Interesting facts artist Prov Lvovich Sadovsky. Sadovskie


There is nothing superfluous in Russian. To simplify it means to deprive it of charm, beauty and meaning. And depth. It is very deep, our language. And imaginative. And if it is said - "hare", then it means a hare. And not a "hare" or "you can do this and that." Can't be like that. It can only be so!

I remember three attempts by "scientists" to simplify (reform) the Russian language in spelling. In the 60s, 70s (just about the possibility of writing "hare", etc.) and now, in 2009, when some colloquial forms received admission to spelling. For example, black coffee. All these attempts, in fact, are aimed at destroying the existing rules. Where does this lead? Where rules are broken, chaos ensues. We can observe this in all its glory in the whole way of our present life.

Attempts to reform the Russian language are a betrayal of the nation and people. To take away its language, or even to change it, means to deal a blow to culture, self-consciousness and pride. To simplify a language means to make it more primitive. A primitive language will make thinking primitive as well. As well as the behavior of a person who speaks such a language.

What does it mean to cancel the dash and ellipsis? Like, these are completely unnecessary punctuation marks. A dash is generally useless, since there is a comma. What is this nonsense? And after all, from the lips of scientists! The dash and the comma have very different functions. If the comma for the most part asks for a pause when reading, then the dash carries an emotional and semantic load.

The cat is an intelligent animal that...

The cat is a smart animal. Which…

Feel the difference?

In the first case, there is a simple statement of fact, allowing doubt.

In the second case - not just a statement of fact, but a STATEMENT. And, categorically, emotionally, not allowing doubts.

About the ellipsis in general, a special conversation. Here, offhand, the phrase:

The universe is infinite.

The universe is infinite…

And we froze for a while. Pause. Moreover, longer than with a comma. Moreover, the ellipsis encourages reflection.

How is the universe infinite? After all, everything has an end. It can't be. Or maybe?

Sometimes the ellipsis just breaks the sentence. The author deliberately leaves some understatement, again for the reader to guess what the author meant, but did not deign to say directly.

The ellipsis in the form of three dots also has a technical function. For example, we decided to reproduce a quote in the text. But we don't need all of it. And we cut it off by inserting into the text only the words we need from the quote. In this case, an ellipsis is placed before the closing quotes.

Visually it will look like this:

“Just living is not only the most important, but also the most significant of your affairs. Have you been able to think about your everyday life and use it properly? If yes, then you have already accomplished the greatest deed. Our best creation is to live according to reason. Everything else - to reign, to accumulate wealth, to build - all this, at the most, additions ... ”(Michel Montaigne)

Or we skip words in a long quote that do not carry a special meaning for the reader. semantic load. These words are replaced by ellipsis.

“Just living is not only the most important, but also the most significant of your deeds ... Our best creation is to live according to reason. Everything else ... additions and appendages.

Sometimes the text needs a listing. But it is so long that there is no reason to give it in full. Then, in a certain part, the enumeration is torn, and the gap is filled with ellipsis.

"Even numbers up to a hundred are 2, 4, 6 ... 98, 100."

No, you can't do it without the ellipsis. Without it, the Russian language will obviously become poorer. And whoever wants to simplify the language, depriving it of dots, dashes, spelling (albeit separate words), correctness of stress and other rules, is either a fool or an enemy. Fuck on them...

The text will become impoverished and crumble in phrases that do not express anything. And periods and commas are natural barriers, without which it is impossible to come up with a single sentence.

There is another sign that deserves attention - the ellipsis. What does it mean and where does it apply? How not to overdo it with dots, is it appropriate to insert them for more emotional text? Find out in this article.

What is an ellipsis?

The ellipsis is in the text. Depending on the language, it consists of three dots (Russian, English) or six (Chinese). Also, the ellipsis can be horizontal or vertical.

Interestingly, dots are used not only in writing, but also in mathematics, for example, when compiling number series: 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 100.

In this case, the ellipsis means that digits that can be deduced in a logical way are skipped. There are too many of them to prescribe everything, so several dots are put in place to replace them.

Sign history

It is impossible to name the exact date of the appearance of the ellipsis, which means its undoubted antiquity.

