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Cooking dishes from pasta, noodles, vermicelli is simple, requires a little work and time. However, pasta must be able to cook correctly. There are several cooking methods, and with each method, the ratio of water and pasta may be different. Today we will talk about how to cook long pasta, how long to cook pasta and what cooking method to choose so that they do not stick together.


  • Pasta
  • Butter or vegetable oil

How to cook

For cooking pasta, it is better to take thick-walled dishes, without filling it to the brim. Cooking pasta should be spacious, so for every 100 g of pasta, you need to take 1 liter of water.

Bring water to a boil. Before lowering the pasta into boiling water, salt it, and salt should be done when the water begins to boil. If you add a little milk to boiling water or meat broth, the pasta will be tastier.

Drop pasta into boiling water. Immerse long pasta in water without breaking, leaving the ends sticking out.

Then lightly press on them, and they will sink into the water as they soften. As soon as the boiling process is restored, reduce the heat so that the water boils without splashing out of the pan. Keep this mode until the end of cooking, periodically stirring the pasta with a spoon.

Cook thick pasta - 20-25 minutes, straws or spaghetti - 15 minutes, noodles - 12-15 minutes, thin, like vermicelli, products - 10 minutes. In finished form, they should not have a powdery layer at the bite site.

Drain the cooked pasta in a colander to drain the water (the broth left after cooking the pasta can be used to make dressing soups, puree soups and sauces).

Quickly transfer the pasta to the same hot pot, add oil.

And, closing the pan with a lid, shake (do not rinse the cooked pasta with water).

Pasta is one of the easiest side dishes to make and goes well with just about any meal.

We will give practical advice on the topic of how to cook pasta so that they do not stick together, and we will even describe how to cook pasta not only in a saucepan, but also in a microwave and a double boiler.

How to cook pasta?

Take a pot large volume, at least 2.25 liters. Then the water will not boil away, and the pasta will not turn into a sticky mass. Pour 0.5 liters of water into it and put it on the stove, turning on the maximum fire. Put about 10 grams of salt (optional).

After the water boils, lower the pasta. If you're using long pasta (like spaghetti), don't break it, just place it in the pot. After half a minute, the lowered ends will become soft, and you can lower them to the bottom completely.

After the water boils again, reduce the heat to a medium or minimum level. The water should only boil slightly. Do not cover the pan with a lid during cooking, otherwise the water will boil away and flood the stove, and the pasta will stick together. Better to leave it open. Be sure to stir the pasta during cooking so that it does not stick together and stick to the bottom of the pan.

After 8-9 minutes, check the pasta for readiness. They should not be too hard or too mushy. It is better to read the instructions on the package in advance, which indicate the cooking time, and follow it.

When the pasta is ready, drain it in a colander and let the water drain, placing the colander over the pot.

How to cook delicious pasta? Secrets of experienced chefs

  • While cooking, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the pasta. This will keep the pasta from sticking together while cooking.
  • Be sure to drain the water immediately after cooking the pasta. If using non-hard pasta, rinse it hot water. Some advise rinsing pasta cold water. In no case should this be done, as you will sharply lower their temperature, and they will rather stick together.

  • Dip the colander in boiling water first. This will prepare it for the hot pasta so it won't stick to the sides.
  • To give a special taste to the dish, put 50-70 grams of butter in the pan where the pasta was cooked and melt it. Then put the pasta back in and stir. Your creation will acquire a pleasant aroma, become tender, and will not stick together.
  • You can also mix the finished pasta with the sauce and reheat them for 1-2 minutes. So your dish will become even more juicy and rich.
  • Serve pasta fresh and hot. After drying, they will already become tasteless, and warming up will not help here. You should also preheat the plates on which the pasta will be served.
  • How to cook pasta?

  • If you cook spaghetti, put them on plates with special tongs, while raising them high. This way you can easily separate one portion from another.
  • Pasta is best served with sauce. Italian pasta is considered a classic of culinary art. Therefore, it would be wise to heed the advice from Italy. Italians choose the sauce before they start cooking. There is an unwritten rule according to which a thick sauce (for example, cheese or cream with herbs and vegetables) is served with short and thick pasta. Long and narrow pasta is traditionally served with a more delicate sauce and seafood.
  • How to choose the right pasta?

