The composition “Woe from Wit” is the fruit of Griboyedov’s thoughts about the fate of Russia. How was the historical conflict of eras reflected in Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit"? Woe from Wit Griboedov A.


In the comedy "Woe from Wit" Griboedov tells about the life of noble Moscow in the 19th century. This is the time when the orders of the old, Catherine's era are changing to a new one, in which a person does not want to put up with the backwardness of the country, wants to serve his homeland without demanding ranks and awards. Such a person is Chatsky, and his relationship with the Famus society is the main conflict in comedy.

Representatives of Moscow society are: the old woman Khlestova, Prince and Princess Tugoukhovsky, Hryumins, Skalozub, Sofya, Molchalin, Gorich, Zagoretsky, Repetilov and others. The life of this society is busy with dinners, balls, card game and gossip. Before the highest in position, they please and flatter, and their attitude towards serfs is very cruel: they are exchanged for dogs, separated from their relatives and sold one by one.

The main representative of Moscow society is Famusov. Most of all in people he is interested in their social position. Therefore, for his daughter, he wants a husband with "stars and ranks." For this role, in his opinion, Skalozub is ideally suited, who "both a golden bag and aims for generals." Famusov is not worried about the mental limitations of Skalozub, his martinet manners. However, despite all the efforts of her father, Sophia chooses Molchalin.

Molchalin is young and energetic, he has his own "philosophy of life" - "to please all people without exception." Personal gain and self-interest are in the first place for him. He has no opinion of his own in anything: "At my age, one should not dare to have one's own opinion." To achieve his goals, Molchalin pretends to be in love with Sophia.

The opposite of Molchalin is Chatsky. Griboyedov portrayed Chatsky as bright representative"of the present century". A young nobleman, not rich, sufficiently educated, has his own opinion on many problems of our time. He rebels against serfdom, an empty way of life, unreasonable upbringing, dishonest service.

But since the rest of the heroes of the comedy belong to the "past century", they simply do not understand Chatsky. Everything he talks about is alien to Famus's society. If for Molchalin it is considered normal to serve others, then Chatsky says: “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve.” And if there are people who understand him, for example Gorich, then they are simply afraid to go against public opinion. When society declares Chatsky crazy, he is forced to leave Moscow.

Thus, the nature of the main conflict in comedy is Chatsky's opposition to the Famus society. As a result of this confrontation, Chatsky found himself all alone. His accusatory monologues do not arouse sympathy among those present, and all of Chatsky's "million torments" turn out to be in vain. However, it is not. The fact is that in the image of Chatsky Griboyedov portrayed advanced people who want to serve the Fatherland.

