Give the results of the analysis of organizational culture. Analysis of the organizational culture of the Lukoil-Sochi company


Integral components organizational culture OOO TD "Magnit" are:

  • Declared values, company norms (for example, setting high ambitious goals for company employees; focus on knowledge transfer);
  • personal culture of each employee. The norm is moral and legal behavior (observance of norms, attitude towards colleagues, justice in controversial relations, intolerance towards violators of norms, etc.).

A role model is a harmoniously developing personality, a culturally developed, spiritually rich person who does not drown in the petty vanity of everyday life, is able to make his life interesting, meaningful, illuminated by the ideals of humanism, kindness and beauty. Such an employee is free in his thoughts, views and actions, he is able to critically evaluate advertising and propaganda, the vagaries of fashion and the obsessive standards of mass culture.

Analyzing the possibilities of fulfilling the requirements for the formation of an organizational culture, the main principles for the formation of a value system inherent in successful enterprises are definitely identified.

For OOO Trade House "Magnit" the following factors determining the organizational culture were identified (in order of their importance):

the enterprise is perceived by employees as a stable, highly centralized, bureaucratic organization that guarantees employment and attractive work, and although it suppresses freedom and personal initiative, it is nevertheless a favorable social environment, and managers are recognized and respected by the team;

optimism of the staff in assessing the ongoing changes in the enterprise, the hope that they will lead to an increase in the independence of the enterprise, will provide an opportunity to satisfy personal interests, improve their skills in the field of economics and management, adapt their professional behavior to new conditions;

the actions of managers are mainly focused on reducing production costs, the desire to gain greater authority and the ability to perform additional tasks related to the development of innovations, while the ability to maintain good relations with other employees and top management is valued;

the main value for managers is the recognition of their merits by top management, colleagues and subordinates, strengthening the authority in the enterprise;

the position of an employee in the team is determined by his official position, the powers that are entrusted to him, the way he is perceived by direct and top management, the strong power of managers, the observance of formal order are valued;

the enterprise as a social environment does not contribute to the development of creative behavior of individuals, joint actions are valued, a high level of competence and skills of employees, their ability to convince and mobilize others to work;

managers have a fairly high confidence in their own abilities and strength of position in the enterprise, that changes cannot worsen their financial situation and shake prestige in the team, while they believe that always and in all situations personal informal relationships should be developed, which can be useful for any change.

Links between organizational culture and strategy:

  • · the strategy of survival in an unstable, dangerous, dominant external environment strengthens the existing system of values ​​and norms of personnel behavior. At the same time, the implementation of strategic changes and the development of strategies aimed at the development of the enterprise are limited by the existing traditional conservative organizational culture;
  • · organizational structure reinforces the existing system of values ​​mainly by identifying the employee in terms of position, formal competence, connections with the manager and the team. At the same time, the organizational structure is an expressive symbolic product of the traditional organizational culture of the industrial environment;
  • · the existing organizational culture, proclaiming discipline, observance of the formal order, the hierarchy of subordination as the main values, predetermines the formalization of the decision-making process.

At the same time, the implemented model of decision-making processes in enterprise management reinforces the bureaucratic nature of the organizational culture.

The enterprise has developed an organizational culture with the following norms of behavior and values: moderate partnership and desire for interaction, significance social status and hierarchies, formality, not too restrictive attitude to time and work performed, variable expressiveness, medium interpersonal distance, the duration of the decision-making process - from medium to high.

In order to improve the efficiency of the organization, LLC Trade House "Magnit" tested, reflecting the organizational culture in LLC Trade House "Magnit" ( Appendix C, D, D).

The analysis showed that there are practically no elements of non-formalized organizational culture in LLC TD "Magnit".

This does not meet the requirements of the new management paradigm, leads to a decrease in the efficiency of enterprise management, and reduces the level of interest of employees in achieving the ultimate goals of the organization. In order to improve management efficiency, we will formulate the main recommendations for improving the organizational culture of OOO Trade House Magnit. Let's summarize the recommendations in Table 2

table 2

Characteristics of organizational culture attributes recommended for OOO TD "Magnit"


Values ​​and norms

Management needs to prioritize employee motivation.

