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An interesting situation is not a reason to give up driving: many motorists know this, who desperately turned the steering wheel of their personal car almost to the point of labor pains. Indeed, if pregnancy is easy, and you drive a car for a long time and without incident, why should you change the comfort of a habitable car interior for the discomfort of public transport?

Benefits of driving a private car while pregnant

If you possess nerves of steel and you are well versed in the situation on the road, the role of a passenger in urban transport is unlikely to seduce you, and given your position, it will also cause unwanted stress.

The future mother, who does not want to part with the steering wheel, takes into account several factors:

  • Freedom of movement, including route and time;
  • Increased comfort (psychological and physical);
  • Protection against possible infections.

The first positive factor can be spoiled only by traffic congestion, which inevitably accompanies traffic flows in large and medium-sized cities.

The second point consists of several advantages available to the driver of a personal car:

  • setting the optimum temperature in the cabin;
  • the ability to slow down and get some fresh air (if you are traveling outside the city);
  • choice comfortable clothes and shoes;
  • listening to your favorite tunes and audiobooks;
  • coffee break with a snack at any second, as soon as your appetite woke up.

The third advantage is provided by the isolated existence of a pregnant woman in the "cocoon" of a personal car, which closes her from viruses flying in in public places(especially during seasonal epidemics). The auto lady will not freeze at the bus stop waiting for the next bus and will not get her feet wet by accidentally stepping into a puddle, which means she will protect herself and the baby from a cold.

Psychotherapists are sure that maintaining (with some reservations) a habitual lifestyle, including driving, is a natural antidepressant for many pregnant women.

When the car is a burden during pregnancy

Not all car owners are able to be adequate drivers during pregnancy: the notorious instability of the hormonal background makes itself felt. Imagine what happens to the vulnerable female psyche if she has to react to some road emergency.

The cons of driving with a tummy include:

  • Increased general fatigue, provoked by the need to control the traffic situation.
  • eye strain, headache and frequent mood swings.
  • Inability to relax when driving in heavy traffic.
  • Motion sickness (nausea and vomiting).
  • Long stay in a sitting position, badly affecting the fetus.

important If even before the conception of a child you were not distinguished by excellent health, try not to drive a car alone: ​​no one will help you during a faint (you will definitely be brought to your senses in public transport).

Medical warnings

The district gynecologist may have his own reasons, on the basis of which he may prohibit driving a registered pregnant woman. The doctor will definitely take into account such manifestations as:

  • reaction to odors and;
  • and hypertension;
  • , including migraine;
  • dizziness that can lead to loss of consciousness;
  • varicose veins and;
  • shattered psyche;
  • other complications of pregnancy.

The doctor will definitely warn that the sitting posture is a catalyst for swelling and hemorrhoids, leads to clamping of the vena cava, disrupting the oxygen supply to the fetus. Sitting for a long time increases the load on the uterus, increasing its tone.

Without a doubt, not a single doctor will allow a patient who is diagnosed with:

  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • or premature birth;
  • signs of labor initiation.

But even with normal physiological indicators, driving should be excluded if you get up on the wrong foot or are extremely upset. Needless to say, it is better not to tempt fate and give up driving with a fairly grown belly by the end of the third trimester.

Reminder for a pregnant lady

If you cannot deprive yourself of the pleasure of riding or driving to work in your car, but your driving experience is small and there is uncertainty in driving skills, notify other road users of your interesting position. These can be attention-grabbing stickers - “Pregnant driving - please don’t worry!” or "Behind the wheel of the expectant mother."

The people around were warned - it's time to take care of the little things that will save your health, and possibly life.

Technical nuances

  • Wear shoes with a small flat heel: they will allow you to effortlessly control the pedals, and also protect your feet from swelling.
  • Position the chair with its back slightly tilted back so that the road ahead is clearly visible.
  • Put a massage cover on the chair (for the prevention of back and lumbar pain). Get an orthopedic pillow.
  • Adjust the position of the seat, mirrors and steering wheel, focusing on the size of the abdomen. There should always be at least 10 cm of free space between it and the steering wheel.
  • Don't forget to fasten your seat belt! If you feel that the standard is squeezing the body, get a belt for pregnant women. This product has excellent stretch and provides a high degree of protection.
  • The phone battery must be 100% charged. Keep your charger in your purse. If an emergency occurs, you will be able to send a distress signal.

