (as advertising) always include script refinement in the package up to 2 months.

By the way, all employees of our company related to sales are scripted from head to toe.

In our case, the shoemaker is not just with boots, but with a whole wardrobe of shoes, because in practice we noticed how sales increased significantly after the introduction of the main scripts.

Cold calls are relevant in two moments, namely, when you need to sharply raise the volume, since the incoming stream does not suit you.

Or there is no flow at all and cold calls are used when it can be called almost the only adequate way to attract customers in your business.

In any case, in order to do it well, you need to invest pounds of money in training managers, who may become a star and leave as a result.

Or just write a cold call script, according to which any newcomer will sell like an experienced one in your company.


For cold calls, it is normal that the client is not waiting for you and that you need to be extremely careful with phrases and approach.

Since an unsuccessful conversation can not only not attract, but also scare away, create a bad opinion about you as a company. And you will hear at the end of the wire "beep-beep-beep ...".

What can not be said about an incoming call when the client is already interested in your company or in your product. And it is important on a psychological level that he himself called you, and not you. Feel the difference?

Therefore, the first thing you need to do before creating your conversation script is to decide on two things:

1. Result

You need to decide for yourself what you will bring the client to. This is very important, since all arguments will need to carefully hint at what you need, and not how the conversation will go.

And therein lies the problem with most sales. Three such goals can be roughly distinguished:

  1. Appointment of a meeting;
  2. Sending CP;
  3. Sales by phone.

The result is selected based on how warm the client is and how easy it is to make a decision to purchase your product or service. And we move from top to bottom.

That is, if everything is complicated, then we agree on a meeting, if everything is fine, then we send a quotation, if everything is simple, then we immediately close it for sale.

Important. The cold call algorithm will depend on the final goal.

Let's imagine a situation: we are selling forestry equipment for several tens of millions, would it be logical to try to sell it right away?

Of course not. First you need to at least meet. And if we sell printer maintenance, then in this case it would be more logical to first send an offer, and only then press for a purchase or meeting. I'm sure you got the idea.

2. Occasion

You also need to decide on the reason for the phone calls. If the result should be a sale or a shipment commercial offer, then everything is simple, your main reason is to solve the client’s problem or offer more profitable terms.

But when we meet, things are different. The reasons may be different, as well as the scripts for the conversation themselves. And here are a few examples:

  1. Conduct an audit;
  2. Implement one free method;
  3. Carry out diagnostics;
  4. Agree on special conditions;
  5. Issue a free sample.

Ideally, even when sending a commercial offer, you need to come up with a reason, as this will help you in all your phrases.

What's next?

After we have decided on the scenario, we already take our initial data and start writing the cold call script.

We start with the passage of the blocker, which can be a secretary, administrator or even a cloakroom attendant.

And believe our experience, for most companies this stage is to pass the secretary in case telephone conversations, and becomes the most complex in the whole algorithm.

But we will reveal the blocker passage in detail in another separate article, the only thing I want to say is that now classic version“Contact me with the cooperation director…” no longer works.


When we first started, we were sure that our created cold calling algorithm would be suitable in all cases.

But experience has shown the opposite. Our phone sales script, although it works well, does not always lead to a result. And all this is connected with the sphere of the client.

Important. If the customer’s sphere is not competitive and other companies practically do not use cold calls, then you can use the classics of the genre.

If the niche is complex, has its own specificity and is very competitive at the same time, then you have to come up with more complex entries, changing the script, structure, phrases, reasons, sequence.

Therefore, be sure to take this fact into account when you develop your cold calling algorithm.

It seems that in the last paragraph it was possible to end the entire article with the words “Everything is individual”. But then it wouldn't be us.

Therefore, now we will consider the most effective and standardized algorithm, which can partly be designated as a script template. This template consists of seven steps:

  1. Greetings;
  2. self-presentation;
  3. Designation of the purpose of the call + offer;
  4. Asking questions;
  5. Offer for “result”;
  6. Closing a conversation.

The sequence of stages is strictly observed from the first to the last. The only thing that can move is the development of objections, or they are still called excuses in a simplified version.

Also, the FAQ block (frequently asked questions), which is not here, also periodically appears during the conversation.

The main task in script development cold sale or a call to do this so that the client does not have the opportunity to leave the tunnel through which you lead him.

You won't leave!

If he “jumps off the hook”, then he can go in any direction, where all your structure and phrases will break like waves on rocks.

Script Structure

Before we start, I want to convey another very important idea - the sales structure in the b2b and b2c segments is radically different. KA-R-DI-NA-L-NO!

That is, a call to a company or a person representing a company is fundamentally different from a call to an individual.

