Eduard Nikolaevich Alkaev exemplary cooking. Nutrition is one of the most important processes in human life.


Understanding the main ingredient healthy lifestyle life - proper nutrition. Why is it so important to eat right, what does it affect and what changes to expect when switching to proper nutrition.

Health for a person is the most valuable thing he has. It is thanks to him that we can live, love and rejoice. In turn, the key to good health is proper nutrition. At famous actress and just great woman Angelina Jolie even has a tattoo on her body with the inscription: "We are what we eat." And the star chose this phrase not by chance, since it really says the truth that health depends on proper nutrition. That is why in this material we will try to convey to you the importance of proper nutrition in human life.

What is the importance of proper nutrition?

Naturally, every person always wants to remain young, cheerful and active. However, only a few people always remember that health should be maintained from a young age. And it is completely in vain, since it is easier to maintain a healthy mind and body than to restore them. It is the quality of nutrition that helps a person to spend long life in good health.

Every year the problem of proper nutrition becomes more acute. People have long forgotten that satisfying hunger is an ordinary vital need. On the shelves of shops you can see a huge assortment of various foods, which not only do not benefit, but also harm the human body. Artificial colors, monosodium glutamate, flavorings and other “harmful things” that are abundant in modern food will definitely not add to your health.

Due to improper nutrition, a person can develop a variety of "sores":

  1. disorders in the digestive tract;
  2. metabolic disorders;
  3. allergic reactions;
  4. problems with the cardiovascular system;
  5. deterioration in musculoskeletal and nervous system and other ailments.
Due to poor nutrition, a person can "acquire" not only extra body fat but also many diseases.


1. Osteoporosis

This disease develops due to a lack of the required amount of vitamin D and calcium in the food consumed. You can replenish Ca deficiency by including nuts, legumes and dairy products in your menu. Vitamin D can be "taken" from fish, eggs, greens and various products dairy origin.

2. Atherosclerosis

This disease is a serious vascular lesion, in which so-called lipid (fatty) plaques form on them. In turn, this can cause severe heart disease, such as a heart attack or stroke. In order to “not earn” such a disease, it is necessary to give preference to those products that contain a minimum of cholesterol and salt.

3. Diabetes

Sad statistics: approximately 10% of the population of our planet have this disease. It is precisely because of the wrong diet, and consequently metabolic dysfunction that develops diabetes. With this disease, a person is obliged to take special drugs for life and adhere to a diet for diabetics.

The need for proper nutrition: basic principles

In order for food to be beneficial, and not just pleasure, several very important principles should be followed, which will be discussed below.

1. Nutritional balance

The daily menu should be as consistent as possible in terms of the content of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and trace elements. For an adult to maintain normal weight and health, it is necessary that the following ratio be observed in food (or as it is also called BJU):
  1. carbohydrates - 45-65%;
  2. proteins - 10-35%;
  3. fats - 20-35%.
It is this ratio of BJU that allows the body not to feel a deficiency of any substances.
Equally important is the use of the required amount of vitamins and minerals. In 1495, more than 100 of the 160 crew members died on Vasco da Gama's ship en route to India. And it happened precisely because of the improper nutrition of sailors. The reason is that their menu was terribly lacking in foods rich in vitamin C. People died from an acute deficiency of vitamin C, which has the name of the disease "scurvy". Historians claim that more than 1 million (!) Sailors died from scurvy from 1600 to 1800. Of course, after the doctors found out what exactly people died on ships during long voyages, they began to add citrus fruits and other foods that are rich in ascorbic acid to their menu.

2. Minimum heat treatment of products

When processed at elevated temperatures, most of the nutrients can evaporate from the products. That is why experts recommend cooking using a grill or steam. Read an article from our nutritionist about the best way.

3. It is necessary to limit harmful products as much as possible

It is necessary to try to limit as much as possible, and it is better to exclude from your menu various artificial sweets (cookies, sweets and sweet drinks), snacks (crackers, chips, etc.), smoked meats, dry meals, industrial canned food and other unnatural products.

4. Compliance with the measure in food

The average person needs about 2000 kcal per day to feel normal. However, this figure may differ different people. In order to, there are many formulas that take into account age, weight and height, as well as the frequency of playing sports. To support your normal weight, you should not overeat, since an increase in weight of just a couple of kilograms per year in 20 years can already become 40-50 kg. Think!

5. Compliance with the diet

You should eat often, but little by little. So, a healthy person should eat about 4-5 times a day, and portions should weigh no more than 200 g. Morning meals should be about 1/3 of the entire menu, lunch should be a little more than 1/3, and dinner should be less than 1/3 3. It is also advisable to follow the same daily meal schedule every day. we discussed in our other article.

Proper nutrition for weight loss

It turns out that with proper nutrition, you can not only improve your health, but also correct your figure. To do this, you should adhere to the following very important rules:

1. Add plenty of fruits and vegetables to your menu

If you decide to permanently get rid of extra centimeters, then you should know that fruits contain a lot of fructose, that is, “fruit sugar”. For example, bananas and grapes are quite high in calories, and therefore they should not be carried away. Give preference to oranges, pineapples, grapefruits and green apples.
Do not forget about vegetables, in which there is a lot of very useful (not only for weight loss) fiber for the body.

2. Drink enough water

Those who want to lose weight should drink at least 2 liters of water during the day. However, you should not get carried away with the absorption of water, so as not to earn swelling.

3. For breakfast, give preference to "slow" carbohydrates

“Slow” carbohydrates include cereals, fruits and whole grain breads. Such products will allow you to be full before lunch.

4. Avoid junk food

When losing weight (or better forever), you should stop drinking alcohol. Do not abuse the eating of a variety of cakes, buns and sweets. Read in our previous article how, in what quantity and what result to expect.

5. "Dinner to give to the enemy"

Probably, each of us knows this expression. For people who are losing weight, it means that you need to have dinner very modestly and no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. Prefer for dinner fermented milk products, for example, cottage cheese, kefir or fermented baked milk with a fat content of not more than 5%.
Healthy lifestyle and food are almost synonymous.

Remember this and be healthy!

To my mother, plain and good woman I dedicate this book

From the author

Dear reader, lover of good food! This book is not accidentally called "Exemplary COOKING".

It includes all the sections necessary for the most complete acquaintance with this truly amazing art- the art of cooking.

