Book: Maxim Gorky “The Artamonov Case. "Three generations of the Artamonovs



The novel "The Artamonov Case" was published in 1925. But it was conceived even before the revolution, at the beginning. 900s. This is attested by Gorky himself. In his memoirs about Leo Tolstoy, the writer cites next conversation with Tolstoy, referring to 1902:
“I told him the story of three generations of a merchant families, history, where the law of degeneration acted especially ruthlessly; then he began to excitedly tug at my sleeve, persuading me:
- This is the truth! I know this, there are two such families in Tula. And it needs to be written. Briefly write a big novel, you know? By all means!
And his eyes sparkled eagerly.
- …It is very serious. The one who goes to the monks to pray for his family is wonderful! This is real: you are sinning, and I will go to pray for your sins, And the other one, bored, money-grubbing builder, is also true! And that he drinks, and a beast, a libertine, and loves everything, and suddenly he killed - oh, that's good!
“The history of three generations”, where the “law of degeneration” acted especially ruthlessly”, “the one who goes to the monks to pray for his family”, “bored”, “acquisitive builder” - all these are elements of the plot and the initial sketches of the characters of the Artamonov Case ".
Later, Gorky, in a conversation with V.I. Lenin, told him about his plans. “An excellent topic,” Lenin replied to Gorky, “of course, difficult, it will take a lot of time, I think that you would cope with it, but I don’t see: how will you finish it? Reality does not end. No, this should be written after the revolution.”
Tolstoy saw in the plot told by Gorky, mainly religious and philosophical problems. The center of the story for him is the image. Nikita: "You are sinning, and I will go to pray for your sins." This is for Tolstoy "real". Lenin saw in the vital material that interested Gorky a deep and instructive socio-historical meaning. Lenin stressed that only a revolution could resolve the contradictions of bourgeois-landowner Russia. That is why he advised Gorky to carry out his plan after the revolution, when reality itself would suggest a solution.
Gorky did just that. He wrote “The Artamonov Case” in those years when history decided the fate of the bourgeoisie.
Chronological framework novels are defined by the writer very accurately. The action in The Artamonov Case begins, as Gorky points out, “two years after the will,” in other words, in 1863. last scenes novels date back to 1917.
During this time, the writer develops the history of three generations of the Artamonov family of merchants and manufacturers.
In an extremely concise form, with amazing skill, Gorky draws representatives of the Artamonovs' house - from its rise and flourishing to its collapse and death.
The head of the family and the initiator of the "case" is Ilya Artamonov. He is given relatively little space in the novel. His characterization serves as an introduction to the story.
A former serf, Ilya Artamonov is gifted by nature with energy and enterprise, and even under serfdom he becomes a clerk. After the reform, well rewarded, he comes to the town of Dremov "to set up his own business" - a textile factory. In Ilya are expressed specific features Russian bourgeoisie early period its development. He has strength, industriousness, iron energy, still not completely broken connection with the people from whose bowels he emerged, and at the same time he is cruel and ruthless to people.
Ilya Artamonov energetically invades the life of Dremov, whose very name symbolizes the sleepy life of a quiet and stagnant backwater. But with all the mighty integrity of his nature and the PREDATORY grip in the mind of Ilya Artamonov, the thought of the inferiority and even the doom of his work begins to disdain.

From the first pages of the novel, the author introduces us to the head of the Artamonov family, Ilya, who came to the city to build a plant for the production of linen. Once upon a time, a man worked for rich gentlemen as a clerk, where, after an excellent service, he was released and awarded a significant amount of money.

Ilya has three heirs, who are not at all similar in character to each other. The eldest son Peter is constantly thinking, Leshka, on the contrary, will be able to cheer anyone up, and his work is going well, the youngest was disabled since childhood, but he loved taking care of the plants.

