French female names that end in ett. Rare male names of Frankish origin


French names are beautiful and original, they have their own complex, but interesting story. Among them are especially popular, containing fashionable options today, as well as the names of saints. The latter are not only attractive, but are also talismans that protect their owner throughout life.

4.09.2016 / 09:18 | Varvara Pokrovskaya

French names for girls and men are especially popular in many countries of the world. Therefore, you can often meet people with beautiful names originally from France, no matter what country or city you are in. These names sound harmonious and melodious, give their owner a touch of exoticism, romance and elegance.

Features of French names

Names in France appeared a very long time ago - the period is calculated in tens of centuries. Over time, the names changed, which was influenced by how historical events and fashion trends. In France, during the time of Gaul, among the nicknames there were a large number of Greek and Celtic ones, later Jewish names also appeared on the territory of the state.

In the Middle Ages, when the German conquerors came to the country, Germanic nicknames appeared, and already in the 18th century a law was created requiring parents to call babies the names of people who somehow belonged to the church. Soon, foreign nicknames lost their relevance, as citizens preferred to give Catholic or truly French ones. Today, such laws have lost their force, and the French give their babies any names.

Choosing a name today, parents adhere to European rules: a person can have one or two names and only surname. Many citizens continue to observe traditions and prefer the nicknames of saints. Often a child receives two personal names. This is done in order to give the baby the patronage of two saints at once. However, in life, a person uses only one name that he likes the most. This approach is considered practical - that's what the French say. If a citizen after the age of majority decides to change a commonly used nickname, he can use any of his names. Thus, he can avoid paperwork and a long process of replacing documents.

One more interesting feature French names refers to polite treatment. A title is often used for this. If your interlocutor is a man, you should say "Monsignor", but if the appeal is directed to an unmarried lady, you can tactfully say "Mademoiselle" if we are talking about divorced or married woman- "Madam." However, today everything is much simpler, and the young girl is always addressed as “Mademoiselle”, and to the older ladies “Madame”. By the way, addressing a person only by name in France is a sign of ignorance and illiteracy. This is only allowed in the circle of family or friends.

State law also states that every citizen can have two names. The first is used as a personal, for use at school, work and in other areas of life. The second fits into the documents.

But according to the traditions of the country, children are given three names:

  1. The first-born male will be named after the grandfather by the father's family, then the second name is given, in honor of the grandfather by the mother's family, then the name of the saint is used (chosen and given on the day of baptism).
  2. The first-born females are called by the name belonging to the grandmother in the female line, then - the second grandmother in the male gender, the third nickname is chosen from the names of the saints.
  3. The second boy in the family is named in honor of the great-grandfather by the father's family, then the maternal great-grandfather, the third invariably - in honor of the saint.
  4. The youngest girl is given the name of her great-grandmother by mother, the second - by her great-grandmother by father, the third - by the name of a saint.

French female names

The names of French women are distinguished by their beauty and melody. In Catholic families, a woman necessarily has three names, the last of which refers to the saint commemorated on the day of baptism. Parents believe that the third nickname gives the daughter a protector who will accompany her throughout her life and help her avoid difficulties and problems.

If a woman has three names, this does not mean that she will be called differently. It will be called the main one, recorded in the identity document. When a girl becomes an adult, she can change her primary name to whatever her parents gave her.

In modern France, Russian names are again in fashion. The most popular include: Adele, Elvira, Camilla, Violeta. In turn, the French offer everyone their beautiful names, which are called babies all over the world:

  • Amelie;
  • Veronica;
  • Irene;
  • Carolina;
  • Claire;
  • Katherine;
  • Monica;
  • Morion;
  • Celine;
  • Sylvia;
  • Jeannette;
  • Emma.

The above list contains not only french names. So, the name Jeannette has Jewish roots, Veronica - Greek. There are a lot of borrowed names, all of them are used by many modern parents.

French names for men

Men, just like women, receive three names at birth: the main, the second and the nickname of the saint. Boys are called by the names of their fathers and grandfathers - traditions are rarely observed, and not all parents want to give European, American and other names to their sons.

The most popular names for the representatives of the strong half include:

  • Gin;
  • Michelle;
  • Philip;
  • Alain;
  • Patrick;
  • Pierre;
  • Nicolas;
  • Christoph;
  • Christian;
  • Daniel.

