The scariest picture in the world. The scariest picture


Most of XX passed in the wars. By the beginning of the new millennium, serious geopolitical changes had taken place in the world, the cold war, broke up Soviet Union followed by the world socialist system. It would seem that the intensity of passions around the issue of world leadership should have decreased, and if not stopped, then at least slowed down. This, unfortunately, did not happen.

Economy and army

War is the continuation of politics in conditions when diplomatic norms cease to operate. And attaches and plenipotentiaries feel much more confident if behind the tails of their tailcoats the threatening silhouettes of aircraft carriers, tanks, strategic bombers and intercontinental missiles are guessed.

What is the strongest army in the world? By what criteria can this be determined? In terms of the amount of the military budget, the number of military personnel, the availability of modern weapons or information saturation? For example, it is worth considering the four most significant armies in the world: American, Israeli, Chinese and Russian. They differ both in the principles of configuration, and in the number, and in the amount of funds consumed, representing unique models of the armed forces.

U.S. Army

The defeat of the command-administrative system in the field of production and distribution of vital wealth caused a certain euphoria in the camp of the winners. The immediate conclusion was that if economically the free market countries are stronger, then militarily superiority is indisputable, as is the assertion that the strongest army in the world is the American one.

In terms of the size of the US military budget - the world leader. The Pentagon's annual disbursements are astronomical, approaching $700 billion. This money is enough to ensure that five types of troops (Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and the army itself) constantly receive the most amazing weapons that are ahead of time and are at a fantastic technical level. At least, this is how the situation looks, according to the media (of course, American). In practice, things are not so rosy. After Hussein's impressive victory over Iraq and the "demonstrative beating" of Yugoslavia, the list of military victories somehow began to decline. In other words, none of the tasks set by the government and the president, the US armed forces could not perform. Afghanistan, Libya and Syria are actually controlled by armed groups that are commonly called illegal. The most powerful army in the world is powerless in its confrontation with international terrorism. Instead of the notorious "pinpoint strikes", it causes damage to the civilian population, which causes increased resistance. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that it was precisely the solution of local problems that became a priority for the Pentagon after 1991.

American army problems

Over the past two decades, the level of training of personnel has decreased. Americans don't want to serve in the military, they don't like the pay and the risks the soldiers take. The most powerful military in the world today is largely composed of outsiders, foreigners willing to put on uniforms for the prospect of citizenship. The emphasis on technical superiority also affected physical training US military personnel.

Nevertheless, the American army remains strong, and its area of ​​​​responsibility still includes the entire Earth(this is how the Pentagon leaders understand their mission). The US fleet is the largest in the world (nearly 2,400 units), its nuclear potential is about the same as that of Russia (about 2,000 warheads), and its personnel numbers almost one and a half million people. There are numerous military bases abroad.

As for the latest models of military equipment, then, apparently, among them there are both successful ones and those that do not deserve such laudatory epithets. The military-industrial complex is interested in large orders, which dictates the requirements for weapons. They must be, firstly, large, secondly, look impressive, and thirdly, they simply have to be expensive. What any country can learn from the Americans is the ability to provide their soldiers with everything they need - from food and medicine to clothing and toilet paper. In matters of supply U.S. army- best army in the world.

Chinese folk

According to the tradition laid down back in the hot year of 1927 by Mao Zedong, the Chinese army is called the People's Liberation Army. She really led fighting against the Japanese invaders. The issue was resolved by itself after the successful offensive of the Soviet troops.

In 1950-1953, the PLA tried to liberate the southern part of the Korean Peninsula from the capitalists, but it did not succeed. There were also unsuccessful attacks on the USSR in 1969) and Vietnam (1979). Yes, even Tibet was liberated from the monks. At present, China has no foreign policy problems that require a military solution, except perhaps for the semi-recognized Taiwan and the Senkaku archipelago, but these issues have long passed into the category of diplomatic ones.

