Questions what where when random package. Round of General Questions


Envelopes with questions are laid out on the table in a circle, in the center there is a top with an arrow. The team consists of six players. One minute is given for discussion. The captain answers. The game is on up to six points.

The event is designed for children in grades 3-4.


The story of how an English sailor sent his mother a valuable gift for those times - an overseas drink - has survived to this day. Mother invited the guests to a delicious meal. She boiled the whole product in a bowl, poured off what she thought was unnecessary brown bitter water, spread the thick in portions and, seasoning it with sour cream, served it to the table.

This drink has been known since ancient times. It was first drunk in China. Later, it became a popular drink in many countries, but at first it could not be grown and prepared everywhere.

What drink are we talking about? (About tea.)

It is known that stars are different: old and young, big and small, cold and hot. And the color of the stars is also different. It depends on the temperature of the star. If the star is very hot, then its color is white or slightly bluish. If the star is colder, like our Sun, then its color is yellow or orange. And there are even cold stars. What color do they have? (Red)

Cars now run mostly on gasoline. But the very first car in history did not refuel with gasoline! Such a car drove slowly and carried only one passenger. The driver was called "chauffeur", which means "stoker" or "stoker". What did the first car in history run on? (On wood.)

Children have always loved to play. For example, our grandmothers played hide-and-seek just like we do, and grandfathers played “grandmothers” (a game with bones), and also football, but not with a rubber, bouncing ball, but with a heavy rag. And our ancestors also played with "zhivuli". From what just did not "live"! From clay, from a long potato, from a painted sliver wrapped in candy paper, from a folded rag. And what do we call "living" in our time? (Doll)

This animal cannot run like other quadrupeds. It jumps in big leaps on two long hind legs, and short front legs are pressed to the chest. A large tail helps him maintain balance in a jump, so that when landing, he does not fall, does not poke his nose. The animal sits down to rest or eat, again the tail is in business - the animal leans on it. And if they attack wild dogs dingo, then he will be able to kick them so that they will have a bad time. He leans on his tail and kicks with his back foot.

Who owns this wonderful tail? (Kangaroo)

There is a legend about how a nymph lived in the forest. She was very talkative. The gods did not like this, and in punishment they deprived her of the gift of speech. But not quite, but in such a way that the nymph could only repeat the endings of other people's words overheard in the forest.

It so happened that the nymph met a very handsome young man. From love for him, she began to lose weight and eventually turned into an invisible person. Since then, the invisible nymph, wanting to remind the world of herself, repeats in the forest other people's words she overheard. Name this nymph. (Echo)

Blitz.(You have 20 seconds to think about each question.)

Cruel entertainment of people, in which animals die. (Hunting)

The rapid advance of the troops. (Attack)

A worker who paints something all the time. (Painter)

This Russian folk holiday celebrate June 24th. In the old days, during the holiday, they sang, danced, danced round dances, put wreaths of flowers on their heads. The main event of the holiday is the night search for fern flowers. It was believed that the one who finds it will be rich and happy. This holiday also opened the swimming season.

Remember the name of the holiday. (Feast of Ivan Kupala)

Black box. (Guess what is in the black box.)

They beat Yermilka on the back of the head.

He doesn't cry, he just hides his leg. (Nail)

Until this vehicle had an inflated tire, people had to suffer a lot, for which they called it the bone shaker. Another name for this vehicle is a spider, since in front of it stood a huge metal wheel with many thin shiny spokes, which very much resembled a web.

And what is his name now? (Bike)

super blitz. (One player remains. He has 10 seconds to think about each question.)

armed forces of the country. (Army)

A small particle of fire that flies into the air. (Spark)

The back of the boat. (Stern)

. "Caput" - this is how the ancient Romans called this vegetable. They spoke Latin and lived on the coast mediterranean sea, from where he came to us, to Russia. Kaput means head. The vegetable actually resembles a head. He fell in love with the inhabitants of the Russian land. Planting it in the gardens, the peasants said: “Don’t be ankle-bearing; be pot-bellied; don't be empty - be thick; don't be old - be young; don't be small, be big.