Also popular are Bernard, Eric, Frederic Laurent, Stefan, Pascal, David, Gerard, Julien, Olivier, Jacques.

In the country, many people use double names, for example, Jean-Pierre, Paul-Henry, Anna-Laura, Marie-Louise. Both words are written with a hyphen and belong to the same gender. But there are times when two words are used, masculine and female. For a man, the first name is masculine, for example, Jean-Marie, for a girl - feminine - Anna-Vincent. It is worth knowing that if the name of your interlocutor consists of two parts, this is how you should address him: Jean-Pierre, Anna-Laura, etc.

Many names for the weaker sex are formed from male ones, to which the suffixes "ette", "ine" and others are added. Often such additions affect the pronunciation: Armand - Armand, Daniel - Danielle.

A little about surnames. They first appeared in the 16th century. Then the king ordered all citizens to choose their own surnames. She could be the name of the father of the family (Bernard, Robert, Henry and others). A second word was added to the name, denoting a character trait, features of appearance, locality(large, low, dark, swarthy).

french boy names

The French language is considered one of the most melodic and beautiful among all existing ones. The names for young male citizens are also distinguished by euphony. This is due, first of all, to the origin of the names, which was influenced by historical events, the Catholic faith and other factors.

Some of the most popular boy names today are:


french girl names

The French are believing Catholics, giving children several names, one of which has a church connotation. This applies to both boys and girls. The chosen patron is especially important for the latter, because women are considered weak and tender, so more men need the strength of a protector.

Traditionally, girls are called a way: the first name is from grandmothers in both the female and male lines. The second is dictated by the day when the baby was baptized.

The second girl in the family receives the names of great-grandmothers plus the name of the saint. Despite the fact that this tradition is many years old, today's youth adheres to it with pleasure. However, among the parents there are also fashion lovers who are ready to reward their daughter with any name they like. Both Russian and European unusual names are popular, for example, Dylan, Kilian, Ocean, Ains.

Beautiful French names and their meaning

France is the owner of hundreds of beautiful, euphonious names. Every year the list is updated with new options.

Beautiful female names:

  • Emma is one of the top names that has not left the first place for ten years. In France, every 7th newborn girl is called this way.
  • Lolita or Lola - formed from Luisa. A beautiful, playful name, not suitable for little girls, but most welcome - for adults, business women.
  • Chloe - came into fashion during the popularization of Negro culture.
  • Lea - at first glance, an inexpressive name, but despite this, it is in demand among the French.
  • Mano - derived from Mari. A noble name by French standards.
  • Louise is a "retro" name that sends us back half a century.
  • Zoya - used not only in Russia, but also in France. It translates as "life".
  • Leela or Lily - interesting name, causing associations with a fabulous country.
  • Lena is a familiar name that the French call their babies today.
  • Sarah - Jewish name, which has been in fashion for more than a decade.
  • Kamiy is a name for all times, winning in all situations.
  • Lina - formed from Angelina.
  • Eve is the name of Adam's girlfriend, and therefore always remains in demand.
  • Alice - has a number of options: Alicia, Alice, etc.
  • Rima is the ruler of Rome.

Beautiful male names:

  • Nathan - a leading place in the hit parade of male names. More than ten children are in the first places. If your name is Artem and you are going to France, know that they will call you Nathan there!
  • Enzo is a nickname that owes its popularity to the famous film masterpiece from Luc Besson - the film "The Blue Abyss".
  • Louis - brevity and royal charm in one nickname.
  • Gabrielle is a new fashion trend that many couples who have become parents use today.
  • Jules is a proper name that belonged to Julius Caesar. But today this nickname is associated with France.
  • Arthur is the name of a great king and is now popular among boys.
  • Timeo - names ending in "o" - the squeak of fashion.
  • Rafael - beautiful name For little boy, adult males with this name are called Rafs.
  • Mael - the nickname means something like "boss", "royal person".
  • Adam - especially for Eve.

Popular French names

IN last years Russians do not choose native Russian names, but prefer foreign ones, including French ones. They are increasingly heard in educational institutions, kindergartens, medical institutions. Among the popular ones are Daniel, Adele, Anabel, Anais, Ismina, Marcel, Margot, Marietta, Mathieu, Thomas, Emil.