Chinese assets

The banners of the PLA are not covered with military glory. However, this does not prevent us from saying that, if not the most powerful army in the world, then at least it is a power that we have to reckon with. neighboring countries. The military budget is one hundred billion (translated into US dollars). Nuclear potential is approximately equal to French. In terms of the number of soldiers and officers, the Chinese army knows no equal (almost 2.3 million). There is also a militia (12 million people). Artillery - 25 thousand guns. Three-quarters of aviation consists of fighter planes, which indirectly indicates the defensive nature of the military doctrine. In the event of an attack on the PRC, the mobilization reserve is estimated at 300 million "bayonets". It can be assumed that no one will dare to attack China. This country has the strongest army in the world in terms of numbers.


Israel is a small country. There are, of course, smaller states, but they did not have to fight so much. The hostile environment time after time sought not only to harm Israel, but to destroy it. Position in modern conditions aggravated by short distances and, consequently, by the short flight time of ammunition delivery vehicles. The Tsakhal, of course, is not the most powerful army in the world, the country simply does not have enough economic potential and population to compare with China, the United States or Russia in terms of power and quantity of weapons, but the very fact of existence Jewish state speaks more eloquently than any statistics about the high efficiency of its defense system.

Jewish "chips"

In order to defeat a numerically superior enemy, special methods and techniques are needed. In the Middle East, these include:

The maximum possible military training of the population. Both men and women (unmarried) serve in the Tsakhal.

Powerful intelligence network. The special services, the main one of which is the Mossad, provide the country's leadership with detailed information about possible risks and inform them in a timely manner of the problems that have arisen.

The best possible samples of military equipment, both imported and produced in the country.

Ideological training, expressed in the education of the youth of the desire to protect their homeland.

unique organizational and management structure armed forces.

There is reason to believe that, even with their small numbers, the Tsahal today is the best army in the world. This is understood as the ability to quickly solve the tasks necessary to maintain the viability of the State of Israel.

Russian Armed Forces after the collapse of the USSR

After the collapse of the USSR for the former Soviet military came Hard times. Soldiers and officers of the Union, who knew from childhood that the strongest army in the world is ours, experienced a real shock in 1991. Facilities mass media insistently and intelligibly explained that Afghan war was conducted in vain, the Czechoslovak events of 1968 are criminal, the USSR lost the war with Finland, and the sanctity of the Victory itself is a big question. The moral crisis was accompanied by a material one. The monetary content of the Russian military in the conditions of a raging spontaneous market looked like a mockery. The first Chechen campaign revealed many systemic flaws. The place of the Russian army in the world could no longer be attributed to the leading ones. It seemed that the complete collapse of the armed forces was inevitable, followed by the disintegration of the federal state into separate principalities. But…

Russian army today

The crisis has been overcome. The country's leadership was able to maintain the basis of defense capability - a nuclear shield that protects against direct military pressure from outside.

However, new threats emerged in the form of numerous local conflicts. With a modest military budget of $56 billion (at comparable prices), Russia has outperformed all of its potential rivals in terms of efficiency in the use of funds. Military personnel receive a decent salary and are socially protected. A systematic modernization of the material part is being carried out. Even analysts who are unfriendly towards the Russian Federation are forced to admit that today Russian army- the strongest in the world, at least in terms of the tasks outlined for it. The criteria for such a high assessment are indicators such as mobility, communications, coordination of actions, good supply and high morale of the personnel. Local conflicts recent years, in which the Russian military took part, confirm the opinion of experts.

Unfortunately, the army gains experience in wars. A country, for a long time being in the world, often ceases to appreciate her protectors. But there is one more important aspect this question. Even the most combat-ready army in the world will be powerless if the task assigned to it is criminal or does not correspond to national interests. Successes show that we are all right with this.

