Is belly dancing good for women? What are the benefits of oriental dancing for women


Many people know that dancing, even at the amateur level, is very beneficial for both physical and spiritual health. Dance captivates so much that you forget about everything: problems, failures, stresses, disappointments. Movements to music help keep muscles in good shape, be graceful and plastic. Truly, female dance is considered oriental, namely belly dance. Even doctors have recognized its benefits.

Helps to lose weight

If you don't love GYM's, sport sections, exhausting classes, then pay attention to oriental dances. There are no heavy physical exertion, all exercises are performed in a relaxed state, no sudden movements. In addition, an hour of exercise helps to get rid of 400 calories.

belly dance heals

Recognized by physicians healing properties oriental dance. Its benefits in the prevention of ailments are obvious:

Helps to get rid of a number of diseases and inflammatory processes of the female genital organs;
In some cases, it even helps to get rid of infertility;
Improves the condition of the spine, even after injuries;
· Makes joints more flexible;
· Normalizes work of intestines;
· Prevents osteochondrosis and hypertension;
Normalizes the coordination of movements and the work of the vestibular apparatus;
· Stimulates the release of endorphins, which improves mood and reduces stress.

Good for expectant mothers

Oriental dances - safe physical activity for women in position. In the process of training, expectant mothers relax and train at the same time.

· Belly dance trains the deep muscles of the small pelvis, perineum and abs, which contributes to a more gentle labor activity and reduce pain;
Dancing strengthens the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle, which allows you to maintain and quickly restore the previous figure;
· Occupations by east dances do skin more elastic and elastic that does not allow to be formed scars and extensions;
There is a strengthening of the veins in the legs, which eliminates varicose veins.

Increases self-esteem and femininity

Comprehending all the subtleties of the art of oriental dance, you begin to comprehend the whole essence female soul and bodies. Develops inner magnetism, attractiveness, charm and sexuality. On the dance floor, women relax and enjoy performing standard simple movements, incendiary rhythms and nice costumes. Admiring male glances increase self-esteem, and women begin to feel the one and only.

Oriental dancing is not just physical activity, it is a whole religion of femininity and beauty. Thanks to this art, a woman fully releases her inner potential and becomes liberated, while getting rid of diseases and acquiring a beautiful figure.

Representation different people about oriental dance do not always coincide. But the majority immediately recalls frames from films, mistakenly believing that there is nothing complicated in this dance.

Sometimes women see a performance of dancers in a restaurant or while traveling to the countries of the East and begin to think about how to learn how to move in the same way. And only a small part decides and comes to the dance studio to understand this art form. It is they who get a relatively correct idea of ​​the dance.

If you have been dreaming of becoming one of them for a long time, but something confuses you, the site offers to read about the pros and cons of oriental dance classes, as well as how to choose the right studio and teacher.

Why is oriental dancing suitable for most women?

Many of us believe that a dancer must be slim. This myth can be debunked first of all by belly dancers. Even among professionals, there are many women with magnificent forms who perform regularly and are in great demand. Therefore, if you are embarrassed by excess weight, remember that in an oriental dance you will look quite harmonious.

The same applies to age. The myth is that an oriental dancer must be young. Among the women who are engaged in dance studios, there are many who have reached retirement age, and some of them are making progress and even go on stage.

If you want to dance and your health allows it, nothing should bother you.

What are the benefits of oriental dancing

Any moderate exercise stress brings only benefits. If you regularly attend classes, carefully follow the instructions of the teacher and know the measure in everything - that is, listen to your body and not overstrain - then in a few weeks you will feel better, your endurance will increase. And most importantly, from the very first days of classes, you will get a charge of vivacity and a good mood.

No energy to come to the gym after a working day? Scientists have proven that for those who overcome their fatigue and laziness, they come to training in the evening, their working capacity increases. After a while, you will need regular physical activity.

So what are the health benefits of oriental dance? And why do women who start doing it seem to blossom?

Everything is simple. Dance moves contribute to the acceleration of blood circulation throughout the body, and especially in the pelvic area, thereby beneficially affecting the organs of the female reproductive system and the intestines. The metabolism is stimulated, and the condition of the skin, hair, nails depends on it - something that is so important for any woman. In addition, posture is corrected, joint flexibility is increased, and the cardiovascular system is trained.

Can dancing be harmful to health?

