Approximate analysis of children's drawings by design. Analysis of children's work


Good afternoon, dear readers! What parent doesn't want to understand their child better? But how to do this if the child has closed and does not want to talk? Use drawing! Most children love to draw. Starting from 4-5 years old, the child's drawings begin to take on a complete form and meaningfulness. But a careful analysis children's drawing can give a timely signal of what is bothering your baby. After all, children's drawings reflect emotional condition, psychology of the child, his thoughts and feelings.

And art therapy methods can allow you not only to notice the thoughts, fears and anxieties of the baby, but also to correct them in time.

Another huge plus is that each parent can do a psychological analysis of a child's drawing on their own. I'm not talking about in-depth analysis now, but everyone can highlight the main characteristics. Now let's analyze everything point by point.

Today's article was written by practicing child psychologist Valentina Danilova. If you still have questions after reading, please ask them in the comments.

Before proceeding with the description of the methodology for analyzing a child's drawing, it is very important to understand: only one drawing does not indicate the presence of a problem, it can only serve as a small wake-up call that the child is now more interested and worried.

Drawing analysis is a very subjective technique that speaks about the momentary mood of the child. Maybe he's tired now and that's why the drawing is just like that. Or he quarreled with a friend, so he draws anger and resentment. This does not mean that these feelings accompany him. long time.

And be sure to talk with the child according to his drawing. After all, as you know, looking at the same picture, people can see completely different things. Therefore, do not invent it yourself, but rather ask the child why he painted that way?

Parameters for the analysis of a child's drawing

The general plot of the picture. completeness

Is the drawing drawn schematically enough or deployed? If the drawing is schematic, then this may indicate the child's closeness, conservatism, or maybe fears of change. Or that he just wasn't in the mood to draw.

Or he was simply not in the mood to draw if it was on the instructions of an adult. Or he just doesn't know how. Children aged 3-4 years draw the image of a person quite schematically. Try asking him to draw at another time.

The more unusual the drawing, the more it testifies to the developed imagination and rich imagination of the baby. But everything is good in moderation. Permanent abstract drawings that have no connection with reality may indicate difficulties in real life child. Drawing your imaginary friends and unusual worlds, the baby can thus hide in his imaginary world.

Location on a sheet of paper

This indicator is usually associated with self-esteem and with views on the future (pessimists, optimists). If the main image is in the center of the sheet, then this may indicate a child's comfortable attitude, he finds a balance within himself, there are no unnecessary worries, he feels safe.

But if the drawing is depicted in the center of the sheet, but this big size, which occupies almost the entire sheet, then this may indicate increased self-esteem, sometimes even about egocentrism. The child feels in the center, but this is not enough for him and he wants to occupy all the space.

If the plot is drawn mainly in the upper part of the sheet, then many psychologists can interpret this as a desire to dominate, manage, control. It is also characteristic of people trying to get away from reality (well, very high from the ground). This is how dreamers paint.

Accordingly, the picture located at the bottom of the sheet may indicate low self-esteem. The baby may feel insecure, anxious, very dependent on others.

Conducting a psychological analysis of the drawing, pay attention to the side of the sheet where the image is located. The drawing on the right and left may indicate what is more interesting to the child now - the past (left side of the sheet) or the future (right side).

Usually the drawing on the left side of the canvas depicts introverts who see a lot of good things in the past, but beware of the future. They usually have a very well developed emotional sphere.

On the right side of the sheet, active, assertive, purposeful people place their drawing. Rather, their intellect prevails over their emotions.

The general mood of the drawing

Here it is important to try as objectively as possible to assess the mood that the picture conveys. For example, the image of a cheerful devil may not speak of fears and anxieties, but of a good high spirits, a desire to play pranks. But the sad sun will be evidence of the presence of sadness, resentment.

A calm plot - trees, sea, forest, kind animals - can speak of a peaceful state of the painter. The toothy mouth of a shark, monsters, a hurricane, will be evidence of the inner experiences of the child.

Important! If you have any doubts about the mood of the picture, it is better to ask the child himself. “Tell me, what did you draw here? Is it a happy animal or a sad one?

