Famous architectural monuments. Bird's Nest Stadium, Beijing


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  • Architectural monuments of Moscow, volume 9. Architecture of Moscow 1910-1935.

    After the release in 1982 of the first volume "Architectural Monuments of Moscow", dedicated to the Kremlin and Kitay-Gorod, and also containing a complete ...

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  • It is remarkable not only because it is the capital of our Motherland. It contains many monuments. cultural heritage countries. Since the 15th century, Moscow architecture has become an expression of the national culture. Architecture is considered the "mother of all arts", as it not only reflects the stages of their development, but also is the basis for the preservation of frescoes, wood carvings, paintings and sculptures. The monuments have absorbed many features of ancient Russian architecture and the work of foreign architects. The most famous of them are global importance, as they are historical objects and the result of the work of great architects. Architectural monuments of the world reflect the features cultural development different countries and main historical events. Therefore, they are protected and restored in order to preserve a unique heritage for future generations.

    Architectural monuments of Moscow

    The list of cultural heritage sites preserved in the capital is very long. The historical center of the city is especially rich in them, but many palace and park ensembles, monasteries and entire streets in different parts of Moscow are also its sights. What objects can be classified as architectural monuments:

    Separate buildings and structures, something remarkable. For example, the mansion of Arseny Pashkov, big theater or city hall.

    Palace and park ensembles and architectural complexes, for example, the estate "Kuskovo", the Kremlin in Izmailovo, Poklonnaya Gora or Tsaritsyno park.

    Historic city centers. In the capital, this is the world-famous ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin.

    Squares, blocks and streets. This is Red and Manezhnaya Square, Arbat and Garden Ring, Sparrow Hills and Chistoprudny Boulevard.

    Monasteries and temples, many of which have been preserved in Moscow. The most famous of them are St. Basil's Cathedral, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Novodevichy Convent.

    Architectural objects of civil, industrial or military significance, such as the Moscow Metro, VDNKh or the GUM building.

    Features of building in Moscow

    The oldest building in the city - the Moscow Kremlin - was founded in the 12th century on Borovitsky Hill, at the mouth of the Neglinnaya River.

    And therefore its shape repeated the outlines of this peninsula. The turbulent situation of that time required the construction of high walls and ramparts. Therefore, in the course of expanding the territory of the city, new fortifications were created. This is how such architectural monuments of Moscow as the Kitay-Gorod Wall arose, and the Boulevard and Garden Rings appeared on the site of other walls. Until the 18th century, most of the capital's buildings were wooden, and in recent centuries almost all of them were replaced with stone ones. In addition, intersecting radial highways were a feature of the city's development. The appearance of the capital has changed dramatically with the advent of Soviet power. Plans to modernize the city and create broadband highways required the destruction of many architectural monuments. Only a few of them were subsequently restored. And many high-rise buildings were built, modern quarters of monotonous buildings appeared.

    Styles in the ancient architecture of Moscow

    1. Wooden architecture.

    All buildings in the first centuries of the city's existence were made of logs. The most famous of them were the Church of St. Nicholas, the temple of Danila the Stylite and the Moscow Kremlin itself. But not a single ancient wooden building in the city has now been preserved.

    2. Stone architecture of the 14th - 18th centuries.

    The first stone building was the Assumption Cathedral on the territory of the Kremlin, which has not survived to this day. During the reign of Ivan Kalita, they begin to rebuild the walls of the Kremlin. And by the 16th century, the main architectural ensemble of Moscow acquires almost modern look: white stone walls, the Annunciation and Archangel Cathedrals, as well as the Faceted Chamber were created.

    3. Classicism in the architecture of Moscow in the 18th-19th centuries.

    After the fire, most of the city's buildings were rebuilt. Many Italian architects took part in this, and classicism began to prevail in construction. Most famous monuments architecture of the city of Moscow of this time - the Pashkov house, the Ostankino estate and the building of the Bolshoi Theater.

    Architectural styles of Moscow in the 19th and 20th centuries

    1. Moscow modern. Constructions in this style began to be created from the end of the 19th century. These include the Medyntsev mansion, the Pavlovs' estate, the Yaroslavl railway station, the Metropol hotel and many others.

    2. Architecture of Moscow during the years of Soviet power varied in scope. New areas grew at a rapid pace. The most famous buildings of that time are the seven Stalin skyscrapers.