Engaging in any physical activity can be harmful to health if you do the exercises incorrectly or come to class when you are sick.

Therefore, if you get sick, you have serious problems with the spine, chronic diseases, inflammation of the internal organs, and so on, the doctor should choose the physical activity for you, taking into account your capabilities.

Can you lose weight by belly dancing?

Like any physical activity, oriental dancing contributes to weight loss, but only on condition that you eat right, lead healthy lifestyle life and will not miss training.

Even if you do not lose all those extra pounds, your figure will definitely become more toned.

Oriental dance: truth and myths

How to choose a studio and teacher

Many believe that you can learn oriental dance at home from a video. This is not true. Video tutorials, of course, will help you, but only in combination with classes with a specialist. The correctness of the movements can only be controlled by the teacher, on whom a lot depends.

If you do not set yourself the goal of going on stage, then you can go to study at any nearest studio. Attend a trial lesson, and if you like the atmosphere, take a subscription - it's cheaper than paying for each lesson separately.

If you have far-reaching plans, then before making a choice, watch a video on the Internet about how this or that teacher dances, how his students dance, read reviews on the forums, find out where those you like teach, attend classes and do choice.

By the way, among the teachers of oriental dance there are also men, and they dance and teach no worse, and sometimes even better than women.

So if you dream of learning to dance, drop all prejudices, be afraid of nothing and try. And if you're still in doubt, read what the pros say.

Belly dance: expert comments

Andrey Turkin (Ratkhan), professional dancer and teacher of Bellydance and Trible, head of the BELLYWOOD studio:

Oriental dance: truth and myths

“Over the 10 years of my teaching, women from school to retirement age have come to my lessons of completely different builds. Some of them today not only perform, but also teach dance to students themselves. Therefore, age and weight do not matter.

A competent teacher must take into account your capabilities - that is, not require you to do what you cannot do physically, or what is contraindicated for you. For example, I try to offer my students alternative, more simple exercises and movements, if they cannot perform one or another element of the dance.

However, if you are going to the ballroom, then you yourself should take into account the state of your health, and ideally, consult your doctor first. Do not overdo it and overestimate yourself, especially if you are a beginner. If you're tired, take a break! You need to increase the load gradually, which is why warm-ups and

At present, it is widely Eastern culture. Oriental spices, dishes, holidays in exotic countries and, of course, oriental dances. Such dances are an unusually attractive, aesthetic spectacle. However, not only the aesthetic side oriental dances plays important role, the benefits of belly dancing has great importance for women's health, strengthening the body, normalizing the functioning of female organs, for solving many specific problems.

Classes in oriental dances, in particular, belly dancing, increase blood circulation in this area of ​​the woman's body. A beneficial effect is exerted on the pelvic organs, it occurs, as a result of which the inflammation of the appendages quite often passes, the fibroids resolve, and cysts cease to form. Women who are having a hard time critical days, notice pain relief, they can do without the use of painkillers. To a large number for the fair sex, it was belly dancing that helped to cope with ovarian dysfunction.

The constant benefits of belly dancing are observed almost from the very first month of regular classes. The condition of the spine changes in better side, especially in women who have experienced any spinal injury. Literally from the first months of practicing oriental dances, women notice changes in complexion due to the stabilization of the intestines, whose work has become much more productive.

Oriental dance classes develop flexibility, smoothness of movements, without which the dances of the East are impossible. great attention in the classroom, proper breathing is given, which allows to reduce the level of stress that a woman receives in Everyday life. These amazing dances are a wonderful prevention of hypertension, cervical osteochondrosis, which most women who deal with a computer get. Competent, rhythmic breathing when practicing belly dancing effectively affects the pleasure centers female body, ejection occurs. The mood improves, everyday worries go away.

The benefit of belly dancing lies in the formation of the correct posture, because it is absolutely known that no one, even the most beautiful clothes will not make a woman attractive without a beautiful posture. Several elementary school belly dances allow even a constantly hunched woman to open up. The result of this will be a decrease in pain in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar regions. Regular headaches will stop, joints will strengthen, pectoral muscles, which will allow long years maintain an attractive breast shape. In addition, it should be noted that belly dancing is a significant physical activity. The special value of such exercises lies in the training process of the muscles of the female body, which are necessary for the normalization of the reproductive function, which is not involved in everyday life.

