What lessons did Oblolov learn from childhood. Stolz and Oblomov: relationship (based on the novel "Oblomov")


Most the protagonist of the novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" spends his life on the couch. He is not tired and not sick, lying is his normal condition. Oblomov sees no point in getting up, businesslike or Savor he is not attracted, he pities his acquaintances, captured by the daily bustle. Oblomov is smart, kind, noble, but there is in his soul dark side, which the hero himself calls "Oblomovism". This concept includes invincible laziness, apathy, lack of will, gluttony, empty dreaming, spoiledness. Goncharov sees the origins of "Oblomovism" in the upbringing of the hero. The writer introduces a separate chapter in which he talks about Oblomov's childhood. Goncharov uses a dream technique: Oblomov, dozing off, seems to be returning to childhood. Let's try to analyze this chapter and find out how Oblomov's character was formed. Goncharov draws a detailed landscape of the "wonderful land" in which the main character grew up. The author lovingly describes deep Russia. Here "there is nothing grandiose", all elements of the landscape have soft and calm outlines. Nature seems to humble its elemental power in the “blessed corner”, the climate is even, the change of seasons occurs “correctly and calmly”. Against the backdrop of idyllic nature, there is no place for human fuss and passions: “Everything promises there a calm, long-term life to the yellowness of hair and imperceptible sleep. similar death» . Goncharov depicts the measured life of the landowner's estate in which Oblomov grew up. The hero's childhood passed during the days of serfdom, but the author deliberately avoids any mention of the horrors of serfdom. Everyone in Oblomovka, both landowners and peasants, live in contentment and peace. Time seems to have stood still here. They rarely even die in Oblomovka: “In the last five years, out of several hundred souls, no one has died ...” The most common “crime” is the theft of peas, carrots and turnips from vegetable gardens. The inhabitants of Oblomovka know each other and are afraid of strangers. There is a commotion in the manor house when one of the peasants suddenly brings a letter from the city. Only on the fourth day they print it out with fear and are relieved to learn that a familiar landowner asks to send him a recipe for brewing beer. Oblomov believe in signs and often expect trouble after a bad sign. The main concern of the inhabitants of Oblomovka is food. No one suffers from hunger, but they think about food all the time. Village abundance forces the landowners to make a “difficult” choice of food every day: “The whole house discussed dinner ... Everyone offered their dish... ”After dinner, a general sleep reigned in the estate, “a true likeness of death.” In such a "sleepy state" Oblomov grows up. Is it any wonder that he turned into a useless couch potato? Oblomov's childhood passed in an atmosphere of carelessness and idleness. Parents and numerous nannies took care of and spoiled the child beyond measure. Adults were only worried about the fact that the child was healthy and full. It never occurred to them that Oblomov would grow up unadapted to life. The age-old landlord way of life did not require practical skills from the master: after all, everything was always done for him. Oblomov early began to live a contemplative life. He saw that idleness was the normal state of adults, and he himself got used to doing nothing. The natural childish vivacity found its way out in the play of the imagination. Oblomov "passionately dug" into his nanny's fairy tales, and then gave free rein to his own fantasies. All this led to the fact that the adult Oblomov turned into a dreamer: "he had a fairy tale mixed with life, and sometimes he unconsciously feels sad, why a fairy tale is not life, and life is not a fairy tale." From early childhood, Goncharov moves on to school years Oblomov and remarks that, perhaps, "Ilyusha would have managed to learn something well if Oblomovka was five hundred versts from Verkhlev." But the boarding school where Oblomov studied was located near the parental village, and Ilyusha was constantly taken home so that the child would not overwork. In addition, the son of a German teacher, Andrey Stolz, often performed tasks for Oblomov and continued to help school friend in adult life

For most people, the warmest and most pleasant memories are sometimes associated with childhood and adolescence. At this time, a person learns to hold a spoon himself, tie shoes, read, write, learns a lot about the world around, tries to communicate with others. Parents explain to the child the concepts of good and evil, morality, conscience, blame or praise him. Thus childhood and youth play important role in the development of a person's personality. It is during this period that spiritual values ​​are laid down, the first conscious desires appear, knowledge and communication experience are accumulated, on which future life person.

