Is Olga Ilyinskaya a positive heroine. Characteristics of Olga Ilyinskaya (with a plan)


Like a beneficent ray of the east,
Why didn't you wake me up then?
I have your voice, intelligible to the heart,
And did not renew the fallen forces?

Yakov Polonsky "Woman". 1859

At the beginning of the lesson, a musical fragment from Vicenzo Bellini's opera "Norma" Casta diva (The Most Pure Virgin) sounds.

A truly positive heroine of the work is Olga Ilyinskaya. This living face taken from life. One of her prototypes is Ekaterina Maykova, who was passionate about the writer and who was the closest person to him in the 50s. Another prototype of Olga was also found: it was Elizaveta Vasilievna Tolstaya. Passion for her and Goncharov's feelings in connection with her marriage were reflected in the writer's letters.


What is your impression of Olga, how is her image created?

Student responses

teacher's word

According to a long - still pre-revolutionary - critical tradition, it is customary to open the literary pedigree of Russian “new” women since Olga Ilyinskaya. It would seem that the “new” in the content of this image is a feature that is difficult to prove. It does not manifest itself either in the social views of the heroine (by the way, we don’t know anything about them), or in her external appearance and manners.

And yet Olga is “new”, in the deepest and most distinct sense of the word, although her newness is spontaneous, almost not realized by her bearer.

In Olga Ilinskaya Goncharov embodied the best properties of an advanced Russian woman of the 50s of the XIX century.


What do we learn from the novel about Olga Ilyinskaya? Let's start with portraiture.


Part II, Ch. V, pp. 210–211, 213–214; 292–293*

The portrait of Ilyinskaya is made up of numerous details that depict a person of extraordinary simplicity, naturalness, depicting a woman devoid of affectation, coquetry, lies and tinsel. Then she laughs loudly, sincerely and contagiously; sometimes he sings beautifully his favorite aria of Norma "Castadiva"; now she smiles so that a smile illuminates her eyes and spreads over her cheeks, then she looks intently and with curiosity at Oblomov, who begins to think if his nose is dirty, if his tie is untied.

Goncharov does not endow Olga with the features of a beauty, but notes that "if she were turned into a statue, she would be a statue of grace and harmony." He manages to convey the image of a sensitive, spiritually gifted girl with a harmony of mind, will and heart.

The author gives and speech characteristic Olga. “Her speech sometimes sparkles with a spark of sarcasm, but there shines such grace, such a meek sweet mind that everyone will gladly turn their foreheads.” Olga's language is witty, but free from wise maxims, from overheard or deducted judgments about life, literature, art. Everything is natural in it, there is no external drawing.


What is the nature of the relationship between Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya (analysis of the scene with a lilac branch)? Tell us how these feelings were born.


Page 215, 220–221, 224

Explanation with Olga. Page 230–234 and 241. (Read by role, or show a video clip from the film “A Few Days in the Life of Oblomov”).

The plot of the relationship between the two heroes is fanned with amazing poetry. The writer reveals all the nuances of the complex love feeling: timidity, embarrassment, doubt, a subtle hint speaks unusually much to those who love, especially the fragrant branch of lilac, embodying the flowering of feelings and its poetic aroma.


Did Olga Oblomov love?


Part II, Ch. IX, p. 267

Olga responds to Ilya Ilyich's suddenly flashed feeling, who saw in her the embodiment of his ideal. In Olga, a desire arises to resurrect a person who is interesting to her, albeit a weak-willed person: “She will show him the goal, make him fall in love again with everything that he has stopped loving.” She sincerely loves Oblomov, reaches out to him: a special meaning, probably, is that her surname itself is a derivative of the name Ilya.


What episodes of the novel indicate that Olga Ilyinskaya undertook to re-educate Oblomov?


Part II, Ch. VI, p. 227

The rationalism of Olga's behavior comes through in the episode when she makes Oblomov climb the mountain.


Retell this episode. (Part II, ch. IX, pp. 262–263)


On a hot summer afternoon, Oblomov comes to a date scheduled in the vicinity of the dacha, but does not find Olga on the spot. For some time he tramples at the foot of the mountain and only then discovers Olga on its top. With great difficulty, with respite, Ilya Ilyich climbs the mountain, not suspecting that the obstacle is provided by the girl. The mountain is a kind of symbol in the novel.

