And you finish my sentence. About offended Oleg and affectionate Lena


The participants sit in a circle. Each in turn repeats the beginning of the sentence said by the leader, and ends it in his own words:

    My favourite hobby…..

    My favorite color is…..

    My favorite animal…..

    My favorite sound....

    My favorite scent....

    My favorite time of the year…..

    The place where I love to be more than anything in the world…..

    The best I can do...

    I want to….

    I know that I can…..

    I like (dislike) myself…..

    I like (dislike) other people…..

14. Carousel

Participants, forming two circles - external and internal - stand with their right and left shoulders to each other. At the signal of the leader (clap, etc.), both circles begin to move in opposite directions. At the next signal, the participants stop and turn to face each other, forming pairs, extend their right hand to each other, shake it and say their name. Then they take turns asking questions or exchanging 2-3 phrases (any). After that, they again turn their left shoulders to each other and continue to move. When meeting with his “new acquaintance”, he waves his hand to him, saying any greeting phrase (Hi, Lena!). The exercise is carried out several times in a row so that each participant can remember the names of about a third of the group. During the group discussion, participants share their impressions, after which each participant can attach a badge with his name to his clothes. The first meeting took place!

    paper accordion

Participants are divided into 2 teams. An accordion is made from sheets of newspaper. For each fold, participants write down their names and one, in their opinion, the most important quality that characterizes them. After everyone has introduced themselves, the teams, unfolding the accordion sheets, name the names and qualities of the members of the other team. The team that has associated the most names wins.

16. Lamb head

Ahead of the season. And of course, you need to get acquainted. Provides a unique opportunity not normally available in real world- Choose a name for yourself. After all, it often happens: someone does not like his name given by his parents, someone is not satisfied with the form of address familiar to others - for example, everyone around you is called Lenka, and you want to be called "Lenusik". Some prefer to be called by their patronymic without a name - Mikhalych. And someone secretly dreams of a beautiful and unusual name, and would not mind if during the season they were called that way.

Everyone introduces themselves to each other. The leader needs to create conditions so that all names are remembered as quickly as possible. (for this, you can hold several toys, where you need to call each other by name as often as possible). Our performance will be organized as follows: the first participant calls his name, and then according to the “Snowball” principle. If someone, naming the names, made a mistake or could not remember, then he calls the “ram's head” - of course, meaning himself, and not the one whose name he forgot. Additional condition: when calling the name of a person, be sure to look into his eyes.

17. Name - gesture

The participants in the game, in turn, call their name, but accompany them with a characteristic gesture, a movement (sit down, lie down, everything that is enough for imagination), then everyone calls the name of the game participant in unison and repeats his gesture.



The players are divided into teams of 8-10 people. The team lines up in a column one after the other. At the signal of the leader, the one standing first quickly turns around, after which the second takes him by the belt, and they circle together, then three of them, and so on to the end. The game ends when the whole team turns around the axis.

2. Fire brigade

10 or more people play. Chairs according to the number of players are set in a circle, backs inward. The players walk around these chairs to the sound of music. As soon as the music stops, the players must put items of clothing on the chair where they stopped. Game continues. When each participant removes 3 items (they end up on different chairs), an alarm sounds: “Fire!” Players must quickly find their belongings and put them on. The one who does it faster wins.


Play 10-30 people. Two houses are drawn on the site (on its different sides): one for the “A” team, the other for the “B” team. Behind the line of each house there are places for prisoners, the middle of the site is neutral territory.

Before the start of the game, both teams are located behind the lines of their houses. At the signal of the leader, several people of each team, having crossed the neutral territory, meet in the enemy’s house in order to capture the players and bring them to their side. At the same time: 1. Caught does not break out and does not run back. 2. A prisoner has the right to stand near the boundary line with his hand outstretched. So he and everyone else will be rescued faster. If one prisoner was saved, then the rest, holding hands, run out together in a chain and run to their house. Catch them only on neutral territory. If no one is caught, the players of each team return to their territory. At the leader's signal, the following players run and try to capture the enemy or rescue their comrades. The team with the most prisoners wins.