A vivid example of the influence of childhood on the formation of personality is the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Main character works - lazy, apathetic nobleman Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

He does not get out of bed for a long time in the morning, rarely goes outside, prefers to think a lot, but do little. Soon from the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" we understand that the origins of his inactivity, laziness, apathy originate in early childhood. Ilya Ilyich was a curious, intelligent child who wanted to know everything about the world that surrounded him, but the measured calm life of the inhabitants of Oblomovka turned out to be a disastrous environment for the formation and spiritual development personality.

"...Perhaps his childish mind had long ago decided that this is how, and not otherwise, one should live, as adults live around him. And how else would you order him to decide? .."

Andrey Stoltz - close friend Oblomov. In the novel, he is opposed to Ilya Ilyich. Stoltz was brought up in strict family, survived hard times. He does not like to dream, thinks in moderation and does a lot, has a strong character, which makes him brave and courageous.

All these qualities were brought up in Stolz by his parents, or rather, the environment in which he was in childhood. As a child, Andrei received a “labor, practical” upbringing, early began to help his father in his work, and studied hard and hard. “... At fourteen, fifteen years old, a boy often went alone, in a cart or on horseback, with a bag at the saddle, with instructions from his father to the city, and it never happened that he forgot something, changed it, overlooked it, made a mistake .. ." Stolz's childhood, although difficult, was in the best way influenced his personality, brought up in him such positive traits like diligence, courage, self-confidence, discipline.

Childhood plays an important role in the formation of personality, as adulthood a person is largely determined by what he has learned on early stages of its development. Jan Amos Comenius said: “Only that in a person is strong and reliable, which is absorbed into his nature at the first time of his life.”

Updated: 2018-02-02

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In an extensive chapter, printed before the appearance of the entire novel, “Oblomov's Dream”, on which Goncharov worked for a long time and lovingly, like an artist on a cherished painting, the sleepy realm of Oblomovism and the process of slowly poisoning a child are depicted in all breadth. Oblomov this poison.

Oblomov in this dream sees his past life, pictures of childhood pass in front of him, he worries from the influx of memories and cries in his sleep. In front of him is a quiet village of his parents, around deserted plowed fields, in the distance a forest, an old landowner's house, a garden where he wandered with a nanny. Little Ilyusha, who has woken up in his bed, is dressed, he is capricious, already realizing with his childish mind that he is a "master", that the people who serve him are his servants, his property, over whom he can command. Various Vankas, Filkas, Styopkas are always ready for his services, who will rush to his instructions, warn his every desire, his every step. He is released from all the efforts and movements necessary for the development of his child's body, from all the cares and difficulties necessary for the development of the will.

Goncharov. Oblomov. Summary

The system of appeasing and serving the servants of the barchuk artificially paralyzes his will, his strength, his activity. It grows like in a greenhouse, protected by the cares of mothers, nannies and parents. He is forever wrapped up, guarded, guarded, suppressed in him all the explosions of childish gaiety and playfulness. He is frightened by all sorts of dangers that await him outside of parental care. The child gets used to thinking that it is safe and calm only in the sleepy house of his parents, and everything around is full of unknown terrible forces and dangers. He thinks with horror about the ravine outside the village and about the forest where wolves run and robbers hide. In little Ilyusha, they develop a fear of life, a habit of seeking protection from others and not relying on themselves. They also protect him from mental worries, mourn the need to teach the boy, in every possible way I persuade him not to bother himself and release him from lessons.

The concerns of parents are focused only on the physical side of the child's life. As if lined with cotton wool, in this stuffy greenhouse, he grows up as a lethargic, phlegmatic, lifeless boy, in whom the habits of laziness and idleness have developed eternal invincible fatigue and the need to lie down and sell himself to complete rest. The vital atmosphere that has been created around in the parents' house and in the whole village has an even more destructive effect on the soul of the child. Around him - eternal sleep, stupid animal vegetation, with the only worries about dinner.