The comedy by A. S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit” is one of the outstanding examples of Russian dramaturgy of the first quarter XIX century. The comedy was created at a time when classicism dominated the stage in Russia, but the playwright sought to realistically portray contemporary Russian reality, that is, according to Goncharov, “to take it entirely from Moscow living rooms and transfer it to a book and to the stage.” This is the reason for Griboyedov's innovation - in his comedy, the leading principle of depicting life is realistic.
The militant revolutionary content, the sharpness of the ideas, the topicality of the images determined the high political effectiveness of the comedy. A deep ideological connection with the progressive movement of the era allowed the writer to raise in his work the most acute political issues of the time.
The comedy reflected the era that came after Patriotic War 1812. This was the era of the birth and deployment of the Decembrist movement.
“Woe from Wit” is a socio-political comedy, although the play is based on love conflict, which, with the development of the action, fades into the background, and comes to the fore public conflict- clash of the "current century" with the "past century".
The first is presented in the comedy in the image of Chatsky, the latter - in the images of Famusov, Molchalin, Skalozub and many other "Moscow" ones. Moreover, all the characters in the play are typical characters. Distinctive features representatives of Moscow society were embodied in the images of comedy so vividly that I. A. Goncharov compares them with a deck of cards. For example, Chatsky is a typical overdose of a nobleman who has become detached from his class environment and, as a “friend of mankind”, angrily denounces the vices of society: serfdom, servility, nepotism, the dominance of foreigners and much more. One of the main opponents of Chatsky is Molcha-lin, a typical small official who dreams of achieving a certain position in society. He wants to become the same as his patron Famusov. Molchalin firmly learned his father's commandments - "to please all people without exception", and also "should not dare to have your own opinion."
The images of “Woe from Wit” are devoid of schematicity, which was inherent in the heroes classic plays; they are convex and multifaceted, combine both positive and negative traits. So, Chatsky - a passionate and emotional nature - because of his ardent spontaneity, sometimes gets into a ridiculous, and even stupid position. For example, in the middle of the next monologue, he notices that everyone is spinning in a waltz "with the greatest zeal." The image of Molchalin is not limited to showing only his negative traits: sycophancy and the ability to "assume". He is trying to win the favor of Liza, the maid in Famusov's house, by bribing "interests", in some cases he is able to accidentally prick the interlocutor. So, he asks Chatsky: “You were not given ranks? Failed at work?"
So, in the comedy "Woe from Wit" Griboedov widely uses realistic principle when creating characters.
It should be noted that the number actors significantly exceeded the norms of dramaturgy of that time: five to eight characters. In Griboedov's comedy "25 fools per sane person", which increased the scale of the stage action.
In addition, the playwright introduced into his play a large number of off-stage characters, the number of which exceeded the stage ones. They represent the same Moscow society and reflect the struggle in it of two eras. That is why among the off-stage characters there are like-minded people of Chatsky (the cousin of Skalozub, Prince Fyodor, a “chemist and botanist”, professors Pedagogical Institute, “practicing in schisms and unbelief”), and representatives Famus Society(Moscow “aces” Maxim Petrovich and Kuzma Petrovich, feudal lords who exchange their devoted servants for dogs or sell their “Cupids” and “Zefirs” one by one, Moscow ladies are “judges of everything, everywhere, there are no judges over them” and others).
Thus, off-stage characters contribute to the expansion of the reality display in comedy, and most importantly, they take it beyond the framework of the Famusov's house.
Both Chatsky and his main opponent Famusov get “to each his own “million of torments”; the latter will certainly not become an "ace", and Chatsky is forced to go "to search the world where there is a corner for the offended feeling." On the stage, no one wins an absolute victory. Griboyedov, as a realist, could not show the victory of the "current century" over the "past century", although all his sympathies and the sympathy of the audience are on the side of the first.
The creator of "Woe from Wit" was also an innovator in the field of language. First of all, the speech of the comedy characters is individualized, it is one of the means of revealing the characters. This is especially noticeable in the example of Chatsky's speech. The logic and harmony of his monologues, their accusatory pathos betray in him a person with a whole system of views and beliefs, with his own view of the world. Correct literary language Chatsky testifies to his education and erudition, and the abundance exclamatory sentences and the passion of his speeches prove that we have before us an internally rich, emotional and passionate nature. Chatsky’s speeches are imbued with high civic pathos, this speaks of his free-thinking, that he has “beautiful impulses of the soul”:
Where, show us, fathers of the fatherland,
Which should we take as samples?
So the passion of Chatsky's speeches brings him closer to the Romantic Decembrists.
As A. S. Pushkin predicted, many lines of comedy “entered into proverbs and sayings”: “Fresh legend, but hard to believe”, “Houses are new, and prejudices are old”, “Blessed is he who believes, it is warm in the world” , “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve” and others.
Griboyedov replaced the venerable Alexandrian verse with free iambic, which made it possible to convey the natural intonations of human speech. It can be argued that with this “Woe from Wit” prepared the transition of Russian dramaturgy from poetry to prose (“The Government Inspector” by Gogol).
“Woe from Wit” is the first realistic social comedy in Russian literature, in which the author managed to capture typical characters in typical circumstances and recreate Russian life in the first quarter of the 19th century in a wide and multifaceted way.

Help write an essay on literature, on one of these topics: 1. The conflict of two eras in the comedy Woe from Wit 2. The theme of education in comedy

Woe from Wit

3. The problem of the mind in the comedy Woe from Wit

4. Chatsky and Molchilain (comparative characteristics)

5. My favorite character

1) Is Chatsky smart? In the comedy Woe from Wit? 2) Comedy "Woe from Wit" - a drama from the uselessness of the mind in Russia? 3) Honesty and kindness are more important

4) Does the country need smart people; what is the tragedy smart people in the comedy "Woe from Wit" .....

Help with an essay. Please! Submit tomorrow! Comedy "Woe from Wit"

I need an essay on one of these topics:
1. "Chatsky - winner or loser"
2. Chatsky spokesman for the ideas of his time.
3. Barskaya Moscow in Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit"
4. What are the dangers of silence.
5. "The current century and the past century"
6. Author and hero in Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit".
If anyone has an essay on one of these topics please reply. If it's good, with a plan and I don't find a copy, I'll pay 40 points

draw up a plan and cut the text according to the plan "Woe from Wit" - an unsurpassed work, the only one in world literature,

unsolved to the end "(A. Blok)

The comedy "Woe from Wit" was written between 1815 and 1820. The content of the play is closely related to historical events that time in Russia. The work remains relevant today. In those days, there were defenders of serfdom and Decembrists in society, imbued with love for the Motherland, opposing violence against individuals.