After all, as the famous French physiologist Anselme Brillat-Savarin said:

“The enjoyment of food is a privilege of any age, any class, any country, on any day; it is compatible with every pleasure, and in the end remains our consolation when others fall away.”

It should only be remembered: our health largely depends on what and how we eat, in connection with which it becomes important balanced diet- on the pages of this book you will receive the necessary information not only about how you can cook this or that dish deliciously, but also how to take care of its useful qualities.

More than 1500 different recipes are offered to your attention: this means that every day for a whole year you will have the opportunity to include four new dishes in your menu.

In addition, you will learn what the ancient Russian cuisine was like, how the features of European cuisine have been reflected in it over the past two hundred years, and also learn about serving and etiquette.


Importance of nutrition in human life

The human body is in continuous work: the heart beats, breathing takes place, the kidneys and liver work, old cells die and new tissue cells are born, etc. Energy is needed for such unceasing life activity. Where does it come from? It gives the body food, which also serves as a material for the structure of body tissues. With food, the proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals it needs are delivered to the body, they are contained in the very foods that a person consumes: meat, milk, eggs, sugar, bread, potatoes, vegetables and fruits, etc. Usually on basic metabolism consumes two-thirds of the energy, and work - the remaining third. The exception is those people who, due to the nature of the work or lifestyle, constantly have high level physical activity.

A healthy person who does not lose or gain weight usually expends the same amount of energy that he receives from food. Although energy intake and expenditure may not coincide daily, over a longer period they usually correspond exactly. If we get more energy from food than the body can use, its excess is deposited on the body in the form of fat. If a person does not receive enough energy, he begins to use his reserve, so maintaining energy balance plays a huge role in weight control. Depending on the type of activity and own weight, a person needs from 2400 to 5000 kcal per day, given that 1 gram of protein burns 4.1 calories, 1 gram of fat - 9.3 calories, 1 gram of carbohydrates - 4.1 calories.

The body can adapt within reasonable limits to changes in the quantity and quality of food, and, which is very important, this does not affect its health. It responds to a decrease in calories by using the energy it receives more efficiently.

Man is almost two-thirds water, and therefore it seems quite natural that water is one of the basic needs of the body. The human body independently maintains water balance, but on average it varies from 200 ml to 4-5 liters.

Food should be enjoyable and properly balanced - these two requirements do not contradict each other, as many believe, but are quite compatible. With this in mind, we will be able to make our diet both satisfying and varied, since all products contain a whole set of nutrients, only in varying amounts. Although the content of a certain vitamin or mineral may be negligible in a certain dish, the total amount of them in the various foods that we consume in a day will add up to the daily norm. If food is viewed as complementary to one another, then armed with this knowledge, an imaginary cook can once and for all reconcile two adjectives hostile to each other: “delicious” and “healthy”.

It should be noted that some nutrients are not absorbed by the body without others. For example, the energy found in carbohydrates is not released without B vitamins, and the absorption of iron is improved with the presence of vitamin C.

As for the various diets, there are a lot of them and there is a lot of diverse literature on them. For example, some nutritionists recommend dividing your table into carbohydrate and protein, explaining that when consumed simultaneously, proteins and carbohydrates cause an increased release of opposing acid and alkaline secretions in the body.

Next important point is how the body digests food, which means that health is affected not only by what you eat, but also how and when you do it. Therefore, it is recommended to observe the established meal times and not eat on the go. It should also be borne in mind that those who eat little, but often, have a less thick layer of subcutaneous fat than those who eat infrequently, but in large quantities.

calories and chemical composition products


most important integral part Food are proteins, as they play a major role in all life processes of the body.

Proteins are one of the main components of all cells and tissues. All enzymes, with the help of which chemical transformations of substances are carried out in the body, contain proteins. The life processes of the body are to some extent associated with protein. In the human body, proteins are not synthesized, and therefore they cannot be replaced by any other component of food and must be present in the diet of any person in the required amount. Animal products rich in protein are meat, Domestic bird, fish, caviar, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs. However, plant products (especially peas) contain a significant amount of protein.

The amount of protein is provided daily from 1.2–2 g per 1 kg of body weight.

In the human body, in its digestive (gastrointestinal) tract, food proteins are broken down into their constituent parts - amino acids. Amino acids enter the bloodstream, are carried by it to all tissues and are used for protein synthesis. A number of amino acids are known, which are among the so-called indispensable. They were named so due to the fact that they are not synthesized in the body and must be supplied with food. Vital (essential) amino acids include lysine, histidine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, threonine, valine.

Amino acid composition of some products


Fats provide especially a lot of energy for the work of our body. But this is not their only significance for human life. There is no such organ in his body, which would not include them as a material. Fats are involved in metabolic processes. Adipose tissue also serves as a heat-insulating layer in our body, which protects the internal organs of a person from damage.

Animal fats, which are close in composition to the fats of our body (as if more familiar to us), are absorbed more easily and more fully: these are the fats of milk, sour cream, cream, butter, egg yolk. Fish oil is very useful and nutritious for our body. It is obtained from cod liver oil, as well as from whale and dolphin fat.

Fats are a complex substance and in the human digestive tract, like proteins, they are broken down into their constituent parts - glycerol and fatty acids, which are then absorbed into the blood, lymph and used by the body to form new fats with specific properties inherent in various tissues and organs.

The most rich in unsaturated fatty acids are vegetable fats - olive, sunflower, corn oil. These fats are of great therapeutic value in diseases of the liver, heart and cardiovascular system. The daily diet of an adult should contain 80-100 g of fat, including 25-30 g of vegetable oil.


Carbohydrates meet approximately 50-60% of the body's total energy needs. They are actively involved in plastic processes, in the physiological activity of various body systems, especially the central nervous system.

A prolonged lack of carbohydrates in human nutrition leads to a violation of the metabolism of fats and proteins, the consumption of food and tissue proteins increases, weakness, drowsiness appear, headache, hunger, sweating, nausea, which disappear after taking sugar. The plastic role of carbohydrates is also great. They are an integral part of the blood, muscles, nervous and other tissues of the body. Providing continuously flowing energy processes, carbohydrates are consumed in large quantities by the liver, muscles and other tissues. In the human body, in the process of metabolism, a constant concentration of carbohydrates (sugar) in the blood and other tissues is maintained. The necessary supply of carbohydrates is deposited in the liver and muscle tissue in the form of a special substance called glycogen, or animal starch.

