Rem's name from re zero in Japanese. Former royal family


Sometimes on weekends we publish answers to various quizzes for you in the Q&A format. Our questions range from simple to complex. Quizzes are very interesting and quite popular, but we just help you test your knowledge. And we have another question in the quiz - What was the name of the elder sister of Emperor Peter the Great?

  • Hope
  • Love
  • Sofia

Correct Answer: Sophia

SOFIA ALEKSEEVNA(1657-1704) - ruler of Russia from May 29, 1682 to September 7, 1689 with the title "Great Empress, Blessed Empress and Grand Duchess», eldest daughter Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich from his first marriage to Tsarina Maria Ilyinichnaya, nee Miloslavskaya.

She was born on September 17, 1657 in Moscow. Got good home education, knew Latin, spoke fluent Polish, wrote poetry, read a lot, had a beautiful handwriting. Her teachers were Simeon Polotsky, Karion Istomin, Sylvester Medvedev, who from childhood instilled in her respect for Byzantine princess Pulcheria (396-453), who achieved power under the sick brother Theodosius II. Trying in public to seem God-fearing and humble, Sophia, in fact, from her youth, strove for fullness of power. A good education and natural tenacity of mind helped her win the trust of her father, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Having lost her mother at the age of 14 (1671), she painfully experienced the imminent second marriage of her father to Natalya Kirillovna Naryshkina and the birth of her half-brother Peter (future Tsar Peter I). After her father's death (1676) she began to take an interest in state affairs: the country in 1676–1682 was ruled by her brother, Tsar Fedor Alekseevich, on whom she had a strong influence. Painful, fond of versification and church music, who was four years younger than his 19-year-old sister, Fedor was not independent in his actions. Therefore, at first, the widowed Queen Naryshkina tried to dispose of the country, but the relatives and sympathizers of Fyodor and Sophia managed to moderate her activity for a while, sending her, along with her son Peter, to “voluntary exile” in the village of Preobrazhenskoye near Moscow.

Sophia took the sudden death of Fedor on April 27, 1682 as a sign and signal for action. An attempt by Patriarch Joachim to proclaim Sophia's 10-year-old half-brother, Tsarevich Peter, as tsar, and remove from the throne 16-year-old Ivan V Alekseevich, the last male representative of the Romanov family from his marriage to M.I. Miloslavskaya, was challenged by Sophia and her associates. Taking advantage of the uprising of the archers on May 15-17, 1682, who raised a rebellion against burdensome taxes, Sophia managed to achieve the proclamation of two brothers - Ivan V and Peter (May 26, 1682) as heirs to the throne at once, with Ivan "primacy". This gave Sophia a reason to be “shouted out” as a regent on May 29, 1682 - “so that the government for the sake of young years both sovereigns to hand over to their sister. The kings were crowned a month later, on June 25, 1682.

In fact, having usurped the supreme power, Sophia became the head of the country. The leading role in her government was played by experienced courtiers close to Miloslavsky - F.L. Shaklovity and especially Prince. VV Golitsyn is a smart, European-educated and courteous handsome man, at the age of 40 he is experienced in dealing with women. Status married man(he remarried in 1685 to the boyar E.I. Streshneva, the same age as Sophia), did not prevent him from becoming the favorite of the 24-year-old princess. However, on the path of the reforms conceived by this government, there were adherents of the “old faith” (Old Believers), who were many among the archers who elevated Sophia to the heights of power. They were patronized by Prince Ivan Khovansky, who in June 1682 became the head of the Judgment Order and had deceptive hopes for political career. The Old Believers wanted to achieve equality in matters of dogma, insisted on opening a "debate on faith", to which Sophia, educated and confident in her intellectual superiority, agreed. The debate opened on July 5, 1682 in the Kremlin chambers in the presence of Sophia, Patriarch Joachim and a number of high-ranking clergy. The main opponent of the official church in the person of Patriarch Joachim and Sophia was the “schismatic teacher” Nikita Pustosvyat, who suffered a shameful defeat in the process.

The regent immediately showed determination: she ordered the execution of Pustosvyat and his supporters (some of them were beaten with whips, the most stubborn were burnt). Then she set about Khovansky, who, with his lust for power, arrogance and vain hopes for the throne for himself or his son, alienated not only the “Miloslavsky party”, but also the entire aristocratic elite. Since among the archers he led, rumors spread about the inadmissibility of women on the Russian throne (“It's time to go to the monastery!”, “Enough to stir up in the state!” ) Sophia, together with her entourage, left Moscow for the village of Vozdvizhenskoye near the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. Rumors about the intention of Khovansky to exterminate royal family they forced her to save the princes: on August 20, 1682, Ivan V and Peter were taken to Kolomenskoye, and then to the Savvino-Storozhevsky monastery near Zvenigorod. In agreement with the boyars, Khovansky was called together with his son to Vozdvizhenskoye. Obeying, he arrived, not knowing that he was already doomed. On September 5 (17), 1682, the execution of Khovansky and his son put an end to the “Khovanshchina”.