Artamonov, the eldest, visits the headman and talks with him that it would be nice to marry his daughter Natalya to Peter. But Yevsey Mitrich refuses him. He did not like him, and the villagers are unhappy with him. Not only is he too smart, he is also going to build something, disturb the peace of their quiet life.

Soon Baimakov died, and before his death he told his wife that he was giving his blessing for the marriage of his daughter with Peter. Since Ilya was a charming man and loved women, he begins to show signs of attention to the wife of the late elder. Ulyana could not refuse Artamonov, the elder, and for some time they entered into an intimate relationship. But the villagers quickly learned about this case, and began to condemn Ulyana. But, the woman did not listen to anyone, because she was in love.

The construction of the enterprise proceeded on its own. Two daughters are born to Peter, and a little later a son, who was named after his grandfather Ilya. And Artamonov, the elder, dies from a rupture of a vessel in his head, and Peter continues the work of his father. However, his relationship with his son did not go well. Later, the family of Natalia and Peter is added. And it seems that their life goes on peacefully and amicably, but, suddenly, everyone will find out that his younger brother Nikita is in love with Natalya. He is even going to commit suicide out of hopelessness, but he is saved. And then he decides to take the tonsure.

Suddenly, Peter realizes that he doesn’t like doing his father’s business at all. Alexei was also his partner, but he soon has a girlfriend, whom he marries, and he gradually moves away from the management of the factory. And soon he dies, and his son Miron is legally married to a rich city lady.

Following the middle brother, Nikita also leaves for the other world. Peter leads a stupid life. He rejects his firstborn, brings Jacob closer, completely stupid and cunning. But it doesn't make any sense either. He leaves for Moscow, and dies on the way.

The factory becomes restless, the workers refuse to perform their duties. Pyotr Artamonov becomes bankrupt, and soon he dies.

The novel teaches that only together with a specific goal can one achieve high altitudes in your business. Disunity, envy and frivolous attitude can destroy your business that has been created over the years.

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Artamonov case. Picture for the story

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Gorky "The Artamonov Case"

Gorky "The Artamonov Case"

The novel depicts the history of the family. The duration of the action - the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries - has been brought almost to the present day. One hundred years is required according to the classical scheme for such a task (367) . History is introduced only in connection with actors; independent historical picture not in the novel.

The whole history of the family is accompanied by a janitor who is the same age as his father and outlives his grandchildren. He does not act, but only contemplates and remembers. The person who bears the function of memory is found in Greek tragedies. There, usually the eldest in the family is the personification of family memory. So, in Oedipus Rex, the shepherd and Tiresias know everything. The members of the clan themselves bear retribution, but they do not imagine a single picture. And only after the tragedy is accomplished, consciousness and memory begin to act. Gorky also gives people who are not aware of what is happening, but bear the sin, and people who bear the memory of sin. And since the novel is built, and quite consciously, according to the classical scheme, it, of course, cannot contain sociological moments. In order to carry out such a task, it is necessary to introduce epicness with a mythological admixture into the work. A sociological approach can give a picture of the life of only one generation, which will cover only 30-40 years. In "Foma Gordeev" the search is primitive, the picture is sociological, everyday; there is no history in it, and everything lies on the plane, and not in depth. In "Childhood" everything also lies in everyday life, but not all people are dissolved in it: grandfather and grandmother are almost mythological figures.