    Macaroni is made from various kinds raw materials, including rice, buckwheat and even beans. The most common, of course, pasta made from flour. But even here there are some peculiarities.

    Group A (or higher grades) includes pasta made from durum wheat. Group B pasta is made from soft vitreous wheat flour. They are cheaper. To group B we include pasta made from wheat flour of the highest and first grades.

    The most useful are pasta made from durum wheat. They have the highest level of insoluble fiber, which improves digestion. And they don’t get fat from such pasta, as they contain complex carbohydrates. This can be judged by looking at Italians who have been eating such pasta all their lives.

    Recipe for spaghetti with broccoli sauce

    The energy value of such a dish varies in the region of 327 - 351 kcal. Poor quality pasta boils quickly. Therefore, before purchasing a package of pasta, make sure that they are made from durum wheat. Their packaging should read "di grano duro", which means "hard grain" in Italian.

    How long to cook pasta?

    Pasta packages usually indicate the period of their preparation, which may vary depending on the raw materials from which they are prepared. Usually it is 7-10 minutes. However, after 6-9 minutes of cooking, you need to check the pasta for readiness. They should not be rigid and should not fall apart.

    How to cook navy pasta?

    You can catch one pasta and taste it. Pasta and Italian pasta lovers prefer slightly undercooked pasta “al dente” (by the tooth).

    How to cook pasta in the microwave

    This option is very convenient for bachelors and working women. It is also convenient to prepare such a dinner for hastily in the office. The microwave allows you to set certain time, and she will inform you about the readiness of the dish. At this time, you can safely do other things.

    To cook pasta, place pasta in a microwave-safe bowl, add water and salt. The volume of water should be twice the volume of the product. Set the timer to 10 minutes and wait. It is advisable to take the dishes higher so that the water does not actively boil away in the microwave.

    Cooking pasta in a steamer

    This method is not only convenient, since you do not need to monitor the power of the flame and stir, but also useful. All products cooked in a double boiler become more saturated and do not lose their beneficial qualities.

    Pasta should be lowered into a container for rice and also pour water and salt. Usually, each steamer comes with instructions for preparing various dishes, where the cooking time is indicated. If it is not in the instructions, it should be indicated on the steamer itself. The optimal solution, as noted, will set the timer to 10 minutes. After cooking, be sure to also discard the pasta in a colander.

    Many people think they know exactly how to cook pasta. However, as it turns out, there are many secrets of their preparation. You just need to follow them, and then pasta dishes will be healthy and tasty ..
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Pasta has long been considered an integral part of not only Italian cuisine, but also the traditions of many other countries. Today this product is very popular, because it is served as a side dish with various sauces or used as an ingredient in other dishes. In any case, the taste of the final product depends on proper cooking.

Secrets of cooking pasta in a saucepan depending on their type

To properly cook pasta, you need to use a fairly simple formula - 1000/100/10. It was invented by Italian chefs and consists in the fact that 100 g of pasta and 10 g of salt should fall on 1 liter of water.

Pasta should be put in boiling water, which must first be salted. To prevent them from sticking to the pan, the water should be constantly stirred until it boils again. If you neglect this feature, the dish will be spoiled. When preparing this dish, be sure to take into account the type of pasta that you are going to cook - shells, spaghetti, spirals, etc.

How to cook horns and shells so that they do not stick together

To properly cook horns or shells, you should perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, adhering to the following proportion: for 1 liter of water, use 100 g of pasta.
  2. Put a container of water on the stove and wait for the liquid to boil.
  3. When the water boils, you can add salt, guided by the following ratio: 1 teaspoon of salt is used for 1 liter of water.
  4. Add to pot vegetable oil- 1 tablespoon.
  5. Place pasta in boiling water. Cooking time depends on the size of the pasta. So, small pasta needs to be cooked for about 7 minutes, it will take about 9 minutes to cook larger varieties.
  6. To determine the readiness of a dish, pasta is worth trying. If the paste has become soft enough, the stove can be turned off. If it is still quite tough, it is worth cooking for a couple more minutes. Anyway professional chefs I recommend serving al dente pasta.
  7. After that, the pasta can be put in a colander to drain the water. If you are using a low-quality product, it should be washed with water and poured with oil.

Ready-made horns can be heated in the microwave or in a pan. All kinds of sauces and herbs are used as additional ingredients.