Name this vegetable. (Cabbage)

Questions “What? Where? When?" first began to ask back in 1975, but in fact, few people know or remember that in fact then the game had a different appearance and played by completely different people. That is why it is worth highlighting a few of the most interesting facts about this program, as well as to talk about what questions are the most interesting among many others.

History and interesting facts

Basically, the questions “What? Where? When? ”, Like the show itself, practically do not change throughout the existence of this program, but in fact, in the first release, experts were absent altogether. The program was originally attended simple families, and at the same time they answered not in architectural mansions, but in standard apartments that belonged to them. Each family answered 11 questions, after which it was decided to combine both footage in one program. The show's current format has only been followed since 1977, but it has remained that way to this day.

For a long time, viewers were completely unaware of who was leading this program, as a result of which for several years Vladimir Voroshilov was called the nickname "Incognito from Ostankino". Only in 1980 was the identity of the host of the program publicly announced, and this was done by inserting the phrase after the end of the broadcast: “Vladimir Voroshilov was the host of the program.”

Questions “What? Where? When?" are given to connoisseurs in the Hunting Lodge, located in the Neskuchny Garden, while it is worth noting that this building is an architectural monument built back in the 18th century. All games of this club have been held here since 1990.

An owl named Fomka was chosen as a symbol, and in 1977 it was shown on one of the broadcasts. The so-called "Crystal Owl" is awarded only after 1984, and in 2002 it was decided to also add a diamond to it, giving it to the best player based on the results of the past year. The diamond owl is handcrafted from crystal and silver by professional jewelers, and it is worth noting that this prize is adorned with more than 70 rubies. The weight of an owl is more than 8 kg.

Among other things, it is worth noting the fact that initially the base of questions “What? Where? When?" compiled directly by Vladimir Voroshilov himself, as well as by a team of professional editors. Over time, it was decided that it would be possible to use letters from viewers coming to the editor, because the answers to questions sometimes turned out to be the most unexpected.

Probably every person who at least once watched the questions “What? Where? When?, knows what a top is inside a spinning circle. This spinning top is launched before each round and is a slightly improved children's toy manufactured by the Krasny Proletarian factory in Moscow. Vladimir Voroshilov himself said that one day he was going to buy a gift for a child of three years old at the Toy House and noticed this top. But later he could not resist, so he decided to buy two toys at once, one of which he kept for himself and then played with it for ten days.

People's actions

Once a shah in Persia wanted to know what determines a person's behavior and guides his actions in this life. Initially, the Shah's assistants compiled enough large volume, but then they were able to cut it down to one page. In the end, they managed to find only one single word.

Accordingly, connoisseurs of “What? Where? When?" questions were asked about this word. Experts decided that it was love, but in fact the correct answer was that the actions and behavior of a person are guided by the desire for survival.

Best Sellers Perspective

A group of sociologists from America came up with an equation by which they were able to calculate the rate of increase in the number of purchased copies of various bestsellers. In other words, if the number of books bought during the first week was known, then in this case it will be possible to understand later how many of them, for example, will be bought during the month. However, as it turned out, such an equation has been used for a long time, but in a different area of ​​human activity.

Base of questions “What? Where? When?" involves the question: what exactly was calculated by exactly the same equation as the distribution of best-selling books?

Experts said that in accordance with this equation, the growth of epidemics is determined, and they did not fail - this is true.


Under the title "Weakley World News" conducted a survey in the five most major cities of their country in order to determine who would agree to go to work naked for $1 million. Among men, 84% agreed total of the people interviewed, while only 20% of the women interviewed agreed, making them appear more bashful. It is likely that the explanation is contained in the response from one of the participants in the survey, who would agree to expose herself if she was warned several weeks in advance.

In what? Where? When?" They decided to send the following question: why did the woman need these few weeks? The answer is quite simple: in order to lose weight.


