What is the Amish religious movement. How the Amish live and think


The Amish are a movement of followers of Jacob Amman.

It arose in 1693 in Switzerland, but, due to persecution, the Amish had to leave Europe and move to America.

Most of the Amish now live in the US, but there are also some in Canada. 10 facts about the Amish


Bundling. It is a tradition that a young couple should certain time sleep in the same bed, but do not touch each other. In appearance - a bed for young people - an ordinary double bed, but with a board separating two beds. Here is such a strange psychology of their relationship. Now this is already a rarity, but still you can find bundling in this form, when a young bride sleeps for a month in a bag in which her mother places her. And in the morning, the mother checks that the bag is in place and the husband does not touch the young wife.


Ordnung(order). This is a list of rules that long ago the elders of this community accepted as faith. This is a list of not only religious, but also civil rules. All of them are based on the Bible.


Technology. The Amish are characterized by wagons and manual labor. Everything is done by hand or with the help of livestock, mostly horses. For all their complexity and laboriousness, all Amish pastries are considered the most delicious in the United States.


Clothes and style. Belts, gloves, ties, sneakers: prohibited! The Amish have a very simple style of dress - in accordance with their general philosophy life. married men must grow beards at the same time mustaches are completely prohibited. Women are not allowed to wear patterned clothing or jewelry, and they are not allowed to cut their hair. The length of clothing is strictly regulated by the Ordnung of the community.


The Amish are different. All Amish are different. If we count by the main branches, then there are eight of them, but they are crushed even more. for example, in one community, the length of allowed brim on a hat may be less than that of neighbors, and this, in principle, is a big problem that can lead to disputes between communities.


Punishments. Losing a beard is a big problem, it's a loss of status and respect. The Amish even have gangs that do such things. Recently, one such gang, which cut beards, was sentenced to 15 years in prison for 15 facts of such crimes for each.


Inbreeding. Let it be known that all of the Amish Americans are descended from only 200 families. Those. the Amish have a big problem with inbreeding i.e. closely related ties. Therefore, they often give birth to sick children, who often die. Mortality among newborn Amish is very high. The Amish themselves say: "This is the will of God ..."


Health. Amish health indicators are about 2-plus times better than any American. All this is connected with in a healthy way life.


Rumspringa. Amish teenager has the right to choose his own life. He is given a period in which to decide whether to stay in the community and become Amish, or leave the community forever and never return or meet his relatives.


Meidung. Violation of the ordnung and expulsion from the community. For example, a relationship with a girl outside the community, constant contact with people outside the community. Meidung for life. You can't go back to the community.

The Lost World, or We Came Here...
Village Photographer's Notes

There are several religious-ethnic groups in America, such as Mormons, Quakers, Orthodox Jews, and others. One such group is the Amish, of whom there are about a quarter of a million in the United States.

The largest Amish populations in the United States are found in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and northern Indiana. There is also an Amish Country in Central Illinois, where about a thousand Amish families (about 4 thousand people) live.


Last Saturday, on our way to Urbanovka, we made a detour and drove to Arcola (about 30 miles south) for purely mercantile purposes - namely, to buy normal meat and chicken for ourselves and friends. We flew by with meat - the slaughterhouse closed at 3 o'clock, a couple of minutes before our arrival, and we collected everything else from the heart (including rabbit meat, which is not trivial to find in ordinary stores).


The Amish are for the most part peasants, tied to the land, and lead an almost subsistence economy, without using chemistry, genetics, and other remnants of civilization. They eat only what they themselves have grown, and are happy to sell excess production in the form of meat, poultry, milk, eggs, cheese, and other products. They often ship products to civilized world to normal stores, but the quality (and price) in their stores will probably be better. In addition, Amish restaurants are not uncommon in those places. They are also actively engaged in the production of wooden furniture, which is both appreciated and worth it.


16. The local Amishevsky regional center is located in the city of Arthur, founded in 1865.

It will be warmer - it will be necessary to ride there.


