We sing glory to the madness of the brave. The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life! Where does the expression "to the madness of the brave we sing a song" come from?


Is every act of courage rational?
In my opinion, courage is always irrational. It does not differ in rationality, because, as a rule, an impulse caused by circumstances is necessary for a bold act. such a hero in her time - a grain grower - a tractor driver Anatoly Merzlov. A field caught fire, and he tried to knock down the flame by driving a tractor right into the fire. The young man died. And then a discussion ensued. , after all, human life is more expensive. And this is true. But the fact of the matter is that Merzlov performed the feat recklessly, without weighing: Rational or not what he does. I think that rationality is not needed on the battlefield, in a moment of danger when the fate of the country or people close to you is being decided. A different mechanism is activated here. Courage is like salvation. Gorky said this about it: "We sing glory to the madness of the brave! The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life!"
I believe that a bold act is not always (even almost never) rational, that is, excessively rational.
I am convinced of this point of view classic literature.
Let us turn to the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" and to his completely unheroic Pierre Bezukhov. He is not brutal, like Dolokhov, not handsome, like A. Kuragin, he is simple-hearted and honest, and he has A. Bolkonsky among his friends. Maybe this friendship and personal qualities influenced the character of Pierre? In the year 1812, he behaves boldly and recklessly. What is his desire to kill Napoleon, who quite recently was his idol, and, having attacked Russia, became a hated enemy? During the Battle of Borodino, this count in a white tailcoat and hat, without bowing to the bullets, brings boxes of shells to the battery. Is he bold? Is he rational? No, of course. But we admire him. Because the count is led not by bravado, not stupidity, not recklessness and not rationality, but pain for desecrated homeland and the desire to help with personal participation. (He equipped the regiment with his own money). We understand that a bold act is not always rational. But how contagious and beautiful it is !!
Another example of a daredevil who is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of people is the hero of Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil" Danko. The young man promised his people, expelled from their inhabited lands, to lead them to a beautiful and rich land, where they would find their homeland and happiness. People believed Danko and went behind him. The path was difficult and long, many died in the swamps. The people began to grumble and blame the young man ..
. .-What will I do for the people!?” Danko shouted louder than thunder.

And suddenly he tore his chest with his hands and tore out his heart from it and raised it high above his head.

“Let's go!” Danko shouted and rushed forward to his place, holding his burning heart high and illuminating the way for people. ."

They did not appreciate his feat. Even someone cautiously stepped on a burning heart. (No matter what happened) Truly, "one who was born to crawl cannot fly." But the descendants remember Danko. His name has become a household name. Everyone wants to become Danko. But not everyone is given this.
How can one not remember that "the madness of the brave is the wisdom of life."
Danko didn’t have time to show reasonableness. He disposed of his life “irrationally.” But he saved people. And those who are rational stepped on a burning heart.
Summing up, we can say that in life "there is always a place for a feat", but, as a rule, courage is disinterested, fiery, sometimes reckless. However, the heroes remain forever in the memory of generations. They, like a beacon, attract the young and desperate, giving an example of courage and selflessness.

Literature. Grade 11.

Theme of the lesson: "The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life."

Goals and objectives:

1. To acquaint students with the life of M. Gorky and his romantic creativity.

2. To fix the concept of romanticism as a literary trend on the example of the writer's work.

3. Develop text analysis skills, comparative analysis texts.

4. On the example of the stories of M. Gorky, to acquaint students with the variety of life types, to make them think about the meaning of the feat and its role in human life.

introduction teachers:

Today's lesson is about romantic works Gorky. To understand why Gorky turned to romantic works, it is necessary to characterize the time in which Gorky lived. It was a time when the provincial quiet life tormented and crippled. The nobility still plowed the land according to the "ancient custom", went bankrupt and drank away the last lands in Paris. A merchant, a fist on a large scale, bought up noble estates, cut down cherry orchards. People grew old early, the city dweller quietly drank himself, crying about unfulfilled dreams. Life became more unsettling. It seemed that it would have an effect cherished word.

And so young Gorky ... said this word ... He said about the rebellion proud man whose house is the whole earth under a starry roof.

In brilliant, fresh as a draft, stories, he called for absolute freedom - away from the damned philistine swamp.

Question: How do you understand the topic of our lesson?

(He already sees madness in the death of the Falcon (this is how the philistine attitude to the feat is manifested), and the Falcon, with his desperate desire for freedom, for the struggle, perceives his death not as madness, but the continuation of life, crashed, he seems to merge with his native element, passing her will and energy).