When choosing a name for a baby, do not be too lazy to get acquainted with its meaning, because both the French and we believe that a popular name will bring good luck to the baby, and a nickname denoting a bright character trait, a magical symbol, natural forces, will give happiness, health and well-being!

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French surnames

French surnames

List of famous french surnames.

The first French surnames appeared among representatives of high French society. Later, in 1539, a royal decree was issued, according to which, each inhabitant of France was assigned his family name, i.e. last name.

As surnames, the French, like other peoples, used personal names, nicknames and derivatives of names and nicknames.

According to the royal decree, surnames were to be inherited and recorded in parish books. This royal decree of 1539 is considered official start emergence of French surnames. Aristocrats used the preposition de before the surname.

At first, under French law, a child could only bear the father's surname, and the mother's surname could only be given to a child if the father was unknown. Now French law allows parents to decide for themselves whose surname the child will have - the surname of the father or the surname of the mother. Also used double french surnames, which are written with a hyphen.

IN currently French names and surnames are preceded by the following titles:

Mademoiselle (mademoiselle) - an appeal to unmarried woman, girl.

Madame (madame) - an appeal to a married, divorced or widowed woman. The plural is Mesdames ("honey").

Monsieur (monsieur) - an appeal to a man.

Like all words in French, surnames have fixed stress at the end of a word.

French surnames (list)
















































Not at all











































































































































The most common French surnames

Andre (Andre)

Bernard (Bernard)

Bertrand (Bertrand)


Vincent (Vincent)

Dubois (Dubois)


Durand (Duran)

Girard (Girard)

Lambert (Lambert)


Laurent (Laurent)

Lefebvre (Lefevre)

Martin (Martin)

Martinez (Martinez)

Mercier (Mercier)

Michel (Michelle)

Morel (Morel)

Moreau (Moro)

Petit (Petit)


Richard (Richard)

Roux (Ru)

Simon (Simon)


Francois (Francois)

Fournier (Fournier)

On our site we offer a huge selection of names ...

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

In our book "The Energy of the Name" you can read:

Name selection by automatic program

Name selection according to astrology, incarnation tasks, numerology, zodiac sign, types of people, psychology, energy

Name selection by astrology (examples of the weakness of this name selection technique)

Selection of a name according to the tasks of embodiment (goals of life, purpose)

Name selection by numerology (examples of the weakness of this name selection technique)

Name selection according to the zodiac sign

Name selection by type of people

Psychology name selection

Name selection by energy

What you need to know when choosing a name

What to do to choose perfect name

If you like the name

Why you don't like the name and what to do if you don't like the name (three ways)

Two options for choosing a new successful name

Corrective name for the child

Corrective name for an adult

Adaptation to a new name

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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French surnames

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In France, there are many completely unique cultural traditions, which may well include the formation of names and the order of naming children in the family. This is especially true for male names, which will be discussed in this article. Modern parents, of course, are deviating from family orders that have been mandatory for several centuries in a row. Many male French names are increasingly being replaced with biblical or English-derived names that don't sound French at all.

However, French names for boys are often used in other countries. But not every parent knows what they mean and whether they are really so popular in France itself. To understand how used the male name that you suddenly wanted to give your baby is, it is worth learning more about this.

What are they?

Like female, male French names have a unique melody and softness of sound. Perhaps, in no country in the world you will hear such a charming pronunciation of the sound “r”. It is he who carries that very special French charm. Despite the fact that the French are considered incredibly passionate, their names often sound soothing: Henri, Louis, Charles. Names in French are pronounced softly, especially if sounds such as "r", "t", "k" and others are at the end of a word or follow one after another. For example, the traditional for France "Godfried" most often sounds like "Godefrey". And there are many such examples.

Another feature of the use of the name for the French of past centuries is its universality. This means that both boys and girls were often called the same. The names of Corentin, Michel and some others can serve as an example of this.

Origin of French names

For the most part, male French names are derived from biblical ones. Most often, they were modified in accordance with the ideas of the inhabitants about the beauty of sound. An example of this is the names Pierre (Peter), Benjamin (Benjamin) and Michel (Michael). As can be seen from the above examples, the sounds in them are always softer than in the original version. Often, French names in Russian, for example, acquire a harsher and rougher sound, losing their unique charm.