Almost all over the world they know what the Mexican resort of Acapulco is. The popularity of this resort is primarily due to the local climate, which is ideal for relaxation. If you guess what exactly the word "Acapulco" means from the Aztec language, can you name the famous traveler who also visited the city of the same name?

Despite the fact that the questions for the game “What? Where? When?" rather tricky ones were sent, experts were able to answer that Dunno was this traveler.

Tech Growth

The device appeared in the United States in the twentieth century in the 20s, and for the first time it was produced by a company that had previously been engaged exclusively in manufacturing. This device quickly became widespread among a large number population, and already in the 30s and 40s, devices began to become popular, in which there was the possibility of adjusting the speed and degree of heating. Why did the demand for such equipment grow so much in the 1960s?

Very often this question is included in the collections of tasks “What? Where? When?". Questions and answers for students are especially interesting, since such tasks are often found in such games held between institutions. The answer is that in the 60s of the last century, men began to wear long hair, as a result of which among them hair dryers are also quite widespread.


An English scientist and part-time psychologist named David Lewis said that it is safe only for women, while in men it can cause a source of quite serious illnesses. In the course of the studies, it was determined that only a quarter of all women had some non-serious abnormalities like an increased heartbeat, while men reacted extremely negatively to this: their pulse increased greatly, arrhythmia appeared, and blood pressure increased significantly. pressure. The answer is English word, which relatively recently became common in Russian.

Many peep into all sorts of collections of tasks “What? Where? When?" questions and answers, although in fact the answer is extremely simple - it's shopping.


It's strange enough, but these two have a lot in common. Both have Italian roots, and even their patronymics would be the same if they were at all. At the same time, their relations with Russia developed in different ways, since the first visit to this country suffered a lot of trouble, although at first he conducted his business quite successfully, while the second not only became incredibly popular, but, in principle, it was here that he appeared into the world. Who is this?

Quite often you can find in collections such questions as “What? Where? When?" for schoolchildren, since the answer is quite interesting - this is Pinocchio and Napoleon.

Similarity #2

Each of them has inhuman abilities, while the first one is quite friendly to everyone around him, although one woman was seriously injured by him. At the same time, the second is very unfriendly, but a certain woman ultimately escaped the threat from him, while both made exactly the same promises. Who is this?

Again, very, very interest Ask young generation provided us with the game “What? Where? When?". Questions and answers of this type require heightened attention. The correct answer is "Terminator and Carlson", and they promised one thing - to return.

hazardous substance

This substance is the main component of acid rain. If it is in gaseous form, there is a risk of severe burns to a person, and if this substance enters the stomach, excessive sweating may begin, as well as vomiting if a large dose is taken. If a person accidentally inhales a substance, then in this case there is a risk of death at all. What is this substance?

In what? Where? When?" the question about this substance is one of the most interesting, since this tricky problem has a very entertaining answer - water.


A well-known chess player said that if these two ever crossed for one, then in the end the game would simply end in a draw. Who was he talking about?

Those people who know the biography of Bobby Fischer and roughly understand his behavior are likely to guess this answer, because he was talking about a situation when he bothered to meet God himself at the chessboard. Many look at the answer in the collections of problems “What? Where? When?" questions and correct answers.


To date, only 7% of the total number of cars sold in America in 2010 are equipped with this device, and the press often says that this is an extremely effective anti-theft protection that was originally developed for completely different purposes. What it is? Answer: manual transmission.

strange dog

Once, in the practice of the famous English veterinarian Gillian Maxwell, he happened to be faced with a situation where a Labrador brought to him behaved very depressively and practically lost his appetite. However, after the tests, it was found that the dog is quite healthy, and with each subsequent visit, the tests were getting better and better. After a conversation with the owners, it turned out that at the same time, all family members, shortly before the disease, the dogs took joint decision and adhere to it to this day. What did they decide?

This question can be added to the most appropriate questions on “What? Where? When?" with answers for students. The answer is quite interesting - all family members decided to quit smoking, as a result of which the dog experienced a withdrawal syndrome.