However, the situation in the capital stabilized only by November. Sophia returned to Moscow with her court and finally took power into her own hands. She put Shaklovity at the head of the Streltsy order in order to exclude the possibility of riots. Sagittarius were made small concessions regarding everyday life(prohibition to separate a husband and wife when paying off a debt, canceling debts from widows and orphans, replacing death penalty for "outrageous words" exile and punishment with a whip).

Having strengthened her position, Sophia, with the support of Golitsyn, took up foreign policy issues, regularly attending meetings of the Boyar Duma. In May 1684 Italian ambassadors arrived in Moscow. After talking with them, Sophia - unexpectedly for many adherents of antiquity and true faith- "granted freedom" of religion for the Jesuits living in Moscow, thereby causing discontent of the patriarch. However, the interests of foreign policy demanded a flexible approach to Catholic foreigners: guided by her teacher, the "pro-Western" S. Polotsky and with the support of Golitsyn, Sophia ordered to prepare a confirmation of the previously concluded Cardis peace with Sweden, and on August 10, 1684 concluded a similar peace with Denmark. Counting main task Russia struggle with Turkey and the Crimean Khanate, in February-April 1686 Sophia sent Golitsyn to defend the country's interests in negotiations with Poland. They ended with the signing on May 6 (16), 1686 " Eternal peace” with her, who secured the Left-Bank Ukraine, Kyiv and Smolensk for Russia. This peace, which granted freedom of the Orthodox religion in Poland, conditioned all concessions by Russia's entry into the war with Turkey, which threatened the southern Polish lands.

Bound by an obligation to start a war in 1687, Sophia's government issued a decree on the beginning of the Crimean campaign. In February 1687, troops under the command of Golitsyn (he was appointed field marshal) went to the Crimea, but the campaign against Turkey's ally, Crimean Khanate, turned out to be unsuccessful. In June 1687 the Russian troops turned back.

The failures of the military campaign were offset by the successes of the cultural and ideological plan: in September 1687, the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy was opened in Moscow - the first higher educational institution in Russia, which gave Sophia the status of an educated and enlightened ruler. The royal court began to turn into the center of scientific and cultural life Moscow. Construction revived, the Kremlin walls were renovated, the construction of the Bolshoy stone bridge near the Kremlin across the Moscow River began.

In February 1689, Sophia again gave the order to start a campaign against the Crimeans, which also turned out to be inglorious. Despite another setback, Sophia's favorite Golitsyn was granted for him "above all merit" - a gilded goblet, a caftan on sables, a fiefdom and a cash gift of 300 gold rubles. And yet, the failure of the Crimean campaigns was the beginning of his fall, and with it the entire government of Sophia. The far-sighted Shaklovity advised the regent to immediately take radical measures (first of all, kill Peter), but Sophia did not dare to take them.

Peter, who turned 17 on May 30, 1689, refused to recognize Golitsyn's campaign as successful. He accused him of "negligence" during the Crimean campaigns and condemned him for submitting reports to Sophia alone, bypassing the kings-co-rulers. This fact was the beginning of an open confrontation between Peter and Sophia.

In August 1689, Golitsyn, sensing the imminent denouement, hid in his estate near Moscow and thus betrayed Sophia. She tried to gather the forces of the streltsy army, while Peter, along with the Naryshkins, took refuge under the protection of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Patriarch Joachim, sent by Sophia, went over to his side (who did not forgive her for allowing the Jesuits to the capital), after which the archers gave Peter Shaklovity (he was soon executed). (16) September, Golitsyn tried to repent and declare his loyalty to Sophia's half-brother and her former "cordial friend", but was not accepted by Peter. The next day, September 7, 1689, Sophia's government fell, her name was excluded from the royal title, and she herself was sent to the Novodevichy Convent in Moscow - however, without being tonsured a nun. Terrible in anger and ready for resistance portrayed her two centuries later by I.E. Repin ( Princess Sophia in the Novodevichy Convent, 1879): in the picture he depicts a gray-haired old woman, although she was only 32 years old at that time.

Petr Sophia Golitsyn's favorite was exiled with his family to the Arkhangelsk Territory, where he died in 1714. But even in his absence, the princess was not going to give up. She looked for supporters and found them. However, attempts to organize real resistance to Peter I failed: denunciations and surveillance of her in the monastery ruled out success. In 1691, among the executed supporters of Sophia was the last student of S. Polotsky - Sylvester Medvedev. In March 1697, another streltsy conspiracy failed in her favor - led by Ivan Tsykler. In January 1698, taking advantage of the absence of Peter in the capital, who left for Europe as part of the Great Embassy, ​​Sophia (who at that time was 41 years old) again tried to return to the throne. Using the discontent of the archers, who complained about the burdensomeness of Peter's Azov campaigns in 1695-1696, as well as the conditions of service in the border cities, she called on them to disobey their superiors and promised to free them from all hardships if she was elevated to the throne.

Peter received news of the conspiracy while in Western Europe. Urgently returning to Moscow, he sent an army led by P.I. Gordon against the archers, which defeated the conspirators near the New Jerusalem Monastery on June 18, 1698.

October 21, 1698 Sophia was forcibly tonsured a nun under the name of Susanna. She died in captivity on July 3, 1704, having accepted the schema under the name of Sophia before her death. She was buried in the Smolensky Cathedral of the Novodevichy Convent.