One of the first cases of the use of this punctuation mark can be considered treatises Ancient Greece. In them, the ellipsis replaced the semantic part of the sentence, which was already clear to everyone. For example, "Do not mind your own business, otherwise you will suffer!" could be written as "Don't climb, otherwise ..."

In Greece and Rome, dots in sentences signified incomplete thought. The same sign was used in records in Latin.

Quintilianus, one of the ancient thinkers, urged his compatriots not to abuse ellipsis, because because of them, sentences merged into one large piece of text that no one understood. This cry caused a lot of controversy: how to understand where it is "appropriate" to use a sign, and where it is not needed? How to use the ellipsis correctly and what does its overabundance mean?

The use of dots in Russian literature began in the eighteenth century with light hand Karamzin. He introduced the sign artistic technique to enrich the text. In prose, ellipsis denoted emotionality and incompleteness of thought.

After a while, this sign turned into ordinary life, the letters were full of dots, which means: the sign took root and "went to the people."

Ellipsis in literature

IN artistic text you can see ellipsis much more often than in non-fiction. The fact is that the dots at the end of the sentence mean the incompleteness and incompleteness of the thought, which the authors of scientific articles cannot afford. In addition, the ellipsis in the literature can:

  • Talk about the depression of the character. If the hero’s monologue contains an abundance of dots, then most likely he is saddened by something and speech is given to him with difficulty.
  • Ellipsis also denote thoughtfulness. Imagine: the hero is mumbling something, his speech is interrupted and incomprehensible. To accurately convey the feeling of such behavior, the author can write his speech in continuous text, separating the words with ellipses.
  • Dots can be used to convey understatement, to keep a secret, as in Greek manuscripts. This sign is able to hide behind itself what is already clear to everyone.
  • Dots are a sign open final. If they are at the very end of the book, then the author allows the reader to come up with his own ending based on the information already known.
  • In the speech of heroes, dots can also become a sign of intermittent breathing, difficult speech, and difficulties with pronunciation.

And that's not all. Since the eighteenth century, dots have firmly entered Russian literature and have acquired many meanings. It is usually not necessary to explain the meaning of this punctuation mark. From the context, it becomes clear to the reader what the ellipsis at the end of sentences means.

Terms of Use

There are some rules for using this sign:

  1. When writing an ellipsis, it is separated from subsequent letters by a space. At the same time, it adjoins the closing word: she was ... very beautiful.
  2. If the ellipsis is supposed to coexist with a comma, then it will "eat" it: I loved her ... but she was angry with me.
  3. If you want to write both an ellipsis and a question (exclamation) mark, then they are combined: really? .. Incredible! ..
  4. It is interesting to write question-exclamation marks with ellipsis: How dare you?!.
  5. Direct speech, where there is a dash after the sign, is not separated by a space if there is an ellipsis: - Did you know? .. - she asked.
  6. These punctuation marks in direct speech remain in quotation marks: She said: "I'm not sure ..."
  7. When using an ellipsis at the beginning of a sentence, it is not separated by a space: ...he came late autumn evening.
  8. In numerical series, dots are not divided by spaces: 1, 2, 3...7.
  9. When quoting an incomplete expression, the missing part is replaced by ellipsis: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the quotation, depending on where the text was cut from.
  10. If a significant part of the quote was cut out, then the ellipsis is framed by an angle bracket on both sides.
  11. If the quote ends with an ellipsis, then an additional period is placed after the brackets:

M. V. Lomonosov wrote that “beauty, splendor, strength and wealth Russian language It is clear enough from books written in past centuries ... ".

What does ellipsis mean in correspondence

Dots have passed not only into literature, but also into everyday correspondence. If your interlocutor sends you an SMS with a bunch of extra dots, then they want to tell you something.

So, what does the excess of ellipsis in correspondence say:

  1. Your interlocutor is dissatisfied with you, your words or behavior. Perhaps with the help of dots they want to shame you.
  2. An excess of dots may mean that it is difficult for the interlocutor to collect his thoughts, the topic of correspondence touched him.
  3. Your interlocutor wants his letter to be more mysterious and lengthy.
  4. Separately sent ellipsis can be a sign of confusion or unpleasant surprise.
  5. Another separate ellipsis can be deciphered as "are you serious?" or "I won't even comment on it."
  6. An ellipsis at the end of a message can be a sign of sadness. Pay attention to the general tone of the letter.

