The last conversation between Pierre and Andrei. Spiritual quest of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov


With the stability of many character traits, beliefs, feelings of Bolkonsky (patriotism, fidelity to duty, civic activism, a heightened interest in general philosophical, moral issues), with a rationalistic warehouse of his nature, he is not devoid of, albeit restrained, emotionality, which was most fully expressed in friendship and love, and at first - in the desire for fame, organically combined with the desire to act, to be useful. “Prince Andrei was one of those rare officers in the headquarters who believed his main interest in the general course of military affairs.

In Brunn, having learned that Vienna has been taken by the French, he urgently goes to the army in danger: "I'm going to save the army." He is guided by a feeling of offended Russian pride, the hope of glory, the readiness to die. "I will do it as well as others." Before the battle of Shengraben, Bolkonsky dreams of a feat, of the glory of a Napoleonic scale: “It has begun! Here it is!.. How will my Toulon be expressed? But, having accomplished a feat (remains on the uncovered battery of Captain Tushin, whose actions ensured the success of the battle), Bolkonsky, reporting on the course of the battle and Tushin's heroism, leaves himself in the shadows. Before the Battle of Austerlitz, the need for glory reaches its peak at Bolkonsky: “Tomorrow ... I will finally have to show everything that I can do”; he is looking forward to the happy moment of his Toulon, looking forward to doing everything for him alone, dreaming of fame, fame, love of people, triumph over them.

And this "happy moment" of a kind of ceremonial heroism comes: he rushes forward with the banner, dragging the battalion with him. But then - a severe wound, and insight comes, an understanding of the insignificance of such a dream in comparison with eternal values, personified in the image of the high sky. "Here beautiful death!" - says Napoleon, stopping his horse near the wounded Bolkonsky. And this idol of many goes out in comparison with the high, fair, kind sky. Napoleon now seems to Bolkonsky a little man, bringing evil and injustice to the world. 3

Thus ends this stage of uneven, dramatic way searches of Bolkonsky. The next stage - after his recovery and the death of his wife, who brought an acute sense of guilt before her - was marked by an effective relief of the situation of the peasants on their estates: he lists some as free cultivators, and replaces the corvée with quitrent with others. But even this “one of the first examples in Russia” does not bring satisfaction to Bolkonsky, since the peasants greet innovations with distrust.

The attempt to join Speransky's reform activities does not satisfy him either. And in this case, Bolkonsky will not avoid illusions. It seemed to him that Alexander I was taking steps towards state transformation, limiting his power. But upon closer examination, he notices that the intentions of Speransky and others to legally change the court, administrative, financial orders in Russia are not real, just like the project to free the peasants, update the military charter, establish new "Rights of Persons", etc. The crisis experienced by Bolkonsky at this stage is replaced, albeit not for long, by a “recovery”, a return to life.

This entails attention to nature (the night in Otradnoye, the oak tree blossomed, it was withered), love for Natasha Rostova. But love is also dramatic for him. High morality, heightened sense dignity and rationalism, maximalism of demands on others and on himself "prevented" him both from predicting the possibility of a catastrophe (a long separation is not for Natasha, who is acutely experiencing a feeling of love), and from forgiving betrayal (and even with such an unworthy person as Anatole Kuragin).

The gap for Bolkonsky - a man of honor and duty - seemed the only way out, despite the misfortune deeply realized by him. At the last round of life, Prince Andrei is a participant Patriotic War 1812. After a break with Natasha, he decides to serve in the army, but not at the headquarters, but as a regimental commander. “In the regiment they called him “our prince”, they were proud of him and loved him.” He refused the opportunity to be with the person of the sovereign or commander-in-chief Kutuzov. “I got used to the regiment, fell in love with the officers, and people seem to love me. I would be sorry to leave the regiment. Kutuzov agrees to these words: "I know your road is the road of honor."

On the eve of the battle of Borodino, Bolkonsky begins to overcome the class view of the people; he puts himself on a par with him.

