Small drama troupe. The troupe is what


“About the brilliant performance in the play “Mad Money” (January 31, 2019): The raincoat, moccasins, beige trousers Vasilkov, in the first act of the play, recalls bandits from the very beginning of the 90s, from small provincial towns. In the second, and especially in the end, he appears as a capitalist humanoid machine that requires sacrifices. The game is incomparable. Today, the day after the performance,

"Mad Money"

"On January 27, 2019, my husband and I watched the play" Devilry"based on the novel by Valentin Pikul. The performance went on for about three hours. But the time flew by like a minute, the director N.N. Gubenko approached the staging and staging of the performance so interestingly, informatively and amazingly brilliant! heroes.


« Dear friends! Thanks a lot for the pleasure! The performance is informative, fascinating, multi-planned and very timely! History develops in a spiral, and many events of the early 20th century are repeated today! Sometimes a tragedy, sometimes a farce! The acting is so mesmerizing that it seems you are just in that time, living with their emotions and experiences! Fabulous accomodation”


“On January 27, 2019, my wife and I visited the Taganka Actors Theater for the first time and were left under the most wonderful impression!!! Dear Nikolai Nikolaevich, we thank you for this production, we thank all the actors who played beautifully in this performance. I liked absolutely everything. Long and long applause! We sincerely wish you, theater actors creative success, grateful look "


“I really liked the performance! It is not entertaining, but it does not leave a feeling of hopelessness, like Chekhov, for example. The Russian people and its rulers from Peter the Great to the present day (the shooting of the White House and Chechen War- these events are too close, but it is already possible to comprehend them). History cannot be forgotten. Much of today becomes clear after being reminded of the events of the past. The scope of the performance is amazing "


Zrazhevsky Alexander Ivanovich - from January 1, 1935 to December 14, 1950

Zubov Konstantin Alexandrovich - from April 15, 1936 to November 22, 1956

Ilyinsky Igor Vladimirovich - from January 15, 1938 to January 13, 1987 (with a break)

Kaverin Fedor Nikolaevich - from 1918 to 1922

Kalinin Vasily Vasilyevich - from 1918 to 1922

Karataev Timofey Sergeevich - from September 1, 2008 to February 28, 2011

Karnovich-Valois Gennady Sergeevich - from September 1, 1964 to July 2, 1992

Kartsev Alexander Viktorovich - from September 1, 1901 to November 16, 1949

Kayukov Stepan Yakovlevich - from February 1, 1946 to September 1, 1952

Kenigson Vladimir Vladimirovich - from September 1, 1949 to November 17, 1986 (with a break)

Klimov Mikhail Mikhailovich - from September 1, 1909 to July 9, 1942 (with a break)

Kovrov Georgy Ivanovich - from June 1, 1934 to April 1, 1959

Komissarov Nikolay Valeryanovich - from October 18, 1946 to September 30, 1957

Kononov Mikhail Ivanovich - from August 1, 1963 to April 16, 1968

Konstantinov Petr Alexandrovich - from May 1, 1958 to October 2, 1973

Korelov Nikolai Ivanovich - from 1922 to 1924

Korshunov Viktor Ivanovich - from September 2, 1952 to August 31, 2011

Kostromskoy Nikolai Fedosievich - from 1918 to October 3, 1938

Kochetkov Afanasy Ivanovich - from January 19, 1978 to June 24, 2004

Krasinovsky Alexander Mikhailovich - from 1919 to 1922

Krichko Andrey Ivanovich - from 1919 to 1923

Kudryavtsev Nikolai Alexandrovich - from 1918 to 1922

Kuznetsov Stepan Leonidovich - from December 1, 1925 to April 18, 1932

Kulikov Georgy Ivanovich - from May 1, 1944 to December 24, 1995

Kumelsky Vladimir Vladimirovich - from 1918 to 1921

Kurshinsky Evgeny Valerievich - from June 1, 1992 (with a break)