A person's need for carbohydrates is on average 400 g (including 350 g of starch and 50 g of sugar).


The products contain various mineral (inorganic) substances that have great importance for the normal development of the life processes of the body. The most important of them are iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, fluorine, chlorine and some others.

Minerals are part of all cells and tissues and are involved in all types of metabolism. Among other functions, mineral substances are directly involved in plastic processes, create the necessary osmotic pressure in tissues and thereby ensure the normal course of a number of physicochemical processes. They are also of great importance in the formation of blood, milk, digestive juices, etc.

Iron is part of the hemoglobin in the blood, which delivers oxygen to the cells and tissues of the body.

F o s f o r is found in large quantities in bone, muscle tissues, a lot of it in the substance of the brain and in spinal cord, iodine is part of the protein of the thyroid gland.

C a l c i y in a significant amount contained in the supporting tissues, it is necessary for the formation of dental and especially bone tissue. Calcium also promotes blood clotting, maintains a state of normal nervous excitability in the body.

They are also important for the formation of bones and teeth. m a g n i y and phosphorus.

N a t r i y found mainly in digestive juices and intercellular fluids. It is important for the regulation of osmotic pressure, as well as water and other metabolic processes in the body. Due to the fact that sodium retains water in the body, the amount of sodium chloride, which is the source of this substance, is limited in diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular in hypertension, as well as in kidney disease, when their functions are impaired.

salt to a l and i, on the contrary, they reduce the process of water binding in tissues, contribute to its removal from the body; if necessary, strengthen this process in the diet, increase the amount of foods containing potassium. These properties of sodium and potassium salts are used in the treatment of kidney and heart diseases.

An adult needs about 0.7-0.8 g of calcium, 2-3 g of potassium, 4-6 g of sodium, 1.5-2 g of phosphorus and 0.015-0.020 g of iron per day. The source of minerals are vegetable, animal products and to some extent water, table salt (except for sodium chloride, it contains salts of potassium, magnesium, iron, etc.).

Fruits and vegetables are the richest in minerals, but the main source of calcium and phosphorus salts are animal products, mainly milk and dairy products, especially cottage cheese and cheeses. Calcium salts are found in significant amounts in beans, green onions, parsley, spinach, lettuce, cabbage, but calcium herbal products is absorbed by the body much worse, as it is often associated with oxalic acid, which forms insoluble compounds with it. A lot of phosphorus is found in cheese, cottage cheese, brains, beef liver, cod, herring, cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, millet), legumes, rye bread from wholemeal flour and yolk are also rich in phosphorus. chicken egg. Vegetables and fruits are the richest in potassium salts, especially dried apricots (apricots, dried apricots), raisins, prunes, dates, figs. A lot of it in potatoes, spinach, radish, beans.


Vitamins are very complex and chemically diverse organic compounds. Their significance is great and multifaceted. Many vitamins are part of enzymes, regulate all vital processes of the body and metabolism.

Most vitamins are not synthesized in the human body. Vitamins are mainly synthesized by plants, and therefore the main source of vitamins for humans are fruits and vegetables.

Prolonged lack of vitamins in food leads to serious metabolic disorders, which can result in serious diseases called beriberi. More often there are hypovitaminosis, which are caused by insufficient content of vitamins in food. With hypovitaminosis, rapid fatigue appears, the efficiency and resistance of the body to infectious diseases decrease, etc.

Currently, several dozen vitamins are known. All vitamins on the basis of their solubility are divided into two groups: soluble in water and soluble in fats. Each of these groups of vitamins is characterized by its own special physical and chemical properties, this must be taken into account when culinary processing of products in which they are contained. For example, water-soluble vitamins are unstable to heat and alkalis, but are relatively stable in an acidic environment. Most fat-soluble vitamins are almost indestructible when heated.

The most important fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Vitamin A necessary for body growth, bone formation, normal state skin tissues and mucous membranes. One of the functions of vitamin A is to ensure the adaptation (adaptation) of the eye to different illumination of the field of view. The minimum daily requirement of an adult for vitamin A is 1–2.5 mg. IN active form Vitamin A is found only in animal products - the liver of many fish, butter(mainly summer), cheese with a high percentage of fat, egg yolks, milk and dairy products, and some others. Nearby is the quantity (in mg %) vitamin A and carotene in the most common products.

V i t a m i n D is essential for the life of the organism. It promotes the formation of bone tissue and stimulates the growth of the body. With a lack or absence of vitamin D in food, the normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus salts by the body stops, as a result of which the process of bone formation is disrupted. Children develop rickets, adults develop porosity and brittle bones.

The largest amount of vitamin D is found in the liver of halibut, tuna, and cod. A lot of it in the fat of herring, eels, sardines and some other fish. See the table for some data.

V i t a m i n B 1(thiamine) is actively involved in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and has positive influence to other metabolic processes in the body. In the absence of this vitamin in food develops serious disease nervous system, cardiac activity is disturbed, etc.

The daily requirement of a healthy person for vitamin B 1 is small (from 2 to 3 mg) and is provided by the usual diet. With severe physical work the need for vitamin B 1 increases.

B vitamins also include vitamin B 2 (riboflavin), B 6 , B 12 (antianemic) and folic acid. These vitamins are found in sufficient quantities in many foods.

Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) plays an important role in the body biological role. It is actively involved in redox processes, affects protein and carbohydrate metabolism, increases the body's resistance to various infections, etc. A lack of vitamin C leads to fatigue, drowsiness, and apathy. With a prolonged deficiency, and even more so in the absence of ascorbic acid in food, the disorder of the body intensifies and a serious illness, scurvy, may occur. An adult should receive from 50 to 100 mg of ascorbic acid per day. Rose hips, green walnuts, blackcurrant, red pepper, horseradish, dill, etc. are especially rich in vitamin C. The data are given next.

V i t a m i n R R(nicotinic acid) takes an active part in the metabolic processes of the body, as it is part of the enzyme systems involved in the oxidation processes. It has a wide range of therapeutic effects in diseases of various organs, especially in lesions of the digestive system. In the absence of nicotinic acid in food, a person falls ill with pellagra. It is characterized by a disorder in the activity of the digestive apparatus, damage to the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth, tongue, etc.

The daily diet of an adult should contain from 15 to 25 mg of vitamin PP. Rice and wheat bran, dry yeast, as well as liver, kidneys, heart, and meat are rich in this vitamin.

