Engineer's house on Kropotkinskaya. "House-fairy tale" (profitable house Z.A


House of the Pertsovs Prechistenskaya embankment

This house made of dark red brick on Prechistenskaya Embankment was called, and continues to be called the Fairy Tale House. A large four-storey house-terem with a fragile line of sharp gables, with tiled balconies and intricate window casings, Muscovites nicknamed the Fairy Tale House for its unique facade, decorated with majolica panels with scenes from Russian fairy tales.

Indeed, there is something magical and bewitching in the appearance of this building, which stands not far from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

On a memorial plaque hanging on the facade of the house, it is indicated that this is the house of Zinaida Alekseevna Pertsova. But in fact, the owner and customer of this amazing building was Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov. And his wife is only a formal owner.

A graduate of the St. Petersburg Institute of Railways, Pyotr Nikolaevich was a talented railway engineer and laid more than one thousand kilometers across Russia railways. He was not only a famous engineer, but also a collector and philanthropist. His good friend, lover and connoisseur of Russian painting, Ivan Evgenievich Tsvetkov, helped Peter Nikolaevich acquire a piece of land and, according to legend, took his word that the house would be built in the Russian style.

House of Pertsovs

A wonderful place near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and with a view of the Kremlin really required that a beautiful building appear, and certainly in the Russian style. As conceived by the philanthropist-traveler, it should be an unusual tenement house. It was supposed to become a symbol of Russian art. In addition, it planned apartments for artists with workshops-studios in the attic. The owner intended to locate his personal apartments in the same house.

Pyotr Nikolaevich took the new project very seriously and announced a closed competition for the drafting of the project “ tenement house in Russian style. The customer wanted the house to meet the spirit and traditions of Moscow and at the same time all the requirements of modernity. Pertsov invited to the jury the best experts Russian style and Moscow modern - V.M. Vasnetsova, V.I. Surikova, V.D. Polenova, F.O. Shekhtel, S.U. Solovyov. But Pertsov reserved the right to build any of the noted projects at his own discretion.

The jury awarded the first prize to Apollinary Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, the second to Sergei Vasilyevich Malyutin. Pertsov chose Malyutin's project. But he demanded to completely rework the project. However, no processing was required. Considering the initial versions and sketches of the artist, Pertsov suddenly found a sketch of what he wanted: a real miracle tower. The project was immediately accepted for execution.

The artist Sergey Vasilievich Malyutin was known as the creator of the famous Russian matryoshka. By the way, the traditional version that the matryoshka came to Russia from Japan still cannot find documentary evidence. The entire history of the development of toy craft in Russia allows researchers to assert that the creation of Russian nesting dolls was facilitated by the tradition of turning and painting Easter wooden eggs. But there is evidence that the turner Vasily Petrovich Zvezdochkin and the artist Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin became the creators of the first matryoshka. How is it a fact that the first Russian nesting doll "Girl with a rooster" was a huge success on world exhibition in Paris in 1900.

The project of the house according to the drawings of Malyutin was carried out by the architect Nikolai Konstantinovich Zhukov, and the engineer Boris Nikolayevich Schnaubert supervised the construction. The old three-story building that stood on this site was taken as a basis. It was built up with another floor with attics, complemented by outbuildings, and given a new decorative look.

Per artistic basis its architecture was adopted by the Russian tower, and therefore the roofs of the house received traditional completions in the form of ancient Russian pointed tongs.

National architecture was successfully combined with the artistic images of Russian fairy tales and epics, presented in decorative majolica panels. Among the characters of the panel are Yarilo the sun, and stars, and a bull fighting a bear, and the bird Sirin, and a hare, and peacocks, and pike, and a rooster.

These were not copies, but creatively rethought and synthesized images according to the brilliant idea of ​​modern architecture about the synthesis of arts. Therefore, two fabulous twisted dragons supporting the balcony and a pipe made in the form of a sleeping owl looked so organic.

The building immediately became a landmark in Moscow and was included in pre-revolutionary guidebooks as "a brilliant improvisation in the spirit of a fabulously epic style."

