"Hakuna Matata" - what does it mean? Recall the fascinating cartoon "The Lion King". English in songs: Hakuna matata from The Lion King


What does this mean interesting phrase? Hakuna matata translation is literal, I quote: "to live without worries." Where did it come from, and what does this popular and positive phrase “Hakuna matata!” mean? What does Hakuna Matata mean? This phrase, the motto of Timon and Pumbaa, means roughly what they had in mind: in a literary translation, it sounds like this: "There are no worries here." There is even a special Kenyan song that repeats this "hakuna matata" twenty-five times.

However, the pronunciation of this phrase in TLK is not entirely correct; The stress should be on the first syllables, not the second. The Swahili phrase "Hakuna Matata" means the same as the American "Don`t worry, be happy!". And in "hakuna matata" the meaning of the phrase is laid down by similar concepts and explanations, expanding the scope of their application.

Sopsna parsing. Jambo - translated from Swahili "case, circumstance fact" - a common form of greeting in Swahili between friends and acquaintances. Sana - "very", like all defining words in Swahili, is placed after the word being defined. Other answers: Salama! And you don’t even really imagine what kind of animal it is - a rhinoceros.

In the Seinfeld episode "The Merv Griffin Show", Elaine Marie Benes says she was caught in the office singing the song "Hakuna Matata". In the movie Mouse Hunt, Ernie Schmuntz (Nathan Lane) bows to the sheikh, greeting him with the phrase "Hakuna matata". In this joke, Nathan refers to the cartoon "The Lion King", where he voiced the meerkat Timon. Words include location along with worries.

Hakuna matata meaning of the phrase and how we understand it!

But people demand novelty and spicy words. An interesting understanding of this phrase was shared with us by one Internet user. The meaning is such that we do not tense up and do not worry about circumstances that do not depend on us, and also that we do not worry in a period of uncertainty. For example, the dollar fell or rose, but we can’t do anything about it, so there’s no need to worry, because we can’t interfere with this and change anything.

I don't think you would dare to greet your boss or teacher like that at school. Not only will they not understand you, but this can lead to a lot of trouble. Can be used with a given name: Bwana Mohammed - Mr. Mohammed. Common addresses for women are Bibi (Madam, lit. "grandmother") and Mama (lit. "mother").

And in the proposed tours, now usually a week is devoted to safari and a week to rest in Mombasa, on the coast of the Indian Ocean. And precisely because they haven’t hunted in Kenya for a long time, the animals don’t pay any attention to the approaching cars.

How and where to use "Hakuna matata" - the words of the Swahili greeting?

And if you dare to answer with the air of an experienced person: “Just think, a rhinoceros!”, I will immediately understand that you have never been on a safari. Suddenly it begins to seem that you have lived your entire conscious and unconscious life in the savannah. Next to this lion family lying about a meter from your bus.

And they live right in the middle of the reserve

It was the day when we met a young leopard. Not far from him, a hyena was slaughtering his piece of meat. As is customary on such occasions, we jumped out of our seats (the roof of the safari bus is always up) to film “ natural life". And suddenly our driver Ben accelerated. And with a goal worthy of any inhabitant of the reserve: we wanted to take away her prey.

In the end, the hyena threw the meat. Ben grabbed him and the bus headed towards the leopard. Then they paid a courtesy call to our hotel in a herd. We sat under awnings near our houses on tables and chairs. And they discussed the Russians who had come to these places for the first time. This time the hotels were not in the most "baboon" places, which upset me a little.

In the end, we began to feel like full-fledged inhabitants of the savannah and bush. And they stared at the minibuses with white tourists they met along the way, just like giraffes. However, from the oncoming buses, equally meaningful views rushed at us.

And suddenly, a scream. I still didn’t understand - it came from the forest or someone screamed in the bus. The baboon was dodging between her and our bus. He climbed a tree, then he went down and ran away. He ate it alive! And every time he pulled another gut out of her stomach, she wheezed. And her mother ran up to her voice. And the baboon ran away again. Ten minutes of such a spectacle - and you completely cease to be touched by the wild life of animals.

Unlike lions, she immediately gives the prey to the children, and she herself eats only what is left. And only here you will see the real Masai - the only people in Kenya, spitting on all the laws of a democratic society. Masai are smart and fearless people.

And although hunting is prohibited in Kenya, the Masai have the right to kill any animal in self-defense. wild people, in a word. In Masai Mare, you will also experience the American way of life. Some resourceful American who settled here bought three balloons and began to offer tourists flights over the reserve.

And just at that moment they take you under white arms and load you into the first class carriage of the Nairobi-Mombasa train.