Line Analysis

How does a child draw? Smooth and slow, or fast and chaotic? Are the lines rounded, wavy, or sharp and broken? This parameter of a child's drawing is usually associated in psychology with the state nervous system: weak and inert or active and dynamic.

Very bright, confident lines speak of the child's self-confidence. If the lines are intermittent, fuzzy, then this may indicate fatigue, weakness, asthenic condition of the baby. If a child often crosses out, underlines, and hatches, then this usually indicates anxieties and fears.

Also here pay attention to the pressure of the pencil . Strong pressure characterizes people who are active, vigorous, self-confident. Weak pressure speaks of shyness, insecurity, fatigue, both physical and emotional.

If the pressure changes, then stronger, then weaker, then this can indicate impulsiveness. If the drawing is drawn with medium strength, and some particular part is highlighted with stronger pressure or underlining, or shading, then this indicates that it is in this part of the image that the child is most excited.

As an example: the figure of a female teacher is depicted, but her mouth is heavily shaded. The child says: “She has such a bright lipstick.” And an adult, looking at this picture, may think that the child’s verbal communication with this adult is impaired. Either the teacher raises her voice, or in some other way (she labels him, calls him names), she instills anxiety and uncertainty in the child with her speech: “Petrov, lazy, come to the blackboard!”.

The predominant color of the picture

It is possible to make a psychological analysis of a child's drawing by color only if the child was given a choice of multi-colored pencils. And it happens that in front of the child there was one simple pencil, he drew a drawing for them and carries it to his mother. And she immediately worries: “There is one black! Urgently to the psychologist!

Important! Do not be alarmed if the child has drawn a picture with only black or any dark pencil.

  1. Young children often choose black because it has a high contrast and looks better on white paper;
  2. Maybe he didn't have another pencil around;
  3. Or maybe it's just his favorite color now, which he associates with something good. Maybe he likes to look at the black starry sky.

The predominance of light and bed tones more often reports good location spirit, high spirits. If the image is dominated by dark tones, especially in combination with strong pressure and shading, then this may indicate the anxieties and fears of the baby.

There is also a characteristic of each color, which I will now describe. But, remember: it is not necessary to interpret only according to generally accepted characteristics! It is always better to clarify how exactly your child perceives this color: “Tell me, does this black look like what?”, “And what do you associate this red with?”.

It is also worth remembering that even different cultures colors are interpreted in different ways. It is generally accepted that white is a sign of purity and freedom. But in China White color- mourning.

Red is the color of activity and energy. But in drawings, he can often depict aggression and tension.

Blue is the color of peace and harmony.

Yellow is the color of solar energy and warmth. Can talk about openness, activity, curiosity.

Separate characteristic elements of the picture

Image of hands, and if an animal is depicted, then paws usually characterize the communicative sphere. And their absence may indicate the presence of difficulties in establishing communications. Or the hands are depicted schematically, and the palms themselves are hidden behind the back - this can also indicate timidity, insecurity in establishing contact with others.

Ears signal to us that the child listens and hears, or vice versa - does not hear and does not perceive new information.

Needles, horns- Signs of aggressive defense. Think about what the child is forced to defend himself in such a way?

Eyes can also say a lot. Empty eyes (without the image of pupils) can speak of inner emptiness. Did the child draw sketchy eyes in the form of dots or dashes? Alternatively, he forbids himself to show feelings. This can sometimes be interpreted as follows: no one should see what is happening inside me. If dark glasses or eyes are shaded in front of the eyes, then this indicates fears, a desire not to see reality.

If drawn fence- the child wants to isolate himself from something. Ask: “And what helps to close this fence?” The child will tell you everything.

Sun, stars, sky, clouds- talk about the dreaminess of the child.

Grass, houses, trees- talk about his desire for stability and order.

It is very important when analyzing the picture to take into account the age of the child! So, up to 4 years, as I wrote above, we can only talk about the motor readiness of the baby’s pen for writing and drawing. From the age of 4-5, you can already see the child's perception of the picture of the family, find out what topics cause him anxiety and excitement, fears.

And the identification of some personal characteristics of character can be analyzed using a drawing from the age of seven.

You can also check out detailed description methods of psychological analysis of the drawing on the example of the article "".