When to install and when not?

You should intuitively understand when an ellipsis is appropriate and when it is not. In the same case, if you are not sure whether to use this sign, it is better to refrain from it.

Remember, punctuation marks are like spices in a dish. No one will like too many seasonings, everything should be in moderation!

Let's start with what an ellipsis is. An ellipsis is a punctuation mark that is used in Russian to indicate pauses or incompleteness. It is important for any person to know why the ellipsis is needed in order to understand what the interlocutor or the author meant literary work and so that he himself can use it correctly in writing. What is the ellipsis used for?

Rules for using ellipsis

Schoolchildren are often asked to write an essay about why dots are needed. You can easily write an essay-reasoning on this topic when you know all the cases in which the ellipsis is used. That is what we are going to talk about now.

An ellipsis is used in a sentence to indicate incompleteness, interruption of thought caused by external interference or excitement: “He was beautiful ... But I cannot understand how such beautiful person to do such nasty things...”; "Maybe it will be worse for everyone, but I can't just leave and I can't just forget...".

The ellipsis is also used to indicate the continuation of an interrupted story or a missing beginning of a text or sentence: “Listening to him was insanely boring, and I was distracted all the time, but he did not react and continued his story: “... but these obstacles did not stop us, we must were to reach the final at any cost."

The ellipsis can also be used to indicate pauses during a sharp transition from one action or event to another, when thoughts, decisions, or unexpected conclusions change: “The sun shone calmly and joyfully, framed by approaching clouds, it was warm and quiet outside ... Suddenly , the sky in an instant dragged on, it got dark and thunder struck.

If you are writing an essay about why the ellipsis is needed, you can indicate that it is used in citation work. When using a separate sentence or its fragment, an ellipsis indicates the use of only part of the text: “The ellipsis is not just a sign that we use without understanding it ourselves, without noticing it, these are traces of words that escaped from the sentence, left it on tiptoe” - “ The ellipsis is not just a sign ... it is the traces of words that have escaped from the sentence, left it on tiptoe. To indicate the omission of a whole sentence or several sentences, an ellipsis with angle brackets is used, which is placed in place of the missing sentences.

Also, the ellipsis is used to indicate the intervals "5...8 months", "expected temperature +20...25 degrees"

Why do you need ellipsis in essays and exams? Checks your knowledge of why you need ellipsis, GIA (state final certification). Therefore, on the exam, it can be useful to use ellipsis along with other punctuation marks, it is especially important to be able to use it correctly when working with quotes.

If you are writing an essay on the exam about why you need ellipsis on the GIA, you can use it to emphasize unexpected points, add mystery and sophistication, without saying obvious things and conclusions, but replacing them with ellipsis, which gives the reader some freedom in interpreting what they read, as well as pausing before dramatic moments.

Now you know why you need an ellipsis, how and why you can use it. Use it right, write smartly and get high marks.


Many people have absolutely no control over the number of ellipses in their texts. Often people think that if you write a set of snippets of phrases ended with ellipses, you will get a text. In fact, a set of scraps is still a set of scraps: it looks sloppy, it's unpleasant to read, and it's completely impossible to get rid of the feeling that you may not have understood what the author meant.

Tschichold writes that sometimes "an ellipsis, like a dash, indicates that the author cannot accurately express a thought."
But it happens that the ellipsis is necessary, it conveys the nuances of meaning and intonation. The voice, as it were, freezes, holding on to one note, and before the point the voice falls silent. But only a talented writer needs these semitones, because if you use ellipsis too often, it turns into bad habit. (How vague this sentence would become if I put three dots at the end! I wrote what I wanted and could say, and by putting an ellipsis I would keep the reader in this field, sending him to look for other flowers. If I think, that he has already plucked all the flowers himself, it is impolite to send the reader in search.)
Some try to justify their ellipses with a need for self-expression; call it a "copyright mark" and fight for their right to choose their own punctuation for their text. I can’t even imagine what kind of garbage in the head makes people think that contradictory common sense and to all good traditions, the use of ellipses adds personality to their text. The term "copymark" is not a universal justification for meaningless punctuation; on the contrary, the author's sign must express something, and at least the author himself must clearly answer the question what.