There was a hotel in the city of N that was notorious. There was a red light above the door of one of her rooms. This meant that people were disappearing in the room.
One day a young man came to the hotel and asked for a lodging for the night. The director replied that there were no empty seats, except for that ill-fated room with a red light bulb. But the guy was not afraid and went to spend the night in this room. In the morning he was not in the room.
In the evening of the same day, another guy came, who had just served in the army. The director of the hotel gave him a place all in the same room. The guy was strange: he did not recognize mattresses and duvets and slept on the floor, wrapped in a blanket. In addition, he suffered from insomnia. She visited him that night too. It's already past eleven, it's time for twelve, and sleep doesn't come. It's past midnight!
Suddenly, under the bed, something clicked, rustled, and a Black hand appeared from under it. She co terrible force ripped the pillow and dragged it under the bed. The guy jumped up, dressed quickly and went to look for the director of the hotel. But he was not there. He was not at home either. Then the guy called the police and asked to urgently come to the hotel. The police began a thorough search. One of the police officers noticed that the bed was attached to the floor with special screws. Unscrewing the screws and moving the bed aside, the policemen saw a chest with a button on one of its walls. We pressed the button. The lid of the chest lifted sharply but inaudibly, and a black hand emerged from it. It was attached to a thick steel spring. The hand was cut off and sent for investigation. The chest was moved - and everyone saw a hole in the floor. We decided to go down there. There were seven doors in front of the police. They opened the first one and saw lifeless, bloodless corpses. They opened the second - there were skeletons. They opened the third - there is only skin. In the fourth, there were fresh corpses, from which blood flowed into the basins. In the fifth - people in white coats butchered corpses. We went into the sixth - people were standing along long tables and packing blood into bags. We went into the seventh - and were dumbfounded! On a high chair there sat the director of the hotel himself.
The director confessed to everything. At this time there was a war between the two states. As in any war, it was required a large number of donated blood. The director was connected with one of the states. He was offered for a huge sum to set up the production of such blood, and he agreed and developed a plan with a black hand.
The hotel was brought into divine form, a new director was appointed. The light bulb above the door of the ill-fated room was gone. The city now lives quietly and sees beautiful dreams at night.

Write. “Why write about me! But let's go to the museum, I'll show you." The museum is the one terrible room". Having overcome a difficult iron door We ended up in a small room. There were four large racks with many jars... with brains on top of each other, and the second had no brains or bones at all. scary consequences in children as a result of heroin intoxication: extra fingers on the hands hands, nonunion of the bones of the spine and skin lesions. Mutations also occur as a result of defeat by cosmic ...


That strange and even scary sounds, I was seriously frightened and shouted to my grandmother that, like, let's hide and what should I scary, and it felt like my grandmother was already used to this and was not afraid of anything, she just said not to pay attention ... and ran to the gate, my grandmother was standing there and talking to my aunt, I ran up in fright and began to say that there was some kind hand terrible, but they simply didn’t believe me, I asked my grandmother to take me to my bus, because in this house I can’t ...


Women with right side. I'm sitting on the edge. And then he sits next to me terrible dirty old woman on the left. She has no fingers hands. Something of food falls on the table (although I don’t remember what we would eat), she picks it up and eats it. And then hands starts stroking my legs, hands, I want to scream in horror, but I can’t, and so for some time ...


Nightmare before vacation

Right in the center. BUT! All the troubles are somehow not particularly annoying, I just note them to myself. And then a lizard bit me. brushes hands. Especially the right one. Very natural (when I woke up, I checked everything hands and rubbed them). After I grabbed him by the mouth (mouth like a crocodile), I don’t really remember why, maybe ...

" article Scary story about black hand 🙂 Where we suggest you "get scared" with the help of a small, but instructive story from the life of monsters.

Scary story about a black hand - a story for your attention:

A girl lived in a city. And they had a black phone. Mom warned the girl:

“Daughter, when I’m not there, don’t go to the black phone for anything!”

She said she went to work.

The girl was left alone. Sitting, doing homework. Suddenly the black phone rang. The girl remembered what her mother had said and did not answer the phone.

Then the black phone rang again - and again she didn't answer.

And the third time the girl forgot what her mother was talking about and picked up the phone. And heard scary voice:

“Girl, girl, the Black Hand is looking for your city.

The girl got scared and hung up. And then the broken radio spoke:

“Girl, girl, beware, the Black Hand has found your city, is looking for your street.

The girl is crying, she doesn't know what to do. The TV turned on by itself.