In The Artamonov Case, the bearer of sin is the old man himself. He is rooted in the family and in the business. The plant grows and distorts people. People want to break out of it, but the case sucks them in and finally destroys them. The janitor found freedom in abstract contemplation and abstract memory. Nikita went to the monastery, but realized that the monastery is a matter, the same negative force as the factory, and is dying outside the monastery. So at the heart of the novel is the organization and the struggle of people with it. In this sense, "The Artamonov Case" is consonant with "Boris Godunov". Here and there people and things; and all whom they draw in become impostors (368). There is only one way out: that is Pimen's way out. Pimen knows the sin of Godunov and the sin of Dmitry, but he stands outside the world. Outwardly, Tikhon is nothing like Pimen, but he also lives in the memory and consciousness that there is nowhere to escape from sin. So the way out is radical, in Russian: everything is infected with sin, everything that was created on earth was created badly. The only loophole is the image of Elijah. It depicts Lenin: sober, observant. Gorky heroized Lenin, but still skepticism remained, nevertheless - this is not it. In general, Gorky always said that nothing would come of October (369). The peasants are silent for the time being, but when they are convinced that no one will take away their land, they will unscrew the heads of the Bolsheviks. Which is good, Gorky doesn't know how to answer and doesn't want to. Only one thing is clearly stated in the novel: every organization destroys. This idea is made in depth and seriously: not only the bourgeoisie, which drank the blood of the workers, is denied, but Artamonov himself bled out, and nothing came of his family. Deeds make people slaves, freedom is only in vainness. Hence the dream of a naked man on bare earth.

The first third of the novel is very good and completely new in concept. The next thirds are the second edition of Foma Gordeev. Recreated in the first part folk epic; and Gorky managed to create something equivalent to him and without any stylization. best moment is a wedding. Gorky for the first time managed to approach the wedding as an everyday phenomenon. Before him, the wedding was given as a stylization of folk popular prints or from the point of view of the exotic, as in Melnikov-Pechersky. Gorky, on the other hand, has a full, serious image of the wedding.

In the first part, it is remarkably good, Alyosha directly asks for a song, but then he becomes smaller. From epic hero who let the red rooster go, he turns into a typical Gorky hero. Peter from the very beginning is depicted worse than Alyosha, but still he is a living person, and then - Foma Gordeev (370). The duality also affected the style of the novel. In the first part, conversations and reasoning characterize only the characters themselves. There is no agreement, disagreement, polemics with the author. And the face, and the deed, and the exploits of the heroes flow from their essence. Gorky only admires them, strives to manifest their lyrical and psychological depth. In the following parts, he already enriches the heroes with his thoughts, which in most cases are unsuccessful. Therefore, the style of the novel falls apart. With the departure of Nikita to the monastery, another world appears. Gorky, as it were, saw that he would not be able to endure the novel in the style of the first part, and in a different manner he would bring it to the desired end.

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The idea for the novel "The Artamonov Case" came from Gorky in the early 1900s. Then the writer spoke about the history of "three generations" of one merchant family, where "the law of degeneration acted especially ruthlessly." Already in these words there sounded a start to a wide epic canvas. Leo Tolstoy then said to the young writer: “... this must be written. Briefly write a big novel, ”and Gorky did just that.

The story “The Artamonov Case” is the story of the life of three generations of a merchant family familiar to M. Gorky. Without hiding anything, the author considered the Artamonovs as representatives of the class, their attitude to the “case”, based on a deep understanding of the forces that govern the life of society.

Two years after the will, the former clerk of the princes of Ratsky, Ilya Artamonov, with his sons and nephew, appears in the city of Dremov to "set up his own business: a linen factory." Critics spoke of the initiator of Artamonov’s case as a predator and money-grubber who retained from his peasant past “strong peasant strength, energy not yet wasted by a working person”, they emphasized in him “the mighty strength of the“ knights of primary accumulation ”, intelligence, sharpness, industriousness, energy, disposition to the workers. With the advent of the Artamonovs, strong, unused forces are pouring into the Dremov backwoods. They themselves measure the land, clear the place for the future factory with their own hands. The founder of the “case” Ilya Artamonov behaves assertively and confidently. He does not curry favor with anyone and does not seek anyone's favor. According to Ilya, he knew how to "break off" people without love. In addition, the text itself shows that Artamonov's attitude towards the workers was sincere. IN author's description says: "Ilya Artamonov becomes more and more boastfully loud, but he did not acquire the arrogance of a rich man, he simply kept himself with the workers, feasted at their weddings, baptized children."