As I have already noted, they do not like to be photographed. And if they agree, then for the money. You return for dinner. Eat with a greed more befitting a wild beast. Two hours are given for rest. You want to sleep, but instead after dinner you go to the pool. Stupidly you exchange words with your groupmates, discussing the merits of the local water. Drink some beer and get back on the road. Until sunset.

Or among zebras and antelopes. Both: Hakuna Matata What a wonderful phrase Hakuna Matata It's a permanent madness Simba: It means no worries Until the end of your days It's your carefree philosophy Everyone: Hakuna Matata Hakuna... Leave all the bad in the past, put all the bad out of your head, and live in the present day, with a smile on your lips and sunshine in your soul. Let life be in full swing, and everything will be without worries - Hakuna matata!

All of us in childhood loved Disney cartoons and sang familiar melodies, often not quite understanding what they were talking about? It's time to lift the veil of secrecy! Let's find out what they're singing about today Timon and Pumbaa in the cartoon "The Lion King"(The Lion king).

Hakuna matata song history

Song “Hakuna matata” it is transcribed into Russian as “hakuna matata” or “hakuna matata”, and is translated from Swahili as “without worries”. It is this style of carefree life that Timon and Pumbaa promote. The music for this song was written by Elton John himself, and the words by Tim Rice. This song from the cartoon took the 99th position among the best songs in the history of cinema.

The song about hakuna matata (or hakuna matata) is heard not only in The Lion King. It was covered several times and even used in other films (for example, in the cartoon "Toy Story"). Well, the phrase hakuna matata itself has long become a symbol of life without problems.

Let's finally find out what Timon and Pumbaa really sing.

Hakuna Matata lyrics

Hakuna Matata

Hakuna Matata!

Hakuna Matata?
Yeah. It's our motto!
What's a motto?
nothing. What's a-motto with you?
Those two words will solve all your problems

That's right. Take Pumbaa for example
Why, when he was a young warthog...
When I was a young wart hog

very nice

He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal
He could clear the savannah after every meal

I "m a sensitive soul though I seem thick-skinned
And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind
And oh, the shame
He was ashamed
Thought of changing" my name
What's in a name?
And I got downhearted
How did ya feel?
Everytime that I...

Hey! Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids!
Oh. Sorry

Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze

It means no worries for the rest of your days
It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

It means no worries for the rest of your days
It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

Words and expressions in English for song translation

  • Problem-free philosophy - the philosophy of freedom from problems
  • Motto - motto, slogan. Hakuna Matata is the motto of this groovy couple, which they explain to the future lion king.
  • What "s a-motto with you?" - here Timon plays with the phrase "What's the matter with you?" - "What's wrong with you? ". He thinks that the word "motto" sounds similar to the word "matter" (case, subject). So if you want to translate this piece into a literary one, you need to think carefully. Some authors even offer an option - a play on words "Motto-surprise!"
  • Craze - passion, mania. True, Timon and Pumbaa do not have this hobby. So they sing - no passing craze (not a passing hobby, an eternal fad)
  • Take Pumbaa for example - Take Pumbaa as an example. Well, or "take, for example, Pumbaa." Take me for example - take, for example, me.
    Warthog is a species of African wild pig. It is to this species that Pumbaa belongs.
  • Aroma - usually this word conveys some nice smell, fragrance. But here Timon is just ironic and softens Pumbaa's situation a little.
  • Appeal is very polysemantic word. It can be translated in different ways: from appeal to attractiveness. Here it is translated as "attractiveness". He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal - He found that his aroma lacks some appeal.
  • Savannah - savannah
  • To clear - clean, clean, empty
  • Sensitive soul - sensitive, very gentle, touchy (Sensitive soul - tender soul)
  • Thick-skinned - thick-skinned
  • I "m a sensitive soul though I seem thick-skinned - an interesting language game is taking place here. Thick-skinned has the same meanings as our word "thick-skinned", that is, "unemotional." But as we already understood, this is not about Pumbaa He has just sensitive soul "tender soul". In this case, the word thick-skinned has a literal meaning - "thick skin". And this is not surprising, because we are talking about the pig. So the whole phrase will be translated as: "I have a vulnerable soul, albeit thick skin."
  • Downwind - downwind, Upwind - against the wind
  • To be ashamed of - to be ashamed of something; He was ashamed - He was ashamed
  • Thought of changin" my name - I thought of changing my name, changin' = changing
  • What "s in a name?" - With this phrase, Timon ironically quotes Shakespeare. Remember the passage from Romeo and Juliet, where main character proves to his beloved that his last name is not important at all? Only there, further down the text, it was said that the rose would smell like a rose, regardless of the name (“What "s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” - “What is the name? The rose will smell call it a rose, call it a rose, or not.”) Here, of course, we are also talking about smells, though more prosaic.
  • Downhearted - downhearted, dull
  • Not in front of the kids! - Not in front of children!
  • It means no worries for the rest of your days - This means that you do not have to worry until the end of your days