The process of employee development and learning

Improving the skills of management personnel in using automated accounting and analysis programs, participation of employees in seminars, fairs and exhibitions, subscription to specialized literature

Work ethic and motivation

Understanding yourself and your place in the organization

Organization of management based on a team approach and broad delegation of authority, where each member of the team has the right to express their point of view on the problem of the organization

Communication system and language of communication

Expanding the boundaries of the use of oral speech and computer correspondence in order to reduce the workflow in management practice

Relationships between people

Directed efforts of management to form constructively interacting informal groups, taking into account the groups identified during the survey

Faith in something and disposition towards something

Belief in leadership, success, own strength, mutual assistance, ethical behavior, justice, etc.; relationship with colleagues and clients

Appearance, dress and self-image at work

Taking into account the opinions of employees when ordering uniforms, compliance with the business style of clothing by managerial employees

Awareness of time, attitude towards it and its use

Improving the accuracy of meeting the time schedule, measures to combat delays

Based on the diagnostics of culture parameters in OOO Trade House “Magnit”, one can speak of a strong organizational culture. Trade House "Magnit" LLC is a democratic company that respects the individual and appreciates the best human qualities and features.

The management of the organization is faced with the task of preserving and maintaining the culture, as well as the task of changing and improving it.

The company uses the following approaches to manage organizational culture:

  • through public statements, personal example of top management;
  • through the manipulation of symbols and things material world organizations.

The first approach is like a vision from above, which should arouse the enthusiasm of the majority of the members of the organization. The leader-leader inspires and implements the fundamental values ​​of the organization. This presupposes that the leader has an obvious and sincere personal commitment to the values ​​he believes in.

The application of the second principle begins at the other end of the organization, at its lower levels. In this case great attention given to the details of real life in the organization. Managers monitor the processes taking place in the organization, while trying to manage the culture of the organization step by step.

The first approach is implemented through public statements, speeches and personal example, indicating a consistent interest in the values ​​being introduced. Company leaders appear in print, radio, and television to preach the values ​​that are being set.

The effective means of the second approach are the manipulation of the symbols and things of the material world of the organization, the creation and development of patterns of behavior, the introduction step by step of the conditions for interaction. The actions of managers in the organization are in accordance with their declared values, which, of course, contributes to the development of culture and its strengthening.

At this stage of the development of the company, the organizational culture that has developed in it more or less corresponds to the mission and goals of the company. But, given the pace of development of the enterprise, the company's management needs to diagnose the main parameters of the organization's culture and make changes to its structure.

It can be noted that when carrying out any changes in the culture, the company's management will face a number of difficulties, since it is easier to change the culture in a young organization with not yet established values. Also, the management of OOO Trade House "Magnit" should not expect a quick adaptation in the organization of new cultural values. The process of changing culture in an organization will take a long time.

The analysis showed that the company has the following main elements of corporate culture:

1. System of values. It is reflected in the form of a mission presented on the company's website and in the office. The mission statement focuses on the individual approach to the client and the high quality of services.

The corporate code has not been drawn up.

In the questionnaire on the value system, questions were asked about the mission, strategy, goals, rules of conduct, etiquette, communication style. The obtained results show that they are sufficiently developed in the company, with the exception of mission components and fixed rules of conduct. These questions received the least number of positive answers among all categories of respondents.

2. Mottoes, symbols. The company has a trademark. The set of clothes includes a winter uniform jacket, warm pants, a demi-season leather jacket, high boots, hats, mittens, summer shirts, trousers, socks. According to the company's charter, employees must be dressed in uniform. A company flag and anthem was designed and presented to employees and the media.

In the questionnaire, this element of culture was reflected in questions about the advertising slogan and symbols of the company. 70% of employees have an idea about the advertising slogan. Among the symbols are the trademark, flag and anthem of the company, and the percentage of awareness of each category about these components is high.

