Army jokes 18. Jokes in the army: our country cannot be defeated


Who served in the army does not laugh in the circus. Special army jokes are always more interesting and funnier than other jokes, because they often common sense borders on the absurd.

Numerous demotivators about army and war show all the possibilities of army jokes in their glory. Almost all the jokes that can happen during military service are reflected in demotivators about the army and war.

Of course, you read funny jokes about the army and the military. In them, our valiant soldiers sometimes look rather comical and ridiculous. Well, army demotivators ways to spice up anecdotes by adding a hilarious picture to the joke. And after all, not only our military men appear in demotivators about the army. Soldiers from other countries can also show off sometimes ingenuity, sometimes absurdity, and sometimes even grotesque, because sometimes even a hint of common sense is completely absent in the pictures.

Demotivators war

War is no laughing matter, no matter how some very narrow-minded individuals describe it. But the military in a peaceful period are capable of doing absurd things. Features in the alcoholic state.

Demotivators war sometimes these valuable shots are cut out so that numerous browsers of Internet sites can have a good laugh at them. In my memory, there are some demotivators about the war, where, most likely, the US military shows their inability to fight. The network has a lot of captions for the picture, where the American military is standing with his pants down.

In my opinion, funny cartoons about the army are the most successful and hilarious jokes about guys from the army. ranked second on my list. Why did I move demotivators about the war to second place? A picture is drawn in caricatures, and its conditions already depend only on the artist's imagination. And as far as we know, fantasy can be very diverse. Demotivators about the army and war are photos of real actions. The reality is still a little less funny than the cartoonists' fantasy.

Stories about what kind of jokes happen to servicemen in the army is one of the favorite topics of men's companies and search queries on entertainment sites. helps servicemen to overcome all the hardships of everyday life in the army.

Who served in the army, he does not laugh in the circus

Especially about the absurdity of some orders of the commanders, this is one of the most popular topics of jokes. Exists a large number of resources. Many sites post a variety of photos, stories about funny things that happen in the army and videos. There are cases when the labor reserves of soldiers were involved in such activities as, for example, cleaning railway before acceptance of the plot by the commission. The absurdity and desire to please the authorities through recruits looks tragic and funny at the same time.

The commander built a company and asks a question:

‒ Step forward, those who will go to dig potatoes!

Several fighters left the line. The officer continues:

- All clear. The rest go to the potato fields on foot!

Ensign is a state of mind

Jokes in the army, associated with the ingenuity, resourcefulness and commercial streak of ensigns, are another direction of army humor. Most often, in jokes, they are depicted as narrow-minded people who do not miss the opportunity to benefit and give out verbal pearls that quickly become catchphrases.

Ensign was presented with electronic wrist watch. He walks along the road, admires the gift. An old woman passing by asks:

‒ Officer, tell me what time it is?

‒ Seventeen divided by thirty-two. And what happens, you, grandmother, count for yourself.

Of course, the image of the Russian ensign is exaggerated. This collective image, embodying such negative traits like greed, greed, stupidity, the desire to deceive. It is assumed that jokes in the army about ensigns are just the same created in order to encourage the desire not to follow the actions of such people.

Do not forget that the rank of ensign is one of the most ancient in the army. Previously, they were the standard-bearers and some of the most prominent and proven fighters were appointed to this position.

The Russian army is a reason to be proud!

The French intelligence officer was introduced into Russian army. He returns to his homeland and reports:

‒ The Russians have the fastest planes and the most powerful tanks! But the main danger is represented by the troops of the construction battalion! Real animals serve there, and such that they are not even given weapons!

People who have passed military service or full-time employees know firsthand how difficult life in the military is. Strict discipline, observance of the charter, exhausting physical exercise made from fighters. The Russian army can rightly be proud of them. Jokes, tales, anecdotes, photo and video materials will tell with humor about the charms army life. The ability of our military to endure hardships and hardships with a fighting spirit, without losing a sense of humor, makes the army Russian Federation one of the most powerful.

If you served in the army, then you probably know that the service is accompanied by a huge number of truly hilarious situations that every soldier periodically finds himself in. And if the service passed you by, we provide a unique opportunity to plunge into the world of real fun.

Video jokes about the army is special kind humor! And you can remember him or get to know him on our website right now. The best videos about fights, hazing, emotional gatherings that end in unpredictable action, as well as army songs with a guitar. You will find all this in this section.

Army humor is so specific that not everyone can watch army jokes and understand them. However, such colorful, often rude and even harsh humor has an unusually powerful and attractive energy. Therefore, if you are already hooked on this type of rollers, we offer you a huge choice. On our site you will find brand new videos, as well as hits of army humor.

Cool videos about the army will help you plunge into the old good times, to remember the former youth! And for those who have nothing to remember, we offer just enjoy watching, because it is funny army jokes that most accurately and vividly show the atmosphere of an army friendly team.

Those who have already served a long time, thanks to these carbon monoxide videos, will be able to make sure that most of the pranks and jokes that they remember from their experience are still relevant today. Of course, they are somewhat adapted to modern conditions, but the essence and intention almost always remains. This feature does not mean that the soldier does not have ingenuity - on the contrary, it rather a tribute traditions. However, along with such videos, army jokes will be clear to many who served, there are also completely extraordinary stories that just demonstrate our last statement. The fantasy of a soldier is practically unlimited and can offer such an unexpected solution in a non-standard situation that one can only be surprised and watch what is happening with uncontrollable laughter.

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