How to cook delicious spaghetti

This type of pasta is usually cooked within 8-9 minutes after boiling water. To cook spaghetti, you need to put them in a pot of boiling water, which is recommended to be salted first. Lightly crush so that they do not burn. After a couple of minutes, stir and cook for 7 minutes.

Cooking time depends on the size of the product. For example, Barilla No. 1 spaghetti is called cappellini and takes 5 minutes to cook, while Barilla No. 7, or spaghettoni, takes 11 minutes to cook.

To cook this type of pasta deliciously, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Cooking spaghetti is recommended in a fairly large saucepan with plenty of water. To prepare 200 g of pasta, you need at least 2 liters of liquid. It should be borne in mind that for 2 servings of the dish you will need about 100 g of dry pasta, since spaghetti increases 3 times during cooking.
  2. The pot of water should be placed on big fire to bring it to a boil.
  3. After that, the water can be salted. So, in 1 liter of water, add 1 teaspoon of salt.
  4. Spaghetti put in boiling water. It is advisable to spread them out like a fan. If the paste is too long, it can be broken into two pieces. After a minute, the pasta needs to be slightly crushed so that it completely sinks into the water.
  5. Reduce heat to medium. The water should boil vigorously enough, but it should not foam.
  6. It is recommended to cook this dish without a lid.
  7. Ready pasta should be put in a colander and left for 3 minutes to get rid of excess fluid. To speed up this process, the colander can be shaken slightly.
  8. Spaghetti must be served hot.

If the pasta is planned to be cooked further, it can be left slightly undercooked. It should be borne in mind that the finished dish cools quickly, so the plates in which you plan to serve pasta must be warmed up in advance. Spaghetti can also be warmed up in a frying pan by adding a little oil to it.

How to weld nests so they don't fall apart

This is enough popular view pasta, which in Italy is called tagliatelle. They should be put in boiling water, then wait for it to boil again and cook for 5 minutes. Then the tagliatelle is thrown back in a colander and left until the excess liquid drains.

When preparing such products, it is very important to maintain their shape. To achieve this, the nests are laid out in a pot or pan. It is very important that they do not fit tightly. There should be room in the container for turning the pasta on its side.

To keep the shape of the tagliatelle, you need to fill them with water so that it closes the nests by just a few centimeters. Then the water should be brought to a boil and boil for the amount of time indicated on the package. Cooked nests need to be pulled out of the dishes with a slotted spoon and put on a plate.

To prevent the pasta from burning, you can gently move it with a fork. You can also put a small amount of butter in the water.

How to cook pasta in a slow cooker

To cook pasta using a slow cooker, you must do the following sequence of actions:

  1. Put pasta in a special container and add water - it should cover the product. You can add an amount so that the liquid covers the paste by about 2 cm.
  2. Put a little butter - about half a tablespoon.
  3. Select "Steam" mode. The “Pilaf” mode is also suitable for cooking pasta.
  4. This dish needs to be cooked within 12 minutes, so the timer needs to be set exactly for that time.

Features of cooking in the microwave

This option is especially convenient for busy people, because with the help of a microwave you can set the required time, and the device will inform you about the readiness of the dish. This time can be safely devoted to other things.

To cook makfa pasta or other types of pasta, you need to put it in a microwave-safe container, add water and salt. It is important that the volume of liquid is twice the amount of product.

Then you need to set the timer for 10 minutes and wait. The dishes should be quite high - this will help prevent active boiling.

How to cook in a pan at home

For this method of cooking pasta, you will need a fairly deep frying pan. Pasta must be poured with cold water and put on the stove. Very little water will be needed. Thanks to this cooking method, pasta can be cooked in just 4 minutes. This recipe ensures that the pasta is not sticky or soggy.

As additional ingredients, you can use various sauces, meat, vegetables. Ordinary pasta with the addition of chicken fillet and tomatoes is very tasty. To do this, pour the pasta into a dry heated frying pan and fry until they are browned. Then put butter mix thoroughly, add tomato sauce and sliced chicken fillet, which should be pre-boiled.

Add boiling water to completely cover the pasta. Be sure to add salt and spices. The fire must be reduced, cover the pan with a lid and simmer until the liquid has completely evaporated.