From the history of culinary

I'm bored. Let's talk about old...

A. S. Pushkin

Cooking - yesterday and today

The art of cooking is one of the oldest. An analysis of the remains of coal found in many caves in France, Germany, England, allowed scientists to conclude that a person, even in ancient times, when he did not yet have earthenware, he cooked his own food on the fire.

The ancients also had other ways of cooking, for example, they were aware of the method of roasting meat in ashes. And Herodotus noted that, in particular, among the Scythians, “heating with stones” was very common, consisting in the fact that red-hot stones were thrown into an earthen pit filled with water until the water boiled.

But for a long time, mankind did not particularly worry about the usefulness of the products used, about their compatibility and diversity. A lot of time had to pass before people learned to cultivate cereals, raise livestock, and make pottery. Food has become more varied, as have the ways of preparing it. For example, among the Egyptians living in the fourth or third millennium BC, only 58 varieties of bread were baked, and cucumbers, garlic, radishes, green salad, fish (fresh, salted, dried and smoked) were widely used for cooking. Even then they prepared from milk different kinds cheese and bryndza. But meat was consumed only on holidays.

The art of cooking was especially developed among the ancient Persians, Assyro-Babylonians and Jews. The ancient Greeks, and especially the Spartans, were distinguished for a long time by the simplicity of food, before adopting luxury and gastronomy from Eastern peoples. And it is no coincidence that separate chapters and even whole works of Homer, Herodotus, Plato, Plutarch and many others will be devoted to the description of dishes in the future.

An even greater luxury in this respect began to reign in Rome. And this happened thanks to the Greek cooks, who ended up in slavery in the Roman Empire. The table of the Roman emperors was distinguished by particular sophistication. For example, under Vitellius (15-69), a special meal was prepared, which cost 1,000,000 sesterces, which included the brains of a pheasant and a peacock, the tongue of a flamingo, the liver and spleen of expensive marine fish. We meet the description of the Roman table in Virgil, Horace, Juvenal and others.

In the Middle Ages, the development of culinary art was somewhat suspended, since the main thing was considered not sophistication in cooking, but its quantity and nutritional value.

Only towards the end of the Middle Ages did the art of cooking seem to be reborn again. Italy, France and England are becoming recognized authorities in this area. Despite all the difference in tastes and methods of cooking, it was these countries that began to pay due attention to cooking and treat it with all seriousness, like any science.

Simultaneously with the creation of the first culinary schools in the 70s years XIX century (the initiative belongs to England) there is a revolution in the art of cooking. The requirements have changed - now each meat dish it was supposed to retain its own aroma and taste, just like vegetables. Throughout human history in cooking, there were own upheavals and revolutions, there were countless disputes about the usefulness of certain products, the ways of processing them changed and improved, which led to the birth of thousands of new recipes, in the invention of which not only cooks participated, but also many scientists, philosophers and statesmen. Even Richelieu and Mazarin invented new dishes, and the philosopher Montaigne did not consider it below his dignity to write the book "The Science of Food". Many wonderful dishes still retain the names of their inventors.

And still for a long time in most of the cookbooks published in many countries, including Russia, we still do not find scientific basis in them. The first steps in this direction were taken by the French Anselm Brillat-Savarin and Antoine Karem in late XVIII century.

Of the theoretical works of A. Brillat-Savarin, the book “Physiology of Taste” received especially wide recognition, containing many apt observations and conclusions about the importance of nutrition in human life, which later became popular expressions: "Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you who you are", "The fate of peoples depends on how they eat", "The discovery of a new dish is a greater happiness for mankind than the discovery of a new star."

A. Karem, the creator of the book "The Art of French Cuisine", published in 5 volumes and translated into many languages ​​of the world, for the first time introduced strict proportions (all calculations in cooking before him were carried out "by eye"), established a certain sequence in serving dishes and table setting.

D. V. Kanshin, the author of such books as "Encyclopedia of Nutrition" and "Interests of the Stomach", became the founder of Russian scientific culinary. In addition, D. V. Kanshin founded the first culinary magazines Our Food and List of Normal Canteens. A fine connoisseur of the culinary arts, he organized the first Russian school of cooks and confectioners, and his student A.A. Alexandrova became the author of the first culinary textbook, A Guide to the Study of the Basics of Culinary Art.

Nowadays, the science of nutrition has received tremendous development. Physiologists, biochemists, economists, nutritionists, doctors and many others came to her aid. But the main role, of course, still belongs to culinary specialists - people who know best of all how to make this or that dish not only healthy, but also tasty, although in this case the rule should be followed that there is no arguing about tastes. After all, it is the difference in tastes that forms the basis of national cuisine.

National cuisine is an integral part of any national culture and also depends on geographical location country, its climatic conditions, from the traditions that have developed among the people over many centuries. Let's say more, various peoples there are own features taste perceptions. For example, kangaroo tail soup, roast and snake stew are considered the pinnacle of Australian culinary skills. The most in Ceylon savory dish- elephant feet seasoned with vinegar and pepper. National Chinese foods are shark fins, dried duck, sliced ​​​​and boiled in broth swallow's nest. Some Arab tribes they eat boiled, fried, smoked and salted grasshoppers. They can eat them ground or even bake bread from them. The French consider frog and snail dishes to be a delicacy, while Italians love donkey meat sausage. And here favorite dish Brazilians - parrot soup. Nevertheless, all this does not mean at all that the national cuisine is something closed and frozen once and for all. Just as there is a mutual influence of different cultures, in the same way, elements of one national cuisine can penetrate into another.

The main subject of our conversation will be Russian cuisine. She too has been influenced by many national cuisines, but still there are primordially Russian dishes, primordially Russian drinks. Many of them were also enjoyed by other peoples in the same way. We will talk mainly about Russian cuisine because now it is manifesting special interest to the revival of the traditions of the Russian people, including culinary ones. And rightly so, because we really have something to be proud of.

To find out what the original Russian cuisine was like, let's fast forward a few centuries ago, to Ancient Rus'. In those ancient times, Russian tables, although they were distinguished by a huge number of very nutritious, simple and healthy dishes, by the way they were prepared, very many of them were similar to one another. Changes were introduced there very rarely. This was due to the fact that Russian cuisine was then based on folk traditions and therefore had full right be considered national. Wealthy gentlemen drew up a list of dishes for themselves on whole year; the account went on church holidays, on meat-eaters and fasts. The custom of sacred fasting by poor villagers, as well as by tsars and boyars, divided the Russian table into modest and fasting. And according to the supplies from which the dishes were prepared - into five of their types: flour, dairy, fish, meat and vegetable.