In a seemingly harmless prank, there is much more "emancipation" than in smoking cigarettes, short haircut and attending courses in physiology.


How does Oblomov change thanks to Olga?


The result of the first meeting with Olga is Oblomov's order to wipe his windows and brush away the cobwebs (p. 234). After the second meeting, he feels a surge of spiritual strength. The third meeting and intense perception of the girl's singing gives rise to the first declaration of love. Page 261.


Why did the heroes break up?


The harbinger of parting was Oblomov's first letter to Olga (pp. 274–277).

From Oblomov's letter, Olga realized that Oblomov was afraid of visible changes in his life. She understands for herself that she expected the impossible from Ilya Ilyich, that she fell in love only with the future Oblomov, her dream of him. It turned out that the quiet, carefree and sleepy state of Ilya Ilyich is more precious than wonderful dates. P.286.


Did Olga find her happiness by marrying Stolz?


Part III, Ch. III

Stolz partly "embodied her ideal of male perfection." It would seem that the search for her was crowned happy ending: she is granted a constant feeling of movement, seething energy comfort. But her union with Stolz and the surrounding prosperity cannot satisfy the eternally searching Olga. She listened to herself and felt that her soul was asking for something else, “yearning, as if she had not had enough of a happy life, as if she was tired of it and demanded more new, unprecedented phenomena, looked further ahead.”

Stolz's ideological limitations and naked practicality, his humility in front of "rebellious questions" and stopping in search of the meaning of life cannot satisfy her. There is nothing bourgeois in it, it is attracted to significant deeds and struggles that have a universal meaning. It is no coincidence that Stolz “watched with surprise and anxiety how her mind demands daily bread, how her soul does not stop, everything asks for experience and life.” He is frightened by the volcanic fire of Olga's nature.

Such is this captivating image, created by the talent of Goncharov and taking its special significant place in the best creatures Russian literature.

The relationship between Oblomov and Olga develops in two ways: a beautiful poem of nascent and flourishing love turns out to be at the same time a trivial story of “temptation”, the instrument of which is destined to be the beloved of Ilya Ilyich. It is characteristic that Olga, no matter how much her heart is filled with a reciprocal feeling for Oblomov, never almost forgets about her role as an “enlightener”. She really likes to be aware of herself in a similar role: is it a joke, she, a woman, leads a man! What kind of power has been communicated to her, what kind of power is this?! How can one not be proud, how not to spin a glorious head! ..

In love collisions, the woman often takes the first active step. However, Olga undertakes it in such a way that it immediately sharply pushes her beyond the traditional series. To fall in love in order to re-educate, to fall in love "out of ideological considerations" - in such an attitude there is something unheard of, which has no analogies.


Igor Kuznetsov. Great worker. // Goncharov I.A. Oblomov / A book for students and teachers. Moscow: Ast Olymp, 1997.

Yu.M. Loshits. Goncharov / Series: Life wonderful people. Moscow: Young Guard, 1977