Remember that your position obliges you to be responsible, collected, decisive, but not thoughtlessly brave. Feel bad, stop the car, relax and rest. It’s great if a pre-purchased travel pillow or roller is at hand. If relief does not come, call for help.

Psychological and other nuances

It's great if you keep the Olympic calm, despite any travel disasters. For your reference, here are a few simple household tips:

  • Avoid lingering traffic jams whenever possible. This is not so difficult to do if you know at what time cars accumulate on a certain section of the road. Try to leave an hour earlier or half an hour later than the appointed time. There is an alternative way out - to develop another route.
  • Take mineral water (without gas), compote or tea in a thermos with you. This is especially true in the heat. Water will invigorate at the first sign of a slight malaise (, nausea) and refresh if you get into a traffic jam.
  • Snacks that are now fashionable will also come in handy on the road, including nuts, crackers, bread, favorite fruits, corn sticks and seeds.
  • Keep sedatives and medications to relieve symptoms in the first aid kit.
  • By the end of the 3rd trimester, always carry your passport, exchange card, policy and a bag with things for the maternity hospital with you.
  • After every hour spent behind the wheel, a 5-10 minute stop is recommended, during which you need to get out of the car and walk around a bit.

By the way, in the absence of an urgent need to move in a car, postpone this activity, remembering the pleasure of walking (especially since pregnant women need moderate physical activity).

Summary whether or not to drive a car during pregnancy is decided by the autolady herself, with the qualified approval of a gynecologist and the support of family members.

If the health of the expectant mother does not inspire fear, and she masterfully twists the steering wheel herself, accurately parks and deftly maneuvers on the highway, not imagining herself in the passenger seat, do not deprive her of her favorite big toy, but try to be around more often. And may you have a strong and beautiful baby!

Modern women lead active image life, do business, work hard and drive a car. But during pregnancy, there are some things you need to pay special attention to, including driving a car. Is it possible for pregnant women to drive themselves, is it not dangerous for the unborn child and the mother herself, what rules should be followed? What to pay attention to? I am a driver myself, but during pregnancy, from about 15 weeks, my husband forbade me to drive myself, because at that time I had little driving experience, now I have a different car and the experience is already long - but my husband’s opinion is adamant, although many women they drive a car almost until childbirth, and some original women come to the maternity hospital themselves behind the wheel, even with contractions. Although this is certainly a rarity - but pregnant women drivers are no longer uncommon.

During pregnancy, sometimes you have to travel a lot, it happens that even for quite long distances, and public transport and fixed-route taxis are not very suitable for this business. They are stuffy, crowded, it can become bad, and the quality of service leaves much to be desired, minibus drivers sometimes even seem former pilots formula-1, exceeding all conceivable and unthinkable speed limits and violating traffic rules. In public transport such as trams, trolleybuses, buses and subways, people sometimes become blind and deaf, point blank not noticing pregnant women and not giving them a seat. And the crush at rush hour can even lead to injury and loss of consciousness. In addition, traveling by public transport, especially during the cold season, is a risk of catching a cold or something even more serious.

It would seem that it is much easier to travel in your own car with comfort and convenience. Therefore, the question of whether to drive during pregnancy is faced by women quite often and quite sharply. On the one hand, you always have your own place to sit, no one coughs or sneezes on you, if it gets stuffy, you can open the window or turn on the air conditioner. No one in your own car will push you, be nasty or scold you, it’s convenient and comfortable to drive. But, driving your own car modern roads and traffic jams, especially with the current reckless drivers on the roads, are also not at all safe occupation. In this regard, the question always arises - is it possible for pregnant women to drive, and for how long can you drive on your own. How to take care of the safety of movement, not harm the child and save your own nervous system?