It is known that Russians ate mainly rye bread, wheat flour was used for prosphora, and in domestic life for kalachi, which for common people were a delicacy only on holidays.

In the XVI and XVII centuries in great use among the people was oatmeal, made from oatmeal with water; dried oatmeal was given to servicemen as food rations along with rye flour.

Of the dishes prepared from dough, yarn and hearth pies occupied the first place. Hearths were always made from leavened dough, sometimes spun from leavened dough, sometimes from unleavened dough. Flour for them was used wheat flour or crushed, depending on the importance of the day when they were prepared, rye pies were also baked. All Russian pirogues of various sizes in the old days had an oblong shape: large ones were called pirogues, and small pirozhki. Another type of pastry was loaf - rich bread that could be prepared in several ways. There was a beaten loaf that was beaten with butter in a vessel, set - like a cake with milk, yatsky - on a large number of eggs, a fraternal loaf and others. Dough products also included kurnik (pate stuffed with chicken, eggs, lamb with butter or beef lard), pancakes, boilers, cheesecakes, pancakes, brushwood, kissels. Pancakes at that time did not belong to Maslenitsa, as is customary now; the symbol of Maslenitsa was cheese pies and brushwood - elongated dough with butter. They also baked doughy cones, levashniks, perepechi, nuts: all these types of cookies were served in oil.

Kissels were made from oatmeal and wheat flour and were served with milk on fasting days, with vegetable oil. Porridge was made from oatmeal or buckwheat, millet porridge was considered a rarity. Of the dairy dishes in great use were boiled noodles with fresh baked milk added to it, varenitsa, milk porridge different types, spongy cottage cheese with sour cream, sour cheese.

Meat dishes were divided into boiled or fried and served under a boil. Vzvarom was any kind of sauce prepared from wine berries, raisins, cherries and other fruits with honey, sugar or molasses, with a large amount of cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, saffron, ginger and others. One type of broth was called honey, the other - kvass. Meat was an integral part of cabbage soup, fish soup, brine. Each type of meat strictly corresponded to a fruit and vegetable or spicy seasoning. Garlic relied on beef, onions on pork, turnips on rabbits, plums on duck, pickled apples on goose. Fresh cabbage soup required a buckwheat porridge pie, sour cabbage soup a salted fish pie, noodles a meat pie, cereal stew a chicken pie, and a carrot pie for fish soup. Without pies, they ate only cold liquid dishes: okroshka and botvinia.

The Russian state has always abounded in fish, which constituted half the year the usual food for its citizens. Salmon was brought in from the north. The Volga was rich in sturgeon and white salmon. The fish found in small rivers also enjoyed success: pike perch, crucian carp, pike, perch, bream, char, gudgeon, ruff, loach. According to the method of preparation, the fish was divided into fresh, dried, dry, salted, hanging, wind, steam, boiled, plucked for future use, smoked. The most famous fish dish on the Russian table was ear - several types knew it: ordinary, red, black, tutored, sluggish, sweet, plastovaya; bags or tolcheniki (koloboks, dumplings with fish) made from dough with crushed fish were thrown into the ear.

Hot meals were served with pies with various fish fillings and porridge. On fasting days in the summer, botvinje was served with onions and various roots. From grated fish different varieties, mixed with cereals or millet, a dish called fish porridge was prepared, and on fast days meat was also added there. The same filling was added to pies.

Caviar was among the usual dishes: fresh granular sturgeon and white fish was, however, a luxury, but in general use there was pressed, bagged (coarsely salted and squeezed caviar, which was cut like cheese), Armenian - annoyingly spicy and wrinkled - of the lowest dignity, bought by commoners.

In those fasting days, when it was considered a sin to eat fish, Russian food consisted only of mushrooms and vegetable dishes: sour and set cabbage, beets with vegetable oil and vinegar, buckwheat or oatmeal with vegetable oil, onions, oatmeal jelly, levashniks, fritters with honey, loaves with mushrooms and millet, boiled and fried mushrooms (butter, milk mushrooms, morels, mushrooms), poppy milk cottage cheese, koleva (porridge from rice, wheat or spelled with raisins), pies stuffed with herbal ingredients. Horseradish, radish and vegetable broth served as condiments. Peas were very popular, and there were many ways to prepare them: broken peas, grated peas, strained peas, pea cheese, that is, firmly beaten crushed peas with vegetable oil, noodles made from pea flour.

Nutrition is life required process For our body, if you want to live, you need to eat. As a result of this process, a person receives energy, building material for the renewal (growth) of the body, biologically active nutrients, and a certain effect on the psyche.

Proper nutrition can give a person health, longevity and beauty. It assumes that many nutrients must be supplied to the body regularly, in the required amount and in optimal ratios - proteins, carbohydrates, fats, water, minerals and vitamins.

Deficiency, as well as excess of nutrients, first cause temporary inconvenience, then a source of disease development, a factor in premature aging and early death. Thus, vitamin deficiency affects health, intelligence and youth much more than a number of other reasons. Most diseases are caused by a deficiency of some vitamin. An unsatisfactory amount of minerals is the main mechanism of aging of the body, as well as the process of dehydration. Similarly, the imbalance in the diet of other nutritional components, such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins, affects the body.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that it is necessary to have some information about the components of nutrition, what they are, in what quantity the body needs, what effect they have. It is also desirable to understand the mechanisms of the digestive system, the process of digestion, assimilation.

Healthy nutrition (healthy diet) is nutrition that ensures growth, normal development and vital activity of a person, contributes to strengthening his health and preventing diseases. A healthy diet combined with regular exercise reduces the risk of chronic diseases and disorders such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer.

Also, a healthy diet will make it possible to stabilize weight without violent restrictions, help get rid of diseases and prevent their development, and will help restore intellectual and physical energy. That is, proper nutrition is one of the main ways that will lead people to health. And health, in turn, will give, first of all, good health, as well as an excellent appearance and time so that we can achieve the goals that we set for ourselves in life.

Nutritional issues

Serious enough today is the problem of nutrition at the global and national level. And you need to know about it and take it into account.

