What foods to eat while exercising. Nutrition after training. Menu for keeping the body in good condition


Many beginners mistakenly believe that with the arrival in the store, you can safely forget about the need to monitor nutrition by starting (or continuing) to eat everything that is on the shelves of the store. In fact, food tracking is just getting started. The thing is that for high-quality and productive workouts, you will have to reconsider your approach to nutrition, in principle. Of course, the diet of a training person has nothing to do with a diet in its classical sense, but there are also rules here.


To begin with, I would like to say that you do not need to be afraid of the prospect of watching what you eat. This task seems difficult only in the first few weeks, while you get used to a new diet and a new approach to nutrition, in principle. The main doctrine of fitness nutrition is to watch what you eat. That is, the food that enters the body should carry values: not only in calories, but also in benefits for the body as a whole.

Now quite often you can find recommendations to remove certain components from the diet (for example, carbohydrates). This is wrong and can cause a number of diseases. For the body to be healthy, it needs all the existing elements. Just in the right shape right time and in the right products.

If we talk about general rules, the menu of a losing weight person should contain a limited amount of carbohydrates, and nutrition should be built on an abundance of proteins. It is worth emphasizing that this has nothing to do with, and does not mean a complete rejection of carbohydrate foods. It’s just that the bulk of carbohydrates must be consumed in the morning (vegetables do not belong to this category: they can be eaten all day), and in the evening, slowly but surely allow proteins to prevail. Eat fruits (except green apples and grapefruits) before five in the evening. And the last meal should be two hours before bedtime.

Make sure that carbohydrate foods are present in your pre-workout meal. It will give you strength for productive work.


In order for the training to have a result, it is necessary to establish a nutrition schedule. You need to eat 5 times a day, where three are the main meals, and two are snacks. Naturally, food should be healthy and healthy. For now, you can forget about chips, sweets and cakes. By the way, nutritionists advise to set aside one day a week and allow yourself to eat your favorite dish. Only without busting. This will make it easier to stick to the routine.

Purposeful physical activity that a person experiences at the time of training, even in home environment, even in the conditions of the gym, sooner or later lead to some result. And the latter will certainly turn out to be positive if such classes are regular, and the athlete complies with all the necessary rules. First of all, this concerns nutrition, because nutrients that participate in growth processes enter the athlete’s body with products. muscle mass, fat burning, development of endurance, flexibility and plasticity, increase in strength indicators. Unfortunately, few people, especially beginners, are aware of what basics should be followed in terms of saturating the body with food. However, this is easy to fix: to the rescue the real one will come material.

Principles of sports nutrition

To achieve your goals through practice physical education, first of all, take into account the information below.

1. It is strictly forbidden to completely or even partially refuse food during training of any intensity. Fasting, whatever form it takes, does not work for the athlete, but against him, because it depletes the body, deprives the person of the nutrients needed to correct body contours.
2. If possible, do not engage in amateur activities in the formation of your diet and diet. If you consult with a specialist, for example, a general practitioner or a trainer, you will eventually achieve the desired parameters in as soon as possible, and without negative consequences for your health.
3. Food should bring pleasure, and its reception should occur at the moment of the appearance of hunger. A meal carried out just like that, without appetite, “for company” or out of boredom will only be harmful, since it is fraught with aggravation of existing currently physical problems.

4. Nutrition is a very important and responsible process for everyone, and for an athlete in the first place. Therefore, it is necessary to show concentration at the time of meals, concentrate on what is happening, on the aroma and taste of food, on chewing it. There shouldn't be any distractions. Thus, you will avoid disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and satisfy your hunger with a small portion.
5. The real enemies of an athlete are overeating and eating on the run. Both are strongly recommended to be excluded from your lifestyle.
6. You need to eat often, but little by little. The best option is 4-5 meals a day. Before going to bed, it is advisable to drink a low-calorie and at the same time healthy drink. It could be green tea without sugar with low-fat milk, a glass of fat-free kefir or yogurt without fruit additives. You can also drink pomegranate, apple, pineapple or grapefruit juice with a couple of breads without salt.
7. The interval between meals should not exceed three hours. This will help you avoid the feeling of intense hunger during breaks and excess energy, and striving to go into body fat.

The principles listed above form the basis on which to rely, setting out to satisfy the feeling of hunger from now on in accordance with the rules of sports.

Calorie control

He plays very significant role in athlete nutrition. The recommended caloric content of the food consumed by an athlete depends directly on the level of intensity of a particular sport. For example, for fast running and swimming, this indicator will be much higher than for aerobics, tennis, badminton and rowing machine operation.

Before each workout, you need to eat food, because you need energy and strength for its implementation. Eat should be an hour before the upcoming load. The calorie content of a serving should not exceed 200 kcal, its composition is formed from a small amount of carbohydrates, and with high-intensity training, also proteins. During sports, as a rule, they do not eat, but it is allowed to eat a little nuts or dried fruits. At the end of the workout, it is simply necessary to organize a meal - to restore the spent energy. The chemical content of a serving: amino acids, micro and macro elements, vitamins.

You should be informed about the approximate number of calories burned and consumed by you per day. In order to lose weight, eat food whose calorie content is less than spent by 5-10%. If you want to gain muscle mass - on the contrary, eat food whose announced indicator exceeds the number of calories consumed by your body by 5-10%.