Do I need to rinse pasta after cooking and with what water?

High-quality pasta made from durum wheat is strictly not recommended to be washed. Water will wash away the starch that is on the surface of the pasta, and it is this substance that facilitates the absorption of the sauce.

Washing with cold water needs pasta made from soft wheat varieties. They can really stick together during cooking, so this procedure is a necessary measure.

Video: how long and how to cook durum pasta

To weld delicious pasta, you will need the pasta itself, water, salt, olive oil and bay leaf. Put pasta in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Drain excess liquid and drizzle with olive oil. More detailed instructions look at the video:

Making pasta is a fairly simple process. To end up with delicious healthy dish You need to strictly follow the instructions on the package. As additional ingredients, you can use various sauces, meat, vegetables and herbs.

How to cook pasta step by step video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand step by step process cooking.

Having all the right ingredients and using our tips from this article, you can cook this wonderful dish without much difficulty and (we hope that) with pleasure.

More delicious recipes:

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how to cook pasta how to cook pasta

What could be easier than boiling pasta in a saucepan? But very often, a catch lies in wait for hostesses: pasta (horns, shells) stick to each other, forming a lump of sticky mass. To prevent this from happening, you need to know a couple of secrets that will always allow you to serve mouth-watering pasta to the table, which keep their shape perfectly and do not stick together. I share the knowledge that my grandmother passed on to me. Take note of my step-by-step recipe with photos taken for illustration.

So we need:

- pasta (horns) - 150 grams;
- water - 300 milliliters;
- salt (sea or ordinary) - 1 teaspoon;
- butter - 15 grams.

How to cook pasta in a pot

Before cooking, you need to choose pasta for cooking. It can be any kind of pasta, such as: horns, stars, wheels, shells, and so on. Today I cooked horns, which my family loves very much.

Pour 300 milliliters of water into the pan and send to the fire. Turn on the fire at maximum power so that the water boils in a matter of minutes. After all, we often cook pasta when we need to quickly cook something and there is no time to mess around in the kitchen for a long time.

After boiling, add a spoonful of salt. I use sea ​​salt, which is also a source of iodine, which is very necessary for our body. This point is very important, because salt interacts with boiling water, so add salt only to boiled water.

IN salt water add horns or other pasta. Stir with a spoon and wait over high heat until the water boils again.

After that, reduce the fire to a minimum. Mix the horns well so that the starch that will stand out is evenly distributed in the water and the pasta does not stick together. Boil the pasta in the pan for about five minutes.

Then, turn off the heat and leave, under a closed lid, for another couple of minutes. Opening the lid, you can see that the pasta has swollen and increased in volume. It usually looks like this:

It remains just to throw the horns into a colander so that all the liquid is glassed. Rinse under cold running water to remove starch that can stick to pasta. The time for washing the pasta should not be long so that they do not cool down too much. After all, serving cold pasta to the table is not best idea. Therefore, you need to rinse for a couple of seconds, this is quite enough.

Return the pasta to the pan, drained of liquid, adding a pat of butter. Stir the horns until the butter dissolves and they become oily and appetizing. You can replace the butter with vegetable oil, based on your personal taste preferences.

The whole process proper cooking pasta takes no more than ten minutes, which is very convenient.

You can serve horns, stars, wheels, shells and other pasta with meat, cheese, ketchup, sausages and so on.

Knowing how to cook pasta, they will always turn out very tender and tasty. Bon appetit and let pasta always turn out perfectly!

My first attempt at cooking pasta ended in failure. I poured a large pack of pasta into cold water, put the pan on the fire and waited ... As a result, I got a viscous pasta mass stuck together in one lump, besides, this mass burned tightly to the bottom of the pan. I had to throw everything away.

Now I know how to boil and how to make them not stick together. Pasta is poured only into boiling salted water, and there should be a lot of water. Even if you decide to boil only 100 grams of pasta, take at least a liter of water.

Italians, experts in cooking pasta, advise adding a little olive oil to boiling water before throwing pasta. Oil is added to prevent noodles, spaghetti and other pasta from sticking together.

At the end of cooking, the contents of the pan are filtered through a colander, oil, sauce, etc. are added to the boiled pasta.

Cooking steps:


Water 3 l, pasta 400 g, butter 30 g, salt 1/2 tbsp. spoons.

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