* The text is quoted from the book: Goncharov I.A. Oblomov / A book for students and teachers. Moscow: Ast Olymp, 1997.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya, the heroes of Goncharov's novel Oblomov, understand the meaning of life, love, family happiness in different ways.
Oblomov was born in Oblomovka - a “blessed” corner of the earth. He was brought up by nature, the care and affection of his mother, the fairy tales of his nanny, which later became his dreams. Oblomov - Difficult person. He didn't love social life, believed that in this pursuit of a career and money, a person is lost.
“What am I more guilty than they are, lying at home and not infecting my head with triplets and jacks?” Ilya Ilyich asked Stolz. And lying down he dreamed. Sometimes imagining himself as some kind of liberator that everyone worships, sometimes thinking about quiet family happiness with his wife, children and friends.
Having met and fell in love with Olga, Oblomov gave her all his “I”. “He gets up at seven o'clock, reads, carries books somewhere. On the face of no sleep, no fatigue, no boredom. Even colors appeared on him, a sparkle in his eyes, something like courage, or at least self-confidence. You can’t see a robe on him.” He was afraid to cause her inconvenience, idolized her.
But what about Olga? How did she manage to “wake up” Oblomov? Having agreed with Stolz, she took the life of Ilya Ilyich into her own hands. On the one hand, she liked him. In general, Oblomov’s “pigeon tenderness” attracted people, he was an interesting conversationalist, without even knowing latest gossip without reading "fashionable" books. But, on the other hand, she liked the very idea that it was she, a young and inexperienced girl, who would bring back to life such a person as Oblomov. “She will show him the goal, make him fall in love again with everything that he fell out of love with, and Stolz will not recognize him when he returns. And all this miracle will be done by her, so timid, silent, whom no one has obeyed until now, who has not yet begun to live! She is the culprit of such a transformation!”
Oblomov in love was sincere, noble. Knowing himself, Olga’s inexperience, he writes a letter, and opens her eyes to a mistake, asks her not to make it: “Your real love is not to eat real love, but the future one. This is only an unconscious need to love ... ”But Olga, changing the meaning of the letter, speaks of Oblomov’s fear of misfortune. She does not deny that anyone can fall out of love or fall in love with another person; she is incapable of following a man if there is a risk in doing so. In confirmation of these words, Olga throws Oblomov, realizing that his “awakening” is temporary, that she cannot withstand the “Oblomovism”.
In relations with Oblomov, Olga was, as it were, the head. Having chosen Stolz, she tries to find equal husband or, even worse for Olga, a husband trying to subdue her. At first, Olga finds happiness in the person of Stolz, but as they get to know each other, she begins to understand that there is nothing special in life with him, that she is the same as everyone else.
How does Stolz react to this? This young man undoubtedly resembles his father, who tried to make him a man who understands not feelings, but deeds. Stolz lives by reason, not demanding anything supernatural from life. “He walked firmly, cheerfully; lived on a budget, trying to spend every day, like every ruble ... ”
All the time he sees in Olga a child whom he amuses and teaches. But she is changing, and, trying to understand what is now the meaning of life for her, Stolz falls in love with Olga.
Having learned about the affair with Oblomov, he sighs with relief: “My God, if I knew that it was about Oblomov, would I suffer like that!”
By marrying Olga, Stoltz finds happiness. Now he has everything. But Olga is getting more and more disappointed every day. She knows that there will be nothing new, and more and more often she indulges in memories of Oblomov. Olga asks herself: “Have you already completed the circle of life?” Life goals Stolz have limits, and, having learned about the torment of his wife, he answers her: “We are not Titans with you ... we will not go ... to a daring fight against rebellious issues, we will not accept their challenge, bow our heads and humbly survive Hard time...”
Oblomov, on the other hand, finds happiness in the house of Agafya Matveevna, which has become for him a second Oblomovka. He is ashamed of such a life, he understands that he lived it in vain, but it is too late to change anything.
The love of Oblomov and Olga was doomed from the very beginning.
Oblomov's feelings were sincere, and in Olga's feelings a consistent calculation was visible. Olga tried to change Ilya Ilyich, but he needed a different feeling that connected him with his beloved Oblomovka, where the meaning of life fits into thoughts about food, about sleep, in idle conversations. He needed care, warmth, demanding nothing in return, and therefore he became attached to his mistress as to a dream come true about returning.
Although Oblomov is the first to understand the dissimilarity of their characters, it is Olga who breaks the relationship between them. IN last conversation Olga tells Ilya Ilyich that she loved the future Oblomov. Assessing the relationship between Oblomov and Olga, Dobrolyubov wrote: “Olga left Oblomov when she stopped believing in him; she will leave Stolz too, if she stops believing in him.”

"Stolz and Oblomov" - Oblomov and Stolz.

"Oblomov in Goncharov's novel" - The image of Olga Ilyinskaya is the creative success of I.A. Goncharov. In 1849 the first part of the novel was written. Oblomov's love story. As a child, Ilyusha Oblomov was a lively and inquisitive child. Oblomov's dream. Oblomov and Stolz. The biggest changes happen to Olga after meeting with Oblomov. The second and third parts are devoted to the love story of Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya.