If we consider the most perfect option- this is movement in your own car, but not at the wheel, but in the passenger's seat with your husband-driver or with a personal driver. Only now such luxuries are not available to everyone. Husbands work for many and they have no time to take their wives on business, and a personal driver is not a cheap service. Therefore, in the matter of driving a car, you will need to seriously think and discuss this issue with your spouse, what will he say, because speech goes already about the life and health of the two of you with your future baby. You need to soberly assess all the pros and cons of your pregnant driving, whether you really need to drive yourself or you can solve the issue in a different way.

If you decide to drive.

One of the questions that a future mother faces is the question of health and well-being while driving, whether driving a car will violate your condition, whether driving will negatively affect the baby’s condition and the course of pregnancy. While driving a car, a woman is forced to be in a static position, which can adversely affect her well-being. It also requires high concentration and attention. While driving a car, the driver needs to react quickly - you need to look in the rear-view mirrors, quickly assess the situation on the road and make decisions. In addition, the realities of our roads are such that you also need to be able to drive on unsatisfactory road surfaces with pits, potholes, ice, snow, rain and mud. With such a concentration of attention, fatigue and fatigue of both the eyes and the whole organism can quickly occur. For a pregnant woman, this can result in dizziness, high blood pressure, headaches and lightheadedness, because all these signs can be present without driving, and travel can further exacerbate them.

Another problem for drivers is a long sitting position, and it is not always physiological, since the seat may not fit the proportions of your body and there may be no height adjustment. Prolonged sitting in a driving position leads to problems with the legs and back, they can numb and hurt, and blood circulation in the pelvic area and large vessels inside the abdominal cavity is also disturbed. This can lead to varicose veins in the legs and in the pelvic area, fetal hypoxia and problems in its development.

But in this situation, you can solve everything quite simply possible problems First of all, it is worth reducing the number of trips behind the wheel of a car to the minimum possible. It is worth planning your route in advance and driving outside traffic jams, during the day, when there are fewer cars. You should only get behind the wheel when necessary, when you need to get there quickly and without difficulties. It is necessary to leave in advance, giving yourself a margin of time to rest on the road and not to drive quickly, in a hurry to be late. Try not to be behind the wheel for more than an hour in a row, if the trip is long, stop to rest for five to ten minutes, get out of the car to stretch and walk, get some air. For these purposes, you can provide a trip to the store or a stop at some cafe.

If you need to drive often and a lot, you need to equip yourself with a driver's seat with the greatest comfort. Adjust the back of your chair so that the back supports your spine, allows you to maneuver, and you can lean back slightly on it. In the lumbar area, where the greatest load occurs during pregnancy, it is possible to recommend the use of an orthopedic pad, which is attached with special straps or Velcro. If there is no such pillow, you can adjust the standard lumbar support in the chair for yourself. The driver's seat itself should be at a half-leg distance from all pedals so that you are comfortable, you do not have to reach for the pedals and dashboard. The steering wheel itself and its position can be adjusted in height and depth as the abdomen increases, so that during maneuvers you do not cling to your stomach with your hands and the steering wheel. For the comfort and convenience of driving, it is worth purchasing special seat belts and adapters that help hold the body without pressure on the stomach. These belts can be purchased at specialist auto shops or maternity stores.

Attention to safety.

During pregnancy, the issue of safety is above all other issues, while driving you should be comfortable and comfortable, your car should be absolutely serviceable, and you should feel good yourself. If at least one of these three components is missing, do not drive and do not risk your health and life. Also, you should not drive during pregnancy if your driving experience is still very small, and you feel insecure on the road, get lost in difficult traffic situations, and every trip is a physical and emotional strain for you. Also, when you are pregnant, you should not go to a driving school, since during pregnancy the reaction decreases and fatigue is increased, it is difficult to acquire driving skills in this state.

