The father's house is its great purpose, divine definition and its features.


Grechushkina Victoria, 3 "A", GBOU Gymnasium No. 196

Father's house is my apartment, there is my mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, my relatives. Fatherland is the place where you were born, I was born in St. Petersburg and my relatives too, this is our homeland, and our city is in Russia, which means Russia is my Fatherland.

Tarabanova Polina, 3 "A", GBOU Gymnasium No. 196

I understand the words Fatherland, father's house, as relatives, home. A person needs a fatherland so that you are not alone, to love him, and therefore to protect, serve.

Petrovsky Ilya, 3 "A", GBOU Gymnasium No. 196

I think that the Fatherland and the father's house have common sense. This is your native corner, and not just a house, apartment, city, village, street. These two words common root and meaning. Father's house is the place where your family, relatives, Dear people, and the Fatherland is the area where you were born. And people live in this area, they are also dear to you. And just as you stand up for your family, so you will defend the Fatherland, because dear people and motherland stands in the meaning of these words. A man without a Fatherland is like a tree without roots. So the Fatherland is necessary for us.

Zhmylev Vladislav 3 "A" class, gymnasium 330

The words "fatherland" and "father's house" for me mean the Motherland. Only the fatherland is a big Motherland, this is my whole Russia from west to east, from north to south. There are many people in my country different nationalities, they can even speak and think in a different language, but we are all citizens of our common land, on which we all live, which we are proud of and which we will defend, as our ancestors defended from any enemies. And ""father's house"" is a small homeland. Formerly family generations lived in the same place and even in the same house. Now people often move, so I think that my father's house is my native St. Petersburg, the city where my mom and dad, grandparents, my relatives and friends live. This is my House, which I am proud of and which I love.

Pantyushin Andrey 2 "B" class, gymnasium 330

Fatherland, father's house, father - words of the same root. The father is the most important member of the family, its hope and support. Mother, mother, mother gives us life. Father and mother are two main people in the life of every person. Our homeland is called Mother Russia. Motherland is the most precious thing in the life of every person. The place where you were born and raised, where your roots are - is the Fatherland. The family is a small homeland, our paternal home. There are no people closer than in a family in the whole world! I have a brother Sergey. He will be 7 years old on April 2. This year he will go to school where I study. Sergei and I love to relax with mom and dad. Our father and grandfather served in the army. They often remember their service. Together with them we look at magazines, sing military songs. Mom and grandmother take care of us and take care of our home. If peace and friendship in the family is great!

Silgichuk Stanislav 2 "B" class, gymnasium 330

Fatherland is my country, Motherland, father's house where I live. Each person has his own paternal home, each considers his homeland the country where he was born, where he grew up, where he spent his childhood. At different times a person can live in different countries, but the Motherland - Fatherland he has one forever.

Teslenko Sofia, 4th grade "A", gymnasium 330

“Fatherland” and “fatherly” are two consonant words. They are associated with the words motherland, home, family. In order to understand what the words “Fatherland” and “fatherland” mean to me, I want to first of all reveal these terms.

In the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov, “Fatherland” is the country where a person was born and to whose citizens he belongs. This concept also combines love and a sense of duty, often used with the words patriotism, homeland, duty. The concept of "Fatherland" is one of the most important national values, in the basic laws.

The word "Fatherland" is part of the chorus of the Anthem of the USSR and the Anthem of the Russian Federation. The term is found in the name of the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day", there is an order "For Merit to the Fatherland", and there is also school course"The history of homeland". The word "Fatherland" is often spelled with capital letter, the same word is found in the names of liberation wars: Patriotic War 1812, the Great Patriotic War.

The concept of "father's house" means - " parental home”, About which they also say: “home”, “family shelter”, “ home».

Thus, revealing the meaning of the words "Fatherland" and "father's house", one can come to the conclusion that a person needs the Fatherland in order for him to feel protected and confident.

A sense of security and confidence is given by the state in which a person lives, and is established by the Constitution, supplemented by family, relatives and friends.

Barbarych Daniil, 4th grade "A", gymnasium 330

How do you understand the words - "Fatherland, father's house"? Why does a person need a Fatherland?