It seems to me that when the use of ellipsis becomes a habit, vicious circle closes: a person ceases to feel the need to express himself clearly, each time resorting to the help of an unfortunate sign.

Let's talk about dots

What is an ellipsis in written Russian? This is a punctuation mark in the form of three dots, used to indicate the inconsistency of the text.

What are dots in messages in Internet pagers, in conferences and forums, when communication takes place by means of written speech, devoid of gestures and facial expressions? Our speech is the essence of the continuation of our way of thinking, and it does not matter at all how this thought is expressed, in writing or orally. All the features inherent in the oral expression of thought are also characteristic of the written equivalent of this process. Most often, in writing, reasonable people use the ellipsis for what it is intended, or to create a pause in order to add a bit of expression to the insipid text.

If a person even in oral conversation hardly formulates his thought, takes frequent pauses, each new sentence begins with a highly intelligent prefix "ummmmm ..." and stupidly smiles at the end of the phrase, in an attempt to smooth out the miserable impression made by his infantile and incoherent speech, this indicates a lack vocabulary this person and the inhibition of his thought processes. Or, if at the same time he often rolls his eyes up and to the side, also that this person is lying to you, improvising on the go.

The same is true for written communications. The excessive presence of dots in the text is, in fact, numerous pauses for the formulation of an elusive thought. It's also the same peephole in the ceiling when a person is lying to you. And if, at the same time, the messages are richly flavored with a bunch of graphic emoticons, used in place and out of place, then the picture is clear and complete. Your opponent is an infantile brake, who, however, really wants to impress you as an intelligent and ironic interlocutor, but, due to the limitations of his mental and oratorical abilities, cannot do this. Hence the unmotivated aggressiveness, and attempts to lie in order to seem better, and a ton of meaningless emoticons. If you have a couple of extra minutes, you can have a little fun chatting with him, but, in most cases, this time is better used for something useful.

It makes no sense to give an example of such messages here, a smart person will understand himself, explaining to a fool is simply useless.

1 Biography
2 Roles in the theater
2.1 Opera parts
2.2 Among dramatic roles



Prov Mikhailovich Sadovsky (senior) ( real name Ermilov; 1818-1872) - Russian actor and the founder of the famous theatrical Sadovsky family, who was considered an outstanding performer of roles in the plays of Alexander Ostrovsky at the Maly Theater.

1. Biography

Prov Mikhailovich Ermilov was born on October 11 (23), 1818 in the city of Livny. After the death of his father, he was brought up by his mother's brothers, actors Grigory and Dmitry Sadovsky. It was then that the actor changed his last name to Sadovsky. IN adolescence worked as a correspondent of roles for the artists of the Tula troupe, and in 1832 Sadovsky, at the age of 14, was accepted into the same troupe.

He played in the theaters of the province (in the theaters of Kaluga, Ryazan, Voronezh, Kazan). Mikhail Shchepkin saw Sadovsky play in the Kazan Theater in the troupe of P. A. Sokolov. In 1839, Prov Mikhailovich made his debut at the Maly Theater, where he ended up at the invitation of M. S. Shchepkin.

Contemporaries called Prov Mikhailovich Sadovsky a representative of highly artistic realism. One appearance of Sadovsky on stage aroused attention auditorium. The first roles of Prov Mikhailovich were played in vaudeville and comedies, dramas and melodramas. Critics noted in Sadovsky at the same time the features of several roles: a comedian, a simpleton, a character actor. Prov Sadovsky did not try to make the audience laugh, he kept himself serious on the stage and achieved this extraordinary comedy. Big success brought him vaudeville character roles.

In the 1850s, Sadovsky played in the plays of I. S. Turgenev, A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin, A. F. Pisemsky. The heyday of Prov Mikhailovich's satirical talent is associated with performances in the new Russian realistic repertoire, plays by N. V. Gogol and A. N. Ostrovsky. Roles in Ostrovsky's plays became central to Sadovsky's work.