    3. Modern architecture Moscow represented by office buildings, business and cultural centers built in the style of postmodernism and eclecticism. This, for example, shopping center"Nautilus" or restaurant "White Swan".

    Ancient architectural monuments of Moscow

    1. Kremlin is the most famous and ancient object cultural heritage of the capital. He experienced a lot, witnessed the rise and fall, revolutions and wars. On its territory there are many cathedrals and buildings that are also architectural monuments: the Assumption Cathedral, the building of the Arsenal and the Senate, the Ivan the Great Bell Tower and the famous Spasskaya Tower with chimes. This ensemble refers to and is mentioned in any source where architectural monuments of the world are considered.

    2. Gostiny Dvor was also created back in the 15th century and rebuilt many times. Now it bears little resemblance to an architectural monument, but it is still a well-known landmark of Moscow.

    3. Red Square all over the world is a symbol of Russia.

    This architectural ensemble is the most visited place in Moscow. Of the surviving ancient buildings, the Kazan and Intercession Cathedrals, as well as the Resurrection Gate, are known.

    The most famous monasteries and temples of Moscow

    The whole cultural and spiritual life of the country is connected with the capital. Many of its monasteries and temples are known throughout Russia, some of them have been preserved since the first centuries of the city's existence. We can say that these are monuments of Russian architecture, dear to the heart of every inhabitant of the country.

    Which of them are the most famous?

    The Novodevichy Convent, which, in addition to being active, has the status of the State Historical Museum.

    Donskoy Monastery is notable for its many beautiful churches and picturesque towers.

    Danilov Monastery is one of the oldest not only in Moscow, but also in Russia.

    Very picturesque with a bright orange bell tower and tiled inserts.

    The Cathedral of Christ the Savior is known for being restored in the 90s of the 20th century after complete destruction.

    St. Basil's Cathedral is one of the most famous sights of Moscow. This is the name of the Pokrovsky Cathedral, located on Red Square. With its bright painted domes and rich decoration, it attracts many tourists.

    The accelerated development of the city and the expansion of highways in the 30-70s of the 20th century led to the fact that more than 400 monuments of world importance were destroyed. Among them are such famous buildings as the Church of the Assumption on Pokrovka and the Armory. The Cathedral of Christ the Savior was blown up, which, however, was later restored. But many unique buildings were lost, for example, the house of the poet Khomyakov or the Lopukhins' house. The historical center of the capital has changed a lot, in particular, many buildings on Manezhnaya and Bolshaya Yakimanka streets have been demolished.

    What is remarkable about modern Moscow

    Many call the modern building of the city tasteless. But along with faceless high-rise buildings, you can also find quite original buildings:

    An interesting house is an "egg" on Mashkov Street;

    The Pullman business center on Myasnitskaya strikes with an interesting combination of glass and concrete;

    The residential complex "Ambassador's House" is interesting for its semicircular shape and diagonal windows;

    Business center "Kitezh" in the form of a multi-deck liner.

    Modern Moscow strikes with a mixture of styles in architecture. Now it is mostly high-tech, constructivism and modern. It is these buildings made of glass and concrete that stand out on the streets of the city. But the ancient architectural monuments of Moscow are not forgotten and attract tourists from all over the world.

    The architectural monuments of Russia, ranging from majestic palaces and cathedrals with a thousand-year history to modern buildings, amaze tourists with their originality and brightness. A rare city in the Russian Federation cannot boast of a rich castle, a fancy house or an unusual bridge. However, there are masterpieces that you simply cannot help but admire!

    Intercession Cathedral

    The ancient architectural monuments of Russia are, first of all, luxurious temples. The Intercession Cathedral has managed to become famous all over the world due to its uniqueness and unusualness. The building looks like an ensemble formed by nine pillar-shaped churches (independent). All of them are located on the same basement (base), united by internal and external galleries.

    The cathedral, included in the list of the largest Russian historical and architectural museums, is located in the "heart" of the capital - on the territory of Red Square. The majestic church was erected by order of Ivan the Terrible in the middle of the 16th century, today it is known as St. Basil's Cathedral. The richness of the appearance was the result of the game of the creators with two materials: white stone and brick. The variety of decor, which distinguishes many famous architectural monuments in Russia, has been achieved thanks to several types of brick processing profiles used in different combinations.