After seizing a certain embassy in London, after lengthy negotiations, the terrorists decided to release two hostages, while the captives themselves chose who they needed to release. Initially, a pregnant woman was chosen, after which the hostages, who had lived together for several days, decided to release the man as well. Experts needed to determine for what reason this man was released with her.

The decision is quite interesting and memorable, because they decided to let this man go because he snored too much.


One of the episodes of the animated series The Simpsons shows how Bart, near Chinese spies, thinks about whether he could betray his own country, because he daily swore an oath of allegiance to the flag of the United States. In response, an objection was received that it was pronounced not to the country, but to the flag, but the flag ... Connoisseurs needed to finish the thought of spies with just three words.

The question, again, is interesting enough for children, but at the same time not so easy for adults. Again, an interesting answer was received: the oath is pronounced not to the country, but to the flag, and the flag is made in China.

Peter I

What, according to one joke, did Peter I order to do when he got lost in the swamps with his army? He did not want to pretend that they were lost in such a place, so he gave the order in order to be able to hide such a shameful fact.

Finally, a rather simple and interesting question, the answer to which is the founding of St. Petersburg. Most likely a fairly simple task for people living in this city or is it good who know history of their country.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear experts! It is very pleasant that the most knowledgeable, the most inquisitive and the most attentive have gathered here. So, we have three gaming tables, they have flags of different colors. The game will have several rounds on such topics: geography, music, wildlife, literature, riddles. Let's start with a round of general questions. Questions will be asked to three teams at the same time, at the signal "The minute has gone" you start the discussion. The first team to raise the flag answers.

Round of General Questions

1. You know everything mighty hero Ilya Muromets. How many years did Ilya lie on the stove? (33 years)

2. Which branch does not grow on a tree? (Railway)

3. Remember what spell Mowgli knew? ("You and I are of the same blood - you and I")

4. Remember in which A. S. Pushkin's fairy tale was introduced fundamentally new system wages. Show her. (Three clicks)

5. It is cold in winter, so we dress warmly - felt boots, fur coats, hats. Does a fur coat keep you warm in winter? (No, she only keeps warm)

6. Who has a mustache longer than their legs? (At the cockroach)

7. What is this herb that even the blind recognize? (Nettle)

8. What did the poodle Artemon wear on his front paw from A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key"? (Silver watch)

9. What is the name of the living quarters for the crew on the ship? (Cockpit)

10. In Ancient Rus' silver bars served as money. They were called hryvnias. If a thing cost less than the whole bar, then a part of it was cut off. What was the name of the severed part of the silver bar? (Ruble)

Round of blitz questions

1. What do a rider and a rooster have in common? (Spurs)

2. What kind of fuel is mined in the swamp? (Peat)

3. Where do they dance lezginka? (In Georgia)

1. Under which bush did the hare sit during the rain? (under wet)

3. What is chardash? (Hungarian dance)

1. How can you carry water in a sieve? (freezing)

2. What country is worn on the head? (Panama)

3. When are eggs tasty? (when you eat them)

Geographic Round

1. The deepest lake in the world. (Baikal)

2. Which continent has no rivers? (In Antarctica)

3. Between what two identical letters can you put a small horse and get the name of the country? (Japan)

4. Name the star closest to Earth. This star is visible during the daytime. (Sun)

Music Round

1. What notes can measure the distance? (Mi-la-mi)

2. Which Austrian composer has already given concerts at the age of six? (Mozart)

3. Which composer composed and played his works when he was deaf? (Beethoven)

4. What two notes grow in the garden? (Beans)

5. What song did the short babies sing when they flew on hot-air balloon with the unknown? ("In the grass Grasshopper sat")

Round "Wildlife World"