Timon and Pumbaa's motto

Memorize the lyrics to the lyrics of The Lion King and remember this rousing tune from the Disney cartoon every time you have Bad mood. Timon and Pumbaa will certainly raise your spirits by at least a couple of points. You just have to remember that:

Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze

It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

Well, to consolidate the effect, be sure to repeat this again and in Russian:

Hakuna matata! What a wonderful phrase!
Hakuna Matata! Permanent quirk!
This means: no worries until the end of days!
This is our philosophy of freedom from problems.
Hakuna Matata!

Now you know exactly what Timon and Pumbaa are singing about in English. Sing along with them. Hakuna Matata!

Shutikova Anna

More than 20 years have passed since the release of Disney's full-length cartoon The Lion King, but its soundtrack Hakuna Matata is still popular and gives positive emotions. Motifs from your favorite Disney animated films have been hummed by many. However, have you ever wondered: "Hakuna Matata" - what does it mean?


This intricate expression came from the hottest continent of our planet - Africa. You are probably wondering what "Hakuna Matata" means in Kiswahili (Swahili), official language sunny continent. Writing in Africa is based on the Latin alphabet, so it is written in Swahili: Hakuna Matata.

So, the particle "ha" expresses a categorical negation of "not", "ku" is translated as "place", "na" means "to be with something", and "matata" - "problems". Literally, “Ha-Ku-Na-Matata” is translated into Russian as “no place with problems to be”, or simply “life without worries”.

"The Lion King"

The Lion King was Disney's first animated film. At the box office, he takes 7th place, having collected $ 968 million. The film received two Oscars and three Grammys. The success of the cartoon is not last role played songs.

In The Lion King, Pumbaa and Timon perform the song "Hakuna Matata". What does it mean? This is not just an ordinary ordinary song. This is a philosophy of life without worries and worries. It is she who is imposed on Simba by a famous meerkat and a warthog.

Hakuna Matata soundtrack

The lyrics to the song "Hakuna Matata" were written by Tim Miles Rice. Prior to that, he collaborated with Disney, which helped him get his first Oscar. Interestingly, he received this award for the soundtrack "The Whole new world to the cartoon Aladdin.

Together with Tim Rice, the famous British composer and rock singer Elton John. According to the Film Institute of America, the song "Hakuna Matata" is one of the top 100 best songs of the century.

The soundtrack is included in the album Rhythm Of The Pride Lands. The song is performed by J. Cliff and Lebo M.

"The Lion King" and "White Lion Kimba"

"Hakuna Matata" - what does it mean for lovers Disney cartoons? Not everyone knows the translation of this phrase, but for everyone the song has become the motto of the famous adventures of the lion cub Simba. But as it turned out, the character has a distant relative.

"Janguguru Taitei" (" White Lion Kimba is considered the first color Japanese animated film. The cartoon was based on the manga by Osama Tezuka. It came out before Disney's The Lion King by 28 years. Many accuse the Disney studio of plagiarizing characters and scenes from the work of O. Tezuka.

Lion cubs Kimba and Simba look like twins. The drawing of the characters is almost identical, they differ only in color. Interestingly, Simba was originally also wanted to be white. In the cartoons, there is a wise baboon who gives advice to the main character. But Kimba's is not as bright and memorable as Rafiki's.

Actor M. Broderick, who gave his voice to the lion Simba, initially believed that the Disney project was related to Kimba the White Lion and was its remake. The Disney Company denies plagiarism and insists that any coincidences are coincidental.

Curious facts

  • In Swahili, "Simba" means "lion", and the name of the warthog Pumbaa translates as "lazy".
  • During the work on the animation project "The Lion King" its name changed 4 times: "King of the Kalahari", "King of Beasts", "King of the Jungle" and, finally, "The Lion King".
  • To the question "How are you?" the inhabitants of Central and East Africa will certainly answer: “Hakuna Matata!” What does it mean in Swahili? It is usually translated like this: “No problem!”
  • In the cult album "Kalimba De Luna" German band"Boney Em" features the track Hakuna Matata.
  • Rafiki in animated film The Lion King sings an African nursery rhyme: Squash banana. Asante sana We we nugu, Mi mi apana. It translates into Russian as follows: “Thank you so much, eat this banana. You're a real baboon, and I'm not."

Now you know exactly what Hakuna Matata is. This phrase is popular. After all, everyone wants to live without worries and problems. The motto of Pumbaa and Timon will undoubtedly give you a positive charge.

What a wonderful phrase

Hakuna Matata!