In the late 1840s, Sadovsky became close to a circle of Moscow writers, artists and musicians, which included Ostrovsky. It was Sadovsky who introduced Moscow Society with the play "Our people - we will settle", aroused an interest in the work of Ostrovsky among the young part of the troupe of the Maly Theater. In the first 28 productions of Ostrovsky's plays at the Maly Theater, Sadovsky performed 29 roles.

He was buried at the Pyatnitsky cemetery in Moscow.

2. Roles in the theater

On various stages, he played many dramatic roles and several opera parts - musical and drama troupe have not yet been separated. It is impossible to restore the entire list of his roles. Only those that were performed in the Moscow imperial troupe are known, among them both roles in light, frivolous vaudeville, and in dramatic performances that require thoughtful in-depth analysis:

2.1. opera parts

    1846 - "Askold's Grave" by Verstovsky - Frelaf

    1855 - "Melnik - a sorcerer, a deceiver and a matchmaker", comic opera Ablesimov, music by Fomin - Thaddeus

    1865 - "Orpheus in Hell" opera-farce by Offenbach - Styx

2.2. Among dramatic roles

    1839 - "Filatka and Miroshka - rivals" Grigoriev 2nd - filatka

    1839 - "Love Potion", translated by D. T. Lensky from French. - Jeannot Bijou

    1839 - "Deserter" translation by D. T. Lensky from French. - Nat

    1839 - "Good and bad, and stupid, and smart" translation by D. T. Lensky from French. - Emelyan

    1841 - "Lev Gurych Sinichkin" by D. T. Lensky - Pustoslavtsev

    1843 - “We don’t keep what we have, having lost it with crying” Solovyov - Petukhov(for the first time on October 8, 1843 in the benefit performance of I. V. Samarin)

    1843 - "King Lear" by Shakespeare - Jester

    1843 - “Marriage” by N. V. Gogol - Anuchkin And Podkolyosin

    1843 - "Players" N. V. Gogol - Zamukhryshkin

    1844 - "The tradesman in the nobility" by Moliere - Jourdain(at own benefit performance April 19, 1844)

    1844 - "The daughter of a Russian actor" Grigoriev 1st - Ushitsa

    1845 - "Sneak" Kapnist - Hwataiko

    1845 - "Inspector" N. V. Gogol - Osip

    1846 - "Witzcoat" P. Karatygin - Razgilyaev

    1846 - "The Imaginary Sick" by Moliere - argan

    1846 - "Litigation" by Gogol - spans

    1848 - “Petersburg is good, but friends defeated” Grigoriev 2nd - Bezmerin

    January 31, 1849 - Molière's "Doctor involuntarily" (for the first time on January 31, 1849 in the benefit performance of M. S. Shchepkin).

    1849 - Molière's "Scapen's Deceptions" - Scapen(The website of the Maly Theater names a different production date: October 6, 1847 for its own benefit performance)

    1851 - "Give me the old woman!". Vaudeville V. I. Savinov (September 26, 1851 in his own benefit performance).

    1852 - Shakespeare's "Comedy of Errors" - Dromio of Syracuse

    1852 - " world exhibition". Vaudeville A. M. Krasovsky (October 15, 1852 in his own benefit performance).

    1853 - “Do not get into your sleigh” by A. N. Ostrovsky - Rusakov

    1853 - "The Groom from the Knife Line" by A. Krasovsky - Mordoplyuev

    1853 - "Morning young man» Ostrovsky - Smurov(for the first time in Moscow on May 11, 1853 in the benefit performance of F. N. Usachev).

    1854 - "Poverty is not a vice" by A. N. Ostrovsky - We love Tortsev(premiere January 25, 1854)

    1854 - "Do not live as you want" Ostrovsky - Agathon

    1855 - "Krechinsky's Wedding" by A. Sukhovo-Kobylin - Rasplyuev(premiere - November 28, 1855 in the benefit performance of S. V. Shumsky)

    1856 - "A hangover in someone else's feast" by A. N. Ostrovsky - Tit Titych(premiered January 9, 1856 in own benefit performance)

    1856 - "Provincial" Turgenev - Stupendiev

    1857 - “Festive dream - before dinner” by A. N. Ostrovsky - Neuedenov(December 2, 1857 at own benefit performance)