Never married, having no children, she remained in the memoirs of her contemporaries as a person of "a great mind and the most tender insights, a full maiden more [th] male [th] mind." According to Voltaire (1694–1778), she “had a lot of intelligence, composed poetry, wrote and spoke well, combined many talents with a beautiful appearance, but all of them were overshadowed by her enormous ambition.” There are no real portraits of Sophia, with the exception of an engraving created by Shaklovity's decree. On it, Sophia is depicted in royal attire, with a scepter and an orb in her hands.

Estimates of Sophia's personality vary greatly. Peter I and his admirers consider her a retrograde, although state faculties stepsister Peter's were noted already in the historiography of the 18th - early 20th centuries. – G.F.Miller, N.M.Karamzin, N.A.Polev, N.V.Ustryalov and I.E.Zabelin saw in her the embodiment of the Byzantine ideal of an autocrat, S.M.Soloviev considered her a “hero-princess” , who, with the inner freedom of her personality, freed all Russian women from the solitary confinement, tragically did not find support in society. Other historians were also inclined to such an assessment (N.A. Aristov, E.F. Shmurlo, part of Soviet scientists). Foreign researchers consider her "the most determined and capable woman who ever ruled in Russia" (S.V. O'Brien, B. Lincoln, L. Hughes, etc.).



Shchebalsky P.K. Reign of Princess Sophia. M., 1856
Moleva N. Tsar Maiden. Knowledge is power. 1971, No. 1
Pushkareva N. Women in Russian History from the Tenth to the Twentieth Century. London, 1999
Hughes L. Princess Sophia. St. Petersburg, 2002

Two years have flown by in Naruto's world. Former rookies have joined the ranks of experienced shinobi in the ranks of chūnin and jonin. The main characters did not sit still - each became a student of one of the legendary Sannin - the three great ninja of Konoha. The guy in orange continued his training with the wise but eccentric Jiraiya, gradually ascending to a new level of martial prowess. Sakura has moved into the role of assistant and confidant of the healer Tsunade, the new leader of the Leaf Village. Well, Sasuke, whose pride led to expulsion from Konoha, entered into a temporary alliance with the sinister Orochimaru, and each believes that he is only using the other for the time being.

The brief respite is over, and events in again rushed with hurricane speed. In Konoha, the seeds of old strife, sown by the first Hokage, sprout again. The mysterious leader of the Akatsuki set in motion a plan for world domination. Restless in the Village of Sand and neighboring countries, old secrets pop up everywhere, and it is clear that someday you will have to pay the bills. The long-awaited continuation of the manga inhaled new life to the series and a new hope to the hearts of countless fans!

© Hollow, World Art

  • (51344)

    Swordsman Tatsumi, a simple boy from countryside goes to the Capital to earn money for his starving village.
    And having reached there, he will soon find out that the great and beautiful Capital is only an appearance. The city is mired in corruption, cruelty and lawlessness that comes from the prime minister who rules the country from behind the scenes.
    But as everyone knows - "There is no warrior alone in the field" and nothing can be done about it, especially when your enemy is the head of state, or rather the one who is hiding behind him.
    Will Tatsumi find like-minded people and be able to change something? Watch and find out for yourself.

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    Fairy Tail is the Guild of Wizards for Hire, famous all over the world for its crazy antics. The young sorceress Lucy was sure that, becoming one of her members, she ended up in the most wonderful Guild in the world ... until she met her comrades - explosive fire-breathing and sweeping away everything in its path Natsu, flying talking cat Happy, exhibitionist Gray, bored berserk Elsa, glamorous and loving Loki... Together they will have to overcome many enemies and experience many unforgettable adventures!

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    Why not? In our world, Sora and Shiro have nothing holding them back, but cheerful world Disboard is ruled by the Ten Commandments, the essence of which boils down to one thing: no violence and cruelty, all disagreements are resolved in a fair game. AT gaming world 16 races live, of which the human race is considered the weakest and most untalented. But after all, the miracle guys are already here, in their hands is the crown of Elkia - the only country of people, and we believe that the successes of Sora and Shiro will not be limited to this. The envoys of the Earth just need to unite all the races of Disboard - and then they will be able to challenge the god Tet - their, by the way, old acquaintance. Just when you think about it, is it worth it?

    © Hollow, World Art

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    One day, a pretty high school student, Hiyori Iki, threw herself under a truck to save some guy in black. It ended badly - the girl did not die, but gained the ability to “leave” her body and walk on the “other side”. Having met Yato there and recognized the culprit of her troubles, Hiyori convinced the homeless god to heal her, for he himself admitted that no one can live between worlds for a long time. But, having got to know each other better, Iki realized that the current Yato did not have enough strength to solve her problem. Well, you need to take matters into your own hands and personally direct the tramp on the true path: first, find a good-for-nothing weapon, then help earn money, and then, you see, what will happen. No wonder they say: what a woman wants - God wants!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33282)