Labush Dmitry Alexandrovich - 2010

Lebedev Vladimir Fedorovich - from September 1, 1904 to November 16, 1949

Lenin Mikhail Frantsevich - from September 1, 1902 to January 9, 1951

Lepshtein Iosif Grigorievich - from July 25, 1932 to April 4, 1954

Lyubeznov Ivan Alexandrovich - from September 1, 1948 to March 5, 1988

Maksimov Vladimir Vasilyevich - from September 1, 1906 to 1918

Markushev Sergey Alekseevich - from December 1, 1956 to April 30, 1990

Martyanov Mikhail Alexandrovich - since September 1, 2008

Martyanov (Mochenev) Oleg Sergeevich - from July 26, 1973 to September 30, 2018

Martsevich Eduard Evgenievich - from September 15, 1969 to October 12, 2013

Matveev Evgeny Semenovich - from February 15, 1952 to April 2, 1968

Medvedev Yuri Nikolaevich - from September 9, 1986 to July 20, 1991

Mezhinsky Semyon Borisovich - from March 1, 1933 to April 1, 1959

Meyer Vladimir Eduardovich - from September 1, 1922 to February 20, 1940

Mikhailov Alexander Yakovlevich - from 1985 to October 6, 2006

Morozov Alexey Nikolaevich - from 1919 to 1920

Myakishev Konstantin Mikhailovich - from September 1, 1960 to January 20, 1989

Narokov Mikhail Semenovich - from September 1, 1920 to November 16, 1949

From September 2015

Nosik Valery Benediktovich - from April 11, 1972 to January 4, 1995

Obolensky Georgy Yurievich - from August 1, 1963 to September 30, 2015

Ovchinnikov Alexander Yurievich - from August 1, 1973 to October 24, 1997 - from June 1, 2000 to March 12, 2002, from December 6, 2017

Podgorny Nikita Vladimirovich - from August 1, 1954 to September 24, 1982

Podgorodinsky Gleb Valerievich - since May 1, 1993

Rybnikov Nikolai Nikolaevich - from August 20, 1927 to November 16, 1949

Ryzhov Ivan Andreevich - from August 22, 1882 to January 11, 1932

Ryzhov Nikolai Ivanovich - from August 18, 1923 to May 12, 1986

Saveliev Vladimir Dmitrievich - from 1921 to April 9, 1956 (with a break)

Sadovsky Mikhail Mikhailovich - from December 10, 1937 to October 20, 1977
- from September 1, 1933 to April 16, 1969

Svishchev Ivan Sergeevich - from 1918 to 1922

Svobodin Nikolai Kapitonovich - from 1921 to 1924

Sergeev Gennady Dmitrievich - from July 16, 1946 to May 6, 2012

Skryapkin Grigory Nikolaevich - since September 6, 2005

Smirnov Arkady Ivanovich - from July 1, 1934 to August 7, 1991

Solovyov Nikolay Alekseevich - from September 1, 1918 to February 24, 1947

Solodovnik Dmitry Nikolaevich - from May 16, 1999 to October 19, 2018

Solomin Vitaly Methodievich - from October 1, 1963 to September 1, 1986, from December 1, 1988 to May 27, 2002

Since September 2015

Starkovsky Petr Ivanovich - from February 19, 1938 to April 1, 1959

Telegin Boris Vasilyevich - from July 1, 1934 to December 17, 1986

Filatov Maxim Igorevich - since September 2018

Filippov Roman Sergeevich - from August 16, 1957 to February 18, 1992 (with a break)

Khomiatov Anton Romanovich - from July 1, 1994 to September 2015

Khokhryakov Viktor Ivanovich - from June 20, 1953 to September 20, 1986 (with a break)

Tsarev Mikhail Ivanovich - from August 15, 1937 to November 4, 1987

Chernevsky Dmitry Dmitrievich - from 1920 to 1924

Shamin Nikolai Nikolaevich - from September 1, 1918 to October 1, 1957

Sharlakhov Viktor Petrovich - from August 26, 1953 to March 25, 1980

Shatov Alexander Pavlovich - from 1920 to 1924

Shtraukh Maxim Maksimovich - from November 25, 1950 to March 14, 1957

Shchigorets Oleg Vladimirovich - from October 10, 2011 to May 31, 2017

Elsky Nikolai Grigorievich - from 1918 to 1922

Yuryev Yulian Feliksovich - from 1918 to 1921

On November 19, 1987, the first premiere of the theater by the Small Drama Troupe (MDT) "Richard III" took place. This day is considered the official date of birth of the theatre. Three months later it comes out new premiere performance based on the novel by F. Dostoevsky "The Double". The first stage version in Russia of this work.