Already in 1907, Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov himself moved into the house. The entrance to his apartment from the embankment had a separate entrance. Mahogany and oak, tiles, stained-glass windows were used in the decoration of his apartments. The walls were decorated with paintings by Mikhail Vrubel, Nicholas Roerich and many others. The dish lift imitated a wood-burning stove. Each room was decorated in different styles.

And one of the first tenants was the artist Sergei Vasilyevich Malyutin and the great Russian pianist Konstantin Nikolaevich Igumnov.

The most unexpected "tenants" appeared in 1908. The famous cabaret theater "The Bat" settled in the basement of the house.

According to legend, when the creators of the cabaret went down to inspect the basement, a real bat flew out to meet them. So, they say, the name of the first cabaret theater in Russia was born.

The sarcastic theater born in the bowels of the Moscow Art Theater immediately parodied the noble white-winged symbol of the public theater and placed bats on its curtain, informing the public that a theater club for artistic bohemia was open.

Comic evenings at The Bat were a kind of continuation of the famous Moscow Art Theater skits. Here the tragic actress Alisa Koonen played the balalaika and to the music performed by Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninov himself danced the dance of the Parisian apache, Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky showed tricks.

Then the cabaret moved to Tverskaya, but Pertsov's house did not disappear from the pages of the chronicle. Silver Age. A creative salon was opened in it, which was called the Russian Montmartre. Alexander Vertinsky sang in the salon, Vera Kholodnaya often visited, and artistic and theatrical bohemia gathered in the attics.

Pertsov's house left its mark on Russian literature. The heroine lived here Clean Monday» Ivan Alekseevich Bunin.

In Alexei Tolstoy's epic "Walking Through the Torments", the futurist Zhirov promises that when they come to power, the first thing they will do is wipe the Kremlin from the face of Moscow, Historical Museum and Pertsov's house. This fairy house was indeed doomed to destruction, as it fell under the demolition of all the buildings adjacent to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior to create the area of ​​the Palace of Soviets. Fortunately, the palace was not built, and the house remained intact.

Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov was arrested in 1922. The apartments of the former railway engineer liked Lev Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein). Here the frantic revolutionary lived until his emigration, and here he arranged diplomatic receptions, delighting foreigners with the truly aristocratic taste of the interiors.

The leaders of the world proletariat, fortunately, moved out, but the Fairy Tale House remained. And still captivates with its bright expressed idea Art Nouveau - combining all the elements of the building into a single artistic image, in this case, the image of true Rus'.

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It all started, however, from another house. The “casket house” was built on Prechistenskaya embankment by the art collector Tsvetkov. Competing with fame, he even fired his architect, hiring him when he found out that the Tretyakovs were building a mansion according to Vasnetsov's sketches. The “casket house” was inferior in size Tretyakov Gallery, but had a wonderful view of the Moscow River, the Kremlin and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.
This view fascinated the railway engineer Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov. Tsvetkov proposed to indicate more the best place provided that Pertsov builds a house in the Russian style. He agreed and, with the assistance of Tsvetkov, acquired a plot nearby. Pertsov announced a closed competition for the drafting of a "profit house in the Russian style." The jury - the most famous: Vasnetsov, Surikov, Polenov, Shekhtel. But in the end, Pertsov himself settled on the project of Malyutin (the author of the painting of the first Russian nesting doll), which took 2nd place.
The house was built within 11 months - a very short time, given the carved staircases, tiled majolica stoves, stained glass windows, bedrooms with niches and smoking rooms in oriental style, for the decoration of which handicraftsmen from Nizhny Novgorod province. Like everyone else tenement houses, with the magnificent decoration of the facade of the building with expensive apartments, the back of the house, where the windows of cheap apartments go, is simple and unpretentious.
Pertsov lived in his house for 15 years. He was one of the custodians of the values ​​of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, spoke in defense of the church, and in 1922 received 5 years in prison in the process of "churchmen". Pertsov was released a year later, but he was evicted from his house. The house was nationalized. Here is what he writes in his memoirs youngest daughter Pertsova Zinaida: “... lived in our house famous original and an eccentric - Pozdnyakov. He arranged his apartment of four huge rooms in an extraordinary way. The largest, almost a hall, was turned into a bathroom (my brothers visited Pozdnyakov, they described its arrangement to me in detail). The floor and walls were covered with black cloth. In the middle of the room, on a specially constructed platform, there was a huge black marble bath (weight 70 pounds). There were orange lights all around. Huge wall mirrors reflected from all sides sitting in the bath. Another room has been turned into winter Garden: the parquet is covered with sand and lined with green plants and garden furniture. The living room was lovely tiger skins and artistic furniture made of Karelian birch. The owner received visitors in it in an ancient Greek toga and sandals on a bare foot, and on a nail thumb shining diamond monogram. He was served by a negro in a red livery, always accompanied by a black pug with a big red bow! It was this fantastic apartment that Lev Davydovich Trotsky was seduced at first: I just don’t know if he also borrowed his Greek toga and sandals from Pozdnyakov!
Now the building houses the Office of the Diplomatic Corps.