Motherland, Fatherland, Fatherland. These words we pronounce with pride and write them with capital letter. We can ask friends and relatives what the Motherland is, and we will get different answers. Some will say that the Motherland is the country where you were born, others will say that it is hometown, others will say that this is the house where you were born, took the first step and said the first word. Still others will say that the Motherland begins with people close to us - mom and dad, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends. For many, the Motherland begins with the father's house. Father's house means father's. The word "father" has the same root as the word "Fatherland".

Motherland is the land where we were born, where we grew up. This the only place, to which we are attached by the roots of kinship, upbringing and education, where it is always warm and cozy. Each person has one homeland, like his own mother. No wonder these two words - Motherland and Mother - usually sound side by side. Therefore, the Motherland begins with mom, dad, from home, yard, people close to you and friends, among whom you lived and studied.

The words "Fatherland" and "Fatherland" also have a common root. This root indicates that this is the land of fathers and ancestors. And the words "Motherland", "parents", "birth", "kinship" have a common root - gender. The human race is its roots. The place where you were born, grew up, where your roots are. Fatherland is the land of fathers, where your ancestors were born, where your childhood passed. The life of any person cannot be full if it flows outside the interests of the Fatherland in which he lives, if a person is indifferent to the fate of his Fatherland. I have no doubt that every citizen of his Fatherland loves his Motherland.

Fatherland is the land of our fathers, father's house is the home of our father. Whatever our home, wherever it is, it will always be dear and close to us.

To remember the past of our ancestors will help photos from family album, documents preserved at home. Sometimes family history has to be pieced together. Each photo in the album is a piece of life, it is an opportunity to go back to the past.

Starchikov Victor, 2 "B" class, gymnasium No. 196.


Fatherland is the country where a person was born. Father's house is the house that belongs to the parents. The Fatherland gives us protection and love.

Kletsov Sergey 2 "B" class, gymnasium No. 196 .
Fatherland is my Motherland, the land where I was born. Father's house is the house where my mother and sister live. Fatherland and father's house, words that are dear to me, because in them I hear the word father. Wherever I am, I always remember my father. When I leave home for a long time, I miss my family and home. And I always want to go back to them. If trouble comes to my father's house, I will deal with it. If the enemy attacks the Fatherland, I will defend it.

Dubodel Nelli 2 "B" class, gymnasium No. 196.

Fatherland is Mother country beloved homeland. Every person has a small homeland, or father's house. I was born in St. Petersburg. This is my father's house. I love this city. It has many museums, palaces, monuments, cathedrals. During the war, St. Petersburg survived the blockade. A lot of people died from hunger and cold, but those who survived remained kind people and helped each other in everything. There are many stories and books about the war and the blockade. Me with early childhood parents read these books. I am proud of my city, my small homeland. A person must love and defend his Fatherland, his Motherland. The Russian national anthem contains these words:
"Glory to our free Fatherland-
Fraternal peoples age-old union.
Ancestors given the wisdom of the people.
Hail country! We are proud of you!"
I will always be faithful to my Fatherland.

Semenov Vladislav 2 "B" class, gymnasium No. 196.
Fatherland, in my understanding, is the country in which I was born and live, this is my homeland. My father and mother, grandparents were born and raised in this country. Fatherland is ours common Home. It gives us education medical care it protects us. People work for the good of the Fatherland. Each person has his own father's house. This is the house where a person is born, from it goes to school, college and work. My mom and dad are always waiting for me at home.


Budimir Metalnikov

In the main
cast Operator Composer

Yuri Biryukov

Film company Duration A country


Year IMDb The release of the film "Father's House"

"Father's house" - Feature Film directed by Lev Kulidzhanov.


Very beautiful girl Tanya, who lives with a wealthy Moscow family and studies at pedagogical institute, learns that she is actually the daughter of an elderly village woman who lost her during the war. Arriving to visit her own mother Natalya Avdeevna, she discovers a completely new world, in many ways alien to her. Far from immediately, she is imbued with a sense of inner kinship with this world, its people, so unusual for her. Natalya Avdeevna introduces Tanya to the village girl Nyura. Nyura shows Tanya local sights. And then Tanya meets local chairman Sergei Ivanovich, a former front-line soldier. They spend a lot of time together, but then Sergei Ivanovich lets Tanya know that for her it's just children's hobby. "I would be the last man if he allowed a young girl to make a mistake, even if it was beautiful," he says. Tanya is very worried about this, although she tries to hide it. But Natalya Avdeevna and grandfather see it anyway. "Well, the girl just dries!" - grandfather says.