  • 3. Myths, legends, heroes. At the moment, myths and legends about the company are not formed. Employees are called heroes Director General company, showing respect for him as a person who created the company and is sole member Society and supreme body management. Only company executives answered about the presence of such legends.
  • 4. Rituals, traditions, events. The analysis showed that the company does not have rituals for hiring employees and introducing them into the corporate culture. Thus, the adaptation of new employees is slower. There are also no corporate events, joint trips designed to rally the team. Traditions include the celebration of professional holidays for the flight squad, Defender of the Fatherland Day and International Women's Day. There are also no contests. professional excellence, and a low percentage of respondents answered that they have rituals to reward the best employees.
  • 5. Management style. The company's management adheres to a democratic style in relations with employees, which has a positive effect on the working atmosphere. There is a policy of "openness", the organization of the workspace is similar to Western companies, where employees instead of personal accounts work in the same space. The door to the manager's office is never closed, each employee can enter there with a question or for the necessary documents. Employees also note a well-organized system of internal communications and the availability of information sources.
  • 6. Personnel policy. It includes, first of all, intracorporate communication. Managers are constantly at their workplaces in the office, so oral communication prevails in the company.

On the basis of the obtained results, it can be concluded that organic corporate culture predominates in OOO Trade House Magnit according to Cole's classification. In such a corporate culture, the organization is managed in accordance with the general idea, which allows you to quickly solve problems. problem situations. Disagreements and conflicts in this case are considered as a discrepancy with common goals and objectives. Leadership is based on shared views about the direction of the overall movement. At the same time, daily work is carried out with minimal intervention from the management. Through agreement with the basic ideas, the functions and responsibilities of the workers are realized with almost automatic precision. The function of leadership is to set the context and purpose of the movement, minimizing the rest of the interference. The desires and interests of people are evaluated by the degree of their consistency with the goals of the organization, and communication is limited and insignificant. Information and data are generally regarded as shared knowledge that does not need to be taken out.

An analysis of the level of development of the corporate culture of LLC Trade House "Magnit" showed that the organizational culture in the company has developed spontaneously. Nevertheless, such a group of elements as the value system is quite developed, and the objective aspect is also quite developed, that is, the one that directly creates the image of the company.

Culture in the universal sense is a historically defined level of development of society and man, expressed in the forms of organization of life, as well as in the created material and spiritual values.

Organizational culture is a system of norms, rules and moral values ​​that governs relations between members of an organization.

Organizational culture is inextricably linked with organizational behavior, in which it is customary to single out: the behavior of the leader; group behavior; individual behavior (personal behavior). The main goal of organizational behavior is to help people perform their duties more productively and get more satisfaction from this. To achieve this goal, the value orientations of each individual and the entire organization as a whole must be formed.

Organizational culture is an element of the information environment organizational organization. Since the organization itself is part of public system, its organizational culture is integral part public culture.

The impact of society on the activities of the organization is diverse. The cultural environment of the organization depends on the degree of development of society, existing local and national traditions, legal and socio-moral factors of public life. These factors to varying degrees (directly or indirectly) affect the formation of organizational culture within the organization.

If relations between team members turn into friendly ones, then it is much easier to reach mutual understanding on many issues. Therefore, firms hold special events aimed at team building. The management of progressive firms successfully uses the informal, friendly relations that arise between members of the team to solve a wide variety of problems.

The human factor is more difficult to manage than technological processes. Difficulties are generated by the presence of uncertainties in the interpretation and implementation of social laws. The highest level of uncertainty is in solving the problems of personnel management. The associated risk of non-fulfillment of management decisions can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the organization as a whole.

One of the main tasks of organizational culture is to reduce the share of the subjective factor in the implementation of management procedures and, accordingly, reduce management risk. This is achieved due to the impersonality of the created organizational culture. The latter means that it must act regardless of the individual characteristics of the members of the organization. Any person entering a job should know that having taken a certain position, he is obliged to strictly fulfill the range of duties established by job descriptions and, as a member of the team, observe the norms of behavior and relationships with people.