In addition, during pregnancy it is worth changing your driving style, you need to be doubly careful, do not perform dangerous and complex maneuvers, do not exceed speed, and even more so do not make trips into the oncoming lane, overtaking on highways in front of oncoming traffic, etc. You already have two lives in your hands, don't risk it. Think in advance about your route on the trip and the cases of detours if something goes wrong on the road. At the same time, choose routes not only from the length and speed of the trip, but from its safety. Try to drive on well-lit roads with regulated intersections and clear markings (if possible), make maneuvers only after making sure that you are completely safe and there are no obstacles in the way. Pay close attention to signs and rules traffic, not paying attention to other drivers - they are not pregnant! Look at the state of the roads on the Internet map with traffic jams before leaving, and if everything is bad there, consider whether it is possible to postpone the trip or take a taxi. And most importantly - do not pay attention to sloppy drivers on the road, do not rattle your nerves, let the impatient ones through, remember Golden Rule three D: "make way for the fool."

You can talk a lot more about the issues of pregnancy while driving, and we have not discussed all the issues, tomorrow we will continue this topic, since we also need to talk about combining trips with treatment, taking medications and some other circumstances. In any case, remember that you can drive in an interesting position, the main thing is not to worry and exercise maximum caution, and if possible, always act as a passenger.

The site for moms, the site today invites its readers to discuss the issue. Perhaps the problem is one of the most relevant and topical, since the issue of female driving in general is quite acute today.

Many autoladies have long proved to men that they are quite full-fledged road users. However, many still have a prejudiced attitude towards female drivers, which is especially aggravated in relation to pregnant women. Some women also perceive expectant mothers behind the wheel in the same way.

Of course, you should not deny that pregnancy is actually connected with a number of changes both in the way of life and in the well-being of a woman, which cannot but affect the quality of driving. After all, a number of sensations appear that make it difficult to focus on something, ranging from emotional experiences on a variety of occasions to such a delicate problem as.

Therefore, before raising the question of whether pregnant women can drive a car, you should first clearly define the answer to the question: is it worth it to drive expectant mother?

Benefits of driving while pregnant

The benefits of driving while pregnant stem from the benefits of owning a car.

  • The car gives pregnant women comfortable travel guarantee to certain point destination, because it does not have to ride standing up, feel the constant jolts of incoming and outgoing, and endure bad smell some not-so-tidy passengers. Is it possible for a pregnant woman to deny herself such comfort and not drive a car just because men have come up with such a myth? Hardly.
  • A female driver in case of poor health will always be able to stop the car, open the window, just go out and stretch a little. There is no such possibility in public transport.
  • During pregnancy need to leave home more often, after all, pregnant women should attend a antenatal clinic, undergo ultrasound, take tests, appear to a therapist, and attend prenatal preparation courses. All these moments make the expectant mother’s schedule so tight that sometimes she just can’t get out without a personal car. Most women in the whirlwind of affairs have no time even especially to think whether they can now, being pregnant, drive a car on their own. This question arises under certain circumstances.

When should pregnant women not drive?

Expecting a baby is a period when the expectant mother should experience positive emotions and protect yourself from various types of stress. And, as you know, driving in heavy city traffic requires considerable attention and emotional stress. Driving in traffic is always stressful, especially for a pregnant woman. It is especially difficult to drive for those ladies who have recently got behind the wheel.

There are some other things that make driving during pregnancy almost impossible or just very difficult.

  • Of course, the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to drive a car on their own cannot be answered in the affirmative. in case of severe toxicity. It is simply unrealistic to drive if every 10-15 minutes you have to stop at the call of an indignant stomach in order to free it from its contents.
  • It is better not to drive expectant mothers in that situation if it causes them excessive anxiety. Firstly, on the road, any emotions can only lead to trouble. Secondly, excessive emotional arousal can harm the baby.
  • Desirable do not drive on the roads during rush hour to avoid being stuck in traffic jams.
  • Even during normal pregnancy, pressure can sometimes go down. When feeling unwell it is better for an autolady in an interesting position to refrain from driving and use public transport services.