I want to tell you about one very interesting house, which is located in the very center of Moscow, not far from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. It's called Pepper House(or Pertsova). Muscovites have nicknamed it "Fairy Tale House" for its fancy decor.

The exact address of Pertsova's house is Soymonovsky proezd, 1 (the corner of Soymonovsky proezd and Prechistenskaya embankment).

The history of the construction of such unusual house began with the House-casket, which was built on the initiative of the art collector Tsvetkov. From the "House-casket" a view of the Moscow River, the Kremlin and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior opened.

The railway engineer Petr Nikolaevich Pertsov really liked this house. And he wanted to create something as unusual and bewitching. Tsvetkov was ready to help him find an even better place, provided that the house built on it would be in the Russian style. Pertsov agreed to the condition and, with the help of Tsvetkov, acquired a plot of land nearby.

A competition was announced for the drafting of a "profit house in the Russian style." As a result, the project of Sergey Vasilievich Malyutin, the author of the Russian matryoshka, was chosen.

The construction of the house lasted 11 months - from 1906 to 1907.

The house was created as a profitable one with residential apartments and workshops for artists located in the attic part of the house. The management of the house was handled by Pertsov's wife, Zinaida Pertsova. Hence the double name of the house - Pertsova / Pertsova.

The family occupied only part of the house they owned - a four-story extension. The rest of the premises were inhabited by tenants-artists.

A distinctive feature of the "Fairy Tale House" is an extraordinary variety of forms and styles, which, at the same time, look like a single whole. In the design of the facades, various techniques inherent in Art Nouveau were used, for example, the asymmetrical arrangement of windows and balconies, rich decor.

Gables, piers, balcony railings, corners of the building - all these elements, according to the author's idea, were to be lined with majolica - a type of ceramics made from baked clay using painted glaze. The execution of such a complex design and color scheme Pertsov entrusted the artel of young artists of the Stroganov School "Murava" with majolica decoration. At that time they had no orders, and the artel was on the verge of closing. Pertsov was not mistaken with the choice - the order was completed right on time. A little more than a hundred years have passed, and the glaze is still intact and has not faded.

Artists M. Nesterov and K. Yuon were guests of the “House-Fairy Tale”, artists of the Moscow Art Theater rented apartments here. One of them - N. Baliev - came up with the idea of ​​​​arranging performances for the artists themselves in the basement of the house - this is how the famous cabaret appeared in 1908 " bat which lasted until 1912. In cabaret productions, one could see celebrities from the Moscow Art Theater in completely unexpected roles: V. I. Kachalov as a circus wrestler, O. L. Knipper-Chekhov as a Parisian chansonette, and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko conducted the orchestra.

With the advent of advice, Pertsov, as a defender of the church, had to endure several trials and even serve a year in prison. As a result, in 1922 he lost his house, after which Lev Trotsky settled in the master's 4-storey apartment.

Today, the Pepper House houses the Main Directorate for the Service of the Diplomatic Corps. No one is allowed into the house and you can only look at it from the street.

And at the end - a few black and white photos.

Interiors of the Pepper House (Carved arch of the dining room)

Profitable house at the corner of Soymonovsky proezd, 1 and Moscow was built in the period from 1905 to 1907 by order of the railway engineer Pyotr Nikolayevich Pertsov, who laid the Russian Empire thousands of kilometers of railway tracks and a former very wealthy man.

