"It's just fate." Doctors talk about what caused Mikhail Zadornov to die


Zadornov Mikhail Nikolaevich is a man-holiday, a man-epoch, whose texts were instantly scattered into quotes and became popular. This is a true genius who managed to put his philosophy and political views into a humorous form.

Zadornov is a humorist, without whom not a single New Year's concert would be complete. His concerts attracted huge crowds of spectators who gave standing ovations at the end of the event.

At the same time, Mikhail Nikolaevich was a wonderful father and a very loving person, since he had two wives.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Mikhail Zadornov

Almost all people in Russia and the world know what physical parameters the national favorite has, such as height, weight, age. The years of Mikhail Zadornov’s life are the most terrible thing that can be found on the Internet, since the comedian died suddenly in November 2017.

If we take into account that the man was born in 1948 and died this year, then at the time of his departure to another world he was already sixty-nine full years. Mikhail Zadornov: photo in his youth and now - he was the same fit, handsome and youthful man, on whose face there were wrinkles that appeared from laughter and communication with fans.

The zodiac circle gave Mikhail Nikolaevich the sign of the artistic, creative, intuitive, contemplative, wise Cancer. The Eastern horoscope endowed the future comedian with character traits characteristic of the Rat, including good nature, fussiness, activity, flexible mind and creative thinking.

At the time of his death, Zadornov’s height was one meter and eighty-five centimeters, and he weighed incredibly little, since oncology had drained him.

Biography and personal life of Mikhail Zadornov

The biography and personal life of Mikhail Zadornov is the story of a Latvian who was forever able to retain all the best features of a Russian person. This was facilitated by his parents, who came from ancient noble families and raised their son in such a way that one could be proud of his behavior.

The father, Nikolai Zadornov, was already a forty-year-old man when he had a son, Misha. Nikolai Pavlovich was an outstanding Soviet and Russian writer, screenwriter and journalist for many Soviet newspapers. The man wrote two of the most famous cycles of historical novels, including “Father Cupid”, “Captain Nevelskoy”, “Tsunami”, “ Golden fever", "Ocean War", "Blue Hour". He died suddenly in Riga, Latvia, in 1992.

Mother - Elena Zadornova - was a proofreader in one of the Ufa newspapers, but became a housewife and devoted herself to raising her own children, getting married twice.

Brother - Lolliy Zadornov - half-mother; his father was Elena’s first husband, who was an employee of one of the ministries. Young Lenochka knew him for a very long time, and got married because she did not have money to study at the Krasnodar Music College. Lolly was older stepbrother by the age of eighteen, he became not a violinist or a diplomat, as his mother wanted, but an ordinary worker.

Sister - Lyudmila Zadornova - for six years older than brother, was a very educated and persistent girl, it was she who compiled the pedigree of her family and found all the surviving descendants. The woman played the piano and violin beautifully, but became a teacher in English at one of the country's higher educational institutions.

Little Misha was a very active and talented boy; he studied at a music and art school. He was interested not only in literature, but also in physics and chemistry. By the way, the guy graduated from a prestigious school in Riga, and first appeared on stage in the fairy tale about Turnip, and this happened in the second grade, and Mishka played this particular vegetable.

His father insisted that the guy receive a higher technical education, so he graduated from Moscow Aviation Institute, becoming an engineer. However, Mikhail did not forget about creativity; he directed the Institute’s Agitation Theater, where he himself wrote plays, was a director and an actor, for which he was rewarded with the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

Zadornov begins to compose short stories, which were published in Yunost, where the young author was soon invited to head the satire and humor department of this publication. By the way, for a long time the guy wrote satirical numbers for other authors and only in the eighties he made his debut on television with this kind of number on his own.

By 1991, Mikhail had become so popular that he addressed the Russians on New Year's Day, and to prevent his speech from being interrupted, for the first time the chimes were delayed for a minute.
The man hosted the television programs “Funny Panorama”, “Mothers and Daughters”, “Full House”, he wrote numbers for Petrosyan, and also brought him on stage talented musicians and comedians.

Zadornov is known as a writer, as he wrote such books as “The Return”, “The End of the World”, “A Great Country with an Unpredictable Past”, “I Want Your Husband”, and also blogged on LiveJournal and acted in films. At the same time, in Riga, Mikhail Nikolaevich opened a library, which he named after his own dad.