In the event of a discrepancy between the objective requirements generated by the organizational culture and the psychophysical qualities of the individual, a contradiction arises, which in some cases can be eliminated through administrative measures. For example, a person can be offered to change their behavior, improve their professional training, and so on. If the contradiction that has arisen cannot be eliminated, then a conclusion is made about the inappropriateness of using a person in this position. Thus, it is possible to achieve, in the implementation of purposeful management of people, the operation of formal rules, regardless of the subjective qualities of the individual. One of the important measures to maintain the organizational culture that has developed in the organization is the assessment of the professional suitability of personnel. This is especially important when recruiting new employees. The system should contribute to the maintenance and development of organizational culture vocational training, during which employees are trained not only in professional skills, but also in the rules of communication with other members of the organization, business partners and customers. The improvement of organizational culture is also facilitated by internships in other organizations. One of the most important elements of organizational culture is the current motivation system - a set of ways to encourage members of the organization to actively creative activity to achieve their personal and organizational goals. The need for remuneration serves as the basis for developing an economic-type motivation system. Needs are primary and secondary. Primary needs within an organization are the materialized needs of the members of the team. For example, an increase in wages, receiving material remuneration or any other incentives such as preferential medical care, additional leave, and various privileges. Secondary needs are associated with the psychological mood of a person: the need for success, respect, power, communication. The use of secondary needs in the system of motivations as incentives for activating the activities of members of the organization in achieving common goals is a more difficult task than material incentives. However, moral stimulation is more effective ways management of the behavioral activities of the members of the organization, as it is aimed mainly at increasing the creative activity of a person. Generalized indicators of organizational culture include a qualitative indicator, which is called the image of the organization. An image is a purposefully formed image of an organization. The concept of image includes the culture of relationships between people, the manner of working with partners and clients, the design of the premises and even the clothes of employees. Often, to create the image of an organization, specialists in this field are involved - image makers. The organizational culture of a modern organizational organization is unthinkable without the use of modern information management technologies, tools designed to provide communication and communications. This is an indicator of the current level of development of the organization. Organizational culture is formed as a result of long-term practical activity at the will of the leader or owner of the organization through the natural selection of the best norms, rules and standards introduced by the leader and team members. It is expedient to involve specialists of consulting firms in its formation. On fig. 1. shows the relationship of organizational culture with such concepts as the professional suitability of staff, the behavior of members of the organization, environmental factors, the effectiveness and manufacturability of the management system, the image of the organization.

Rice. one.

Of course, the organizational culture of an organization is primarily judged by cultural level leader. Remember the folk wisdom: "What is the priest, such is the parish."

The leader must be competent, intelligent and highly educated, have a positive image in the external environment, high qualifications and erudition, extensive work experience, enjoy authority with subordinates, be loyal to the employee, set an example everywhere and in everything, including behavior in everyday life, and not only at work.

Organizational culture can be a decisive factor in improving the effectiveness of system management if it is consistent with the strategy of the organization. The presence of an organizational culture in an organization can only be spoken of when the majority of employees in key positions share a system of views that predetermines mutual understanding between them and the external environment. Aggregate value orientations and moral norms forms the corporate identity of the organization, which determines its uniqueness and uniqueness in the chosen field of activity.

The strength of the impact of organizational culture on the activities of the company is determined by the compatibility of members of the organization, the intensity, stability and duration of their interaction, the lack of staff turnover, the presence of joint work experience. To assess this impact, it is customary to distinguish between the external and internal components of organizational culture.

The external side of organizational culture is the history of the organization, symbols, traditions, ceremonies. They help a new employee to quickly enter the team, understand the main mission of the organization, the characteristics of relationships in the team, assess the possibility of promotion, find out whether the initiative of the performers is encouraged and how the leader reacts to the mistakes and blunders of subordinates.

The internal components include the rules and norms of behavior in the organization, job descriptions, the distribution of functional responsibilities, value orientations and the overall management concept.

A number of approaches to organizational culture are known from world practice. Exist various classifications organizational cultures. For example, Mike Burke (France) proposed a classification containing 8 types of organizational culture (Fig. 2).

An organizational culture corresponding to the "greenhouse" type is characteristic of static organizations that try not to respond to changes in the external environment. All efforts in these organizations are focused on maintaining what has been achieved earlier.

The collectors of individual spikelets include small and medium-sized organizations whose activities are entirely subordinated to chance and luck. Their structures are indefinite. The behavior of such organizations is completely dependent on the will of the leader. Staff motivation is weak. There is a constant turnover of staff. The prospects for such organizations are not encouraging.

Rice. 2.