The theater troupe consisted of nine people, graduates theater universities Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga.
Since 1989, the MDT Theater has been a collective member of the international association "World of Culture". The members of the association at that time were D. Likhachev, A. Moravia, B. Okudzhava, Van Cliburn, L. Bitov, F. Iskander, L. Ortega, S. Averintsev and others.
N. Samvelyan was the president of the association.
The joint action of the theater and the association was the staging of the play "The Apostle" based on the novel by N. Samvelyan "Muscovy mysterious ambassador» about the pioneer printer Ivan Fedorov.
The premiere took place in the Rachmaninov Hall of the Moscow Conservatory.
The theater is a participant in all programs of the association - these are evenings of outstanding cultural figures, exhibitions, creative programs at the Moscow Conservatory and the House of Journalists, cultural events by country (Germany, Portugal, Spain, Holland, Greece).
The theater successfully tours the cities of Russia, Estonia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine.
Our historical milestones:
1988 - the theater is a collective member of the association "World of Culture.
1992 - a joint action of the Association "World of Culture" and the Moscow Theater "Small Drama Troupe" called "Art without Borders".
1993 - the theater becomes a laureate of the Drama Theater Festival in the city of Narva (Estonia). Here, the theater performance based on the novel by F. Dostoevsky "The Double" received 5 out of 7 prizes, including Grand Prize newspaper "Culture".
1994 - participation in actions to create a museum of the Pioneer Ivan Fedorov premiere performance"Apostle".
The main creative initiatives of the theater:
since 1998 - the initiator and one of the organizers International Festival"Golden Cockerel", by 2005 attention to the festival dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of G.Kh. Andersen, showed 15 participating countries,
Since 2000, with the support of the Department of Education of the South Administrative District of Moscow, the cultural and educational program "Education of morality" has been implemented, which is based on classical theater productions.

The theater is a participant in all programs of the association - these are evenings of outstanding cultural figures, exhibitions, creative programs at the Moscow Conservatory and the House of Journalists, cultural events in countries (Germany, Portugal, Spain, Holland, Greece).

Vice-President of the World of Culture Association, Academician G.A. Dubrovskaya, Artistic Director of MDT A. Titov, Paris

Theater productions:

A. Tolstoy "The Dealer", E.T. Hoffmann "The Nutcracker", N. Gogol "Viy", "The Night Before Christmas", W. Shakespeare midsummer night", N. Leskov "The Warrior", V. Voinovich "The Adventures of Chonkin" (first production in Russia), J. Poiret "Family Kend" (joint production of the artists of the Theater named after E. B. Vakhtangov and the Theater "Small Drama Troupe") , F. Sologub " petty imp" and etc.

Children's repertoire of the theater:

L. Ustinov "The Great Frog", E. Schwartz " The Snow Queen", J. Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino", S. Kozlov "The Singing Piglet", " Magic lamp Aladdin" ( oriental tale), T. Jansson "The Adventures of Moomintroll", S. Danilov "Tales of the Old Fox", "New Year's Orange", C. Perro "Royal Fun", etc.
The actors of the theater "Small Drama Troupe" successfully act in films at famous masters: G. Panfilova, K. Muratova, V. Khotinenko, V. Pichula and others.

The main creative initiatives of the theater:

Since 1998 - the initiator and one of the organizers of the International Festival "Golden Cockerel", by 2005 attention to the festival dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of G.Kh. Andersen, showed 15 participating countries;

Since 2000, with the support of the Department of Education of the South Administrative District of Moscow, the cultural and educational program "Education of Morality" has been implemented, which is based on classical theater productions.

What is a troupe? It would seem that the meaning of this word is known to everyone. But sometimes, in order to explain its meaning in more detail, we need to look into various dictionaries, find out its origin. For this purpose, we will need explanatory-phraseological, modern explanatory, Russian language, interpreter foreign words and possibly some other resources. There are many other sources from which we can learn what a troupe is. But this is if we want to delve into and deal with the origin and meaning of this word from a philological point of view. This article will focus on the theater troupe, its composition, the actors included in it.

