Ghoul dashing who was. The first known ancient Russian scribe was a dashing ghoul

Opir Lihyi) - the first known ancient Russian scribe, a priest of the XI century, who lived in Novgorod.

List of "Explanatory Prophets" and the postscript of the Ghoul Dashing[ | ]

The Novgorod priest Ghoul Likhoy in 1047 rewrote the prophetic books of the Old Testament with the interpretations of Theodoret of Cyrus (“Explanatory Prophets”). The work lasted seven months (from May 14 to December 19). Ghoul Dashing worked in Novgorod by order Prince of Novgorod Vladimir Yaroslavich - the son of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Yaroslav the Wise and Princess Ingegerda at the time when St. Sophia Cathedral was being built and, perhaps, the book was intended for the church library.

The manuscript of 1047 itself - the autograph of the Vampire Dashing - has not been preserved; 9 late (XV-XVI centuries) lists have come down to us, where the ancient postscript was also copied. This is the oldest (not in terms of the preservation of the manuscript, but in terms of the date of creation of the text) dated record on Old Russian books.

glory to you gi kryu nbsnyi. ꙗko vouchsafe me to write books si is kourilovits, prince vlodimir of novgorod prince. sons, I will glorify the greater. I began to write in the summer of 6555, May, 14, and ended the same summer, December, at 19. I beseech you all to read this prophecy. great are the wonders that have written us these prophets in these books. May the prince be healthy and live forever, but do not forget the one who wrote.

The exact meaning of the words "is kourilovice" is the subject of a long discussion. Most researchers believe that the Ghoul Dashing rewrote the "Explanatory Prophets" from the Glagolitic original.

Name [ | ]

Famous Swedish Slavist, professor Slavic languages Stockholm University Anders Sjöberg, who explored the first monuments Slavic writing(including Novgorod graffiti and birch bark letters), including materials from the Novgorod occupation archive -1617, which is stored in Sweden, suggested that the Ghoul Dashing is Epirus - the Uppland rune cutter and the court preacher of Novgorod. The basis for this version is the non-canonical name of the Novgorod priest of the XI century - Ghoul. In Scandinavian publications of runic inscriptions, the name of the rune cutter is found "Upir Ofeigr" (Epirus the Untimid or Uncowardly), corresponding name Ghoul Dashing in structure, and Russian word"dashing" is close to the Swedish word in meaning. After the death of Vladimir Yaroslavich of Novgorod, the privileged position of the Swedes in Novgorod was greatly shaken, which was the reason for their return to Sweden. Church disagreements could also be a reason for a native of Sweden, a former priest in Novgorod, to leave him.

M. A. Bobrik suggests that the word "dashing" is not part of the name (nickname) of the priest Ghoul, but a derogatory epithet with the meaning "sinful, unworthy"; similar epithets are common in scribal records.


There is practically no historical data about him. The Novgorod priest Ghoul Likhoy rewrote the "Book of the Prophets" (one of the parts of the "Bible") or the "Explanatory Prophets" with interpretations of Theodoret of Cyrus.

His entry on the book is the oldest dated entry on Old Russian books.

“Glory to you, Lord, the King of heaven, as if you made me worthy to write these books. Is kourilovitse to Prince Vlodimir of Novgorod, the prince of the sons of Yaroslavl the Great. Instructed to write in the summer of 6555 of the month of May 14. And the end of the same summer of the month of December at 19. Az pop Opir Lihyi. I beg you all to read this prophecy. Great are the wonders that have been written to us by these prophets in these books. May the prince be healthy forever, but ... do not forget the one who wrote.

Ghoul Likhoy worked in Novgorod for Prince Vladimir Yaroslavich of Novgorod, the son of the Grand Duke of Kiev Yaroslav the Wise and Princess Ingegerda at the time when St. Sophia Cathedral was being built and, probably, the book was intended for the church library.

The book itself has not been preserved, but much later a copy was made of it, where the name of the ancient author was mentioned. Fragments of this copy, called the Savva Book, are dated by scientists to the 10th-11th centuries. They are now stored in Moscow in the Central State Archives. The book is called so because at the bottom of one of the sheets a copyist’s note from the original was found: “ pop Savva wrote».