1. What bird breeds chicks in any frost? (Crossbill)

2. During the flight of these birds, it seems that a continuous flame is moving. What is this bird? (Flamingo)

3. Which bird flies the fastest? (Strizh, up to 140 km/h)

4. From what poisonous plant is the medicine used for heart disease prepared? (Lily of the valley)

5. What plants do not have roots, stems, leaves, flowers? (At algae)

6. What wood is used to make skis? (birch)

7. The footprint of which predatory beast is similar to the footprint of a person? (bear)

8. What wood are matches made of? (From aspen)

9. The juice of which plant helps with mosquito bites? (parsley)

Literary Round

1. To whom from literary heroes own walking shoes and a magic staff? (to Little Muck)

2. Name three Russians epic heroes. (Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich)

3. What medicine did Malvina Pinocchio want to give? (castor oil)

4. What academic title did the owner have puppet theater Karabas-Barabas? (Doctor of puppet science)

5. What did Pinocchio love more than anything in the world? (Scary Adventures)

6. What kind of cash coin was used by the inhabitants of the town from the fairy tale "The Golden Key"? (Soldo)

7. "Swayed, swayed on thin legs, stepped once, stepped another, hop-hop, straight to the door through the threshold and into the street." Who is this? (Pinocchio)

8. “A long, wet, wet man came out with a small, small face, as wrinkled as a morel mushroom.” Who is this? (Seller of medicinal leeches Duremar)

9. Who was Gulliver by profession? (by the ship's doctor)

Round of riddles

1. It won’t knock, it won’t blur, but it will enter the window. (Dawn)

2. Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind, no legs, but walking, no eyes, but crying. (Cloud)

3. The fur coat is new, but there is a hole in the hem. (hole)

4. Curls around the nose, but is not given in the hands. (Smell)

5. Blue uniform, yellow lining, and sweet in the middle. (Plum)

6. Not the sea, not the river, but worried. (Spikes in the field)

7. She will be born in water,

But a strange fate

She is afraid of water

And it always dies. (Salt)

8. Sits on a spoon, legs hanging down. (Noodles)

9. What kind of beast:

White as snow

Puffed up like fur

walks with shovels,

And eats with a horn. (Goose)

10. Sir, but not a hare, with hooves, but not a horse. (Donkey)

11. Many arms, but one leg. (Tree)

12. Two daughters, two mothers, and a grandmother and granddaughter. How many? (Three)

15 not the most difficult questions sounded in the game “What? Where? When?"

1. Aviation sports include: aircraft, helicopter, glider ... Name the fourth type.

Answer: * Parachuting.

2. The English say: "It doesn't matter what to be hanged for - for a sheep or a lamb." What do we say in this case?

Answer: "Seven troubles, one answer."

3. According to local legend, the inhabitants of this small mountain European country, with a predominantly Muslim population, are descendants of the great black eagle. What kind of country is this, if in translation its name means "Country of Eagles"?

Answer: Albania.

4. What rule is strictly followed for diamonds over 50 carats?

Answer: They are given names.

5. The highest mountain system Western Europe- Alps - located on the territory of 7 states. I will name six of them, and you - the seventh. So: Austria, Italy, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Germany, Yugoslavia.

Answer: France.

6. How in Russia since the 16th century they called a measure of length equal to the length of the phalanx index finger, which, in turn, was equal to 1.75 inches?

Answer: Top.

7. Translate the word "vengeance" into Italian.

Answer: Vendetta.

8. First time military rank(as a title) received the brother of the French king Charles IX, himself later king - Henry III. IN Russian history they can be counted on the fingers. Name the first and last in the USSR.

Answer: Stalin is a generalissimo.

9. In stressful condition dangerous toxins are produced in the body. How, most often not dependent on the human will, they are excreted from the body?

Answer: With tears.

10. What word in Japanese means " a big wave in the harbor?

Answer: Tsunami.

11. Although he built many structures: a bridge in Bordeaux, a viaduct in Garabi, a railway station in Budapest, he took part in the construction of the Panama Canal, - world fame brought him only one object. What is it?

Answer: The Eiffel Tower in Paris.