Everything is frozen in laziness and slumber in Oblomovka. In the mornings there are only some signs of life, for they are preparing for dinner. But after dinner, Oblomovka falls into a heavy and stuffy sleep. Impressions of heat, silence, some kind of sleepy stupor draw the impressionable boy into a labyrinth of some painful, strange ideas and thoughts. Goncharov recreates these vague experiences of a child's soul with extraordinary psychological subtlety. That's when Oblomovka seems to be a real realm of stupid sleep. The silence is interrupted only by the delirium of the sleepers. They sleep, get up, cool off at dusk, drink tea, have dinner and go to bed.

And so, day after day, day after day, the monotonous and sleepy burden of this life drags on. No worries, no interests other than dinner and sleep. Occasionally they have fun playing cards or remembering funny episodes of last year's life. Calmly, epicly, like Homer, Goncharov portrays this swamp and the life of the people immersed in it, and the impression is enhanced precisely by this calm tone of the narration.

Oblomov's Dream, which recreates pictures of the hero's childhood life, explains how this type of Russian reality arose, how it developed.

"Oblomov" is one of three extensive novels by Goncharov, written by him with an interval of 10 years. It was first printed in 1859. This is the time of active search modern hero, a person who knows how to get along in the new world.

The protagonist of the novel is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. His childhood passed in family estate, he was always surrounded by the care of his mother and nannies. Now the adult Ilya Ilyich is a resident of St. Petersburg. It is in the apartment of the protagonist that the action of the novel begins. The situation in his house immediately declares his inertia. Goncharov creates a special type of character. Moreover, this type is not single, but generalizing, characteristic of the era of that time. The question that the author asks is - can such a hero take root in a new environment or is he doomed?

In order to see the origins and root causes of laziness, one should look at Oblomov's childhood. From the most early years Little Ilyusha is used to having cooks and servants do everything in the house. He was under the strictest surveillance. His every step was tracked: God forbid he gets hurt, catches a cold, hits, etc. Life in the village of Oblomovka flowed serenely, slowly and calmly. There was no place here violent activity and fussiness. Oblomov's childhood passed in earthly paradise, at least this is how he sees his family estate in a dream. is the key to unraveling the novel. Goncharov sees Oblomov's problem in his upbringing. Laziness was instilled in him from infancy. By the way, the author himself also had similar character traits. That is why contemporaries sometimes drew the parallel "Goncharov-Oblomov". Childhood (Oblomov and Goncharov spent it in family estates) was similar, love for "home neighborliness", a kind of idleness, lack of entrepreneurial spirit, apathy, unwillingness to change something in life - this is what the author has in common with his hero.

In contrast to Ilya Ilyich, his friend Andrey Stolz is shown. He is alive, energetic, mobile. associated with punctuality and pragmatism. For Goncharov, names were very important. After all, the name of the protagonist is symbolic. Ilya Ilyich - a reference to the national (Ilya Muromets), in (he has the same name as his father), "Oblo" - a circle. It is Andrei who introduces Oblomov to Olga, his failed love. Ilya Ilyich does not pass the test of love. He finds peace in the house of Agafya Pshenitsyna. They have a son, Andryusha. After the death of Ilya Ilyich, Stolz and Olga took him to be raised. researchers see in this the author's hope for the emergence of an ideal hero who combines the sincerity of Oblomov and the pragmatism of Stolz.

Contemporaries welcomed Goncharov's novel well. Childhood Oblomov, Oblomovka became key symbols. And laziness, apathy and inertia began to be called "Oblomovism". This is the subject of an article by one of the most significant critics of that time, Dobrolyubov. True, the author could not see anything positive in the hero. The revolutionary-minded Dobrolyubov evaluated the hero only from the standpoint of his social guidelines. Despite this, Ilya Ilyich is a pure, spiritually free, sensual nature. Oblomov's childhood proves his closeness to the people and to everything Russian.

In the work "Oblomov" Goncharov touches on the topic of common vices inherent in society in any era: laziness, indifference, unwillingness to change fate in better side.

The author describes Oblomov's childhood in detail so that the reader can understand the reasons that influenced the formation of his weak-willed character. Indecision made him a failure. The writer suggests that such behavior will not lead to a happy and rich life.

Guardianship of relatives

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov spent a carefree childhood in the village of Oblomovka. In the family estate, he lived not only with his mother and father. In addition to servants, many relatives lived there.