Naturally, the precautionary measures that the expectant mother tries to observe in all situations cannot but concern driving. To all motorists expecting babies, traffic experts give the following recommendations:

  1. Required fasten your seat belt correctly. This should be done in such a way that the harnesses pass under the stomach and over the shoulder, without touching the stomach. Today, by the way, there are special seat belts for pregnant women on sale, the purchase of which will greatly facilitate the driving process for ladies.
  2. Whether it is possible and necessary for a pregnant lady to drive a car, of course, she decides, first of all, herself. However, in any case every two hours The expectant mother should get out of the car to change her position. Prolonged sitting can cause numbness in the legs of the expectant mother.
  3. At adverse weather conditions you should also postpone your trip. If this is not possible, then go to your destination by public transport.

The question of whether pregnant women can drive a car is purely individual.

The site site, of course, does not support the myths that pedaling allegedly provokes uterine tone.

But what have pregnant women reduced attention, getting slower reaction and may worsen vision, is a scientific fact.

And therefore, the site offers its autolady readers to acquire a personal driver during pregnancy in order to avoid unnecessary stress during the trip to work. And most go to the city only if driving brings real pleasure.

Everything more women prefer to move behind the wheel of a car, because it is convenient and you can have time to do more things. But while waiting for the baby, all relatives and friends are especially worried about the expectant mother, her health and safety. Therefore, a pregnant woman behind the wheel causes anxiety and excitement. Is it possible or not allowed to drive a woman who is expecting a baby? This question has several aspects, so it is worth carefully understanding it. But the decision will still remain with the expectant mother!

Features of driving during pregnancy

Women no longer consider pregnancy a disease and during this wonderful period they try to fill their lives with colors and emotions. This is wonderful, because the positive mood of the mother favorably reflects on the baby. Pregnant women go to work, meet friends, go out into nature, go in for sports. Of course, women who are accustomed to regular driving take it as part of habitual life. But there are some features that a future mother who decides to drive a car will have to face.

  1. Nature has provided an interesting defense mechanism that saves a pregnant woman from unnecessary stress. It consists in the fact that the activity of the brain is somewhat reduced, the processes of inhibition prevail. All this leads to the fact that a woman seems to be immersed in her pregnancy, distracted from everything around. Therefore, sitting behind the wheel, you should remember this and concentrate your attention on the road.
  2. A companion of pregnancy may be feeling unwell, for example, due to or for other reasons. Driving over potholes, busy streets, stuffiness can exacerbate the situation. Therefore, you should not drive at the slightest ailment.
  3. A growing belly, as well as the way a baby kicks, can interfere with driving and be distracting. So if your stomach is really interfering with travel, then you should consider giving up on them. If mommy is distracted by kicks of small arms and legs, then it is best to stop and rest.
  4. Spending a long time in a sitting position causes problems with the legs, back, and increases the risk of varicose veins. Therefore, you should not be behind the wheel for a long time, and it is also useful to sometimes make stops to stretch.

To drive safely during pregnancy, there are a number of things to keep in mind.

Taking medication

Unfortunately, sometimes expectant mothers have to take medication. And it is known that some medications can affect driving. Such a reaction can be caused by allergy medications, as well as sedatives, sedatives.

Many women with early dates prescribe progesterone. A deficiency of this hormone can cause a threat of miscarriage, so doctors recommend compensating for its deficiency with medication. Most often prescribed Utrozhestan, Duphaston. These drugs can cause drowsiness, lethargy, which is dangerous when driving. Therefore, you should definitely read the instructions for the drug and discuss this issue with the observing doctor.

Driving experience and pregnancy

The driving experience of the expectant mother is of great importance. The less driving experience, the more nervous strain a woman is exposed to. If a pregnant woman has been driving in a car for many years, then she feels calm and drives confidently. But that expectant mother, who only recently got behind the wheel, is likely to be nervous and worried. negative emotions neither pregnant nor baby needed.