The comedy describes the clash of two centuries: "the present century" with the "past century". A prime example the old time is the so-called Famus society. These are acquaintances and relatives of Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, a wealthy Moscow gentleman, in whose house the play takes place. These are Khlestova, the spouses Gorichi, Skalozub, Molchalin and others. All these people are united by one point of view on life. They are all cruel feudal lords, they consider human trafficking to be a normal phenomenon. Serfs save their lives and honor, sincerely serve, and they can exchange them for a pair of greyhounds. So at the ball at Famusov's, Khlestova tells Sofya to give a sop from dinner for her arapka - a girl and a dog. She sees no difference between them. This remains relevant today. When a rich person who has power and money can humiliate another person who is lower in level. The ideals for today's society are rich people, in ranks. Famusov cites Kuzma Petrovich as an example to Chatsky, who was a respectable chamberlain, "with a key", "rich and was married to a rich woman." Pavel Afanasyevich wants for his daughter such a groom as Skalozub, because he "both a golden bag and aims for generals."

All representatives of the Famus society are characterized by an indifferent attitude to business. Famusov, the "manager in a state-owned place," deals with business only once; at Molchalin's insistence, he signs papers, despite the fact that "there is a contradiction in them and a lot of weekly." He believes - "signed, so off your shoulders." The saddest thing is that nowadays people think in exactly the same way as Famusov. Attitude to work, almost all irresponsible. This is the unsurpassed great comedy, it remains vital, relevant in the 20th century.

Main character plays by Chatsky, through which the author expresses his progressive ideas. He opposes the senseless imitation of everything foreign. He wants to punish those around him that they are obliged to love and respect Russian culture. Chatsky says that a Frenchman from Bordeaux, who came to Moscow, did not hear "a word of a Russian" and did not see "a Russian face" here. The comedy "Woe from Wit" is the only one in world literature, since no one except Griboyedov reveals the whole reality of the events taking place.

In the comedy, Chatsky is declared crazy because the representatives of the Famus society do not understand his ideas. He alone does not want to put up with the humiliation of people over people. Chatsky failed to correctly prove the correctness of his beliefs and still cannot reveal the secret. The comedy remains unsolved, because humanity blindly follows life events, not wanting to change anything.

4. Mark what is the innovation of the system of images of the comedy "Woe for Wit":

A) compliance with the "role" system
B) the number of actors - more than twenty
C) the system of images is based on the principle of typification
D) lack of division of characters into positive and negative
D) introduction of off-stage characters
5. Correlate the comedy hero and the role to which he corresponds:
A) Chatsky
1) a father who is unaware of his daughter's love
B) Famusov
2) a lucky hero-lover
B) Sophia
3) soubrette
D) Lisa
4) the heroine of a love triangle
D) Molchalin
5) hero reasoner
6. Match the name of the hero and the role he plays in the comedy:
A) Khryumins, Tugoukhovskys, Khlestov
1) main characters
B) Prince Fedor, Kuzma Petrovich, Maxim Petrovich
2) minor
C) Chatsky, Sofia, Molchalin, Famusov
3) episodic
D) G.D.-G.N.
4) image-parody
D) Skalozub, Lisa, Zagoretsky, Gorich, Repetilov
5) off-stage characters
E) Repetilov
6) heroes. Necessary for the connection of the stage action
7. Mark the main means of creating satirical characters in comedy:
Individualization of language, aphorism, tragic pathos, author's remark, hyperbole, farcical details,
catharsis, phraseological units, dramatism, vernacular, irony, sarcasm.
8. Name the hero of the comedy "Woe from Wit", whose speech is aphoristic, the influence of the manner of speaking of other heroes is noticeable, the literary and colloquial forms of speech are intertwined, there are features of servility:
A) Molchalin B) Repetilov C) Zagoretsky D) Liza
9. Combine off-stage characters related to the "current century" and "past century":
Prince Fyodor, Maxim Petrovich, three of the boulevard faces, Tatyana Yurievna, Skalozub's cousin, Baron Von
Klotz, a Frenchman from Bordeaux, young people - "who travels, who lives in the countryside", Kuzma Petrovich, Sophia's aunt.
11. Where does Khlestova live:
A) on Tverskaya B) on the Kuznetsk bridge C) on Pokrovka D) at the Nikitsky gate
12. Whose portrait is this:
Curly! Hump ​​of the shoulder blade!
Angry! All cat tricks!
How black! Yes, how terrible!
A) Khlestov
B) Princess Maria Alekseevna
B) Hryumina
D) arapki

How was the historical conflict of eras reflected in Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit"?