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    Therefore, Chihiro-sensei, the head of the dorm, instructed Sorata, as the only sane guest, to meet her cousin Mashiro, which is being transferred to their school from far away Britain. The fragile blonde seemed to Kanda a real bright angel. True, at a party with new neighbors, the guest was constrained and spoke little, but the freshly baked fan wrote off everything as understandable stress and fatigue from the road. Only real stress awaited Sorata in the morning when he went to wake up Mashiro. The hero realized with horror that his new acquaintance - great artist absolutely not of this world, that is, she is not even able to dress herself! And the insidious Chihiro is right there - from now on, Kanda will forever look after her sister, because the guy has already trained on cats!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33565)

    in the 21st world community has finally managed to systematize the art of magic and raise it to new level. Those who are able to use magic after finishing nine classes in Japan are now expected in magic schools - but only if applicants pass the exam. The quota for admission to the First School (Hachioji, Tokyo) is 200 students, a hundred of the best are enrolled in the first department, the rest are in the reserve, in the second, and teachers are assigned only to the first hundred, "Flowers". The rest, "Weeds", learn on their own. At the same time, an atmosphere of discrimination constantly hovers in the school, because even the forms of both departments are different.
    Shiba Tatsuya and Miyuki were born 11 months apart, allowing them to study for the same year. When entering the First School, the sister finds herself among the Flowers, and her brother among the Weeds: despite his excellent theoretical knowledge, the practical part is not easy for him.
    In general, we are waiting for the study of a mediocre brother and an exemplary sister, as well as their new friends - Chiba Erika, Saijou Leonhart (you can just Leo) and Shibata Mizuki - at the school of magic, quantum physics, the Nine Schools Tournament and much more ...

    © Sa4ko aka Kiyoso

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  • (28371)

    2021 An unknown Gastrea virus hit the earth, which in a matter of days destroyed almost all of humanity. But it's not just a virus like some kind of Ebola or Plague. It doesn't kill a person. Gastrea is a sentient infection that rearranges DNA, turning the host into scary monster.
    The war began and in the end 10 years passed. People have found a way to isolate themselves from infection. The only thing that Gastreya cannot stand is a special metal - Varanium. It was from it that people built huge monoliths and fenced Tokyo with them. It seemed that now few survivors can live behind the monoliths in the world, but alas, the threat has not gone away. Gastrea is still waiting for the right moment to infiltrate Tokyo and destroy the few remnants of humanity. There is no hope. The extermination of people is only a matter of time. But the terrible virus had another effect. There are those who are already born with this virus in their blood. These children, "Cursed Children" (Exclusively girls) have superhuman strength and regeneration. In their bodies, the spread of the virus is many times slower than in the body. ordinary person. Only they can resist the creatures of "Gastrea" and more to humanity nothing to count on. Will our heroes be able to save the remnants of living people and find a cure for a terrifying virus? Watch and find out for yourself.

  • (27481)

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    The action-packed storyline of the game is partly set in a realistic recreation of Akahibara, Tokyo's famous otaku shopping area. The plot is as follows: a group of friends mount a device in Akihibara to send text messages to the past. The experiments of the heroes of the game are interested in a mysterious organization called SERN, which is also engaged in its own research in the field of time travel. And now friends have to make great efforts in order not to be captured by SERN.

    © Hollow, World Art

    Added episode 23β, which is an alternate ending and lead to the continuation in SG0.
  • (26756)

    Thirty thousand players from Japan and many more from all over the world are suddenly trapped in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Legend of the Ancients. On the one hand, gamers were transported to new world physically, the illusion of reality was almost flawless. On the other hand, the “hit-mates” retained their previous avatars and acquired skills, the user interface and the pumping system, and death in the game only led to resurrection in the cathedral of the nearest big city. Realizing that there is no great goal, and no one called the price for the exit, the players began to huddle together - some to live and rule according to the law of the jungle, others - to resist lawlessness.

    Shiroe and Naotsugu, a student and a clerk in the world, a cunning magician and a powerful warrior in the game, have known each other for a long time from the legendary Crazy Tea Party guild. Alas, those days are gone forever, but in new reality you can meet old friends and just good guys with whom you will not be bored. And most importantly - in the world of "Legends" appeared indigenous people, who considers aliens great and immortal heroes. Willy-nilly want to become a kind of knight Round Table who slay dragons and save girls. Well, there are enough girls around, monsters and robbers too, and there are cities like hospitable Akiba for recreation. The main thing is that it’s still not worth dying in the game, it’s much more correct to live like a human being!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (27825)

    The ghoul race has existed since time immemorial. Its representatives are not at all against people, they even love them - mostly in their raw form. Lovers of human flesh are outwardly indistinguishable from us, strong, fast and tenacious - but they are few, because the ghouls have developed strict rules for hunting and disguise, and violators are punished themselves or quietly handed over to fighters against evil spirits. In the age of science, people know about ghouls, but as they say, they are used to it. The authorities do not consider cannibals a threat, in fact, they see them as an ideal basis for creating super-soldiers. Experiments have been going on for a long time ...

    The main character, Ken Kaneki, will have to find a painful search for a new path, because he realized that people and ghouls are alike: they just eat each other in literally, others - in a figurative way. The truth of life is cruel, it cannot be changed, and the one who does not turn away is strong. And then somehow!