This article is focused on b2b sales. If you need a script for the b2c segment, then use combinations of different solutions that you can find in this and our other articles.

So, below we will analyze what a sales script for a cold call should include.

1. Greeting

The easiest block that you can quickly skim through and move on to the next step. But still. At the beginning of the conversation, we polite people, we say: "Good afternoon, Stepan Pavlovich."

And I advise after that to wait for a pause for a counter greeting, to make sure that the client is listening and hearing you at the moment.

Notice we say the client's name. It is very important to verify the decision maker in advance, or at least get the name from the blocker.

Thus, the director is no longer a faceless character, but a person with a name, which means that, firstly, he will focus on you, and, secondly, you say with your whole phrase: “I know everything about you, I am prepared. And I don’t need to hang noodles on my ears.”

2. Self-presentation

After the greeting, you need to say who you are and where you are from. Moreover, you can say where you are from in different ways, here are examples for you:

  1. Plant "Ingetrik";
  2. Rail production plant “Ingetrik”.

As you can see, in the first case, I deliberately do not open the company sphere, when in the second I open all the cards at once, knowing that this will increase efficiency.

We use the first case when our field of activity initially causes a negative (each field has its own list of stop companies).

The duty “Is it convenient for you to talk now?”, It is not always necessary to use it, since there is a type of client who starts to get nervous at this question with the words: “Say what you need!”.

I know it sounds weird, but remember, this is a cold call, you need to act differently here. If you are still worried, then believe me, with a real impossibility to speak, the decision maker will tell you about it at the beginning of the conversation.

And besides, with such a question you bury yourself in a hole, giving the interlocutor the opportunity to say “No, it’s inconvenient” and hang up.

PTYSHCH! On the spot!

3. Designation of the purpose of the call

In this case, it would be logical to tell the client why you are calling, because if you start asking him questions without explaining the reason, then you are unlikely to hear anything pleasant in your direction.

Again, there are different ones on the phone, namely, voicing the purpose of the call, any can be used, there are many of them, we will study three options right now:

  1. The “We-You” Technique Aims to show the client the connection between you:

    Example: - Ekaterina Dmitrievna, your company is engaged in holding banquets, and we just specialize in attracting customers to restaurants and cafes. That's why I'm calling to s_____...
  2. Technique "In the forehead" What could be better than to tell the client directly and without tricks what you want? But in this case, immediately get ready for excuses like “Not necessary”, “Not interested”, “We work with others”, which will be 100%.

    Example: - Veronika Viktorovna, we are servicing computers in companies and would like to start working with you. How can we do it?
  3. Technique “Does it make sense?” This approach is very relevant when you need to verify a decision maker whether he is suitable for you as a client or not.

    For example, if you only work with companies that print more than 3,000 documents per month.

    Example: - Egor Alexandrovich, in order not to insist on a meeting in vain and save your time, please tell me, do you print more than 3,000 documents a month?

4. Asking questions

If you are closing for sending, then you just need to ask a few clarifying questions in order to send what you need.

If you are arranging a meeting or an audit, then the questions in question (sorry for the tautologies) can only shift the focus of attention and distract from the topic. But again, everything is individual.

Example: - In order to send me exactly the offer that will be relevant to you, just answer a few questions, please.

It is advisable to ask no more than three questions, since we do not forget that a cold call is when the client was not waiting for you, so you need to work out this moment very well and create such powerful questions that will reveal all the needs.

There is definitely an option that you will be told “I don’t need questions. Send the CP immediately.”

And then, from a change in the places of the terms, the amount will not change, and the needs will be studied 😉

5. Offer for “result”

In the previous sections, we have already discussed with you the different reasons for moving to the next step (meeting / cp / audit, etc.).

But, if you are selling by phone, then it would be logical that after the questions you should offer something to the client, unless, of course, he has already hung up. And then close on occasion.

Why am I saying this? Because it is very difficult to sell to a client from the first call if your product is not mass-used and does not cost several hundred rubles. But notice I didn't say it was impossible 😉

Example: - Peter Nikitich, based on your answers, s___ is perfect for you. Therefore, in order not to immediately insist on a meeting and save your time, I propose to proceed as follows.

I will send you an offer by e-mail, and tomorrow afternoon I will call back and clarify the decision. If there is interest, then we will start working, if there is no, then not this time. I write down mail.

We sneak, the main thing is not to scare

6. Handling objections

How did they get these phrases “Not interested”, “Expensive” or “”. Got it and yet without them nowhere. They were, are and will be.

Therefore, your sales scripts must contain an objection processing block, where the manager can find answers to all possible objections. In our company, only when selling sales scripts (it sounds strange, I know) there are as many as 17 of them.