Lesson objectives:

Contribute to the preservation of the mental health of children;

Develop stress coping skills;

To improve the ability of children to find a way out of difficult life situations;

Learn how to manage yourself in difficult situations.

Format: Students sit in a small circle.


Exercise "Who are you?"

Goals: acquaintance, emotional warming up.

A volunteer is selected to take on the role of "memory coach".

One of the participants is introduced as follows: an adjective starting with the same letter is added to the name. For example: "Hi, I'm a wonderful Zina." It is desirable that the adjective, if possible, characterize the speaker.

Then the player asks any member of the group: "Who are you?" He replies: “Hi, wonderful Zina, I am offended Oleg”, turns to the next one and asks: “Who are you?” The third participant says: "Hi, offended Oleg, I am affectionate Lena." And so it goes on.

The game includes a "memory trainer". Before the speaker asks the question “Who are you?”, the “coach” can point to one of the previously introduced players and ask: “Who is this?” In this case, the whole group should answer in chorus: "This is a wonderful Zina."

The game continues until each participant has been introduced and named at least once by the whole group in a common choir.

Exercise "Finish the phrase"

Goals: emotional warming up, activation of mental activity.

In a circle, the leader says to each participant the beginning of the phrase that he must complete (Appendix 1).

Test "My well-being"(appendix 2)

Target: let me reflect on myself, my habits, individual features

Exercise "Situations that spoil my mood"

Children are encouraged to remember situations that prevent them from being happy. The answers go around. Condition: do not repeat.

Fairy tale "Flamingo, or the Rock of Desires"(Appendix 3)


Why was Cloud worried?

Has anything like this ever happened to you?

Why didn't Cloudkit's dreams crash on the Wishing Rock?

What helped him cope with the Wind?

Exercise "Who or what can help me in a difficult situation"

Children offer ways out of difficult situations. The answers go around. Condition: do not repeat.

Mini-lecture "Ways out of life's difficulties"

Summarize what the children have said. Examples of whom to contact in difficult situations are discussed.

Key Thoughts:

There is a way out of any situation (you can give a comic example - a cartoon depicting a heron swallowing a frog: “Even if you were eaten, you have two exits”).

Everything passes. This too shall pass.

Ways to relieve neuropsychic stress

Target: introduce the concept of self-regulation and offer effective ways withdrawals neuropsychic tension.

1. Relaxation - tension - relaxation - tension.

2. Sports activities.

3. Contrast shower.

4. Laundry.

5. Washing dishes.

6. finger painting(a spoonful of flour, a spoonful of water, a spoonful of paint). Blots. Then talk about them.

7. Crumple up the newspaper and throw it away.

8. Competition: put your tension into a wad of newspaper, make this wad as small as possible and throw it away.

9. Tear the newspaper into small pieces, "even smaller." Then throw it in the trash.

10. Blind your mood from the newspaper.

11. Paint over a newspaper spread.

12. Loudly sing your favorite song.

13. Shout loudly, then quietly.

14. Dance to the music, both calm and "violent".

15. Look at a burning candle

16. Inhale deeply up to 10 times.

17. Walk in the forest, shout.

When people communicate, what can cheer them up?

Exercise "Compliment as a gift."



Annex 1

Finish the phrase

I like...


All people...

I love life for...

I worry when...

People get offended when...

My life...

I am angry...

People around me think I...

People don't like...

My friends...

Life is always...


I think it's worth living because of...

I rejoice when...

I love those around...

My school...

The whole world around...

Scary when...

I always...

I don't like it when...

I find it funny when...

Annex 2

Test "My well-being"

(N. Stebeneva, N. Koroleva)

Instruction: you should answer "yes" or "no" to the statements that I will now read to you. Try to be as frank as possible. The information you receive is primarily for you.

Give yourself one point for each “yes” answer and add them up.