Zadorny's personal life was not too stormy; he got married quite early, barely graduated from college, but the marriage was destined to fall apart. At the same time, Mikhail had a favorite common-law wife, who gave birth to his daughter and was by his side until her death.

The most interesting thing is that in the satirist’s personal life there was another woman, Marina Orlova, whom he often called his muse. The woman was constantly with Mikhail, because she worked on Channel One, was a producer and actress. Marina was thirty-eight years younger than Zadornov, and he considered her his second daughter and supported her in everything.

Family and children of Mikhail Zadornov

The family and children of Mikhail Zadornov are a special page in the life of the actor and satirist, TV presenter and philanthropist. The boy was born in international family, since his mother was Polish, who came from the Pokorno-Matusevich family. Her family descended from King Stefan Batory himself.

Mikhail’s grandfather was supposed to be shot along with his wife and nine-year-old daughter, but his family defended him so touchingly that they were left alive. At the same time, Melchior Pokorno-Matusevich deceived the guard and ate his own documents, so instead of execution he went into exile, from which he returned in 1923 very sick.

Elena ran away from her first rich and influential husband to the poor journalist Nikolai Zadornov. Mikhail’s grandfather on his father’s side, who worked as a veterinarian in the village, was repressed, he was sentenced to ten years and died in prison without waiting for rehabilitation in 1956.

Mikhail Zadornov has few children, namely his beloved daughter, whom she bore to him common-law spouse. Dad spoiled little Helen with gifts and attention, and tried to give her an excellent education.

Mikhail Nikolaevich often traveled around the world, and took his daughter with him to those countries where he wanted to visit since childhood. That is why Lena visited the UAE and France, Germany and Austria, Greece and Israel, Africa and South America.
Zadornov believed that children should be raised by example, talk to them as equals, pamper them and show them how a dream turns into reality.

Daughter of Mikhail Zadornov - Elena Zadornova

The daughter of Mikhail Zadornov, Elena Zadornova, was born in a second civil marriage in 1990. She was named not after her wife, as many people think, but after the satirist’s mother.

The girl was musical and incredibly flexible, she did vocals and gymnastics, and painted. At the same time, she entered GITIS because she strived to become famous actress theater and cinema.

Lena loved spending time with her father, as she was close to him, she attended most of his concerts. The girl herself tried to write stories, including humorous ones.

The ex-wife of Mikhail Zadornov - Velta Kalnberzina

The ex-wife of Mikhail Zadornov, Velta Kalnberzina, is the same age as her husband and his only legal wife. The girl was the daughter of the first secretary of the Communist Party of Latvia. She studied with Misha in a parallel class, but did not pay attention to him.
The guy and the girl noticed each other while studying at Moscow Aviation Institute. They got married in 1971. The woman has achieved a lot in life; she is a Doctor of Philology.

Velta had a great command foreign languages, including English. She was a professor at the Department of English Linguistics at Moscow State University. The marriage broke up in 1988, the reasons being the lack of children and Mikhail’s betrayal.

Mikhail Zadornov's common-law wife - Elena Bombina

Mikhail Zadornov’s common-law wife, Elena Bombina, appeared on the satirist’s horizon in 1988; she was sixteen years younger than her chosen one. The girl was constantly next to Mikhail Nikolaevich, since she had been his administrator since the eighties.

The satirist found the girl at one of the festivals, where she was an administrator and showed her high professionalism. The luxurious dark-haired princess in a stylish mini won the heart of the great Mikhail Zadornov, but many of them mutual friends and colleagues did not pay attention to it. A stormy romance between a young administrator and a comedian in the prime of his life was mistaken for a short-term affair.

However, the romance grew into a long-term relationship and civil marriage, and a beloved and only daughter was born. The most interesting thing is that officially Mikhail Nikolaevich was still married to Velta Yanovna.
At the same time, Elena was also a talented photographer; she constantly organized exhibitions own works, including international ones. Zadornov always helped her in everything, and the woman was constantly nearby while her loved one was fighting cancer.

