How to draw a hedgehog. for older children


Photos, pictures and drawings of adorable hedgehogs for kids. His appearance differs from the appearance of other animals, and his harmless disposition is sympathetic. Toddlers like to look at how the hedgehog carries berries or - this makes it look like a person busy harvesting supplies.

And one more remarkable property of the appearance of a hedgehog: it is easy to draw even for children. younger age. Characteristics appearance (elongated muzzle, needles) make it recognizable, so the baby will be pleased with the result.

In order to be beautiful children's drawing, the hedgehog must be well studied. Therefore, the first thing we do is show children photos of hedgehogs and talk about their lifestyle. The kids are very surprised by the fact that hedgehogs actually do not like to eat berries and mushrooms, but prefer meat food - just like tigers, wolves and foxes.

From a natural image of a hedgehog, we smoothly move on to a stylized one. We show the drawings of other children made in various techniques- colored pencils with a simple pencil and paints. We pay attention to the characteristic details of the picture.

Coloring is also useful in this case, the hedgehog on it is drawn very clearly, and its contours are easy to repeat. For younger children, coloring work will become great alternative drawing. For those who will begin to create their own image of a hedgehog, we pronounce once again its main details:

  • needles;
  • pointed, light muzzle and light belly;
  • triangular, but rounded at the ends of the ears;
  • beady eyes;
  • short paws.

Before starting work, you can sketch with a simple pencil the silhouette of the hedgehog's body in the form of an oval, distribute the paws and make a few strokes that indicate the muzzle.

It’s not far from the hedgehog drawing to. It turns out to be colorful because you can stick various bright objects on the needles of the hedgehog and next to it - autumn leaves, mushrooms, berries.

An application can be created in two ways.

  1. If the child is still very small, prepare templates from colored paper in advance: a little body, a muzzle and paws of a hedgehog, grass and autumn "gifts" - mushrooms, berries, leaves. The child will only have to stick them on the album sheet.
  2. For older children, we complicate the work: we prepare all of the above templates from white thick paper and ask you to circle them on colored sheets, cut them out and glue them on your own. Here the child has the opportunity to show his taste by choosing different colors of paper for the picture.

Be sure to hang it in a conspicuous place; it’s good if there is a special corner for demonstration at home creative works. It can be done by fixing a sheet of ceiling tiles on the wall, on which it is easy to fix various objects.

But still, the main thing is the wave of positive emotions that the child will experience in the process of work. Such moments will remain in his memory for a long time.

Hedgehogs are widespread forest animals. Often, hedgehogs in the evening and at night can be found in the suburbs and garden plots. These charming little animals are very popular with all the guys, because they are distinguished by a good disposition and a very original appearance. To understand how to draw a hedgehog in stages, not only an adult, but also Small child. After all, in fact, this animal has a very simple structure. To better understand how to draw a hedgehog, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the photographs and illustrations on this topic.
Before learning how to draw a hedgehog, you need to prepare the following stationery items:
2). Black liner;
3). A piece of paper;
4). A set of multi-colored pencils;
5). Mechanical pencil.

If all those stationery that are indicated in the list are already prepared, then you can proceed to the study of the question of how to draw a hedgehog with a pencil in stages:
1. Draw the head of the hedgehog in the form of a triangle. Draw a body in the form of an oval to the head;
2. Draw an ear on the hedgehog. Draw the muzzle of the animal more clearly;
3. Draw a nose, mouth and eye on the animal;
4. Mark the needles on the body of the animal with light strokes. Draw the legs of a hedgehog;
5. In the needles of the animal, draw a couple of mushrooms, a couple of leaves and a raspberry, as well as a small apple;
6. Using the black liner, circle the image;
7. Knowing how to draw a hedgehog with a pencil, you need to move on to the next step - to color it. But first you need to remove the pencil lines with an eraser;
8. With a skin tone pencil, shade the nose, mouth and inside of the ear. Color the eye with black, blue and blue pencils. Paint over the head of the animal with brown pencils;
9. Color the hedgehog's legs with brown pencils;
10. Shade the needles with black and gray pencils;
11. With pencils of various and bright colors, color the leaves, berries, apples and mushrooms;
12. With light green and dark green pencils, paint over the grass on which the animal stands.
The drawing is complete! Now you know very well how to draw a hedgehog, as well as how to color it. Of course, to do given image colorful and bright, you can use not only a set of colored pencils, but also any other materials. For example, kids really like to use felt-tip pens for coloring, which have very rich and rich colors.

So hedgehogs. In winter, hedgehogs hibernate, and in summer they puff and curl up. If the hedgehog lives in the house, at night he catches mice with a loud clatter. As you can see, there is a whole carload of benefits from hedgehogs. So it would be strange not to draw hedgehogs to the delight of yourself and the children, which we will do.

Our hedgehog, oddly enough, begins with an electrocardiogram:

We draw on the sides of the ears ...

... and in the ears squiggles that are usually drawn in the ears:

Draw the head:

We draw a muzzle like a bunny, only without a mustache (if you still don’t know how to do it,!), And at the ends of a smile we make small serifs (that is, dashes):

The other day I was just asked how to draw a body. Here, please - draw a hedgehog tummy. Draw the body smaller than the head, it's prettier.