Question: How do you understand the epigraph? (Let you die! .. But in the song of the brave and strong in spirit you will always be a living example, a proud call to freedom, to light!)

(This is a call to fight, this is the beginning of immortality. And even if people like Falcon are still alone, their feat will not blow away without a trace, “drops of blood” of their hot, “like sparks will flare up in the darkness of life and many brave hearts will ignite with an insane thirst for freedom, Sveta!"

Message about romanticism literary direction.

(Romanticism put forward its hero - a man with especially strong feelings who defies laws. The romantic sought to get away from the reality that did not satisfy him, to create his own, fictional image of the world, his ideal, his dream).

"Song of the Falcon". What is the main idea and through what images does Gorky convey this idea? (Singing of freedom, struggle. By the collision of the Falcon and the Gorky Uzh, he answers the question about the meaning of life, about death and immortality, about the destiny of man on earth, and thus connects the tale with surrounding reality).

What do you think of the philosophy of life preached by Uzh?

(From the point of view of a philistine, egoistic existence, those who strive for struggle and freedom are not suitable “for the cause of life”, “live by deceit.” “Funny birds! But now their words will not deceive me anymore! I myself know everything! I know the truth! And I won't believe their calls. Creation of the earth - I live on the earth". This is the truth of the well-fed and indifferent, satisfied with everything around. In his opinion, all aspirations are fruitless, because "everyone will fall into the ground, everything will be dust ..." Already , protecting its useless, egoistic existence, is dead in life. Already understands "heaven" literally - as " empty place", as" a desert without bottom and edge. “There is a lot of light there,” but there is no food there and there is no support for the living body.

What do you think of the philosophy of life preached by Sokol?

(I lived a good life! I know happiness! I fought bravely! I saw the sky. For the Falcon, the sky is a symbol of happiness, the struggle for freedom. The feat of the Falcon is in active hatred for the philistine peace, in the pursuit of freedom, which is higher than life. And the tragedy of the Falcon - this is not the tragedy of farewell to life, but the tragedy of a fighter forced to leave the battlefield. "The madness of desires", condemned by snakes, is actually "the madness of the brave", and "the madness of the brave is the wisdom of life". Life without struggle, selfish existence for the Falcon is worse than death.As the greatest blessing, he dreams of the "happiness of battle."

In which society are there more people: with the philosophy of the Falcon or the Uzh?

(Society is based on the Uzhs. There are only a few people like the Falcon. There are few of them, but everyone’s life flourishes with them, without them it would have died out, turned sour, there are few of them, but they allow all people to breathe, without them people would suffocate. N. A. Nekrasov wrote in his poem:

Mother nature! When would such people

You sometimes did not send to the world,

The field of life would have died out ...

Expressive reading poems by N.A. Nekrasov “In Memory of Dobrolyubov”.

(Dobrolyubov in this poem appears as a citizen, an ascetic who devoted his life to serving the motherland).

And now let's turn to the story "Old Woman Izergil".

Why did Gorky bring out two opposite images?

(Two legends in the story oppose each other. They illuminate two ideas about life. Larra is proud, selfish. He asserts the right to dominate strong personality, opposes itself to the mass, but people do not accept it. Larra values ​​only himself and his freedom, Danko strives to get freedom for everyone. Larra did not want to give people even a particle of his "I", and Danko gives his whole self.

What can you say about Izergil? Tell about her.

(Izergil's life at first glance consists of numerous love affairs. But this is the life of a rebellious person seeking happiness and freedom. Izergil Gorky puts wonderful words into his mouth that express the ideological essence of the story: “... when a person loves feats, he always knows how to do them and finds where it is possible. In life, you know, there is always a place for exploits. To leave a mark on the earth, to be preserved in the memories of the people to whom she brought love, the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the worthy, always look for the strong and courageous and not stop along the way - that's the point life quest Izergil).

Who is Larra? What are the main character traits?

(Larra, the son of an eagle and a girl from a “powerful tribe”, proud that “there are no more like him”, selfish and cruel, violated the laws of his tribe. eternal life. Larra values ​​only herself and her freedom. He asserts the right to the dominance of a strong personality.

What is the main leading feature in the image of Danko?

(Danko loves his people dearly. noble heart he is wounded by the torments of people driven by enemies into impenetrable marshy forests. And he decides to lead them to bright fields. But this path is difficult and far, many have weakened and began to grumble. But what won't loving heart for people! Danko "torn his chest with his hands", tore his heart out of it and raised it high above his head. Danko brought people "to the free land." Gorky poeticized the feat of man in the name of people.

Why did Larra become a shadow, and Danko a spark?