Funeral of Mikhail Zadornov. Cause of death of the comedian

Funeral of Mikhail Zadornov. The cause of the comedian's death - these terrible headlines that appeared on the Internet in 2017 were perceived as a misunderstanding and a mistake.
However, the news that Zadornov died suddenly turned out to be the bitter truth. The fact is that Mikhail Nikolaevich learned in mid-autumn last year that he had a brain tumor. He underwent long-term chemotherapy and canceled concert programs after he was hospitalized with an epileptic seizure on the Moscow stage.

The cause of death, oddly enough, was still related to oncology. Because Latvian and German oncologists from the leading Charité clinic could not do anything.
It is worth noting that upon requesting the date of death, from what Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov died, a short answer is given that the satirist died of brain cancer on November 10, 2016 at exactly fifteen minutes past ten in the morning. This tragic event happened in Moscow, he managed to confess and receive unction.

When asked about where and when the great humorist and publicist was buried, we clarify that Zadornov found his last refuge at the Juundubulti cemetery in Jurmala on November 15, 2017.

Wikipedia Mikhail Zadornov

Mikhail Zadornov's Wikipedia is the most complete and reliable source of the most up-to-date information. Here you can find not only autobiographical data, but also clarify questions for yourself about his political views. And also, understand how he relates to the USA and Russia. You can learn about how the satirist treated the education system and the environment, as well as the lives of young people and the powerful.

Mikhail devoted a lot of time to the etymology of Russian words and anti-Normanisms, so this was given a place on Wikipedia. Really learn about education, spouses, daughters, personal life and creative activity Zadornov, simultaneously learning about his awards, place, time and causes of tragic death.

On the morning of Friday, November 10, it became known about the death of one of the most famous Russian comedians and satirical writers Mikhail Zadornov. The artist died at the age of 70 after a long battle with cancer.

Curriculum Vitae

Family and childhood

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov was born in resort town Jurmala (Latvian SSR) July 21, 1948. His father - Nikolai Pavlovich Zadornov - Soviet writer, known for his historical works (“Father Cupid”, a trilogy about the expedition of Admiral Evfimy Putyatin to the shores of Japan: “Tsunami”, “Heda”, “Shimoda”). Mother - Elena Melkhiorovna Pokorno-Matusevich from a noble noble family, whose roots go back to the Polish kings. She worked as a proofreader in a Ufa newspaper, where she met her husband.

The creative potential of the future artist was noticeable from early childhood. After the role of a turnip, which the boy performed on the stage of Riga school No. 10, he was accepted into a theater studio.

Student years

After graduating from school, Mikhail Zadornov’s father insisted that his son receive a technical education. So Zadornov Jr. became a student at the Riga Polytechnic Institute (now Riga Technical University). Two years later he transferred to the Faculty of Engines aircraft» Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), which he graduated in 1974.

Immediately after graduation, Zadornov was offered a job as a leader, playwright and director of the MAI Rossiya student theater, which he himself created. The team toured the republics of the Soviet Union.


Mikhail Zadornov began publishing at the age of 26. He headed the section of satire and humor in the magazine “Youth”, published in “Young Guard” and “Far East”. In 1982, the satirist made his first appearance on Central Television of the USSR with the monologue “Letter from a first-year student to his parents.” The humorist became widely famous thanks to the feuilleton “Two Ninth Cars,” which was aired on the program “Around Laughter” (1984).

In the early 90s, he became a participant in a number of humorous programs. Not a single episode of “Full House”, “Laughing Panorama” and “Satirical Forecast” could do without him.

The most significant speech in his biography is the New Year's speech on December 31, 1991 to the residents of the newly collapsed country (dissolved on December 26, 1991 Soviet Union). Instead of President Boris Yeltsin, who has not yet taken office, Mikhail Zadornov appeared on the screens with jokes about the secession of Ukraine, democrats and economic reforms. The comedian's performance was delayed, so for the first time in history the chiming clock was delayed by a minute.

The satirical writer has written more than 40 books. There are non-scientific historical works, for example, “Glory to the Family!”, “Prince Rurik. Where did the Russian land come from”, “Runes of the Prophetic Oleg”, where Zadornov talks about his vision of the history of the Slavs and the origin of the Slavic language. He also wrote a number of plays - “The Last Try, or I Want Your Husband” (1987), “Blouse” (1996) and “Once Upon a Time in Africa, or Love with a Brain Explosion” (2014).