In the comedy "Woe from Wit" Griboedov tells about the life of noble Moscow in the 19th century. This is the time when the orders of the old, Catherine's era are changing to a new one, in which a person does not want to put up with the backwardness of the country, wants to serve his homeland without demanding ranks and awards. Such a person is Chatsky, and his relationship with the Famus society is the main conflict in comedy.

Representatives of Moscow society are: the old woman Khlestova, Prince and Princess Tugoukhovsky, Hryumins, Skalozub, Sofya, Molchalin, Gorich, Zagoretsky, Repetilov and others. The life of this society is busy with dinners, balls, card games and gossip. Before the highest in position, they please and flatter, and their attitude towards serfs is very cruel: they are exchanged for dogs, separated from their relatives and sold one by one.

The main representative of Moscow society is Famusov. Most of all in people he is interested in their social position. Therefore, for his daughter, he wants a husband with "stars and ranks." For this role, in his opinion, Skalozub is ideally suited, who "both a golden bag and aims for generals." Famusov is not worried about the mental limitations of Skalozub, his martinet manners. However, despite all the efforts of her father, Sophia chooses Molchalin.

Molchalin is young and energetic, he has his own "philosophy of life" - "to please all people without exception." Personal gain and self-interest are in the first place for him. He has no opinion of his own in anything: "At my age, one should not dare to have one's own opinion." To achieve his goals, Molchalin pretends to be in love with Sophia.

The opposite of Molchalin is Chatsky. Griboedov portrayed Chatsky as a prominent representative of the "current century." A young nobleman, not rich, sufficiently educated, has his own opinion on many problems of our time. He rebels against serfdom, an empty way of life, unreasonable upbringing, dishonest service.

But since the rest of the heroes of the comedy belong to the "past century", they simply do not understand Chatsky. Everything he talks about is alien to Famus's society. If for Molchalin it is considered normal to serve others, then Chatsky says: “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve.” And if there are people who understand him, for example Gorich, they are simply afraid to go against public opinion. When society declares Chatsky crazy, he is forced to leave Moscow.

Thus, the nature of the main conflict in comedy is Chatsky's opposition to the Famus society. As a result of this confrontation, Chatsky found himself all alone. His accusatory monologues do not arouse sympathy among those present, and all of Chatsky's "million torments" turn out to be in vain. However, it is not. The fact is that in the image of Chatsky, Griboedov portrayed advanced people who want to serve the Fatherland.

Help write an essay on literature, on one of these topics: 1. The conflict of two eras in the comedy Woe from Wit 2. The theme of education in comedy

Woe from Wit

3. The problem of the mind in the comedy Woe from Wit

4. Chatsky and Molchilain (comparative characteristics)

5. My favorite character

1) Is Chatsky smart? In the comedy Woe from Wit? 2) Comedy "Woe from Wit" - a drama from the uselessness of the mind in Russia? 3) Honesty and kindness are more important

4) Does the country need smart people; what is the tragedy of smart people in the comedy "Woe from Wit" .....

Help with an essay. Please! Submit tomorrow! Comedy "Woe from Wit"

I need an essay on one of these topics:
1. "Chatsky - winner or loser"
2. Chatsky spokesman for the ideas of his time.
3. Barskaya Moscow in Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit"
4. What are the dangers of silence.
5. "The current century and the past century"
6. Author and hero in Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit".
If anyone has an essay on one of these topics please reply. If it's good, with a plan and I don't find a copy, I'll pay 40 points

draw up a plan and cut the text according to the plan "Woe from Wit" - an unsurpassed work, the only one in world literature,

unsolved to the end "(A. Blok)

The comedy "Woe from Wit" was written between 1815 and 1820. The content of the play is closely connected with the historical events of that time in Russia. The work remains relevant today. In those days, there were defenders of serfdom and Decembrists in society, imbued with love for the Motherland, opposing violence against individuals.