Architects Nikolai Konstantinovich Zhukov and, in fact, Pertsov himself took part in the design and construction of the building, made in the neo-Russian modern style. The sketch was taken as a basis, made by the artist Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin.

Photo 1. Soymonovsky proezd, No. 1 in the city of Moscow

The history of the construction of the “fairy tale house” began back in 1902, when Pertsov, in his words, visited Ivan Evmenievich Tsvetkov, who not so long ago built a gallery house for his collection of paintings by Russian painters.

The view from the windows of the house on and the Moscow River flowing nearby amazed Pyotr Nikolayevich, about which he told the owner. He also mentioned that he was jealous of Tsvetkov and the place he had chosen for construction. And then Ivan Evmenievich pointed out that he would show another wonderful place in the neighborhood, but with the condition that Tsvetkov, in case of buying a plot, would build a house on it and only in the Russian style.

A property with a nondescript three-story building, which at that time was owned by N.V. Ushakov, like many plots in the area, was bought for 70 thousand rubles and issued to Pertsov's wife, Zinaida, which is why it is also called Pertsova's profitable house today.

Photo 2. Facade of Pertsova's apartment building

At the beginning of 1906, Pyotr Nikolaevich announced a competition for projects, moreover, a closed one. To participate in it, the owner invited the artists Apollinary Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin, the architect-artist Leonid Mikhailovich Brailovsky and the architect Diderikhs. The jury included such luminaries as Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, Vasily Ivanovich Surikov, Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov, Fedor Osipovich Shekhtel, Illarion Aleksandrovich Ivanov-Shits, Sergei Ustinovich Solovyov and Stanislav Vladislavovich Noakovsky.

The first prize in the amount of 800 rubles went to Apollinary Vasnetsov, and the second was awarded to Sergey Malyutin with 500 rubles. But under the terms of the competition, the customer had the right to choose any project they liked from those that received prizes. Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov stopped at a sketch of Malyutin's work.

The architecture of Pertsova's apartment building

At the heart of the current building is a three-story building with small window openings, over which a fourth level was built, already with large windows to set up studios for artists to work there. There was also arranged a balcony with the name "Queen's Conversation", which was completed by a gilded dome.

On the side of Prechistenskaya embankment, a four-story mansion was erected for the residence of the Pertsovs themselves, and along Kursovoy lane, a detached building with a stylishly arranged main entrance was raised. The facade planes were richly decorated with majolica paintings by the Murava firm, which included young artists from the famous Stroganov School.

With all care we approached the device of the engineering part. So, in Pertsova's apartment building there were no wooden floors, and water and sewer communications, as well as electrical wiring, were hidden in the walls and special niches that were inaccessible to the eyes of the residents.

Ultimately, a house with a great variety of architectural forms looks quite organic. The design of the facades is made in the techniques inherent in the Art Nouveau style: an asymmetric arrangement of window openings, original balconies, rich decor of the facades, tower-shaped roof superstructures.

The ridge of the roof was originally decorated with a gilded lattice with lions, and above the green tower there was once a rooster, also covered with gold leaf. The front rooms were decorated with wooden carvings, as well as rich wall paintings.

1937-1938: List of residents of the house - Ligovskaya st., 44,
- injured as a result mass repression according to Article 58 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR:
"13. Krastyn Jan Frantsevich, born in 1891, a native of the farm. Zvanytay of the Courland province., Latvian, non-partisan, carpenter of the 2nd car park of the Leningrad City Council, lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 608 . Arrested on December 3, 1937 by the Commission of the NKVD and the USSR Prosecutor's Office on December 29, 1937, sentenced under Art. Art. 58-7-8-9-10-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on January 4, 1938.

14. Glacier Ivan Fedorovich, born in 1903, a native of the village of Podsvilie Disnenskogo u. Vilna province, Belarusian, member of the CPSU (b) in 1920-1937, head of the Kirov railway. d., lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 303 . Arrested on August 8, 1937 by the Commission of the NKVD and the USSR Prosecutor's Office on October 1, 1937, sentenced under Art. Art. 58-6-7-9-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on October 6, 1937.