Since the 2000s, the comedian has written about two or three new concert programs in year. His work schedule was crazy - sometimes the artist had to give 8 concerts a day.

Zadornov is known to a wide audience for his jokes about Americans. The satirist’s phrase “Well, stupid” became his calling card.

Everything for the life of the body - airports, swimming pools, hotels - they have just wonderful. But this does not give them the right to consider themselves “in charge” in the world. It's even more outrageous when we try to imitate them. We need to figure this out - introduce the American education system here! How to solve a problem? Laugh at her. As a result, I have six thousand letters in my computer mail with words of support.

Mikhail Zadornov

In the early 2010s, Zadornov began sharing his work with fans in in social networks. A blog on LiveJournal, a channel on Youtube “Zador TV” and a personal page on “VKontakte”, where the artist posted his so-called “observations” (notes from life).

Zadornova Elena Melkhiorovna - mother of Mikhail Zadornov

Matusevichey Elena Melkhiorovna was born in January 1909 in the North Caucasian town of Maykop, far from capital life. Both of the girl's parents came from noble noble families. Mother belonged to the Olizarovsky family, famous in Rus', and father, Melkhior Iustinovich Matusevich, had in his veins noble blood Polish family Pokorno-Matusevich.

From childhood, Elena began to receive upbringing and education befitting her noble origin. Until the outbreak of the First World War, she was not denied anything. She was seriously interested in playing the piano and vocals and, according to the testimony of her relatives, under more favorable circumstances she could have become a famous singer.

The military background of the father of the family both helped his relatives and posed a danger in times of instability. political situation in Russia. Just because of this, during civil war unfolded on Russian lands, only having entered the gymnasium in 1917, Elena was already forced to leave it. And the reason for this was very unusual - Elena Melkhiorovna’s entire family was under threat of execution because of the family’s past attitude towards the tsarist regime. Instead of execution, Melkhior Iustinovich was sent to the Gulag for several years, and Elena and her mother were forced to survive with the little that was left after the confiscation of property. A few years later, the girl managed to return to school, but public opinion was categorically against the daughter of a tsarist officer.

After graduating from school in 1928, the family decided to send Elena to the Faculty of Chemistry of Rostov University, but the girl was immediately enrolled in the second year of the conservatory. Due to lack of funds, I still had to quit my studies. Almost immediately, Elena marries a ministerial employee and begins traveling around the country with him. In 1930, the first child, Lolliy, was born in this marriage.

Thanks to her job as a proofreader in one of the Ufinian newspapers, Elena Melkhiorovna meets a young journalist and her true love- Nikolai Pavlovich Zadornov, with whom, after quickly filing a divorce, Elena connects her later life. The family moves first to Moscow, then to Komsomolsk-on-Amur - fortunately, people of creative professions have a place everywhere and are welcome everywhere. In August 1942, Elena gave birth to her daughter Mila. Finally, the family decides to settle in Latvia near Riga, where they are born future celebrity- son Mikhail Zadornov.

Elena Melkhiorovna tried from childhood to raise her son in the best aristocratic traditions, which is why modern Russian literature now I have to - such profound in their intellectual and cultural value satirical stories Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov. Until the end of her days, her mother loved to hold discussions with Mikhail in their Riga house about the events taking place in Russia and in the world, about people and new morals, and each time Mikhail received new lessons in purity of views on history and reasons for new thoughts, resulting in everything new stories.

In 2003, Elena Melkhiorovna Zadornova died. She was buried in the Forest Cemetery next to Mikhail’s grandmother and a tombstone with the name of his grandfather, ordered at the request of Elena Melkhiorovna herself. Mikhail Zadornov says that it was after the death of his mother that he realized that childhood was over.

Mikhail Zadornov- famous Russian writer, satirist, humorist, famous short stories, with whom he himself performed on stage. Member of the Russian Writers' Union. Author of more than ten books. He acted in films. After a serious illness, Mikhail Zadornov passed away on November 10, 2017.