The composition of the diet for an athlete

The next question that arises in the mind of an athlete who wants to make the process of eating his reliable assistant is this: what can I eat? Although sports nutrition and has some analogies with the diet, yet it is characterized by a somewhat richer assortment of permitted products.

An athlete can safely eat any vegetables, herbs, most fruits, since his body needs regular saturation with vitamins and minerals. From herbal products You should also include nuts and vegetable oils(olive, sunflower, corn, linseed), as they contain polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are excellent antioxidants, and beneficial amino acids, respectively, needed for muscle growth. In addition, these two types of food give the athlete's body energy.

Do not ignore herbal extracts such as green coffee, ginseng, eleutherococcus, Schisandra chinensis. They belong to adaptogens and give the will to win, provide a surge of strength, increase tone. An athlete will definitely need food products called hepaprotectors and immunodulators. The former protect the liver from damage that it can undergo during strength training. Examples of effective natural hepaprotectors are artichoke, fumes and the well-known milk thistle. The latter activate the immune system, and therefore have a positive effect on the endurance and strength of the athlete. Excellent immunodulators are citrus fruits, papaya, spinach, echinacea, licorice root. Also mandatory for use by persons practicing sports training, cereals.

Now about products of animal origin in the diet of an athlete. Do not give up meat: boiled, stewed or baked rabbit, turkey, chicken meat will be appropriate on the menu, in other words, its dietary types. Include in your diet any fish, chicken and quail eggs are sources of calcium, phosphorus, complete protein and vitamin E. Skimmed milk and dairy products(already mentioned above kefir, yogurt, as well as cheeses, low-fat cottage cheese) will also saturate the body with essential minerals, vitamins and amino acids.

Rejoice, sweet tooth: playing sports is not a hindrance to enjoying your favorite desserts! You are allowed to enjoy bitter chocolate, creamy, moderately fatty ice cream and fruit and berry jellies from time to time.

The athlete must drink a lot. He should drink at least 8 glasses of pure table water per day. This should be done before and after training, at the time of playing sports only in case of emergency and little by little, in small sips.

The athlete should exclude pastries from his menu, especially rich ones. This also applies to bread and loaves. Do not take into account only products made from wholemeal flour and bran. Pasta from soft wheat varieties is also impossible for an athlete. Sweets are banned. Chocolates, caramel, cakes, pastries, milk chocolate, tea and coffee with sugar - all this will have to be forgotten. But rest assured, it's worth it!

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If you decide to visit Gym in order to simply bring the body back to normal and not expect huge physical activity, then by by and large You don't have to make big changes to your diet. However, there are a number of products that must be present in your daily menu to keep the balance of vitamins, minerals, amino acids…

What foods to include in the menu when exercising in the gym?

In order for nutrition to be balanced and beneficial, especially with increased loads, it is necessary to find out what and what foods can give us in terms of benefits. So:

To replenish the body with the necessary amino acids, we introduce meat and fish into the mandatory diet.
Vegetables and fruits will help replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals, but you need to be careful with carbohydrates. Not all carbohydrates will be useful to the body ...

Buns and cakes - this is not at all what we need. To get healthy carbohydrates from various types of pastries and breads, choose wholemeal flour products, as well as oatmeal cookies, all kinds of fruit mousses, milk and fruit jelly, various dried fruits ...

You can also use ready-made products under the brand name "fitness", which are specially designed for people involved in sports.

Particular attention should be paid to the drinking regimen. It is not forbidden to drink a lot of liquid, but juices, milk, tea and coffee will never replace ordinary clean water.

Sample menu for training in the gym

Those who have been attending the gym for more than a year have, of course, developed an acceptable diet for them and compiling a menu is not difficult. However, at first, beginners need help, so this section will be for them in the form of a cheat sheet, based on which you can create your own menu ...

Let's make a reservation right away: we forget about delicious and hot white bread, rich rolls, chocolates, cakes and butter. However, there is one joyful moment - bitter chocolate is allowed, which will not harm your health and figure.

Now about what dishes can be included in the menu for every day.

Menu for those who want to lose weight quickly

Breakfast: oatmeal dipped in milk or oatmeal, or any cereal porridge under the brand name "fitness" + a couple of cookies + coffee with sugar.

Dinner: light soup chicken broth with vegetables + vegetable salad+ small piece boiled meat+ fruits.

Afternoon snack: natural yogurt or tea with oatmeal cookies + fruit.

Dinner: cottage cheese with milk or casserole + wholemeal cake + tea.

Menu for keeping the body in good condition

First breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese 200 gr. + apple or orange + tea with milk + a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal (dry).

Lunch: 1 glass of kefir + cottage cheese 100 gr. + apple or orange + a small piece (50g.) of hard cheese.

Dinner: boiled meat or fish 250 gr. + pasta + greens.

Afternoon snack: introduce into the diet what you have not eaten during the day. For example, vegetable salad, eggs, yogurt, fresh fruit…

After training: cabbage salad with cucumber and herbs + meat or fish 200g.

Before bedtime: 1 glass of kefir or green tea with milk.

Menu for those who want to build muscle (5-6 meals a day)

First breakfast: 3-4 eggs + 100 gr. Oatmeal (porridge, cereal, cookies) + coffee.

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