12. What are the names of Romeo and Juliet.

Answer: Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet.

13. The English say: "Curses are like chickens - they immediately come back." What do we say in this case?

Answer: "Do not dig a hole for another - you yourself will fall into it."

14. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Taras Bulba. Ostap: "Father! where are you? Do you hear? Taras Bulba: "I hear!" Name two more characters between whom there is an almost verbatim dialogue.

Answer: Wolf: “Hare! Can you hear me?" Hare: "I hear, I hear." Wolf: "Well, Hare, wait!"

15. You know that if a cat is aggressive towards you, it arches its back, flattens its ears, moves its tail; if a dog is aggressive, it bares its teeth, bristles and growls. And what animal in this situation bares its teeth, presses its ears and tries to turn its back?

Answer: Horse.

* Select the answer with the mouse

Interesting on the web

Questions for practice game"What? Where? When?"

1 minute is given to think over each question, then the answer is given on a piece of paper.

Questions of medium difficulty (for middle and high school students)

We remind you that until April 30 you can register to participate in the intellectual Olympiad "Deductive method" (grades 2-11) at www. *****

Question 1: Gamer is a fan computer games. To play means to gamble, to croak means to play Quake. And how the gamer's language will play well you famous game DOOM

Answer: Think.

Question 2: At the end of 1997, an unusual championship took place. Its participants competed in the destruction of their own kind. The winner, originally from Russia, showed an excellent result - 9600 out of 10,000, i.e. 96%. American competitors lagged behind by about 2%. The victims of this ruthless extermination do not evoke any sympathy, since they often poison the lives of many of us. Name them.

Answer: Computer viruses .

Question 3: Any programmer knows what "Debugging" is - the process of removing errors from a program. And this concept was born on the day when the Mark 1 computer stopped working at Harvard University. State the reason for stopping the computer.

Answer: Insects (Bugs).

A mole accidentally got on the relay contacts.

Question 4: According to the Swedish color system purple designated R50B. Explain the meaning of this notation.

Answer: 50% red and 50% blue (RED 50% blue).

Question 5: In the 70s in the USA was created computer program for simulation naval battles. As a rule, in such simulated battles, she defeated real naval commanders. When people took a closer look at machine tactics, they saw a strange thing: after the end of the "battle", before entering into a new one, the computer began to shoot at one or two of its ships and sank them. Why did he do it?

Answer: A squadron cannot move faster than its slowest ship. By shooting down his most damaged ships, he gained an advantage in speed.

Question 6: Leonardo Fibonacci (Leonardo of Pisa) is a major Italian mathematician, author of the Book of the Abacus (1202), which for several centuries remained the main repository of information on arithmetic and algebra. In it, he points out that there are 3 ways of calculating: one - with the help of an abacus, the second - with the help of numbers. Name the third one, if it is the most famous, and you also used it more than once.

Answer: With fingers.

Question 7: Working in a text editor, they forgot to press a certain key and got 6-0 instead of the desired one. What did you want to get?

Answer: Smiley.

Question 8: At the dawn of cybernetics in America, a very funny toy appeared: a box with a button to turn it on. When the button was pressed, a disgruntled grumbling could be heard from the box, then the lid was thrown back. A mechanical arm emerged from the box. What did she do?

Answer: Pressed the button (turned off the toy).

Question 9: It first appeared in the mid 80s. Initially, it was assumed that the main elements, as in the predecessor, would be twelve. But technical difficulties forced the creator to go for simplifications, reducing the number of basic elements to seven. This is what gave it its name. Name it.

Answer: Tetris.

wanted to create a toy based on Pentomino, which has 12 basic shapes. But the computers were weak, and did not draw five-square figures in real time. Then Pajitnov reduced the number of squares to 4, and, accordingly, the number of possible shapes to 7. Since there were 4 squares in each figure, he called the game Tetris.

Question 10: One of the highly qualified and rather well-paid categories of scientists in the United States has a strange slang name "professional idiots." What do these people do in their jobs?