Childhood and education of Mikhail Zadornov

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov was born on July 21, 1948 in Jurmala (Latvian SSR). Mikhail's father is the famous Soviet writer Nikolai Zadornov (1909−1992). Zadornov Sr. was a laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree for the novel “Father Cupid”; he worked as an actor and director in theaters in Siberia and the Far East. Mikhail's mother is Elena Melkhiorovna Zadornova, nee Pokorno-Matusevich (1909-2003). Elena Zadornova worked as a proofreader and met her second husband at a Ufa newspaper. The first husband was a ministerial worker. Mikhail Zadornov’s mother is Polish by nationality. Her father, Mikhail Zadornov's grandfather, Melchior Justinovich Pokorno-Matusevich was a nobleman and a tsarist officer. Zadornov’s biography notes that on his mother’s side, Mikhail Nikolaevich comes from the old Polish gentry family of the Pokorno-Matusevichs and the Olizarovsky family, which leads to King Stefan Batory. On his father’s side, Zadornov’s grandfather Pavel Ivanovich worked as a veterinarian, died in prison, and was rehabilitated in 1956. Grandmother - Vera Mikhailovna Zadornova.

Father and mother of Mikhail Zadornov (Photo: zadornov.net)

Mikhail Zadornov has a brother, Lolliy (1930), and an older sister, Lyudmila Nikolaevna Zadornova (1942), who works as an English teacher at the Baltic International Academy.

Mikhail Zadornov in childhood (Photo: zadornov.net)

Mikhail Zadornov graduated from Riga high school No. 10. After school, he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), as the writer himself wrote in his autobiography, in those years he dreamed of becoming an outstanding nuclear physicist or designer spaceships. The first time, Zadornov did not enter the MAI because of a B in literature, but later Mikhail Zadornov transferred from the Riga Polytechnic Institute to the Moscow Aviation Institute with the loss of a year - from the third year to the second. Zadornov graduated from the institute in 1974 with a degree in mechanical engineering. Started there work history engineer at the Department of Aerospace Thermal Engineering. Became a leading engineer. At the same time, he began publishing already in 1974. Also in the 70s, Mikhail Zadornov was the production director of the student theater of the Moscow Aviation Institute "Russia". As Zadornov recalled, “MAI was deciphered as the Moscow Acting Institute with a light aviation bias.”

The chief director of the agitation theater, Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov, at a rehearsal (left); scene from the prologue of the play by Mikhail Zadornov, staged by laureate I All-Russian festival amateur creativity of workers, laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize of the Rossiya agitation theater of the Moscow Aviation Institute, 1980 (Photo: Alexander Sentsov/TASS)

Creativity of a writer and humorist

Mikhail Zadornov made his debut as a comedian on television in 1982 with the monologue “A Student’s Letter Home.” A few years later, Zadornov became famous after reading the story “The Ninth Car”. In addition to the author himself, his miniatures were performed by many famous performers those years. Zadornov’s stories were so popular in those years that after the collapse of the USSR on December 31, 1991, the comedian even made a New Year’s address to the residents of the already collapsed Union. Thus, then amazing time It was Mikhail Zadornov who summed up the existence of the USSR.

Satirist writer Mikhail Zadornov, 1993 (Photo: Alexander Sentsov and Alexander Chumichev/TASS)

In those years, Mikhail Zadornov could often be seen and heard in such programs as “Full House”, “Funny Panorama”, “Satirical Forecast”, “Mothers and Daughters”, the satirist was on the jury of the KVN program. Over time, Mikhail Zadornov moved on to large solo concerts, and also continued to write books. Zadornov’s first collection of stories, “A Line 15,000 Meters Long,” was published back in 1988, followed by “The Mystery of the Blue Planet,” “I Don’t Understand!” and “Return.” In 1997, Mikhail Zadornov’s four-volume work was published - “A Great Country with an Unpredictable Past”, then “We are all from Chi-Chi-Chi-Pi”, “Tiny Stars”, “Zadorinka”. Also from the pen of Zadornov came the one-act comedy “ Modern people"and a funny play for a sad movie "Blouse".