"Roman Goncharov Oblomov" - -Large in volume epic work, literary genre. « Noble Nest» Turgenev I.S. 1859. IN " Domestic notes”The novel “Oblomov” was published. Secret Committee on Peasant Affairs. Grigoriev A.A. 1859 1868 1869 1869 1872 1878 1879 1889 Service in the Ministry of Finance. The novel "Oblomov".

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"Oblomov Goncharov" - Episode analysis plan. Room (interior). Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. A. V. Druzhinin, liberal critic. ordinary story(1844 - 1846). Precipice (1868). The novel "Oblomov". Contemporaries about the novel "Oblomov". Article "Oblomov", Goncharov's novel". During 1958, work was underway on the novel. N. A. Dobrolyubov.

"Oblomov" - Read chapters 5 - 6 and tell about Oblomov according to the plan: I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Portrait as a means of creating an image. What is a portrait? Love story. Materials for lessons. Olga Ilinskaya and Ilya Oblomov. See how the portrait reflects the characters. Analysis of the episode "Oblomov's Dream" (Chapter 9). Identify the similarities and differences between Oblomov and Stolz and fill in the table.

In total there are 8 presentations in the topic

Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya - from the series portraits of women Goncharova, nature is bright and memorable. Bringing Olga closer to Oblomov, Goncharov set himself two tasks, each of which is important in itself. Firstly, the author in his work sought to show the sensations that the presence of a young, pretty woman awakens. Secondly, he wanted to present in a possibly complete essay the female personality itself, capable of the moral re-creation of a man.

Fallen, exhausted, but still retaining many human feelings.

The beneficial influence of Olga soon affected Oblomov: on the very first day of their acquaintance, Oblomov hated both the terrible mess that reigned in his room and the sleepy lying on the sofa on which he clothed himself. Little by little, going into new life indicated by Olga, Oblomov submitted to a completely beloved woman who guessed in him pure heart, a clear, albeit inactive mind and striving to awaken his spiritual powers. He began not only to re-read books that had previously been lying around without any attention, but also to briefly convey their contents to the inquisitive Olga.

How did Olga manage to make such a revolution in Oblomov? To answer this question, it is necessary to refer to the characteristics of Olga.

What kind of person was Olga Ilyinskaya? First of all, it is necessary to note the independence of her nature and the originality of her mind, which were the result of the fact that she lost her parents early, she went her own way. On this basis, Olga's inquisitiveness also developed, striking those people with whom her fate confronted. Seized by a burning need to know as much as possible, Olga realizes the superficiality of her education and bitterly speaks about the fact that women are not given an education. In these words, one can already feel a woman of the new time, striving to catch up with men in terms of education.

The ideological nature makes Olga related to Turgenev's female characters. Life for Olga is a duty and a duty. On the basis of such an attitude to life, her love for Oblomov also grew, whom, not without the influence of Stolz, she set out to save from the prospect of mentally sinking and plunging into the mire of a near existence. Her break with Oblomov is also ideological, which she decided only when she was convinced that Oblomov would never be revived. In the same way, the dissatisfaction that at times covers Olga’s soul after her marriage stems from the same bright source: this is nothing more than a longing for an ideological cause, which the prudent and judicious Stolz could not give her.

But disappointment will never lead Olga to laziness and apathy. To do this, she has enough strong will. Olga is characterized by determination, which allows her not to reckon with any obstacles in order to revive her loved one to a new life. And the same willpower came to her aid when she saw that she could not revive Oblomov. She decided to break with Oblomov and coped with her heart, no matter how much it cost her, no matter how difficult it was to tear love out of her heart.

As mentioned earlier, Olga is a woman of the new time. Goncharov quite clearly expressed the need for such a type of women that existed at that time.

Plan of the article "Characteristics of Olga Ilyinskaya"

Main part. Olga's character
a) Mind:
- independence,
- thoughtfulness
- curiosity
- ideological
- an uplifting outlook on life.

b) Heart:
- love for Oblomov,
- breaking up with him
- dissatisfaction
- disappointment.

c) Will:
- decisiveness
- hardness.

Conclusion. Olga, as a type of new woman.

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