The Amish live a very simple and secluded lifestyle, and often do their best to avoid the blessings of civilization. So, for example, the Amish do not have cars, and in most cases they move on horse-drawn carts (interestingly, ordinary carts, at least in winter version, completely closed, and the reins twitch from the inside).

18. A wagon with a trailer.

19. A smart man snatched a sofa for himself.

The reason why the Amish don't have their own cars is quite funny - people live in communism and having a car is considered a luxury, and this is not allowed because it provokes inequality or the appearance of it. Moreover, using non-Amish cars from the world (taxi, neighbors) is quite acceptable. It is also perfectly acceptable to use agricultural machinery (judging by this guy)


Although tillage and other agricultural work is carried out mainly with the help of horses. The average Amish family has about 80 acres (32 hectares) of land in use - poor horses ....


The Amish use almost no electricity. The reason is quite funny - they believe that electrical wires connect them to the outside world, which is contrary to the Bible and their religious principles (Amish - closed society, and communicate with civilization only to the extent of (commercial) necessity, therefore they have completely banned television, radio and the Internet). Naturally, they use electricity as needed (pay attention to the right turn signal). For example, in shops they use gas for lighting, and refrigerators and cash registers naturally electric. The trick is that electricity is produced here by a diesel or gas generator, and is not taken from the central network.


Judging by the distributor on the pole, their generators are very powerful. Although the option of a local community power plant is not excluded.


The average Amish family has 6-7 children and their households are very strong and solid. Moreover, they are constantly growing and expanding (the average increase in the Amish population is 4% per year! And given the closeness and the fact that all this quarter of a million Amish descend from the 200 first settlers, one can imagine the level of incest and a bouquet of genetic diseases).


Amish clothing is strict and simple. No frills, minimal range. What is fashionable women's clothing they do not know.


By the way, for religious reasons, the Amish are not allowed to be photographed. Oops...


Amish don't go to ordinary schools and believe that 8 classes of education are quite sufficient for a normal existence. They make their schools according to the old model, where all the students of the school study in one room. And only from school (theoretically) the Amish begin to speak English. Before that (in the family) they speak their own Pennsylvania-German dialect.


The Amish are united by one religion, and the family and the church are the main thing. They are Anabaptists (Christians) and, as a rule, they go through two baptisms in their lives - in infancy and at a conscious age. Before getting a haircut into real Amish, young people are given freedom of choice and allowed to go into the world, but only a few do it ... Despite the fact that the basis of Amish culture and life is the church, the Amish (at least the Old Believers) do not have classical churches . There are about 27 church parishes in the Arthur area, each of which consists of 30-35 families. Services are held at own houses in turn, i.e. In fact, every house is a church...

Amish life

The Amish are adherents of the old traditional way of life. Most of them wear clothes and hats of certain colors and ancient styles, ride in horse-drawn carts, use only steel wheels, plow the land with a horse-drawn plow. Children and women go barefoot during the warm season. Amish are forbidden to serve in the army, take pictures, drive cars and fly planes, have computers, televisions, radios, wear wrist watch and wedding rings.

34. Amish in a light carriage in Lancaster, Pennsylvania on May 19. (Todd Heisler/The New York Times)

Amish marriages are concluded only with their co-religionists.

35. Farmer with a dog in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. (Todd Heisler/The New York Times)

The Amish, with their usual scrupulousness, treat agriculture, still cultivating the land with plows.

36. Farmers work on a field in Lancaster on May 19. (Todd Heisler/The New York Times)

In their free time, Amish men make furniture, Amish women sew clothes, in both cases everything is done by hand and in fashion. early XVIII century.

37. Amish farmer plows a field in Lancaster. (Todd Heisler/The New York Times)

Since the Amish marry exclusively with members of their communities, one type of genetic disease is common among them, and miscarriages occur very often among women, nevertheless, the birth rate among the Amish is traditionally high, there are 8-10 children in families, as a result of which each generation their numbers are doubling.