    Saint Isaac's Cathedral

    Even guests of St. Petersburg who find themselves on the territory of the "second capital" on their way should definitely visit St. Isaac's Cathedral. The grand building in its current form was erected in 1818-1858, based on the project developed by the architect Auguste Montferrand. However, like many other Russian architectural monuments of the 19th century, the cathedral has more long history, which begins with a small church founded in the early 18th century. The temple is one of the largest domed buildings on the planet, the diameter of the dome is 21.8 meters, over 100 kg of gold was spent on its creation.

    Tourists are attracted not only by the intricate dome painting depicting biblical scenes, rich interior decoration Cathedral - valuable marbles, malachite, lapis lazuli, gilding. The high colonnade is one of the main reasons for the popularity of the temple. Using the narrow one, you can find yourself at a height of 43 meters and enjoy the unique views of St. Petersburg.

    Unusual bridges

    The architectural monuments of Russia include original bridges built not only in past centuries, but also today. The whole world knows about the existence in Volgograd. The building earned its nickname in 2010, when swaying occurred as a result of a wind load. Despite the significant (about a meter) road surface and supports, they retained their integrity. The safety of the bridge was achieved with the help of special shock absorbers.

    You can admire the Krasnoyarsk communal bridge, which is one of the symbols of Siberia, not only when visiting the city, but also looking at banknote(10 rubles). The building was erected during the reign of Khrushchev, for a long period it was considered the longest Asian bridge, the length is 2300 meters. The unique technology that the builders have resorted to is interesting: the rejection of safety supports.

    Manezhnaya Square

    Manezhnaya Square, which cannot be ignored when listing the architectural monuments of Russia, is considered the first bright masterpiece of the famous Tsereteli in Moscow, located near Historical Museum and the Manege, erected in 1817, until the 30s of the last century was “framed” by urban dense buildings. The square was liberated in 1932 in connection with the construction of the subway.

    Grandiose construction on the square began only in the early 90s. Was created " Okhotny Ryad”, which became the first Moscow shopping complex located underground. Also, under the leadership of Tsereteli, a dazzling cascade of fountains with huge horses, lighting and cozy benches saw the light. Since then, Manezhnaya Square has been perceived as a continuation of the Alexander Garden.

    Winter Palace

    The Hermitage is rightly considered one of the most magnificent colorful examples of the dawn of the magnificent baroque; many noteworthy architectural monuments of Russia of those times belong to this direction. palace building leaving far behind other buildings northern capital due to its beauty and size, it was created by the architect Rastrelli and was planned as the residence of the Russian tsars.

    The building, which overshadowed other architectural monuments of Russia of the 18th century, occupies a huge area, in this moment includes the Hermitage Theatre, Old, New, Small Hermitage. In fact, construction continued from 1764 to 1852. Each facade is unlike the others, as the creators took into account the peculiarities of the area. Winter Palace has the shape of a rectangle, has an inner (front) courtyard, corner ledges.

    Kolomna Palace

    Many architectural monuments of Russia of the 17th century not only survived the reconstruction, but were also restored almost from scratch. This list also includes the Kolomna Palace, which looked like an intricate system of wooden cages (rooms), united by passages. Its creators were Russian architects Petrov and Mikhailov, who attracted the most outstanding masters of the capital of that time to work.

    The building, thanks to its luxurious exotic decor (gilded leather, biblical ceiling and wall paintings, wood carvings) delighted foreign guests, stood for a century and was destroyed in 1767. The surviving layout made it possible to restore a chic building in Moscow.

    Novodvinsk fortress

    In the era of Peter the Great, many interesting monuments Russian architecture. The list includes the pride of Russian soldiers, which instilled fear in foreigners. Having survived many bloody battles, the building was partially preserved.

    In the northern zone of Russia, this is the first building to become a bastion-type fortress. Architectural style- Dutch, examples of such structures are found in Europe and America. The fortress has the appearance of a square structure, includes four bastions, the distance between which is approximately 120 meters.

    Annunciation Cathedral

    One of the most interesting buildings in Voronezh - Blagoveshchensky Cathedral, created by the architect Shevelev. The temple belongs to the Russian-Byzantine direction, its history is connected with the year the city was founded - 1586. Initially, the building was wooden, it was rebuilt many times. The destruction of the cathedral happened during the Great Patriotic War.