15. Lench Ivan Iosifovich, born in 1897, a native of the Korosten district. Volyn province., Pole, non-partisan, foreman of the stokers of the post office st. Leningrad-Moskovsky, lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 410 . Arrested on January 29, 1938 by the Commission of the NKVD and the USSR Prosecutor's Office on March 25, 1938, sentenced under Art. Art. 17-58-8, 58-10-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on April 2, 1938.

16. Markevich Emelyan Vikentievich, born in 1894, a native of the village of Ostrovki, Novogrudok district. Minsk province., Pole, non-party, locomotive driver of the depot st. Sorting house of the Moscow line Oct. and. d., lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 520 . Arrested on April 10, 1938 by the Commission of the NKVD and the USSR Prosecutor's Office on April 28, 1938, sentenced under Art. Art. 58-9-10-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on May 22, 1938.

17. Makhov Aleksey Fedorovich, born in 1903, native of the village of Yeremeitsevo, Lyubimsky district, Yaroslavl region, Russian, member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1927-1938, wagon master of the Kirov Railway. d., lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 424 . Arrested on January 14, 1938. On February 21, 1938, a special troika of the UNKVD LO was sentenced under Art. Art. 58-7-9-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on March 1, 1938.

18. Okhotin Anatoly Dmitrievich, born in 1897, native of the village of Zakurino, Pestyakovsky district, Ivanovo region, Russian, member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1918-1937, deputy. Head of the Political Department of the Kirov Railway d., lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 631 . Arrested on August 7, 1937. On September 22, 1938, by the visiting session of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR in Leningrad, he was sentenced under Art. Art. 58-7-8-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on September 23, 1938.

19. Pavlov Vladimir Kalenikovich, born in 1895, a native of the city of Zhlobin, BSSR, a member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1918-1937, head of the locomotive department of Art. Volkhovstroy I of the Kirov Railway where he lived temporarily, permanently resided: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 533 . Arrested on September 15, 1937 by the Commission of the NKVD and the USSR Prosecutor's Office on October 1, 1937, sentenced under Art. Art. 58-7-9-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on October 6, 1937.

20. Panov Georgy Ivanovich, born in Dnepropetrovsk in 1898, Russian, member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1926-1936, early. All-Union Academy of Railways. transport them. Stalin, lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 308 . A special meeting at the NKVD of the USSR on December 3, 1936 was convicted under Art. 58-10 for 5 years ITL. He served his sentence in Ukhtpechlage. On December 28, 1937, the Commission of the NKVD and the Prosecutor's Office of the USSR was sentenced under Art. Art. 58-8-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on January 5, 1938.

21. Rytov Alexei Nikolaevich, born in Moscow in 1895, Russian, member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1927-1938, inspector of Raytranstorgpit-2 Oct. and. d., lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 314 . Arrested on February 14, 1938. On June 8, 1938, a special troika of the UNKVD LO was sentenced under Art. Art. 17-58-8, 58-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on June 18, 1938.

22. Smirnov (Vitchik) Fedor Andreevich, born in 1894, a native of the village of Maryino, Maryinsky vol. Novgorod and provinces, Latvian, non-partisan, chief fire brigade construction of the Palace of Furs of Lengorvnutorg, lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, room. 359 . Arrested on August 10, 1937. On September 3, 1937, by a special troika of the UNKVD LO, he was sentenced under Art. 58-10 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on September 6, 1937.

23. Sobol Alexander Nikolaevich, born in 1884 Builders of the Yampolsky district of the Vinnitsa region, Russian, non-partisan, deputy head of the traffic service of the Kirov railway. d., lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 503 . Arrested on August 8, 1937 by the Commission of the NKVD and the USSR Prosecutor's Office on October 1, 1937, sentenced under Art. Art. 58-7-9-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on October 6, 1937.

24. Fedor Illarionovich Startsev, born in 1896 Chernyaevka Bogoroditsky st. Tula province., Russian, from peasants, member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1917-1937, head of the consumer goods department of the aircraft plant No. 23, lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 716 . Arrested on November 1, 1937. On February 26, 1938, by the visiting session of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR in Leningrad, he was sentenced under Art. Art. 58-7-8-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. He was shot in Leningrad on February 27, 1938 (His wife Elena Iosifovna Gorelova was deported to the Pinezhsky district, where she was sentenced to 8 years in labor camp.). "

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