As some gurus say, objections appear only when the past stages have been poorly carried out.

We fundamentally disagree with this, because we believe that objections are a natural test of any product for reliability, reliability, honesty. It's like in the Middle Ages people tried a coin by the tooth to make sure it was not a fake.

Also, this stage can be very doubtfully called the sixth, since it can appear at almost any stage.

And in order not to leave you unanswered, I’ll tell you about the universal formula for working out objections. It looks like this:

  1. Agree with client You are right, we cannot be called the cheapest company on the market…);
  2. Make a transition ( That is why);
  3. Argument/alternative ( We work with those who do not want to pay twice.);
  4. Question / call ( By the way, have you already determined the approximate volumes for the month?).

Of course, you can replace any phrase in brackets with your own. The main thing is that it should be in the same context, which is confirmed by one of the points.

7. Closing the conversation

You can say victory if you have reached this step when talking with a client. So your phone sales script justified all the work.

But it happens that the interlocutors agree to everything that you offer, if only you are behind, since they are embarrassed to send directly.

In this case, of course, there will be difficulties in the next step, but in order to minimize the risks, you need to fix the outcome at the end of the conversation and be sure to agree on the next step, if you have not done this before.

Example: - Nikita Andreevich, then tomorrow at 13.00 our specialist for s____ will come to you, and you will further agree on s____ with him.

Briefly about the main

That's all. Although no. You then need to run thousands of tests to create a cold call script that will work 100%.

That is why we always give subscriber adjustments when developing scripts, because we know that there is no limit to perfection and even an individually written ready-made cold call script does not always show the necessary indicators right away.

You also need to provide scripts for phone calls after sending a CP or meeting.

For us personally, this is an integral part of a cold call. Therefore, it is also included in the price and the most interesting thing is that sometimes it is even several times more than the first call.

In this article, I specifically did not touch on the creation of the script in terms of visualization of how it will look in the end. This is a separate, large topic, which is devoted to a separate article.

Word, Excel, or maybe a sales script designer? Choose for yourself, for this read the article.

One of the main ingredients of good sales is a quality script. Despite the fact that most companies work with different target audiences and sell completely different products and services, the communication rules are the same for everyone. Most companies undertake to make scripts themselves and after the managers do not make the result, they come to the conclusion that the managers or the product are bad, but, often, the point is in the script. Today we will give an example universal template script that fits most projects. When used correctly, the conversion can increase significantly.

1) Secretary bypass block

We have a rule in the company, according to which you can instantly determine the quality of the script. If the secretary bypass block is specified in the script, the script is bad. It's simple - to get around the secretary, you can not be a "salesman". If you start explaining to the secretary all the benefits of your product, you have lost. The secretary, who receives 137 calls every day, has his own laconic script: “Thank you. All offers to the mail indicated on the site. If the management needs to buy something, the secretary looks for it himself. He absolutely does not care what benefits you bring and what benefits you promise. So just look for a way not to lie, but also not to show your intentions to sell. Break the pattern in any way, until you are sure that you are communicating with the decision maker * (decision maker).

Example: Selling our sales outsourcing services

Manager: - Hello, hello. Secretary: - Hello, Prostonyashino, how can I help you? Manager: - You have a vacancy at HeadHuntere. Position Sales Manager. With whom can I clarify the terms of employment? Secretary: - One second, I'm connecting.

Bypassed the system, cracked the password, ours are in the enemy's camp.

2) Greeting

Manager: - Good afternoon, *COMPANY NAME*, *MANAGER NAME*. How can I contact you? Possible decision maker: - Valery. Manager: - Tell me, are you responsible in the company for *insert what you need* Confirmed decision maker: - Yes, what did you want?

It is very important in the first seconds to confirm that the decision maker is the decision maker and to find out his name. Otherwise, at the end, when contact has been established and he agrees to cooperate, it will be embarrassing to ask.

3) We confirm the demand and establish the presence of a problem

It is necessary to confirm the demand, and not to convey the offer. Even before you start offering something, you need to close the person's access to the opportunity to refuse and establish primary contact with him. All this must be done exclusively by ASKING QUESTIONS. Questions should be simple, to which you know that it is possible to answer only yes. You need to confirm with the person that he needs your product that solves his problem. 2-3 questions are enough, the first of which is from Captain Obvious.

Example when selling a pen:

Manager: - Tell me, do you write with a pen? LPR: - Yes. Manager: - Do you write with a pen quite often or occasionally? LPR: - Often, what do you want to offer? Manager: - If you write with a pen, then you have it periodically ends, and you need to go and buy a new one? DMP: - Right, what did you want?