    Like other architectural monuments of Russia, photos of which are given above, the church was restored (in 1998). Now the cathedral is located in a different place, belongs to a slightly different style, the interior decoration has been modified. As before, the temple fascinates with its dimensions, not getting lost even against the backdrop of gigantic modern skyscrapers. Its height is 85 meters.

    Of course, these are far from all the bright architectural monuments of Russia that are worth visiting at least once.

    Monuments of architecture - objects that were created, as a rule, in honor of significant event or important person. The age of some is calculated in tens of years, while others still remember the Egyptian pharaohs. This review contains the most famous architectural monuments about which you can write the history of mankind.

    1. Kaaba (Masjid al-Haram)

    The Kaaba (Masjid al-Haram) is a cube-shaped building located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is considered the most sacred place in Islam, as well as the oldest and most famous cultural monument in the world.

    The Quran says that the Kaaba was built by Abraham (Ibrahim on Arabic) and his son Ismail, after the latter settled in Arabia. A mosque, the Masjid al-Haram, was built around this building. All Muslims around the world turn to face the Kaaba during prayers, no matter where they are.

    One of the five basic laws of Islam requires every Muslim to make the Hajj - a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their life. In this case, the Kaaba must be circumvented seven times counterclockwise (when viewed from above).

    2. Taj Mahal

    The Taj Mahal ("Crown of Palaces") is a white marble mausoleum located in the city of Agra, India. It was built by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is widely regarded as "the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the world's recognized masterpieces of world heritage". The area of ​​the Taj Mahal is about 221 hectares (38 hectares are occupied by the mausoleum itself and 183 hectares by the protected forest around it).

    3. Egyptian pyramids

    A total of 138 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt. Most of them were built as tombs for pharaohs and their wives during the Old and Middle Kingdoms. These are one of the oldest famous cultural monuments.

    The earliest known Pyramids of Egypt were found at Saqqara, northwest of Memphis. And the oldest of them is the Pyramid of Djoser, built in 2630-2611 BC. e., during the third dynasty. This pyramid and the complex surrounding it were designed by the architect Imhotep and are generally considered to be the world's oldest monumental structures made of bricks with facings.

    4. Great Wall of China

    The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, rammed earth, wood, and other materials built along China's historic northern borders to protect the country from invasion by various warlike peoples.

    Several walls were built as early as the 7th century BC and were later added to form what is today known as the Great Wall. Particularly famous is the part of the wall built between 220-206 BC. the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang (very little remains of her).

    By the way, there are many more in China

    5. Angkor Thom (Greater Angkor)

    Angkor Thom is a 3 square kilometer walled royal city that was the last capital of the Khmer Empire. After Jayavarman VII retook Yashodharapura (the previous capital) from the invaders from Champa in 1181, he built a new imperial capital on the site of the ruined city. He started with existing surviving structures such as Bapuon and Fimeanakas and built a majestic walled city around them, adding an outer wall with a moat and some of the the greatest temples Angkor. There are five entrances (gates) to the city, one for each cardinal direction and the Gate of Victory leading to the area of ​​the Royal Palace. Each gate is crowned with four gigantic faces.

    athenian acropolis, which in Athens is also called "Kekropia", is the most important place city ​​and one of the most recognizable monuments in the world. This is the main guide ancient Greek culture, as well as the symbol of the city of Athens itself, since it represents the apogee artistic development in the 5th century BC.

    7. Chiang Kai-shek National Memorial Hall

    National memorial hall Chiang Kai-shek is a famous monument and local landmark erected in memory of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, former president Republic of China. It is located in Chinese city Taipei. The monument, surrounded by a park, was built in the eastern part of Memorial Square. To the north of it is National Theater, and from the south is the National concert hall.

    The Potala Palace is located in the city of Lhasa in Tibet. It is named after Mount Potalaka, the mythical abode of Chenrezig or Avalokiteshvara. The Potala Palace was the main residence of the Dalai Lama until the 14th Dalai Lama fled to Dharamsala, India, during the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1959.

    Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso, the fifth Grand Dalai Lama, began construction of the Potala Palace in 1645 after one of his spiritual advisors, Konchog Chopel, noted that the location between Drepung and Sera monasteries and the old city of Lhasa was ideal for the seat of government. The Potala was eventually built on the remains of an earlier fortress, called the White or Red Palace, built by King Songtsen Gampo of Tibet in 637. Today the Potala Palace is a museum.

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