38. Cows on the farm of Matthew Stoltzfus in Lancaster. (Todd Heisler/The New York Times)

Upon reaching a certain age, the Amish have the right to leave Father's house for 3 years and go to live in the "outside world", where they can sin as their soul pleases, but at the end of this period, the Amish must return home and make a decision: either he is completely immersed in traditional way life of the Amish and remains in the community, observing all the rules of behavior, or he leaves the community forever, lives as he wants, and then even the closest relatives will never again give him a helping hand, no matter how much he needs it.

41. Amish farmers work in a barn on a farm in Lancaster. (Todd Heisler/The New York Times)

42. The bike lies on the edge of a farm in Lancaster. (Todd Heisler/The New York Times)

Although aware of themselves as belonging to the same denomination, the Amish, however, break up into different groups.

43. A farmer carries buckets in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, May 19. (Todd Heisler/The New York Times)

44. An Amish farmer plows a field in Lancaster. (Todd Heisler/The New York Times)

45. Amish farmer in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. (Todd Heisler/The New York Times)

46. ​​The hat hangs on the door frame in a house in Lancaster. (Todd Heisler/The New York Times)

47. Amish on a farm in Lancaster. (Todd Heisler/The New York Times)

48. Amish wagon. (Todd Heisler/The New York Times)

49. Traditional Amish cart in Lancaster. (Todd Heisler/The New York Times)

50. An Amish cart drives past a farm in Lancaster. (Todd Heisler/The New York Times)

51. Amish farmer plows a field in Lancaster. (Todd Heisler/The New York Times)

52. Amish children ride on a wagon in Lancaster. (Todd Heisler/The New York Times)

53. Matthew Stoltzfus (right) on his farm in Lancaster. (Todd Heisler/The New York Times)

The Amish are a closed religious community of Anabaptists. And if you say plain language, then Anabaptists are Protestant Christians who accept baptism only at a conscious age. The Amish got their name from Jacob Amman, a zealous follower of Mennonite teachings. Amman initially advocated that the Mennonites of Germany and the Netherlands, they are also pacifist-minded Anabaptists, totally avoid contact with the outside world and those who violate the rules of the community. However, the Mennonites have always been quite lenient: they enjoyed all the benefits that were known in their time and did not particularly shy away from the guilty members of the community.

AT late XVII century, the strict teachings of Amman had their own admirers who followed their teacher. Soon they settled in Switzerland and Alsace. Only the "idyll" of the Amish did not last long. When he came to power Louis XIV, he annexed Alsace to France, and it was then that the persecution of all "non-Catholics" began. The Amish, having left of their own accord, were forced to submit to the laws of that world from which they had so diligently protected themselves. They had to swim across the ocean and take refuge in the New World.

Today it is North America leads in the number of Amish. Most of them live in the USA: in the states of Pennsylvania and Ohio. In addition, several Amish communities exist in Canada and even in Ukraine. The Amish population has reached the mark of 300,000, and this is not the limit, because in every Amish family it is customary to have at least 5-7 children, this is the norm.

Bad-Good Amish

The Amish are pacifists, they cannot take up arms and even more so fight. They do not pay taxes, as they refuse the social support of the state: insurance, medical care and pensions. The main occupation of the Amish is agriculture and farming, which feeds them. happiness for them big family, where there are many, many children, mutual assistance between members of the community and humility before God.

The whole life of the Amish is subject to a special set of rules "Ordnung", which, in turn, quotes Christian commandments and the Bible in a certain way. According to "Ordnung", the style and color of clothing is chosen, it is decided to punish "apostates" or show leniency towards them. In general, the local bishop also contributes to these rules: it comes to the point that in each community it is he who determines the width of the brim of a man's hat.

Real good Amish is Old Order Amish. He strictly observes Ordnung, never drives a car (it is simply forbidden to him), but drives a horse-drawn cart. He does not use a tractor, but still cultivates the land in the old fashioned way with a plow, to which he harnesses mules or oxen. There is no electricity in the house of a proper Amish, which means no TV, telephone, computer, and even more so the Internet. Instead of a refrigerator - a special chamber where ice is loaded, instead of an electric stove - a gas stove, instead of a chandelier - a kerosene stove. Yes, and a bath with a toilet is outside the house. In general, life got stuck somewhere in the 17th century. Amish does not take pictures and tries to make sure that no one can capture him on a camera or camera.