Some women decide to take a driving course while pregnant. Of course, any decision should be made by the future mother. However, it is better to abandon such an idea. For a completely inexperienced driver, every trip will be stressful. All the skills that allow you to comfortably travel by car come with age. It is not possible that a person who gets behind the wheel for the first time drives as confidently as one who has been driving a car for several years. Therefore, for women with little driving experience who feel insecure behind the wheel, it is better to consider other possibilities of movement.

A long driving experience will allow you to feel more confident driving a car during pregnancy.


Sometimes pregnancy does not go very smoothly and some conditions are contraindications for the expectant mother to drive a car:

  • anemia, as it can cause dizziness and weakness;
  • severe toxicosis, because with it there are often bouts of vomiting, nausea, fainting;
  • the threat of miscarriage, bleeding, pain;
  • strong;
  • large volume of the abdomen;
  • increased or;
  • late gestation;
  • preeclampsia

It is also not recommended to get behind the wheel of those expectant mothers who, during pregnancy, have become overly emotional, distracted. Of course, this is due to hormonal changes in the body and is typical for many women in this wonderful period of life. But you need to understand that such mood swings are dangerous on the road!

If the expectant mother has decided to drive during the waiting period for the baby, then she should pay attention to some recommendations that will help increase her level of safety.

Be sure to wear a seat belt

There is an opinion that the belt puts pressure on the stomach, which can harm the baby. Actually it is not! Be sure to buckle up! The belt can be fastened so that it does not pass through the stomach. Even if the expectant mother feels slight pressure, this will not affect the baby's condition in any way. The seat belt can save the life of mother and baby in the event of an accident, so you should not neglect it.

Be sure to fasten your seat belt!

It is necessary to monitor the technical condition of the car

Under no circumstances should you drive a damaged car. The machine must be free of problems, and the tank must be filled. If suddenly some kind of breakdown occurred along the way, for example, a wheel was punctured, you should call your husband, dad, close friends who can help.

Stop talking on the phone while driving

The phone is very distracting from the road, so you should not have conversations while driving. It is better to call the subscriber later. In extreme cases, you can use hand's free. It is important to ensure that the device is always charged and that there is money in the account.

You can stick a badge on the glass warning that the expectant mother is driving

Such a pretty sign will warn other drivers that a pregnant woman is driving.

Avoid travel during peak hours

Every vehicle should have a first aid kit.

You can supplement it with drugs such as NO-ShPA, valerian tablets or another sedative. Of course, it is best to consult with your doctor first.

Be sure to follow the rules of the road, drive safely

Important! You need to pay attention to weather conditions. After all, more than one season will have time to change during the pregnancy! You should refuse to travel if there is ice, snow, rain on the street. Also, do not drive during extreme heat, especially if the car does not have air conditioning. In the summer heat, trips should be planned either in the morning or in the evening and try to spend a minimum of time on the road.

In no case should you drive a car in poor health, with any manifestations of malaise.

A pregnant woman should not be continuously driving for more than 1 hour. The mother-to-be needs a rest.

For each woman, the question of driving a car during pregnancy is decided individually. The main thing is that the expectant mother remembers that she is responsible not only for herself, but also for her child.

Women have undoubtedly found equality behind the wheel and on the road today. They are catching up with men in terms of numbers, and in recent times experts are increasingly talking about quality. If at the very beginning of the development of leadership women made fun of them, today autoladies not only feel completely confident and free behind the wheel, but also drive more competently, calmly, culturally and carefully than gentlemen.

Neither flat male jokes, nor limited male rudeness become an obstacle to a woman's way to driving a car. Moreover: many ladies today earn no less, and often even more than individual men, and therefore they can afford the luxury of keeping their own car. And only pregnancy makes us think: is it worth driving in position or is it better to wait a few months?

It is not easy to give up the comfort and pleasure delivered by a personal car. But what won't you do own child! What if driving can harm the baby - doubts haunt expectant mothers.

Let's turn to the experts - driving instructors, experienced drivers and obstetrician-gynecologists. What do they say about this?