Deficiency of essential nutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc.) is associated with a number of reasons:

    Ecological problems of nutrition - the relevance of a healthy diet

Due to a decrease in the physical activity of the population and, accordingly, a decrease in energy costs, the amount of food consumed has sharply decreased (by 2–3 times). That is, instead of 5,000 - 6,000 kcal, 2,000 - 3,000 kcal are consumed. The problem with the environment, on the one hand, is the depletion of soils, on the other hand, environmental pollution. That is, it leads to a lack of necessary biologically active substances in food for humans and to the concentration of toxic substances in his body.

    Modern production technologies (pasteurization, preservation, introduction of hormones, emulsification, refining, etc.) at all production stages cause the loss of minerals, vitamins and other biologically valuable elements. The main goal of these technologies is to increase the quantity in order to increase the profits of manufacturers, but not the quality of products.

The use of high-temperature cooking modes provokes the loss of essential nutrients.

    Violation of the diet and structure when they eat on the go, fatty, carbohydrate, monotonous, refined food with plentiful meals in the evening.

In Russia, the problem of nutrition is even larger than in the leading developed countries. In fact, a rather sad situation, but quite solvable. It has now been established that Kuzbass is a region with a low content of Se in soil, water, local food products, therefore, enriched foods and preparations containing Se and J (vitamin-mineral complexes and biologically active additives).

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Nutrition is a complex process of interaction between the human body and food, only as a result of which a person can exist physically. Each of us has its own combination of cells and atoms that make up the physical shell, which means that everyone needs their own composition of food. nutrition human food health

The concept of food is difficult to define. From a chemical point of view, food can be called a mixture of organic and inorganic substances. And digestion is the process of mechanical and chemical processing of food. As a result of digestion, nutrients that have entered the body with food are absorbed and absorbed, and unnecessary ones are excreted.


The problem of health, and therefore nutrition, is important for every person - young, old, sick and practically healthy. Not only our health in general depends on what we eat, but also our mood, efficiency and even the ability to be creative, that is, our spiritual world.

In the human body, cells are constantly breaking down, which are replaced by new ones. Construction material for cells, a person receives from food components: chemical substances included in food products. They serve as the main sources of obtaining biologically active substances necessary for regulating the vital processes of the body. Life is understood as the growth and development of the body, health, performance, longevity, the ability to create and create. The consumption of substances and energy, and therefore their replenishment - necessary condition the existence of biological systems, which we are, and the development of life in general. Simply put, while a person is moving and thinking, he expends energy, and replenishes it through food. Consequently, a person needs food in order to maintain his physical, after him - and spiritual existence.

Thus, food enters the body, is transformed in it, partially absorbed to obtain the necessary nutrition and energy, and partially excreted from the body.


1 . Food must be fresh. During storage, dietary quality inevitably deteriorates.

2 . Proper nutrition should be varied and balanced. If you eat at the workplace, it is better to order the delivery of ready meals to the office. This will allow you to maintain a varied and balanced diet.

3 . The diet should contain raw vegetables and fruits. Raw fruits retain much more vitamins and minerals than boiled ones.

4 . Seasonality of food. In spring and summer, it is necessary to increase the amount of plant foods. In winter, on the contrary, it is advisable to add foods rich in proteins and fats to the diet.

5 . Food restriction. It is necessary to limit the energy value of the diet for obesity.

6 . certain combination of products. You can not eat incompatible dishes, and this is a mandatory rule. With unfavorable food combinations, the processes of fermentation and decay of food are activated in the intestines, and toxins accumulate in the body.

7. From food we should get the maximum pleasure. First of all, it is necessary to give up haste while eating, from unpleasant conversations and from reading.


Improper nutrition significantly reduces the body's defenses and performance, disrupts metabolic processes, leads to premature aging and can contribute to the emergence of many diseases, including those of infectious origin, since a weakened body is subject to any negative impact. For example, excess nutrition, especially in combination with mental stress, sedentary lifestyle, drinking alcohol and smoking, can lead to many diseases.

The World Health Organization (WHO) lists atherosclerosis, obesity, cholelithiasis, gout, and diabetes mellitus as diseases associated with overnutrition. Overeating is often the cause of diseases of the circulatory system.

They cause damage to the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and other systems, sharply reduce the ability to work and resistance to diseases, reducing life expectancy by an average of 8-10 years.

Undernutrition and starvation cause diseases of malnutrition. Chronic malnutrition gives rise to kwashiorkor, a serious illness in children due to protein deficiency in food. At the same time, growth and mental development slow down in children, bone formation is disturbed, changes occur in the liver and pancreas.

Rational is such a diet that ensures the normal functioning of the body, a high level of efficiency and resistance to adverse factors. environment, the maximum duration of active life.

A complete balanced diet is an important condition for maintaining the health and high performance of adults, and for children it is also a necessary condition for growth and development.

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1. Basic principles of a healthy diet……………………………...……...5

1.1. Cooking methods………………………………………………....5

1.2. The structure of consumption, properties, composition and taste of food...………………....6

1.3. Ways and conditions of eating food………………………………………8

1.4. environment and internal state organism…………...10

1.5 Tips for proper healthy eating……………………………..11

2. Transition to a healthy diet………………………………………………...…………………………………………………………………………………………………………12

3. Basic principles of the transition to the path of recovery and healthy eating…………………………………………………………………………...……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


List of used literature……………………………..………….....15


Nutrition is a vital human need. At present, there is a marked increase in the understanding that food has a significant impact on a person. It gives energy, strength, development, and with proper use - and health. It can be said with some confidence that human health is 70% dependent on nutrition. Food is often the main source of most diseases, but with its help you can get rid of long-term ailments. No matter how seductive the colorful palette of food and finished products of them, but the problems associated with the production of food that modern civilization has given rise to are also great. High blood cholesterol, obesity, caries, diabetes, lipid metabolism disorders, hypertension, constipation, high blood uric acid or gout - this is an incomplete list of the so-called "diseases of civilization" caused by malnutrition. Through a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle (exercise, avoid stressful situations quit smoking) you can:

Prevent possible diseases;

Stay slim and youthful;

Be physically and spiritually active.

What is a healthy diet anyway? This:

Variety of products;

Balanced diet;


Useful for everyone.

So, what do we achieve if we follow the right healthy diet?

First, a healthy diet is a preventive measure against many chronic diseases that many suffer from for a long time. For example, if you reduce the amount of hot spices in your dishes, you can forget about gastritis and heartburn.