But there are not very correct Amish - these are the Amish of the new rite, who make indulgences in some rules. On their farms, they can use modern technologies: tractors and combines, diesel engines. They can have a phone in a special booth on the street and allow themselves to be photographed. But they continue to move around in a horse-drawn carriage, refuse electricity in the house itself and wear traditional clothes.

As for Amish clothing, it is characterized by simplicity and rigor, and besides, it is always homespun. There are no lightning bolts or studs in their costume. They don't wear sneakers, belts, caps. Colors for clothes are always chosen muted, soft. unmarried girls they wear blue (sometimes blue) long dresses and black aprons, they put a white cap on their heads.

Married ladies sometimes wear black instead of a blue dress along with a black cap, again the bishop of the community decides on this issue. In addition, Amish women are not allowed to wear jewelry, make up or cut their hair. All these rules were invented so that the Amish would not have vanity and desire to embellish themselves in any way.

The men's attire includes a casual work suit of simple-cut strappy trousers and a light-colored shirt, all complemented by a straw hat with a black band. Second option menswear It's a dress for going out. His man puts on if he is going to the city - this is a black jacket or a black vest and trousers, a black felt hat. It is also forbidden for men to shave their beards after marriage.

Amishism has been around for three centuries, but the clothes of the followers of this movement have not changed at all and still resemble robes people XVII century. The Amish have a clear schedule: children, for example, go to school until the 8th grade. Among their subjects - only the most necessary: ​​mathematics, English language, spelling, history, geography, singing. Particular attention is paid to the German language, because at home the Amish speak Pennsylvania German.

From the age of 15, Amish teenagers enter the so-called rumspringa - a period when they can taste the world, do what they want, break the rules of the community, and even leave the settlement. Often at this time they try alcohol or tobacco for the first time, try on modern clothes. Some of them leave the Amish and are no longer eligible to return, but about 90% of teenagers return and are baptized.

It is only during adolescence that the Amish are allowed such emancipation, because after baptism, any violation of the Ordnung leads to isolation or avoidance. The violator becomes an outcast in his own community, no one talks to him, he is shunned, and sometimes he is completely driven out and excommunicated from the church.

fashion hermits

It's no secret that people have always been attracted to everything unknown and unusual: the Amish phenomenon is no exception. AT last years one can notice an incredible interest in this religious movement. Some, having learned about the Amish, want to join them, while others call them sectarians. But despite everything, their popularity is only growing. Every year, American and British channels show more and more reality shows and documentaries with the Amish. An example is the sensational and controversial show Breaking Amish. , the first episodes of which were released in 2012. In this show, young Amish people left their communities and traveled to New York to discover new life. This program was broadcast almost all over the world, including in Russia.

In general, Amishomania has seized the United States in earnest and for a long time. Americans, tired of fast food, have become obsessed with ideas about healthy eating. In this regard, various Amish markets and Amish markets appear in big cities America: they offer the buyer organic vegetables and fruits, biopreparations, homemade cakes. In addition, Americans are buying up traditional Amish needlework.

And the Amish style in clothes has conquered many famous designers. Inspired by the simplicity and naturalness of these unusual people, they began to create ascetic and discreet collections.

Glossy magazines, fed to their fill of glamorous photo shoots, did not lag behind the new "recluse" fashion and offered their own take on the Amish style. Elle Ukraine and Elle France in 2014 showed on their pages that a girl can remain natural and at the same time stylish and attractive by dressing in the manner of the Amish.

AT modern world many unusual communities and communities are emerging. People begin to get tired of each other and the world around them and try to unite according to their interests. is one of the fastest growing religious communities today. The Amish community is Anabaptists(in other words, these are Protestants who consciously accept baptism).