“Girl, girl, the Black Hand found your street, they are looking for your house.

The girl barricaded the door, sitting, shaking.

And then the phone rang again.

- General Molchanov Street, house 28 fraction 1, building 4, building two. Code 856, press simultaneously - the girl blurted out in fright.

Forty minutes later the phone rang again.

- Yes, house 28 fraction 1, building 4, building two. - The girl knew that it was not easy to find their house, so she was not very surprised.

Soon Ruka called back.

- Girl, look, it’s like here: first house 26, and then immediately 40.

- Are you at house 26?

“Oh, there’s a whole stop to us from there. You can drive up, on any.

- Can't you walk?

- Can. So this is how: go straight along the long house ...

- Yeah, I see.

- Then you turn right, into the archway and go straight until you hit the former "Sports Goods", then obliquely across the yard, past the garages ...

- Oh, girl, I'd better drive up. Wow, someone is coming...

There were no calls for an hour. The girl was worried and did not leave the phone. Finally, the hand called.

- Finally. Cross the road...

- You see the hardware store, and right behind it ...

- "Economic"? asked Ruka, and was silent for a long time. When she spoke, her voice was dead: - Girl, there is no "Economic" here. There is nothing here at all.

— What is there?

Some kind of field. And construction.

What is the name of the stop?

- Motor depot No. 60.

- Autobase? How did you get there? It's just behind the roundabout!

- Girl, I did as you said! One stop...

“So you probably got on the express train,” the girl guessed.

"Probably," Hand agreed despondently. “And what am I to do now?”

- Do not be nervous. Cross over to the other side and drive to the Hardware Store stop. And be sure to call from there. I'm waiting.

The phone was silent for a long time. "Where does she wear it?" the girl was worried. A friend called her, but the girl shouted that she could not borrow the phone, because she was waiting for an important call. The telephone rang.

“Girl,” said the Hand, “I am at the little red house. This is house 28 fraction 4. Where next?

The girl looked out the window. It was getting dark and the snow was starting to fall...

“Stay where you are,” said the girl, putting on her jacket. - I now ...

Then they sat in the kitchen and drank tea. The Black Hand was warming himself on the teapot.

"Well, I'll go," said the Hand, and got up.

- Why did they come? - asked the girl.

The hand is confused

- Yes, so ...

“Maybe I can accompany you?”

No thanks, I'll find it myself. It's hard the first time, but back...

The girl looked at her skeptically.

- Wait, I'll draw a plan for you now.

Black hand rules 🙂

September 8th, 2011

One of the strongest human emotions is fear. To some extent, through fear, children learn about the world and learn to interact with it. Therefore, it is not surprising that in childhood we were frightened by what now seems ridiculous and ridiculous. But, to be honest with myself, until now, some, at first glance, stupid and naive horror stories, cause an almost forgotten feeling of chill running down the back. So, let's remember ten popular children's horror stories told on dark evenings that kept us awake at night.

1. Queen of Spades

Probably, everyone tried to call the Queen of Spades in childhood, however, few people brought the matter to the end. Most were cowardly, and this is not surprising - even an adult can get through the story.

One day two girls tried to call queen of spades. They drew on the mirror (with soap) a house and stairs. A few seconds later, a black spot appeared, which climbed the steps to the house. The next day, the girls were found with cards in their hands (each girl had a card - it was the Queen of Spades). In fact, to destroy the Queen of Spades, you just need to erase the house from the mirror.

2. Coffin on wheels

Now even the very expression “coffin on wheels” seems ridiculous, but in childhood it was really scary.

There was a girl with her mother. One day she was left alone. And suddenly the radio broadcast:
- Girl, girl, the Coffin on Wheels left the cemetery, looking for your street. Hide.
The girl was frightened and didn't know what to do. She rushes around the apartment, wants to call her mother on the phone. And on the phone they say:
- Girl, girl, Coffin on Wheels found your street, he's looking for your house.
The girl is terribly frightened, locks all the locks, but does not run away from the house. Trembling. The radio broadcasts again:
- Girl, girl, the Coffin on Wheels found your home. Goes to the apartment!
And so on. In short, when mom comes home, she finds the girl lifeless. Only in the mouth there is one wheel of some kind.