There have always been rules that young people tend to ignore, but older generation complies. Because young people have a healthy digestive system that allows them to eat almost any food. But, nevertheless, it is worth diversifying the menu and not leaning on any one type of product. But the older generation is not recommended for many dishes. For example, do not get carried away with salt to avoid a hypertensive crisis. Those over the age of 50 are advised to increase the amount of foods that contain calcium in their diet to prevent osteoporosis.

It is equally important to use healthy foods and know how to eat right, and for the condition of the skin. If you reduce the amount of fat and coffee consumed in your diet, this will not only save you from annoying acne, but also help improve your complexion.

1. Basic principles of a healthy diet

The main principles of a healthy diet are:

Method of cooking;

The structure of consumption, properties, composition and taste of food;

Ways and conditions of eating food;

The environment and the internal state of the body.

1.1 Cooking methods

Cooking should be immediately before consumption. It is advisable to cook at one time no more than 3 hours before a meal (for boiled foods), as microorganisms begin to develop rapidly in cooked food, leading to their deterioration. And reheated food, even from the refrigerator, is not recommended, since it sharply reduces the nutrients remaining after the initial preparation. The fresher the product, the better it replenishes the body's energy costs. Regular use of food prepared long before its consumption can lead not only to various gradually developing diseases of the stomach, intestines, blood vessels, liver, exhaustion, but also to a change in character traits, as it gives rise to laziness, dullness, drowsiness, low physical and mental performance.

Cooking should be done in a good mood. Negative vibrations are superimposed on food, spoil it, make it tasteless and even toxic. And if you cook in good location spirit, food - healthier, more satisfying and tastier.

There should also be gentle methods of heat treatment of food. If you have to eat foods that have been cooked, then preference should be given to cooking methods that preserve the maximum amount of vitamins, minerals and living energy in food.

1.2 Structure of consumption, properties, composition and taste of food

The general principles of nutrition, which are followed by many well-known naturopaths, is that they consume mainly carbohydrate foods for breakfast and lunch, and protein foods for dinner.

When eating habitual food (cereals, fruits, vegetables, kefir, etc.), enzymes are produced in the body with properties that can quickly and efficiently process it. If you use certain foods rarely or for the first time, for example, early spring vegetables and fruits, local products upon arrival on a business trip or vacation, exotic fruits from distant regions, especially from other continents, various disorders in the digestive tract can occur. The main reason for such phenomena is the absence in the body of its own enzymes that can break down new or rare products, resulting in unavailability digestive system to their splitting, leading to various disorders. For this reason, you should not get involved in the use immediately. a large number new seasonal products.

To prevent the development of most diseases, it is strongly recommended to exclude or limit the use of unhealthy foods, most of which people are very accustomed to. Based on the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body, it is believed that the most favorable for humans, or species food , are: fruits, berries, vegetables, root crops, cereals, legumes, nuts, seeds, as well as honey, edible herbs, mushrooms, mother's milk, bird eggs .

It is advisable to eat mostly raw foods (up to 50-75% of vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, honey, etc.), as they contain more useful substances (vitamins, minerals, enzymes), than boiled ones. Such food has the greatest energy potential, and induced autolysis (self-digestion of food) is possible in it, which saves about 50% of digestive energy. Consumption of predominantly raw and vegetarian dishes increases the rate of metabolic processes and has a therapeutic and preventive effect in obesity, hypertension, atherosclerosis and other diseases.

Food should be tasty, as it causes a feeling of pleasure and Have a good mood and is usually useful. Tasteless - poorly absorbed, as the synthesis of many digestive enzymes is “controlled” by the tongue. However, the taste of many people is distorted by nutrition with an excess of sweet, salty, fatty, fried, smoked, meat, flour, seasoned with spices, which subsequently painfully “hits” many organs. The unspoiled taste of simple natural food is a real pleasure, especially in a state of healthy hunger. But the path to it is not easy. The process of switching to natural food, accompanied by a change in taste needs, can be delayed for a year or two, due to the restructuring of the intestinal hormonal and enzymatic systems, as well as changes in the intestinal microflora.

It is recommended not to eat foods that are too hot, too cold, or foods with contrasting temperatures at the same time. Both high and low temperatures reduce secretory function digestive glands, thereby reducing the secretion of juice and the digestive capacity of the stomach.

For the normal functioning of the digestive system, it is important to eat at the same hours - to follow a diet. In people who follow the diet, digestive juices begin to stand out before eating. Once in the stomach and other parts of the digestive system, the food immediately begins to be digested. Compliance with the diet ensures faster digestion and better absorption of food.

It is better to eat 4 times a day. Adults can eat 3 times a day. With four meals a day, food intake is distributed as follows: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 40%, afternoon snack - 15%. Dinner - 20%.

Long intervals between meals, dry food lead to diseases of the stomach. Dinner should be 2 hours before bedtime. During this time, the food in the stomach has time to be digested.

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap before eating. You need to eat carefully, chew food thoroughly. While eating, you should not read, listen to the radio, watch TV, or have conversations.

After eating, you need to rinse your mouth, clean your teeth from food debris.

1.3 Ways and conditions of eating food

Ways and conditions of eating:

Compliance with the diet (by time and by load);

With a stable power supply (in certain time) in the body before the upcoming meal, the production of enzymes involved in the digestion and assimilation of food begins to activate, and there is a feeling of a healthy appetite. The regularity of nutrition in accordance with the developed biorhythms provides not only high-quality digestion of food, but also its more complete assimilation. Food only when there is free time (and every day at different time) leads to a deterioration in the digestion and assimilation of food, an overload of the digestive apparatus and the body as a whole due to a lack of its own enzymes;

Activation of digestion before eating;

Moderate physical activity 1-2 hours before meals can increase metabolic processes in the body, activate digestive enzymes, normalize peristalsis; food when hungry.