1. I often Bad mood, I'm crying.

2. When meeting a person, I avoid looking into his eyes.

3. Often I look angry, depressed.

4. Most of the people I know or have known have disappointed me.

5. I am almost not interested in what is very important for others in life (sports, work, the attitude of others).

6. Lately I am very rarely cheerful, I almost never laugh.

7. I often feel weak, I complain about life to my relatives and friends.

8. At present, I do not have my own position on many issues.

9. I usually speak very quietly, so that my interlocutors can hardly understand me.

10. Often I do not know how to answer this or that question of the interlocutor, and just shrug my shoulders.

Key to the test

1–2 points. Despite some of life's difficulties, you see life in a somewhat rosy light. It's not that bad, but up to a point.

3–6 points. Your attitude to life as a whole is normal, but a certain amount of skepticism is already felt. fatigue. Is not it too early?

7–10 points. Almost everything that happens to you, you perceive negatively. Are there really no joyful moments in your life at all?

Of course, you have the right to disagree with this interpretation of the results. But still, it makes sense to think about the information received. Moreover, you have exercises ahead of you that will help you better understand yourself and change, if necessary.

Appendix 3

Flamingo, or Wishing Rock

(O. Khukhlaeva)

Age: 9–13 years old.

Orientation: uncertainty, doubt own forces, feelings of inferiority and "insignificance". Key phrase: "I'm not like everyone else."

In distant hot countries live beautiful birds called flamingos. During the day, they walk proudly walking along the river bank, and in the evening, when the sun rolls towards the horizon, they fly up to the sky and soar under the clouds. The sunset turns their pink wings crimson, and anyone who has ever seen such a thing will never forget it.

Are you curious to know where flamingos came from? Then listen.

Once upon a time there was a small cloud. It, like every cloud, flew all day through the sky with other clouds - where the wind blows, and more than anything in the world loved to watch the sunset.

Once, small colored birds flew past our Cloud. Cloudkit really liked them, and he wanted to fly with them and look at the sunset closer, Cloudkit decided to talk to the birds.

Where are you going, it asked.

We, the birds, where we want - we fly there, ”said one.

Yes, yes, - said the other. - We can fly wherever we want.

Take me with you, - asked Cloud.

Ha-ha-ha, - the birds laughed, - but you don’t know how to fly, and you will never succeed. You are just a little stupid Cloud that flies where the Wind blows, - the birds said and flew away.

The cloud became very sad. The gray days dragged on. It was no longer happy with anything and only slowly and lazily moved across the sky. It hardly talked to anyone and all the time thought: “What an unfortunate, clumsy, gray Cloud I am. I can't even fly." And at night he dreamed that little colorful birds were flying around him, laughing and saying: "Little, stupid, clumsy gray Cloud."

One evening, when sunset was approaching, Cloud, as always, flew across the sky and, thinking, did not notice that it had long since separated from other clouds and was being driven by a completely different wind. When it noticed this, it did not resist.

"What's the difference, - Cloud thought - I still can't fly, I'll be a lonely gray Cloud."

The sun has already painted the sky in pink-red tones, when suddenly it is unbelievable. strong wind picked up a cloud and very quickly carried it to the biggest mountain.

How dare you enter my territory?! You clouds only interfere with us - the winds. For this I will smash you against a rock,” said the Wind.

The cloud tried to deal with a gust of wind, to say that it was some random, mischievous breeze that brought him here, but the Wind did not want to listen to anything. The cloud thought: "Well, even if I crash on a rock, I still can never fly."

The wind carried him with great speed, the rock was getting closer and closer. The cloud has decided last time watch the sunset. It seemed to him that today the sunset is especially beautiful.

“Is it possible that I won’t see him again,” Cloud thought and got scared. He suddenly really wanted to live and see the sunset every day. - What should I do? .. We must try to fly away from the wind.