...and pens:

All that's left is the needles. Bang bang!!! We start from the hedgehog "hip joint" (where the leg grows from) and go in a circle:

“What the hell, why is he so skewed?!” “Yeah, and the needles are uneven!”
Now, if such thoughts have come to your mind now, call the child to the monitor, and let him say whether the hedgehog is cute or not. I don't redo the drawings for the site on purpose, I draw as it will draw, so I left it crooked. Everything is fair. And you, rest assured, it will turn out just as uneven - and there is nothing to worry about! Well, crooked and crooked, shoot us from it, or what? Most importantly, cute! :)

By the way, you can catch me lying: the hedgehog takes not the promised 10 seconds, but all 20.

And now the question from the IQ test: "Continue the logical sequence: bunny, cat, hedgehog, ...?" The correct answer is a cow. We will draw her next time.

It will be very easy for your child to draw a hedgehog. Only 4 steps from the first oval to the color picture. The drawing of this cute animal will cheer up both the adult and the child. But it will be more pleasant for a child to draw together with an adult, but independently. You can try to arrange a competition - who is faster.

Step 1: the initial contours of the hedgehog

We start the drawing with an oval. This will be the body of our hedgehog. Draw a circle on the back. This is a blank for an apple.

Step 2: Draw the Hedgehog's Face and Legs

We draw our hedgehog an elongated muzzle with a tip bent to the top. Add an eye and an ear. Now we draw legs. They are small in a hedgehog. And at the apple we draw a tail.

Step 3: Draw the spines on the hedgehog

And now the most crucial moment - we draw thorns and a nose for the hedgehog. Let's draw an eye and a smiling mouth.

Step 4: The Finishing Touch - Coloring the Hedgehog

In conclusion, we will paint the hedgehog with colored pencils, crayons or paints. We colored our drawing. It turned out a very cute hedgehog with an apple on its back.

If you are trying to develop creativity and the ability to draw in children, then you will have to learn how to make images not only of houses and vehicles, but also of animals. In this article we will talk about how to draw a hedgehog in stages and teach children how to do it.

First, take a suitable sheet of paper and drawing supplies. It is very convenient to use a simple pencil, and then apply colored or paint to create the desired color. The use of hatching with a pencil turns out beautifully, but not everyone knows it.

From this article you will learn

How to start drawing

In fact, it is not difficult to depict a hedgehog, it is enough to do it in stages. We always start a drawing by drawing a contour, outlining the main elements and points. Convenient to use geometric figures: circles, ovals, curved lines. For convenience, the first time you can use checkered paper, and make the next picture already on white paper.

As you can see, here is a simple outline, from which the body and head will then turn out. It remains to finish the eyes, paws, ears and needles.

Such a simple image can be taught to draw even children in preschool age, most importantly, before that, show them a picture with this animal or a cartoon. Show your child how to use a pencil correctly. It is better to take semi-solid, it does not leave strong streaks and is easily erased with an eraser.

Making the drawing beautiful

Even for children who learn to make images in stages, I want to make a beautiful and correct drawing. You can start drawing from the head, and only then make the body and additional elements, for example, an apple.

A preschooler will appreciate if the animal looks attractive and looks like a cartoon character. It is not necessary to use complex elements, especially for young children. The main thing for kids is to show and explain what kind of animal it is and how to depict it. The most recognizable parts of the hedgehog's body are the needles, they must be drawn. To do this, you can make a few straight lines extending upward from the body with a pencil. As a learning element, you can tell a preschooler why a hedgehog needs needles.

Drawing a hedgehog from the side is much more convenient and familiar, but it’s better if you make several options for the image: in front, on the side, in motion, among the grass, with a mushroom or an apple.

Animals from cartoons are especially popular with children, so the kid will probably ask you to draw a hedgehog from Smeshariki with a pencil. It is quite simple to do this, it does not require any special elements. If you want to draw it in stages, then first make a circle, draw needles in the form of triangles from above. In addition, we draw glasses for him and color them in desired color. It turns out a beautiful hedgehog, which is sure to please the baby.

For children, you can draw a contour with a pencil, which they themselves will then paint in the desired color. This will allow the preschooler to participate in the process of creating a picture and show creativity and imagination.

The hedgehog itself is usually painted in gray and brown tones. We make the eyes black. Traditionally, a hedgehog is drawn with mushrooms or apples, which he carries on needles, although in nature, of course, you will not see this.

Main stages

Thus, studying the process of drawing a hedgehog in stages, we do it as follows:

  • We mark the points.
  • We draw a contour, starting with the body or head.
  • We draw the main elements, remove the extra lines that we drew with a pencil.
  • We do hatching or use paints to make the image attractive.

How older child, the more items you can use. A hedgehog can be drawn among the grass, trees, in the company of other animals. Do everything in stages, explaining to the preschooler why you draw the way you do. Invite the child to repeat the lines or help by guiding the movements with your hand, so the preschooler will quickly master drawing.

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