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  • (24820)

    The story is about a young man named Saitama who lives in a world ironically similar to ours. He is 25, he is bald and beautiful, besides, he is so strong that with one blow he annihilates all dangers for humanity. He is looking for himself in a difficult life path, along the way handing out cuffs to monsters and villains.

  • (22675)

    Now you have to play the game. What kind of game it will be - roulette will decide. The bet in the game will be your life. After death, people who died at the same time go to Queen Decim, where they have to play a game. But in fact, what is happening to them here is the Heavenly Court.

  • Two years have flown by in Naruto's world. Former rookies have joined the ranks of experienced shinobi in the ranks of chūnin and jonin. The main characters did not sit still - each became a student of one of the legendary Sannin - the three great ninja of Konoha. The guy in orange continued his training with the wise but eccentric Jiraiya, gradually ascending to a new level of martial prowess. Sakura has moved into the role of assistant and confidant of the healer Tsunade, the new leader of the Leaf Village. Well, Sasuke, whose pride led to expulsion from Konoha, entered into a temporary alliance with the sinister Orochimaru, and each believes that he is only using the other for the time being.

    The brief respite ended, and events once again rushed with hurricane speed. In Konoha, the seeds of old strife, sown by the first Hokage, sprout again. The mysterious leader of the Akatsuki set in motion a plan for world domination. Unsettled in the Village of Sand and neighboring countries, old secrets emerge everywhere, and it is clear that one day the bills will have to be paid. The long-awaited sequel to the manga has breathed new life into the series and new hope into the hearts of countless fans!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (51344)

    Swordsman Tatsumi, a simple boy from the countryside, goes to the Capital to earn money for his starving village.
    And having reached there, he will soon find out that the great and beautiful Capital is only an appearance. The city is mired in corruption, cruelty and lawlessness that comes from the prime minister who rules the country from behind the scenes.
    But as everyone knows - "There is no warrior alone in the field" and nothing can be done about it, especially when your enemy is the head of state, or rather the one who is hiding behind him.
    Will Tatsumi find like-minded people and be able to change something? Watch and find out for yourself.

  • (51750)

    Fairy Tail is the Guild of Wizards for Hire, famous all over the world for its crazy antics. The young sorceress Lucy was sure that, becoming one of her members, she ended up in the most wonderful Guild in the world ... until she met her comrades - explosive fire-breathing and sweeping away everything in its path Natsu, flying talking cat Happy, exhibitionist Gray , berserker Elsa, glamorous and loving Loki... Together they have to overcome many enemies and experience many unforgettable adventures!

  • (46157)

    18-year-old Sora and 11-year-old Shiro are half-brother and sister, complete recluses and gamers. When two loneliness met, the indestructible union "Empty Place" was born, terrifying all Eastern gamers. Although in public the guys shake and twist not like a child, on the Web, little Shiro is a logical genius, and Sora is a monster of psychology that cannot be fooled. Alas, worthy opponents soon ran out, so Shiro was so happy with the chess game, where the handwriting of the master was visible from the first moves. Having won at the limit of their strength, the heroes received an interesting offer - to move to another world, where their talents will be understood and appreciated!

    Why not? Nothing holds Sora and Shiro in our world, and the merry world of Disbord is ruled by the Ten Commandments, the essence of which boils down to one thing: no violence and cruelty, all disagreements are resolved in a fair game. There are 16 races in the game world, of which the human race is considered the weakest and most untalented. But after all, the miracle guys are already here, in their hands is the crown of Elkia - the only country of people, and we believe that the successes of Sora and Shiro will not be limited to this. The envoys of the Earth just need to unite all the races of Disboard - and then they will be able to challenge the god Tet - their, by the way, old acquaintance. Just when you think about it, is it worth it?

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (46220)

    Fairy Tail is the Guild of Wizards for Hire, famous all over the world for its crazy antics. The young sorceress Lucy was sure that, becoming one of her members, she ended up in the most wonderful Guild in the world ... until she met her comrades - the explosive fire-breathing and sweeping away everything in its path Natsu, the flying talking cat Happy, the exhibitionist Gray , berserker Elsa, glamorous and loving Loki... Together they have to overcome many enemies and experience many unforgettable adventures!

  • (62532)

    University student Ken Kaneki is hospitalized in an accident, where he is mistakenly transplanted with the organs of one of the ghouls - monsters that eat human flesh. Now he himself becomes one of them, and for people he turns into an outcast to be destroyed. But can he become his own for other ghouls? Or is there no more room in the world for him now? This anime will tell about the fate of Kaneki and what impact he will have on the future of Tokyo, where there is a continuous war between the two species.

  • (34898)

    The continent that lies in the center of the Ignol Ocean is the large central one and four more - Southern, Northern, Eastern and Western, and the gods themselves look after him, and he is called Ente Isla.
    And there is a name that plunges anyone on Ente Isla into Horror - the Lord of Darkness Mao.
    He is the master of the other world where all the dark creatures live.
    He is the embodiment of fear and horror.
    The Lord of Darkness Mao declared war on the human race and sowed death and destruction throughout the Ente Isla continent.
    The Lord of Darkness served 4 powerful generals.
    Adramelech, Lucifer, Alciel and Malacod.
    Four Demon Generals led the attack on 4 parts of the continent. However, a hero appeared that opposed the army of the underworld. The hero and his comrades defeated the troops of the Lord of Darkness in the west, then Adramelech in the north and Malakoda in the South. The hero led the united army of the human race and attacked the central continent where the castle of the Lord of Darkness stood...