At that moment, the wind with all its might threw him into the rock. The cloud pushed off and tried to fly away, but the Wind grabbed it and threw it again with force. The cloud thought: "I have to try, I will definitely succeed." It pushed off again and tried to fly away. The wind grabbed the Cloud again, accelerated and threw him onto the rock.

"I will succeed. I will not give up,” Cloud decided, feeling incredibly strong. It gathered all its strength, pushed off and soared into the sky. It tried to stretch out like a bird. The wind was at first confused, but after a second it again chased the Cloud. The cloud tried to fly faster, it reached for the departing rays of the sun. It thought: “I wish I had wings now, I would fly away from the Wind.” And suddenly the cloud had wings. It turned into a beautiful bird and flew very fast. The wind could not keep up with the bird, began to lag behind, got tired and stopped chasing it. A miracle happened because Cloudkit collided with the magical Wishing Rock, where dreams either shatter or become reality.

The cloud thought: “What a miracle this is. I am a bird, I can fly, I can fly, I can fly to the very sun.” It was easy, good and very fun for him. It had never seen a sunset so close. The evening sun dyed his feathers pink. Little colored birds, seeing him, said: “What beautiful bird and how well it flies. The small gray Cloud turned into a beautiful pink bird, which people called the flamingo.


Fopel K. Cohesion and tolerance in the group. - M.: Genesis, 2003.

Stebeneva N., Koroleva N. Path to success // School psychologist. - 2003. - No. 29.

Khukhlaeva O.V., Khukhlaev O.E. Soul Labyrinth: therapeutic tales. - M.: Academic project, 2008.

1. Finish phrases

Today I understood

surprised me

I felt

Today I was annoyed...

I liked it very much…

2. Write a psychological self-portrait.

Hometasks - milestone in the work of the group, as they are more conducive to the development of reflection. Keeping a diary contributes to the development of the skill to analyze your behavior and be aware of your feelings.

Reflection and closing.

Rate with 10 fingers: fatigue, interest in what happened in class, desire to come next time.

"Flash" in a circle: "what I got today in class." "Sound of the band" or a chorus of "thank you."

“Group Sound”: all participants stand in a circle, holding hands, bury their eyes and voice their state, then listen to the sounds that others make and try to adapt to the sound of the group.

Block two.

Development of interpersonal trust;

Strengthening group dynamics;

Development of reflection;

Development of such communication skills as: non-verbal expression and perception; the ability to be "different"; the ability to open up.

Warm-up "Flash".

Feeling and feeling right now.

Expectations (wishes) in connection with the upcoming lesson.

II. "Companion"

Children move freely around the room, and each says the name of the country they would like to go to. When a child hears that someone else is saying the same thing, he takes him by the hand: “I found a fellow traveler!”. Before the start of the game, the task is set: to find fellow travelers.

III. "Pantomime".

The group is divided into two teams. Each team comes up with a few words - concepts - (according to the number of members of the opposite team). Then the game begins, which consists in the following: the first team invites one of the members of the second and tells him the intended word; the task of this person is to portray the word silently so that his team guesses what the word is. Then the teams change places. The game continues until each of the participants is in the role of representing.

The game contributes to the development of skills non-verbal communication. It does not exclude discussion if the facilitator noticed something interesting during the game and wants to bring it to the attention of the participants.

IV. "Reincarnation into an object."

Lay out 12-15 different items on chairs or a table (there should be 3-5 more items than the group members). It can be: a pen, a handkerchief, soft toy, lipstick, mirror, paperclip and the like. The participant's task is to choose an object they like, and then imagine that he is this object, and talk about the object in the first person.

For example: “I am lipstick. I live in a cosmetic bag with a sloppy mistress ... ".

This exercise requires intelligent discussion. The course of the discussion will naturally be determined by the material available (in the form of participants' stories) and the maturity of the facilitator and the group. In addition to the fact that the child is identified with the chosen object, the object also serves as a mask that allows you to remove the barrier and open up more fully. In these stories, in a metaphorical form, acute intrapersonal or interpersonal problems that concern the author are often presented. Therefore, this exercise is a good mutual preparation (participant and facilitator) for further advisory work.