What is the main idea behind Amish communities? Since the inception of this movement, the Amish have avoided any contact with the outside world and violators of morality in general. Initially, the movement was born thanks to the Mennonites in Germany and Holland, but today the largest community is observed in. The most numerous Amish settlements are observed in Ohio and Pennsylvania. You will not believe, but they can be found even in Ukraine! And you know, the increase in numbers is not surprising, because every family has 5 or even more children.

What is it in way of life Amish, which is more and more more people ready to join them? Their main feature is it's a rejection modern technologies and blessings modern society . They are engaged in farming and agriculture, they themselves create everything that is required for life. Accordingly, they do not pay any taxes and do not receive social support. No Amish will take advantage of a pension or insurance.

Amish life is based on " Ordnunge"- a peculiar interpretation of the Christian commandments and the Bible. "Ordnung" determines absolutely everything: the style and color of clothes and hats, even the width of a man's hat must be certain! As well as the color of the woman's dress.

Amish is forbidden to drive a car, he can only drive a wagon. Amish houses have no electricity, no household appliances and, of course, the Internet. Can you imagine how our grandmothers lived? Well, the Amish live about the same way.

However, among the communities there are also non-orthodox Amish - they violate some canons of life. They can, for example, use more or less modern farming equipment, and even diesel engines. They may even have a telephone in a special booth. But the rest of the orders are strictly observed!

The main principle of the Amish is equality and the absence of vanity. That is why, all their clothes are muted shades and very simple style. By the way, the clothes are homespun. Women are forbidden to wear jewelry, make up and cut their hair. Men stop shaving their beards after marriage. An interesting fact is that during the entire existence of the Amish, their style of clothing has not changed a bit.

From generation to generation, everything goes according to the established canons. Children go to school until grade 8, where they learn only the most necessary things. By the way, the Amish study German. Upon reaching the age of 15, teenagers begin the roomspring period - a time when teenagers are given a taste of another life.

They can drink, smoke and try on modern clothes away from the community. If a person decides to leave the community, he is forbidden to return. By the way, 90% of those who went into the “separation” return and are baptized.

Another interesting fact that the first month of marriage, the bed of the young is divided, and every morning the mother of the bride checks whether the husband has encroached on his newly made wife.

This community seems to be stuck out of time. From year to year, from generation to generation, nothing changes in their lives. So why are they getting more and more popular? In the cities of America, markets and shops are emerging that sell exclusively products created by the Amish. By the way, their pastries are considered the most delicious.

It turns out that people are so tired of the daily running around and fighting for their place under the sun that they are ready to give up everything and go back to the past!

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Their world is simple and magical at the same time. So who are the Amish? First of all, it must be said that this is a religious movement. That is we are talking not about a tribe or race, but about people who profess certain teachings.

Who are the Amish and where did they come from?

In the seventeenth century there lived a priest in Switzerland who preached Protestantism. His name was Jacob Ammann. He was terribly dissatisfied with the events taking place in society and was firmly convinced that progress and the Devil were concepts of solidarity. Jacob gathered his adherents and sailed in the direction of America in order to arrange a life there that was pleasing to God, according to his concepts. Since then, the settlements of his followers have flourished in the New World, successfully budding and spreading throughout the world. In any case, in the United States, it would never occur to anyone to ask the question: “Who are the Amish?” These people are well known and respected in the country.

Amish beliefs

These kind people in every possible way avoid the blessings of civilization. Television is prohibited in the settlements, the Internet is a taboo! Sometimes they are allowed to listen to the radio (individual channels and programs). The Amish (photo) are subsistence farming. It is clear that their food is environmentally friendly and very tasty (which the modern "gourmet" will not be able to understand, having become addicted to food additives). The souls of the settlers are as pure as the way of life. Any indiscretion is unacceptable for them, not to mention debauchery. They cover their bodies with clothes; they do not show off their charms. I must say that their ideology is also divinely non-aggressive. They say that the Amish can be beaten or insulted, and he will bless the offender. And this is not a game, but an inner conviction! Naturally, in such a community there is no hint of hostility or rivalry. Such emotions are sinful. Still kind settlers let everyone who knocks into the house without asking who they are. The Amish cannot even imagine that it is possible to drive out someone who needs help!