Car and pregnancy: arguments for and against

Of course, driving a car always involves certain risks. And when life is born inside a woman, then all these risks increase at least twice. That's what makes a pregnant woman think: is it possible to drive in position?

Let's say right away that if driving a car causes you fear, anxiety, stress, difficulties, then it is better to abandon it for the entire period of bearing a child.

The fact is that pregnant women are more exposed to mood swings and various emotional factors than non-pregnant women, expectant mothers are easily upset over trifles, they take everything very close to their hearts, they react painfully to ordinary everyday situations - in a word, their psyche is rather unstable. And on the roads, as we know, everything happens. Any change in the situation for the worse can end unfavorably.

The need for constant control over the situation on the road leads to a deterioration in well-being and increased fatigue. The eyes get tired quickly, headaches and irritability appear, which does not benefit the pregnant woman. It is almost impossible to relax and turn off while driving, especially if you live in a metropolis and move along congested multi-lane highways.

It often happens that the smells of gasoline and others cause the expectant mother to feel nausea and even the urge to vomit, and bumpy roads quickly get sick. If suddenly the pregnant woman becomes ill, then there may be no one nearby (in the car), which is excluded when traveling by public transport.

An unconditional unfavorable factor for a pregnant woman is a forced sitting position, which leads to the formation of edema, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, to compression of the vena cava and a deterioration in the supply of oxygen to the fetus, an increased load on the uterus and its strengthening. muscle tone. If you have to sit behind the wheel for a long time, then the risks increase significantly.

However, it cannot be said that negative aspects"pregnant" driving has more than positive ones. Getting behind the wheel, the expectant mother can withdraw a huge benefit for herself!

First of all, it is freedom. You can go anywhere, anytime, how you want, to put it bluntly. That is, independently choose for yourself the time, place of movement, route and its duration. Wanted - stopped, rested, switched or something else! There is no need to run from one destination to another, stand at stops in rainy and windy weather, inhale other people's microbes and viruses in crowded fleas and experience other discomforts associated with using public transport. And this factor is no less important - safety! During unstable weather conditions and viral epidemics, your own car can become a real stronghold and salvation for a pregnant woman who is vulnerable to diseases and ailments.

Comfort is also a very significant advantage of using personal transport. You can maintain the desired temperature in the cabin, open the window at any time and take a sip fresh air, you have the opportunity to ride even in the middle of winter in a thin blouse, without carrying the weight of a fur coat or sheepskin coat, listen to your favorite relaxing music on a trip, at any time stop and lean back in your chair, giving your body the opportunity to relax and calm down. You can even have a snack or a cup of tea right in the car, which you can’t do in public transport.

And, in the end, driving a car helps the expectant mother, who is limited in many household habits, feel independent, free, full-fledged, active. modern woman! After all, a lot of things with the onset of pregnancy have to be abandoned: high heels, noisy parties, favorite cocktails, trendy tight dresses, etc. Staying "on the go" is no small joy in such conditions! Driving a car can even prevent the development of depression, which often occurs in expectant and newly-baked mothers. And a forced transfer to public transport after a long period of driving your own car can cause serious stress for a pregnant woman!

Whether or not to drive during pregnancy, each woman has the right to decide on her own, although it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor or even close people (primarily the father of the child).