In any case, a general discussion is needed. You can use the following questions:

How did you feel when you listened to A.'s story?

Which story did you like/dislike the most? How?

How did you feel when you talked about the chosen subject?

What do you like and dislike about your story? Why?

Answers to the first two questions are feedback for the participant, and yes, the second two help to understand the problems hidden behind the story.

In the Transformation exercise, the facilitator can help the participant become aware of their problems by talking to them in the metaphorical language of their story. The time allotted for this exercise is minimal. The exercise can take much longer, especially if after it one of the students is “ripe” for individual work. In this case individual work does not imply a deep psychotherapeutic intervention, but a short (10-15 minutes) consultative piece fits perfectly into the subject and duration of the classes.

V. "Mirror".

The group stands in a circle. Everyone in turn goes to the center of the circle and makes some movements. The rest - the mirror room - depict him.

Instruction to the person in the center: "You can do anything, but you can not touch the mirrors." This is important to say in a group, as an aggressive teenager will definitely try to hit or push one of the “mirrors”. Although if an aggressive child is not aware of his aggressiveness, and you want to work for him, then it can be useful for him to stand in the center of the circle that responds with aggression to his aggression.

After this exercise, it is important to discuss how each of the participants felt while being in the center.

VI. Blade in the wind.

The group stands in a circle, tightly pressing against each other with their shoulders, arms outstretched in front. One person is in the center of the circle. He closes his eyes and falls in any direction. Those standing in the circle catch him and push him in the opposite direction.

The exercise helps to increase trust in the group.

It is important that the participants go to the center of the circle not one after another, but only at will.


How did you feel in the center? What is it like to be catchy?

VII. Discussion homework.

Who did?

What interesting things did you discover while doing the task?

What were your feelings during the performance?

VIII. "I must".


1. Divide a piece of paper in half and write 7 times in a column. "I must...". Now complete these sentences, each in its own way. Write what you need in your life.

The theme of duty is a separate large theme, which, along with others, occupies great place in the life of every teenager. This exercise allows you to approach the consideration of this topic, touch it. Behind every “should”, in fact, there is usually some kind of “want”. Task this exercise find and realize this “I want” - what do you want by doing what you “must”?

For example, "I have to go to work." Behind this duty there may be several desires:

I want to receive money;

I want to learn new things;

I want to be useful.

In discussion given task it is useful to ask the group two questions: “Did you learn something new about yourself?”, “What exactly was unexpected for you?”.

IX. "In the circle of sympathy."

1. Each teenager writes on a small piece of paper something pleasant to another, about him (really existing). The message, which you do not have to subscribe to, is then lowered into general package.

2. Papers are taken out and read aloud. A variant of the exercise is possible when the pieces of paper are distributed to the addresses, and everyone reads the message addressed to him, then reading aloud what he wants. In any case, in this exercise, the instructions should be open so that everyone knows in advance further fate their messages.

Our culture has developed a stereotype that makes it difficult to express and accept positive feelings and sympathy, especially when it comes to unfamiliar people. This exercise helps in identifying and overcoming such a stereotype. In the discussion, it is useful to ask the following questions:

Was it difficult for you to write? Why?

How do you express your sympathies outside the group?

How did you feel when the messages were read to you?

Issuance of homework:

Write a story about yourself. In this fairy tale, take a different name for yourself, maybe you want to "change gender", or you would rather be an animal or something. Start with the traditional: "Once upon a time (once upon a time) ...". Develop the plot and come to an ending that will work itself out.

"Flash": what did you get in today's lesson? Group Sound.

Block three.

1. Work in interpersonal space.

2. Issuing and receiving feedback.

Warm up

I. "Flash".

II. "Interesting walk"

Everyone comes up with an interesting gait and walks around the room for 2-3 minutes. Then you can pay attention to how others walk, and join the walk you like.

III. Role training.

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