Also in France, borrowing proper names from neighboring cultures has been practiced since ancient times. During the wars of conquest with the participation of this state, new unusual names were “brought” into the country, which were called newborn boys.

What were the sons called in France: family traditions

The French traditions in naming children are very interesting, while they differ little from the rules adopted by other peoples. As a rule, male French names, the list and meaning of which will be given below, were given according to the following principle:

  • the first-born was given the name of the grandfather from the father's side, the names of the grandfather from the mother's side and the saint under whose patronage the boy was born were added to it;
  • the second son in the family was given the name of the paternal great-grandfather, the name of the mother's grandmother and the name of the saint were added to it.

These traditions were mandatory until 1966, when parents were legally allowed to choose last name(holy) for your child. And only in 1993 in France was it officially allowed to choose the first name for the child from among those that parents like.

Perhaps the reader will have a question about how several names could form a single whole. It's simple - in France, almost all male names were compound. What did they represent, which one was used in everyday life and what did the spelling of such names look like? Let's figure this out right now.

Compound names in France

The tradition of giving boys double or triple names developed in France with the advent of Catholicism. Initially, this was done so that several patron saints guarded the child at once. Double names were most widespread in past centuries, however, even now parents often give their babies traditional male French names, consisting of several. Examples of this are Jean-Paul, Jean-Claude and Pierre-Marie.

By the way, many modern celebrities (film actors, musicians and artists) have double and triple names. Among them are Jean-Claude Van Damme, Jean-Paul Gaultier and many others.

Spelling and pronunciation of compound names

Double names, which are written with a hyphen, in Everyday life are pronounced in full, that is, as written in the documents. It is quite another matter when the boy is called Antoine Michel Louis or Leons Maurice Noel. In this case, in everyday life they use one of the names and call the children simply - Antoine (Titi) or Maurice, for example.

Often double or triple names, which are written without a hyphen, allow their owners to change them without paperwork in the registration authorities. For example, a man named Jean Battisto Robert, who was known as Jean from childhood, may tomorrow ask to be called Robert and will henceforth introduce himself only that way.

Meaning of French names

The lion's share of male names in France have Latin or Greek roots and came to the country through the adoption of Christianity. In fact, there are very few native French names. These include only Lawrence and Laurentin (arrived / originally from Laurentum), Lope (like a wolf) and Remy (sitting on the oars, rower).

Many modern French names, as mentioned at the very beginning of this article, are formed from foreign ones. At the same time, the similarity of their sound is quite clearly traced. Other than that, they have the same meaning. To make sure readers can see this, here are a few values:

  • Constantin (fr.) - Constantin (rom.) - constant, constancy, stable.
  • Christophe (fr.) - Cristiano (port.) - Christian (English) - presented by Christ.
  • Leon (fr.) - Leonardo (it.) - Lion (Russian) - similar to a lion.
  • Markel (fr.) - Marcus (it.) - Martin (German) - warlike.
  • Nicolas (fr.) - Nikolaus (German) - Nicholas (Russian) - the victory of mankind.

This list can be continued indefinitely. However, we will not do this, but we will try to decide which male names the French themselves consider today the most beautiful.

The most beautiful French names

According to research, the French call Thierry (Thierry), Christophe (Christophe), Pierre (Pierre) and Jean (Jean) among the most beautiful male names. In their opinion, such beautiful French names for boys as Michel (Michel), Alain (Alain) and Philippe (Philippe) have no less charm.

In other countries, the following names with French roots are considered beautiful: Sebastian, Jacques, Claude, Vincent, Francois and Dominique. As a rule, the high popularity of names is provided by film actors or other famous people. It is this indicator that is the main point in their ranking among the most beautiful or simply harmonious names.

What male names are popular in France

Currently, the process of formation of new proper names in France is not completed. In recent years, it has become fashionable to name children by abbreviation and some modification of foreign names. They are also used unchanged. Which ones are the most popular? French names that have been in the top 10 in the last 5 years are most often of British (Kevin, Axel, Jed and Tom), Italian (Enzo and Theo) origin. Very often, young parents call their sons Lucas, Arthur and Hugo. But the most popular name for 4-5 years now is Nathan.

The researchers also note that modern French people rarely give their babies double and triple names, and also practically do not follow traditions in terms of the order in which babies are named in the family. Moreover, some men in France legally change the name chosen for them by their parents to a more euphonious and modern one.