    1857 - "Picture of family happiness" Ostrovsky - Puzatov

    1858 - Gogol's "Inspector General" - mayor

    1858 - “The characters did not agree” by Ostrovsky - 1st coachman

    1859 - "The groom from the debt department" Chernyshev - Ladyzhkin

    1859 - Undergrowth D.I. Fonvizin - Skotinin

    1859 - "Litigation" by Gogol ( new production) - Burdyukov

    1859 - "Thunderstorm" by A. N. Ostrovsky - wild(premiere November 16, 1859 in the benefit of S. V. Vasiliev)

    1860 - " old friend better than the new two "Ostrovsky - Gustomesov

    1861 - “Own people - we will settle down” by A. N. Ostrovsky - Podkhalyuzin(January 31, 1861 at own benefit performance)

    1862 - "Tinsel" A. Potekhin - Pobedinsky(November 12, 1862 for the benefit performance of E. N. Vasilyeva)

    1862 - "Spoiled Life" Chernyshev - Delatorsky(January 22, 1862 in the benefit performance of V. V. Borozdina])

    1862 - Woe from the mind of A.S. Griboyedov - Gorich

    1863 - "Morning business man» N.V. Gogol - Badgers

    1863 - Ostrovsky's "Pupil" - Potapych

    1863 - "A bitter fate" by A. F. Pisemsky - Ananias

    1863 - "Sin and trouble does not live on anyone" - Krasnov(he played the same role in the 1867 production)

    1864 - "Jokers" Ostrovsky - Khryukov

    1865 - "The Taming of Shakespeare's Shrew - Baptist

    1865 - "Voevoda" Ostrovsky - Shalygin

    1865 - "In a busy place" Ostrovsky - Judgmentless

    1866 - "Abyss" Ostrovsky - Borovtsov

    1866 - "Self-governors" by A. F. Pisemsky - Mitrich

    1866 - “Himself in custody” by P. Calderon - Benito(October 28, 1866 at a benefit performance directed by A. F. Bogdanov)

    1866 - "The Merry Wives of Windsor" by Shakespeare - Mr. Page

    1867 - "Twelfth Night" by Shakespeare - Malvolio

    1867 - "Dmitry the Pretender and Vasily Shuisky" by Ostrovsky - Osipov And Shchelkalov

    1867 - "Tushino" Ostrovsky - Seitov

    1867 - Monsieur de Pursonyak Moliere - Pursonjac

    1867 - "Kozma Zakharyich Minin-Sukhoruk". Drama in verse by A. N. Ostrovsky (January 20, 1867 in own benefit performance)

    January 3, 1868 - "Vasilisa Melentiev" by A. N. Ostrovsky and S. A. Gedeonov - Prince Vorotynsky(January 3, 1868 at own benefit)

    1868 - “There is enough simplicity for every wise man” by A. N. Ostrovsky - Mamaev

    1868 - "Spender" N. S. Leskov (under the pseudonym M. Stebnitsky) - Myakishev(December 20, 1868 for the benefit performance of E. E. Chumakova)

    1869 - "Our people - we will settle" - Bolshov

    1870 - "Grandmother's granddaughter". Alteration from the French vaudeville by P. S. Fedorov (January 14, 1870 into his own benefit performance)

    1871 - "Not all cat Shrovetide" Ostrovsky - Ahov


    Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov, 3rd ed. T. 22. Belt - Safi. 1975. 628 pages, illustrations; 37 l. ill. and maps.

    Theatrical encyclopedia. Ch. ed. P. A. Markov. T. 4 - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, Nezhin - Syarev, 1965, 1152 stb. with illustration, 6 sheets. ill.

    Sadovsky family

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron

    Website of the Maly Theater

    Biography of Prov Mikhailovich Sadovsky

    A. N. Ostrovsky. complete collection essays. Volume II. Plays 1856-1861. M.: 1950. State publishing house fiction. 405 p., ill. pp. 391-392

    Theatrical encyclopedia. Ch. ed. P. A. Markov. T. 2 - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1963

    A. N. Ostrovsky. Full composition of writings. Volume II. Plays 1856-1861. M.: 1950. State publishing house of fiction. 405 p., ill. pp. 399-401

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