The success of the Battle of Borodino "depends on the feeling that is in me, in him officer Timokhin, in every soldier." Death overtook Andrei Bolkonsky on the outskirts of victory, precisely when he was taking the first steps towards rapprochement with the people, when his belated reconciliation with Natasha Rostova took place. In the dramatic unfulfilled personal happiness and oppositional civil activity - a kind of echo tragic fate Decembrists.

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    In 1867, Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy completed work on the work "War and Peace". Speaking about his novel, Tolstoy admitted that in "War and Peace" he "loved the thought of the people." The author poetizes simplicity, kindness, morality...

    Tolstoy's attitude towards Andrei is very complex, along with many positive qualities there is something in Prince Andrei that makes the reader think about his future fate. The scene of the prince's departure to the war of 1805 confirms this. First, the prince...

    The novel "War and Peace" - greatest work world literature. It was created from 1863 to 1869. The novel has over 600 actors. The fate of the heroes can be traced for 15 years in peaceful conditions and in times of war. And although Tolstoy is precisely peaceful ...

battle of Borodinoclimactic episode of Tolstoy's entire multi-volume novel "War and Peace". It was this battle that revealed what, according to the writer, helped the Russian people defeat Napoleon. It was in the description of Borodino that Tolstoy's point of view on the war in general, on the course of history, its driving forces.
The conversation between the two favorite characters of the writer - Pierre Bezukhov and Andrey Bolkonsky - precedes the battle of Borodino and places some accents in covering the theme of war, violence, the issue of victory or defeat in the novel.
Prince Andrei on the evening of August 24, the day before the Battle of Borodino, meets Bezukhov at the location of his regiment. We remember that Pierre decided to join the Russian troops in order to be at the center of events, to be involved in the great things that were happening around. Therefore, Bezukhov was also among the Russian troops.
But Bolkonsky, seeing his old friend, to whom he felt sincere affection, was not at all happy. Furthermore, he was uncomfortable with the appearance of Pierre: he reminded him of Moscow and everything that happened in the life of Prince Andrei in Lately. That is why the hero met Pierre so unfriendly and did not want to talk with him alone.
The first half of the conversation between the two friends took place in the presence of several other officers, among whom was Captain Timokhin. Certainly, general conversation revolved around the war with Napoleon, the upcoming battle, the appointment of Kutuzov to the post of commander in chief. In the presence of Pierre, this completely non-military man, who seemed completely superfluous in such an environment, the officers felt constrained. The timid and shy captain Timokhin spoke mostly.
The conversation touched upon the appointment of Kutuzov and the removal of Barclay de Tolly. Prince Andrei was very pleased with such a reshuffle, just like other officers. Already here the theme of patriotism begins to sound, that hidden love for the motherland that lives in every Russian person. And if Barclay acts with his mind and does not worry with all his being about the outcome of the battle, then Kutuzov, perhaps, is not such a skillful commander, with all his heart with his people, country, soldiers. That is why the advantage is on his side.
This episode reveals Tolstoy's view of the forces that influence the course of hostilities. If Pierre looks at the war only from the point of view of a theoretician and an outsider, then Bolkonsky sees it from the inside. He perfectly understands that the outcome of the battle cannot be calculated, because “in war, one battalion is sometimes stronger than a division, and sometimes weaker than a company. The relative strength of the troops cannot be known to anyone.” What determines success in war? According to Prince Andrei, exclusively “from the feeling that is in me, in him,” he pointed to Timokhin, “in every soldier.”
Bolkonsky cites the battle of Austerlitz as an example. He believes that the Russians were defeated there because they did not tune in properly, did not give themselves the opportunity to win. This happened because they had nothing to fight for, the Russian people did not feel a vested interest in the victory at Austerlitz. Now everything is different. And it is from ordinary ordinary soldiers that the outcome of the battle will depend.
According to Prince Andrei, the military commanders can in no way change or influence the outcome of the battle. All their fuss and preparations are nothing more than "fun", "childishness", according to the hero. Moreover, with their fuss, they only interfere with the general course of affairs, because they are only occupied with themselves and their interests. The leadership, for the most part, seeks to benefit for themselves, to get an extra cross or praise from the emperor. Other than that, few people are interested.
In contrast, the common people understand the significance of the upcoming battle. Timokhin says that his soldiers even refused to drink vodka - "not such a day, they say."
When friends were left alone, Bolkonsky expressed confidence that the upcoming battle would be won. Between these heroes began a warmer and straight Talk. In it, Prince Andrei expressed his true attitude to war (here his thoughts are close to those of Tolstoy himself). This hero considers war to be a dirty and bloody affair. Therefore, it needs to be “engaged” seriously, and not played, as people like to do.
For some reason, the military estate is considered one of the most respected in society. And if you figure it out, then why respect people who consider it their business to kill innocent people, bloodshed? According to Tolstoy, people are too easy and careless about war, any trifle can serve as a pretext for it. But this is fundamentally wrong. Prince Andrei begins to think seriously about this, and Pierre agrees with him.
It is important that the characters feel that this meeting is their last. So, however, it happened. Everyone left after this conversation with their thoughts, reflections, in anticipation of important event which they were to witness.
So this episode plays important role in the novel. From it we learn the concept of the writer himself regarding the war in general, the forces that influence victory, etc. In addition, the thoughts that sound from the lips of Bolkonsky and Bezukhov characterize them as truly Russian people, in critical moment found together with their homeland.