Ilya was not only close to the people himself, he tried to pass this relationship on to his children.
His death is the beginning of the degeneration of the Artamonov family. “The wagon lost a wheel” - this muttering of the holy fool Antonushka after the fob with the body of Ilya, as it were, casts a tragic reflection on the life of subsequent generations of the Artamonovs. Peter does not have “neither a strong cry, nor assertiveness, nor labor enthusiasm, which distinguished his father. He does not like “business”, he is afraid of any initiative, endlessly returns to the thought of the meaninglessness, futility of “business”: “... all-day noise filled his head, left no room in it for any other thoughts, except for those that were inspired by business , the curly smoke of a factory chimney darkened everything around with despondency and boredom.

Peter is afraid and hates the workers, Tikhon, furiously seizes on Ilya Jr., commits a heinous murder and seeks to justify himself in his own eyes, referring to the fact that he only wanted good for his son, and the boy had a bad influence on little Ilya. Peter seeks oblivion in drunkenness, seeks to get away from black thoughts. He plunges headlong into debauchery, scandals, surrounds himself with comforters: “Recalling the stormy days of life at the fair, Pyotr Artamonov felt terrible bewilderment, almost fear; I could not believe that all this revived the memory ... "

We can agree with the opinion of I. Gruznev about Pyotr Artamonov, who, according to the critic, “turns from a sweet and simple guy into an owner - into a criminal, drunken and licentious creature.

Nikita Artamonov in Gorky's story appears as one of the people "wandering in the dark." His original intention, approved by L. Tolstoy, was not particularly new. In Rus', it happened that the rich refused capital and became monks. But the motives pushing for such actions were by no means always reduced to a religious need to atone for sins, but were rooted much deeper, in a crisis of worldview. Nikita is a fugitive monk who avoids going to church, who, even dying, is afraid of a meeting with the brethren. The hunchback piously believed in God when, as a young man, "resembling an old hermit," he enthusiastically worked in the garden, sang "something church." He loses faith in the monastery when pilgrims flock to him in droves. Nikita prefers the role of a shepherd of souls to the stale bread of a simple wanderer along the paths of life.

The degeneration of the family is shown most strongly in Yakov's behavior. The real owner of the factory was Ilya, Peter - only formally, and Yakov had nothing to do there at all.

The writer also shows this process in an indirect way, symbolically: “Ilya Artamonov loves Ulyana, rough, but healthy, strong love, Peter's love is sluggish and indifferent, Jacob is generally incapable of feeling. Ilya kills a man, protecting his life, his conscience is calm; Peter kills a defenseless boy and is tormented by the perfect murder; Yakov, trying to kill his rival, shoots through his pants.

However, while showing some degeneration of the Artamon family, Gorky does not believe that the entire bourgeoisie is the same. How wonderful talented person the author showed Miron, the nephew of Pyotr Artamonov: “Miron, a clever man, a future engineer, said: there was a famous scientist in the city of Siranus, he suggested to the tsar: give strength to rely on - rubles! We don’t need wise men, we have mustaches, we need one thing - other officials!”

And Miron inherited a lot from his father. Since childhood, Alexey stood out among Peter and Nikita. His features were much thinner, his mind more quirky. Unlike Peter, Alexey knew how to make the "business" expand and prosper. But it could not go to Alexei initially, since he was not the son of Ilya Artamonov. And now Alexei loves the job, as his father loved. I This one is greedy, insatiably greedy, and everything with him is clever, simple. And another representative of the Artamonov family is the son of Peter. Miron says about his brother: "Ilya is one of those people who look at life through a book and cannot distinguish a cow from a horse." But this is just his speculation. Ilya is much closer to real life than Artamonov wants to admit. He realizes: Ilya was the hope of his father, who wanted to transfer the "case" into his hands. But Artamonov Jr. took a different path and became one of those who, together with the revolutionary proletariat, would return and destroy Artamonov's rule.

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