Criteria for a healthy appetite - desire something to eat, and copious sweet saliva at the thought of eating. A real feeling of hunger appears only when the food eaten has passed all the stages of digestion and assimilation. Food without a feeling of hunger is not for the future, since a person is nourished not by what he ate, but by what he learned;

Thorough chewing of food;

Slow food, no rush;

Eating slowly, at a calm, measured pace, is an effective means of maintaining good health. Fast food is not good for digestion;

Compliance with the correct combinations of products;

For favorable digestion of various foods consumed at the same time, it is necessary to comply with the conditions for its compatibility with the digesting environment and the time of digestion. . Compliance with the principle of product compatibility lays the main reserve of health and normalization of overweight , which has already been verified many times;

Compliance with the sequence of use of various products;

To maintain health, you should remember the following simple rules: first, liquid foods - then solid ones; first raw - then boiled (fried, baked, etc.); sweet before meals, but not after it; fatty foods at the end of a meal, but not at the beginning; spicy dishes and alcohol should not be consumed on an empty stomach, but only after a certain amount of food or drinks of a neutral taste and non-irritating effect; do not eat cold or hot dishes at the beginning of a meal, but only after food or drinks with a temperature close to the human body temperature;

Reasonable fluid intake;

The use of water, like other liquids, has a positive effect on the process of cleansing the internal environment. The amount of liquid that is recommended to drink during the day depends on many factors (ambient temperature, food intake, build, age, etc.). The approximate norm for an adult is 2 liters of liquid;

Compliance with the required interval between meals;

Breaks between meals should not be shorter than 3-4 hours, otherwise the new food may be incompatible with the old one, which has not yet been digested;

Organization of unloading days;

Fasting days are very favorable for a short rest of the digestive tract in order to improve its further functioning.

1.4 Environment and internal state of the organism

The attractive appearance of dishes, table setting, mood for the pleasure of eating, spiritual uplift, joy, friendly conversation during meals, pleasant soft music have a beneficial effect on digestion.

It is necessary to determine the most favorable food. To determine if a particular food is suitable, certain person, V this moment time, the following tests can be performed:


A good sign of the auspiciousness of food is often the first impression of its appearance.

2. Olfactory.

The smell of food is also important for product testing.

3. Salivary.

This test is based on figurative thinking. You need to imagine the food that is in the mouth. And if at the mere thought of tidbit saliva is released - food is favorable.

4. Taste.

When not enough developed imagination the test can be done with a real piece of food.

After eating, it is advisable to rest for 20-30 minutes, but do not lie or sleep for an hour. It is recommended to walk at a slow pace.

1.5 Healthy eating tips

Drink plenty of water. Make it a goal to drink 8 glasses of water every day. Fruits and vegetables contain water and can replenish your daily requirement.

Eat breakfast every day. People who eat breakfast are less likely to overeat during the day. Breakfast also gives you energy and helps you think and learn.

Choose whole grains. Try whole grain bread and pasta, oatmeal, or brown rice.

Choose colored vegetables every day. Different colored vegetables provide different nutrients. Choose dark, leafy greens like kale and salads, and red and orange ones like carrots, sweet potatoes, red peppers and tomatoes.

Choose fresh or cut fruit more often than fruit juice. Fruit juice contains little or no dietary fiber.

Be careful with fats and oils. Olive and peanut oils, avocados, nuts and nut butters, olives and fish provide cardiovascular-healthy fats, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Be careful with sweets. Limit foods and drinks that are high in sugar.

Have low-fat, unsweetened snacks on hand at home, at work, or on the go to satisfy your hunger and prevent overeating.

Eat three meals a day instead of skipping meals or eating snacks instead of meals.

2. Switch to a healthy diet

The goal of improving nutrition is to improve well-being on initial stage and then general health. The path to health through a change in the structure of nutrition is the simplest and most accessible.

The process of transition to a healthy diet takes from one to several months at the initial stage and from one to two years for full recovery. However, you need to change the structure of nutrition gradually, with regular monitoring of your own well-being.

To switch to a healthy diet you need:

The most difficult thing is to realize the need to change the prevailing stereotypes in nutrition and begin to act. It is necessary to take a few initial steps in order to feel the first positive results in a few days, and then begin to follow the intended path more and more boldly and confidently.

It is better to start the transition to a healthy diet and recovery in the spring. Under the influence of solar radiation, vitamin D begins to form in the skin, and thanks to vegetation, which is the natural food of man, the need for meat products and other refined and heavy foods decreases.

Overcome the negative (skeptical, caustic, bewildered, even hostile) attitude of relatives (remarks, barbs, ridicule). However, over time, households and acquaintances will surely follow your example.

3. Basic principles of the transition to the path of recovery and healthy eating

The main principles of the transition to a healthy diet are:


The principle of gradualness refers, first of all, to a change in the structure of nutrition and an increase in loads (water, physical, etc.). During transition period there is a process of restoring health, and it is impossible to rush here;


The best results are achieved only with the comprehensive implementation of the recommendations;

regularity and consistency;

Training with improper nutrition;

In order not to lose immunity to the digestion of various foods, it is recommended to consume foods that are unhealthy once every 2 weeks;

Control of results;

This is an ECG, X-ray, blood tests, urine tests, etc. Monitoring results is an essential component of an integrated approach to recovery.


A healthy diet is understood as the use of products that contain a sufficient amount of essential vitamins and microelements - micronutrients, a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and do not contain harmful substances: heavy metals, nitrates, radionuclides, medicines, medicinal hormones, chemical and other substances - toxins and slags.

Having studied theoretical basis healthy eating in human life, revealed the concept of healthy eating, considered ways of cooking. They revealed the structure of consumption, properties, composition and taste of food, methods and conditions of eating food, the environment and the internal state of the body. They also revealed that it is necessary for each person to observe a diet.

To ensure health (proper) nutrition, it is necessary to take into account the biological needs of the body, which do not depend on our will. If the regime is observed, it is produced conditioned reflex for a while. By the right moment, an appetite appears, and all organs of the digestive system are prepared to receive and process food.

As practice has shown in the healing of so many previously ill people, adjusting daily nutrition provides the opportunity to reverse most diseases at any age. Therefore, one of the most effective ways of healing, as individual people and society as a whole is to change the structure of consumed products with the exclusion or significant reduction of unhealthy products and a significant increase in products with therapeutic and prophylactic properties.

List of used literature

1. A.G. Sushansky, V.G. Liflandsky. Encyclopedia of healthy nutrition. T. I, II. St. Petersburg: "Publishing House "Neva""; M.: "OLMA-PRESS", 2007.

2. Rolf Unsorg. Encyclopedia of health. healthy eating. M .: "Christina and Co", 2008.

3. N.F. Magpie. Nutrition and health. Minsk, 2008.

4. V.I. Garbuzov. Man, life, health. SPb., 2009.

5. Biology. Textbook for students of the 8th grade of educational institutions. Edited by A.G. Dragamilo, R.D. Mash, 2005.

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