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Analysis of the episode “The Conversation of Prince Andrei with Pierre before the Battle of Borodino” (L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”)

Strange as it may seem, there is a certain schematicity in the composition of Tolstoy's novel. In particular, one of the compositional foundations of the novel, a kind of backbone of the plot, is the meeting of two friends - Prince Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov. Moreover, the life paths of these two main characters and their intersection can be easily depicted mathematically using sinusoids, in which the events that cause the spiritual uplift of each of the characters will alternate successively and fairly evenly with moments of spiritual crises. Moreover, each new meeting of friends takes place at the moment when one of the heroes is at the top of the spiritual uplift (the top of the sinusoid), and the other is at the very bottom of the crisis (the base of the sinusoid); and with new meeting each time, each begins to move in the opposite direction - for one from the rise to the crisis, for the other from the crisis to the rise.

The first meeting of friends in the novel is in the Scherer salon. At this moment, Pierre is in a state of inspiration, full of new hopes, and Bolkonsky, in Onegin's way, is disappointed in the world and is deeply bored. Mutual influence during communication, spiritual searches and vicissitudes of fate after this meeting slowly and surely lead Pierre to disappointment and mistakes, and Andrey to hopes. Pierre has revelry in St. Petersburg up to his expulsion from the city, rapprochement with Helen, marriage, a story with Dolokhov and - complete devastation after a duel with him. Andrei has the birth and development of a patriotic and at the same time ambitious desire to save the Russian army in Europe, farewell to his father, Schöngraben and Austerlitz, and, finally, the pinnacle of philosophical discovery during this period of his life - the endless Austerlitz sky with a small and insignificant recent idol Napoleon against the great background of this the sky is a symbol of eternity and immortality.

Another meeting is on the ferry. Pierre came to her through desolation and the ensuing devastation meeting with a Freemason and fascination with Freemasonry. At the moment of conversation with Prince Andrei, Pierre is again at the top of hopes, faith and creative upsurge. Andrey, after being disappointed in a recent idol, goes through another severe shock - the death of his wife - and by the time of the conversation on the ferry, he is extremely disappointed and withdrawn in his secular and selfish pessimism. And again, “mutual infection” occurs, and after this meeting, Andrei begins another rise, associated with rapprochement with Natasha and work in the Speransky commission, and Pierre has another decline caused by disappointment in Freemasonry and moving away from it.

The next highest point on the path of Prince Andrei's search (the new peak of the sinusoid) will be at the moment of his explanation with Natasha, but Natasha's betrayal will lead to another rapid fall into the abyss of skepticism and disappointment. At the same time, Pierre - again exactly the opposite - has a path to rise: rapprochement with Natasha, love for her. The highest point of ascent is a speech in the Nobility Assembly.

