Essay The rich are not harmful because they are rich, but because they make the poor feel their poverty. Killing the rich won't make the poor richer


In the statement of the famous Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky we are talking about the problem of social stratification. The problem raised is especially relevant in the context of the uneven distribution of benefits, the heterogeneous structure of society. Klyuchevsky draws attention to the relationship between rich and poor people. It is impossible not to agree with the author. Really, financial position the individual affects his role in society and his assessment of this role.

In order to verify the validity of the author's statement, we turn to theoretical material. In social science, social stratification is defined as the location of individuals and groups in horizontal layers based on income inequality, education level, power, prestige. Allocate economic, political and professional stratification.

The division into rich and poor refers to economic stratification. There are various theories of social stratification, but they all agree that people of the same class have approximately equal opportunities to receive public goods, but for classes as a whole, these opportunities are different and often depend on the level of wealth. The access of the rich to power, to prestige, makes the poor feel disadvantaged compared to the rich.

An example confirming the validity of this statement is E. Fromm's essay "A Man is Lonely", where he writes about a consumer society in which individuals strive to own the maximum possible number of things. In order to satisfy all their needs, they need to have high level income, because the more things a person has, the higher his status. Poor people do not have this opportunity, and find themselves at the bottom of the social pyramid.

Another example is the revolution in Russia in 1917. One of the reasons was the emergence of contradictions between the elite (power, nobility) and the peasantry, which made up the bulk of the population. Representatives higher strata societies could indulge in nothing, while the rest of the population was in dire need of basic things, which led to mass discontent.

Thus, it can be concluded that financial situation has a huge impact on the position of the individual in society, gives him access to power, prestige.

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Thoughts, aphorisms, quotes. Business, career, management Dushenko Konstantin Vasilyevich

Rich and poor

Rich and poor

See also Social Responsibility (p. 53); “Labor and Capital” (p. 94); "Charity" (p. 577)

Shame is the lot of the poor, but the gaze of the rich is bold.

Hesiod(VIII-VII centuries BC),

ancient Greek poet

The rich run after wealth, the poor run after the rich.

Thomas Fuller(1654–1734), English writer

The rich are not harmful because they are rich, but because they make the poor feel their poverty. The destruction of the rich will not make the poor richer, but will make them feel less poor.

Vasily Klyuchevsky(1841–1911), historian

In our society, the only class thinks about money more than the rich: the poor. The poor can think of nothing but money.

Oscar Wilde(1854–1900), English writer

It is easier to bear your poverty than someone else's wealth.

God loves the poor but helps the rich.

The poor man is hated even by his close ones, but the rich man has many friends.

Bible - Proverbs 14, 20

The opinion that the poor and the rich are equal before death is wrong. The poor and the rich are equal not before but after death.

Gerhard Branster(b.1927), German writer

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Gospel of Matthew 19:24

The rich man should remember that when he gets to heaven, he will meet Lazarus there and should be courteous to him.

Henry Wheeler Shaw(1818–1885),

American writer

Perhaps the rich man will never enter the kingdom of heaven; but the poor man is already serving his term in the underworld.

Alexander Chase(b.1926),

American journalist

The rich are too highly valued in the Old Testament: a God-fearing and fortunate man gets too many cattle, wives, monkeys, goats and peacocks.

Margot Asquith(1865–1945), wife of British Prime Minister Herbert Asquith

I love the rich. I swear and affirm that the rich are kind (because it costs them nothing) and beautiful (because they dress well).

If you can't be a man, or handsome, or noble, you have to be rich.

Marina Tsvetaeva(1892–1941), poetess

He called the poor to him and gave them the rich.

Elias Canetti(1905–1994),

Austrian writer

"I am a bandit: I live by robbing the rich." “And I am a gentleman: I live by robbing the poor.”

George Bernard Shaw(1856–1950),

English playwright

"Respectable" means rich, "decent" means poor. I would die of shame if I heard that my family was called "decent".

Thomas Love Peacock(1785–1866),

English satirist and poet

All rich families are alike, all decent families are unhappy in their own way.

Gennady Malkin(b.1939), writer

The main army of Rothschild's enemies are those who have nothing; they all think, "What we don't have, Rothschild has." They are joined by a crowd of those who have lost their fortune; instead of attributing the loss to their own stupidity, they blame the craftiness of those who retained their fortune. As soon as someone runs out of money, he becomes an enemy of the Rothschilds.

Heinrich Heine(1797–1856), German poet

No one has ever gotten rich by counting other people's money.

The sheep that wore The Golden Fleece was not rich.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec(1909–1966),

Polish writer

A rich man is just a poor man with money.

William Claude Fields(1880–1946),

American screenwriter and film actor

The rich man tears his clothes, the poor man crawls out of his skin.

Włodzimierz Schisłowski(b.1931),

Polish satirist

Millionaires prey on elephants, poor people prey on bedbugs.

Don Aminado (Shpolyansky)(1888–1957),


The luggage of the rich is light - wealth weighs little. The suitcases of the poor are heavy, because they contain the necessary things.

From French film"The city blames"

If you don't get rich, you won't know how many poor relatives you have.

From the book by E. Mackenzie "14,000 phrases ..."

The poor boast of their rich ancestors, the rich of their poor.

Raymond Quenot(1903–1976), French historian

Better to live rich than die rich.

Samuel Johnson(1709–1784),

English writer and lexicographer

Increasing wealth is not the same as reducing poverty.

Joan Robinson(1903–1983),

British economist

Remember the poor - it does not require any expenses.

Henry Wheeler Shaw

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Methods of combating poverty. Social stratification of Russian society. Poverty is a universal phenomenon: It exists throughout the world economic space. These are the winds that blow the sails of the ship.

Essays on the topic of the rich are harmful not to those ...

Poverty as a global problem…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5 1. What did you learn about money in school?

Have you ever wondered why our school system doesn't teach us much - if anything - about money? Maybe the lack of financial education is just an oversight of our school leaders?

Or maybe it's part of something even bigger.

Unemployment, economic and social instability, unfulfilled hopes, the collapse of plans intensify the process of marginalization of the population. The state of poverty does not allow society to realize its potential.

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Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert T. Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter Rich Dad Poor Dad This book is dedicated to parents all over the world - the most important teachers of the child.

The rich don't work for money 19 See what others don't see.

  1. The most important thing to start is not the unprofitability of the business, but its reliability. God created all people talented, we become mediocre only because we do not know our spiritual destiny.
  2. If this money is fairly distributed, that is, according to the contribution of labor, then there will be no super-rich and too poor.
  3. Undoubtedly, each has its own purpose.
  4. The state of poverty does not allow society to realize its potential ... These are the winds that blow the sails of the ship.
  5. It exists throughout the global economic space...

Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert T. Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter "Rich Dad Poor Dad" This book is dedicated to parents around the world - the most important teachers of the child.

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