Toward the end of the film, Nyura gets married, she is given new house. A local village woman, Stepanida, runs away from the wedding, and Sergei Ivanovich finds her in tears. She tells him how she spent her whole life alone, having lost her fiancé during the war. Sergei Ivanovich decides to take her to him.

Stepanida, who knew about Tanya's former infatuation with Sergey Ivanovich, comes to her and says: "Forget the chairman." Then Stepanida explains that she and Sergei Ivinovich love each other and she is going to marry him. Tanya, barely holding back her tears, wishes her happiness. “You are young, you have your whole life ahead of you, but for me this is the last time,” says Stepanida. When she leaves, Tanya asks Natalya Avdeevna: "Where is my suitcase?" Natalya Avdeevna replies that she carried the suitcase into the hallway and asks: "Have you thought of leaving?" Tanya, already breaking her voice, declares that yes, she will leave today. And with these words, she runs out into the hallway and, leaning against the fence, weeps bitterly. Natalya Avdeevna notices this, comes up to her and says these words: “What is the matter with you, daughter? Stop hiding, do you think I don’t see what is happening to you? I carried you under my heart ... "And she presses the sobbing Tanya to her.

Then, having already calmed down, Tanya writes a letter to her foster mother, where she says that she is again delayed and that she will come home, now, probably, together with Natalya Avdeevna. "She really wants to get to know you," Tanya writes. She ends the letter with the words: "How strange: I now have two mothers."

At the end of the film, Tanya, entering the classroom of a local school, imagines how in a few years, becoming a teacher, she will teach her first lesson. Sergei Ivanovich appears and introduces her to the newcomer new teacher th, which, as it turns out, is also from Moscow. And then Tanya shows this new teacher the local attractions that Nyura herself recently showed her.


  • Vera Kuznetsova - Natalia Avdeevna, mother of Tanya
  • Ludmila Marchenko - Tanya
  • Valentin Zubkov - Sergey Ivanovich, Chairman
  • Nonna Mordyukova - Stepanida
  • Lucien Ovchinnikov - Nyurka Makarova
  • Nikolay Novlyansky - grandfather Avdey
  • Peter Aleinikov - Fedor
  • Tatiana Guretskaya - Elena Skvortsova, Tanya's adoptive mother
  • Peter Kiryutkin - Mokeich
  • Elena Maksimova - Makarikha, Nyura's aunt
  • Evgenia Melnikova - Vasilisa Danilovna, Fedor's wife
  • Vladimir Vsevolodov - Pavel Nikolaevich Skvortsov, Tanya's adoptive father)
  • Georgy Shapovalov (in the credits T. Shapovalov) - Stepanida's husband, lineman
  • Yuri Arkhiptsev - Pyotr Gordeev, Nyura's fiancé
  • Ivan Kuznetsov - foreman of the covens
  • Irina Bunina - postman
  • Evgeny Kudryashov - collective farmer
  • P. Postnikova - woman at the doorstep who brought milk to the Skvortsovs

film crew

  • Screenwriter: Metalnikov, Budimir Alekseevich
  • Director: Lev Kulidzhanov
  • Cinematographer: Pyotr Kataev
  • Artist: Mark Gorelik, Sergey Serebrennikov
  • Music: Yuri Biryukov
  • Editing: Lidia Zhuchkova

Prizes and awards

  • - All-Union Film Festival in Minsk. Second Prize for Screenplay.


  • Father's House at the Internet Movie Database

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Motherland (party)
  • Stepfather

See what "Father's House" is in other dictionaries:

    Father's house- (Smolyan, Bulgaria) Hotel category: 3 star hotel Address: Mogilitsa village, 4761 Smolyan, Bulgaria … Hotel catalog

    FATHER'S HOUSE- "FATHER'S HOUSE", USSR, film studio IM. M. GORKY, 1959, b/w, 100 min. Melodrama. Stepdaughter Dr. Skvortsova, having learned that her mother was alive, went to her village for the holidays. The woman did not know how to bring her daughter closer to her. Meetings on the collective farm with ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    Father's House (film)- Father's house Genre drama Director Lev Kulidzhanov Scriptwriter ... Wikipedia

    FATHER- FATHER, despair, father (book poet. obsolete). Paternal, parental. “You preferred the canopy of your father to the tempting bed.” Pushkin. Father's house. Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

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The parental home is what unites all people in this world, what we call common, and where we find differences. What is common in this concept is that it is familiar to everyone, and what is different is that everyone puts their associations into this word.