Be that as it may, but many parents in France still prefer modern traditional names and continue to name their sons after grandparents and other relatives.

OTHER COUNTRIES (select from list) Australia Austria England Armenia Belgium Bulgaria Hungary Germany Netherlands Denmark Ireland Iceland Spain Italy Canada Latvia Lithuania New Zealand Norway Poland Russia (Belgorod region) Russia (Moscow) Russia (summary by regions) Northern Ireland Serbia Slovenia USA Turkey Ukraine Wales Finland France Czech Republic Switzerland Sweden Scotland Estonia

select a country and click on it - a page with lists of popular names will open

France, 2014-2015

SELECT YEAR 2014–2015 2009–2011

State in Western Europe. The capital is Paris. It borders with Spain, Andorra, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium. Population (at the end of 2014) - about 66 million people (all of France) / 64.2 million people (European France). At the beginning of 2011, there were 5.5 million immigrants in France. France also includes four overseas regions (Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, Reunion). Religious composition (2004 survey): Catholics - 64.3%, Protestants - 1.9%, Jews - 0.6%, Muslims - 4.3%, professing no religion - 27%. However, these data are approximate. According to other surveys, the distribution by confession is different.

The best-known data site for name statistics in France is, billing itself as the very first French name site. Indeed, it has existed since 2000. In addition to data on the origin of names, there are lists of popular names for newborns by year, starting from 1900. For 2014, the twenty most common names. Data for 2013 are not provided. For the rest of the years - the 200 most popular names.

The creator of this website is Stephanie Rapoport. She is the author of books on names that are published regularly based on data from the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Research of France (l "INSEE). Therefore, this site can be completely trusted. I will give the twenty most frequent names of 2014. Probably the names on this site are in descending order frequencies.

Top 20 names. France, 2014

Position numberMale namesWomen's names
1 NathanEmma
2 LucasLola
3 LeoChloé
4 GabrielInes
5 TimeoLea
6 enzoManon
7 LouisJade
8 RaphaelLouise
9 ArthurLena
10 HugoLina
11 JulesZoe
12 EthanLilou
13 AdamCamille
14 NolanSarah
15 TomEva
16 noahAlice
17 TheoMalys
18 SachaLouna
19 MaelRomane
20 mathisJuliette

Another interesting name data resource is, maintained by the Paris City Hall. This site has official data on personal names given to newborns in the French capital. They are grouped by year, starting in 2004. The most current data is now for 2015. Names are given, the frequency of which is higher than 4. In 2015, there were 646 such names for men and 659 for women. For each name, the frequency is given in absolute numbers. These materials, although limited to one city, are of undoubted interest to researchers of names.

Top 20 male names. Paris, 2015

Position numberNameFrequency
1 Adam
2 Raphael320
3 Paul260
4 Louis256
5 Arthur245
6 Alexandre226
7 Victor208
8 Jules205
9 Mohammed185
10 Lucas177
11 Joseph170
12 Antoine167
13 Gaspard165
14 Maxime152
15 Augustine146
16 Oscar133
17 Ethan131
18 Leo127
19 Leon123
20 Martin122

Top 20 female names. Paris, 2015

Position numberNameFrequency
1 Louise293
2 Alice244
3 Chloé206
4 Emma178
5 Ines175
6 Sarah174
7 Jeanne173
8 Anna160
9 Adele155
10 Juliette
11 Lea143
12 Lina142
13 Eva140
14 Sofia137
15 Charlotte
16 Mila132
17 Josephine127
18 Manon126
19 Zoe118
20 Nina115

European fashion makes even Russian girls call unusual names. Sometimes, for a successful combination, even the surname is changed.

But more often European trends are actively promoted in in social networks. Read what beautiful French surnames are for girls.

Beautiful and harmonious surnames were born in France in the 16th century. By decree of the king, each family had to have distinctive features and names. Only personal nicknames were no longer enough.

Important! The official date for the transfer of the hereditary name to the next generation was 1539.

People of noble origin had privileges over the simple peasant people.

Their surname was separated by a special particle "de". generic name passed down to the next generation through the father.

Maternal inheritance was possible only if the male parent was unknown.