  • (33385)

    Yato is a wandering Japanese god in the form of a thin, blue-eyed youth in a tracksuit. In Shintoism, the power of a deity is determined by the number of believers, and our hero has neither a temple nor priests, all donations fit in a sake bottle. The guy in the neckerchief moonlights as a jack of all trades, painting ads on the walls, but things are going very badly. Even the tongue-tied Mayu, who for many years worked as a Shinki - the Sacred Weapon of Yato - left the owner. And without a weapon, the younger god is no stronger than an ordinary mortal magician, you have (what a shame!) To hide from evil spirits. And who needs such a celestial anyway?

    One day, a pretty high school student, Hiyori Iki, threw herself under a truck to save some guy in black. It ended badly - the girl did not die, but gained the ability to “leave” her body and walk on the “other side”. Having met Yato there and recognized the culprit of her troubles, Hiyori convinced the homeless god to heal her, for he himself admitted that no one can live between worlds for a long time. But, having got to know each other better, Iki realized that the current Yato did not have enough strength to solve her problem. Well, you need to take matters into your own hands and personally direct the tramp on the true path: first, find a good-for-nothing weapon, then help earn money, and then, you see, what will happen. No wonder they say: what a woman wants - God wants!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33282)

    Suimei University Art High School has many dormitories, and there is a Sakura tenement house. If dormitories have strict rules, then everything is possible in Sakura, not without reason its local nickname is “madhouse”. Since in art genius and madness are always somewhere nearby, the inhabitants of the "cherry orchard" are talented and interesting guys who are too out of the "swamp". Take the noisy Misaki, who sells her own anime to major studios, her friend and playboy screenwriter Jin, or the reclusive programmer Ryunosuke, who communicates with the world only via the Web and the phone. Compared to them, the protagonist Sorata Kanda is a simpleton who ended up in a "psychiatric hospital" just for ... a love of cats!

    Therefore, Chihiro-sensei, the head of the dorm, instructed Sorata, as the only sane guest, to meet her cousin Mashiro, which is being transferred to their school from far away Britain. The fragile blonde seemed to Kanda a real bright angel. True, at a party with new neighbors, the guest was constrained and spoke little, but the freshly baked fan wrote off everything as understandable stress and fatigue from the road. Only real stress awaited Sorata in the morning when he went to wake up Mashiro. The hero realized with horror that his new friend, a great artist, is absolutely not of this world, that is, she is not even capable of dressing herself! And the insidious Chihiro is right there - from now on, Kanda will forever look after her sister, because the guy has already trained on cats!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33565)

    in the 21st, the world community has finally managed to systematize the art of magic and raise it to a new level. Those who are able to use magic after finishing nine classes in Japan are now expected in magic schools - but only if applicants pass the exam. The quota for admission to the First School (Hachioji, Tokyo) is 200 students, a hundred of the best are enrolled in the first department, the rest are in the reserve, in the second, and teachers are assigned only to the first hundred, "Flowers". The rest, "Weeds", learn on their own. At the same time, an atmosphere of discrimination constantly hovers in the school, because even the forms of both departments are different.
    Shiba Tatsuya and Miyuki were born 11 months apart, allowing them to study for the same year. When entering the First School, the sister finds herself among the Flowers, and her brother among the Weeds: despite his excellent theoretical knowledge, the practical part is not easy for him.
    In general, we are waiting for the study of a mediocre brother and an exemplary sister, as well as their new friends - Chiba Erika, Saijou Leonhart (you can just Leo) and Shibata Mizuki - at the school of magic, quantum physics, the Nine Schools Tournament and much more ...

    © Sa4ko aka Kiyoso

  • (29552)

    The "Seven Deadly Sins", once great warriors revered by the British. But one day, they are accused of trying to overthrow the monarchs and killing a warrior from the Holy Knights. In the future, the Holy Knights arrange a coup d'état, and seize power in their own hands. And the "Seven Deadly Sins", now outcasts, scattered throughout the kingdom, in all directions. Princess Elizabeth managed to escape from the castle. She decides to go in search of Meliodas, the leader of the Seven Sins. Now the whole seven must unite again to prove their innocence and avenge their exile.

  • (28371)

    2021 An unknown Gastrea virus hit the earth, which in a matter of days destroyed almost all of humanity. But it's not just a virus like some kind of Ebola or Plague. It doesn't kill a person. Gastreya is a sentient infection that rebuilds DNA, turning the host into a fearsome monster.
    The war began and in the end 10 years passed. People have found a way to isolate themselves from infection. The only thing that Gastreya cannot stand is a special metal - Varanium. It was from it that people built huge monoliths and fenced Tokyo with them. It seemed that now few survivors can live behind the monoliths in the world, but alas, the threat has not gone away. Gastrea is still waiting for the right moment to infiltrate Tokyo and destroy the few remnants of humanity. There is no hope. The extermination of people is only a matter of time. But the terrible virus had another effect. There are those who are already born with this virus in their blood. These children, "Cursed Children" (Exclusively girls) have superhuman strength and regeneration. In their bodies, the spread of the virus is many times slower than in the body of an ordinary person. Only they can resist the creatures of "Gastrea" and there is nothing more for humanity to count on. Will our heroes be able to save the remnants of living people and find a cure for a terrifying virus? Watch and find out for yourself.