In 1812, friends meet before the Battle of Borodino. Now Pierre is in a gloomy mood, he is looking for and cannot find himself in any way, and Prince Andrei is again driven by patriotism and an already more mature understanding that the success of battles depends on the spirit of the people, and not on the number of troops, their location or the skill of commanders. Now the patriotism of Prince Andrei, in contrast to the state on the eve of Schöngraben and Austerlitz, is cleansed of the admixture of vanity and therefore, according to Tolstoy, has become true.

As a result of the search, both heroes reach the heights of their search. But these peaks are completely different. Prince Andrey will go through physical suffering, spiritual enlightenment from the forgiveness of Kuragin and Natasha and rise above earthly existence, having comprehended the highest gospel truth of love for all through physical death. Pierre will go through Borodino, Moscow occupied by the French, captivity, shocks from an imminent execution, acquaintance with Platon Karataev and open the highest earthly truth- the truth of serving the people. Prince Andrei finds the highest truth of being, and Pierre finds the highest earthly truth.

Why does Tolstoy bring one of his most beloved heroes to death? After the happiness of the discovery by Prince Andrei of the highest unearthly truth, it is no longer possible to live on earth. Unlike Bulgakov's master, Bolkonsky goes into the light, and not into peace, and there is no way back from the light to the sinful earth. Which of the two happiness - the happiness of Bolkonsky or the happiness of Bezukhov - does Tolstoy prefer? It is impossible to answer this question precisely, but, in all likelihood, Tolstoy seems to be telling the reader that each worthy person deserves his happiness - earthly or unearthly.

The description of the spiritual quest of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov in the novel "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy is given a lot of space. The multifaceted content of the work made it possible to define its genre as an epic novel. It reflects important historical events, the fate of people of different classes throughout whole era. Along with global issues, the writer gives great attention experiences, victories and defeats of favorite heroes. Watching their fate, the reader learns to analyze their actions, achieve their goals, and choose the right path.

The life path of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov is difficult and thorny. Their fates help convey to the reader one of the main ideas of the story. L. N. Tolstoy believes that in order to be truly honest, one must “torn, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and quit and start again, and always fight and lose.” That's what friends do. The painful searches of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov are aimed at finding the meaning of their existence.

The path to yourself Andrei Bolkonsky

Andrei Bolkonsky is rich, handsome, married to a charming woman. What makes him quit successful career and a quiet secure life? Bolkonsky is trying to find his destiny.

At the beginning of the book, this is a man who dreams of fame, popular love and exploits. “I love nothing but glory, human love. Death, injury, loss of family, nothing scares me,” he says. His ideal is the great Napoleon. In order to resemble his idol, the proud and ambitious prince becomes a military man, performs feats. Insight comes suddenly. The wounded Andrei Bolkonsky, seeing the high sky of Austerlitz, realizes that his goals were empty and worthless.

Leaving the service and returning, Prince Andrei seeks to correct his mistakes. Evil fate decides otherwise. After the death of his wife, a period of depression and despondency begins in Bolkonsky's life. A conversation with Pierre makes him look at life differently.

Bolkonsky again strives to be useful not only to his family, but also to the Fatherland. Classes state affairs briefly captivate the hero. The meeting with Natasha Rostova opens one's eyes to the false nature of Speransky. The meaning of life is love for Natasha. Again dreams, again plans and again disappointment. Family pride did not allow Prince Andrei to forgive fatal mistake his future wife. The wedding was upset, hopes for happiness were dispelled.

Again, Bolkonsky settled in Bogucharovo, deciding to take up the upbringing of his son and the arrangement of his estate. The Patriotic War of 1812 awakened the best qualities in the hero. Love for the Motherland and hatred for the invaders make them return to the service and devote their lives to the Fatherland.

Finding the true meaning of your existence, main character becomes a different person. In his soul there is no more room for conceited thoughts and selfishness.