There are enduring benefits of belly dancing for expectant mothers. Naturally, it is necessary individual approach and obligatory consultation of a gynecologist during this period. But if there is no pathology, then belly dancing is allowed until the middle of the entire period of a successful pregnancy. For expectant mothers, belly dancing is the ability to relax deep muscles to reduce painful spasms during childbirth, training the muscles of the perineum to prevent tears during childbirth. Belly dancing is a wonderful leg vein training, prevention of varicose veins. The muscles of the back are also trained, experiencing a greater load as the size of the abdomen of a pregnant woman increases.

The benefit of belly dancing is to boost the self-esteem of many naturally shy women. External attractiveness appears only after an internal understanding of one's own beauty. Uniqueness female body emphasized by the performance of the basic elements of a unique belly dance. With an indispensable increase in a woman's self-esteem, her behavior in everyday life changes dramatically, she becomes more relaxed, graceful, interesting to the people around her.

This popular style dance allows you to reveal femininity, which absolutely does not require slim stomach. Love your body, improve it in the rhythm of oriental dance!

The benefits of belly dancing have long been proven. In our country, oriental dances are loved by both women and men. For men, a beautifully performed dance is a delight. For performers, this is an opportunity to show their dancing talents, to reveal their femininity and individuality. The movements in belly dancing are graceful and plastic, filled with feminine energy and grace. This is a great way to relax and get away from everyday problems. Oriental dance classes allow us women to understand our body on a deeper and more subtle level. And those who have mastered at least the initial skills of oriental dance feel the development of their real female nature and entities. What a pity that in this sometimes cruel world, in pursuit of a “well-fed and prosperous life”, we begin to use “male” methods, gradually losing our female individuality. Working both for ourselves and for the "breadwinner" of the family, these are the realities of our time, we sometimes forget about ourselves, about our nature.

Woman Warrior

Stop loving yourself for real, simple female love… Dancing classes can serve as an impetus that will allow you to reveal your abilities, find new friends and girlfriends, tighten the contours of the body and become more graceful and plastic. It is not necessary to be a great dancer who conquers hundreds of men's hearts and is fluent in all the secrets of dance. You can practice belly dancing at home, in a calm, home environment, gradually learning movements and ligaments. Currently, oriental dance online is no longer a rarity .... If it is not possible to visit the studio, you can study the movements of oriental dances at home. Although with a teacher, of course, it is better and more productive.

Useful oriental dances and for health. True, here we are talking about classes at the amateur level, where there are almost no contraindications. Contraindications can be very serious diseases of the spine, as well as serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, in such cases a doctor's consultation is necessary. It is not recommended to engage in oriental dances for girls under five years old. Particular care should be taken during pregnancy.

Benefits of belly dancing

Benefits of belly dancing are huge for improving emotional state women, anxiety and nervousness gradually disappear, replaced by confidence, individuality, harmony.From female warriors and female sufferers, we turn into princesses and queens. Life around begins to change, as well as our inner feelings. And here your age and weight category are not important at all.

We are women, and the desire to dance is in our blood.

I remember ten years ago I started having problems with my hand. Couldn't do it at first jerky movements, then began more sharp pains extending into the forearm. The hand began to simply “hang”, the left shoulder gradually began to sink down. At that time, I worked in a crazy mode, I didn’t want to take time off from work in order to go to the doctor early. I was afraid of being fired. Having once entered a supermarket, I bought a disc - Oriental dances with Vina and Nina Bidasha. I started belly dancing at home, after work and doing household chores. I love to dance, and I love oriental dances very much. And here everything is clear for any beginner. Since there are a lot of hand movements in belly dancing, I mostly used my healthy hand first. Gradually, the dance rhythms began to "fit in" and left hand. This is where the arms, shoulders, and forearms work. Literally every centimeter is worked out. A month later, the hand was completely restored. Although I did not set this goal.

Highly good program for beginners, time tested, performed by real professionals in their field. Looking at them, you not only learn the movements of oriental dances, you learn to keep your posture, to behave simply and naturally. The program includes several stages. Including there is a lesson for weight loss. If you stick to the diet and follow dance rhythms, you can really lose weight and remove unnecessary centimeters on the stomach and waist.
Maybe now there are more modern programs. I do not argue. I share what I tried on myself and saw the real result and benefits.

Nowadays it is even easier, you can learn the movements of oriental dances without leaving your home. Belly dance online is available at any time. If only there was a desire.

Dance women, dance!

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