The concept of father's house

The first thing that comes to mind when we hear "father's house" is parents. The most important people in everyone's life. These people invest everything in their children, and wish them only the best. But children do not always understand this, and see everything in a different light. They perceive advice as moralizing and often do not want to listen to them. Remarks seem like reproaches to them, because very rarely children try to delve into the meaning of what was said. A period begins when every child wants to leave their parents as soon as possible and start living independently.

It seems to children that they do not want to be understood here, so they feel the strength and readiness to live separately. But, only breaking out of the parental nest and taking a sip independent living, children begin to understand the full value of that carefree time in home. After all, the father's house is:

  • smiling parents nearby;
  • joint dinners;
  • wake up when parents leave for work and meet them at home when they return;
  • endless parental care;
  • sitting in front of the TV with family.

However, everyone can add to this list endlessly, because the father's house is not at all a universal concept. Everyone puts their own meaning and memories into this phrase.

What is the most important thing in everyone's life

Most likely, everyone will answer that this is a family and parents in particular. That's just the realization of this does not come to everyone, and not immediately. We are always running somewhere, striving for something, and in principle this is right and it should be so. It is only important, in the pursuit of our goals, not to forget about those who gave us life. After all, as soon as something happens on our way, we instantly run to our parents. It is unfortunate that we often begin to appreciate something after we have lost it. Only then the father's house no longer evokes those pleasant feelings, but only memories. After all, an empty parental home is a moment that you want to delay as far as possible. So, let's enjoy every minute in our father's house next to our parents!

What kind of feelings and thoughts wake up, what strings of the human heart can be touched with one word "father's house". Even more precious is the memory of the "Christian father's house" for those who had the advantage of being brought up in families in which God was glorified and recognized as the head.

God predetermined

The family is predestined by God and this is his will for mankind. When God created Adam and Eve and united them in a holy marriage, He gave them the purpose to be fruitful and multiply throughout the earth. Thus He created the first family and the first home (Gen. 1:27-28).

All social structure humanity is based on the family as a unity. Home and family are a protective rampart for society, regardless of where they live: in a hut or a palace. Very often quoted: "The family is the stronghold of the nation." It is the foundation of all civilization. If the foundation is good, then the nation prospers, because the nation consists of units that are soldered together by family ties. From here, one can clearly see the purpose of the hearth and family life according to God's plan.

Deviation from God's Order

We live in a time when the divine foundations are rejected by mankind and disorder and vices are spreading. This, by the way, is the case when a person deviated from the instructions given by God. Free love, adultery, divorce and all kinds of arbitrariness, lead the family and the home to decline.

The state is ranked primarily by the people, through which units and family unity are forced out. That's why it is very important to direct our attention to divine principles and views, so that we will not be carried away by the current and we will stand in Christian truth.

The meaning of the Christian hearth (at home)

under the word "house" it does not mean the place where we eat and sleep. This is the favorite place that gives us homely love, happy family life, tranquility, peace and protection from the evil world. Not beautiful architecture or expensive furnishings solve this problem. It is happiness, love and heartfelt communion in holiness that GOD has given to the family circle.

This is not a chair or a table, not objects,
and not pictures of beautiful ideas,
not headsets of fine workmanship,
and not a product of precious stones!

The house is family members, where everyone is friendly:
the laughter of merry children is heard in it;
where it is easy for everyone, where love is not alien;
where there is no place for rude speeches!

In the world of sin, our hearth is a particularly merciful gift from God the Creator to humanity. By this He gave us a harbor in the future and dangerous world. The place of kindred family ties is the protection of God from storms and bad weather in life: and protection from the attacks of the devil.

A great advantage in this world is when the heart finds favor and favor in the family circle and what God has put into human heart. Mutual desire to serve each other in the family and daily practical self-sacrifice drive selfishness and selfishness out of the heart. Family relationships require daily obedience, love and submission to each other. These qualities are opposed to the root of human misfortunes - self-will and disobedience.

christian home

In a Christian family, where the father and mother belong to the Lord, there is a harbor and protection from the devil. This is a shrine among the godless and non-Christian world, which protects and guards priceless children's hearts.