(Larra and Danko have remarkable strength. But Larra, it turns out, is a pseudo-hero, and Danko is a true hero. Larra’s cruelty is condemned by the elders of the tribe not only morally, they execute him - doom him to eternal life. This is the most terrible punishment. He is absolutely alone and no one does not love, he is not connected with people. Dooming him to eternal loneliness means punishing him the worst of all. Danko himself goes to death in the name of the happiness of his people).

Expressive reading by heart of an excerpt from "Songs ..."

Final word teachers:

Gorky himself was a Falcon. He was a man who made himself, rose from the very bottom, was a great worker. Despite the fact that Gorky often saw the "abominations" of life around him, he believed in man, in his mind. With all his work, he brought a brighter future closer, wished people to live freely and happily. And to you, the young generation, Gorky, as it were, says: “Put before you lofty goals, achieve them, and then you will understand what it means to fly into the sky.

We sing a song to the madness of the brave - a phrase from M. Gorky's story "The Song of the Falcon"

... “The sea shone, everything was in bright light, and menacingly the waves beat against the shore.
"In their lion's roar there was a song about a proud bird,
the rocks trembled from their blows, the sky trembled from a formidable song:
We sing glory to the madness of the brave!
“The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life!
O brave Falcon! In battle with enemies you bled...
But there will be time - and drops of your hot blood, like sparks, will flare up in the darkness of life.
and many brave hearts will be kindled with an insane thirst for freedom, light!
“Let you die! .. But in the song of the brave and strong in spirit you will always be a living example,
a proud call to freedom, to light!

Another line of the poem is catchphrase- born to crawl - can't fly!

"A modern poet ... sings" the madness of the brave ". But even from a bird's point of view - what is the courage of the mad Falcon? As you know, falcons attack not God knows what terrible enemies - just wild ducks, geese, partridges, etc. According to Gorky's allegory, it turns out that ducks and partridges tyrannize falcons, and they have to defend their freedom and "thirst for light." It's very funny. But the audience and young people do not notice the comical features of the "Song" and applaud wildly when they hear it from the stage. Here, you see, "struggle", and if it's a struggle, then it doesn't matter for what purpose and by what means - from the sound "struggle" in some layers it is customary to come to delight. Our intelligent society, entirely based on salaries, our young people, without exception striving to get on state bread, still love to tickle their nerves with this strange phrase ... Like a typical proletarian intellectual in whom the spirit of the people has completely fizzled out, Mr. Gorky. .. fell right into the tone of his time, into the tone of the society where Nietzsche is read. The struggle... I am reminded of poor, meek Nadson, who not only never hurt a fly, but to whom the very thought of a bloody struggle seemed terrible. In a friendly conversation, he rejected all terrorism, and in his verses the "struggle" is scattered in almost every poem, sometimes several times. And there is no doubt that this "struggle", which sounded different to the public, was one of the main springs of Nadson's unheard-of success. Something similar is repeated with Mr. Gorky "(newspaper" New time ", 1900, author M. O. Menshikov (1859-1918) - publicist, critic)

"Song of the Falcon"

Samara newspaper yesterday and today

The poem "The Song of the Falcon" by M. Gorky was first published in "Samarskaya Gazeta" March 5, 1895. He got a job at Samarskaya Gazeta two weeks before. I had the task of preparing reviews of non-resident newspapers and, weekly, submit a story, essay, poem. He worked in Samara for a year, of which for five months he held the position of editor-in-chief, and published 63 issues of the newspaper. In 1896 he went as a correspondent to Nizhny Novgorod to talk about the events of the All-Russian Fair, regularly held there, and returned to Samara only on the day of August 30, 1896, to marry Ekaterina Pavlovna Volzhina, his first wife

The use of phraseology in literature

“My sister has been looking for a vein for the fifth day, and he: “pop” and “pop”! "To the madness of the brave we sing a song." But just madness - no"(Vladimir Vysotsky "Life without sleep")
"Because" we sing a song to the madness of the brave "that it, like nothing else, great power example awakens noble feelings in people, makes hearts beat faster "(Vladimir Sanin "Don't tell the Arctic - goodbye")
“Feats! To the madness of the brave we sing a song! - Lantsov raised his hands to the ceiling with a cry.(Viktor Astafiev "The Shepherd and the Shepherdess. Modern Pastoral")
“We argued a lot about Marina - many felt sorry for her, referred to her madness, and many condemned and asked why her madness was expressed in cowardice and betrayal, and not vice versa: after all, it is said that we sing a song to the madness of the brave!”(Vladimir Solovyov "Three Jews, or Consolation in Tears")

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