Premiere of the play "Blouse" directed by Vyacheslav Spesivtsev play of the same name famous satirist Mikhail Zadornov took place yesterday at the MET (Moscow Experimental Theater) Spesivtsev. In the photo: Mikhail Zadornov (left) and Vyacheslav Spesivtsev after the premiere (left), 2002 (Photo: Tatyana Balashova/TASS)

Comic tournament "Big Hat" Description: Russia. Moscow. November 12, 1992 Tournament participants (from left to right) - Adviser to the President of Russia on sports Shamil Tarpishchev, Secretary of State Gennady Burbulis, writer Mikhail Zadornov and director of the Kremlin Cup - 92 tournament Eugene Scott at the Moscow Olympic sports complex, 1992 (Photo : Roman Denisov/TASS)

For many years, Zadornov remained one of the most popular comedians in Russia; many hours of satirist performances were regularly shown on TV. He continued to publish books, so in 2016 alone five books were published: “Russians are a brain explosion”, “Runes of the Prophetic Oleg”, “Encyclopedia of National Stupidity”, “The Whole Truth about Russia” and “Invented in the USSR”. In 2017, Zadornov released “Provocative Reading” and “ Big concert Mikhail Zadornov." The writer’s official website says that Mikhail Zadornov cannot influence the prices of his books in stores, so he decided to sell them on the Internet.

Laureates of the Ovation Award: Masha Rasputina (in the category “Soloist of the Year”) and Mikhail Zadornov (in the category “Best Writer - Satirist of the Year”), 1999 (Photo: Sergey Miklyaev/TASS)

In his speeches, Zadornov took a lot out of the United States and Americans; the phrase “they’re stupid” ran like a red thread through the satirist’s concerts.

Satirist writer Mikhail Zadornov and host of the TV program “Full House” Regina Dubovitskaya (right) during the performance “Full House Gets High” at the Rossiya Central Concert Hall, 1997 (Photo: Sergey Dzhevakhashvili/TASS)

Since 2006, Mikhail Zadornov has actively performed amateur exercises in the etymology of Russian words, which have often been criticized.

Personal life of Mikhail Zadornov

The first wife of Mikhail Zadornov - Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina - was born in 1948, daughter former first Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Latvia. Zadornov and Velta Kalnberzina got married in 1971.

Zadornov’s second wife, Elena Vladimirovna Bombina, was born in 1964 and works as the writer’s administrator.

Mikhail Zadornov with his wife, 2016 (Photo: instagram.com/zadornovmn)

Mikhail Zadornov's daughter Elena was born in 1990. In 2009 she entered GITIS.

Mikhail Zadornov's illness

In October 2016, Mikhail Zadornov was forced to cancel some of the concerts planned for autumn and winter and withdraw from the Saltykov-Shchedrin Show project on the NTV channel. The reason was serious condition Zadornov's health. “I really have to cancel some concerts until the New Year. First of all, those that are far from Moscow and require flights and long, difficult journeys. Unfortunately, a very serious illness has been discovered in the body, which is characteristic not only of age. It is necessary to treat immediately,” the writer commented on the latest health news on the social network VKontakte, without specifying what kind of disease he was diagnosed with.

Zadornov reported where he is now, explaining that he will undergo treatment in one of the best clinics in the Baltics. “I warn journalists: it is useless to call me, it is useless to look for me. And it is unlikely that this clinic will answer you anything specific about me. There is also no point in calling my relatives. I didn’t really tell them anything either,” said the 68-year-old comedian.

Later, Zadornov denied rumors that he had incurable lung cancer and advised not to believe the “reliable newspapers” that write about this. The writer also had to “justify” the fact that he was receiving treatment in Latvia. “And now about the criticism, they say, Zadornov stigmatizes the EU, but he himself went there for treatment. Let me explain: there are doctors there who have been seeing me for many, many years. But I’ve been living for a long time. And these doctors preserved the best of Soviet medicine, and did not completely conform to the EU protocol,” Mikhail Zadornov responded to his critics.