Ain't no passing craze

It means no worries

For the rest of your days

When he was a young warthog

When I was a young warthog

He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal

He could clear the savannah after ev'ry meal

I "m a sensitive soul though I seem thick-skinned

And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind

And, oh, the shame

Thought-a changin' my name

And I got downhearted

Ev"rytime that I...

Hey, not in front of the Kids

Oh sorry.

Hakuna Matata!

What a wonderful phrase

Ain't no passing craze

It means no worries

For the rest of your days

It's our problem-free philosophy

Hakuna Matata!

Hakuna...it means no worries

For the rest of your days

It's our problem-free philosophy

Hakuna Matata!

What a wonderful phrase

Hakuna Matata!

Ain't no passing craze

It means no worries

For the rest of your days

It's our problem-free philosophy


What a wonderful phrase

Hakuna Matata!

Ain't no passing fashion

For the end of my days

When he was a young warthog

When I was a young warthog

He found his fragrance lacked a certain appeal

He could clear the savannah after eating ev'ry

I am a sensitive soul, although I seem to be thick-skinned

And it's a shame that my friends never stood in the wind

And oh shame

Thought-changing my name

And I got downhearted

Ev'rytime that I...

Hey, not in front of children

Oh sorry.

[Both:] Hakuna Matata!

What a wonderful phrase

Ain't no passing fashion

[Simba:] That means no worries

For the end of my days

These are our problems without philosophy

[All:] Hakuna Matata!

Hakuna... that means no worries

For the end of my days

These are our problems without philosophy

Hakuna Matata!

What a wonderful phrase

Hakuna Matata!

Ain't no passing fashion

It means no worries

For the end of my days

These are our problems without philosophy

She took 99th position (out of 100) in the ranking of the best songs in the history of cinema, compiled by the American Film Institute.

Song lyrics in English:

Hakuna Matata!

What a wonderful phrase

Hakuna Matata!

Ain't no passing craze

It means no worries

For the rest of your days

When he was a young warthog

When I was a young warthog

He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal

He could clear the savannah after ev'ry meal

I'm a sensitive soul though I seem thick-skinned

And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind

And, oh, the shame

Thought-a changin' my name

And I got downhearted

Everytime that I…

Hey, not in front of the Kids

Oh sorry.

Hakuna Matata!

What a wonderful phrase

Ain't no passing craze

It means no worries

For the rest of your days

It's our problem-free philosophy

Hakuna Matata!

Hakuna…it means no worries

For the rest of your days

It's our problem-free philosophy

  • IN compressed form the song "Hakuna Matata" can be heard in the Pixar cartoon Toy Story (), which comes from Andy's car at the moment when Molly looks at Sheriff Woody and Buzz Lightyear through the side view mirror.
  • In the television series Seinfeld in the episode "The Merv Griffin Show", Elaine Marie Benes says that she was caught in the office singing the song "Hakuna Matata".
  • In the movie Mouse Hunt, Ernie Schmuntz (Nathan Lane) bows to the sheikh, greeting him with the phrase "Hakuna matata". In this joke, Nathan is referring to The Lion King cartoon where he voiced the meerkat Timon.
  • This phrase was called a talk show that aired on the RTR channel in the late 1990s.
  • In the movie "Nascar" (), Jean Gerard, avoiding an accident, shouts "Hakuna Matata, you bastards!".
  • Reggae artist Bunny Weller covers "Hakuna Matata" in Reggae for Kids: Movie Classics.
  • In the series "Less Than Perfect" American company"ABC" (in Russia - "Klava, come on!"): In one of the episodes, office workers, accountant Ramona and supply manager Owen, performed this song, mocking the name of the expensive French cheese "Mimolette".
  • In the animated series The Simpsons, Homer hummed the tune of this song in one of the episodes.
  • In the album of the group Aquarium "White Horse" (2008) there is a song "Hakuna matata".
  • In the mid-1990s, immediately after the release of the cartoon The Lion King, the song Hakuna Matata was performed by Dannii Minogue.
  • In Maxim Leonidov's song "We carry a hippopotamus", the vocalist, depicting the hunters of the tribe, sings: "Hakuna matata, we carry a hippopotamus."
  • The heroine of the Korean film "200 Pounds_Beauty" has a tattoo on her body in the form of a hakunamatata sign
  • At the famous disco group Boney M has a song called Hakuna Matata, which appears on the album Kalimba De Luna, as well as the Hit Collections (Happy Songs), The Maxi-Singles Collection, Long Versions & Rarities compilations.
  • In the movie Velcro, Matt Ryan, as Gates, mentions this phrase while trying to shoot the protagonist.

see also

  • Don't Worry Be Happy


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