Garden culture organizations tend to have a pyramidal structure that is common to many French businesses. These organizations strive to maintain their positions in the traditional market, using time-tested behaviors with a minimum number of changes. Staff motivation is low.

The choice of the type of organizational culture is the task of the head of the organization. In this case, only a subjective approach is possible. Nevertheless, some general recommendations can be given that can improve the microclimate in the organization and enhance its organizational culture. In this regard, the following measures are appropriate: the implementation of unobtrusive leadership, i.e. creating an image of a leader endowed with charisma; focusing on creating organizational values ​​and norms of behavior; involvement of team members in the process of creating the image of the organization; influence on the behavior of employees by developing a system of motivations; creating a favorable microclimate in the team; organization of information exchange both within the organization and outside the organization.

It is difficult to find modern domestic or foreign work in the field of management, where issues of organizational culture would not be raised.

Organizational culture is a phenomenon that deserves self-study, the form of existence of the organization and the manifestation of its behavior in the internal environment and in relation to the subjects of the external environment. Organizational culture is also a subject of study for social psychology, management psychology, organizational behavior, industrial psychology and many other scientific disciplines.

Recall the general definition of culture: "Culture (from lat. culture- cultivation, upbringing, education, development, veneration) - a historically defined level of development of society, the creative forces and abilities of a person, expressed in the types and forms of organizing the life and activities of people, as well as in the material and spiritual values ​​\u200b\u200bcreated by them. The concept of "culture" is used to characterize certain historical eras (ancient culture), specific societies, peoples and nations (Mayan culture), as well as specific areas of activity or life (culture of work, life, political culture, art culture); in a narrower sense - the sphere of the spiritual life of people. It includes the objective results of people's activities (machines, structures, results of cognition, works of art, norms of morality and law, etc.), as well as human strengths and abilities implemented in activities (knowledge, abilities, skills, level of intelligence, moral and aesthetic development, worldview, ways and forms of communication between people)" .

As we see, complete definition the concept of culture includes many of its constituent elements, levels, meanings. Therefore, in a particular case, one should clarify one's position, designate the context, the meaning in which this concept is used. So, very often the concept of "culture" is used in a narrow sense, i.e. to designate only spiritual culture, only a set ethical standards and rules, and in relation to the culture of the organization - to refer to a system of traditions, customs, legends, myths, heroes, norms, rules that determine the behavior of employees of the organization.

One of the most common definitions belongs to the world-famous specialist in the field of organizational culture E. Shein.

Organizational culture is a pattern (scheme, model, framework) of collective basic ideas acquired by a group when solving the problems of adaptation to changes in the external environment and internal integration, the effectiveness of which is sufficient to consider it valuable and transfer it to new members of the group as a correct system. perception and consideration of these problems.

Why is there such attention in modern business and society to problems of organizational culture? Because "... it began to be seen not just as an idea that could explain many organizational phenomena, but also as something with which managers could create more effective organization". In addition, society is not all the same in what ways a business succeeds and in what environment the members of society - employees of organizations - are in organizations.

Research has shown that employees whose values ​​align with those of the organization work more efficiently and are more satisfied with their jobs. The presence of employee values ​​that are contrary to the values ​​of the company is a major source of frustration, conflict and loss of productivity. It is especially important to assess one's own priorities and values, the values ​​of one's organization and the main value priorities of one's country in cases where a person seeks to achieve harmony at work and plans a long-term career advancement.

To date, it turned out that there are as many definitions of culture in general and organizational culture in particular as there are authors who study this phenomenon. Each author has developed his own idea of ​​the essence and structure of this phenomenon, its place in the organization, its significance for the subjects of the organization and their development. At the same time, each author operates with a convincing evidence base. This proves the systemic nature of organizational culture, and one of the properties of large and complex systems is the multiplicity of descriptions, the variety of models that reflect their essence. Under these conditions, it is difficult to choose a standard, or a model for comparison with the culture of your organization and analysis. It is not even easy to structure the phenomenon of "organizational culture", determine its meaning, choose an approach to the culture of one of the authors, come up with your own method, determine the criteria for effectiveness, predict the direction of culture change. What is best for your organization is up to you.