I think that I won’t be surprised if I say that children’s drawings also depend on the gender of the child. Girls in preschool and junior school age begin to identify with the female gender and love to draw butterflies, princesses, flowers, etc.

Boys at this age often draw robots, cars, weapons, warriors, some kind of battles. This is how they prepare themselves inwardly to become men. They search in the environment and learn courageous characteristics - strength, courage, courage. This can be seen from the drawings.

As a conclusion

If you decide to analyze your baby's drawing, please remember not to jump to conclusions. Drawings are best viewed in dynamics! If you see that certain elements persist all the time, then they are really important for the child.

And if today he drew dad at a distance, and a couple of days later he drew everyone holding hands, then this means that the first drawing was very situational - dad was at work at that moment (which is actually far away), and the child was waiting for him at home . And do not make hasty conclusions about the "cool" relationship with his father.

Every parent dreams of having the opportunity to look into the inner world of their child, into his thoughts, feelings, experiences. Sometimes a child cannot tell everything. And drawing is a great way to get to know his innermost thoughts.

You can assess the child's self-esteem, his fears. With the help of drawing, these fears can be worked out. After analyzing the drawing, you can understand how he sees his family, his place in the team and much, much more.

Watch the video " Psychological analysis children's drawing. Methodology for conducting an independent analysis in steps ":

Write, please, in the comments, and what would be interesting to know for you? It might be interesting to read an article on a specific diagnostic technique, which can be easily carried out by parents at home on their own?


Direction: Visual activity. Drawing.

Targets: demonstrates the ability to hear others, masters the basic movements, can control and manage his movements, masters the methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in various types activities.

Target: exercise in the ability to make sketches;
improve the ability to convey characteristics, specific
features, reflect them in the drawing;
educate interest in the work of artists, respect for their work,
creative self-realization;
promote a positive attitude in children.

Material: reproductions of paintings: I. Repin "Nadya Repina, the artist's daughter", B. Kustodiev "Portrait of I. Kustodieva with the dog Shumka", A. Venetsianov "That's the father's dinner", I. Glazunov "Verochka", A. Shilov " Mashenka Shilova”, group photo; pencils; 1/2 of an album sheet, a sheet of A2 paper, a diagram of a step-by-step drawing of a person's face, samples of a teacher - portraits of a girl and a boy.

preliminary work. Introducing children to portraiture, its features, with the fact that artists paint portraits using different materials. Reading fiction about professions.

Design of the spatial subject-developing environment of the GCD in the group:
-exhibition of reproductions of children's portraits,

fairy tale character- artist (surprise moment).


1.Basic approximate general education program"From Birth to School" ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva // 2016.

2. Comprehensive classes in visual activity / preparatory group, auth. O.V. Pavlova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2016.- 191s.

3. Visual activity in kindergarten(6-7 years old), GEF preparatory group. Komarova T.S.

Necessary game, educational and material, and aesthetic conditions were created for the NOD. GCD included the organizational part; main and final parts. All of them are united by a single plot - the game "Transformation into Artists".

In the first part - organizational - a minute of entering the "Friend" day was held to create game motivation in order to attract and focus the attention of children on the task, to introduce the topic. The duration of the first part is 4 minutes.

In the main part of the activity, cognitive, social - personal, artistic and aesthetic tasks were solved. For their implementation, the main activity of the preschooler was used - the game. As well as the following methods and techniques: game situations, art word, staging problematic issues, search tasks, visual aids, showing the method of action (step-by-step stage of drawing a portrait). used game method and an individually differentiated approach to teaching preschoolers to draw. The task of the teacher is to emotionally set up children for playing activities, to liberate them, to direct them in time, to interest them.

The children coped with the tasks of this part of the activity, they worked with desire and interest.

Creating a favorable environment emotional mood, ease, maintaining the interest of the children throughout the activity, organizing children: the ability to obey certain rules of behavior, independence, conscious discipline, activity of auditory attention, concentration when performing tasks - speaks of the quality of assimilation of GCD material by children.

The duration of this part was 18 minutes (at the 16th minute of the NOD, a physical minute “The wind is blowing” was held).