The simple happiness of Pierre Bezukhov

The path of searching for Bolkonsky and Bezukhov is described throughout the novel. The author does not immediately lead the characters to the cherished goal. Finding happiness was not easy for Pierre either.

The young Count Bezukhov, unlike his friend, is guided by the dictates of his heart in his actions.

In the first chapters of the work we have before us a naive, kind, frivolous young man. Weakness and gullibility make Pierre vulnerable, make him commit rash acts.

Pierre Bezukhov, like Andrei Bolkonsky, dreams of the future, admires Napoleon, tries to find his life path. Through trial and error, the hero achieves the desired goal.

One of the main misconceptions of the inexperienced Pierre was his marriage to the seductive Helen Kuragina. The deceived Pierre feels pain, resentment, annoyance as a result of this marriage. Having lost his family, having lost hope for personal happiness, Pierre tries to find himself in Freemasonry. He sincerely believes that vigorous activity will be useful to society. The ideas of brotherhood, equality, justice inspire young man. He is trying to bring them to life: he alleviates the fate of the peasants, orders the construction of free schools and hospitals. “And only now, when I ... try to live for others, only now I understand all the happiness of life,” he says to a friend. But his orders remain unfulfilled, the Masons brothers turn out to be deceitful and greedy.

In the novel War and Peace, Bolkonsky and Pierre constantly have to start all over again.

The turning point for Pierre Bezukhov comes with the outbreak of World War II. He, like Prince Bolkonsky, is inspired by patriotic ideas. With his own money he forms a regiment, is at the forefront during the Battle of Borodino.

Having decided to kill Napoleon, Pierre Bezukhov commits a series of frivolous acts and is captured by the French. Months spent in captivity completely change the count's outlook. Under the influence of a simple peasant Platon Karataev, he understands that the meaning of human life is to satisfy simple needs. “A person should be happy,” says Pierre, who has returned from captivity.

Having understood himself, Pierre Bezukhov began to better understand those around him. He unmistakably chooses the right path, acquires true love and family.

common goal

I would like to finish the essay on the topic “The Spiritual Searches of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov” with the words of the author: “Calmness is spiritual meanness.” Heroes dear to the writer do not know peace, are in search of the right life path. The desire to honestly and dignifiedly fulfill a duty and benefit society unites Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, makes them so different in character.

Artwork test

Pierre, after an explanation with his wife, goes to Petersburg. On the trip, he reflects on what life and death are, what power controls everything on earth. Stop at the station in Torzhok. Dark thoughts of Pierre. He thinks that he has a lot of money, but they do not give him happiness, peace of mind. Arrival at the station mason Bazdeeva. He was a squat, broad-boned, yellow, wrinkled old man with gray eyebrows and eyes of an incomprehensible color. Pierre wants to talk to Bazdeev, but he falls asleep. Pierre is irresistibly drawn to this mysterious man.

Bazdeev's conversation with Pierre. Bazdeev is the first to speak to Pierre, saying that he knows about the misfortune that has befallen him and the desire to help him. Pierre is interested in whether Bazdeev is a Mason, and is afraid that they have too different views on life, and therefore they will not understand each other. Pierre confesses that he does not believe in God. The Mason says that Pierre simply does not know him and is therefore unhappy. Bazdeev preaches Freemasonry. Pierre listens to this man and begins to believe, experiencing a joyful feeling of renewal and return to life. Pierre asks Bazdeev to help him, to teach him. The Mason advises Pierre, upon his arrival in St. Petersburg, to devote all his time to solitude, to discussing himself, and in no case to embark on the former path of life. Pierre firmly believed in the possibility of a brotherhood of people united by the goal of helping each other. This is how he now considered Freemasonry.

Pierre in Petersburg. His retreat and his reading of Masonic books. He does not know who delivered the book of Thomas a Kempis. The arrival of the Count of Villarsky. He informs Pierre that they want to accept him into the brotherhood of Masons ahead of time and he, Count of Villars, will be his guarantor. Before leaving, the count asks Pierre if he has renounced his former convictions and increased

did you dig at God. Pierre says yes. Trials of Pierre and the ceremony before joining the Masonic lodge. Pierre is warned that he must endure with courage whatever happens to him. The goals of Freemasonry are explained to him, which consist in the correction of mankind and the eradication of evil by any means. Pierre is then given the virtues of the Freemasons and told what he must now do to become a full member of the Freemasons. He must turn his attention to himself and look for the source of bliss in his heart.