Answer: Testing computer programs.

When checking programs, they must anticipate all the most idiotic mistakes that a user can make, and determine the reaction of programs to them.

Question 11: Computer firm Microsoft has opened a museum of the history of the company. Among other exhibits, a red telephone hangs on the wall. Picking up the phone, the visitor can hear the speech of the most important person in the company, according to employees. Who is this?

Answer: User (client).

When you pick up the phone, you can hear the usual customer conversations with the technical support service.

Question 12: This man discovered a number of errors in astronomical tables. The low reliability of calculations made by hand, and prompted him to the idea ... What?

Answer: Creation of computers.

It was the low reliability of manual calculations, and not their low speed, that prompted Charles Babbage to create a universal computer.

Question 13: Recently, Korea hosted the World Shooting Championship. The victory was won by the Russian team. Before the start of the competition, the participants took an oath. What did they swear on?

Answer: On a laptop.

Question 14: I wanted to get into the Guinness Book of Records. To do this, he provided the editors of the book with a list of 308 words in English, German and French, which he managed to obtain with the help of something well known to you, but completely not intended for this. With using what?

Answer: With the help of a microcalculator.

Question 15: In Japan, many years ago, rats began to nest in the bowels of large computers. The Japanese immediately built an "electronic age rattrap" - with an ultrasonic bait, a vacuum pump and gas chamber... But other Japanese suggested a more radical way. Which?

Answer: Build more compact computers (so that rats have nowhere to nest)

Question 16: Zvenigorodsky was the first in the Soviet Union to introduce performers into school computer science. Each of the software-implemented robots of performers was focused on solving specific, particular pedagogical problems. So, the robot called "Tom Sawyer" was engaged only in formulating the concept of the cycle in children. And what did this "Tom Sawyer" do?

Answer: Painted the fence.

Question 17: Jokers say that one day Niklaus Wirth was invited to Italy. He came and asked:

- Is it true that the most cool language in the world is Pascal?

How did the Italians respond if Niklaus Wirth was very offended and never went to Italy since then?

Answer: Si! (SI).

Question 18: This invention by Alex Osborn was kept secret from 1937 to 1957. After the forced declassification, the Osborn method was used by General Motors and General Electric, which led to a sharp increase in profits. Use the Osborne method and then call it.

Answer: Brainstorm.

Question 19: In a comic computer dictionary published in the journal "Practical Computing", the concept of "Recursion" is very interestingly defined. The definition consists of only two words. Reproduce this definition.

Answer: See "Recursion".

Question 20: It was this word that in Turing's time was often used to refer to a person who earned his living by performing arithmetic operations.

Answer: Computer (the exact translation of this word is “computer”).

Question 21: American company"Zemso Industries" is engaged in the production of microcalculators. Convenient buttons in different colors, elegant original forms"under the arm" There are even a number of calculators with a fundamentally different keyboard arrangement from the generally accepted one. For whom are they intended?

Answer: For lefties.

Question 22: This man was born in the town of Petrovichi, Smolensk region. He graduated from Columbia University, has served in the departments of chemistry and biochemistry, and has written more than 300 scientific, non-fiction and works of art. But most of all, he glorified his name with the three laws he discovered. What are they dedicated to?

Answer: robotics. .

Question 23: E. Dijkstra once said: “It is impossible to teach normal programming to those who started with “this language”. As would-be programmers, they are mentally duped with no hope of recovery." Name this language.

Answer: BASIC.

Question24 : 12. Recently, the author of the question checked the spelling of the text in the program " Microsoft Word". The editor unexpectedly reacted to the name of one composer, commenting on it like this: "Possibly a slang word." Name this composer.

Answer: glitch.

Question 25: The first world championship among them was held in 1974, although it could have taken place much earlier. Thereafter, they were held every three years. Once the victory was for the USSR, five times for the USA, once for Germany and the Netherlands. Name their representative who managed to achieve the greatest fame in this field.

Answer: deep blue- we are talking about computers playing chess

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