I think everything is clear here, but for those who don’t, call and we will explain)

4) Suggest a solution to the problem

Based on the questions, you smoothly move to the point of a proposal that helps solve a problem that the person has already confirmed the existence of. No one will ever admit that he lied, so your interlocutor can no longer deny the need for a solution to the problem. This means that the proposal will not face the objection "we do not need anything" and you will be listened to. The main thing to remember here is that brevity is the sister of talent. So your sentence should be as short as possible and explain exactly how it solves the problem. You can read more about how to properly prepare an offer in ours.

5) Promotion/special offer

To make an offer workable here and now, use leverage. Classical examples are well suited here: the opportunity to try the product before paying, a 50% discount that is valid for only a couple of days, etc. By creating urgency and time limits, we speed up the decision-making, otherwise it can drag on for a long time, and we really don’t want this.

A similar technique was actively used on landing pages, putting counters for the stock countdown (and someone still puts them), but in Lately On landing pages, this almost does not work anymore.

6) Reconfirmation of demand

It is necessary to remind the decision maker own words. The fact that at the beginning of the conversation he himself confirmed the existence of a problem now gives us a serious trump card. You ask the same questions over and over and get the same answers over and over again. In fact, you are forcing him to admit that he needs what you have offered him.

If in paragraph 3 we asked questions on the topic of interest in buying at a better price and we were confirmed. Then after voicing the action, we ask something like this:

"You said you were interested in better terms of purchase, right?"

Think at your leisure how you would "dodge" such a phrase and offer something of your own.

7) Dealing with objections

The last window through which the client can get out is the work with objections. Simulate all the nuances and prescribe answers to the client’s possible questions to the manager in advance. This part depends solely on the knowledge of the materiel and on whether the manager has the right arguments.

8) Manager

Even the best offer aimed at a specific target audience may not bring any results if the manager does not know how to present it correctly. If you want to kill the beast, you need a hunter, not a shepherd. One competent salesperson will bring you more profit than 10 female students working for results. You can grow a professional, but it takes effort, money and time. Or you can hire someone who is ready for outsourcing. Here you choose between what you really want - save more or earn more;)

And finally, an example of a complete script for cold calling and offering the services of our company (forgive me, those who do not like text formatting, the functionality here is far from Word):

Secretary bypass

Good afternoon I found an ad on the Internet about the vacancy of a sales manager. With whom you can communicate about the vacancy and clarify the conditions of employment.

Switches to LPR

Good afternoon, my name is Konstantin, Seurus company. How can I contact you?*

Customer response

(It is necessary to confirm that his managers are not perfect. What could be better. At the same time, one cannot say that they are bad) Do you have sales managers? Do you think your sales managers are working to the maximum or can they be even better?

Customer response

Would you like your sales managers to work for results? OUR COMPANY is engaged in leasing remote sales managers who are already trained and experienced in various products and services. Are you satisfied with the quality of your sales managers? Do your managers work for salary or results?

Customer response

We work on a balance payment system. 35,000 rubles balance, which is spent on three areas:
FIRST: Creating a database: that is, searching for companies from the target audience on the Internet 10-20 rubles. for contact. SECOND: Creation of the project 15,000 rubles. Writing a sales script, training a manager, determining an effective target audience. THIRD: The result is a customer interested in buying. I mean, we will find out from you who the hot client is and assign a reward for him. In the future, the work goes solely for the result. No wages and living pants. Only sales. Only hardcore. If the payment is made this month, we are ready to launch your project in 2 days.

Customer response

You said yourself that you can sell better. We are ready to demonstrate it to you. Our managers are the best in their field and have vast experience in this area. Let me send you a contract and you take a closer look at the conditions. Will I call you tomorrow and answer all your questions?

Client Consent

Work with objections

We have our own managers, everything suits!

Everything is relative. Do you think that it is impossible to sell better than your managers and your company gets the maximum profit?

My managers sell perfectly and the profit is at the maximum!

Well, let your managers handle the interested clients we bring in! After all, they know your product in detail, and we will bring hot customers - ready to buy.

We have a specific product!

We sell everything from website development to diesel generators! If we have sold equipment for water utilities, then we will be able to sell your product. The main thing for you is to confirm the interest in your product. You can tell about your product without us. Our job is to get you interested!

How many calls can be made per day?

It all depends on the project! An average of 100 calls, you yourself understand that the sale of honey is different from the sale of real estate.

*If interest is confirmed, transfer the contact to the supervisor for further processing.*

In general, that's all! On the one hand - everything is simple, but on the other - not quite) Do not listen to the "sofa experts", and if you are not sure whether you are doing everything right - better call Seurus! -

May the profit be with you!

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