Meeting Masonic Lodge about Pierre's entry into Freemasonry. Pierre suddenly finds doubt whether he is doing the right thing. But he is horrified by this feeling and again believes in brotherhood. Pierre is wearing the same white leather apron, as well as on others, they give a shovel and three pairs of gloves in their hands. Pierre listens to the charter of the brotherhood. Pierre sees only brothers in all these people. He wants to donate all the money he had to charity, but he is afraid to appear proud and gives as much as everyone else.

Arrival of Prince Vasily to Pierre to settle his break with Helen. Prince Vasily assures Pierre that Helen is innocent before him. He suggests that Pierre write to Helen to come and everything will be settled, otherwise, Vasily threatens, Pierre may suffer very much. Pierre feels that he cannot resist Vasily, but at the same time he understands that his whole life will depend on what he says now. future life. Pierre expels Prince Vasily. Pierre's departure to his estates. Freemasons give Pierre letters to the brothers in Odessa and Kiev, who will guide Pierre in his new life.

Condemnation of Pierre secular society for breaking up with his wife and welcoming Helen upon her return to St. Petersburg. Pierre was accused of being "a stupid jealous man, subject to the same fits of bloodthirsty rage as his father." Helen took such a position that the husband sent to her by God is her cross, and she will endure her misfortune without complaining. Evening of Anna Pavlovna Scherer at the end of 1806 Anna Pavlovna collected the cream of the real good society, where she "treated" everyone with Boris Drubetsky. Arrival for the evening of Boris Drubetskoy. His characteristic. He is now an adjutant to a very important person. He is not rich, but he spends all his money on being well dressed and riding in the best carriages. He approaches only those people who would be useful to him. He remembers Natasha and his childhood in her house with dislike and never goes there. Boris joined the society and told a lot of interesting things about the army, about the court, etc. Helen's attention to Boris's story. She invites Boris to visit her.

The story by Ippolit Kuragin of a joke about the Prussian king, in which there were the words: "We are fighting for the Prussian king in vain." Talk about awards. Debate over whether a snuffbox with a portrait is a reward. At the end of the evening, Helen once again invites Drubetskoy to her place. Rapprochement of Boris with Helen.

Chapter VIII.

The activities of the old prince Bolkonsky as commander-in-chief of the militia. He performs his duties strictly and even cruelly, going to every detail. The life of Prince Andrei after the campaign of 1805. Now he spends most of his time in Bogucharovo, part of the Bolkonsky estate, which his father assigned to him. He decides never to serve again and accepts a position under his father to raise the militia. Illness of little Nikolushka. The boy has been delirious for several days, and Prince Andrei and Princess Marya are trying by all means to cure him. Prince Andrei and Princess Mary in the nursery. Letter from the old prince to his son. He orders his son to ride to Korchevo for provisions.

Bilibin's letter to Prince Andrei about the 1806 campaign. He writes that Napoleon defeated the Prussians and settled in the Potsdam Palace. The Russians are involved in a war on their own border, and for the Prussian king. The Russians don't have a commander in chief. There are marauders who worsen the position of Russia. The crisis in the illness of Nikolushka and the joy of Prince Andrei. The crisis passed, although Bolkonsky was afraid that he would lose the boy. Prince Andrei decides that all that is left to him now is his son.