So many women continue to drive cars until the very birth, without experiencing any negative consequences. But you must remember: your safety and your child's safety will always be a priority on the road. Any of your decisions and actions should be consistent with this rule. And so that driving is as safe as possible (nevertheless, no one can be completely insured against accidents), experts advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. Always fasten your seat belt! If it is put on correctly, it will not put pressure on the stomach and cause other discomfort even in the very late stages of pregnancy. More precisely, such squeezing (sensations are a completely subjective thing) does not harm the unborn child, and in order to be as comfortable as possible for you, try to lower the belt as low as possible under the stomach. In addition, you can buy a special belt for pregnant women (adapter): it is more elastic and has the highest degree protection.
  2. Adjust the driver's seat so that you can comfortably sit in it (tilting the back slightly back), but still have a good view of the road ahead. It is advisable to put a massage cover on the driver's seat (this will unload the back and lower back area, preventing pain), and also have an orthopedic back pillow. Adjust the position of the steering wheel, mirrors and seat as the tummy grows. There should always be a distance of at least 10 cm from it to the steering wheel.
  3. Comfortable flat shoes are now more important than ever. This is not only your comfort, but also safety. Among other things, such shoes will not increase the formation of swelling in the legs.
  4. Keep some drinks in the car. It can be water, tea, fruit drink, or at least an apple. If you suddenly feel unwell, nauseated, dizzy, or if you get stuck in traffic (especially during the hot season), a sip of moisture will help you return to normal. Also, some “nibbles” for a snack will not be superfluous - the same fruits, bread, oatmeal bars, nuts or dried fruits.
  5. Always make sure your phone is fully charged and carry a charger with you. On the road, there are often situations when you need to call for help. And during pregnancy, the likelihood of such a need still increases.
  6. Try not to get stuck in traffic jams: leave the starting point in advance or vice versa - later, if you know that at a specific time on this section of the road it is rush hour. Perhaps you can get to your destination by another route, albeit a longer one.
  7. Learn to keep calm and balance on the road, no matter what happens. It is clear that various dangerous precedents will excite everyone, but you should not pay attention to unbalanced drivers and anxious passers-by - well, it just makes no sense, but you will make it worse for yourself and your baby.
  8. Do not be heroic and do not be irresponsible! If you feel the slightest feeling of discomfort, stop the car and rest for a while. By the way, a small pillow or roller in the passenger compartment can be very useful. If it does not get better, then you should not continue driving.
  9. At later dates, the exchange card and other documents necessary for admission to the maternity hospital (passport and medical insurance policy) should always be carried with you in the car. And with the approaching date of birth, you must also put in the salon and the bag prepared in the hospital.
  10. Try not to be behind the wheel for a long time and not to abuse driving; when it is possible and appropriate, it is better not to go anywhere or take a walk. If you have been on the road for about an hour without a break, then you should stop, get out of the car and walk for several minutes, stretch your legs.
  11. Put in your car first-aid kit medicines for calming and eliminating migraine that your doctor will advise you.

If you are overcome by some doubts or uncertainty, but you really want or really need to drive a car in a position, then you can stick a home-made sign on the back of the car with an inscription inviting other drivers to you and the corresponding image: for example, “There are two behind the wheel” or “ Pregnant driving - thank you for your understanding! However, you should not hope too much for the help of such stickers.

Of course, you should always drive carefully, only according to the rules, and carry out a technical inspection of your car in a timely manner.

Driving during pregnancy: contraindications and warnings

In general, driving a car during pregnancy is not much different from normal driving, so to speak. But the risks and responsibility, of course, increase, and there are many factors that can worsen the condition and well-being of a woman, and with them her driving vigilance.

In some cases, doctors forbid expectant mothers to drive for medical reasons. Contraindications to driving a car during pregnancy may include:

  • severe toxicosis;
  • increased sensitivity to odors;
  • frequent migraines, headache attacks;
  • dizziness and loss of consciousness;
  • varicose veins and cramps in the calf muscles;
  • hypertension;
  • anemia;
  • placenta previa or abruption;
  • increased uterine tone, the threat of termination of pregnancy or premature onset of labor;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • other complications of pregnancy;
  • unstable mental state;
  • start of labor activity.

In addition, it is not recommended to drive a car if you feel unwell, are very upset about something, or are simply not in a good mood: practice shows that emotional condition women are often the cause of trouble on the road. Highly big belly during pregnancy, it can also be a contraindication to driving.

If you feel well, have a good driving experience, feel the need or desire to drive a car, regardless of your special position, and doctors do not forbid you to do this, then drive your personal transport with pleasure!

Let the roads be smooth, and the drivers you meet on the way be educated and tactful.

Especially for - Elena Semenova

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