Hypothesis about the origin of the Ghoul Dashing

The well-known Swedish Slavist, professor of Slavic languages ​​at Stockholm University Anders Sjöberg, who studied the first monuments of Slavic writing (including Novgorod graffiti and birch bark letters), including materials from the Novgorod occupation archive -1617, which is stored in Sweden, suggested that Likhoy Ghoul is Epirus is the rune cutter of Uppland and the court preacher of Novgorod. The basis for this version is the non-canonical name of the Novgorod priest of the XI century - Ghoul. In Scandinavian publications of runic inscriptions, the name of the rune cutter is found "Upir Ofeigr" (Epirus the Untimid or Uncowardly), corresponding to the name of the Ghoul Dashing in structure, and the Russian word "dashing" is close to the Swedish word in meaning (for example, in Dahl's dictionary, among the definitions of this word - brave, decisive). After the death of Vladimir Yaroslavich of Novgorod, the privileged position of the Swedes in Novgorod was greatly shaken, which was the reason for their return to Sweden. Church disagreements could also be a reason for a native of Sweden, a former priest in Novgorod, to leave him.


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  • Ghoul in Komi mythology
  • Ur-yeol

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Ghoul is Slavic character mentioned in myths and legends.

Was known in different regions of Eastern Europe and Western Asia.

According to beliefs, anyone who died not by his own death could become a ghoul, it could be murder, violence, or just a person who committed suicide. They appear at night and harm in every possible way, causing damage to people and domestic animals: they drink blood, kill, spoil household items, cause hunger, drought, pestilence.


The Slavic ghoul has many similarities with the Western European vampire or the East Slavic ghoul. However, since the 19th century, they had clear differences and were rarely compared. Beliefs about ghouls go back to antiquity, and the first mention in Slavic peoples belongs to the 14th century.

Like many other spirits and deities, ghouls were part of the demonic world, everything that combines fears, evil, horrors real world. In addition to the fact that those who did not die by their own death become ghouls, those who in life practiced witchcraft or were anathematized are also at risk.

According to myths, ghouls rise from their graves after sunset. They have a human appearance, and therefore easily move around villages and cities. Throughout the night, they sneak into the stalls of cattle, into people's houses and drink their blood, and with the cry of third roosters hide in their graves. To kill a ghoul, it was necessary to pierce his body with an aspen stake; burning also helped.

In some villages and settlements in the old days, during a famine or drought, and sometimes with various mass diseases of people or animals, they organized a real hunt for ghouls. To do this, they dug up the dead and carried their bodies through the fire. It was believed that such a ghoul would not endure. Also big role played the pose of the dead. After all, the ghouls could not accept the same as before, this simplified the search for the culprit of all troubles.

Name and references in folklore

There are a huge number of references to ghouls in Slavic folklore and later literature. These are the ethnographic notes by I. Frank "The Burning of Ghouls in Naguevichi" and the novels by A. Tolstoy "Ghoul" and A. N. Afanasyev "Ghoul". In addition, there are dozens folk tales, beliefs, stories in which, one way or another, this mythological creature. In the "Word of the Idols" he is mentioned as a lower spirit, which in ancient times was revered by the Slavs.


The ghoul looks like a common person. But his skin can either be too pale, like a dead man's, or red from drunk blood. Eye color can also give it away, they are usually bright red. The bodies of ghouls do not rot, and therefore it is impossible to distinguish them from people who are alive or recently died.

There are many references in the Slavic peoples about how people saw their relatives after their burial. They come to their homes or millet roam the outskirts. born from evil spirits ghouls have double row teeth, by which you can easily recognize them already in the first years of life.

What else is famous for?

In some villages, there were rumors that a ghoul could turn a person into a similar person or kill him specifically for this purpose. Before a person dies, he for a long time sick, was pale, very thin. Therefore, at the first sign of illness, people fed a person with garlic, which scared away ghouls, hung it around the room or house, and also checked it completely for bites or wounds. This allowed not only to save a person from conversion, but also to save his life. There are many references in folk stories how such methods made it possible to cure a person in a matter of days.