3. Red gloves

This one is long and very scary tale could scare all the girls in the yard to a squeal. Mothers were surprised when their obedient children flatly refused to wear red gloves.

One girl went to the store to buy gloves. Her mother told her to buy any, only she didn’t buy red ones. When the girl saw red gloves in the store, she liked them and bought them. When she approached her house, she saw that it was on fire. The firemen arrived. And they couldn't put out the fire. Then suddenly a woman with a red face appeared from behind a tree. When they saw her, everyone got scared and ran away.

The girl was left alone. This woman said that she would be able to put out the house if the girl then fulfilled one of her requests. The girl agreed. The woman quickly put everything out. Then she told the girl to come to the cemetery at night and put her gloves on the grave in the center of the cemetery. The girl was very scared. But she was even more afraid of not following the order. She didn't know what to do. And she went to the cemetery and put her gloves in the center of the cemetery. Suddenly, a lid came off one of the graves, and this woman jumped out. She wanted to grab the girl's hand, but the girl ran. Then this woman screamed:
"You can't just get rid of me like that!" Your grandmother is dying!

The girl came home and saw that her grandmother had died. Then, when the grandmother was buried, the girl again met this woman in the cemetery. She again told her to come to the cemetery. The girl came and this red-faced woman with red gloves told her that she was going to die that night. The girl came home, went to bed and died. She was buried. She lies and suddenly sees that she is underground. She saw her mother and grandmother there and ran to them. And then suddenly noticed that they have red faces. And she, too, had a red face. Then they themselves began to come to people who bought red gloves.

4. Black piano

The piano has always evoked sacred horror in children. Someone was forced to play it, someone managed to drop the lid on his fingers, and someone was scared because the piano looked like a huge coffin. One way or another, there are many variations on the theme of the story of the black piano.

Once upon a time there was a family: mom, dad and a girl. The girl really wanted to learn how to play the piano, and her parents decided to buy it for her. They still had old grandmother who told them not to buy a black piano under any circumstances. Mom and dad went to the store, but they only sold black pianos, so they bought a black one. The next day, when all the adults had gone to work, the girl decided to play the piano. As soon as she pressed the first key, a skeleton crawled out of the piano and demanded a blood bank from her. The girl gave him blood, the skeleton drank it and climbed back into the piano. This went on for three days. On the fourth day, the girl fell ill. The doctors couldn't help because every day when everyone went to work, the skeleton came out of the piano and drank the girl's blood. Then the grandmother advised to break the black piano. Dad took an ax and began to chop and, together with the piano, cut down the skeleton. After that, the girl immediately recovered.

5. Blue curtains

Whatever the curtains were - and blue, and red, and green, and curtains in the skull - the children have a rich imagination. Moreover, in childhood, curtains of any color seem creepy, swaying, maybe from a draft, or maybe from the fact that a terrible monster hid behind them.

The girl was playing with her friends on the street. A woman came up to her and said:
- Never buy blue curtains. They bring grief.
The girl laughed and ran away.
The next day, the girl and her grandmother went to the store, the grandmother really liked the blue curtains. The girl forgot about the ban, and they bought these curtains. When they hung the curtains in the bedroom, everyone saw a small black spot on them. Grandma tried to wash it off. And in the night there was a scream. Grandmother was dead and had black fingerprints on her neck.
The girl called the police. The police ambushed the apartment. Night has come. The girl, trembling with fear, went into her grandmother's bedroom. A black hand poked out of the stain and reached for the girl's throat. The policeman shot at the spot, and it turned red. They were the enchanted curtains of the woman who had warned the girl.

5. Red socks

This story is truly international, because all children, without exception, in America, Japan, and in any other country are afraid of horror stories about red socks or shoes.