Important! The surname in the French manner will always be read with an emphasis on the last syllable.

In France you can also find double surnames. In any case, according to the rules of etiquette, when meeting with a young lady, you must address her in accordance with social status that the girl has.

Familiarize yourself with competent inserts and appeals in the table:

To feel like a graceful and sophisticated lady, one has only to try on a French surname. But not only names, but also surnames have their own meaning.

Check out the list of popular French options for women:

  • Babbles. They called the little people.
  • Fournier. It translates as a baker.
  • Leroux. Suitable for owners of red hair.
  • Dubois. Name for villagers.
  • Mercier. A typical surname for merchants.
  • Beaudelaires. Suitable for men who are engaged in carpentry.
  • Dupont. For residents near a river or pavement.
  • Legrand. Suitable for a tall girl.
  • Bonnet. For funny and funny girls.
  • Lavigne. Winemakers and wine lovers alike.
  • Castan. Surname for lovers of roasted chestnuts.
  • Hatchette. For working women, masons and sculptors.

Important! French surnames are formed from personal nicknames. You can often find versions like Gerard, Bernard, Andre or Robert.

Beautiful French names and their meanings

I really want to call the little princess, who appeared in the family, an unusual and beautiful name.

French personal nicknames can endow a small charm with innate charm and charisma. Many parents go for such a trick and call Russian girls European names.

Important! In France, a girl can have two or even three names, among which one can often find a male version.

Such nicknames are not just invented by parents, they are a family inheritance from grandmothers and parents.

When naming double name in everyday life, two options are used at once, the version is written with a hyphen.

In personal conversation and close relationships, abbreviated diminutive options are acceptable.

Advice! But you should not call the girl Michelle or Nicole if her last name is the Old Slavonic Ivanova, and her father's name is Peter. Ivanova Michel Petrovna sounds ridiculous and ridiculous.

Traditionally, when composing complex names, a little girl at baptism received a family inheritance through both parents: from her grandmothers.

In rare cases, the names of grandfathers were also given. In modern France, this tradition is outdated.

Now it is important to choose a beautiful and euphonious name that will go well with the father's surname. You can add an aristocratic sign "de" between a personal nickname and a surname.

Name meanings and most beautiful options are listed:

  • Dominic. Divine creation belonging to the Almighty.
  • Zoe. The literal translation is life.
  • Monique. The literal translation is the only one.
  • Chloe. Young sprout or grain.
  • Celine. A girl of heavenly purity.
  • Nicole. Queen of nations and conqueror of races.
  • Sophie. Little sage.
  • Michelle. One that is equal to the Almighty.
  • Julie. Pretty woman with curly hair.
  • Veronica. Conquering heights, bringing victory.
  • Patricia. A woman of noble birth.
  • Bridget. Strong woman who is not afraid of trouble.
  • Laurence. She gets all the laurels and victories.
  • Aurélie. Girl of gold.
  • Lea. Accumulates fatigue, thinks a lot.
  • Sandrine. A girl who protects the offended and the weak.

When choosing a female name, parents should seriously think about it. The girl's fate and character depend on the meaning of her personal nickname. Blue-eyed children can be called Celine, curly-haired owners - Julie.

Important! You should not name a girl named grandmother if she had a difficult and tragic fate.

Along with a personal name Small child can inherit negative energy.

List of rare surnames for girls

A person with the surname André or Bernard can be found quite often in France. But Alain or Anen are infrequent generic affiliations.

In the list of rare French names for girls you can find:

  • Foucault.
  • Attal.
  • Omon.
  • Dubois.
  • Prezhan.
  • Niva.
  • Grosso.
  • Valois.
  • Bugeaud.
  • Marceau.
  • Ledoux.
  • Julien.
  • Gauthier.
  • Curie.
  • Rouge.
  • Necessary.
  • Not at all.
  • Millau.
  • Tom.
  • Baio.
  • Weber.
  • Savar.
  • Camber.
  • Shero.
  • Jamet.
  • Arias.
  • Amalchik.
  • Benoit.
  • Arno.
  • Etek.

Girard, Fournier or Richard are more common than the above versions. Such surnames are worn by celebrities or people of aristocratic origin.

Also in France there are names with sexual energy or attracting money. Decide what kind of future you want to build for your daughter and choose an appropriate personal nickname.

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