Poet Evgeny Yevtushenko and satirist Mikhail Zadornov (from left to right) at the opening of the museum-gallery in Peredelkino, where paintings from E. Yevtushenko’s personal collection and his author’s photographs are presented. The event is dedicated to the poet’s 78th birthday, 2010 (Photo: Evgeny Volchkov/TASS)

Despite his serious health condition, Mikhail Zadornov did not stop his concert activities. On October 22, Zadornov was hospitalized after he became ill during a performance at the Moscow Meridian concert hall. Because of the incident, the concert was interrupted, the artist was helped off stage into the dressing room, after which an ambulance was called.

A few days later, the writer’s relatives told where Mikhail Zadornov is now. After an unsuccessful performance, the satirist went to a sanatorium, where he felt better and began to work.

In February 2017, Zadornov’s friend Vladimir Kachan said that the writer underwent a brain biopsy in Germany in December. “He is now in the rehabilitation department. Doctors don’t give any forecasts yet, they say: “Everything is going as usual!” Hospital treatment is expensive. There are no questions about money yet,” Kachan said.

The writer’s friend Maxim Zabelin said that Mikhail Zadornov wanted to leave the hospital to attend the filming of the film “Once Upon a Time in America, or...” according to his script. In the summer of 2017, Zadornov is scheduled to play the role of Donald Trump in this film.

Last news There was no good news about Mikhail Zadornov’s health, so in the news of many media outlets in the summer of 2017 it was reported that Zadornov refused to continue treatment, said goodbye to friends in Russia and decided to stay in Jurmala among people close to him.

With reference to an unnamed friend of the satirist, the news reported that Mikhail Zadornov has brain cancer, treatment has not helped and the writer is “melting before our eyes.” Mikhail Zadornov’s assistant and secretary Elena Zavarzina denied this news about his health. Behind latest news Numerous admirers of his talent monitored Zadornov’s condition, wishing him health.

In October, Zadornov personally dispelled rumors about his health and “inadequate” treatment for brain cancer. According to him, everything that is written in the press about his physical condition upsets him. Moreover, when famous people talk about going to visit the artist, helping with treatment and “bringing rare medicines prepared in secret laboratories according to recipes found at the UFO crash site.”

In November 2017, Archpriest Andrei Novikov reported that “at the request of relatives and friends, he administered unction to Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov.” “Two months ago, Mikhail Nikolaevich brought repentance to God in the sacrament of confession in the Kazan Cathedral in Moscow. He passes through this most difficult period of his life as having been reconciled with the Holy Church Orthodox Christian. I ask for prayers for God’s servant Michael, including, may the merciful Lord forgive him for his years of shocking flirtation with paganism,” the news quoted the archpriest’s Facebook page as saying that producer Joseph Prigogine considers the death of the famous Russian satirist Mikhail Zadornov a grave loss for the country.

In turn, singer and composer Igor Nikolaev called Zadornov’s decision to return to Orthodoxy before his death a wise step.

There were also people who wanted to promote themselves on the topic of the writer’s death. Thus, the satirical writer Evgeny Shestakov said that Mikhail Zadornov wanted to order texts from him in order to then publish them under his own name.

“About ten years ago. Zhenya Viktorovich Shestakov is visiting Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov. Who invited him to offer to write texts for him. Which will be published under the name of Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov, and Zhenya will receive $500 for each. Zhenya refused. 2 witnesses. The sweets and tea were quite good,” the news quoted Yevgeny Shestakov’s Facebook post as saying.

In the comments under the writer’s message, musician Yuri Loza stood up for Zadornov, writing: “He honestly offered, you refused. What's wrong? He didn’t steal your reprises.”

Those close to the satirist noted that Mikhail Zadornov had a very ironic attitude towards publicity and always protected his own life and the lives of his relatives from the intrusive interference of others. “We ask that you respect his wishes not to make a fuss about his death. We did not give our consent to anyone for public discussions of his life and death in various talk shows and others television programs, in the print media and on the radio,” an appeal from the family of the writer Zadornov was published in the news.

On the afternoon of November 15, Mikhail Zadornov was buried next to his father in Jurmala, Latvia, at the Yaundubulti cemetery. The ceremony was attended by relatives and close friends of Mikhail Nikolaevich. The writer's funeral service took place in the Alexander Nevsky Church in Riga. When the car with the artist’s body left the cathedral territory, it was surrounded by Zadornov’s fans. Many could not hold back their tears; the car was seen off with long applause.

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