Pierre in Kyiv. He called all the managers of the estates and explained his intention to free the peasants from serfdom. Women and children will no longer be sent to work, punishments will not be corporal, but exhortations, hospitals, shelters, schools must be established. Pierre's budget. Pierre feels that he is now less rich than when he received the inheritance. His occupations with the chief of affairs. He did not have the tenacity that would allow him to get down to business, and therefore Pierre only pretends to be busy with business. The scattered life of Pierre in Kyiv. Many acquaintances were found in Kyiv, and Pierre's life again flows between evenings, balls, lunches, dinners. Pierre in the spring of 1807 travels around his estates. Pierre's manager, believing that the release of the peasants would only bring losses, suspended its implementation, but ordered only to build schools and hospitals and arrange meetings for Pierre. Pierre's meetings with the peasants, arranged by the chief administrator. The people in all the estates seemed to Pierre touching and grateful. Pierre's naive admiration for the good he has done for the peasants. Pierre did not know how hard life really is for the people.

Pierre in Bogucharov near Bolkonsky. Pierre is struck by the modesty of that little house where Prince Andrei now lives. His meeting with Prince Andrei. The change that has taken place with Prince Andrei also strikes Pie-

ra. He had an extinct, dead look, in which there was concentration and death, and to which Prince Andrei, no matter how hard he tried, could not give shine. A heartfelt conversation between Pierre and Andrei about the life and purpose of a person. Pierre says that he realized that happiness is to live for others. Prince Andrei objects that one must live for oneself, avoiding two evils: remorse and illness. It is necessary to live to death without interfering with anyone - such is the destiny of man. Pierre never wanted to agree with Bolkonsky.

Bolkonsky says that Pierre's thoughts are similar to those of Princess Marya, and wants to introduce them. The trip of Prince Andrei and Pierre to the Bald Mountains. Pierre expounds Freemasonry to Prince Andrew. He says that Freemasonry is not a sect, but "the best, the only expression of the best, eternal aspects of humanity." Conversation of friends on the ferry. Pierre tries to convince Andrei of the existence of God and eternal life. We must believe that we live not only now, but have always lived, and will live forever. "Yes, if it were so!" exclaims Bolkonsky. He did not understand that from this meeting on the ferry, a change began in him for the better that lived in him and about which he did not guess.

Chapter XIII.

Prince Andrei and Pierre in the Bald Mountains. On the back porch at their entrance, confusion occurs: “God's” people run out from there, who are received by Princess Marya. They take Pierre and Andrei for the old Prince Bolkonsky. Their visit to Princess Marya and a conversation with " God's people". Marya immediately treated Pierre well. Prince Andrei mockingly refers to the pilgrims, and Princess Marya protects them. The old woman talks about the radiance from the icon, and Pierre says that this is a hoax.

The story of a wanderer, the judgment of Princess Marya about Prince Andrei. She tells Pierre that she is afraid for Prince Andrei, who carries his grief inside, in himself. Asks Pierre to

he persuaded Bolkonsky to go abroad. He needs activity otherwise quiet life will destroy him. The arrival of the old prince. Pierre's dispute with the old prince. Pierre proves that the time will come when there will be no war. old prince disputes this opinion, but is not angry. Pierre's friendly relations with the entire Bolkonsky family. Everyone in this family fell in love with him, even little Nikolenka went to his knees. After Pierre's departure, everyone spoke only good things about him.

The return of Nikolai Rostov to the regiment. Already approaching the regiment, Rostov experiences the same feelings as when approaching home. The feeling of calming Rostov after entering into the usual conditions of regimental life. He felt that he was at home here, under his parents' roof. After losing to Dolokhov, Nikolai decides to serve well, to be an excellent comrade and officer, that is, a wonderful person. Parking lot of the Pavlograd regiment near Bartenstein. Hunger and disease of soldiers in the Pavlograd regiment. From them, the regiment lost almost half of the people. Soldiers eat masha's root. And in the spring, a disease begins among the soldiers, which manifests itself in swelling of the legs, arms and face. Doctors believe that the cause of everything is Mashkin's root. Friendship between Rostov and Denisov. Nikolai feels that such friendship is not last turn Denisov's unhappy love for Natasha helped. An episode of Nikolay saving an old Pole man and his daughter with a child from starvation. He brings the family to his apartment and provides until the old man recovers. Some comrades say that Rostov is cunning: under the guise of help, he lives with a polka. Rostov flares up, it comes almost to a duel. Rostov explains to Denisov that the polka is like a sister to him. Denisov exclaims: “What a stupid Rostov breed of yours,” implying, of course, Natasha’s attitude towards him as a brother.