What is a troupe?

This word refers to a permanent creative team actors, as well as singers and musicians. In Russian, a troupe is usually a group of a separate theater or circus. The dictionary of foreign words indicates that this term comes from the French troupe or the German word truppe. And it means personal cast a separate theater, as well as a society of itinerant singers and actors. If we talk about the theater, then such a group is assembled by the head, the director, based on what kind of repertoire his theater has. Often people go to this or that theater because of the beloved actors who make up its troupe. When you manage to create such a wonderful team, the theater becomes especially popular, and sometimes the transfer of one famous actor from one troupe to another can reduce this popularity.

Varieties of the troupe

Let us now consider in more detail what determines the character of a theatrical troupe. First of all, it is determined by the type of theater. Accordingly, the troupe of the theater can be dramatic, opera, operetta, ballet. There are several other varieties of it, depending on the typical organization of the theater. There are theaters that do not have a permanent troupe, and actors are hired for a separate performance. But in most theaters it is still constant. These are stationary, repertory theaters, although such a specification is usually not used. There is also such a name as a wandering troupe. This is the name of a group of actors who constantly move around and perform in different places because they don't have their own building. More troupes are associated with a patron, entrepreneur, or creator, and they are called by his name.

From the history of the creation of the first permanent troupe in Moscow

Empress Elizaveta Petrovna in 1756 issued a decree, after which they established Russian theater in St. Petersburg. Soon after that, a theater at Moscow University was opened. The students themselves become its actors, and it is directed by the director of this very university, the poet and playwright M. M. Kheraskov. The existence of this theater was short-lived, but later it was on its basis that the first permanent troupe in Moscow was formed. It consisted of dramatic actors, singers, musicians and dancers. For the first few decades after its creation, it was led by private entrepreneurs, and only from 1806 did the troupe go to the state account.

The theater troupe consists of artists who are selected according to the principle of the theater repertoire, its system, other creative aspects and nuances theater system. Most of the well-known theatrical figures, directors, actors believe that the composition of the troupe should be a conciliar acting brotherhood, with a pronounced command community. The artists who enter it must root for the common cause, be able to transform into a new character with each new performance, each new production.

Briefly about famous theaters in Russia and their troupes

Russia is famous for its theaters, the institutions of St. Petersburg and Moscow are especially famous. IN northern capital There are about 185 theaters in Russia, which have their own separate troupes. The most famous among them are the Lensoviet Theatre, Youth theater on Fontanka, Small and Big Theatre of Drama, as well as Mikhailovsky and Mariinskii Opera House s. The Mariinsky Theater is rightfully considered the most popular - it is a symbol of Russian theater culture. On its stage you can see the true masterpieces of domestic and world opera and ballet.

Its leader - And as for the Mariinsky troupes, both opera and ballet, they are recognized as the best in the world. The composition of the troupe of this theater is the most talented artists who have become world stars: O. Borodina, U. Lopatkina, D. Vishneva and many others. Business card Russia - undoubtedly the Great academic theater in Moscow. This main theater countries. Actors of the Bolshoi play a repertoire whose musical productions are considered world masterpieces.

"The ideal troupe is..."

What will they say famous people? Turning to famous actors, artistic directors theaters, theater critics with questions: "The ideal troupe - what is it? Does it really exist?", you can hear different thoughts about this. But for the most part, there is no clear answer to this question. Famous Mark Zakharov, for example, believes that the ideal troupe is different creative individuals, which are connected by a powerful internal energy potential. The troupe should include artists of different ages: young, mature, and even those who are already in the "overripe" age.

The popular actress is sure that the ideal troupes are created in students, at courses, in basements. Only that team can be considered as such, where people together experience one common cause, turning into real family, which even begins to breathe together. Theater critic Yuri Rybakov says that the theater troupe should be composed of necessary people. These should be versatile actors who can play both comedy and drama. The troupe of actors should be oriented towards the public and collect daily full houses.

But if you delve deeper into this issue, you agree with Mark Zakharov, who compared the question of an ideal troupe with the fact that we were talking about an ideal director, actor, theater critic, or simply perfect person. There is no such clear designation and cannot be. Therefore, the troupe is undoubtedly a team of talented artists who work together, delighting and surprising the audience.

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