How do the Amish live?

Belief is very strict. They literally follow the Holy Scriptures. They don't build temples. Pray in their residential buildings, gathering in turn at one of the members of the community. Services are conducted by preachers, who are usually two per congregation. The Amish have some peculiarities in the use of toilet articles. So, for example, men do not sew buttons on coats and jackets. Women don't wear flashy dresses, and they don't think about trousers at all. Families are created only with "their own", which, according to scientists, can harm the community, since children can be susceptible to genetic diseases. Special studies in this direction have not been conducted, but by the appearance of people you can’t say that they are sick. And the modern world, from which they seek to escape, presents so many threats that it is not known what is better: to die due to a lack of a gene pool or from devilish temptations! The Amish do not settle in Russia en masse. If there are some followers of this faith, they are few in number. On the territory of Rus' there are their own "Amish", which are called the Old Believers. These two currents have similar concepts, ways of life and taboos.

To summarize the answers to the question: “Who are the Amish?”, then we can say that these are people whose beliefs do not allow them to participate in the “fall” of mankind. This is a tiny piece of multibillion-dollar humanity, which proved by the fact of its existence that it is possible to live a simple and kind life!

The whole world is gradually divided into those who welcome any vice, calling it the choice of man, and those who strive to live righteously. Unfortunately, last group much less. But not so few. The Amish are the righteous. followers of the teachings of Jacob Ammann - a Swiss who correctly decided that civilization and vice are one and the same. He lived in the 17th century and belonged to a very strict Mennonite sect (a branch of Protestantism). But he was not satisfied with the fact that society was heading into the abyss. In his opinion, a righteous person cannot even communicate with others. He gathered around him a bunch of followers. They moved to New World to build a different society, cleansed of vices.

Modern Amish - who is it?

In the US and Canada, there are many communities that lead a secluded lifestyle. They try to communicate only in their own circle. Their rules are strict. ensures their existence. There are about 200 thousand Amish people. In connection with the coming end of the world, their ranks are constantly replenished with new adherents. The largest Amish community is located in Pennsylvania. Lancaster County is another name for their country.

What do the Amish believe?

Who came up with this idea that the Devil, and not the Lord, rules the world is unknown. But the Amish sincerely believe it. Human souls are like fragile sprouts in the field of a breeder - the Devil, who by all means tries to instill in them numerous vices. Only the most steadfast are given to resist in order to unite with the Lord when the time comes to go to heaven.

These righteous people live in oases of goodness - Amish settlements, where it is very difficult to succumb to the devil's temptations, since the whole way of life is strictly regulated here. Communities are subject to a strict charter - Ordnung, which spells out literally every step of the righteous.

Humility is the main virtue that the Amish revere.

Who said that vice must be fought with force? Not at all. The Amish believe that only by humility and non-resistance will they make their way to Paradise. Their whole life consists of trials and suffering, which they must endure without murmuring or resisting. Even if you spit in the face of a believer, he will not be offended or angry. Anger, anger, pride is terrible vices. The religions of the world do not know of another such current, where believers are pure children. They will pray for the salvation of their executioner. At the same time sincerely and sincerely.

Amish life

This population group lives in isolation. Engaged in natural farming. Families are created with fellow believers. There are a lot of children in them, so the settlements are growing rapidly. There is a possibility that this human population will suffer from its closedness, due to the limited choice of a couple. But now so many people are fleeing civilization that such fears are no longer relevant. Many people who want to get away from the world are given shelter by the Amish. Who is it that wants to get away from the good? Many people who in this way protest against the ugliness that is happening in the modern world. They are not satisfied with unbridled morals, ubiquitous sex, the impossibility of having something personal, since even the most secret immediately becomes known to the public. This is not the life of the Amish. For them, the secret exists. They don't watch TV, they don't surf the Internet, even the radio is banned. Women go fully dressed, not half-naked, as is customary in advertising. Men grow a beard and never swear. They are very kind and nice people.

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