Denisov and Rostov with their regiment at outposts. Officer dugout. Denisov by force beats off the transport of food intended for the infantry regiment from his own

Chapter XVII.

Truce between Russians and French after the Battle of Friedland. The trip of Nikolai Rostov to Denisov in the hospital. Nikolay's conversation with the doctor. The doctor does not let Rostov into the hospital, as there is typhus. Rostov asks about Denisov, the doctor says that he is dead, but still lets Rostov himself look for a friend, maybe he is alive. Rostov inspects the soldiers' chambers. A heavy impression of Rostov at the sight of the sick and wounded. Soldiers lie on the floor, on straw and overcoats, most of in oblivion. Those who were conscious look at Rostov with a request for help and with envy of someone else's health. Among the living were the dead, who did not have time to remove. Rostov quickly leaves from there.

Chapter XVIII.

Rostov in the officers' chambers. Meeting him with the wounded Tushin. Tushin's hand was cut off, but he accepts this event with the same humility. The position of Denisov's wound. Although the wound was small and was inflicted six weeks ago, it did not heal. Reading Denisov's answer to the boom

gu of the commission of inquiry on the case with food officials. In the middle of the reading, the lancer advises Denisov to ask for pardon from the sovereign. But Denisov at first resists, says that he did not steal. But in the end, Denisov decides to file a request through Rostov addressed to the sovereign for clemency.

Rostov's trip to Tilsit on the Denisov case. Tilsit meeting of Alexander I with Napoleon. Napoleon gives Emperor Alexander a hand, both of them hide in a tent. Boris Drubetskoy in the suite of the emperor. His career success. Boris is with the retinue of the sovereign, twice he travels with instructions to the sovereign himself, so that he knew him by sight. Boris becomes his own. Boris's friend Count Zhilinsky arranges a dinner for his French acquaintances. The arrival of Rostov to Boris during dinner. Rostov, like most people in the army, is not yet used to the fact that a truce has been concluded and the French are now friends. Boris and Zhilinsky are not very happy about the arrival of Rostov. Nikolai's conversation with Boris about the Denisov case. Boris twists and turns, it is clear that he does not want to take on Denisov's case. Rostov says that if he does not want to, then let him say so directly. Boris replies that he will help in any way he can.

Nikolai Rostov in civilian clothes wanders the streets of the city. His thoughts about the meeting with the sovereign and the submission of Denisov's letter to him. Nikolai thinks that Boris does not want to help him and that there is no need, everything is over between them, but Rostov will not leave until he decides with Denisov's letter. Now he will not miss the opportunity to approach the emperor himself, as was the case after Austerlitz. Rostov in the waiting room of the emperor. Nikolai Rostov's meeting with a familiar cavalry general and his request to hand over the letter. The general was the former chief of Rostov. In this campaign, he earned the special favor of the sovereign. The general takes Denisov's letter. Exit of Alexander I. Rostov's delight at the sight of the Tsar. The general says something to the emperor for a long time. The sovereign replies that he cannot, since the law is stronger than him.

Friendly meeting of the Russian and French emperors. Both emperors communicate with each other on equal terms. Napoleon awards the Transfiguration Soldier Lazarev with the Order of the Legion of Honor. The battalion of the French guards gives dinner to the Preobrazhensky battalion. Nicholas is tormented by strange thoughts about the futility of the war, in which so many people suffered. After all, now Napoleon is a friend of Alexander, he behaves arrogantly, he is respected and loved by the emperor. Nikolay's lunch in a tavern. Rostov's hot outburst about the officers' opinions about peace and about an alliance with the French. The officers in the tavern were unhappy with the world. Nikolai is indignant that the soldiers do not have the right to talk about the decisions of the sovereign. But the soldiers do not agree with Nikolai, they are ordered to cut down, they cut down, and it’s not their business to think.

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