  • Ghoul-like characters or spirits exist in almost every culture and ethnicity. They are called differently, only its very essence remains the same: it drinks blood, hunts at night.
  • So that a person after an unnatural death does not become a ghoul, before burying him, the Slavs performed certain rituals that did not allow the dead man to rise from the grave or even wake up. Among them was the cutting of the knee tendons so that the corpse could not walk.
  • At Eastern Slavs there was a special holiday Semik. On this day, all those who died a pledged (violent) death were commemorated. And sometimes corpses were dug up and pierced with aspen stakes.

Here you can ask the question - is it necessary? You can say - fools get richer with their thoughts, God will forgive a fool, and Ivan started with a review of something incomprehensible in general, called (apparently, through his own, through a cabal) to play with extra-aesthetic reactions, simply - to beat the show-off, to show himself. But the thing is deeper.

Let's start with an educational point - since the reader will not read this meaningless jelly called "Russia Reborn". But I can't retell the content - after a couple of pages I stopped understanding what it was about, but - however - I still had a strict sense of trend. For example, remove the Albany yezig from here - and we get typical work any top Russian author. For some reason, I immediately remembered Vladimir Lorchenkov - his porridge called "Tabor Leaves" is very similar to "Russia Revive", you just need to sift the first one. The method of presenting information is in many respects similar - that is, there is no method, a person exposes his uniform lack of system in whatever he likes.
Here, everything seems to be clear. The main thing is to have someone to push through. And in other cases - the same.
Information for people: Ghoul Dashing is a certain network character who occupies a certain role on the Neolit ​​website. Here is what he writes about himself:

Basically, for common understanding It's enough. Now let's talk about trends in general and what to expect.
Someone argued that without impudence there are no masterpieces. And in our system of tribal relations, we see that without access to the body there are no names. And it doesn't matter how it happens. Someone, of course, our client's opus (advanced guys will say - they say, this is an experiment, outrageous, self-presentation, a subcultural element) will seem interesting. But here it is important - to whom he belongs to whom. And there we will see, perhaps, some careful analysis, assessments, confessions, something else.
I would suggest giving this author the first place. It would be indicative. Thus, it would be possible to emphasize what we are full of, what we will eat in the future.
I recall an epoch-making poem from the layer of poetry of oil children - "Russia knelt down and sucked me off."
Against this background, bloggers (ordinary, first of all) receive 100 rubles for the post “Putin, come” and 200 for “Putin go away”, Dmitry Bykov cheats on grants through “Citizen Poet, Pelevin releases another novel, which cannot be read, but everyone applauds, since this is Pelevin, Akunin is trying to grease up the revolution mink coats, and many many others.
The formation of feudalism is over, but worse than that - that everything is useless. There is no way out, and there never will be.
Well, let's finally read a little. And then I don't know what to write.

- Sly, chock, drive Pyatikhatka, - grandfather squeaked.

The Tajikof have a very developed cult of honoring the elders, Ramis did not offend him and even asked what Pyatikhatka was. From the story of the creature, we realized that this is an old currency unit. I took a yuan with the image of the Smolensk Kremlin out of my pocket and handed it to my grandfather.

Downstairs, someone clattered their boots on the stairs.

- Comrade major, let's go eat snails! shouted young voices.

The druzhina sensed unfavorable vibrations. The old man broke free and darted through his door.

- Staseg, mission accomplished, - the Potupchik brothers whispered. - Get out, close, and gas, gas!

Dozens of lights flickered in the darkness. Pale-faced creatures in ballet flats and thick woolen scarves crawled upstairs. The creatures noticed us and backed away, cutting the darkness with torches.

I folded my hands like a mouthpiece and shouted:

- Don't pee!

The pale-faced creatures turned towards us with torches at the ready.

- Will you fuck? - Asked the kid in jeans like a deffka. His ballet shoes were asking for porridge, and his velvet jacket was torn at the elbows.

"We won't give a fuck," I replied. - Fucked up, tired.

“And we fucked up,” said the kid in ballet flats.

What about cannibalism? - Asked the kid in a dirty Panama hat.

"Shut up," his companions hissed.

“We don’t,” I replied.

- That is, you came in peace? - clarified the kid in jeans like a deffki.

“We came to look for the remains of lost civilizations,” Comrade Jaskolainen explained.

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