  • (27481)

    The story in Steins, Gate takes place one year after the events of Chaos, Head.
    The action-packed storyline of the game is partly set in a realistic recreation of Akahibara, Tokyo's famous otaku shopping area. The plot is as follows: a group of friends mount a device in Akihibara to send text messages to the past. The experiments of the heroes of the game are interested in a mysterious organization called SERN, which is also engaged in its own research in the field of time travel. And now friends have to make great efforts in order not to be captured by SERN.

    © Hollow, World Art

    Added episode 23β, which is an alternate ending and lead to the continuation in SG0.
  • (26756)

    Thirty thousand players from Japan and many more from all over the world are suddenly trapped in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Legend of the Ancients. On the one hand, gamers were transferred to the new world physically, the illusion of reality turned out to be almost flawless. On the other hand, the “fallers” retained their previous avatars and acquired skills, the user interface and the pumping system, and death in the game only led to resurrection in the cathedral of the nearest major city. Realizing that there is no great goal, and no one called the price for the exit, the players began to huddle together - some to live and rule according to the law of the jungle, others - to resist lawlessness.

    Shiroe and Naotsugu, a student and a clerk in the world, a cunning magician and a powerful warrior in the game, have known each other for a long time from the legendary Crazy Tea Party guild. Alas, those times are gone forever, but in the new reality you can meet old acquaintances and just good guys with whom you will not be bored. And most importantly - in the world of "Legends" appeared the indigenous population, considering the aliens as great and immortal heroes. Involuntarily, you will want to become a sort of knight of the Round Table, beating dragons and rescuing girls. Well, there are enough girls around, monsters and robbers too, and there are cities like hospitable Akiba for recreation. The main thing is that it’s still not worth dying in the game, it’s much more correct to live like a human being!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (27825)

    The ghoul race has existed since time immemorial. Its representatives are not at all against people, they even love them - mostly in their raw form. Lovers of human flesh are outwardly indistinguishable from us, strong, fast and tenacious - but they are few, because the ghouls have developed strict rules for hunting and disguise, and violators are punished themselves or quietly handed over to fighters against evil spirits. In the age of science, people know about ghouls, but as they say, they are used to it. The authorities do not consider cannibals a threat, in fact, they see them as an ideal basis for creating super-soldiers. Experiments have been going on for a long time ...

    The main character Ken Kaneki will have to search for a new path painfully, because he realized that people and ghouls are similar: they just eat each other literally, others figuratively. The truth of life is cruel, it cannot be changed, and the one who does not turn away is strong. And then somehow!

  • (26934)

    In the world of Hunter x Hunter, there is a class of people called Hunters who, using psychic powers and trained in all sorts of combat, explore the wild corners of a mostly civilized world. The main character, a young man named Gon (Gong), is the son of the greatest Hunter himself. His father mysteriously disappeared many years ago, and now, having matured, Gong (Gong) decides to follow in his footsteps. Along the way, he finds several companions: Leorio, an aspiring MD whose goal is to enrich himself. Kurapika is the only survivor of his clan whose goal is revenge. Killua is the heir to a family of assassins whose goal is training. Together they achieve their goals and become Hunters, but this is only the first step on their long journey ... And ahead is the story of Killua and his family, the story of Kurapika's revenge and, of course, training, new tasks and adventures! The series was stopped on the revenge of Kurapika ... What awaits us next after so many years?

  • (26528)

    The action takes place in an alternate reality where the existence of demons has long been recognized; in the Pacific Ocean there is even an island - "Itogamijima", where demons are full-fledged citizens and have equal rights with humans. However, there are also human magicians who hunt them, in particular, vampires. An ordinary Japanese schoolboy named Akatsuki Kojo, for some unknown reason, turned into a "purebred vampire", the fourth in number. He is followed by a young girl, Himeraki Yukina, or "blade shaman", who is supposed to keep an eye on Akatsuki and kill him in case he gets out of control.

  • (24820)

    The story is about a young man named Saitama who lives in a world ironically similar to ours. He is 25, he is bald and beautiful, besides, he is so strong that with one blow he annihilates all dangers for humanity. He is looking for himself on a difficult life path, along the way handing out slaps to monsters and villains.

  • (22675)

    Now you have to play the game. What kind of game it will be - roulette will decide. The bet in the game will be your life. After death, people who died at the same time go to Queen Decim, where they have to play a game. But in fact, what is happening to them here is the Heavenly Court.

  • Rem Digga - creative pseudonym Roman Voronin, rap artist and beatmaker, ex-member of the Suiside team.

    The musician, named in the media as a phenomenon of the domestic rap scene, gained fame after the release of the first disc "Perimeter". It was created in difficult period the rapper's life when he was completely bedridden due to a spinal injury.

    Childhood and youth of Rem Diggi

    One of the most popular rappers in Russia was born on February 1, 1987 in the city of Gukovo Rostov region located on the border with Ukraine.