"He's pretty, chubby. Such round cheeks.

Was only child in family. The household fed the little boy with all sorts of sweets.

“The whole retinue of the house picked up Ilyushka in their arms, began to shower with praise and affection. He barely had time to wipe the traces of uninvited kisses.

Before the youngest Oblomov had time to wake up, the nanny rushed to him to help him get up and get dressed. Further, the mother hurried to her beloved son from the next room. The woman gave the boy tenderness, excessive care.

“She examined him with a greedy look, checked if her eyes were cloudy, wondered if something hurt.”

The boy understood that all his whims were instantly fulfilled. He turned into the same lazy, indifferent to all manifestations of human life, like those around him. If he tried to do something on his own, then those close to him suppressed all his aspirations.

“As soon as Ilya wants something, he just blinks - three or four lackeys rush to fulfill his desires.”

It was turned into an exotic plant, slowly growing in a greenhouse.

"All manifestations of activity and strength turned inward and withered away."

Sometimes the boy was overcome by an irresistible desire to run away from home, to lose the care of each of the household members. As soon as he went down the stairs, or ran out into the yard, several people were already rushing after him with shouts and prohibitions.

Agility and curiosity

Little Ilya grew up as an active child. When he saw that the adults were busy, he instantly tried to hide from their care.

“He passionately wanted to run up to the gallery surrounding the house to look at the river from a height.”

They caught up with him, and he again tried to slip away to the dovecote, into the ravine, or into the birch forest, where goblin and werewolves could be found. That's what the nurse said. It happened that she spent the whole day in turmoil and running after her pupil.

Oblomov grew up inquisitive.

“He will calm down, sit down near the nanny, look at everything so intently. He observes all the phenomena that take place before him.

He asks her why there is light and darkness, notices that a shadow forms on the ground from a horse harnessed to the reins, compares the sizes, realizing that the barrel is many times larger than the lackey carrying it on a cart.

Going out for a walk outside the yard, while the governess is hiding in the cold, the kid is closely watching the beetles, catching dragonflies, putting them on a straw. He will jump into the ditch, begin to peel the roots, eat them instead of sweet apples.

“Not a single trifle, not a single feature escapes the attention of a child. A picture of domestic life cuts into the soul, imbues the child's mind with examples, unconsciously imposes the program of the child's fate on the life that surrounds him.

The habits of parents and relatives who shaped the character of little Ilya.

In the Oblomov estate, it was believed that the craft did not ennoble a person at all.

“Ilya’s relatives endured labor as a punishment imposed on our forefathers, but they could not love.”

The boy's father preferred only to observe the servants and relatives, ask them about their activities, give instructions. Mother could talk for hours with the lackeys, the tenants of the house. She loved to be in the garden, to watch how the fruits are poured.

"The main concern of the family was the kitchen and dinner."

Everyone gathered together, vigorously discussing the preparation of dishes. This was followed by rest. “The house is quiet. It's time for an afternoon nap." A similar state took possession of everyone. Snoring and snoring could be heard from all corners of the house.

“Ilyusha watched everything.

Rarely does anyone raise their head, look senselessly, turn over in surprise on the other side, spit awake, slurp their lips, fall asleep again. At this time, adults did not care at all that little Ilya could be left completely unattended.

His relatives were always in a carefree mood, they did not strive to improve their life, but rejoiced at what was sent to them. Their lives flowed like a quiet river. If something broke down in the house, collapsed, then rarely was the breakdown repaired. It was easier for people to talk about christenings, weddings, beliefs associated with them. They discussed all kinds of recipes, went to visit, played cards. This lifestyle of loved ones left an indelible mark on the formation of the character and habits of the young Oblomov. Gradually, as the boy grew older, general laziness took possession of him.


Parents believed that learning to read and write is a very exhausting and unnecessary activity. They wanted their son to get his diploma as quickly as possible, without special efforts. At the age of thirteen, "father and mother sat down a spoiler for books." It cost them tears, whims and cries. He was sent to the village of Verkhlevo, to a boarding house.

The son did not have a special zeal for learning. When he came home, he tried, under any pretext, to stay on the estate as long as possible.

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