There are children in the group who are poorly prepared, since they did not attend preschool until the age of 5 and educational activities did not deal with them. With such children, it is necessary to use not only an individually differentiated approach, but to organize such a developmental environment so that the child himself becomes the initiator creative activity. We try to bring something new, diverse, developing and educational to GCD.

In the third and final part, the children's knowledge about the genres of painting, about an interesting transformation, was summarized. To maintain the interest of children further, it was proposed to cut out ready-made drawings-portraits and arrange them in a collective panel - general portrait group children. The duration of this part of the lesson is 7 minutes.

In the final part of the GCD - a reflection was carried out, a collective assessment of the activities of children, drawings. The material for GCD was selected at a level accessible to children, corresponded to their psychological characteristics and was rational for achieving the set goals and objectives. The children were interested. They were active, attentive, felt comfortable. All this is confirmed by the results of activity and reflection.

In general, directly educational activity has reached its goals, we are satisfied with the results of the activity. The only omission - not carried out finger gymnastics. All elements of the GCD are logically interconnected common theme.

This structure of the lesson is quite justified. Since each part of the lesson is aimed at solving certain pedagogical problems and offers a choice of adequate methods and techniques. The content of the lesson corresponded to the set goal and objectives. Activities at GCD are characterized as joint, creative, individual.

1. Verbal (questions to children, clarification, encouragement);

2. Visual and demonstration (stage-by-stage picture-scheme);

3. Practical ( step by step drawing portrait)

4. Game (a minute of entering the day "Friend", playing out the situation "Turning into artists" physical minute);

5. Methods of control (analysis of completed tasks, evaluation of performance results);

The following technologies were used in the GCD process:

Gaming activity;

Activity approach;

Developmental learning technology;

Almost all children are fond of drawing. For them, this is a kind of way to express with paints or pencils what he cannot say in words. Drawing makes children free, so they easily trust paper with their feelings. At the reception with a psychologist, the drawing technique for children is often used, as this is one of the reliable ways to identify what really worries or worries the child.

Of course, a child's drawing should be interpreted by a competent psychologist, because there is a danger that parents will get too carried away with deciphering and come up with something that is not there. But there is simple recommendations for parents who want to use a picture to determine the psycho-emotional state of their child:

  1. Invite the child to draw his family, give him enough paper and different pencils.
  2. Do not interfere in the process, do not rush and do not comment.
  3. After the child has finished, ask who he drew, what their names are, what they do.

Analysis of children's drawing:

  • in order: the sequence of appearance of family members indicates the attitude towards them young artist. Children usually draw their favorite or most significant member of the family first. If he forgot to draw someone, this means that the child has a strained relationship with this person. The child often depicts himself in the very center - which means that he is sure that his parents love him. Conversely, he feels abandoned and lonely if he has not painted himself at all;
  • by composition: if in the figure in the form group photo one of the family members is missing, ask the child why he forgot him. Such an incomplete portrait is a serious reason to think;
  • to size: the more authority the depicted person enjoys with the child, the higher and larger his figure will be. Rejected children paint themselves small, and spoiled children may not fit their gigantic image;
  • by distance: when there is peace and quiet in the house, all the characters are depicted almost close to each other. The closer the baby draws himself to one of the parents, the stronger his attachment to this person. Any object drawn between people symbolizes a barrier in the relationship between these family members;
  • by color: everything that is loved by the child, he will paint with warm colors. Express special affection juicy, bright color. If someone’s clothes are painted blue by a kid, it means that he is comfortable next to this person. If it is green, it means that this person is respected and significant for the child. Yellow will mean impulsiveness and a guide to action, red - aggression, black color signals the emotional rejection of one of the relatives;
  • by body parts: carefully traced facial features mean the love and importance of the parent for the child. If the author of the drawing singled out his face, this is a sign of narcissism or increased attention to his appearance, but up to 4 years such a drawing can be considered the norm. If a little artist portrayed the mouth of one of the parent too large, then perhaps this person makes a lot of remarks to the child;
  • if there is no mouth or it is very small- the character hides his feelings in life. Painted teeth speak of aggression. Characters with big eyes they feel fear, and with little ones they hide something. Long hands, as well as their complete absence, mean that this person is very domineering and psychologically puts pressure on the child. Short arms betray inner weakness. And if a child draws himself with his hands up, he wants to assert himself in the family, he lacks attention.