Details about the various approaches to understanding the essence, structure and parameters of organizational culture can be found in the works of such authors as E. Schein, G. Hofstede, C. Handy, R. Rüttinger, Diehl and Kennedy, Kete de Vries and Miller. The work of K. Cameron and R. Quinn is devoted to the analysis of the culture of the organization and its change. These authors proceed from a different idea than E. Shein and G. Hofstede about the culture of the organization and types of organizational cultures. Research led them to the conclusion that there are four types of organizational cultures: clan culture, adhocracy culture, hierarchical culture, market culture.

K. Cameron and R. Quinn analyze and distinguish organizational cultures according to the following parameters:

  • the most important characteristics: principles of intra-organizational relationships and orientation of people;
  • general style leadership in the organization;
  • employee management;
  • the binding entity of the organization;
  • strategic goals;
  • success criteria.

clan culture. A very friendly place to work where people have a lot in common. Organizations are like big families. Leaders or heads of organizations are perceived as educators and perhaps even as parents. The organization is held together by loyalty and tradition. The commitment of the organization is high. It emphasizes the long-term benefits of personal development, emphasizes a high degree of team cohesion and morale. Success is defined in terms of good feelings towards consumers and care for people. The organization encourages team work, people's participation in business and harmony.

Hierarchical (bureaucratic) culture. A very formalized and structured place to work. What people do is governed by procedures. Leaders pride themselves on being rational facilitators and organizers. Maintaining the smooth running of the organization's operations is critical. The organization is held together by formal rules and official policies. The organization's long-term concern is to ensure the stability and smooth running performance of cost-effective operations. Success is defined in terms of reliable supply, smooth schedules and low costs. Employee management is concerned with job security and long-term predictability.

Adhocracy (innovation) culture. Dynamic, entrepreneurial and creative workplace. People are willing to turn their own necks and take risks. Leaders are seen as innovators and risk takers. The binding essence of the organization is a commitment to experimentation and innovation. Emphasizes the need for action at the forefront. In the long term, the organization focuses on growth and acquiring new resources. Success means producing (providing) unique and new products and/or services. It is important to be a market leader in products or services. The organization encourages individual initiative and freedom.

market culture. A results-oriented organization whose main concern is to get things done. People are purposeful and compete with each other. Leaders are tough leaders and tough competitors. They are unwavering and demanding. The organization is held together by an emphasis on winning. Reputation and success is a common concern. The focus of the perspective is set on competitive actions, the achievement of set goals and the achievement of measurable goals. Success is defined in terms of market penetration and market share. Competitive pricing and market leadership are important. The style of the organization is a rigidly pursued line on competitiveness.

Cameron and Quinn's book "Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture" also provides a tool for assessing the current and desired state of organizational culture (questionnaire). By applying this technique, you can determine the type of culture that dominates your organization and take action to enhance those or other aspects of your organization that contribute to cultural transformation.

Organizational culture and leadership in an organization are closely related to each other. ("We say: organizational culture, we mean the culture of a leader...") An organization is a kind of creation of its founder, leader, therefore, as in any work, it reflects the characteristics of the author's personal culture, his views and misconceptions.

Why new leader company brings with it new team? Because, in part, he brings a new culture to the company, and this process cultural change It is easier to exercise with a team of like-minded people than alone.

All this leads to the idea that organizational culture is an important "site of work and care" of the leader, it is important for employees, society, life, survival, achievement of success by the organization; it is too serious not to be taken into account, and difficult to try to know without sufficient erudition.

E. Shane rightly believes that with a superficial approach to the study and interpretation of organizational culture, it is very easy to make a mistake: true, really determining the behavior of group members, basic deep ideas that show what the organization is actually guided by, what it is as a spiritual phenomenon, not so - something easy to identify. They are sometimes not clear even to the members of the group, including the leader, and observable artifacts (external manifestations of behavior) and proclaimed values ​​can only give an idea of ​​what the organization wants to appear to be.

  • Big encyclopedic dictionary. - M .: Great Russian Encyclopedia, St. Petersburg: Norint, 2001.
  • Shane, E. Organizational culture and leadership. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002.-p. 31-32.
  • Shane, E. Decree. op. - P. 13.
  • Cameron, K. Diagnostics and change in organizational culture / K. Cameron, R. Quinn. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

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