The Christian home is a holy haven in which God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ are sincerely recognized as home, where the Holy Spirit lives, where his word is light and sanctifies the whole house, where the gospel constantly points the way to heaven.

This can be expressed in the words of one author: “This is a place of heart relationship, where hearts are trained in a union that God himself will ordain. Where caring for sincere relationships protects against autocracy and self-will. Where the power of this blessed influence fully reveals itself, there awakens, despite sin and disorder, conscience, winning hearts and protecting from evil satanic influences.

Sin came into the world and ruined everything. But if we take Christ and our family relationships, then this constitutes that merciful field of activity, where in practical life revealed divine life that we have in Christ. Meekness, tenderness, willingness to help and self-sacrifice are felt to a greater extent and fullness in family union than in the Garden of Eden, where there was no sin. In a real Christian home, God is given a special place, and each member of the family tries to keep divine harmony according to the thoughts and dispositions of God. The known love of God, poured out into the heart, is the dominant element in the home.

The word of God is read, although in scarcity, but is used practically, prayers and thanksgiving rise up. A heavenly atmosphere is felt here and such families, like the Israelites in Egypt, have a heavenly “light in their dwellings” (Ex. 10:23), although darkness reigns around. A real Christian home is a reflection of that heavenly country to which we are going. It is clearly opposed to those houses that are illuminated not by Christ, but by the "light of people."

God's Word in Focus

In Deuteronomy 11:18-21 God says what He would like to see in every home. This is his desire: “Place these words of Mine in your heart and in your soul, and bind them as a sign on your hand, and let them be a bandage over your eyes; and teach them to your sons, speaking of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk along the road, and when you lie down, and when you get up; and write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your children will be as many in the land that the Lord swore to give to your fathers as the days of heaven over the earth. These are the blessings of a Christian home where the word of God is loved, preserved and honored. Such a house, where they strive to live according to the word of God and for his glory, is a piece of heaven on earth.

Dear reader, is this all happening in your house? If not, why not?

This happy state is only possible where the precious word of God is placed above all by parents and everything is conducted according to its instructions. Then the word of God will practically be seen “on the doorposts of your house and on your gates”, and the children brought up in the light of the scripture will walk in the paths of truth. If parents do not live by the word of God and do not love it, then how can children be expected to love this word and be obedient to it?

God-fearing Israelites attached to the jambs and gates and knitted into their hands parts from the word of God. It is a blessing to see Bible words on the walls of a Christian's home. This is another opportunity to testify of heavenly light to those who cross the threshold of such a house.

The son of an elderly Christian, having moved into a new house, arranged his own dwelling. And when he finished, he called his father and showed him the whole house. After the father looked at everything, he said: "Dear, your whole house is arranged very comfortably, but no one can tell whether a child of God or a secular person lives here." These words had a profound effect on my son. Soon, words from the sacred scriptures hung on the walls of his house, and the word of God in the house became revered.

How sad it is when Christian homes are fashionable, luxurious, and filled with literature, where entertainment programs are listened to, and the word of God is not practiced. Such houses are practical sense words that are not Christian. If our homes are no different from the homes of the world, then it cannot be said with certainty that we “have light in our dwellings” and give our due place to the Lord. The same applies to a home where strife and enmity reign instead of the love and grace of the Spirit of God.

  • A sadness akin to the one with which you leave your father's house and family rose in him.
  • But why all this was happening, he could not understand.
  • He did not notice Blok anywhere, and his stepfather has not yet arrived.
  • Let's take the first sentence that comes across, for example, from an article about our native village in our father's land.
  • But no, there was a stop and a cliff, and on the edge of the cliff stood the father's house.
  • Yes, why, answered with a laugh, to live cheerfully.
  • WITH eyes closed my stepfather sat down, then lay down again.
  • She didn't know why she burst into tears so suddenly.
  • I finally understood why he had such a strange voice.
  • Tarzan had no idea why the black man died, but he believed that from thirst.
  • She breathed a sigh of relief, making the weariness seem to disappear from her face.
  • She thought that she alone understood why he had come and why he had not entered.
  • Everyone also understood why he fell so awkwardly, jumping over the ditch.
  • But now I know why I disliked the second mate at first sight.
  • Bill acted most often unconsciously, without knowing why or why.
  • There was something in that look that made even the innocent tremble in fear.
  • Two sparkling pebbles were inserted into the eye sockets, which made the snake seem alive.

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