The smallest "artists" (up to 3 years old) draw seemingly meaningless lines and circles on a piece of paper.

A little later (by 4-5 years) the idea of ​​​​a drawing appears - mom, dad, animals, house. How he draws a person, what colors he uses - all this can give the psychologist enough information to interpret the child's drawing.

Specialist using baby psychological tests according to the drawings, can feel the mood of the baby, identify the cause of fears, catch the hidden tension and even serious problems mental development. Get an idea about state of mind crumbs can also be parents who do not have professional skills in the psychology of children's drawings. To do this, it is enough to ask the child to draw a family, providing him with pencils or felt-tip pens of all possible colors.

Psychology of creativity: what children's drawings say

Interpretation of a drawing by color

Take a look at the child's creation and try to guess what the child's drawing says by the main color. Psychology interprets colors as follows.

  • The predominance of pastel shades in the drawing(blue, pink, lilac) speaks of harmony and freedom of the individual. "Pink" babies are important tactile sensations, hug them more often, kiss.
  • The predominance of red indicates the openness and activity of the child. As a rule, such a baby is excitable, restless and often naughty. However, there is nothing to worry about, because it is only his idiosyncrasy. These kids are full of energy. As they mature, they will be able to succeed in life.
  • If the child's drawing is done in blue color , in psychology, this is a sign of balance. Such children are more calm and unhurried.
  • Green- the color of stubbornness and perseverance. Light green indicates the need for protection. Dark green should alert parents - the child lacks attention and love. Such children grow up closed, therefore, from a very young age, they need to be brought up with openness and instill confidence in security.
  • According to the psychology of children's drawing, yellow– the color of a dreamy baby with a vivid imagination and well developed imagination. Such kids love to play alone, while using abstract toys (various twigs, pebbles, etc.).
  • If a child draws orange sky, orange mom- this is a sign of excitement that has no way out. These babies are difficult to calm down, so it is better to direct their energy to help their parents around the house. It is very good if among these cases there is one that will arouse interest in the child.
  • Prevalence purple is an indicator of high sensitivity. This is a creative nature with a rich inner world. These are vulnerable children who need affection and encouragement more than others.

The predominance of dark shades in a child's drawing. In this regard, psychology says the following.

  • Brown: negative emotions, health problems, experiencing family troubles.
  • Gray: poverty, rejection, isolation.
  • Black: stress, threat, and even psychological trauma.
  • Dark red (burgundy with shades of black): depression, anxiety.

The predominance of these colors indicates problems with which it is better to immediately contact a psychologist.

Press on the pencil

Weak pressure speaks of timidity and passivity. If the baby constantly erases the lines with an elastic band, this is a sign of insecurity and anxiety. Strong pressure is evidence of emotional tension. And if the pressure is so strong that the paper is torn, this indicates conflict and.

Pattern position and size

The image at the top of the sheet is a sign of high self-esteem or daydreaming. The location of a small picture at the bottom of the page - emotional distress, low self-esteem, depression.

If the drawing turned out to be so large that the baby glued another sheet to it in order to complete the missing one, this is an indicator of an alarming state. Also, such drawings are often drawn by hyperactive children.

At the end of the article, we have prepared for you a checklist "Creative clutter in the apartment, how to control it!" Download it and you will not be afraid of children's creative experiments!

Analysis of children's drawing

Interpretation of a person's drawing in psychology is done by art therapists, psychologists, and social workers. When interpreting a children's drawing, it is important to take into account the age of the baby. People at three-year-olds turn out to be "cephalopods", this is normal. However, it is still better to judge the psychology of children's drawing from the point of view of the psycho-emotional state of the "artist" when the baby is 4, 5 or 6 years old.

Joyless faces in the picture or their absence, threatening facial expressions and gestures- may indicate the emotional distress of the child. However, experts reassure: it is not worth judging by one picture. It is a completely different matter when all the drawings of a child created on different days and months have a similar tendency to gloominess.

Analyzing a children's drawing, you should pay attention to its structure, comparing real composition families depicted on paper. For example, the girl Olya did not draw her little sister among other family members. There is jealousy younger sister, a feeling of lack of attention. The same is said if Olya draws her sister larger than herself.