Mom sent her daughter to the market to buy socks. I gave her money and told her not to buy red socks under any circumstances. When the girl came to the market, she liked only the red socks. The girl decided that why not buy red ones too? I bought it and decided to try it on right away. I left the market and put them on. She didn't take the bus home to walk down the street in those socks. But her legs soon began to ache. She decided that it was her shoes that rubbed her and went on. When the girl approached the house, she was in such pain that she fell down. Mom ran out of the house, saw red socks and quickly began to take them off. But when I took it off, there were only gnawed bones from the girl's legs.

7. The Story of the White Woman

This story has so many variations that it is absolutely impossible to count them all. Only one thing unites them - the ghost is tragically dead woman seeking revenge.

There used to be a castle on the site of the camp. There lived a rich gentleman. He had a servant Belin. One day he ordered her to wash his white shirt. Belina washed it, but when she hung it up to dry, she accidentally dropped her shirt. The master was terribly angry, he cut off Belina's head and buried it under a tree. He made a cross on a tree. After that, Belina became completely white - hair, body, everything.
Now at night she walks around the camp and if she sees a sleepless man in a white shirt after midnight, she will strangle him ...

8. Scary picture

Often the story is also called "Black Hands". In general, the story of severed hands is as old as the world, but over time it adapts to modern realities.

Daughter and dad decided to give mom a picture for her birthday. Come to the store and ask:
- Do you have pictures?
- No, it's over.
Went to another store - they don't have it either. Went to the third, they ask:
- Are there any pictures?
- No, they just finished.
They got upset and started to leave. But the cashier tells them:
- Wait! I have another one in my closet. I left it for myself. Come on, let's see if you like it and take it for yourself.
They liked the picture. They took it and carried it, hung it on the wall. At night, the mother, who was sleeping in the room where the picture hung, felt someone's touch. She, frightened, screamed and turned on the light in the room. Seeing the hands sticking out of the picture, my mother called her husband, and together they chopped off the hands of the picture. The next day they went to the grandmother and told her everything. She tells them:
- Give the painting to the person who sold it to you and rebaptize that person.
My father went to that store and saw that the cashier's hands were bandaged. Her father threw a picture at her and crossed her. The cashier squealed and ran into the back room. It all ended there.

9. Green eyes

This story, with the exception of some details, was told in every yard and is still able to frighten some adults, despite its seeming absurdity.

A girl lived in a city. She had a grandmother. When the grandmother was dying, she said to the girl:
- Don't turn on the old green record.
She closed her eyes and died and was buried. Mom also said to the girl:
- Look, don't turn on the green record.
But the girl was impatient, and she still turned on the record when no one was at home. And a terrible voice sang:
Run, run on the wall
Green eyes...
Now the girl is being strangled
Yes Yes Yes...
The girl heard the doorbell ring and turned off the record. The girl's mother entered the apartment. The mother was missing one arm. The next day, the girl put the record back on and her mother came in without two hands.
Then my mother came without one leg. And then without two legs. When she came last time then she said:
You killed me, and you will die too. Don't put on a record.
But the girl did not listen to her mother and started the record again. Before the record had time to sing a few words, the doorbell rang. The girl looked through the peephole, but saw no one. The girl nevertheless opened the door, right in front of her stood huge Green Eyes from floor to ceiling. They said:
You didn't listen to your mother and you'll die yourself.
And the Eyes strangled the girl.

10. Scary roses

It would seem that flowers are the most harmless thing in the world. But a child's fantasy is capable of endowing anything with terrible qualities, even ordinary roses.

One mom had a birthday. Dad left for work. Mom and grandmother with her granddaughter went to buy roses. Mom said that we need white and red roses. But my grandmother offered to buy black ones. The granddaughter argued with her grandmother, but still bought the black ones. They came home, put roses in the water, went to bed. At 12 o'clock at night, a hand climbed out of the flowers and began to choke the girl. This went on for three nights. Parents see that the girl began to lose weight. Then the father decided to lie down with his daughter and took an ax with him. At 12 o'clock a hand climbed. The father cut off the little finger on this hand. In the morning, my grandmother began to cut bread, and everyone saw that she did not have a little finger.

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