    At the age of 10, the boy was enrolled in music school where he studied piano and guitar for the next 7 years. His further fate was predetermined by his acquaintance with the American rap group ONYX, the third studio album which ("Shut 'Em Down") a friend brought him to listen to. The creativity of the musicians shocked Roman so much that less than a year later he himself successfully read an emotional recitative at a school concert.

    Rem Diggie's musical career

    Like many aspiring rappers, he began creating his own music with a homemade Yamaha synthesizer and guitar, and recording it on a tape recorder. Gradually, his readings became better, more assertive and more technical. Realizing that it was time to move on, he created the Suiside rap group together with Guk's rapper Shama (Alexander Migunov).

    In 2005, the 18-year-old musician met in Rostov-on-Don with Khamil from the Casta rap group. At his recording studio "Sobino" the first album "Suiside" was recorded. The disc was released at the end of 2006 and was called "Brutal Theme", which fully corresponded to its content. In the same period, Roman was drafted into the army.

    Trauma and paralysis Rem Diggi

    After serving in the reconnaissance of the 108th Kuban Cossack Regiment of the Seventh Airborne Division, Roman returned home. He got a job, continued to write rap and, unfortunately, did not leave his passion for parkour: he climbed parapets, roofs of high-rise buildings, balconies. During one of these ascents, he fell from a height of the 4th floor, broke his spine and became disabled - his legs were paralyzed.

    Many did not want to believe in the accident of the incident. So, rather scandalous versions of the cause of this tragedy were put forward - from a suicide attempt due to unhappy love to a consequence of excessive alcohol addiction. But the musician himself emphasized that the fall was accidental.

    Rem Diggie Career Development

    The injury did not break young man, he did not leave creativity, showing remarkable willpower. In 2009, he released his debut solo disc "Perimeter", powerful, holistic and dark, called by fans of the genre a true standard.

    The record brought him fame outside a narrow circle, and two years later he presented the next record - "Depth". Nigative took part in its creation, Smoky Mo, Asika, Dirty Louie, Shama, Panda, Spark, Vladi and Hell razah.

    In 2011, he became a participant in the Internet competition Indabattle, losing in the fifth of nine rounds to the rapper from Pyatigorsk Bes (Da Tempo). In the battle of the project, he took 2nd place, losing only to the Muscovite RE-pac. At the same time, in collaboration with the Black Market team, he released the mini-album "Killed Paragraphs", where again, according to fans, he demonstrated "interesting flow" and "read the truth."

    In 2012 chained to wheelchair the rapper began performing on stage. In January, Rostov-on-Don hosted a concert by the legendary rap groups ONYX. Rem Digga was the opening act for his longtime idols. In April, the popular rap artist was already met at one of the main concert venues northern capital("GlavClub"), where about 2000 spectators came to his concert. The following month, he was nominated for the prestigious Stadium RUMA Breakthrough of the Year award, and in June he competed in annual festival rap music Hip-Hop All Stars held in the city on the Neva.

    In July, the disc "Crocodile says" (Crocodile is one of the rapper's pseudonyms) was presented, in October - the third disc "Blueberry", which presented a more sensual, compared to previous work, lyrics. It included collaborative tracks artist with other musicians, including Robert Galstyan, Vladi, RTF, Elena Kretova. In support of the album, clips were released for the song "Shmarina" and a joint with Guf composition "Mystery"

    Rem Digga - Mad Evil

    In 2013, the tireless rapper pleased his fans with the release of the Root EP, where, along with new songs, he included his early writings. In 2014, the disc "One Loop" was released, which he prepared in partnership with the Chemodan. He called the next album "Cannibal", where you could listen to his joint tracks with Murovei ("4 axes"), Chris Yank ("Cannibal").

    Rem Digga - Go South

    The year 2016 was marked by the release of two releases of the rapper at once - the lyric disc "Blueberry and Cyclops", containing strong and convincing songs, and the explosive "42/37" with hard recitative, followed by melodic digressions, demonstrating the author's unique skill.

    Rem Diggie's personal life

    The headliner of Russian hip-hop is not married, but he has a beloved Victoria Nalchikova, a native of Dushanbe. The rapper dedicated his composition "Vika" to her. Her face is depicted on the cover of the musician's third solo album Blueberry, designed in blueberry tones.

    Roman does not smoke, does not drink alcohol and Coca-Cola. He does not consume White bread, chocolate, almost does not eat meat. According to him, he likes to limit himself in some products - so he feels some kind of victory over himself. He practically does not watch TV, making an exception for sports programs and documentaries about animals.

    rapper Orthodox Christian, but does not deny some provisions of Buddhism and Judaism. He collects skullcaps and rosaries and plans to travel to India and Israel.

    Rem Digga now

    In February 2017, the rapper made a presentation of the album "42/37" in Yekaterinburg and Samara, in March - in Moscow, in April he performed in Rostov-on-Don, in May - in Chelyabinsk. Scheduled for June 2017 big concert a bright rap artist in Khabarovsk, where he is to perform together with ST and Nigative.

    Miyagi, Endgame feat. Rem Digga - I Got Love

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