If the baby has not portrayed himself, this is a sign of loneliness and a serious reason to think about family relationships.

Also notice in what order the child draws people. The character drawn first is the main one for the child. A family member, depicted sideways or back, in a tense relationship with the author of the drawing or in a quarrel with him.

During psychological decoding children's drawings, see what the family members depicted on it are doing. When they are doing something together, drawn close to each other, all this is a sign of family well-being. But the fragmentation of the characters speaks of discord in the family.

Children's psychological tests according to drawings

In their work, specialists often use children's psychological tests based on drawings for children, in which they ask the child to draw a family, the same girl, the same boy, or other situations. According to the drawing, the psycho-emotional state is assessed and personal development crumbs. Let's look at examples.

Psychological analysis of children's drawing with an example.

Download the checklist "Creative clutter" in the apartment, how to control it!

What is a "creative mess" - any mother knows, it is useless to fight it. How to help your child develop and at the same time spend less time cleaning? Follow the tips from the checklist and you will not be afraid of children's creative experiments!



Analysis of children's works on fine arts

The analysis should be based on the implementation of the program content of the lesson, the implementation of its main goals.

Works for analysis are best placed in a pre-prepared place. The questions that the teacher will ask should be varied and aim children at a specific answer.

The work of the same children should not be taken for analysis, as this can lead to praise.

When analyzing, it is important to emphasize the expressiveness of the solution, the beauty of color combinations, note the nature of the composition, pay attention to the drawing technique, and not only the task was completed correctly or incorrectly.

So, having given the children the opportunity to examine their work, the educator begins the analysis, using various forms of it. Their choice depends on the type of activity.

If, for example, the children had the goal of conveying resemblance to nature, then the analysis would be comparative. The questions of the educator should prompt the children to compare with nature, help to find out whether the structure of the object, its color, are correctly depicted, whether its constituent parts are depicted proportionally.

When evaluating subject drawings, the educator pays attention to the correctness of the image / shape, size of parts, structure, color /, imagery, the ability to convey a variety of poses, movements, etc.

In plot works, the teacher pays attention to the composition, to the expressiveness of the images, notes the manifested taste, sense of color, rhythm, and the ability to act independently.

It is recommended to start the analysis of works by design with the question “What is depicted?”, And then pay attention to the content, execution technique, decoration, design, etc. At the same time, it is imperative to emphasize the diversity of ideas. AT decorative works it is important to note their brightness, colorfulness, ability to combine colors, variety of compositions.

Analysis collective work you need to start with a general assessment: say how the children coped with the work, emphasize the ability of individual children to act in concert, help each other, the ability to independently distribute work. Then consider some interesting work.

In all cases, it is important to pay attention to the cleanliness and accuracy of the work, the ability to complete it on time.

Depending on the type of lesson, the following forms of analysis can be used:

  1. To give overall score lessons.
  2. Among the selected works, highlight two or three of the best and explain why they were selected.
  3. Arrange all the works in a certain sequence in accordance with the content of the topic. For example, in drawing

fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" the first work - the grandfather asks the woman to bake a bun, the second - the woman kneads the bun, etc. You can also find out which episode is not in the drawings, which of the 2 - 3 works is done better.

4 Offer to tell about any work you like.

5Offer to find a job similar to the sample.

6Tell about the work indicated by the teacher.

7Compare the work with the sample.

8Find two different jobs.

9Find similar works. Y.Find a job with an error.

10.Find a job with a certain error.

11. Find a job that shows creativity.

12. Find a job that shows creativity.

13. Find unfinished work.

14. Invite two children to talk about each other's work.

15. Invite one of the children to pick up nature, consider and find work by nature.

16. Offer to find nature at work / drawing, modeling, appliqué /

17. Select two or three of the most accurate work.

18. Find the most interesting drawing.

19.0 select works with beautiful color combinations.

20. Find a job with the most expressive samples / cunning fox, crying bunny, etc. /

This is not the whole list of possible forms of analysis. Their choice depends on the topic and program content of the lesson. AT calendar plan when disclosing methodological techniques, it should be indicated how many and what works will be taken for analysis and what forms it can be applied.

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