The comedy describes the clash of two centuries: "the present century" with the "past century". A striking example of the old time is the so-called Famus society. These are acquaintances and relatives of Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, a wealthy Moscow gentleman, in whose house the play takes place. These are Khlestova, the spouses Gorichi, Skalozub, Molchalin and others. All these people are united by one point of view on life. They are all cruel feudal lords, they consider human trafficking to be a normal phenomenon. Serfs save their lives and honor, sincerely serve, and they can exchange them for a pair of greyhounds. So at the ball at Famusov's, Khlestova tells Sofya to give a sop from dinner for her arapka - a girl and a dog. She sees no difference between them. This remains relevant today. When a rich person who has power and money can humiliate another person who is lower in level. The ideals for today's society are rich people, in ranks. Famusov cites Kuzma Petrovich as an example to Chatsky, who was a respectable chamberlain, "with a key", "rich and was married to a rich woman." Pavel Afanasyevich wants for his daughter such a groom as Skalozub, because he "both a golden bag and aims for generals."

All representatives of the Famus society are characterized by an indifferent attitude to business. Famusov, the "manager in a state-owned place," deals with business only once; at Molchalin's insistence, he signs papers, despite the fact that "there is a contradiction in them and a lot of weekly." He believes - "signed, so off your shoulders." The saddest thing is that nowadays people think in exactly the same way as Famusov. Attitude to work, almost all irresponsible. This is the unsurpassed great comedy, it remains vital, relevant in the 20th century.

The main character of the play is Chatsky, through whom the author expresses his progressive ideas. He opposes the senseless imitation of everything foreign. He wants to punish those around him that they are obliged to love and respect Russian culture. Chatsky says that a Frenchman from Bordeaux, who came to Moscow, did not hear "a word of a Russian" and did not see "a Russian face" here. The comedy "Woe from Wit" is the only one in world literature, since no one except Griboyedov reveals the whole reality of the events taking place.

In the comedy, Chatsky is declared crazy because the representatives of the Famus society do not understand his ideas. He alone does not want to put up with the humiliation of people over people. Chatsky failed to correctly prove the correctness of his beliefs and still cannot reveal the secret. The comedy remains unsolved, because humanity blindly follows life events, not wanting to change anything.

4. Mark what is the innovation of the system of images of the comedy "Woe for Wit":

A) compliance with the "role" system
B) the number of actors - more than twenty
C) the system of images is based on the principle of typification
D) lack of division of characters into positive and negative
D) introduction of off-stage characters
5. Correlate the comedy hero and the role to which he corresponds:
A) Chatsky
1) a father who is unaware of his daughter's love
B) Famusov
2) a lucky hero-lover
B) Sophia
3) soubrette
D) Lisa
4) the heroine of a love triangle
D) Molchalin
5) hero reasoner
6. Match the name of the hero and the role he plays in the comedy:
A) Khryumins, Tugoukhovskys, Khlestov
1) main characters
B) Prince Fedor, Kuzma Petrovich, Maxim Petrovich
2) minor
C) Chatsky, Sofia, Molchalin, Famusov
3) episodic
D) G.D.-G.N.
4) image-parody
D) Skalozub, Lisa, Zagoretsky, Gorich, Repetilov
5) off-stage characters
E) Repetilov
6) heroes. Necessary for the connection of the stage action
7. Mark the main means of creating satirical characters in comedy:
Individualization of language, aphorism, tragic pathos, author's remark, hyperbole, farcical details,
catharsis, phraseological units, dramatism, vernacular, irony, sarcasm.
8. Name the hero of the comedy "Woe from Wit", whose speech is aphoristic, the influence of the manner of speaking of other heroes is noticeable, the literary and colloquial forms of speech are intertwined, there are features of servility:
A) Molchalin B) Repetilov C) Zagoretsky D) Liza
9. Combine off-stage characters related to the "current century" and "past century":
Prince Fyodor, Maxim Petrovich, three of the boulevard faces, Tatyana Yurievna, Skalozub's cousin, Baron Von
Klotz, a Frenchman from Bordeaux, young people - "who travels, who lives in the countryside", Kuzma Petrovich, Sophia's aunt.
11. Where does Khlestova live:
A) on Tverskaya B) on the Kuznetsk bridge C) on Pokrovka D) at the Nikitsky gate
12. Whose portrait is this:
Curly! Hump ​​of the shoulder blade!
Angry! All cat tricks!
How black! Yes, how terrible!
A) Khlestov
B) Princess Maria Alekseevna
B) Hryumina
D) arapki

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